BER 8r1917 Kîlis ail the Leal Eating IDSççcts witlu one, applica- tion'; No mnix'ng. Ready -for use dry. A f ertilizer as, welI as a poison. -Purs Parns Green - .E. WILLIS- Drogglst and Optlciafl f MEDICAL HALL Sreek St. WbitbY. Uajannel osai .iust Arrivsd ['rosent conditions seeun te mndi- est aset-areshortage of Cannet Ss weilI as other coals the coming, season. We are suggesling to oui- ,-- -old friends an d cugtomers that they order nov. Our Mli Creok f anne! we regard of exceptionaliy 'bigh quality-tbe best we know o.Aise car of the celcbrated LiIly amithing ceai received tii week. Soft coûl for ihreshing always in stock. Es Re SLOW9 Whiiby Bell phone D: Home phone M4 was r.cemtil .uk.4 te 611 positions :t 9 rom ta @100 per month andi ot4î.ruat tros 00to t,OIO ôpar annum. It pays te s Bulsi u L lucation if 7011 let tbe i t kiud .ucb K4 May 60 bad et *Il Um« ln b tiachont. Rlgbtt ov Io au ..oelleuit Mme ta commenUfce a Course. ()Or otlgo fros. ut en@.. Cor. Vouge a d W. J. ciIItt. Obulw am. I Principl. Faras Watei'la j if undred acras, near Kingeton Ë Rod, wantcd t less; alse potltry business equipusent-and dlock of pouitry wanted to purchaso. Buy or rent propel!ty. e' - WILL ,BEFU51ON OWNER$ KTA2ÇRB7T ~JNQUT ONARI? N -VîCANT PROPERTY Wm. "SrIith ýWiilirg to ,Withdraw.T. R. tI ses t.) Repair,Walk Over Bridge.,- That Wmu. SmIeh, bite sttttug rn- Coaservative party. ne batil gune en 'rwo requesta wre.made to Ille Town WhILby, forwarded -t» the Council aà ber. for South Gd o'- 4 t .bé1 oInion behig s301"1l the, Premier fOrmed bis Un Councli .on Mfoùday -evelqtng .fr a re- communication. from the Ptab Cm- bai of txesonproerY lchs ftiefth OnaoGvrmn. Goennnt, and ý'ÊOu-tna vat1V candi- ton Governrnn.H a eety~be atfracnleai re trn htteGvrment tiitwol dae nth idn, e lligtowIth- I4#Medan address and an appeai for eui> Tl equsva ca e fr aýomIDr W. Adamu esupiie t hm ornsae toe theD dfaw. if neceaaary. ln order tu brIiîg t rt tO the electors, He o 1w reaitzed ndM.J .Hd.pi fWibbLh t Itho G overen about a fusiof the parties ln the rld- Unit there waagetdifrne e. 1. d M tteC H ydte no <b equ Niedthe Mbuniia onîs lng, la understood f roui bis utterances tween being nominee of a politicat-party 110u Â" ta ' à rhe Terrs the %on ByronSL urn te Maunipal the dels t alt be meeting held lit Whitby music antd belng a isupporter of Union Gev. in«eT-ae-O.BruSgarne hsaSnso h eir hall last Saturday afternoon. terniment, He aaw that the-clectors of lia I>ntRvacant since Septetber. 1916. Who get the ffith. Pte. Janaway wisbed MNr. $milh dld not in straiglit words the iiding sbould have been torefuliy It la a ten-roomed bouse, terwhIch aize t.his done, se thut lie coniti get Sli for wîhdraw bits candidature. but gave consuited than they bail been. He env there Il ttle 4da*i&1ni »Id. Owluna the town. The matter was reterred to théâ tnir(-.,;son.tii lie shouid try to hide bi Onpei1tot thia proiongçd vacancj he--aked for the Finance Committee. Hal wod impr4 le wsion.r soalty hpere onidl-rebatseofthile 'txes -for'six. months Mr-. '%.E. Rice. representing the resi- Hiswodswew'1h1 ie ason snilwinlecaid'd the "e'#i of 1917. The Ceqiet, Wu ré.ecrred te dents on Brock street, norili of the C. vîncei l h shouid hide îs own person- 'for men and the need, for production. the Finance Ce iltea.. >, P.R. asked te have a street llght ai'ý when heîh ought er the needa of tWe liait pledged support te 9se boys Mr ye- muf«obaWnplctjsnrtoft mikasi the boys al the front. He thouglit IIl overseas, and we muât. keep outrd. M.Hd~ pmnCio aibe pae e ot fte:ak ua would be unwise tu nomînate a union r!i have corne to the conclusion that Et rend at the prevlg8 meing of Coun- preseni. that portion efth(le street- la caudidat.- ai the prpsent meefing. and would be univise to nominale a union cil, but owing tg 4the aWneue of -the very dark ai niglit. he oye a esltiiontbt area un cndiatelnther1dng o-ay. sasiChairman on Finance.trom town. Do Ceaiin-Whitxtey movati that a liglit ho convent rio m that a reai uon- McandSith. ie sac id iag o-d ywnid action bati bu Utken.,Ur. Hyde point-- be placet on the Si-st pole flotb efthe int sc cn ndidhtecild teh i-.smlib. Haea lie am itned -oit that the A.inali ýtara preperty C.P.R. ti-ekr» on frock street. Car- maeuh as calidat-. r Smthliberes onvtion. whed at theadaitnon Dundas Street. now cowned by hlm, ied. The meeting wscleib M- 1t brl ovnin hchh e..dhad breauvasant eai- ine le pur- Mi-. Mark Jenningn aise winlied a for the purpose of selecting a union sanit lewa prepareti te stand by utI. asd1L He pald $3000 *pr It and II: la street lilghLnear bis residence on Pine candidate, but of the 1.51) pr'senit only He tOok iwbis stand iliat l could net bt' hsssaadfo$30. ,tre.Teetnetre gltirn avery f« were Liberala. IIt was, Uiere- î si-ti that lieliad net put forth every- te.TerIsnsre lg iîg fore. net a meeting ut which a union 1lefftotthat the riding shtouldi do n o Th e ianet tC ememnl t Ii reportangeimaponts, but il ade teo ut a candidate coulti havé been chostn. The 1part ln winnlng the îwar. o eA reques s atnexH.t Meng. arneensm0i e aet u Liberals as a body lgnored the' cait.1 He then mnoveti, secondeti by F. IIew- - 'tlua rinJ . rnfer a ordinarylieuse light at the point andi qulte naturaily. lard Annes. the folwing resohituon: cenise fortwo blIltard ais pool tables requested. The mater wiii be taken ho- if, tustred etf pubishing an atidress -fRx-solved iliat tiis meeting entiera for the Royal Hotel vau aie handi fore the Public Utility Commission. to the pictors, Mr. Smith hadt pubhieli. the principles of. Union Governmient. over te the Commnttee gn -Finance, ioci_______ eti his reaignatlew of the Conserva.tîve and heartiy congratulate the Primele rporte.] upon at next meeting. nomination. lu order that a fusion car* .Miister oii havln .g aucceedeti in toirn- Win. «ýewport broueit lte ttaen- Rcv. Normnr McClillivray tildate migbt ho choaen. the parties Ing such a Governmtîct representative tien et the Councit a ciarteal errer ltait Speaks on the War. couiti then have befn brouglit togetîter. et the determination of oui- ceuntry te had occurredi n the ftthItng out ot bis Mr. Smuth and ilts t rientissaw ei do lts ttnosi bln hs var. Anti aqsemesmnt sheet.. His 1l91fiassesmrnnt sîo.i vr is<i rsu a mistakë. and Iriet Iotereeilfy il ý Tbey è'o , htl rdrt sur i a mte$20 nte~eet 5sen1te ad the conditions attendant ibereon Inviteti John M. Godfrey andi Benjamin election fruits hie constituency of a hlm. but the figures. in e rotl vere becu placed 5se vividly befort Whhtby Aplb.orp Gonld. ftwo Win.the-Wat- .a- Clddti ospotti UinGv 10,at nltaI a ï wui vs e eple as on Firiday evening Ls wben gue meu. te the .meeting. 'rbese men ern ment. lte chai-man ho antliorized .quiroti te pay t&xen. Thée assesameutt<ho music hall vas woit flledtie<o ear camçtt Und consutteti al lengili witiî Mr. f> appoinît a commîtteae of fi Io co -or1917 w» madie U00 1 'nt Mr-. N' Ret-. Norman McGtllvray, et St. Thom- Sintthanti ie paty tedersfer witlî rtpresentatives et (ho Lilierai port tiid net recelve au *erctsi aantvenne bty ti th wVhen tIme for openîng te meeting Party andi others. and te arrange for a at ail. 'Éhie asssamoat la on lte liv- wax, experiences. cam. M. F L Maon.Wadenof heUnion convention cf al vho approvelet stabiles et Ja. Ileti ,d& Sons. Te reproduce what lha sailn ande- ('ountty, wî.asatppointeti chaîrman- Mr.<he riilso no oe mn e1whicli. saisd Mr. Neopet, Ëha vouiti oeiquate manner ta ImpossIble lu any tun. eiect a candidate wtîo shlal be worthy tor- $11(». Re ,a8ked th# Cbuncil te ai-litedi space. Mi-. McGillivry vas oe-n Maso ùid thls as nt' int lu of th<le inli'1 support of oui- citizeus! 10w hlm the $1200 awwueaelt fer bhili s nl France as Cliapiain at a clear- lit-es when vo should slnk petitical at- 'adtte etidoraa'ment of lte Prime IMin-* years, as owing te the érror lUi badlâg station near the front line trench. Hliton.le tht-n cîýltd tpon Mr.' Ister as the Govemuent adat oi beau lu a positioù te a&PMa iesc for a long lime, tîntil thic utrain W-' Gouiti anti Mr. Gedfrey. boîli or whotn And. higlici-assesssnent. camese g-eat (liat ieisheailà itgave spoke ai lengîli. cblefiy upon generat i *,aoîlve.] that titis meeting herebyl The roquest wua granteti, as tho way. and ho vas toi-ced l etnem- phases of the war sttutltoi. and urgeti piedges ttseit te tlie support efth<le eau- tacts vere qulte plainly -)n Mn. Now- home. that a condiltle ho nt nominated te ddaî nominate.] ai sucti Union con- port'a fat-or. > h elu iî tbswr ae da>-. but tuaI the electoi-s do vhat Sir ventIen-'M-.Wlne rogtbeee T h'couse reotaencofois vorkina-o Robert Borden had laskvd ihem te do-'M.Winyb'tgt'bfr h ore rdmnne owriga a fra nIo covenionte om' Thtis motion vas carried unanizu- Councili(ho tact that the d~t Truuk motig the woludeti as lie dîi. ho had înt no candidate, 5.0 that îî t ousty. Raiivay hati atviaed the4'T wn ie- ample epportunity tu see the grave as- tant ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h besii<itayn st< adcomit tpeenaine.]were:-F.LtaItbey did! net consld i heivee poct ot war. But hie atidresa as dateof he onsryaive orof the Lib Masen. Dr. Kaiser, Dr. Johît Moore. 1! hable te repair the sitievSI4 *aPPrOach- brîghteneti aven haeo hy the tales et drae etMte Cosur-ynlîanes (fi- Peter Christie, Fred Richardson and,- ug <lie Br*& stureet brldg *er the the wondetfui fortituda and courage chapiti f he nin Gt-i-finulBaiton Motheri-ll. G- T. R. Mn. Whitney pointeti ouitlitaIt ofite mon under the Most palaftl chamiono sate iUin. GOdtrey- Dr. Kaiser, ln a short speech. PDi- thliaw requirea thecomplny te ma-ko vounda. And yot lte sainietOfthe lesee pdaOihttaw t e rmir o- dthe vork doue by John M. Godfrey1 the 1111 ai ev"hsidaet1thi* rosi ou tha catit-e situation couiti net but bhatmant- d.-n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~i wh aiptec uig n ~- ubringing about a feeling ot union ha- app,-oaches levai vitit te aidewalk. test, andi crec e ieao-,bcze sistence enengli (o kaep on tha Job uin- tween <ha parties lu tie Provine. that tala lad net been doue and't heu-e- et tac ibousanda otf due Yeirag lt-eâ Ill hh-la.] suce fled.l n tormIng a un- Thora vere two parties tia Canada - 1for-t he ceutpa-ny bhil net fifilthie ttc ltai-c bcinlaid uponlte- allai- Of Fusaonials anti Coufueionista. Htfvas reqtîircments demanfd.. He titerettre aurifie for the Motiterland andit he on.Gouiti mesad t-s.lDont a Confualan-Int Ha axpiatnoti that1 moved. aenedat by M- Godtallew:- Empîm- t-u<h that unieleas a In the var neili- le had btéén trying-.10 reae t lie Liber-1 "That wvisualt e MwUIks £p- -The spekot poifliedti et, bo'eYr, lng clsp' maltera. $Re sa-id the front ai ExecotiCe et the iding te brtag a-1 proachin; the flu-ckti treet bridge on that the metn thmselvesa awnrs sme the lina of def-nc iU-Canada is lte trêe port fr, 1 ,jomets.N rmst ol'i.~~~t bi t dW' as ln Fi-ance, We bava mai gel90tte au- RqM'lot âW ui y lic T o »te c-ta h" s *ltt& Port ouf boys ai thc front with aM OI ~~bUbib .TL1 ClW5I a-l iedtt ac tsi ie~t ara strength. Those vite believo in union Mr-. . frey. oet Port Pot-iy, . -bltl P t psat 0a t-@I ,1ded o iyaen att r e te iat shotiti ly asde ihse tîngaual l i, vas pleuacti lth lte utteormCSma-aiig a l ac t vthe i t ltè-rom. .andi auffering. vtded them n thie pasi. Mr. Goulidiie n Snli asit ema o A.nd wiervastecoPauy nov de- Titat tiche le tCndadIo li ws mpe5edbya eculcoteetceeverytblug wv au-nte forward th leroai tes v yis.really knov thora la a van in preaTesa vîI lePremier tint Borden WasBcause et Union aaj it ieTvu'letrb.l-waosetM- clllrysna neplt<ler Coniseri-ve ltor LUN-ral to-day, gilait te kuiov tnt thora as a genuine atructe bt ui>iy te eoMPsnY'ta prop- manI,&a. ie opeteiCOSlua3ngIa-d ai but Cafiatils:n. Hia be-art vas set upen Ititei-tSt lutthe men at lIta Iront. I Candatnastrtg itte lier fuli-e- Chairmtan Mason saiti, *ThisIo aa- rI al - it ak o-e a. comleet liete e'a-tmt l Ant eatn plcO eitensibiliY. ime etfsacrifce. Wllthla thc ue tteltlte Rli ltae-te ros..andi t ai .teae 0Wltei-e slrlas l iIe A5l ite méeula- u-itisacif in es ut be m iade l , eettet the fallurfthe e t tompanu- te ance anirelativevaste Otf t*iUfts riin f nintut b bOgh aot.ido sm, thc Town Cotuncil wvIii rooe.d'I0 Cana, vspwrtcarWly iotcs Wheu Mi-. WM. su tMa aie] a lre. E. E. Star-,vie aslie onlîmakp kils 1111 an.] le charge the" col ha bi compressai t aies tw minutes al ho voman pt-ieent, antiWhvite 9114ait ofu sa-me te i !Grnd Tu-natRalliae-y The audIente VU-s elu 11%vra-ptat- ha.] tesBa-y. lie sa-I4lha lust recentiY S<-at Oultae PlattOnm.. PIeudM.] h. sup-'tetondds h rorflo th i-alzte h la-Iaten Qctobcn 7th la-t ha port et the vomen ot Canada- eu l CeîPn. enUnild tnrng (h.prmouuosa o ie was ne longer memý>an for hie idtug. Geverutuent. Ratier a large f pn- I . ato et i iitheSpn oe h thIe bant i-eaytproeuouueci h lete Ho ndmade terteeseamistakes alblity ton eue veMan lta-ha. stioutgtegl t cm a-n lite bee hevr s tr t ht lu procodn tTe earsageho a.] Tite meeting adJournedotiWttciteff G. T. &. la qulle plaillhbefr(.b, in roedue. woyeas ao bi-ki. anad la alîpw iusnaual reiu*t A pi-ogu- ot.muste co w - it tt b*eun matie Ithe standard belaier et thte for titi King and i Sr Robant Bau-dan. anas te de vitlta requir-aitof It bira-an5 tIS8 ~ i la-. - OsSumd" ,e.v. Ur> , MUlvray, Pte J-n- oryetthe Mlta- osi roaciite-lungo adiesa-u tot ABOUT Tiff RUBBE'F.R INDUSTRY bi v a-sWo op'«eeta nà it arita -la ertts ~irv ha- John Fisher & Co. gru en fInsrstmtt ae b h Lsseuden Buildinsj mutai oi theI street1 lu regard in the- pro s0Amd Eua st$ îo<> osetLablishigfl afn ttdtitry bere - - uîand ieclaimiig Ce.. Limîtati. et To- i-ente. Probably t111 e ldue tthfe ltc lb. In it Caada lmro~me t h<lai te vitle piWopaillti tas bau-n Ie- Laed C.,g ilidfoe'-the Councit but fer a short UIaie-. *i LIUu~5uiandti hat there lbas be-eq more lui-iy - Whl.tby * Ontarplo It coflttc-t.Ion vIll the dnavilîg up ef the' acretett lia-n 10ugusitu la -1 V090 SaiIs Peieus Kaltet Mînage.], Ilati-casea. Thîs lbas bat-nbc--t.'he ',*MClIShO& , 6kt. LesuusArrange, eempa-uydtiiaras' b lave îleéity-tav - flopettles beulap sud 1oi14. - voue.] on uasoee s possible. lI ntirer aU~lmoQl7 Mlit Office, ltrock St. (o iiov itant. if il la passe.].to e g O- In5[S. - md. 'Viîoiia 70. <hrIn bulildting utier va>, andthea plant ___________________________reati>,for eperalleus a&nly lti 1914. 1%ThoImipertaticeet uiblasutatien te thea tenunee.] hva r a #. a tvtact" la E>, lite biut terni ma-y teetfassitace lau plat lauuu Fai Sdimg C.0 Ohwa ng -the âtu*tioti laoree du-t>,etore rTe )tutted itutber anîtCUi We usit. ss Ofcl le An.] sailiîng. anti Reclalmtnu COL Utîuill.& Uba-tees ~~~~4# ~ ~ ~ ~ b moa paevhius o-gc ne tu bualuem Pilue194 lusn thc cil> of mails. l" Oie odSt. Wes ô"*&a s.Toi-oute. ils bas.] offig *ltaU4%5 ong Plisse Sf1. - tre«l . dh tbs brancb sale. e0ffle l afites_"d BJ ttOlt T"W PftsI q-xci-pt acbeol antidloal tprovemont. for tn nyears. P-oc ater anti olectrie lîgbt for flva yea, FIxed assesanint 'ot $10.600 for ton years, T$vwn vWitnet ezienti scwer systeus mgre ia-> ~ fi-et tun ree a-Id compasu. I7. Cuippaasy te rep" s>, bn th MYlu 'pet- ccit. iiarcut là » equal annual, itîtuWIiin Iuctt tg mccl déetenturés ant i ltet eu ouw» as titey viii tait due, IL comma-y te gsi"towui a AfiI orti 9.m La-u ait ta- couiany ,atuer, bIlduIp scous c'd M&_ std *ttiity: &adt oqulpomqilusaliledt ai ova U*> beaod slt,.] te ues t fa-cbtoue s ttl*l te , th ies. a-menais-t e cu- su«" Pm-fttow o".l lé. Tevaî , -tsut b-la-vta lte j etctor, Tib* date et fvluh» aslies A"d. for NovMemboA. IlI. TbeUs.e-sas lte oai1 M Witht% l ova 1IoeSeer O= of hy4sw aboutit ttaey otll-PmsdFi0 it bulwi tas lihlt w» 051tmibo pBu*d- et »M'Iis lu et f l a thu* *wessa* i.b î*tav 1 ldi UvII .b hsemmpae.4 r.~ :1 F QUAI ITV and.> SERVIeB A*.TraL- iwler Phones.:-BeII,. IT; ilndependent, 47, Tho ONTA for shÃŽoes that are stylish an i dur-able qualities, yet are not b. met with. in our etroxug fea IdMeu, Woweu Girp Se. Our lUne of f4er Men and Boys. Ltthe same time 1 os OSS ýexpensive in price, can ure limes -for, Doay" Work Btiots..for at yeu ' lc wth fthe be ust aare-ma Lt lb. Leowet -PÃ"ssibIe Prim-es. Phoo 51,~kSt. outt -i The Çlà ro,'e WI411BY j -l j t' -1