Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 18 Oct 1917, p. 6

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.-.A1V~ -o as desirable or aluable than to-day. .mouds, which I sold ten ye ars ago for -$40.00 and over, 1 will buy back to-day a-an advance of 30q' any Diamonds-purc-has day, wIli advance mi value. A SMALL DEPU will- secure a selectiot our large stock, for- delivery. BASSETi #*wuie and Optici.an In t1he Store Wilh the saicony. I1 W. C. T. u 'he W. C. T. U.T met on Wc taIaithte home of Mrs. (Bev.) Where was a good at tendance brs and rtsitors, and the meet ery lnteresti-ng. As it m-as "Tidings'* day. weré ive-along the' Unes of tt e nt departments or 'work. Ai ýrhompson read a report on ary work to the kumbernit-n 'i" etfectis. Mrs. E. Harper. Suidt lor meetings, gave a report year's work at Sault S t'. Mari P .Mlntyre gave a report oft done by the Piower Mission MI lot. Mrs. Foster gave a rva Sthe Influence of flowers. Miss 7 gave &.report of Willard Hom department coilects Surprise ivrapper-s, the proceeds of wh k used for t1c snpj>ort o! Travel ai Union Station Mi Toronto, r Parkdale and Stinnyside-. As the Union wili be gititettil for ý--Êations of soup v.r-zppers sent lioss Johonstoln. s;ttPt. of thatd was decided to canc-1i unr au S. tempÂ'vrance rally ibis >ear to prevaiiing cmdIt ionsi, but ilext year's raJ1y a1togetherc frmformet year4t. M Aiss Sproie, W%. C. T'. U. Mih to the lumbermen, liï expectedj utaithe nüxt nmeeting, \VednesdP ber 218t. of the expertences-er .,na at thw Great-Btt1e ot .e-, Simoe .8t. Mtbolatd .Oshawa, Monday, October 2. pan. Admigion 26c. iOur sample booksa7« .Are. Xma Csirds have arrived, shôwlnk a- wide range of- itiistrated printed car'dsa IVo are glad to show samplet. Cafl lir and look them over witheut feeling under obligation to buy. Plrierate sutit any purse,- ranging from 11.25- a doen up. Includlng wbe envelopes- C. A. Goodfellow & Son. 0o- Mlaster LlIoyd Johnston, the 8-year.- old son of Mir. and %Ir. Perrry John- mton, o! Rine Street,. Whltby. n'as seized on SUnday afiemnoon with an attack of appendicItîs. On Monday lie wits tak.-n to Oshawa Hospital where GEO. . r Everythlng lui Uar bec, $10.00: Mrs. L. S. Amerjy Loi Engiand. $1.74; Miss McGilrray Mrs. R. W. All-en. 85: Mrs. Wm. Tht re 146 wost eononuica .on, ~ ftael -a d mýeàt durable -.raneo thé m arket. W. .lave eugtomê . t. iwbQ have bad themïut teady use atres ccutvite ret ,uoue ofý fýor 28 yers uaml'estihi ivwig Cb""&igu.Goo sttret cultisa- good ~erviee ttbU= Possesion te plow miter prea- R CE h itby ae ugs ,19 I mdwa'e ait Lowest Pfloes. - WANTED. - -A comfort.able home for yeung -mar- mdon, rled womnan, wlthout fflldren, whese udon. Peirsonai Mention thusband le overseas. Apply at Gazette *Miss Miunie Ruttan, of Fenelonl fOS Falls. Onit.. spent the week-end a Cornou FR bier home here. Cr e ofGreen and Gobourn Sis. rM. Jack Worth. wbo bas been figbt Brick bouse, sevmn «om and 'bath operator a; the C. P. I. bere, 'bas beecp tIh modern toitvenlencS. H. W. moved te Toronto.iWllicox, Whithy. -cf. anl operat ion itaè3 performed success- nî&'s Tea. $1. Mite, Box, $1.60; a rtilly. Pread, 50e. ;e o- te stock S dozen foiuntain peu. 1rn orbo-f- pcale ree ,oreiii prics $.25to ý.00 Bafset's. glasses to us. We can replace yotir lens The while you watt, or If s-peclally ground Thent of Ontario Old Girls are ln tire. days. Bassett's. * making an tirg.-nt appueal.tlu the publice-o for second hand cloihing, mattrlnl or Pte. H. Bentlpy, a returned soldier. money, te l-e sent to, the Library Aud- IWhto is weil known ail over as the 1 torin-any trne %ednesday, Thurs- Handcxîtt King. le -ai present living ln day or Friday, Octobpr 24. 25 and 26, in Wbitby, and lu a patient nt the Mili- n front aid of!the B[ligian Relief Fund. tnt-y Hospital. 'ne la williing tO givc X M as Piat bis services for concerts for the lRed PIaesale ai auction prîce. 1 fancy Cross or anythlng eoncemning the war qutiet fainily driviug horse.l top buggy, while he is in hospta. Word may be 1 mikado buggy, «I pony buggy, 1 ire lefi with Major Archibald, Medical Of- whetel cart. Il light %wagon. 1 cutter fieer. an the Whitby Militai-y Hospital, 1 nüarly nd-w; harnes, blarnkc'ts, saddlet or wiIh Pte. Bentley. 1 lald ridinig bridie. Apply NI. NW. Col- -0- ins* mhoe store. Chiîdre-n's ail wool cashmere hose. -stlk heel and tS, sizes 4, 414,Regla Cap;l. Baker. a blind returned offie-r, value 36c. and 40e.-. per pair. Saturday rock Sit. will be present ai the NWar Relief So-j sale Pre 19C. at W. 0. Walters'. cit ieigon Satuirday atternoon-o- at 3 o'clock ln the ('ouncIl Chainher. WHITBY BOY NOW A FLIER. ýHis address will deat wîh his exPe-r. tences and with the work o! St. Dun- Liet. Cullen Perry, son oe Mrs. J. - stan s 1lujîltal for the Blind. This wilH. Perry. bas been Iransférred Into Uie be a r^are i-eat. A large qtîcndance Is Ro*yal Flving Corps ln England.7 upon * urged. bhis discharge from hospital. Cullen -e-0 was wouuded tn the îhigh ai Vimy Prabodys, Carliartt'iq, Headliglîî, Ridge on'April 111h. and spent several e4nesday Waikers. Snag Pi-eû-a.nd J. A. Hiaugli monîlsisnlahue hospital. He lhas been .Foster. n)ake o! ovemalIs. iln plain bitieblack. training as n filer for a moubb or more. O! Mcmn- and bitne and white istripe, at' W, G: Uts brothoir, Lb. J. Perry, is once more 1h15i wait Walters'. la France, on the firing Une. John basr I beenoverseas n early tbree years. r repotsfEngraved calllng cards rnay lxi-or- ,b dîNfer- dered at the Gazette and Chronicle et-.-The eegular meuîhly meeting o! the rs. Robt. lice. Prompt-8ervice.f War Relief Society wtil h held lu the Sand 11e to! par- ,t o! the -e. Mrs. bhe work nce July ading on s Harper ne. Thtis ;e Soap hidi are lers' Aid 1allso ai a ibis la ed work. r aniy do- to Mrs. ilepi. il inuial S. r. owif.g ru have differen t .ssionaýry 10 speak ay, Octu- Art hum Jîîb., who bas been on leave o! absence for tie peut -.montb and bas been ai lits homee ln Whibby. left on~ -Tueêsday morning tu report -for duny on the Ni,b'-.ai Halifax. Arthur ex- pects ro b.- assigned go dty on tbis side o! the Atlantic wlth lte Canadian *Navy. and }vas o! rhe'opinion ltaI lie *miglît >e intahte wNeet Indies-durlag the whl t er. The regular metcinig o! thie Women's Instititne wlll nxet be held until Friday, Ortober 2iîh. owing to so mauy other meetings thîs weelt. A vcry tuterest- ing meeting le expected. Topie, "i ttlets ai War,- baken by Mre. utc-h- ison. SIrs. Tîtîper and 4,rs. Hudson. jMecling ait Ilre o oclock lunlte Agri- etîliural moinis. Al Welconie. Mrs. (hoýrge A. lieuss. President: Miss 1. Mc('lellaît, Sccrebary. $2 ca.sh an-i $1 per weck untl Xmas m-111 sëcure a 'splendid ladies' wrîsî jwftîch g,,uaranlet-d. Sec us about Ibis. - ____________________SALE 0F IRQPERTY. _________________________ î -The- aucl on sale o! property ef Mr. IGeorge, Day -y, beld on Saturday, ce- Sulted t hi hesale o!flte NM-. Slow resi- - idonce on Dunlop Stret te & R. Blow lia k.aa..for $604. The prepe-rty eu.n yr9n, St. .4DCA1 APMIG i not rewb.te# reuerved. bld ao! k~~~n - udirs -ft sold, alîhongh there ivras ______________________________an olier o! $1.i475. lt talixely thfi ae -I-,wtll be etfect4 prtYatoly. L.eave your "îutch repaire at JiasetîS r -0-- Thé opcntng et lte ucw Theatre Mm. JIL jtnî s ltas bt ee n ofinced which bas ý4YpbDt t t lie %hitby 40 bIs Lbort, frle niPast 'fî,c- ti t Iitary É <ia or ltêtise of the soldiers.'"mil talce Place on FrldsY, (W- o- lo~sm 1-. Afirest-elas enterudunr-a la n t i orse t odaQsa, Promlïcd, andi l aexpecîed a greot G . Wa 1te n S'. nuinler oftibo geteral publie wiU take ti 1w pportuntlyetofvliitIng Itis nue 'tr acknowl- buildinîg wlleh lu îborooglily up-to- tennatlons for *dteP. ' iîirby boy.s --- - c- New stock mn"#a', ycuthuse di eff-. reu*s overeo&as and esia ts W. <0. y (Con- ,rs.J. i.i enî'44lger and - t o l.e=th*. trde. ' imtfdy boy. Sr ~~ tephenson, GO, N. W, Telt,. resUS ami ê*. ticket_ axent, tu »enl quite poorly for tbe lut t l4rc ee*s. Hq"itieka tOulaously te bis out inuitbe&.Sc*, wbn Moîother mn M41ild glv4. p W tt Q~ j SOL ER. EW4LlPED noaoe In a group e! livailded soldier wbo arr d lu Caaa a I&Mek%, tll OW- lng wc-re from t Uic Ceut>t. OfOuts$o Oabasa-Serji, L Crawford, Pc.J Cash. W. Hazuilhos. E Tceuy. Iro. lis--W, W&IUcII. *the Trourei(r , t th* Sodts' Cpu. toril (ltb *akonw4do« wU4làItInl* Uit folkowbu mscibauopa' -Um rs.ct andi h*Meugm ,Twmt>. e#lU0;~ Mm .N«,mnan- Notter and cltildren. of Toronto,- are vislting with the for- mpr's, parents hpre. Mrm George Newton atnd daughter. Margaret, of North Bay. spent the week-end wlth Ais,. Jas. MeClellan. Mrs. A. Steadman and son. wbo have been ln England for sorne tite. accom- * panled hy Miss Digby, are visîing friends In town. Dr. J. P. aud Mm. Rogpr, with the latter's mother. 3Irs. Tý. i .Hollday. are-spending a mouth witLh friends in Fergus, Strattford and St. Nlarys. Rer. Harvey Y(-rrlti. pastor of the Baptisi Cburcb. IR lln oodtoek Ibi week atuènding the annual convention of the Baptist Churebes of Ontario and Queber, wbich cotrvefled on Wed- ncsday and will eonclude cil Monday uexL $~J1* I.11 To. Renti, For -Sale, Etc. WANTED. *CoInpeteilt bousekeeper who wiflas- Rist wtth ehfidren. $25 to one who can- take full charge, Mrs. J fi. !-Niw, Qsh awa,,Ont,-LIT., 1 - . lIoy*ç olive sliade raln.coaf. W'ould party that plcked ix a» oen tock St- uv- reterWi t t b'. Rewardt. ..,.us -anur,,un e, J0.4IAIUOJ.ofL ber "0th, ai 3 p.m. ltis expff-e-t.ha t Capiain Baker, vbo lost bis algbt at lte front, and le ai ptesent employnid ln Toronto. wtll be preséeiTto telli Bume- îhing o! bis experiences, and aloet the wnrk being doue for tbe hiind ai St. Dunsians Hospital. Tl la hoped lucre vIii be a large. ttendance et the FOR SALE. people or the îewn. For hnmediate 'aie-one taznily c drivtng herse, oae twe4kated trap, oe We pay special attention te resttîng jcuiter, tIwe sets of blia-eas. Apply tg dilamends. Our womk must please you 'J. E. Wsîerhoiise, Writbly.-. or you pay us ne xnoney. 'Bassett*s. ________________ MEIALBARD FOR WUITBY. UtsX é WiII there lie a MedicaI-Ê»milng IfOiS0 IS U ISOI Beard establlshgLed fer Whlitby or la ýtll necessary for men eoming under ciase.Pulis -prepred for TSnte Coeser- 1 of thé Millhary Service Act b go vator>y or Ulcst zmptos b'ô Oshawra te lleexamined? 'This ta Reaitieca t M. Atbr R itbarê lte questiou tuany young men lu WhIt son%-, Eyro St-, WhItby. Pboue~ 201. by have beý-,n nsklag. and ht. was there. j_________________ fon-e imtt te Dr. H. ffiacom. senior et.i fleer o! bhe Boar-d Iow uitting St0, awa. Dr. Bascom stated tWfhét he ad net yet bec-n defiuttly Igistu-ucted autfý-. tbis point, but lic ias faiy eert4W iiïdiig that a Medical IBoard would blxi forai A- te Rit l ln Nlîbty shory..Ij date a large ausiber roin Wbity lhave1 galle befotee t Bor4 at 0ciiawal- I PRfg)'T»I3 -RM 7 p.Ïn.-A spectat servict of sont 4 thte choir, solws r Latîd," kto*ii<-. sole."mi lOlPeoth"'f~ I DcIl" «ide,111*.Eva illflAu. t hem., "Sek Ye- th# Lord." Vshft Solo, Mmr. TU owe. A m Y. the LOrd," DMustt (Fr=inSteaour'. Crucfo).lo~ ui, - 014 sivrlver r vsltmabuuut ao umi*else ýéSo t bsy o411 . - -' t#mt4 inthe » »4ýtu# STItAYËD. Str)Ayednte fthe premlsiof the uw- dersigbed. lot 9. cou. 1. Base Une, Pickering, en Monday., Auguet 28th, a thre4Neu-old tllly. Owner niay have mame by proving property and pa$nig expenses. Donald Munro, Pickering. Onitario.-4 LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS. Irake notice that the Municipal Countil of the Corporation of the tas a lotal tmprovèinent a sldcwalk 'on the foflowlng atreet, irIz.: On John street, between Byronit mi Centre Streets, flQTth.4154 a cernent stdewalk 4 teet wide. esUrnated ceut $165, town*u sharé $66. A44to &ass40 85Per cent. of the finAl tout thereof on the property abut, tlng thereon and te b. beneflted there- IThe .stimatMecaet lofthe work lo 4M of6.e whluh $06 la to e pro-vided' for by the Munilitly and theo cati- mated splW rate per fontt frot egel 10. cets.Theapelalmssssmnt I~~aa*MILS :otb uitayNsia NEW IOIIelaT A Grand Eveni*ng Kter«tainuient will ho given, by the FRIIJA, OTI" -vin"DPJt ofU SaI& ,-bote pliygi t v en claùn that kidnydeau intttial iaodensudmany other disor-derls oftena find thfeir origin in tootb decay.- r i ~i Igl~' Âvoid àa toot h trëe or l, ypur luerew ýlive*5 by k-eepinR-, the ýteeth-me- perfeit- condition. W-0 sol tl tho well knéwnu sud au excellent bine of -guarantced Cive your teeth dtily attention and see your dentist at regular interval. WJHI.TFI ELD'S - DRU a" usdSTnoNrdV STORE WRiTBYi 0NTARIO '1ave ytar order for Piano Tuniing with ne. to lxi patd ln 10 annua l natalmentI. A petition againat the work wlll flot avail to prevent Ils construétton. Jos"ti Wir, -18 Town Clerk. ToInto. prièiare for e-v'ery lcnowxm Can- adian Commercial Dlplomùa or Ctrtil, ticate. Nongetoo i> th for our grade of work. Prie catalogue. Enter any lime. W. E. Shiaw, Pres.; P. Mclntosh, Pria.: HOead OMces, Yonge &Gerrird Sts,Toot. I NICIIOSON A SlDN UNO3RAKRvi i. 0e? Your~CoaI Where yen are sure it 'viii be O-lean and Bright Our coal is 'veli er.ed. W. guarantee prompt de- *ivery and good service. TreIpbne No. ifi118 I W~U I Il Ohvro750to lot inaint he Gu.thet arage REqipmAL Camhewocet" fie buaIvs n4E ChewoIet CatA WfneriTBV, Reusrnoaallcland.o 1-01811*, 0108.1 -ONT.4 se and -Fanereaiý )utaide -City ola lies always' on 09~ Day et 11> 1- v ~ j' 11 W: Dow- 1 ýý,q Uý

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