Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 18 Oct 1917, p. 3

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for'J. R lteïý-_t caid- tbt, bsiom U,.-,*v. 1a., WFoley vili be it1 4tco _ý = tu to the dei and is »,11w oiN 0f t« rthe .laI meetings.beginuing wýtti ufltY. WWi* Mu'.t- Thursday evening'of Ibis week. À Us,' ui îe nuay receive lai evening wll be Itlêon 'Hallow- oflLQ bas, WI1con- Mr. Uriait Jones-,ta tâkkin M t ý, ctX lictui-4- shbw ln the for lettrie *wing9 ,a nd-fttiES> MU. 'thle past ten dtnys. Lake, et Toronto, lâ doing the work. hi an been vlsliing The 3iethodist'PaMifxage vas wh-ed A.r. B. F. C'ampbtell. lias laat week and 1le aoi reudy te tura on lier, home t Toronto.lte hutten liea the Hydro la reay. -~400 1ihadl d 11e sei, are A numbetr of other residents 1 Is l1 eeC i' r' par- getting their ItouseS wred and wlli bc.onh Yrn~~fig 10 Whitbyti) ready for the brigitt lighta. The peles In lte village for te hlreet lighting -Armstrong. of Alin are about -ontplied. e' visîtinit willi lte Nr. and M1ra. A. Ketchen spent a .. Mr. and N1 rm. Tordit?. rleasant âne wllli oid friendsata Dun- wlio witq wouîtded Int1 barton on Tbursday laut irrs Sale ofLaid f«r Taxes* of a Warrant undpr the liand of the Wardeit and lte se k u te ('ounty of Ontario, dated ltt- 5th day of Septcmut tig ine to iovy upon théi lands rnentioned lit te followIfl ttaxes thert-on. and cosis as lierelln set forth. 1I lereby giv .tss sucix arrepard and comis are' sonner paid, i shalh, ln con ý psseanetit Act. proc.'ed 10 s-il by public atictIon the1 sat .îich tîeroof as may b- necesari for the taxes, ai thte Couri TIownî of Whithy. oli Wednesday. I)tcetube)tr 261h, 1917, at the ,lock ïn the iirternoon. p. Na. Lo TOWNS-I' 0, F I.\MA.. tti Acres 'm v CsL' Total PaL'd or $14I.F5) Unitat 11.60 Uxtj.a Par. ot (Con. Açr.â Taxes ('rnt .4 Total N. i 13 10, ) au"5 MO 3. 05 puat Loi Pt 2 lit *part Pari' Pt - Part .Pt1 Lot P-at'd or I IttUl (m. Arres4 Tax-Ps Co81-4 Tot al ~; î~ 2.03 250 4.613 t~ 12-1l 2.56 14.9,f l'OWN.!;HiI' 0F (i.Arre;TaXest ClsTotal TONVNSI'OF SCOI- lont Con. Acres Taxes con Total J 2 1m') 36.87 2. 17 40.01 r0W-,S;ilp 0F REACVI. lt (o.AcrtriTaxes CoMta Total 13 11l 14 957 2.50 12. 07 TONVNSlH1 Il 0F w41i Lýot Con. Acros aeisie ('o1416 Total 26 4 -6 9.8) 2.50 12.30 TOWNSHIP OF EFAST MWHITBY. à - M- Ta 1i...... Tta *Part1l1it ('n. Acrî'S betng lots 191, 180, 1si and 1942 Pt N 11 tieiflx lots 1, 2, .. 1~,1. 37 2.5. 61, 62, 7q. 7q. a90, i,118. 168, 170, 171. 172, 17. 219. 2ZO2atd2) P rtN - 10 BF. 1-5 172 16.-65 2,6-1 19.42 17j2 47.54 10.Gît ..41 50.98 2.5r2 13.12 TOWNSIIIP 0F PICKER~ING.- -Pai Lot Con. Acres Taxes ('estas Total 69 WhiVi'vlg Citotreu.iSriSi 5 3145 2.0 7.49 lçoruh p i. 27 1B.F. 6 2 1.7 .7 23.74 (tird range) G0FPTrSUi Plart 1.9t Con. Street Acr Pt. In 6 E- midi, 2-6% Pt. 15 N. aide Qu<'n lit. 0 17 W. side Plite 8,2, S3, g1, N. side Scuigog i Trcauuler'5o Me. Co. ldgs'. Septeîniter 15, 1917. 4-100t 168-75 6.47 175-22 .8 Vl 58.44 2.71 62,15 n.-5 7.84 2.50 1.31 -25 66.85 4.36 71.4.1 Cowit siU'rer ftom POw ewwo« 7>ouble. 1had fr-eque ipA LfW14f and irben 1 took food, felt voetehed ana aletpy. <,Iiê Ib it.ch ana îoints, andmy h"ii4i*rOI.ý & friend a,4yjsej #Frt4.t-&5PP854u from.theii outaot, they did me. zoo&2 weil and 1 can truthfuzlly ay *ta <Firuwt-a-tjves" is thé. only med@lzi thathelpedrae". -LOUIS LÂBRIE. 5Oc. a box, GCrf«$2.WO, trial aie4 250. At ail deaiersorsent poStpaiaby Fruit- a.tives Limited,-Ottawa, running a chicken tarin near -tit. vil- luge, ban sold out and la movlng back ta Torontto. Mr. anâ Mrs. 'Hudsen aml of te have made inany friends bore Who wili ber. 1-417, be sorry to hear they art, Ienving the 9list for- village. Wc notice Slis Oiver. Mrs. White and MrK- )mpliance Morris and Mrs. Reid inotore t t To- td lands. ronto on Tuesday aind vtsited friends., rt Hotise. Mr. andi Mr. 0. Sebert have returi- eheuir et Pd f rom a week's vlit lnt Iorwoed.' Rev . D McKenzie. of Churel Hil. wil occu)y the puipit ln lte Preuby- terian Chturch on Sundtty next. rUnpat'd After nearly tîventy years ef falhful id. servie,, Dr. Statrr'g ldMhersie "Jac" ît'd. went ta lits reward on Monday of this week. rUnpat'd Mrs. Mlis, who lins been 111 for man-, tWd. nîontlis. 11 not lrnprovlng as rapidlî an hor frientis deniçe. ýUnpat'd 'The rtgiiat nîonthiy meeting of thec lirooktihi Women's Insotitute will be bî.ld In the basement of lte Methodlet Churcit on Thursday, October 26. ut 3 )r Unpat d. »*m. Al ladies are welcomne. Mrs. F. M. Heliday. Pres.; Mrs. N. W. Adam-i d. sen. Stvcretary.TreaâUrer. d. Mra. Cheyne and daughter, of Tlo. ronto, are bere for a short tinte wiith or thiPat'd. :j,<rs. Tomlinset. d. Nirs. Love antd ebldreil are visitiflg nw1llî friends ln Collingwood. ®r Unpat'd. Mr. Will Maynard lnt very busy- buy- d. Ing andi shipplng turulps. 'd. R eV. Mr. Drun visiteti la Toronto and London last week. or Unpat'iI. The oider residents of the village~ wll regret te learu eoflte deatit of Nir. Cornelius O'Meiia. a fermer reel- dýnt of titis place. Hie was living at or Ulnpat'd. lte tine et bis deatit In Cieffe. Mr. O'Melia spent ail et bis eariy years lui Brooklin, and 'will be remembereti by .d. many. The mlliltary concert helti last Thura.4 day evening. was a suceess froiq every point et view. The entire prograin was given by returneti soldiers, anth ie atd.band. and wus highly a.Dpr4ectatf. Titi at'd. readings, espe-cilly "13111 the B omber' lan. kd "Jean t>uprès.," by Service. were givten with fine finish. The. soieCtilp à or Unpa.t*d. by lthe bantd refiected mach credif> on the conductor, Mr. Reite. Lunch wali Lld. seryeti liter Ibe cQllvert, alter WhCb à! d. Dr. Staten meved a tieart , evote' of * tilinito te he -kuie wio previldt sucit n betntifal repast. 1'ie ttOWi d. or Unpat'd. was secendeti' by- tliree cheers anti a 'tîger. uat'd. MrMOJohn lat*d.' r.Jh Emersea. retturned hom e lt'd. on Thtlrsday etter apendlng two weelk* &Y, ~with her daubiter-at AglilOGu-ri.- -ý ty roallrT. Mr. andi lin. Wili Rowel b ets Bap ~1,u sý,uu o ;51wi.jn . . - - - ,U --- >- -- 1 tmlwg the Telié l Citioli, and Tc~Johtaton l-&a.ewa.eà- t Di.? .ALe,. O!Wh1tby,,vlilf*d -t MoOyîtedu- guI itl w~.i9Rait W HaiWs o)jT 'tus bast. of Ptesbyfér$y. F....air ~0s~Ula E~rsu Pent tito <eek- Miss. ci DougbtyicchT aClr eutd wth Mis L in obin utTorontso. Qrtt7wa the gneat otMliss QoIhSold &Uaildm.. Mus Mh.l u>w~.ot ronio ~1114atthe, Mues.ovei' tbeweflt4lld. ed Over Suaday ot b-au home Itere. - Dr 1 M -1ish i - nxtSLE RG. thVeace t'Brsth veshv mlsnri a asi. aeub l'ô "".a uiettste nuel 'Iha'oierîngserviceor cf arim toksd mi 1nslt .'ut U ic issa n aI'Y Stete Dr Ma rsit eIer t tJonAli.lt3.co.1 andheththe cngrIdit Othto benpro-p Obl bù g wh ' wil be bla ateltermnacesOthtdwahileway be seath etmes BlshopSaaetîeneer. et tb é in oaober or th e o e lietu r it s dreno he. anti ksaP.W. a. utone. aene pInntrae. Tecaeng,,1,Sesale U G. Weil or- Orllttkt tu ot nerlcty. Dornet aIl lU ç tits n lhb y lhocti fo.M. todinattendates ecittallservice s t Jsheep. anti hnp ee, . poet (L.S.J CANADA GEORGE the FIFT-1H, by the Grace of God, of the United Kindm Of ofCreat Britain and Iïrelnd and of the British Dominions be- ýondl the Seas, King, Defender of the Faith, Emperor of India. cnncern--GREETING: Military Service Act, 1917. RAs It la pro- vised Statutes of Canada, 1906, chapter 41, section 69, tint I eut Ooveraor.Geaerl fcan. et ada-ta Co=u nciay place eut The Deputy )inister ef Justice, Mml tisetCanada, or aIYpat where in Canada, and uho be. yond canada. for te defSe thereof, a£ sny thne whcn k appears adviaable se te do bi tessmof ewemrgency; A cas liat prt et u itla ef Canada knewn And W11cIr as rh&the C«rtcaadirm Ezpedtlenry Force la now engagcd in active service ovenses for the. defence and secutity ef cana"a, thte premevatli etofeutEmpire and of huma ibrty ; sud it la ueceasary owlngttii.h emergeacles cf the. wate proide re- tnfo=cmaeuts for out sald Exped1tIOakY Force In addition te those whSec aatleii orccunlstu .have p=fnttcd 511cm tojln ter » And W hercas baeAed t"ota n'nu trialpu ssuitsj'a mîtDonnlo f e Canada i oder to jola eut Exp edi. teary Force as voateef,and by remm of te atcSdty of main- Woinlg under these eeaduSthei. prdtzWlencia« output ex aagi th 4içand. ceosent ajOf U-r Senate and Rousse btCcei. mot r boot l « lddby O ui d MilitiaAct'but by ecttY dtaft ~su* b .orcemntb Unti«r the povsofe ie lt swvlS Pi*. 1917# henethafter rftusdh net te exced 4eehea And W hcrcas It 8-aewdJaWY enacteti la shd by thé £'".uAghldan làmla- tie tt"d th yeam of ce < VdWIMd ktiown Canada holden lu the 7tit and 8511 yeat, et eut relgu sud known 'a the War Time Eleetiens Act that certin Persens thcreby disqualifiedf froni voting witb such cd! their sonî as .n potling day arc net of legal, Aue, %han b.c xmnpt frein combatallt military anti naval service; Aud Wkior a vice e t tat a lcatieno ferexetnU bora serv- icesh be determlncd bl outsmI eoe1 tribunaW s uMect te appeqi as la the. said Act provideti, and tha# any nWan, by opr l, respect cf whomr an cppUicatIon for exemption frefam érvlce la madei sha, e ongas sncb arpplicatioli or any appeal ln connectlon there- wlth le pcndlg,aând dnrlng thée errcncY Of aüY caeMPtiOuipatod hlm, bc dccm.ed te hé on leave <if absence wlthout psy;- And W hreas ti.QOYdetmnOt& eil u tidm active srceas afW"dltithe m-in ctdedila CIAle à1 -10 latA uMAct- endi hercinhefeom defined or decebedt Now Thercfore, KnOW ' ~outtwhe sln Id Sa cms Iunte menla qu sa.*M Litary -Servtce -Act, 1917,an ben for"eo .«dmcrIbW i W 'Ibe sud'dMibioogng, on actlveý-se ln a ut Cunadia Eapedite=ity Perce fr tiiêddehn - an Ca eda mter withbl qmocýbyod Canadat, arw* mas 1ln h cpiin rditecto f evMliayFocs hsefsred And vw. do'Icreby éicl esadftiMfk.IlthiteuCh Mgn WhVlsa tMebW o e ba s u sbsali. on o r befoie tAe Oth4ay fo r n l t ~ s r i e n e t a p l a O o r liii e x ,e n t i h u n wMe Une cs# h * w~asiacarloInaIn*eta IýIiWbarn- e" IldcIý , sftsr thé oooelv - .,.5> mu AL- Get .Behin of ýa Ford, -Y tJtoIo steýh!ounioi j, t; -t -t 't -'t. F.ý 1 --

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