TMI ~awilil 1e bi t ' ewr rdhM u n A wiI . ed dmt*d 1 '%gnçIqsO le, uni*4e wli u à tid ô'yu.Addreus A(ronomat of ~w »et Wilson hi SELEMTNG SERED POTÀTOIUS WIIIpotato pinga repxodtce pota- uiear tbeaverage ifor tuëe arîety as, tees ? In tledr ofeonsoxvatloiii.oeaubIela b on u Aeaver- morne trutha are belng lmiresmed which age wilU hold its owù tbe dwart would nevg 'bave dawned had it not snd g na ebothi overthrown. been 1Wr tbea gitatlon'*hlch was lcept A. ai a4to -,e t~othoday: "Il up- this sprini and through thoesmm- would. rathe ~have the poor ýbull in a mer. To-day, 1 saw potatoes dug. froin faznily et good cattie thanzthe geod- tte bil where only eyes were planted,1 bull -intih. tamlly poor cattie. -I linrnany cases, as high as five market- believe that the. first one would stand able' tubers being produced f rom a' far greater chance of traiauttlng the single hlii. In like manner, a large desirable qualities ofbuis tamly." The number of potatoes were produced smre identical reasening ought te trom bille where on!y cones wero hold witb potatoe». Botter te plant planted, each cane containing an eye the pour potito ameng a1fbu of geed and as'much of the pctatô as would be ones than the geqd potatb aantnga secured by remov'ing the eye witb -a bili of'l Mor ones. pen-knife. In these busy times, eue is ikely te While perbaps good as an ecenamy ineet up with. the contention that the measure, if this wero kept up for sorne potate grower bas net tim. te bother time we would no* doubt hear, "this with sel.cting his seed potatoes but variety of potatoos bas comnpletely run because of the busy and momneutous out," which is equivalent te saying timesi it je ail the more appropriate that the seed was flot selected careful- and necessary to insure a plentifial ly.Almet il ase e!varetis e su.pply of good seed «P~ next year. tarai stocks runniing aut can be direct- Like produces luke, C_ t get good -ly tracod to the fact that the. seed wae crops without plantli good nsed is net carefufly selected. next te impossible. ---We are prane ta run te extremes on Hill selection bas been known te in- various ideas and da net stop ta see crease the yiold of potatees ýas high as wbitei e ae tedin wih th tbng'ten bushels per acre when kept up far we push. Serne growors plantlarge' twa years and with potatees at ane patatoes and excei t te keep up the dollar per bùsheI, the extra seed vitality of the seed. Such a procedüre, guaranteed wauld go quit. a waye te- of course, deplctes the natural re- wnrd insuring a large-supply of pots- sources of the plants and results in noe I n otiust lnteal.e potatees. Continuai breeding f rom Ifhone coninesmuti plesemal ees. large and ovorgrewn individuals in- For nstaef, hermuliarestwo blle, eue evitably result.s in retrogressian for Fwritasnge emearei pote anei tho arity.other with four. By using this seed, Again, there are those who planted the unproliflc billje rnultiplied by real amail potatees this year snd they four while the prolific hill is multiplied are this faîl gratified witb the resulta. by only ene. The sarne thing may go It will resuit in that they will continue on anether year and- the poor bihla i te plant ýthe emaîl potatoes and the, multiplied by sixteen wbile the other course- ef a tew years will ueo these je again inultiplied by eue, until ini varieties running out fromn the saine four or five yeare a new kind et pots- cause. Reprouction from the dwarts te muet b. inxported.: et a plant will eventually result lu Practical reeults show that il paya, dwarf s; in other warde, running eut. sud pays well, te select potatoes tram If we f ellow th e same lineofe reason- the field. Select for seed frorn lie ing that we pursue in ather matters, hille where there are the largeet num- we weuld be forced te conclude that te ber et petatees ana al et them mar- kçep the petatees tram running eut., it ketable. The hili unit in the. euly aat- in uecessary ta plant each year speci- isfactery unit fer the. improveinent ef mens or parte et specixnens that are as potatees. The chiot alm et the panllry keeper aI thie lime et year is lhe production et wlnter eggs sud the course fol- lolwed by mauy in eudesvoriug ho Jbit tb. mark le liaI of excessive teeding -vaqott~ vlthnxhsuffi [dnt regar:d- for elier items liat are et Importance. Oue et the firist requiremeute fer suc- cees lu Ihis direction is lieseclection et earhy-iatcbed pubIts sud lie sec- ond is thie provision et cemfortsble winter quarters, wile lie mater ef reguiarity ini feeding ahouid recelvo as mnuci attention as liat ef providing a sufficlency of fued without waste. Iu planning fer tb. viutering ef the catir. tlock of the tarrn, or peul- lry -etablishment, a distinction be- tween lie layers sud breedera muet be mde lulie matter oettediug. The. pullets shouid b. ted heaviiy tramn uow on lu preparalion for lie lsyiag season, wvil e lad hoesmay b. ted sparingly. Exorcise je uecessary to malutain lie beslth et auy bird aud especlally efthlie receiviug a heavy ration se, te entorce Ibis, the graain supply shoulci b. t.cinl a deep ither, nigbl sud momning. A ma"h consisl. iag et bran or -micidlijug, carrneal, sud a 1111h. beet scrap may b. kepi before lie pulleevili scivantage, but sheulci onlyb. offereci aI inhervals to liée ther birds. Au accuaI hould b. kepl of al expeuses sud receipte icounecton ith thie fiack lun Iiter, aiea a record .)fthle date at whicb "ebpulel b.. gins te lay, and if posible, a couni ef eaci bird's production of egggi. By this misa.,-1thê augi of a pullt is Içnown, a preper ides et the scivis- sbility ed raklng s speclal effort te seicure winter oggs rny b. obhslne4i alIse s8notion ef the age aI vie)>b"rd may b.epecýtedtebegi to producu profltably. It la fnet always possible te diaguos glander* trpiothe symptous..a test \~fiIJ~ <'â m Ve cal led lie Mn atest eaux b.useci t. Glandera la an infectlaus dhose. ders or cet Thastest le very rellable affectlug bermsu ad sciierlsaatI ander.le" attaeckehumanMsd lacks man. Oue othio symptom a l s ully.fataL Virmbuli le tsi. tla. formation et ulcere ln lie nos and «ouli udilua glenderec herse. Tue a diecharge, mixed wlth blood,'-but InfeceUm coues hbrixu 80Msofet*0s without su offen!lve acier, tramlie' glanderapus gettlng ilutle oye "or noie. nue glande un der'lie jsw et- galungoutrance hrougis the.skia ton swell. Sweflings otten occur an viere Itlà I eut or scrtclxod. the. legmulcessm tiseform oùtheii "#kthe ue ot le pt to b. dull, snd- lie affecteci herse loeefaLtoi Ti.dires ftrnm lie #ose con- Q , e 7t" ile ~ tala the. germe whlch shows how easy Itla hfor s glandereci berme te infect losaeteqlks u aga a watering traugh or manger. It loie uMéat produceralu tise wd. gives an ides etftthe car, that amodesi Il. h li ute rearnb.i liaI th. ho b. ex*ciged vien glandera lealuIn.ayoungut pois la elaeaes16- iommuuity la order te keep eli - sMd tuat ts ath e u# IxeArte uos hormes f ronti beeomlng lnfeeted. j *lýo £bl-- l wbetier broUgit 1% horasetra4er% «Mn ý u «4 int uu ibytbais 'mmîgatorgmiepostuM are oom egvi&: - aUete ud se lbe. coUtios1s . M .iOe «tib b . ses.M Tiersa »s « feuorgant r l*k "ituïim teuseh.speg p, - sttoch ga". ori.- Mw t in»Ste, > ils dageret ili rsmeli.és-. 3 -1' I - - -A 13y rolllng on 1h. floor iu bis un- gaîuly fashion i. giiýs - bihi is firat mintary tralalagt Physiesi train- iug is now being mad& a paut et public sciool work and in lhe irat grade ln milltarypr.pantoi.' . By cutliag psper-s great delight te every lituo child-he teahhm- i self aRdu vit> bis ecissars ad the power te put biess la Itéorr; tiýt ta# if ho thinks et a bird, lie culseout souuthng a litle lîke a' bird, which h. elle a birdand wlth wh" e .plays. Tics. acta are the eI-educatlen etf eblidrea; lot us >mndmrtand thal sAd liold back eurx"dou"s"eveM thougb thse puayMar aaay Us.& We Mothers Muet heara, thento e MMe on el>edîum ewý= wevo ..îit but a"s va muet leaute lt lthéech".d alS ose su *0et «. , e. -42o~ bys m&" girla grow 'W. yond Uttle chdboode7 eybegia todis- Uisc " co Tb O fi ,wau te decidofor, thussevsw ba t-to do amd iew IL. Tbi S J«Us*st io.idbol-,K.W chld ver. cotumitte b. ruioci, le: cguThe usetise mut hve ey e 'Oh. daadobwaee.Un Mr aIm vies wuucs conta ne performeo if tIiey brlag up their sens sud daughhers se -uat they heSore leaders ln liaIlarger lite which lin dswned - tr tho Canadian tarm. hmiis Mnet e - coMPInphsdunhes e wîtesclithem te thlnk, plan, -invent, imagine, as veli ù, t. ôb*y. ---eb >ciud in s problen b'y bImoItf, citerot tram i&sbrother, sd sbistr One cblld rnay be toe .ot-wlid' sud need rnuch discipUlnu obedionc; h. may iio a dronarno r*sud théd e tan inlg e rnay liard, rogun ss u A- o" othr l m" rny bey tee as"y-fer #dos ahoIse poMsbIe4 ý»Wy"acdogiton ,,Mdl» vu d"powert*. asumre- oponsib~Tus seOnd chId ai.e prm"iseluhlm ibsubis tubico lktaer. Ie.must be forSecito de-' aiefrhinmi&Mul sd olsscis as pebl rous strict geva'sssst il hluto bouse a *sêoag aumaa 'iis brWpa. uo Isê to M tOeeai "Seeme le mae," saiciCaroline, «your old ladies have doue more for you dui yufor lim-" "Of courte théy havi!" oed Jose- pia. "Grandmathtorm ae Important, OVurYobe admité, Md lva. erneter. cognim.tbat que e01 a &dmgels uible to ber gsbdduhtue.-l'us a grandfi gwC Lrolise, btt'MY old ladies, blees tlieux, à be- l Sersoal f« for >ustrysad A. ea et liied vas Purdda".dbi lt" Poultuy DivisioI, (Cetwal xper- Âddr~s L<Jdn BIL 'Rber. careetW saobI Earty ta il"and early bu ris-b*tý you - Ia e o SIMPE.TIG'O i N AÀBABY. My bb t -mŽkas Ixiiers taidit -woi - eem t ient*ithn in he - tac, tfram whieh -ga t del Iieeye- -Ise1Lbutwitli on e emre of mattà er ruas.' ' 'ti six m uscles -by w$lx ýýtiie Answer-Thbis would- em beb. varjous _oemeuta oftheb1I;ar mpetige, an -inflammation- that gjt4anrehed py oepeatiio ieie erally settles arouaci lie'menti and cIrat ,tait ailb tiie 41t1t use of- ruese et infant m sd sebool children. pri in a ' pctat ê"s$bia- mldy 8emeétimes il le notp >ut peaerally t shoilci bë-euked isd then your er le, uestcbing." T-boie proxeaW tevoubnee idô 4b*qp~ linger nail sized, blistery eruptione! Lhiin et ýti t-i Si thal witbln s few cisys dry iju t 51w mation o et i , that- deoug tn coloreci, flat sud wafer hike cruels. Thbe shapeci part of t'heo týVbîch glvas t child is likely ho b. peevisi Wiieu lb. oye ils colar--brc>wll, orar or -- tbe cruets fall off, lie surface bouesth violet. The hale within 'thi4lo4gh. le reci as if troa s um. Tiiere is neo nul je lie. pupil efthe oye.- scarriag. Pour sud 111 nourisebec chu- Dry-Mouth. dren sud tlie. aving digestive dis I arn 86 years et age. For 3 oi turbauces suifer most. Tic trouble more years I have been s great sut. le etirable witiin a few cinys. Tic terer (bights especially) trant extremat salve known ho dmuggists a Lasardryness oet he Iroal,, longue snd Faste sbould be couetantly epplied.. mouli, caused by lie inaction et tht The contagions varioîyay ho carried'slîayglns tram eue part efthe body la anher Answer-Tbere may b. seme ca. by scraîciing. As the. disease is, tarri efthe nase sud lireat by 'whic)- hu-wever, net very iîcby, ejildren are, yeu are campelled dnring sloop te keel nol muci lempei ho use their finger1 your menti open. Thie your excèlt nails. Tint makes tb. differenco be- lent pbyeicjau wauld do much .fer tween Ibis trouble andi oczema, which, aetekde xrtoeaie le aîways ilchy. IT-be cause rnay bore ho teuud-pos QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. sibly a, mild terrn et diaheles or kid Eye Straîn. ney alaent. Dry -routh (Xerostrnia) may aise ho edue te nervousuosa e: For about 6 yearm I have iad uer- some slrong emahien - Sornetimes liii voue hroakdewu the 'resull to ye t anît lies in substances iuhahed or tac slrain. My eyes crossed 'but have! en wiîh toodi; sometimes gas oun. ti straigbtened throgb wearing-gîsses. fstomachle a roeauo. Very trequetll If I cevr lie affocteci oye sud reaci exceesively dry air je inhalei, os, with he othr my heaci pain cesses or gtocially wjîen sleeping in s room heal leesens. AI limes lier. is movement eci by bot air radiators; Ibis cause m lu the oye whichit seeme te b. impas- b. removed by placiug a vessel of M sible ho coutrol sud et course Ibis ter upan he, radiahors. I muet ce lakes a lot et strengheut et me, plîment yenou nthý beautitully wriht makes me despondoul andi binders my letter -sent me hy as-lady eigbty-s. getlag botter. I bave skei my doc. ye4rs young. -T-at ie wbat Olive ter te take eut lhe aifechei oye but ho Wendell Holmes maici of himef on icr' will ual. Do yen tiink Ibis le iritis?7 elgihieli hlrhday, liaI he -was sud Answer-Your docter le right. Thbe telt "eighty- yqars yeuug." - k Mess,» ~renlarked Josephn bub- fufly..- "I used te lhave It aU "planned -*I bat klnd ot a d lady, I but now-l don!t kuew. Fi net mure weren't drtectl absurd!" " "Nice ad ladies net s@ nice at closea ",Buq i-au MM ýa , amugguetd Ckrie. 1wyou irhe2Cie" p o1I-WIIt t,?ht uiea Pc siCW imlverhaired saints, I suppose, sud e !a'esh. cIean leavoe proerly' orepmmdillusion&ed siiattered.' Chee'r up, F!lial Suob 1 INA"ffIflUU'Yttualite." iYIIflft~ILiJIiII . The nice old ladies, uxeet et thern, are even nicer at close range,"dils-t seuted Josephine, "aud the more dearq To Teaeh Children Obediénce la to Be Able te Proteet Them. anid queer an&' human aud unsanitlyc By Helen Jiohnsoni Keyeo sud John M-. Koyes, M.D. thoy are tie botter I 11k. them. Itt Obedieuce ie a necessary tol in difficult te train because their wills1 isu't liaI. Thoy're more likable than the bande et parente. Wîtbeut l and desares sIrote)> up toward grewn- 1di eeot fo, ne es e ut d theys they 'can net Preserve their chiidren up ways whule their powers sud judg-dierntam neatesu iy against dangers because the eblîdren mente remains yeung sud unreliable. frtkol fe-the reatInde et t-sadi are toô young-te understand those More than ever thon, mothers muet! eety-feiwbtIe1ce.T dangers sud save'therneelves. Obedi- be careful not to eay "do" sud "don't" a ei wili, s lie tak. te it iutje eucesbould begin at birtb wben lie, more often than is necessary. Ti.y armidri' ie n .e iei baby in laugit te nurse at lihe heurs may even allow thoir ebjîdren te run day by day, sud meel et them pretty1 appointed for -hlm, te sleep wbeu h o mre risk cet lrithing hurts in order vivdlytee, itb ail sore fet arieYoin- les laid dowu witheut rocking aud ceai-! that t.hty may learn by experienco. teresî.Ily mkes me ik feel me youn lng aud le eudure wasbclh aud sesp. These risks, however, siould bave te u il we hu e btIv suds, - do enly with lb. cbild himseît; when always suppesed il meant te b. oldI uHueetly, love always takea it for As he grows- older sud gains power lie happanese ef the famaly or uoîgk- granted that old people lived rnoetlyt le disobey il le uecessary semetimes o bore is in tb. balance, lb. chuld muet in the past, remnembering the lite that puulsbhum for doiug se or for being be cautrolled by the. wiadom et eider was over; or in the. future, piously slow inubis, ebedieuce. Il la almnost am i heads. He muet learn definitely liaI anticipating anoîber lite ta coee- 1 importautý for lie sake et safty, Ibal nebody eau risk lbe weil-beîng of oth-1 oe mg dteit .alaie a chuld sià uld obey quickly as liaI ho 1 ers for lbe sake et pleasure fer hlm- awake à rn4 iuterested, hors sud uow, siould oey at ail. Unlees i. cornes-1 self. In lie iaepenings ot every day sud lhe quickly wheu ho is called, lie herse If tbe motiier bas slways held lie uw tlebgwrd u byae may rua over iim; unlese ho lots gollove, respect and confidence of berI lots etf thern; even the teebie eues; of ethe kuife aI once wheu bold te do se, cbld, as ho grows aider hle wili cou- ee oe bs ie aebe he may b. cul. Danger usnally Sp- thue te yleld te ber wiîhoul verytre- eanways nrosmeens. a ud e prosebes mwitly. queut rebeihion. She will reap wbat 1 useci te fancy myseîf ahlu inwhite, Tiere le nothiug wbicb develepe lie! mie sowed lu lie precediug years. wilh white curIesud a lavender siawl habit et disobedieuce more surely than If, ou lhe -other 'baud, se gave sud a sweetly remiaiscent &mile, s mohher's giving commande which i rders sud did ual îninit ou bis ebey- epeuding m aicsys in a cushioneci rock- she dees net imuet ou hmving csrried ing theai, ho will escape ber contrehi1 îng chair, rereading beaseoet ad let- eut. That makes s chilci disobedieut wben ho ia aid euough te oici dtbe tors and gazing upon tadeci photo- -mucb faster ta giviug hlm ne cen-' power te do se; if she filled bis chlld- gah u eaigtae tm ot mande. I was very pro>ad eue dayl hooci days with uunecessary "do's" sud gtaphadrel gnchilreu!of S ot because et s conversation I everlxeard! 'do't's," b. wlIl have made UP bis tmyseiup luay owu mdlse laici betweeu my amaldaugitor andi a minci Ibat lier. is ne pense in ber aIdselflsb idol, sud tees pacime pisyrnale. Said my little girl:j commandesud liaI--bis acivaucemeut xthe image wasn'î a pretty oee Wasu't "Can you teaso your mollier jute 'depends net on obeyiug Ibeai but ou il ridiculousi" changiugbe minci after she bas tolci disob.ying lhiu.d"il was,"o admitted Caroline, trank- yen you must'?" Tii. perioci la short wien we eau ly. "But you've evideutly been showu "0feouse! su'wrer li lihoprotecl aur cildren againel hurle sud the. errer et yonr ways in lime. It cOfmrad e, itaswmerdte t ureevIla; seen liey muet defend- tiem- wl osvrlyasyt ilbfr * ewhc my cb q ildasa trepoe c oureselves. -Frorn lhe beginniug. liere- wyen begin e el yadI" ,sily ef vîc hin: I ca't." iedwihcon- fore, we must.have thie ides un view. "u bein ewble I'm erigbw viction: W. muet train lthe wil power sud t su"d moli les tmeaciug o, "Well, reasouing power et aur boys sud girls Sone et hldem are lue sud moretr The necessity friasietlng on tie sloug wxlb their habit ef obedieuce. tunayosud mrne are ie adsdmhewd erders we give, makes il very import- The days siionîcinet b. se full et rulea, andi some are brave aud patient; andi aut liaI lie ordere shoulci b. wise sud sud dutieesad taka liaI ne lime' le îîere's oee îat's fairîy flery over pub- jusl. How easy il le te b. unwisýe 1.1fefr cidren te rn*ke 'her wn lic mattere, sud anolier Ibat'. seset- snd unjust, te eay "do't" tee ofte)nl decisions sud eboose their owu ern- ly sentimental over private eues, sud A cbild auueys us by rnbbing bis pleyuuenls: If they aie net early always gently prebiag te flnd eut if I handis over lie tables, chairs sud taugbt bew te roseau, te choose &Md haven't a love affair. Wby, tbey're papers, by roiliug eu tbe floor er lit- te decide, their developmoent into well- est s diffoent as se maay collage toriug lb.' room with acrape et paper peised meu sud women will b. intej7r- s hymk eigod"ma aud we bogin aur impatient "de't's." fereci with sadly. ngirl s. Teiyoake bean od meern s j By" doiug lies. hhinge ho le in W. are justly prouci that our coun- whst - il nover did seorn betare. I reality educatlug bimseif, sending try bas ne peseant clama as Europe bas cculd dream myseit a picturesque himself te echeai. -aiLd liaI our tarmersare s fre asfigure et. aId age precisely as I eauld' t By touch, lie chilci under six yearsl aur merchants. là us net forte dresrn mysoif a prinemo or a herolue, t fage learus much about siapes. tex- Ibis la lie way w* g up aur chl but l was just as rnucb a fairy story. > tures adnurnbers; snd ifth delleste dren.- W. aLre ttri ib eM O ΫIl niver teit as if the. real 'l couléi b. power iu lie lips etf-bis fiagers la net et indepeud ence, net -te b. -ti. servants sctuaUy lie smre persan a an old allowed ta develap aI Ibis early age, et employerk Countrdy lite needs lead-. lady! Now il does. I t..l liat I oan by bis seveali yoar it wiil lame its ers. FÂtrm women owill perforni for grow old sud still ho truly maymei- keejes.tir !country one o et tiI t s "sudi'er-acanot Lemmon IV. Eugrs Returu Prom Babylo-Era 8183& Golden TeXt,,Eza 8. 224 verses 21-28. Eza colleeteci lie ex- ilies, wbo worn te accampany hlm, by the river or canal 4hsva, lu prepara- tien for lie lougJourney te Jerusalem; but Leore lie csravan gel uuder wiy ho proclslmed * tait sq MUt tli eo-. ple mnight humoble -themeevea betare their GCW snd pr9y for an s uspicioujs j ourney', Fat-An occaion et humiliation, be«art Get, a a cl»ew- ledrement 9 the people"s tmutirsde- pendence upontii. divine fier for al thie Buphuates prcanal latic -vlclnity ofe Babylon. Its exact location c.a not ha doermlned- Stralght wsy-Aý jsumçestul orm#to jeuruey. Ashameci -Re. dld not -wact tq cto the l- m îdte o4 upon uan agonisces for PrOtection. the lecoutray, ho assuredilb. kinghl*et tboir Qçd would -«me forhemý, for-lhe alvma sprotecta tlç>o wbo >t jlolrtrust lu benid destroye osIV i taeie 1m. Nelwnili IdStleiiet çp an-~ ~ ~ Wtl -aê- ~Ii2 ~EawDmr seernu to b. thât Ezra selçcted a com.~ mission of twenty-four men, twelvq repreaenting thç griesthood snd1 twelve the la:ty. Serbîah'.- Hashablah-Called- Levitea in verses 18 and 19. Eitbhor the-Levitos ara bore counted as laymen, or. the toit lu corçupt. Batten, following-ln -par Ph-et Endras, reads "And- 1I st -spart from the leaders oF tha peqple twýelve1 snd fromn the Prieste of-- thetoemple Sherebiah 'and HashabWeh, and wti ther n of, thoir brethreÃ." Offor- ing-Refèrence la mde tt these rift&a ln the kb<s adocrée (Ezram 7. 16a.qj Talents--Whulo there ln morn me ner. taity .regadg values; the sîlver, talents figure up te about a million dollars the- gold to about throe mlI. lldns, tle ene tboumid darici to about five thousand. 28-80. Eza- caretUly' Itprseat, jupon- the>. -custodlanotheir - great re. foïilft,-f l "-Ie ëuiitodiaà i ai a pécal taïk li ionnectlou wit the mervce ot Jehovah t4he veswla be-umetjiiey are to ;Ux ýn ~rding thé. treaures was, on rachà Jeruallêei, e-Ixsd t4.m- tuei representatlVes o et riot L-loton and of,"*l atty already Uiert( Chambere-Rooms hIn msdate 00=4 tact wW ttemnpiv, erving usore room~for v esPr, o- 1n la tomie bhiticmae ud ait2 rIvil ia.m'fi i ne-'s-5. J i tedians l~ Chleta-L I prlemtfy -. I usargin, I - - v -- INTERIÙVATIONAL LESSON OCNBER 2&.