ôt within 1or moie whlch the yeball are ithe inus- et use Otý mmalady yoUr uer- become a uin i*nflam- doughnul , h gives to S gray o# ýi, dough- For 3 01 treat kuf ru exttiemf Dngue -and, ýion of the Somo ýca- Lby «'hic)- eep ta keci jaur excelt rnuch for, examincd ou ad-peu tes or k( 'rostomYiâl ,ousfltss oi etirnes th( led or tak Fat on tht frequentiî nhaied, es roomhe cause m Ssel of muast c lIy writi. eighty-a bhat OliVel nself on hi eted a crn- en, twclvQ hood and ah. 9, in verset levites 'art ,the text li ng in part 1 set apari ople twelve, the -temile à and w th ri" Off er. these giftt *z-,7. 16H.), orne uncer- the silver It a million 1thrcee mil. vs8 to about -impresset Sgreat re. custèdiang t set apari action witli the vesseli e le inhil . on reach. ,ea over te ],riesta and eeady thora, ýediate con g as store-- in, etc., and Ideaces for wlom. Firsi / n. Froi f about foui aking the convincing -y Caravane tacks frèmm o-he large di made an AbtxId lvered thr'-"** athoritios,' by the. tier Gari. ïI te Itave Tre- ' t Nent, "Give the man et, Dce 'waats."1 Such cry of nc andi lieus beliit.j chltect - imperative ls artillery nlt, .cannon- j à uneaandj, pe',thel icea te enient, a~ at personalj Pwbrld, acj Pa~,Il nd - B. achine guaners waltlng in un antl.aircraft arnbush on the Marne front. 'This sandbag-w.lef d mdwell-IlIkepit l laffl ssObouv euee t thse sim t. *1.5$LM frlite o te Out"" ut trot bue aumpie$. s5.50..tiu beau.îî Torone, nomptublueat.--~et Mtled--Va l«o lit--n To rente. Straw-Car lota. ver ton, sQýO $7.50. track Toronto. 8UUte Lt>5 0W11 oliowOCl y (erman air 1pilota. ,FroncEs o01ciai hetograpL . @e.urv ]PZ MIMWelAM" ____________ Btter-reaI »On e. a.ur ib.. 421 PDVI'I' lflW1fll fl1~IfIlI~flt!AIIfite 43e. print& prII.41te 44C; di3 r.holeaaierUa cetmgte cretail FO'R AIR REPR ISAIS ON GERMNY ae at t' oie. lari -réhdairY. co1 .40 te ifwconstructcd Air Ministry Wifl Mean B&tterisjtribution 4of 4c. inrcamrYz.tta. 4 it c o 63. 44 tew laid Machines Among Flight Units. ou et ~ t cartons. 4&cte-chic to a; .fowî. 20 te Msicquabe. eo5. A despatel, frem London sitys: ceuld b. used in raid, 'upon German, $4 to $ p.60.trY- 28rlng3C. lckm1 Great Britain's recoaatructcd Air towns. sprtng. ste» seen. 7sr t i:dca Ministry, which sean will be un- Cincidentai with thc reorganizution civ. peu lr-Tu20ceyn s t2c 20ri; -# neur.cod in the 'flouse of Commons, ef the air service there viii ho serai ducks. SPrlni. u6c; geese. -12C. probably will act as balm for several !changea lu the flying men's uniborma. H$n.2C. m NO. % #L4 to si60 Commoners who have been greaýtly la future pilota probably viii ho pro- Stra&ned. tins. 3¶,'esud *e. 186 toec 1vrught up over the Government.'s vided with gurments far more suit-j1 Po;ea%ý lo' 171 dlaIsn;eus. lon 1 'Ik-"'delay ia cenducting reprisais fer raids able for high altitudes aha Nose a nktuni ai nt -eriiuverted uinLondon. Under the recoastrue- worn to-d<ay. Owing te the great huand.pickcd. 87.50 Par bue;b;Linai. Per iponlb.. i7cý rc - nai.bg 16 "Y » aYon plan it la belived there will bo a, heiglita airmen mnust attain under Po 0oa ntakOnat.bs 15 Wbttcr and far more equitable diatri- 1nmodern conditions they need elothlug <' 1.6 j ,,Gernftion ef machines among the various 'thst la heavier and ut thcie tm e e F lo as--w . 4»30 Lhtunits. It la known many land, is adaptable te quick change orr-smoked rneat»-Hams. iedluiii, 80 te 1 or M_ ic; do.. heavy. 24 te 27C. Ccokad 41 to #rt'-r eechinies eeatralled by the Admiralty jmenval. 4îC; rolls. Il te Ise; breakfast b"cn. Che K ti40c:.ae...l.,.ILn39 ta 40C:'lione- c' ~i I i Cured meut-Lngcleur bacon,27à 1 FOUOD SHORTAGE - UNS PUNIH L ----a& ire&2à tO2c tue.Sic2b:1eorc.ailes. 32 ta 7&. on und, tierce s.Il o Z ) ; te 2e: TJIRE TENS JTALYÃŽ 'iJILLAÇ rS tc;pti. Il te 23~c. us 1t - o ntr.Oat- Es - u"a, candie Require Imports of 3,000,000 Pebpte Gave Their OnIy Foo&dwestern. o. ,"I Ii-ýdo.N.3 74J te 75c; extra Ne. 1 iit.ed746 o7c Tons of Wheat Before - Apples, to British Prisoners. do..No. 2 local whitet2c d.. Ne. i Next Harvest. Amsterdam, Oct. 18.-The Gerniani 10$1.31,Fou-mat. $jini wbeat patenta. tmets. 811.40; seconde, 811.10; A despat.ch frein Turin says: Thse have punishmed Izegemn. Englisis prias- troag bakera. 810.90. Winter patenta. Italian Parliament has reopened its oners traversed Roules Street, a 1t $. 11o.bsul.2tarSer.810 sessions ut Rome under peculiar cir- thickly populuted quarter ut Ise- nelled mot-buri. 88.30>-te 88.40; do.. cunistances, w facts being n prom- gem, stepping eut, says the. Tele- buga. 90 1bâ..$4.00 te 84.e.10Blraii, M. two 0 -t Shorts. $40 te $43. 1lddlinim $48 te Inent as even te make a Miisteriai' grauf's correspondent, with head i850. moutilie, Soi te $40. H1ay..Nix. 3 criais possible. Owiag ta their natueerect. The people ruaheti eut ef do er tn. rt lowtsr$1.00ite; d. they wili probabiy ho digcussed ealy They hîd littie food loti but appies, satterna, Mie. Butt1er-itlcest ceain- ini secret session. One bas te do witih iehte ae h rtshrh o eah.63 ta 54e; select*&. 47 ta 49e; serieus neots which occurred in 'iurln'mtan and girls ra te the priseners, No. 1 stock. 41 te 44e:. No. 2 stock. 40 thse latter part o" Auguat, due la part s5liPPing upples jute thoir handa. The . Paa~Pre-.~ e ta the deiay in ýraviding the tovu Gtrmns ts hreatcned the civilias iti with sufficient bread, and, la part, te the >ayonet. Thse people thon thrcw viaasChi political disconteat. the fruit frota a distance. The Ger- tWinnalbeg. Oet. 3-Cash prices Wbeat--No. i Nentheru. MI31:No.à Thse other question cocern era i.muni ordored the dweilers on Roçlera Nortiiera. 8SIîM Ne. 3 Northeru. 2.iM generai f ood criisathroughout îtaly, Stret e d ai ihir rrada etoe,0i l'l.;s'Na.à wbich led ta the resignation efthtie nia. la the morning, utter whli e? 85ey:3c extra No. 1 feed. 6311c; Ne. 1 feed. food controller, Guiseppe Canepa, muai remua thoeviiole day ludoors, Z3r. No. Z1 fe.04. Ele. whose plc e entknb e-wth windows closod. The. GermaniVls ,glace an bee taUea yse n-aaleïs oral A ~ eri. authorities ver. turious, andi postod a Idinn.siolîu.Got. 3*-Cern-Ne. à yvi-. iJotice on the vallu terbîdtigtiche . w. 1.65 ta 81.87. Ots>-No. 3 white. TRAIN CROSSES l1tdmatalo haphees 460; Irt Cl.rs 76- second clsea Pau. I16.76. Iiran-8 t'O3 te .0 QUEBEC BRIDGE. IDuluth. cteL 35-Llnaed. 8M00te 183.09; arrivow. 83.07; Oecter. 8306 bid A depath foin uebc sys:TRAINING FARMERS AT OGDEN. Novembor. 83.08 bld:Deceinber. '83.fi~ A depate fren Qeisc may: -j. i>ts May. $&S s uked. Evea atfter the succeguful linkiag oe' Calgary Makes Pis te or Fer PI.-Li skN*t the tva huge cantilevers et thc Que- îgDu b oderSuota aate c.* -Et coehav bec 'bridge by the central' spun lait ltDu U ode tdena otoe. Ot.1 10 1.38; d e e. odovî month, theré wcre stilli skeptics whe lThe vocationai training department. ilt i t.6 at hio féaed msha wen rae ws f -heOgden Mîihiury Convalescent' 10 te 810.59; de $6,d84:0 te $0.79. lowd t ro) aroa th lagea brdgeHospital at Calgsry hanow a ver, - 7.76 te 8.3 1 butcb-orV uila.choie. la the world. Well, their fears were fiac basic equipmont for ioaclmîug r.- ; _d..god bulla. 57.40. ta kuockod te itoeswhen, vfthouî theturneet seldiers gas andet«tha teglne -r0Ilh 51 rllvay trin crose IeQee temi av a ssdrbapu. . or laconvennce:& operatn as appffl totsarmla% and,~ » nortIt gain over t to rck tatud«p tW S fïm llt;do 01. M OL t hae enlaid froin'sbore to shore. ' A «MU ild ma ur the lasttute lst >?P"m 8tUo'wo Tisesupreme testug h*d ne officia plewed for i a arer wbo pale tfor thse 'il"Wou*, 0hrateonly a tevfet heQuébec1 ps Bl2< oit1coisuried, t Mt di r i srlg$13;*1 l 0 S-4dge CoMmaicaon andi the a, o<f plots u ge a. eupeet Ne os i __.1.ct entÃŽneers tuit currlodthe vork airhgents -have bom udAe -vtth ï: W*Tj tn. fl.omte1au~ threuè&,bolus precont. the muzdelpulty te plov a 50-acreplot I towwiret 32 3-Choies ciséra, 11510 ' --- --wfor tic cîty ef Clgalry, vlmlh tu re- :;*l 1 , îu aw S; isee HEALTE Oe' SALONICot ARMY ï, tura la te extenti certain court.el.mtoet8.s10; -hU-ila. $75* aosu.k;Ouarie BELYE TRAN EVER BEFORE.Athelstitute, amaong whleh au *~n- 8b 1 6 t u.e 8168o en . - meistodtheticpremisee efconcre. j ce rflE-tod aPres. oit to A despat ufrom London sy.-. th blockt with whlcb toiloe>e ii f d, 1 Jta I u ;8014bS 1 la undentooî tsaitishe heuith and sanl. and et ii.an o! soe* stealu engine tary coiliitiotsaoftihe Entente fores quipmot Aad-e vatr "tankt 90o ln Salenica are -beter ihan -over bW-' iti icJthe I'U miuns t irashlnj g FRENCE AIRumENDRIVEOWN fore. Tisere là *no epidemie, -ne plagu., j i<ils. .1m KCN INTHEO S and ne typholi. in tic %uppre«cionof Plans are mtade fer *thse cýano te- typbold, use has beea made 0etmewlPlovo a 0-semp1<'f« M V«t Adutbffl18*gaoIn serum baudcato, which ha tv Club ti fu anet darln tise wlnt.r1 tesiveabr fgktlg ta»k place W& sar gtiafactery -resulta. A -84ren I Dr. JSU5SSMM«le, t* tii cs us.daybetveesg»a 1rc &Wd910e -myreport estiamtos that for the. Isg offIcr, xpects te bu able. te ». bGeaaa. ElvegiOoem amoq'aao viiele Ferencisarmlytise average num. twe UUPOf4lfV 1"1ken oftVSctma *m .dresde» aby Ireaélavidm ber of typbotd 4ass habeen reduMe 'V"frOm msacUlY 'Uth@e ft» Ms ug ai eW t desrvyd optl te less tisa #lslrty. dosllug lutitis line of equlpemit. it *04 iS vm. tiQr - War 'Office affltdie ibee -SMR 4K B SUUMRNE8M Of AEDNApè> v amd à b Pst " tm i - I wom -ey Afo - b s êm bo W_ A~ ~ ~~~~r depae tcYLnd#caW A w.thfr0 *9edasas Tireve ilabteva- À"-u.I ovs, 4M0 »M sber u a tine sbiAofmii rnslagOc, 1 i 09.~ ~tprEo. W. e h as se- - g o h - ieth t tua agir.ewh Pr»"e la mmu.-mmIl »RUE IL 1AP W 1 tm osnsas th b tbec-w -onlm more - Tis ýa Uited talu FidAiMiIOavtt«Uble fW tbetul ao ospalen t nuyti14 * a luas n-toDustla la elidre beastto yabse in aol-r vei m cS ceai ussikl. Wbat -Fraan s eV st ai ho pracalhugbI8bP*64au a ga tuf la a deItaVeiet whb*bea&t. terepeet t f mousvedie cp*;i assaI»«J Wa", "tuw pos - deIInVave,»!Cei bpM beea ,ne. victoria au ed ýt. o-temd Uemut .U ,ùu COlonl aeC rot l # i !oer months of i e a t"a14 MMi laie Captain IR. e' P. Rail. ILO.8.E., hm vosth lItw ( for conspleuous gaflnb a n mddvtc te duty. Captain J. Hlslop, IMC., 'ao vas va- eently kiled l in u.waa as'amet 1. Hh51P, ef Canada, fomuirl e Tbut riGutht1e and T. B. Orlebto Bimij bave been appolute4 a*gents to thie poor by the Procuratora ef Rex- burghshim . IL'Fremante BSt, Roal Sotai reported killed, vas a cadet etftthe loply oftthe Marquis ofBute. Daid Anderson bas been opplunte siierS f Renfrew and Bute, la the- uce et A. O.-.M. Mucknze. Captain. J"aep atterson Lia, RILYC., -oibale, Dunties,h beau kwarded the. MiitarY Cross. -Captalu J. D). Clapbam, Royail Scots, a been awarded tii..Mdiur]MOeUtThe TirseQuéeas, c- T ii. Wltda.a 8 and promoted te, the tank of maWo.I second Liieutenant Arthur rond. hasbero etiondlnIDdespatches IGR IANS FALL MOON 1 The death took place recentlY ut I bis residence, Fotiierlnghain, et Dr. BAUI SUIGH'T Y U J. Anderson, b-à eil-kuova practitien- or i Stranraer.. Pire ut spîitg armùataing On Smafl PutI of Ànac Front After Liv burned the straw, cattie berna sud Pacen nlRdg. Rsut granaries, dolag damage l Il U te eitent ot 22,100. A despatch trom London may:-C. A d;Wpatc A RIed Cross gardon party siveu ut B. W. Beau, official correspondent wlth parently cou Otterburu. fleur jÃore1and, WU the. the AustraIan tropa, ttlegping f.tl'f means of reulizlng £140 for RIed from France, saye timt the Germans îtrioncusa Cross work- iretlred opposite a »l part o et ii. oonSud, The procceds of an open air con- Australtan front te the next spur of man wvarcwal cert and dauce given et Langholmi ln hli ground about 1,00 yards ba& Mirtiiwardb aid et soldiers' comtorta aznouuted te Tii.e German main position novli land, or te ti £316. I atride the ridge someviat south of Rip. George Wight of Ecclaw, and for iPassebendael., with oeelog dowu ai Brave, but the. pust threeyeurs a mlning engin- apur runulag vestwurd to'ward Peel- auperor gur cor in the Malay Peuinsula, liast-I capelle and the otier log <lova a Imigl nage, the Ric turned home te enliatin theéanal. spur mennins te the south-enat and Germa *m£ Major George Harold Bay, Royal e ndins lu a kuob Icuowa as Keibert;I the enemy Scots, vWho bas beeu awurded tii.,>lenee eurvlag south-es.ot*ver thé à tanding fum D.8O., is a cadetof ithesmÃŽIy et the lover elopea01eth* . suthemruon t Iii usani Marquis et Tweeddale. etftthe main rldge before Beceluer Ithe Gp~rma Work bas been resnrned Ia the Sil- and Giietuveit. battlatiiip S ver Grey and Globe Quarries, at ________iet>re'the I Creeteva, viiere vork had been sue- TEse DIE M ùbudly du pended for seme thui E DRA ISAS. the Russian Private John Oliver, R.A.M.C., vuusei bas been awurded the. Milftary Redut, CeSmiptlon rTuberculoslaCau B@eenm lu a son of 'Ur. and )m . Bbeit! Cam dBy SpecWalTrtutmft mt Neai Oliver, etf lawice. inluvlew et the tact that a thousà ad vere saved. Private John )lcLellan, Ttu Cam- soldiers have alr.ady ere bace viti erons. Miliheuse,_ la the fintithe - ay ouei reouer- district, te be thi Mlltary h1ubrçlouise It xDat. Modal foraurmury"piettect.14watk soare ae eAl fmor baeary £00tvasfelld tiidisoase.M A st fre ittsal hld y t, ua uy means a ltopsperled 0etmet-CR T dais aMd West Berwick Agorteltut* ment under tise strictest dlimifto. Socety and ozm 'ied yIAd« W&IlUt-- tMa a Mu umjj 'A concert given. in Frels maI for sauri mentbas la thé open air, Regs, realzedthé. saeto£8Mln a&Wj da pÃŽtly, &ab tal &Mgf nt et the Red Cross Soçîety. . ofe extemeu andi etins Captain Thouss . le aqelyson 0 t garOf tfoo. Wl ef 1. W. Rereus, ehAUirmn Ie.titlIugTo aui ltients uand pà rpoimouh PU"lshCouacl d > en vadd 1tasut eakot bi. taou t iiom*e__ Buprw»I& lathe comà we Ligà tçoL R.L Ç1hate MasI'Iters .BO,,ýChief Constable. fd(tIoueater.' MWe,~ beben kila ction.C016 1 Mme . npIhet of SrGouge he. , üieui. Beereta"y, have 'Sumer liii» crneté an end in cngland on September 17th-whe; a kê- edocks er. put buck,-or atopped xrauho0ur. -*'I Fild Marsal Lord- French and Âmut.-eeral Smuts weegueuts o! ho King and Queen ut Windsor dur- ig a week-end receutly.' A dlscbarged soldier, wus fined 110 ut a nortiieru Police Court for à klng two matches mnto a bigh ex- plosives factory.t Leon ]Bull, a Shoreditch, furrLer. waa bid £20 for offerlng a, policeman. 95 net te, report hlm as au *bsentee. Lord Buteand Lord Wharton have Llspoued of a large portion of their woodlmnd estatea ia Glamorgmnshire. SPrivats' David Weutacett, Glouces- teruhire, Regiment, and a noted foot- ball forward, hau been 'kfied in sc- Azaong the. applicarts-for the Po- sition ot organisi at Burton-obn-Tret Parish Church were flive blind musi- clam& Lady Jellicoe recentiy opened a feteat the, Gordon, Gardons, Graves- end, on behait etftthe Royal Merchant Seamea's iHospital. Lewis Missenbaum, an east end baker, wus fumA 5£W ut the.Thanie Police Court for seliug, breud Ileu than twelve houri old. The. Board of Trade bias awarded pleees of plate to two Spa"ls mas- tern ot vessels who -recued a ship- wrecked British crew. -By'a récent order -the7 Mlltry of- Munitions bas tuken possessioll eo- anilé inu l the, United Kiugdomi: ex- cept iu special cases. Hlop growers are requIred te malce a rotura for the pur"" etot-, idiome under whichIi i.Gvesei lntend te purcliase the. whele of the. An allotmeut holder at Sheffieid has pulled one roote.. otpe whîch contalned tvo-, bundred suad torty-six emaller >tatos..- Sidney ColIyerj oet ýwhur4tr-Sus- sex, busbeen appoIntedý manager à et the, Kelbani estate, Newark, by the British Sugar Beet Gre'wers Albert Hunt »-Wa s nteed te six months' hprlboument. - ut-a ý t&ondonm 1Police court for uulawfully wearing a disebassMgedsoldler's badge. : The, firit prise atan ailng Mitcký vas won by Georga mal,&a bllnd Lincoin nqws agent "Conirade efthe Wsr» l a a non AIR UA555Field Maniai AR ýIAMavardsot Beu Flen ,000 ilesCRURCI sin ~~*out ~ *"I AcIetCandehapid New ;ab bth -London iPaasln8 Showc -EIBiHUNS rely Battie Betweex à ti teruof teet&sl es-are .bottled P, lu 1with acordon a ft barrini' thefr egres eck inWto the. Gulf 01 Fin- ho south juto the Gult of t utelasaed iiy rea»nsiof -raftge and beavier ton- umdsi gave battle te tho. d attempted t. orce back atmada off Qesel isilnd. r 0i*tide the. aboli mo f ne however, the gens o! Dreadnoughits san e la-arelic of tii. days liusto4Japanese War-snd eageW Ot4er imita that fioilA " tercet to s.ek Koon Sound-ylnt bo- a!sland and the. Ilahonaa A? Il o1 the 81&Siav'.crew