Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 18 Oct 1917, p. 4

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(7I I 4 toned leaves and die. Thanks to this ~ treatment, the choice grades of sp- ______________________________pies newadays corne to-market i per- fet condition, with no worm holes Subnsarine Rescue. and no worrns. ractical and One of the most dramatic and thrMl- Becofmth ng ode ofthis *war was STRONG rEOPLE NEEDED Iseamen from a German cruiser in the Th edfrpolt ý e" naval battie off Helgoland- The Brit- TOfcdfrpol ob mti ge -Ihsteamship Defender, having sunk 1 purgutet !hose whom ill enba a German craft, lowered a whaler ~t n otaldfe l er osion obeen pick up 'the swliming survivors. Be- m oe e!terpsto eny fore the task had been completed, atThei are handicaDDed la every walk z i'manof lite and weak men and nerve-worn cruior ame p ad cnseo*onnedmore earnestly than ever the Defender, which thus had te aban- te put tileir hee.it riglit and become don its/smail craft. im tog Maywhben The 'eei he~h l"eein' a patcliîng"moatlxeago are as IliiDow sad plight, Without foodi or water, in ason th day they began vainy tin- an open boat, twenty-five miles frOm kerlug wlth common drug». Every ail- land 'and tiftland a hostile On@, with, Ing .a and woman should remember j nothing but fog and foes surrounding thst the 11W et debfllty, nerve exiul- 1*themn, they hardly knew which way te tion., Indigestion, ileepleasheas, neural- turn. Suddenly there was - a swirl giaanddeprwsson corne fromn a fauity alongside, andi up popped the BritishI bltod supîly Worry, over-work or submarins E-4, whieh epened its con- oter causes have impoverlshed the ntng tower, -took the occupants of the. blood and Ieft the lIfe-stream Impure( whaler on board, closed the openlng, The nerves thereby ai-e starving andi subnxerged, and- ïped homeward, 250 the. whoîe system la langulahlng for miles away.. new blooi., In this condition xa.n7 O MOCUè ~thousands have won back etroug WOULD NOT BE WITIIOUT nerves anti aew bealth and ti eg BABY'S OWN TA BLETS lim ikPll culymaks. In a Milita.ry times demand mili'tary Mi A. C. Smilth, Gocodwood, Ont., oniy a waate of time %and mouy, but , Ilothes, for the amali boy as well as wrltes,:-"I have used Baby's Own aise a further menace te your healt1b. b.'is older brother. The cape may be 1Tablete for the past twe geai-s and te tinker wlth comm!i7i -drugs. Poi- .omitted on this ore, howver, if h. avefu< heitmb mdcn o the example or se mê.ny thou- does net care for it. Mce',ll Patteraa otxer can give ber Ilttle cnes and ad y i IDr ilam'Pn No. 7980, Boys' Overcoat. In 4 sises; 1 wouldflot b. wlthout them." The'Ps a ds by tlvl, nd eyWlUlam as' l 1 te 4 yWpas. Price, 153 cents. Tabet :ever-tail tol-anlah the $lm Ilform you I nto healthy, active men and Pleaflent ofchildhood. They re 'gu-wemen. làte the bowels; sweeten the stomaeh You can get these pille tbrougb any and make the cross sickly baby brlght, dealer lu medlile, or by mail at 50 healthy andi happy. They are seld by ýcents a box or six boxes for $2.610 frcm medicine dealers or by mail at 26 The Dr. Willilams' Medicine CD., cents a box fron The IDP. Williams' -<ckvile, Ont. Medicine Co., Brockvllle, Ont- ALOM AD N UTOR Watèr, Water Everywhere. prouc o aiy aricla ~"Yes," said tIi~Aeia~" was If an author can be ssJd te be the once out of sight. ef land on the. At- prodct f viy artiùla d-otrct=lantic Ocean twenty-one days." and why neot, Just as much as a varlety The Australian spoke up: of fiower, or fruit, or grain ?-Alan "On the Pacifie Ocean one time I Sullivan, the distingulihet Canadian didn'tsee landi for twenty-ntne days." poet andi novellet, shoulti be most pro-! The- Englishman kaocked the ashes perly ldentlfied wlth Algoma, that. from his cigar, and eoatributed his bit:' curiously shaPed county of Ontario I"I starteti acreas the Thanies in a whl1ch stretches frein the cities and :skiff once," h. said, "andi was eut of settlements of the shores of Lake sight of'iand before I reached «le Huron andi Lake ;Superior, up through other side" the. 2.900 square miles of the Missis- "What? demandedL the Americn sauga. Foreet Reserve, te the great; "The Thaines sn't *Îde enough for' fur-tradlng territorles three hundreti that anywhere!"p And i sfty miles nerth, where lt le "Quit. Wýue," said the Englishman. bouirded by thé Abany River, the "ITii skiff turned ovei, and I sank; chief trtbutary of James Bay. The twicel"' south.ern ehores of this county were _______ colentzeti some thlrty years ago at the T MARfINI! Oea Instance of C,P.R. agents, by hardy W qW ~pioneers f rom the aider counties O! 16M aV41 Kîncardine and Bruce, but the clty of A gault St. Marie ha. Its reots la the Thero, is nothing more becomingre trpaastwaardngot antipracica «lau te cot ~ for the voyageurs, wla> traveQlet for and racica thm te cat res. te furtraders o! Mortreal liýte lfar Trimmeti with braiti on peekets, beit 4AlnBaliai tis.faqb»afi euffs-antisklrt, ther. la aothing' smart- esm.saqulve wS cLr nttv or thea tis acoat drees. A.gata w. a Ihpc h Agma1J>ee .e. flud $fhe straight silhouotte a favorite, ..1o. txsniero!ttWr oe et McCrâ1jPattera No. 8062, Misse'Ceat < ofCntrutten andtI bmtlng thie M- ~. U Drese.In 4 aide; '14 te 20 years. gP=abranc Ot 'the C.P.U. bêten Klug la M Price 20 cnts.Sudbury. anti t.he Sanuit " MZxie, and 1.terw#.ri Thèse' pattern# may beObtalned UseS ti. ca elrlusvea o 111thro UgI% treai your. local McOafl- dealer, or aoe. I i 8allta, him usai from tii. MeCali Co., 70 Bond St., p »y% "a efeî f a rrvat&it e ýtule Terento,'Dept. W. 111e trak, or oen ctet lte arvepatyt iUiec - ,~on the settuers. They brlghtened up, orn 'y Italy's Here. aey loeegt irfmsw Mhrw an 1t N j yee.They- woe la toucl i tIit t"theni a&M G 1 wiC<orna la the. hero oet us'world tilat bezutofre -bd»M ôt te.»ei £ COUn4ry. Ho ià,slxty-five years oftage, Idistant." The-bush Ores, tiadm m o tentes andi exteredth «e',, Itai rn ihy Just1 the baiSere, the. Mail therriersP tey-oryear ago as -a S#f t- 1 ndisan ts .aad tii taper aie u4 m ficer. ~prevideti rlch maternai for Atmau li- lahs made lUfe-long suy fvadus att..,e». s~!tii. lbut 0f I a war,- and, lke o0bown Sir. William wWc h&hve been DUeffl SUwarm orj Robptson, la. e ao Dlnar tu iled tThé. Pasing o4 0w1- usulyI res&d in -tuii et au the ,great - Btt." ' xeMreoèànty h* liba eusargetie t war D th 1ëe4ý 1Geier.lCadoruas blield,14, udla b i laetvolum..o he1I fotlsi'wa~0o5dlsttngàlshe'd a"-T*"i muer Dom'" ho take bofr Kt auer,. Wbei, lb. IWaien 'general vent mospiiore tii. abor DuOemlent, lu .M t e ota t aff &WCMo oge euan«t MAU lli ludu -tOWi EU6t * bate, bq *%e4ft4 id inpduI :aeevr st le là Osta4iiio.a tu faet iaIrnàke At m r These gises. vonhaie li ir 0 e beg tic rud a tba rstgat sat- henT T tatk by th't-mansat -1->« the ri - "u tt5Ih sutffer.eterrible. But the-Alies- -ici ¶ .awbunrung wh prezýiptJy adopted this iovlexpedient imoreea Ihdy1bÙingu -aç,. ini frightfulesa ndthe i.Germaisgs orbthm lâve e0xperince as ite ûig s" <urbý1In T=o or-I /behro frem it as their tees. - p- a an-d costa nmdi sa f IWW»uh.O,'Stâisg vol One trouble with it k latat thewijid cf ItOjS M9SVJI ., eit luscah ha. to be jnst right-in the correct 40so lstr-eoe i.hWr wvulscrth directon, and not tee-m'uch Or too lit-; 1 ai drugist rl deivreti. Bok 1 M freé. di le ofi)t 1%e.inteading #ttacrs maypçole li e cniitty, aromi IAJ3SoRBMN, JR.j for'munkind-an have te wait for maay-days for «le' of -the baked whatenti »septie'linient for braises, 'cuti,.weundat,-.gt'i. bea1ezeespeci-stninsTpànsfulrewoare: Ïeinaor glands. It Ointment. They 4ns. brezethy wnt Ten hee reWhen served with hot a10 rug-lna awePk I Was ,comj9etelî gamsks, which, for «le eaemy, are rpOtB< il e o mr fo a lettygoedProtection. inflk. Dehetious with sliced ss rP-tÈ I d u Luv 3ert j ,N_ B., ÇFebrua, tursne g as ele largety eme pahes, I anaxxas d other W. F. YOUIII, P. U. F., 518 Lymasa usa. M, Cal, k Moëu sin troubles rîug'bîbe pre- 'Innntcabethta hempI . trahe 1 i tl, Cm..Cuticura Soai r fresrasliefs aefoy 0 tbday toilet p àu f They have alrnost whollysuperseded fee f Fi&Or-evreE a le pu the. gas-emission rnethod. A big M d n Cpro-x rite fse ed reue rssps.crd.. ,,,utmi jectile carrying a quanUfty e omf n hÇy== bthetanin te medared H ost-a . . laae e l h auaty . .S "SoId or chiorine (compreet a liquid) o fcr apatdfo tiata f vegetab lilîaàs. la sure te arrive at or near its lntexid- have muckes bti htwl e ~ ~ - - - ed Olestination. It burets; the. lquld raiseti. Like begets 11k.e. Select corn!~ '~ ~ Yn eiCes uliat odes instaatly volîtilizes, andtihei.resulting1 seed from the. stalk Retdtnd,£6a I UCLIca b us ntlll Icrast. I00ter posogas spreadlslfae and wide. te CYow its parenag~. e umpyietoougantialy olesd.iter orspectacularly horrible is the t_________fer_________- aaba laa-prejecçtorwhich i. eperateti by - -GM Ufus'ixeti coloreti rage. ssianti mf . tw e.One carges the machine (a Lanteru a.11 Si ý1ldes lots of 11tty Pounder'or' . What bave you to ofe cezabineti reiservoirand gas-gene-NX & TT ato),ai ti.oterinnîulte ~ Rentai Luet 'and Catalogue on . OIÏFTE ON, LTD., MAIL -BUILDf hose-pipe that discharges a estesm et lotenspue e hue n fire. c » Ocoeaat low*te.tDce. M wll instantly destryiaiatatfrà.., ,,,.h i u ry . J away, literdlly burniag his flesh from ______________ off bis bones. But-it the distance be thirty-ene yari, and the man islaPro- ie bu g your P1a» 1 iWIIEELOCK tN<GINE, 1 8x42. videti wlth a bernb or two, he has the' 1 tulM ' M 'avIng NM s I New Automatl alve Type. Cempletq wlth qjpply and exhaut - fiamfe-projector stepped every tine. fi l Il -swih*.m, .e. lvi 1ecept si,20o cash for imipodiate sali. "PiANO AO I-- UI1i LECTIC 4£NERATOR, 30 KW.,11-120 Volts D.C. 1PAN AC_______ WIII secept $4à5 csh for Immedlate sale. j WIT FINGERS Yeu say te the drug store- man, "Give me a smail bQttle of freezone." Tht, wIil ceet very little -but wHU posltivelY reniove every. bard or set t cern or Ca&- lus trom one's feet. A few drops of this aew etiie r eôm- Pound applied i rectly UPon a tendr, ac-Nng cern& relevee-the serween* etantly, anti soon tiiè entire cmor > callus, root andi ail iiles up aid Oaa be Uftfl off wlth the fingers. This new way te rid ene!s feet'ef- corne wastatroduceti bY à% Clacinaptii maxi. Who says tbat freenSee iebi lu a môment, ant iùlply âhrlvele up -tilt cern or chilus without irrListlngthe! surreundlng sa. - Den't let father die of Infection- Oaý Ilockjaw frein whlttllng, at his corne,' but clip tuila eut and 4nake hlm try It.. If your drugglst haW~t auy freeaona tell hlmto order a srnaU-bot.te fu-om. uis wholosale dr i buefor you. European factorima eaehweek mh about 16,000,00 pounds oet artificia butter wlth comonut oil 'skae -AtNms 'SHARP Die.Cure byLydia E, Compouàid. ipn 1 LARGE LEATHER BELT. Double, Endiess. 24 mdic x 7û ft WrIl accept $M00for Immedlate sale, although boit lle -XIcellent_ ç*o. dItienaninwcewul coat abQut $500. PULLEYS, Large uize. 2$xde-430 ; 12x"0-$20; 12!/2x4-$12; 23-8 2 BLOWERS OR FANS~ Buffalo make. One 10 Inch, other 14 inch dlscharge-4$30 "ech. - _REAL ESTATES CORPORATION, - 60 Front St1 Tmvi - usai. - - N Ogdonbr, lm" su.ffered ficoe feis. roblswhlch.cased plerclng, -01y ut vut relieflS a tlaitMybatvez k I r S m-AM! ;ai - . 1. *1 t -J- 442 g, ~ fjz e -s 'j . 12 1 1

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