Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Sep 1917, p. 7

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it wi I 1 lt t t») - - t~ ;5 i -4 s- - .1~!*~ r..- ~ - I - 1'. r - ~. - t 't- --t - i 'J; eJtt' - t) t ' s-i.-, t- t eUyfýuaraitSce4',Outdoorsand ln#- mae thinga glisten Jike new. cientifie, machine-mlxed, quality thtwIl neyer fali you. A. "~SAY & SON COMPAý-Y Makests of Fine Painte and Varnishes J J TORONTO c VANCOUVER Stuiv~-her laplenty of f0ç for aUl if you will only dco yorbit in-evntn waste. Demand the whole wheat grain in breakfast foods and bread.4, Shredde& Wheat Biscuit is1OOpcrceni wlIoIe Wheatrjothing wa It coni n mr reanu .-5 ment than meat and CO"'a much lesp or. any ni.alj with i& an.d fruits. MY LAD. -Take bis brn and brwn, ny Country,f For thy need. iLaI hlmlflght; and if ha mnusI, Let uibleed. Take hiei valiaut spirit, Got; -roo gWjracious gif t and fair young flash e.- jBut, 0 Justice, loose your bandage!1 Dofit now! Binti It close about is eyes, jRound bhis brovl Lest hrutaiity sboutît scorch hlm Soon te dia; Rlot brutality that aickens Te fields of Frface, the fields of Françe, enwrapped ini robes of Ay. be inerciful, and blind him AtB sSoe-2Iagr ______ _____green, In the fight.'.I L1 CND.Asleep 'neath smiling, cloudiess skies,Letrdhre crad arhl,7L.LWîmaCopnLmeMn rAAA.adream jin meon's bright àheen, Made in aaa Sear his sight! V Ait Autumnn] Canada,-rar Canada, our thoughts Ah, give theim btck te wpz, dear -or, Let hi- keep bh ie dyh an aealo hean rn hmlfs e ee, DROPRING A LIGRTED MATCH. un derful WEWUP&Pan, ,SchoolDrs I Thou land of health, thou land o! 0, Stili the rage of man"s rd wrath,- KindIy sou! otIvnin________ _______________________I wealth, and Mnay bis madness cease, Terrible Forest Fires in Canada Are Let him die with genial beart A Pae-in httaqoe n OIIIXN We hail tbee, great and f ree. And Reason to0 the world prodlaim, Result of Trifling Causes. Warin and whole! thirtee oemnfcue ecu Otq4frsl On ail the earth thy name is known, the way of God is Peace. _______________ ail pvel And it sha ever be~George B. Underwoodi. A man dropped a lighted math on 1- Limitwi ibeoexiiat.hT- PI'~%t Wlo An tsalee ethe shore of Kalamaika Lake, British'E Aname of strength, o!frnight ahd Columbia, on Juiy 8th last- Within S AVE THE CHILDREN ronto Idsra xoiina hrvn.1 ilteSr power, E VERY WOM"AN'S RIGIIT an hour a hot fire was racilig through' - bte aec n vroeitrse Ofright and liilrty. the underbrush. For three weeks after. Mothers who keep a box ot'Baby*s te eaieadha hswnderfhlDE AT To every wornan belongs the rtght t.hat there se a series a forest Own Tablais In the bouse May feel pLyer.Ntoa rn oLmie jadlgî*wn Canada, dear Canada, thy sons and1 to enjoy a healthy, acflve, happy ie, fires, defying the. organized eff orts of. that the hIves of their 11111e ones are C1 aeom,2628Yne t ~tne hre at eÃŽdaughters brave hnr1 - Ci~rasnbysaedrtgte o e ty !mav otel weathyet nine out of every ten suffer yersharticofme.ularnabl s eduat te otneth Have mnade thy bosom rich in wat of agony. usua.Iîy îromn soine fortlof At one turne, 26 fire fighters %vere'er. Stormach troubles, choiera-tntan-! To da h nieo ae o ________ Where golden harvests wave. i bloodlessness.Tatlwy ringed about with ffaines whiie their tutti and diarrboea carry off thousands ti' rat ls htl tosa o AY~.TMR Thy splendid lakes, thy mountains on every aide paie tin cheeko, dull relatives, shut off froin thein and help- , f utile ones ever>- summer In moat ,lnsert hi aditptit h o-CItra niet grn, ys n ut igfiue uesiains t id watbyesintr ourcae b home mterdesnt l - Thy sunflit coasts we see, of headaches, weak backs, achtng suspense. Only after severe suffering bave a safe medicine ai band to give pour i bu n-hr !atauflC. il.,chlg An emblem o! thy future power limnbe andi uncertaiu health. Ail weak frein exhaustion, thirst and hungerpromptly. Baby's Own Tablets cure of vilea4'hk el ipy n ________ e In agsytt esuferlng women ahouiti wln t4le rlght titi the band of workers force their t hese troubles, or if given occasionafly rn- iI odwtr. Aprety Wi bI j 1 be weil by refreshiag their weary way through te, safety. toi the Weil cbhd wthi prevent their cleargaswl eut Canada, dear Canada, thy naine on bodies witb the new, rich, -reti blooti That experience is a big price te coming on. The Tablets are guaran- hlao every breeze that promptly transforma them 1t.t pay for one person'a fooiish act in teed by a governinent analyst tn o a-i Floats to the nations far and wide beahthy attractive womea. This new, handling matches in a forest. The soluteiY harmiese even to the new-lMlnrc' inietC. iie.~ L a n d o f t h e M a p l e L e a f , f o r a n c e W l h i i a m s P i l l a w b l c bt hedpoe sit he t o ' I n s u r m e r b e c a u o e t b e y r e g u ha i e t heO' r o e n a d a d s a r co ndb o t a s p h l d i b n o r i e h e c r l s o 6 u e mh h . T e r s e l h y o d fI e r S r , a d a B e d n uo IN reaches every organ andi every nerve 1 -- - V'e iory in thy fruitfulness, i h oy One lighted match droppeti onenadpu. They are soit by Medicine'rsia a tvst 0t~M »Thy minerai weaith and grain. Thogbteueftesphstou inch of inflammable ground expanded'dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box NARD INM Tatatruig r-4~~~~ santis of women have founti a prompt 'into fifteen miles o! ruin.1 from The Dr. Wlliams' Medicine uo.. svealbtes tmoeaomie A ~9/ ~--,. = Canada, dcar Canada, truc to thy cure wlien suffering frem in acila. In- i In the Spruce Valley fire ef British Brockville, Ont. crat lbae h pat la name we hstanrduma'Columbia o! the saine ronth, ehevecupert logtbr saddigestion, eatpalpitation,. e m eneh Untrammeleti, bold we face the tisai, generai weakness, andi those ail 'en aot their livea, most o! them W~hat i. beiieved to be the oldest in- DAI EDRO world, .eî riiwibwmnauesie tortured to death as they struggied habiteti reaidence in the worid la R BelleiseSain ig '. .1. T i No foe shaH <lare ourns faimhfulne wsn alne suti ~5fli htdiatrwa upie ya 70 n Thy cause we wîl maintain; j Thereis no part of Iis broati Domn- over the mountain tops. The fuse to, mansion in Germany that was built in Spt1710. Thy dangers al] we share; iforaier sufferer wbo bas regaineti sinall piece of lighted tobacco cars- .c. Bd Under the British Union Jack hiealth and strength tlirough the use of 1 lessly threwn on the grassy floor of a MONEY ORDERS tioe 2. oxA Wer'e ait unitt-d there.DrWilasPikPlan h Ite- Send a Dominion Express Mny Ahnefutat eeal vp W hue ~ th<.achoolîrl wn woul tue rason wy thee pill have een INinety eut of a hundreti tragic bolo- Order. Pive dollars costs tbree cents. oraterpoel st wi aeisce not iere! in s the r3 doigress f) ofuT Canada. dear Canada, the land we love atfavreou h sella vedyf b en cauots ceulti be avoidet if every Can- el Ilt ee in the miar.,î et fhrse lile i thr osî, tianaorienbehold. yo ore îng dian camper and-fIaherman kept vigi- Natives ef Peru use a boat madie en- can b.ue1o ayyas." it~ a î frocks matie of dark bluc serge tindtel daughter of the Motherland, ;ant illîîî te d . afarftia sa l consisting o! atraw mntting. &pat oilta i 1vr whtinlnnclasadruf nhradGd rs.iNili finti renewed bealth anti happi. 'n every settier kept a tigbt rein oncweeiflmd ant aredaik ic. Pokes 1 te To fathers brave and mothers fair 1 nierue his clearing ires. Tt tees not cost - right and pockets to the left arc an ý Me ail our tributes bring. (-u an get Dr. Wiliamis' Pink Pilla five cents or five minutes tei put euta 2&4UL.iaa o ue.vr-br.Iuelctcm e extra styiish as wel as practicai fea- 1a ieLe! fr ve, an> medlicne dealer, or by tip re or a cigarette or a match, ntyo! the large flower bedsa a ons PeS. Dîet t~sep Nueo.f706, irocks Miliary Dreatb I -Jas. A. Drain, Toronto. m$2t50fro entshae oxDr. ix ox edscfor orfive -million dollar-s a year te par- east front, were plantedtotepotatues îfce vbuh oe n No.79tachab ii t n6ais Des; wthl$25 fb Te1r4Wlias Md cine ymawyfae. - ________________ ~sî~ ~~lucr itnn ycrs Pie,15cnt. - ' Bocvll,1n tialiy overtake the timber damage and beets lent spring.- e nict.p '~uluaSopwr (,etchale apeW'II 6 izen-,Adto14,Co. bickvllgoOnt ca.eoby r aSy gared) This pattern mai, ha obtained from BOIIEPOO, .tHS FACE fU ~ n v v .â u.1rss okhbe.hiSac ytur local MeCali denier, or froin the I AMAZING RESU LTB -,SE AW U McCall Co. , 70 Bond St., Toronto, $5.00 Guaranteif W. Pail. At the Supper la Simons.Boua. an VES i1LIFT A CORN ' a.. , tseysnguiç DepI. W. ~~~There bas besa o standing offer of Uaknown Disciple Sees a Visioni. OFF WITMOUT PAINCR M S eOsv.m W.s.»an,, Ctiualtnnt< $6,000 Reward for any case Hamn-Lai CHAMPsS Ucbus o!Srontn - d . . m" de po-ar:" WASHABLE PAI>ER CLOTHES. anid -Ham-Ray fal to relieve If dIrec. twsintehus o i on g at Cincinsnati,.matnutellse BiteS, .Sdry tiens are foliewed for three yeara, and I firot oaw Jesua," anya "An Unka Cînp crn ormatlle hoew litedy Now ' Salein Gemany-se ~ more than 60,000 peuple have tried u Disciple," who relates an ancient tale Paer0 ciucetifa Su stos ha oaav N o ae iGenera an il uccessfuily witheut 1a single tellure. in the Nation. offwith fingers. Mu"l f5 R BeCeea b pig That li why the offer ai!l boîta guet, "It vas net its beauty tint chaiaed * o r e e a q"etri b pg fMr. Manueh N'arquez. ut 112 Hasting- ys huh twsafc eat-00000 I Germany ia fa.st becoming hart up Street. Torento, was going oîe a~n YuQI,5,.ord enan for' wearing apparel, -and inventors operatien for Kidney Stones twe fuI toIlook upon.- Nor vas it the light o u cor no ec.r. meacnthegoen D uildera, have succeeded in finding au effec- weeke ago. He iristi Hei-Lax adtn theeythoug h atra face beathé-. sueary nie loe or a s b. he ettoftCGa nurnea4P t l'e substitute for wuuilen and -cotten j liam.Ray the day befere th.e peration heart. It wua the tranqullity of tha liyklt e .frmaaIi b .Cnctunati sutbnflty, beesuse ae tevmd a, fabrca. he ew mteral bs h en W5.5té th59le rforodadried Hmsn aho r a e p t in e; trcut f uty nete! fdrop~s ottremezouappIIed i êIoy on laaluIZis U! sa .s1i Itin Pet-keguiJ' tested and proves 10 ha both wear- Machine antioua bottîs Ha.m-Lc.x. wt'h 1h., Oits aVflU Uumcorneior1* 1h. preor fe». A able anti washable. The drawback lbe rasluke that te-day lho la cured. tranquwhlty e! one wbe rested luneaj erengiés et once as a nthe rufflaisCIkudq us nenbawthýt b ah present la that: Ibis "paper cloth" Mr. Thomea Joues, et 113 sherien certinty treaWe then other menbe. eUsbssss t »'ý115 .>.&NY-o.fpol te. lmnttk.l.e. ila rather otlff but by spetiai treat- Ave.,.Toronto, auffoet wlth Rheuma- kuew. I Lted off, . rsewedlieilliami lwswth e ai» p te eye fe hetepet opetpreducesa sluff 11cm la bis he4rt'and other parts o! bis "That man bai thesaceret o ildof otttal lhu an oftI ydco~tbys.*t Mkie r oiW, î iuscaet ttesn tml.h~mubha.aae aei-ni tri 01>0 tl fn ndsftt e sdbodyfo 9 yccra. Attet tr.;lag severy. 1 thought,and as -if Iba" spolie» the hîea Pli O *iuy"Ba ebastdu-diy reifenvO-i sufientifor ine aisoTe B en high. fi o eget resuits unatilho verdis #,oud thc man's eyes turned, iti4baeCt 84" ttiigiclom, but vIa ltùIes -nroe u.mi 1~ bobt cteuul look une treatment or the Ham-Ray and bie s e metmine.as-'oaMet Uti vin as aorM#0 cornl Daily Paper (Tat4b]ath).devotes the Machine andtiusaitone boule. o!f -Ham.t sof"se meti rmet ua Brlasmmine.1 dy i A Ie a oe ntelook 'Or molleteehai bautd liI e iei. asîr1gmehte bast part o! a coltiimu 10 liii iaport- Lai. Unsoliclted ho ha. given hic "Thero vas somctiunndga si. , ot r et-j el om » oo e tevloueio msn's clothing of strong texture cen We unceudttionslly guarance Ham.n- d inet les,,Ihi face, but -there caMet ie arm dngsia am > y tit.rte ess bybvatbfr i etI nov be bouaght in the Berlin ahopaLai sud iHam-Ray te give relie! for e questlointgààto bis eysand thon a If yeur drustgla hsat amy frmuo" ~s 34<i Mii 'd~g tom ai IymgsîiI.r-rn#lroia êta ant mn' touer, secciy îmrc..Rhaumattam, Paralysie, Stomach, Kit-. iw siltfh d motai me te pity. 1.11 hlm t ela au" bote ewMuW. '-, @ a1 helr vs *seiu onte h-5'B anate'ýtr oihaan i, realyiire onaey sait Lver Disordera.Write us t btle I i0 nkbW4ývqiepwm 0u;w know si h a-emebtle s nae o îhsadriaeaa nonce. Expleaibat yeu thlnk about 'Ill l lnel J thought R.1 frein bus woleste drus bouse' T1s tele viat. se tut sale. yeurseit. snd vbether yeu have Mi. eslefnends. He &&ka somevbst Of 1fi» e*MRfandaCote like ea rin "eTCoY i Wbsmgu tu rul stpse on The Daily Paper says that by next trie Current saialable or aoît dho&eviMe-' And msy bertlei vithhn Mie. lime. Gam - IL Usi )ox'81- *es-esfet tqbos sprlng mon, vomen andtielîdren oet 1h. Mist te us- Addrés.the Htm«Lci Tii. syceheldmine tor a moSacut, and MUaw7iW. M!.fmu!anoi gmy f e T-h pft-us ailclaseswIl piobalyho esnng'C4>,, 0 SngW5st. - tien soin. me» spoie amd ieh. Wrned to Be hoeset wu hyourself.WO.4u 4p mtw.mm Wb h nueb u b Nornqrw»,yuoe tetenieg tal c la wl poabybown oi WI oiarie,.Bp.itn? nafrf ,, i mue geoda, 11k.t ", 10in htthse to <all soi bave >'our casé,teted iroe. do .nu i» gietb .e a vin ini ie v-grla n - tuinehat foit *c gmm, let'-iAtrlals they rv-of ciehrge, ait c fl expl aston o! w»'W 11.a1mm ho se"ka.visiontite- cm Pb*t*àsgSt unl ptrcb.abe het.Hm-11 st am-tvil!sd5OOd111UEW io ---§__-__Il,'eut eue era -___t--ve_ Epasize Your Persoualit+- se in the - world. Make your Éidual. The. surest way je te ul The lficha et Pimtn., t iéldt r. Franca, boy ebang*dai=ue yester- Qn7-ue. rceasd tair an Eden'vile, nov grim agandVY-d'te cre; Whcre once the ploughman furrowa taruci nov tecn e .siot and T'he cannon's rear re-rerberates viiere rang tie Vesper bell, Thildofo France, tii. fleld ofo FPranceonce moist viti morning day, Nov damp uani danli with -berces' blood cnd stahned a arkpsou huke; The amoite clouis bide tic darkenei sun atdspouta leaten loin, Andt where the reaper's mirth camne eemr frin eut the goMen grain Now Deati vith tnipping scythe Iaughe lont mut vwinrows of lhe siain. ,atvariety. MIDWs AND fui at nd'stua ulh iiîforms.tîon O 1 Publubtng Cor-,C - ,et, Tor ot -TO DO PLAUI at home. wihÃ"le or . ywork sent ani, Send timxp lot al Manufacturtiai bnAi, "Curqt vils treatmunt. Witle rBeflma uSia Food. Ont yeur1Piano ailngan ly D'tsfiguréde S Ointment, esSoap. lt o(pinrn~eon Md camle ho a head, skini as son asa Lr theïn. 1cUld iticura Soap mand 1I. sent for a frc >much good that I- used tvo boies cf and theo&kcs aM i 1 *as healed.,* 1 cotrplexlonkecp Lira Soîap dbaBy and Sol4 * e e dte trengeyt4 he re nd lsfte tee ïy- iseen doctrw"o tifrett e t trGou .a thet can bueeln a'- latet. liSe )i=ia44 - )do, ye uy o 'e verse thst-us*i. -.- m te or $is~itu ýti -oui «rtte *'i.r " 1 -- 44 vs>'. o b.dbese- eedlsg dit usua4 mW eurmgavetimptebîv tstetbuimate lSt t* "x ib &MwUI>'Md W'-b«ke mu ooiM A cm, sh v -- ut *t O* tpem MW » et u t -,« 0(- g.'--.i.-,. Jfd Wà"&sutvktsm'O 1=i A t i j *1 nhe Pen For SchooI and C don not look Se thç - - ----7--0

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