'Qk ':i0be prot .tyheir cet cristmrl Saved thîý là ane ad eun 01-fret Ils boconi thnt tel any lnte it army lun for the f4 et n. atili vidtng for /trial. and' 5' by thé vPi Ips nwît onlt uIln),l I3OWMA)i Ju-dge for- A i lii 'y A Il l .J(2 p - 't t '~' , t - t', -"'.1< ci .~; i.~. -~.Mt -te ti hlt h saleft# - d m boiiOctobor I 1817 JIRIO., Tac VÂAZ4jT EÂNS. )y u» l'te tollowliig »Onibu.been snt hat * this paPer by two Wbltby boy* at 11011iot ZOVaIed, but'itre poMM la good anxd e' alpfllsheà herevith. .rldOn thie rend le Tipperary Theres a place that'a vacnt atmU, Thcrectu a rifle yng suent, V0<There's -a unitorm teo U. at Truc, at home they' i ae to 10eyulu, tsi But théo inarh wUl son begla '~IOn thre road t* Tlpperar Wlth tueo &My taear antmos <i;tgr, tChteut,21âà dcermnm Çr honor t~~~~~~~~~~ 'il'a bol tlti tl th'u Ani ",-"ut *"M~"le I)ay?" vaiîî t( ite For your King and Country nced you of thue ;ndNuiitzir-y St-rice Act, lt- And we waint to count you ln faltrk fsttand lis advantages. It Wl!] Onte road te Tipperary mor so Siitl i ha!t the coun try Wil] iWtt-h the army to Berlin. hai-lý otici-Il ln aJplicat ion, - 'Have you secfl the ]oneiy crosses, t <pta il. Il Powell, Arrny Medical Bo~ys who'll neyer more corne homne? Set% ti- te iniotirti tep)ýot,('amp Shel- WiII yen idie m'hile they're cal]lng? tiMi(a NWhIithi man 'wbe wiliiWilyotn leavte them iher-' atone' e it$yfor France). hias written For they-ýre caîiing, calltng. caliing. tis ? tuiltr the foilowing intercesUing And they want to hevar you sing tati s I 1',40Omen lu thi8 camp, ex-'on the road tu Ttippcrziry p.r itt i tîl 0.000 shortly; this divis- W4ith the Içmry to lBerlin. finn uil'et) ta France swxcn, and lis coui- (J entcky Iniaa. nd hl WhVen froni Mons îiîey foughit eacb t M !'rs. Pan i o lias beea u- (tOtert, d1q(.u1 sînstIni a roid, Is suinewhat bel- NNhctn tîteir lips with Ipain wprel trr anidle'pes rIci>,.able tarestrne ber durnb, bs) 1%h iý. îgsoît tDr. Powell is the Twas a hope whlleh heid thotr trenches in (I <i r. ti 'tte~r In eliar-écorfttis camp, Never dtuibtilng yen wtîuid corne. ;111 1 101. 'rihilec l]e work of Ra!t- Tiirtii h he frozeit lit'!! of wilit er, Itartm tutiitths, rfumitgaîttonand aHih ' ldst the shoratuel's raking din, rît < << lt' p-o-dt'rnîîtryTîey itave mwailed uevvr tîîrîig (îni;l14ýb . ,.lttsic'taI R i ns îtchtarge' Voun n uid loin tii i i 1ýliita ic aioc'-r irted <t'ai ofircr, nettnkiowxtL n ioiltt road te Tipperary Tlhtr's a crirnsol debt to pay, - ~rheýreýs a land ot aw-fîî darkness, Patient racts tiried and grey, P rofessional Cordsi Sohhing w-onn rulrîed girlhood. Strew the train of 'uit ured Sin ('iaii't oti liear t hotcalilfur Venge(ance? LI!RiL 'Aon't you juin tits lnt Berlin? 4%0. E. FAREWELL, K.C On the rond ta Tlppt>rary Sh'ep the boys wheise day Io doue; Barriattir, County Crovu Attermly Mmd Don't >ctî ear their veices cailing Couniy soUuator. To compete their werk begun? Thore arct glistly fingers beckonIng. Offie.. outh wlng CourwtRoclas, Whltby 'Tîtîre are victories yet te win, - On tIi' rond te Tipperary A. E. HRIBrIN 'A 1h the Arrny te lBerlin. 't-»ru, or. solicitor. Noter. Public. Etc- On the road te Tipperary WAhen the boys corne borne at at, Ofies. Broek Bt,, Opp. Standard EBu" Woan't ),enw1ahed that yeni had iistened "87syte L4m& li're eold Engianda cal] had passed? Beltbe gatle cf anbood'i%. open, Votit yur part can stli begin, DENTAL On the rend to Tlppprary With te Army te Berlin. Harry J. Hudson, DADS., L.D.S. -.- 8U»O.sor te W. Adarna OffIce, Dundas Stret, opposite po« OMre. Bell Phoeie122, la& 64. WIIITBY, ONT. BLAKEB..: BIEATOW, LD.S., ... Oraduate of the Royal Cellego or Dental S urgeons and University et Toronto. Dr. D.D. Cook. of Toronto. l&a taklng Dr. iieaton'a pracile durlng thre al: sence cf t.he latter on millltey srvios. OffIcex over W. DL. Prlngleis hardware Ie.l. Phone, Id:'. thee». U. 0. Arthur toi,:LD.s.o.o.s. graduate of the Royal Osoge e« Dental -Surgeonsansd oethtie Unumdt,7 of Toronto, destres te annos lira ho bas taken Dr. Blasonsprautiossd ta prepired toe estinue thre mau» as Omc. oover Allln's druigstoe. lieu, 9 ta 12 @LM., i te £ p.m. Bell phono IfI. là &u.i A. Aà . ROIBINSON Undertairer and turralture dmer. Bell and Indopendent phwos, Day or niit. BROOKLIN. ONT.1 Hlghlaoeis of h$arl CANADA hi elof thhd Dwraud dmhmn OPEN_ SEASONS DZER-November la toteNov.rnb lath. Incluatvs. MOOSI-November Rat te Nov.mbo 1Stiz, htcuslve. laeu etol b. mo<b. ec distrIts ot Outaile, Iud.ilu4IITia sijiimi. the epu sasseb lDmi'» Nov ber lot tofeveuùro3MOhtudhuive.la tira. part et the Prpvia* « OSIEr lylns nortir et tRi CaaalsaGest. ment Rallway ru the Quebse te *0s biîtoba bouoaar. Lre O M Mm for mom laIstrmo ctober 01tb teN) vember lOtir Write fo« .qpytPaau* The amnns et91"Aêd obus ~I OU aw% la lema DgsatMe* to C. IL UWmI&OMM, Stwlm,14 reste, OCUL tK 1 NSA LE. Mr. R . W Rodînnpald a bnsiness tnIp ta Toronito tiret week. Ed.la ship- Plug inilk exlciîlvely te Teronto, re- celvtng rnthiy cheque worth a.ny- where from $1650.00 up. Everythtug la uearlng completlon for the Harveet Home services neit Sun- day and Monday. An excellent Urne le promlsed te ail who cau attend. The polos for clecti lilgtlngs ad power vil! moon ho put la up tire Bib concession ss tur as C. J. Stovenaom corner. The linomen were on duty staking eut the ground tbe tirent of this weok. A few et our people boel l the old saying. lot yeur light shine. George Trlpp aeld Oive or s4x caille te eue et the Broklin men, hringlng hlm tn ever ;W0. George ia a geod salesman. Mr. Levl Mickey lofti lau wc"k for Windsor, vhere ho wlIt,remaP aî 6ew days vlthbibs nioe, M Jeuos& Rebi. Pttkoy lias beon enlargft hie silo. He doeasDot bellbovo lunlaIt doms ihings. Clarence Richardson spent Bunday iast at Port Perry. Mr. Norman Gîbson anduter, ot Qreenwood. spont: unday aternoon aud even4ng with thetr uncte, James Pengeity. The applo crop latsi bs distrIt le not nearly hait a crop, smof et h (a~rera sot having suffient for home couuumptlen. Fnu l) ieins ta nov soins aong splendidly stuc. recont rains carn.' Rey. John O. ToiLen, Who iras re- oonlly returnod trot .Wet, took charge ot tire servie or.e Bandax Nezt Sund" vU! ho ouir arveat Home services. SBmern swM lb. preac.he t t80LU d 7 o'eiok*by l*v. A. fi. Fboter, or Whltby Taberacle Speolal coletsoma ait ONasevies. T muaie yl be supplied by tir Brouî> amn Union Choir. On MoSday *enin&g tRie 2D& a fOrsi c lRncnPb. ou> per wM Ib. mrvelby lire mUles, tai Iu>wd Ri su onolirniproues lvm brthe eeaba »t1 d"&aret te etasreoes, quurteut .dusteIos lte., cornseela to UrM. IE. W 0 Me eu ag" md bir er lbetout 0<tir osaosle, lIris la *u0< M uWC 4&. (hue4M lte t# mou, u%*biel er <t nye M umsMd, olam om uî« 1h MMbu letir. ud b loti at borne, as tbey cannot b. &pare&, agil or Instance, tu ibis ose, Clareac la theq-caly son, and certalni V I&- uwed 'mOirer neede hlm ai [6.. ]Robi Specer Ras been in our ogr borhood tillewOe#ç tihresirlsi.Xe la new ffllng*silos, The Kle sw fBmeeialtRiOntar- Ie Women'a Inatltuta *vOl meet at the home ot Mn. R. aB(Mowbnuiy eonThurs- day, Octeber .2eth, ai hait past twe. Nvcrybodly welcome. Mrs. C. L. Mlack- ey, PrpsJdent;, Mrs. R. R. Mowbray, Sreta<3. MYRTLE. 'Mr. Jas i!ortop bad a nur toad or Imiti fted <lniad,.d hi'rc or ý:iurd.a>. '.\r. tnnd MNrs. D. Rae wat' e-ed giiîegse e Mr. and Mrs A.j. Uarmtcb- a"]. inothr thre-shlng oîîtflî woiil grvat. ]y lethe icdciayed threshl'g -nad silo flilng cperatioîîs. MiRm Ilrokensh ire> atteudf'd tire Téach. ir t t'vent ion lu WhI h lii it e 1,I tntc e iilrercttad lti (oiîr pîtilh, t bt.rE., ilisan, of li i'klin. td ia- I(ïd d o go ent of lie'" t n-taad rte (i:tntiy wtt] mako lits la.4t t rilt hart' iht ;week. Nir.t tocki-as of Ptckeritî ', %%as ri- Inin ola ad ac,;talnitvuc+s ittrt'iat AUDLEY. ickiriitg Tawnshlp's ttkilfut flyer, Lieuit. Stanley Love. of Armer H,'ights. Totronto, lu a cross-coutry fllght ou titi evenlng e(ft Saiaurduty, Oclobî'r l3th. atigltted lu the' north filtd cf William Waîe f arin oi tlIe 4ttî concession, iris] frontlng lte homeocf hIe parents. Sîanii'y teck bis father, H. K. Love, for a joy rideIn lu is machine. The, man- oeirvres iui mid-air wcrc thrll.lng tn cltarater. ai ttimv holding the stght- sîn'rs seîIibaind. Theft' hUer, Mr, H. K. Love, la now a lover cf air motorihg for pleainire. On landing again, Stan- lyt' atd lits felton'-flyer jotnod lte tan- liy for the eveniug meai. Atter sat- tsfying their tuner needs, tbey resumed thet'r' return fllghl 10 Armor Heights. gitided by the yoiîlhtui aeropiauist, Stanley ba.s a wtde rîptilaton among the officers as bctng riaxsed arnong the best aviiuora (n Canada. Hla te go overséas seau. Lient, Love is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Lovwe, and biai; oeeeiser, Miss Gladvs. lits many frt'nds wlsh hlm success ln his work and that lie' may returnruiefeiy atter dotng bis dnty ai the front. F. M. Chapmau shIpped a carlead et cnttI let thc Toronto market lalely. W. Mercer IR harvestlug a hopavy crop ot table carrela. The I1t1,1e child cf W. Gunn in cortie way set tire te the mattrese and bed ciotiies, and oniy for Uic presence cf mind of Nirs. Gunu, the borne would hevît soon been In flamles. Mrs. N. J, Citapmuan lias retnrncd atter spcîîdlug liraîe weeki; In 011 City. Mr. Chapinan weut te IBuffalo on Sat- nrday, and came home wit ber. CRÂRGED WITU RECEIVINO STOLEN LIQUOR. John O'Blere, ef Uxbrldge. waa b.. ftite Hl& Honor Judge McGllllvray on Baturday lut on a charte et havlng rocelved Ilquer whkb wau siolen frets a G.T.R. tretgbt car ait Urbrldgo la July lat.. Col. J. E. F'arewell. K&C. wua proeeutlng attorney. and J. W. Mccullougb, ofMecCullough & Button, defenided Mr. O'Bierue. Thie Crown called everal wttnee, but oeewho was urgently required was net present, He te eut on tuspended sientence, and., net havlug answered thre surmona te, appoar as a situesa, la liteiy te rus Into <tirther trouble whon he le appre. heuded. The Crevu aaked for au ad- Jourument tu order thm.t a boncb var rani migiri be iaaued and thre deslred w1tneas brougbt te Court OBlerne w»s granted bat! on bis own recogulu. lance lu tire suts et $600. and tire cas wu. adiourned tii! aturday, Ociobe DEATH 0F MR&S MOOMERY. After a langt-tb- Ilinos, tire deeti oceurred ou Friday last et Umnmont- gomtery, ai Lbtheome et-bier <Mltier, adira. x .Bake«, Bndas et. W*& 'mre 3ont4ouery vi tire widow of tir lai. RuOfMatour.< e 1911rws burg, Ont. Tbo'rtimdus "vere taRie te Beavertur, mn.m à tigoerya 014 "Msl ai t. AudrWs Churdb os Mon-. d"y afto»mu bBEIN* ROYAL'THEATRE EVERY NIOHT 1,1%4 Voiee on the Wire," featuring Semi Wilaon..every Monday night, Wtdneeday nigbî, Broadway feature. Âdminaioz-Adalte 10e, children Se. Spetrial showlOete ail. l war tai. MR& PERRIN, Manager Harriage Licenses. A. H. ALLIN. Lmuer oftbMarriage Lissama. Corner drus stoem Whitby. No wtnesse requlred. G. VOIJNG SMITH. LL.B. At dwrelllng hou»e oppsite MiIoIIu Chureir. Ne wItnfflâ reqUii. AUU1'IONEJEjk LI~NSE 7UeTI9NBBR AIND V1iLUlTOIR AU kinds of sales promptly attended te. Ârrangements for maies can be made. et lte Gazette Office. Terme resonable. Bell and Independent Phones& WHITBY. ONT. il lIgîilg& 1son Goal Dealers Phonoe70 WHUTBY, ONTARIO We Have Several Cars of Coal on the Roade- Orders taken for Nut and Stove Coal. We have alo a car of No. 1 i ixed Siabm. ALSO HAVE No. 1 SOFT SOAL Orders DellveredI, Anywhere la Town. 81111888sIl!ivision colis couw'r ry 0i014AEO. 1917 1. WHRIT Y-Um IE.L Maoimel bty loerk-.Jan. . ZFol. 8 a.5 ii < 1. J3ne 4. JUIF &- sept. &Ot ,ro.a Dec. 4. Jan. i& 191&. O5EAWA-Mci" IL 1-Meoonneli.Whitbi. cler-Jen6 . S, rab,6 e. p. 4.M JMneO Sept,8, ct.4. Nos, 4. Dms8C as. 4. 191i5I IL BROUGHA&M - IM. 0li. C resnwod. Clark--Jan. 4. Mar. 7. May g.Jui , ept. S. Nov. 7i. Jan. 6. tgîe. IL PO19T PRRY-J. W. Bur.a.n. port ?lorry, clerk-4Jan. 64 Mer. 8, May 5.JuyS. %PL. 7. NOV. a. Jan. 7. loi&5 4.UX»RIDGE-P- J. à MOOre.Uxbx-tdqa, Clevk -JIan. 12, Mer. 16, May 8. july 10. &Sep,, New. 2. Zen . h.loi& L. CÂNNINGTON-bC,.. . ostr Ocn.aing. ton. Clerk-Jan. il, Mer. la. May9 Jt Il. Sept 19. Nov. 22. Jan. 10. 191IL &. BRAVRTON-Chaa. A. Petereon. B«ge.r. ton. Ctork.-Jan. 10, Mar. 14, May 10. Jniy Il. Sept. 20. Nov. 21. Jau. 9, 1918. 7. UPTERGROVE-Denel Lqon&nArd.Lir- ley. Clork-Je&n. 9, Mer Il, May il. Joby J. F- FAREWELL. Clark of the Peus& Dated et Whitbi, Nîrvember Itth, 1916. IEXCURSIONS I MAY m I TO OCTrOBeR30m TUESDAY A1LL RIL -mime by a oIm. m ep. Thae oe"~ eLm xprse eM 8. î 1&dm Canadien Pacifie W. B. HOWARD, District Piamenger STANDARD BANK Money Orders and Draft are issued by this Bank payable M al partof the wodd. WHITBY BRANCH s In-'the'ý ~.and on - logrum tiyW lîa men -recoIvd th-, , If , t Hmýe for th e ~ER >4 s- 4 e. 'e .4 I ..~...54 1 - - 1