Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Sep 1917, p. 8

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misa toila One whlte a f e w blli- and gëÜtIe, drive lier. ic Wà taon B1ýOk1in. ,0 \ tW Iw a4üdden a Cr-ýapt. £Dr.> lvr d4ti of writling lie eported woundefi but bougli .4~ lat Western Hospital, L Quu've been, I tiser- ~o-Mm. MNeirowever, coutrai CIàêP haVing. 'tee, -l o a,"fmade lut week, b - ver upi whi re »$ orrd a» to'the àature Roni, idyo d -ô T orthec1reumtaiees un reigning as a é t~bMm ewre suistataed. Iguess net, ela.> - >Ihe Pýreabeteriîn, i witli more res e*--leran, oft Brqpkliàand eClumblu vitteNeý tUirit heir famil- tjaon service it t --'~-"'~*~ .f çotage. ne"t Sunday at il a.m. Mr. Alvin andJee Bi.,a d Mme. will pmeach and admini LAWer ud Bson, e9UToroùnio" ,ie home ment et the Lorgl's Suit ter tiLe -unerai efIraVnstono. iMr. and, Mm.-. A. W. r PJBForbes, rsPLlmtowe1. ls visit three sens bave arrived IiIft sister, ÜLrý, A. A. Robinson. ln Rush City. Y-Inn., aft4 '-oii 1# labef« %M1 llreDreaented In twtf weeks bore witli tit .& U atj irécent date.. -Drmfatber, Air. D. Holliday. 3James sin ',Milton 1 _bl~ethere and back home, -ba e ee woutid-! between 1100 and 1200 DbeU 1isitlg - 1 ""U dan ai-d reiiev$iig oId. IMO 0f ruit b-bellg teWi"om it bora fot me trouble along, WouX »flt 1» tolerated, was ,policte rostable in0 s'ln thse w. should net lseed one; die 1 mm enta ashoflld be cO utaLble try te the state- Tlhe financia rësuits i eeecu has fedved fne movlng pleture emstertaininut lunth, of !ls weunds Masonic 1*H all ie et iut'Weees te ider whlch they the public. Atter flecoaay epn were pald thse local Red ~eVnpt n&eg~ei~ ot~ ed, 4 d~sltoniIn iO te willmt *ma . tnadit4p t -litWoît a ie chumchliere Whitby, and the Ladies' Aid 'reeeivedl, .ey Wm 9H $ 13.00. Besides ibis the. speclal effer- dster the Sacra. tng,-taken for the. Whltby Hospital az pper. mounted te $20.28. r. Holday and Mm. W. J. Clarke, lecturer, -author,ý d at titeir home and apeCialigt On the problrm. Of dean- ter bavingspent living, who la employed 1.y thse Social Mm. Holliday's Service Dopartinent osf the Methodist They m6oed Churcb ln Canada, will spend a week a distance of on the l3rooklln MethodIst circuit, be- Miles, camping ginning next Sunday, Sepiembe'r 9th. -- -- ,f- - -e My ---'t' a- - ,'-.--- ' - ~ - -',i'.'y. ---- ~.- --. - - -.~L--.', - - - '<A E D'~ ,,,... -- ~ - -~ - -- .- ~< ~ -~ Mine, because it fuls- a very real place in my dgii1y life. Through, it, the whole world's events ar de.scribed, pictured, and commrented upon in sucha mnr that byv readirig it evecry day I keép ;,-well inforîncd upoflevery-topie -that a good citizen and man of the -world shot'Id - know aboÙt. vcMy. experience bas. proven its news ser- qckand reliable.. itRs ecial articles Ulic work -or the. leaders of tihonght ùpon ch s!jet-its fêatures, whether *'of sports, bonémtters, or-hwnmoçous cartoons,, _clea and uptop~ Standing andý Profit,an with the, cfort- abke kno wledge on rny pr that nôthing o ffensi ve to imorals and gôodtaste wiIt ever- miccl theireys teHence Ia1 ldto ont- myseif a.uong bens of thousands ýof pole«8hô regard .The TorontoDalyStar in -a11 si neerity and earnestness as6%1Y PAPER'.!»* A Few ofthé' News and Specia Féature Exclusive tW The Toronto Daly Star Cable-smvlice trom Tua risonst-af! men., pot- ti Y - eîtenate. agi- I.Qundon eUitlt rmpo dt. a -Yteraft ver iiM lu Itaiy. ml. i« oiaea ét the Wà, eIr tu or"»i.Tois Jg M e. 5. Srgt.MeJxsr K neu Sesa hn ke-rmny for 20 peu.' in oro lvn sptrtgl"iraitue. frets th,* cir'ubdtIitb t vs #Pwb rtrb lies repe aMIIje ni-et Das> .mmrezntre~s la co "'a- 0,-tir e, l restêler ti-w u vIes. ily S y cir»aa 45.-s, daîlea. scb a.. Canaui- 4mq rtfi es. ama.t aAa. oùdia Au.*.adVruu zail%»IMv.r, lgbtê%q i;n q ar m'en& issau oen given aDOut 6-SM Piday uigh iiei»dtig une even- ut iqediron. .IIfeaî isinien a eat ddy. AIt welcolue. Tisuerday,-Auguatt uiii. Sun- C 0cheol -pieute oSt. Thornas ;Was beld l po 4nd'GroVe. weahr bln Mie eeding week beeti 0 nlee"t tha'doubtt were ntertal#ieda& te WhMheyLt woUld bé si alle thd t utthe'dajidagwn- 4drit-and -clear. mÙuohte th. de- light 'ettbollittie onta.and a good size4 cërowd assemb i. n-the grove -âi -theaPpo1ited t:m. Béeêe the .naui gamea, a nnml>er- o! race were lield ~fhr tii .,hui4ren, aof ewhicli -were entered lIne keeiy. The mRost Llnter;eutng waa the o0bstacle race for ihe boys, whieh -as Made as diffIcuit aspsile A bountitiol spreail was previded by the ladies -of the. cburch, and wliea Ibis was finlshed overyone *turned lu, Young anhd old, for bide and go seek, and'Frencli tag. The follow- ing là a i nt oethte races w1tb the naines -of those who won flrst prix. and aise >the- przes thei remcelved, which iwere given by the bachelors of the churcb: Junior Class (Mrs. Moore).- Boys, George Roper, hemn; girls, Nora Roper, doil. Inteimediate Cias (Mme. Duan). - Boys, Hlenry Roper, basebali; girls, Demis Moore, rubber baIl. Junior Class fMi-s. Drumm),-Býoys, Arthur Stork, basebali;. girls, Mabel Durt, pennant. Sack Race.- Boys, George Burt, purse; girls, 31abel Burt, box of choco- lates. oLadie" Race.-Mrs. Balley, package etneedies. Thread Needle Riacle. -Mabel Burt, box of chocolates. Obstacle Race-George Burt, jack- knlte. Seidom has sucb a large and repre- sontative congregation met, on a surn- ilar occasion, as thiat u hich gatbered on Thursday evening tlu the Presby- terian Utsurcb.. The çongregatioas of Brooklil anti Columnbus, tegether with members (rom other îlenominat ions. met tu express their regret on the me- tirement of their mtaiîster, Revý-Wm7i. Haig, f rom active churcb service. Though lie bas been obliged te retire for a time on accounit of iii bealtb, the icburch anti community are pleased te kuow b.e ta net leaving oui- mldst. Ad- drtésses from some of tise members o! both congregations slxoivd tbe good. wemk that had been tie by the pastor and Mrs. Hiaig, whose service la mis- sion work bave been so much appre- claied. Te mark their esteem lte con- gregntion presealeti te Mr. Haig a hantisome purse witb the followlng address: To Rev. WM. lHaig. When just cioslng your pastorate a- mong us, a number frein the congrega- tiens ef Columbus andi Brooklil have gathered te spenti a sikiai eveniag with you and Mms Ratg. Vour resignation au pasler over us là most deeply tell by every usember of both congrega- lions., The love andi esteem -ln wblch you are heid, by old and yeung. have beeji very marked. Net enly le this-true amorg the membema et your ewu flock, but other. denominaitons have the most klndly regard for yetu, and your estimable wlfe, as çltizens ef the coin- munity.1 Your eanuestnesalidt the puipit lu poInutltithe w&y of salyatUon te thon. wlio have net takea a Ïtad for Christ, snd your dIstrIbutIon'of thée »read of LiÉf, te Christs tellowerà have been et great value lu pmomotiug Christian As hea of the se"son you have ehowu aise leadernhlp aud:sound Judg- mient. la aill depariienta et the churcli work yeur ezample and eamnestuieu have been an - inpiratlon te. ail SMm ,Hai's labora ' alse among -us have, been a. powem for good. -Mer »&ul lu thse werk bsas beea greatly toit lu tise WoMe'a MWoàsloiy Society. the. Sali. bath school sud a men.> théeYom$uuge- P1,? rooun afl ohretau go eut e chwr 1eeb.ri m, hi "FrIt--tIos0uIIsop The !flxose who take "Fruit-a-tivea"» for the iret Urnie, are eften astouished ai the way it baUlds tht,,. op and. makes Ihe fa bU~ruJ.ûtr.TheY may b. taking 'Truit4e;tive a" for some specifici disease, as Cônstijýa' n, Indigestion, 'Chronlo ileadaches oir Neuralgia, Kidney or Biadder Trouble, Rheu- matitn or Pain in the Back ; Ànd they find wben "Fruit-a-tives"y bas cured the disease, that the> feel better and stronger in every way. This is due to the mderfuItofinic properfies of these famous tabiets, mnade from fruit juices. 50e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At-ait dealers or sent postpaid byjFruit- a-tives Limited, Ottawa. MIr. and Mrs. Fred Reynolds. of To- rento, motored to Wbttby and spent a few days witb the former's parents Mr. -A. E. Story returned te Mon- treal on Monday night. The aeroplane.-last Priday. aSter giv- in,& an exhibition over t.1e Asylum farm. descended near Mr. Dewan's. and aSter a shprt stay fiew around the cottages and thon lot t for the City. It cost $10 00 to get a mani to clixxb thé new steel flag pole te change the fl iI)hnr of the Duke's- visit. Farmers will ho later than usual a- round here winding up their harvest year. Sorry te lotira ef CaPt. Geo. Atkin- son's ioss of the -Rapid ('ity" and con- gratulate him on lis eseipe from a watery grave. RAGLAN. (Too late for last week). Mr. Harold Hodgson has retuirned to Toroiito after spending his bolidays Mr. Alden 1-iodgson. of Toronto spent Sunday witiî Ns parents. 1Misses Bepulah and Fieda Dring wer( INlsiting at home for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. W. Thompson. of To1 ronto, attended the fiineral* of theti nepbew bere last week. Death carne into our midst Itat week andi claimed onie of our youing men, Wlllie J. Thon-pson, in lis 24th year. He was a member of the Cbiurch, Lea- gue and Sunday School here, and bis death leaves a place bard Ie fill. He had been- slck only a short lime. and his unhimely death is greatly feit by everyone. The sympathy of the communiry Ilexesended te the tanîiiy in their beeavement. We are glad te scee oiir paetor, Rev. Mr. Nickle witb us agditî. but aerry1 te speak t/* the sad slght %"ich bas confronted hlm upon lits retuma froni his holidaye. Tbree deatha upon bis circuit ln the past week, in the persons et W. J. Thompson, la -Our village; irat Glmroy, of Columbus. and latély the sadt news bas reached us of the deatb ef Richard Stacey, of Myrtie. Mr. Stacey lived bhere before mos-ing te Myrtie, and bis d.ath te lceenly feit by hie many friends. Our sympatby goes1 out te Itis farnfly, parent#_and relatives la the tirne et beirleeent. (Tee late for laà'. week). The wet weather la kei.ping the tarin-î era behiud with the harveaSL rbiattachméât putbn y6iu a wilI haul fiôm a tà- to tonan ahai, miprovie a conô mical\,a"d vryîffic lent method for bandlýng, goods and.making quick delieie. SinIt 1FORM A >TRACTOR' AttÙacliment for Ford- Cars,-miakes a device 1Q.w in os, powerful -in operation, and positi-vely will not inijure your- car. .Cnb ovitd ini a few minutes for use eéither as, a Tractor or a Touring Car. - IWO, Fe Dis'ney, Mires Linda Jones bas metumýned home aftir spending a week wlith Myrtie trientis.1 George anti Mrs. MadilI anti Irene, ofPetroit, spent a few days wltb W. H. Jones and family. 7 The farmers are busy thmesbing lai this noighborbeod. Mm-1. anti Mme, J. B. Mladulle o Clare- mont, spent Sunday wltb their daug-h- ter, Mrs. W. H. Joncs. Miss J. Neat-V bas returned front Sterîifville and Isl spending à couple et weeks 'ýtrth her people here. A number frein hure lntendI going te the exhibition.1 The potato crop le goo i titis year. We hope the wer w-eathem dues flot cause thein te rot. Mr. Wm. Edwards basjeen belping '%r. Jackson with theb. arve3î. The apple crop seems lu he a tallure la Lis district anti uýaùy ethers. 1 Mr. and IMrs. Cross'mnan. or Kedron: Chevrolet Cars. %Nilbtir ant i isi. Dingmiaw anti son. _______________ Orv.al. ut Oshava, speat the week-end wili Williaim and Mlrs., Diagman. SATISIFACTION GIJARANTEED Mrs. Kinie antidaugb>irWlnona. ý1.~ ouvu M 1iss Tar, et Stou"file, L- visiting Central,.Garage, WHITBY wvlth liertnc, F. G. Harris. kiPin14.Id ine69 MNIr. anti Mmes. Fred Row-e visited nl1nmdPios6 ->ort Perry over the ~week-endi. M\rs, Poster, ot Port Permy, and Mm Jarreit, et Daîrytriple, are vlslting witb 9 ?ýrê-d and -Nrs. Rowe.H -Niss Mabel BaI8ton ls beliaylng HOM ESEEK ERS ot Omemee. MNiss Wilson, o!fIghm bas beea sectireti as teaclier for our sclsuel. Welt. welcosne ber in oui- mîdat. IN1ss-Lilitan Parsons, o! [icington, la spendii a few days with tier slater, Mms. Loi-ne Ptuchrîn, Mm. and Ma-s. Miller, Mr. qantiMms Smith and INMm. Ros,et Torotà, spent -. the week-end witb Mrm Jabei Scott. . MisAnnie Lidgett1. le9peding ber MAI Sdi OC uns nï .v, u heliya wit bher brother mvthe Base Evy Robert and Mra. lHewlaud iýent Sun- T U E 8 lA day ln -Plckering, - 8 D A ý Mme. Arthur Smuth; etf Aurora, laI 1'AUj, AIL» -&aine by vlsltlng Mr. sud Mme, M. At*lnson. ,am eu vgshTu Mm. and Mmi. Mcbrcombe and Mr. sud Mmes. Edwamds Îaetered te Torente antid ra aksRutu<' i spent the week-epid-wlth relýt1ves. Oni FrXdayattemnon liian jaere- plane cane cdown lu MiJ. Rô*e'im bld. ',1t In a short tlme a,larg crew-d gathseed te aee the rImme'ischuht ie The Mimsse 4artt ufÂibhurn.-are Mm. andi Mr.' ?rkinii sud. clldren, and Mm. and liraIg5lwls.of Toronto, .' * ~ ,»u ate visiteti with TheOmia borne lu't weekL . l OAD tire ae Whitby one Galn« Of Gaaoliu. bas dou u. t* 3600t68% !j2QnuoDmi.o toa T6r Totui.baily Star, yoU -Win bruLy po MAY. Chevrolot Moto-r Cars $750 jFor Sale at the Central Gaiago E3evrolet Reprairs and Chevrolet Ser'iee. JiepRfiri on ali kirlq ofcarp. A lirî,e of Ace-lesoriea alm ays on band. Dontiiun 'iireu. tUasolineamd il. %NVe are installing the fanions Ileinte-Springlleldi Eleetile Start. in, and Liglitiug Systexu on Ford ars See crie before bnying. "I - g a ~1

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