Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 Nov 1917, p. 1

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s 55-No 20 ndq S1 col w' IÇills ail the Lealf Eatingy -Imsects wîth one appica- tion-. No mixing. Ready for use dry. A fertilizer Sas well; as a poison. Pare Paris groin i n Y4 lb., ¼2lb. 1 1lb. pkgs. r J. E. WILLIS Drogglst end Opticlan -.MEDICAL HALL SBr'.k St. * Wbltby. GERMAI $LAVERY OfVICTOIYLOAN BOD§ -Your ruo. -y t-ilUl ot sa'.e you whPn the tee is ut the door. Il-will be too late t!te«ý. z2. It was ln Blgtum, ua.d Beigium I i ou a desert waste. "*Fer yôur baby's sake,** your little '-' coolog htiby. lyling ln its cradie. your happy, brigtit ey.'d girls and boys grow- .ing up, wirat chazce bay., they ln the future. if 'vie LOST THIS WAR? Buy a VICTORV BOND. E. R. BLOW, Whilby Bell phone 9. Home phone 1L. w« feesoIui-saked b. RU pWociUat 4 treu 1,01> glAo f pe u aasag It paye to a Bush.,, Edecaties f ou gel the fl michsd mch ese mai- b. bad ut 0oehttme te commence s cour"e. Un1rosstieneif ret. a309one. 00i-, Vogeotad Okadas Bts- 1 W. J. mst FarâesWih Handred acras, near Kingston Rad, wanted tolease; aloo poultry buisinèes equipmont, and flock of poultry wantred to purchalio. Buy1 orsvent. property. Jobhn Fsher & C. Laid Ce,, Limita Rote-fOo1eçt9dt Flot ;Lo«nas Amrnid, Ver serm 4yUesd McBokSc. FI of 111Ailous Wanted By the W. n-s1ce a speclal:y -of land seiflng. List rrplace wlti tit for good m. toit&. OLPace 8 Bond Et West, O*hAjra. Il. WHITDYjONTARiO# CA] SOUTIl ONTMUOQ REJECT PROf W. E. N. Sinclaitrîlï» -At the lat-geat LUberal mass meeting beld In %Whllby ln receat ycaz's tue Liherals et Seulh Ontaio ieflnitei.y de- chai-ai against lJilon Gevernaicat on Tuesia>' afiernoon. &sud 'ofteied the LIiberal candidature to W. ZE. N.Sin-: clair, of Ositava.-as, a supporter of lte polcy and maunioof et r Wîlfrii Laurier. Over lb ree huaired personaw-et-c present, andi aI certainJacturea lie proceedings assumai a lively bue w-len there w-ci-o oots, jeers, questions and interruptionîs Ilirevu aIspeakers Thon- w-as not byeasy meus a unsu- lmity et opinion agait union, for there w-aï a mlnerity atrongly luitavrt of holding a Convention viti the Con-1 servarîves vitb a vlew te selecting a Union candidate w-be might ho accept- able te boili parties. Col. J. F. Grierson. li Vice-Pi-cal- dent of the Association, bob the chair ln the absenet' of tb. Prpsident, W. A. Dryden, w-ela ia the Canadian Wesi. CoL Griez-son, erplaIned tlaI bbe meet- ing w-as calied ferrmthe put-pe os-e hear- ing andiconsidering mthe report of tbe cemmitice-of six Liberais w-be met the ConservatIvc coanutte. te diseuse plans for a union Convention. G. D, Contant. of Oshawa, secu'etam-y of the Association. presealci the re- port. Hq sait! the LUberal comîtrue liai mét Uieir ConservatIve fu-lenda iln Oahaw-a laritFt-Iday,,ani aI the outset bai- stalci le Ihein tint thery vere et opinion (bat ne candidatc v@uii lie selected as a Union candidate accept- abi. te hoth -parties unlessalattmen 0f both pariles w-ho -haie previoualy been prominetît in- poliiUs versetimInated. This brought thle Matir te an issue and the Conservatives statei Iliat the>' were net proeaw-t w-lUi authorit>' to discuss a pot.aible candidate,but merci> te arrive arltt-mseu w-Iha union conivention could beb. el. The LUberna therefore eptered lmb a discussion of sucli termes, vhicb verp Ouxed tn brief as folioss.and w-hIel wt-ie recomnzendei on ichaIt oeth(le conîwittee bLN-âr. Consul sa being tair and reasonabieletrme for tbc Liberal Convention to kecept. Union Convention t0 b. heud lu Whlt. b>' on Saturwlay. Nevember 17. Six delAgates te neprese-nt each poil- ing sub-ivision lu tlie rnlng. tht-e f rom ecdiparty. If a full reprcsenbation la not pros- eut on eue aide, Lie'otlier aide te drop sulicint deleguies te maire lie mepre- seutation oven.- A chairuma t0 b. eleete by the con- vention, >ut net le bave a yole. Addressea te 6e limItai te 5 minutes., Six *cru liut<rs uni saced*uttal coM- mniLIe to _b. sapcimu0 rcdivng helowest 'uiitr ot votes te 6e elmmiatd: exeept viiere1 tere are only 1w-o ames, tu vbieb case one muet receive 60 per ceai. of tie vote& cast. Col. Grierson theh asked the meci- ing w-bat w-oude don. w-th the re- port. lmnîediately there w-ert-crics of *Tlirow lU eut, throw- It eut!" Mr. W. J. Davtj, of Oshava. movei tbnt the commite.ereecve the tilisk ef te meeing sud 6e dtaebrged. . amnuel Ffrmer, of Port Perry>, uu-ged thet Il would only tue ei-taons 10 re- ceive the report, atI loat, Thias'wouia net uocesarily 'mean lisiadoption. ~jo gel sometIing doing. Ur. Contint mgiTed (bat the report be rcccivcd. He wa s econdod by <Jet. A. Rosa, et Whii' O>'; and the' motion crarritd. Then Mr. Danlel Hoiida>. ot Brookt- lia, rosle te bis feet sud la a vllra soned speech gave hls resens for ftLvotiagUnIon Gevermenî ieHPho- Ileved h te- be tie lest mesux et uniit-. LIBERALS 52 -NeklE BeLurier Canddate Of E1~dI 6 V e , Ca A ertmemt_ <1yatank4Wiiiy toitT 2àle (<Mia ~father statd h.Wold hv eglivel *111 n«Otfailiti regret lt," biOfeN Ss. ctujr a-.. .J. o p arMIng If J o" sn vau t*kent Doway->w4tb C.A. Oodfllei aaThé. Tîibunal retnad. x6imetion. ~"&~I ~ ~ MmmlIcu E e= W uonl Se1w on,-Th i Wcthlt u e ufg isa.mi, afor Mdi lave the. rtgbt to deelde for «a%. day morng bt Wuhm w«k, ýhQldhj ai- X1 n.leas' aelca h delaed. "lmly thuaetu the G~rand ury Bom t u, th~e Ysao. and le.a CI ipple for lire. He we do not favor Union Ooveumanî C>Wn tlouse.. ' - v «as sd exemiPtion.1 odur not 1rand un am wlpâtrtotlc or as For the ay onijr tan No. eZ. PR07Frankla lick, fermera kusalaa. i u flot a faytesfvUion ayiovmialloued f rharn, son. Wbftby. This young um. agcd 20.1 Government, beea»..ise1doeflot ieleve the empeceion bewtng{ja Z4 oai medlcally examinci sud placed in what we have no* 'a aUnion- Govera- biisme a nd tkere utgib. y 0egr A.lia ahe ppammfo ment." c eaa apeI fru xMtn . TheBISfather ea d o r 1ha H. WfltOR o Citiisêa P1ti5iiemption, that L% application -iliret.,tcf the boy vas tnt phyalculy strmug, and the appointmnent of Conaervatl'ves to theibunalfrtose *ho l"dinot t i. <ou l tmlithe. *train 0f bard th. Senate and 1telthe Beach. «d up a form at tbe iqat orne. vorti and that ho liad been a sufferer "Wbat wp vant la a wln-tbe.uar can- The Tibunal i t"rM 10 WIèka:ftom rheumatlam for ye..rs. The tath- dldate in the. Liberal tnterests. one who m I 12 or 12.39, sudfreinItt, 5 or ftmis 20 acres of land. lie hatwa Wli sandfo eualriht f«âj 1P.m.. sud for, té fin thl.< <.;setheicsecond son being placci by for one am-not n tb avor of meeting whie the wcrk wvu nev, lb. e* w-rnTm theedical boardi in çategory B.aThMc the Conservatives ln a Union Conreb-prtyviocpi. t-io-*' rety Wel ocupi1. rîiïin a gantd eeMption on the Mr. Daniel Hoilday agamn gave bla Beisuîg ih ona boe r,25grouemi cet zhyalcal hiitrmuty. reasons for supporting Union. -W e werealed ve*<sy.nmmtuee No. 8 aes 5,HroOumlTsto m an. are living ln a troublesome lime. Bor- . a bt bee the. ton c"" = b.160sbas threc brotersast Uic front iit den made an attempt t10 foia a Union dy.1'- - fihe CanaiIan.nia Parentsa are h Goyernment mentis ago. but Laurier Th de si c f the Witby ýib Mdé nsd dumb. The aon helpa toutgrm n'fuse-d 10 go ta because lie w-as op. ollowed qulié slrlctly te ktioi- et the 30 s es n tahe employ cor'tbos. posed tu conscription. Are vo going 1 tu u 6 ltrret -eiitin Lau.LS. No. 1. Brookula, vhomaie fail our beys ai thie front? Have yon Actru. eaunterring ghtti ti. apiainfreepin Ti fully conaidered w-bat jeu are going te Itd tethe, Ti~bnll icdaanuaigranted exemption becauge of de about sending tiieni rpinfereemens case. They are -UPPOsci ýtoI e ier t14o titre btoâ~ei at the froul. If you elct a Laurier candidate. As kiweg flclSdd»m h for m. ,if 1 live ttii Plection day. 1 shail cd of cal ut onailaticas nd (ho ... SiAT'a LuT. vote against Laurtcrism and frU ionIn considerlag the évidencebroUght mBk~Wltbyx. Tus mti apar-l Mrd wnln of 11li t Pear.'fOw-i-e d tg peros ansd cîtmaed that, beln Mr Frier 0 PrtPe-tywantcd A claimant of ezcaptoa might iiitute, onlymou et a wldowed ulpther ag the meeting tu go slow. He suUtt er or w-ii aleter lu tho Tribual. ut- oeleaot e eiakdtl holding lte Union Convention, thon if i frt ii osnsfrthoam t.geice. Abouisnt e 2 yars, vb fair play wero not obtaint-d, a Libeni iho iight &bpeaM orSe té- tii 1ii* aaPiril t 26 ie aa- canidate couid sttili e Put in tb. la person. or -be ftaiht bot.h Iltt ti ilan Expr#-ess Co., làataihome. The Iil.ràosl rtn n perl.pr M.IeL M.rHib.o Mnhse. osonsin ite&tiag sd j son wu aIf thhoupe ta whieh he lives Mr. L M Holby.et Muchster ca aoa Qut. afewid tt.;I -nbhe inother adsudaier. Ezemp- ef the committe who met th* Cou- fDy far tbru greater numbero e daims tion w-as reed.1 sèrvatives. favormeteting Ina Uionw-ei-.bas" u pea lie râson a i hf 1ee 1No. 12. Blkt John, farta laborer Convt-aettolet bo ares iaeu-vielf o e lte t. t0 nation 'launi Uireeber. Columbus. Exemption didi. ccetabe 1 boit artes- heur pi-usent enpioymsnt than ther w as ssked for because of-his aged tati- There ver. caltisfor pultng the mo- 1w-cuIdb. te amy. -Set a- frw aisoetadmte.vo hhaltsu' tion. but prier te doingso. Chaiman 1put foi-an thp . clat 'zet z4iocticrt. ndmTuerilitai-y eehnatite sha Gereon s 0lealwdt a irssi fîeyvr ie.uisi.other Information. sud maie the apil- fcw- ords.advauced Onaucia W cmto" t h-* eU t ~ knovîcige 'liaItii. father en- Ai lte starl ho deciared hiviseif la gruud of applICatIon.' .4 enOugh te support thc motter. Ex. avor of the motion to hoid a Union fThe responslbility -levolvinxag Oleuptioa refusai. Convention,.lHe thotiglt Ibis a time b, lie Tribunal vas of - vcry serio-Ns . AI 4 lt . Pi-eurankRosa- sin k ptIt Y Polities and le get together character. and lte m£cLbsuft otu! -cltamrssnWlly Tea with the other paru te vin Uic var. the vetghl of h. 'elrme-tu Wib.ý h a Unîited, beîter w-ork oan 6e donc. COL.' An effort vas made to renier ileels- t. ii, tue onapeuac.Te auther Griot-son pointai ontt balt inspiteof t ons cf a uulform diaaater; ,butibiasonA la the main w«skler on the tiat differenees et opinion Sir Wîlfrtd Laur-jw-as not easy. Doubtiebe s»rae W-ho wtt .brdis.Te ol 4 1er stl11 speals w-cil of Carvell. ficLea I ere retnjpi exemption' wi-l po nt crÏ., hich hon iihe r w-na0su aud other Uherula w-ho have gone lt-soin. othèea's-o sM dxeuuptiou und, ,@q ta teed They keep 20 unill cova, Io the Union Goveu-nment. complain liai thety bad )Msuas gogo i~pcostt i.ciy anv0 "Li yo tlukReeilunptrotir 'OUidsfo SU*05.& sla mi- aUs féatitcra condition. exeuspîluan' vs asited the speaker,' "A short Une able,8II hovever. ~'sivd you lauied imtaas tie grateot sud iTiioe»applleatsU hOt bad 'brothèrà ?o. 14. Hammam, Albet, &un Moset uprtghî and honestlÀuleraltut wk-o rluatartIZ e uni ted e 5w-eI ,i"-Tba yeuur- a; nupuai uap a, Canada. Nov home ue h bas donc t b. frtit, btr elorSwe the -TwlmrÀl.- w-bal h. bellcres a l h-ba ne.uA4~If.ai ftê2U._ 0ftb Mail on Tt, No.,- - 1F On th. vote, being talio4 cn aJe Servi* t,. upte the bleur cAet * fty vas oveurvbelmingly talsithe" u 0P&IU34w Pst' fuxcUptIotiT* tmiimt ad bm î motion. n tid t*tbgrWbitby-Pesi O111c«-,tuThei ieip on&ttiaftm Mi-. G. 1). Conaut hereupon ammai. u rotsf« or ts number.atmixe he i ,'ok 1< aîoghr, R. b sateilrq umt-gon tie foîîowlnt reMoîtut: w do»M. f bemvuon. eXemted.flo -Reiolved that IbIs u« aetAs W ý «'eI1 ïtn4t< liis.h*eTribunal de- Lîberats hrh xrse t-edm .re ore. -ï.~bgat pia tien or lhé Union C Germmoaî; and ictVor M gmNs. 1d> o an ez~ oapuier u lis determinsîlon to aUPPor -1 Ï dl C. S. IAlin. N« 1#. P li, ru.bêcbyl sud 'b daste Pledged le the. support t ftue Un- <'Cb & - fabe.rareworking a. Wat ion GoverameuL" - RESUMM ()F-le'E& asud" . btter lla lF ranc& Ulon lu suppomting is Motion he made TfltwoxIPAs uit-. Ibis -rbna i ieTribui~ a nîci ex e olle of bhe ableet adiress W t1h.ee«.- 1, i.wn, ret eytameepIOl Ing. Drohîîn. Te7: pl,; aperc .-u Stilder.Will5iam X&MV "'tai a Liberal through anti trcugh. fore thé Trnibuuti abis ovablui. um * ooMhiua. 2This, bey b And alw-sys bave betu.I siganifor lte e aiithth. s»d bis faihor wmt-O boMesla Pranoee, ami bs a w-W Prlaeipl!vïeOfLlberîlism.un.mm ia taaoe ' arotci ace. he.~w-4ed ier and >mup rt « for a&U, lhe fredom Msd de$moe-sy cf slt#ri, spd,9.12 su'.d 14 are ai bue. l t aer t home. 'Ibo Tribual iii. people.,làlilberty «0f cmiii at--os *« oxe aýptoa t~ he si-oud SIauft eispllc. lbmit Quatl5M- troua the lyrmuny et lue larser. Tufs tinal aocessity ibsu tice ouis upoleasing liuarttwubrotiim ea re var lit belngfougtiOut on the pria'n- UtIne le v e u t. fta=m, The Yr CiPles eofLibersilbm taainsoppros sJ dS lo-exmUu, N,. a04w-ad map 'Nix, bsk1 sien o±it-s. cauuczm-r lriWhl*y. Th.s an U elfa. 'I &grl* w-lt&Illte& pointso, et tthe rd us mataco w*ts~'» P ' T15104 mni manifste o Lauier eeept ii. lans. ~ .~.atcd sud mtc -th 2i -, ia tà11 saé -al e i ouitei QUA7L ~w & SON, P~iblishers __________________________ n LJTY aýid SER.~ vIeB A.TE.L The%~ WHI Phones s-Bell, 4'~ vawierý ýrocer [TBYè PeeI' -Setore .1 The -loNsUT for shoes, that are stylish i durable qua1ities y-etÀare b. met wit.h in? our -strong SescOr lines of Men aud Boysk Your CbuIdÊéïn. d tbe saue time osesa, ot ik e lev -ftprice, caa featre nesfor* ârwig Gïies ~and*I- ats m'y ay" ork ootsfor are i. and suppw¶*iag itheUnilon Prisa- cipi-, for ih la W UnIon Geremmamt w-e have now .(Cieset ?fe' lt o!-) it- c05111tP futýth*an nsothuar mtab*t. to-day te s>'L tai iitare sotanot cia> afleglane.. fiom» sic 1Wlfr.d Laurier oen ibis't slualquesoosy il-, iovIrea-et ot"teaush&.boy as. auon - 4 by 'r, il

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