on al fronts' bastIlen ver! beavy, aud, the burden ef car-lu; fer tIssas cau<1osý bas becouis bqrcleau. Tt la Our #,tory itt tIse 'Britliah soldier 'Io the ecuI of apy ~ ~ ~ ~ I ltIewld uitshould 1w our Zo e yaénd pride&and--Joyte give, our army lu tbfise ld such splendid, sScb clicerful *aÙd such effcient support in thefr'hëuof i skness and of wounds thuat their bearts may t» frer from care forthe future, kuowing tbat the love of >ë nation te behind (hem, and ls pro- vt41ng for them. Ouir loyal support wili "bd mau nspia.nIll thse hotr of tril, anid wawould 1» !(:as than human Were,,W4« flot inoved 10 aioxne telf-den lai by thesplendid xacrililees of our dauint- ea men ut the front. Thiee comitimesof thé 1lied Cross set ont upon theIr caiiv&xsis tco-day wtb clicerhil heýu-ts mnd cotifil(.lent Fplrits, exrtecting a gotierouis and sîîirited re- sî)oiist tc thie appeai of hits noble> IflVMA-NVILLE MAN APPOINTE!) JUIDGE. E. J. MeLean, of Bnwmnanvllie, has bebn- appoiîted Junior Comnty Court Judge for the Couny of Rtnfrew, On. tario. N. p A w" ' m>litit -.,bOQ*s.....8 nia po"#M t u"C Oe.< perativ. Supply Dept. 4.15 MceldGoodhli I Stewart U-71 V001% M, -W. ILRexaper, supplies.......U4 to WC$%, nurvous 0, R.G.Ote, Iuberond Wood ....l1l'lu wo'ke& , IIu*4own mI.,URasa -Mrés., -taxes -on tl.and sup- -T'y t f oïm difr a.1Dm1...... lofed _ wJwià ,tI r.u ~r w PeaiFouurdryCe., flue-cleaner 3.00 wi11sout questico; -tbat proves =W Henry Smnith, drain.....19.20 fairnusus aud your'protoction Mil. McrKaý Sciseol Equlpment'Ce., lions of peoeavém* bsuplis............1,2 this 'WAY., os Ieard $~Snca....83 PoJhn Goldring. suppie; . . 1.32 _____ _______ à A discussion took place bs-tweeii Boardof Eucaton jMr. Melutyre. andth ie Chairman et Boar of ducaio- th. Proprty~ Committec over thse pur- clisse of equlprnent for the Fart Me- At thse regitlar mee-tinig ofthte BoaIrd choisies departinent of tise 111gb choéi. Iîeld Lut wee'k there were preseDt MeS- M~r. Melntyre asked If St wa» tile zrs. l'aton, 1ilvbardsots. King, Trees, tsaItIthe eqiiiptuent was piirchaset l Mibtyre, Jackso>n. Van%,alka'sburg Toaronto. Tise reply was *4ye.' NMatlîison, Geodfeiiow, Lawlter. Mr. 14elntyrt had flot been preseut Tihe reports ett the Prlncipaîsl or tOC aithtie meeting wheu thse reselutien te varions schools sbowed the follovring purchane the equlpment wax passeti. ~ cord:- and wlien the PrIiuclpal ansd thse Chair- High ScIsol-on roll. 10~8; average imas of eomittee were appoînte t t itendance 9-1. Cousity pufflis numnber make thse purchases. with the under- o t.. standing tisat tise saine -siould b. made Henry Strect-O-ýn roll, 1S8. average,.ln Toronto. A speciai mneeting bail I 42. jbeen calleil te put threugh tis busi- 'ire- Il 'e e-y "MY Paper 1 'The ,,Mirror cf Mhe WrdsHpenings >Because it 'ntirrurs the news of the world- ini which 1 live and ain interested. \\he hrit 1)42an eohîai geverit lîike thie 'tiiWi hte Lusitaînia, or- but the to ' v of a loc2al happening, 1 know 1 sahflnd it kseihC(t jicttI'e(l, or, commeînted pon \Vhu1c the. L wIlle cu-rrent sport orthie lî:tfhlo)I)gicail discussion, I know 1 shbah Iirnd it-, iiIIj)OPtllflCCe "Nv 1Ilu) cv! flull- î'cogn i7ed In \?\Tethicri- tbc a political dsuso of a (iov'rn tuent. cs e or a selarchi ng anfy sis of s<>me scooia rbei nw sh ' ind lthe IIaher 'sanely trie i M \Vhîetl-ieî' it lIC just thè Ik(It ille stories l or'teKdis or the Flas.'hion,Nemws fromi NeNN, York, 0 ,tiiLnoiîLi ~> ie "'Thle Star"' to each of thein k 'y Pper!"" - lw brit -bc wtt,)rrh, or 11w Probleins ini "Bringîng Up F& ther' i ~vtie am-ily etj(>y the hu 1ur)f «,"Mv A FeW of due News andi Spedlal- lFeatures Exclus- ive to The Toronto Daily Star f+t î.à n f I-. 1, ..-~ ~r. tptgu at gm yî M&~o K O ef1o . 1» Çn l0 'e?' it i~î~,~ s~f eU1ý eti tS <1,1, 1itt~.es~o~bav~ra touees. Clan ILRo ïïOtërd4. tarl _Lim- Thé Roui*-elphne ~ Pi ."grbu 'S, t$ary Qven3a J -sse1q Lom, El er ILdl uig1oIssbct~ ot~IM*r, Bidbriet outlue a tsof e xtni 'WbI1 il CtsIzi~ t> ~clam - Lis a s D~ludIeylat Imihprovin; Mts' syptcm. m edI'bat he--e 8#en5 0-t thedItPii. Cotti, Ic Lngdru tiim #jo»y Rbddy. t"The, Pole lUnes wisich lnma#y ýplaces Holu.t "On tèTOMte e ýP&tde"Mr.')Icbt iHllda ClIfferd, Clarentce Reynold%,Cla-. 'a teu'S eewrikdlatasped, tyre,_iêee ?ornous, aiïd iuediatel$' ençe iMarston, Ros s Dn I*t r- vrts ytu ee rc* ataslns the boetrthe s, suad and 'th crý ' Rà i SPrint bave pbon rebuili this! summer, mates. Tt' i» ,ad . i Wlb4WWf415 15 <>4 ~ ~ant i everal r-ang tfUnemen are nowlunte-,chapel. adt roon, Sr. Pr-BfEëWat*en, Mary Blw.getng' over vile entirW plant, puliiÇà U deiighted wttls the musi. Thle dissonv»_w precipitateul by MaY CtiffOrd, >tY'~Gascoigne. Kenneth thse slack wiros andtrrimng the trees dom, hear. The- members thue tthimai et.t Preperty Commit-ïiesobtiwell, Staley Martit, ruest whlch teucislte wlres and have î=uxed wete ver-y gosier-eus Ixv the tee delulut toe otryto t an acSount Ne*rthbaM, NOrman Pludar, RaipIs Ber- » muèb treubte oet ard rlngling and selectiens. rendereti, sud'upon ôt Mr WeIntype fer cevring uta. bat- liardi, .Joseph Bernardi. poor taIklug. . 'el uxion of thêir .pregrun tlsey vm 'htaent wrndows In the. Beack Street'1 Jr.- Pr.ý-Dorts Btrd, Jean Batin. Gee. Vben theffe Impravements are cons- tertained with refreenments-. gSol, fe which.& charge ef $24 bati Ross. Helen Mpore, Thelma Kennedy,.tieted tise service will be irst clama B4ndinaster aî'sd hls mcIn received th., been made. 1Il was dlimê that the, Marjorie Pindar, Helen AllawaSr, Der. and permanent over thse entIre systens. bearty thankts of thse lamaten and et chage iade, waa-tiesive, eis toet ly. Ferginton, Gladys McLaren, Elk For the purpose of makIng furtiser the management efthtie Home for the- spent on thse job, 20) heurs; as. te Uhrynewlcjak, j tttemntns (bis season as weil as aflernoon'a ent-êrtalnifent. ~STOP-,THJAT AWFUL WASTE, RANGES and HEATERS Cut Ille Fuel, Bill ln 11a f. BETTER, SAFER., MORE ECOÃNOMICAL THAN ANY OTI-ER "The Greitesi Stove Invention of The Age.Y OjU ARE. PAY1ING FOR IT DAfILY , W4Y -NeT I4AVE IT A Me~ Range ln Your Homo MEAN6 SOC"* Saving ini Fuel Lens Ashea More Cooking Surface Loua Labor tb Operate Coal at 810.,00 per ton or Isigier. WlIat (16cestitis mean te you ? No Fires to Kindie. NO Black Bottomi Ketties. Holda Pire Over Night With Woodi. ý Best Stove ýProposition £ver Submitted. No wtiten proposition can do it justice. See it in operation'at RNGLE'S fARDWARI3, WIi ITBYI O-NT.o j' - -~r~1~ I v -i i. f De ostr ation .--Thulrsdey, Frid ey -Saturday :12 -Dîlferent Modelst toChoose, From Tro*Day Corne -if youýi r ill dTile Torow uRio ORDER I T.DY Tii, pIoe f on t y b l.ti $4.00 pe« eawr k k