Bond@, - - -i 1 a -i-j4-.- Go whe e u wIll Iteo$My store', b.1g ou' ama14e' beu'the- sanistou'prics g i p, catit get iMIS our thatt gettlngwiýors veyda thewou'st i yttog me.Dolng, tiIs13 da imsae you Winl, aie opuGbiegod at le»ata HLSL RCS eoah heavy aln, !t teao lc hnplehaesodU avne ethat noiw nuanÙfa uruer' prIces are tuaglîer than w un sk WVhite «.Flannelette, best.quality. uoý dressirig, reg. 15c. Sale Prie. ', 1lc - -5i5lanneetto .linkets, 1V11e3 or grey,' lest qulit1 -04 $1.65 Not more than two pairs to a custoier. Boy's Uzitderwectir, Ieavy -winter weîghti to fit agos 7 to 14, regular 55e to 76c, sizes 24,3Uc; 26to.28, 49c; 30 to3159c' Buy early before sizes are broketi. Men'si Ileavy ltibb Woot Underwear, al sizes, regular $1,50 per'garment. Sale Price $1.-29- èk, brown, navy aitid mauve under- $skirts, Made of good quality sateen, anti meriue, reguIai- $1,50 to $2.00. Sale Ptice 98C Lade collars, -maIny do'iuty styles, lace timmed, om randie -or georgette, rolliug collais, jabots, gilk pbpliu. Alil 01e price, during Sale 49c M!én's white sîlk-liandL-erchiefs,- ful siewith vido or narow -hem, reg. 75c and $1.00. Sale Price 49c Me1n's colo0red print shirts, laundered cUf1à ', fast colore, sizes 14 to 17, regular value S$1.00. Sale Price 69c Jsp mats, al sizea at reduced prices;- 35e size for g3c, $1.50 size for 98c, $3.75 size foi $2.98 10 doz. men's tnlined capsl, new fall styles laie in' coming, -$1.26 and $1.150. ' regular valsue, Sale Pricë 98ce 5dozen Blouses, white and Colored voiles, new stock, regular-,value $1_50 to$250 Sale ý,Price 98C Plush, tapestry and union rugs at-less- -than wlsole8ale p1r1ces in - choico patterns and colorings of tan, green and blue, suitable for parlors, <in- ing rooms, iu the following- sizes- :3x3 yds., reg. $40.00 for $33.50, 3 x 34, reg. 45.00 for 37.50, 3 x 4, reg. .50.00 for 42.00, 3x3 union ru gs, reg- 7.UO for 5.90, 3x31 union, reg. 9.()0 for 7.90, 3x3 tispestry, reg. 12.00 for Q.90, ffl tapestry, reg. 13.50 for 10.90, 3x4 tapestry, reg. 18.50 S$14.90 See our stock of ruge. Men's and lioy's ready-to-wear suits and overcoats at lese than whole- prices.- Men's grey mix tweed suits, Men's'suits, made of good strong heav'y cloth, reg. 10.00. Sleprice4.90 30 men's regular style Scotch tweed 1- suits, present whiolesale price 25.00). Sale price. 18.90. ~, Boys' 2 piece Norfolk and pincli back t11 suWi, bloomer pants, $4.50 te$1 2.00 Men"s overcoats with Shaw], i-civet or - brown and grey and -clotlis, reg. 25.00. Bargains in yd. wide sili, chine 'and silk poplius reg. value 1.75 to 2.50 black beaver Sale price $19.90 k and crepe de s in itîl shades, Every Item a Speclal-Bargaln. Sale starts Saturday, No v. 17, and- ends FrlyNv30 TERS CSHN - -Wu G.WALTR (Continued from Page 1) No. 29. Hewils, Henry James, outcb- er, Whitby. This apPlicatit, beiu.glnn categery E. vas grantcd exemption. No. 30. Baiey, Harry Marquis, lab- orer, Whitby. Thei applicant han three brothers -at the fronit. one ef whom han beoit kiled and one wouflded. The ex- ermptioti van allowed for tiisreanon. No. 14. Kirk, Water, tarin laboror, Whitby. This youîîg mani appeared ln perse», supporied >y is employer. T. Hardy. 0. fariner and caido buyer. The1 boy claimed exempîti on itc ground that he was of mnore value to the na- ticii wherc lbc la than ai the front. His -employer staïfd that Kirk vas a train- Pd, feeder of cattie and couid- not be re- ptsced., Mr. Hardy cultivates 160> acres etissuS and hba 390 acres lu grazIngý land. Kirk had tiot been med- - k85ly cxamluc4d, whetl no appenfoti anti vas sent to tho Board ai Oshawa. The medîdtit sheet wr.s produced nexit day, aivd ahowéd Kirk b lie ln otite- *gory A. Exemption refuseti. - 15. 13ardy, HIarvey Albiert, tarnt lali- crer, WhItby-, Tht. younig mat n el -ly the~ manager of the tarm owued lii Thon, Hardy, whoetcaioted that as he wuva away a good deat thr young man waa tbe"maln sta), on the. farin, Mr. 14&ardy staed If te pppticant vas net gexevà ption he- wouid have tq Y, bpndgn tartning. He said it vas Ira- possible tp seure a n»te - ake Mra- vey>s place. 'Exemspitin =aitowedI -tiltiClans 2 Is c*11ed up. No; , 1. ntt, Edwatd ?reder 'hi1I4yount, mas climed exemiptionaon » ti fçroi>a4 titat hie vas not a Britisht £à ubjëct., nd prodticod a letter-<rm hil - LaftherFWvotesides lta i.Pitiaà eiphia. tO - , >V e ieues. Hoea*lm Cinlmtd ex lt5tDU11uon the grotintiof helpi4g tg ! _uptà t tI5mm«4atite diter. lic bat als. a_ is!brotber at tii front Wibai 'bolêë> * 'he1rtbunai -semsed , t Utink tluey vanted tihor l iilforin No. 34. Ashby, Joseph. Heniry, farm No. ig. Kin. John Joseph. PVI laborer, Wbitby. This man belng In WhltbYý. This aPPilcant, who l8 Il category E waa exempted., egory A, presented a strong clai No. 35. Bonneli, Arthur Morion, tarin exemPtIOn On the grOund Of ph'3 laborer, Whltby. 'Tht.i young -man dit! uflltflO*8 He claii»ed ta have sui not eztabllsh that lie was esential tu for menthe fron,'rbeumatintD. anad hig present occupation, nor that ho wu& vtned 'the Tribunal that howuas i untit, and waÀ refused exemption. for combatant aurvice. He ntsc No. 36. Alla», Thomas Henry, sheet oented a doctors certilicate thi metai worker, Whitby. Thbis young bUd beeti treating hlm toi monti mani was granted -exemption for two rheumattam. Exemption vas aul monthia. becatse of bis usefuineusa wtili MetgOrY C l a leld, as the 1 his employer, wtio hah a contract at noI coUtdddthm thte applit i the Whitby MIltary Hospitat. 1 b. ii t tal categofy. 37. Harlock, Altred, tarmees son. No. 49. Adaion. William Mei Whiby. Tlitis applico.nt's tather renta H. S. toucher. The Tribunal ai1 a fart» et 120 -raand tbis son la. exemption onIy till the oad of M9 bis only be-tp. The fatiier ia 57 yearn thnt thet' vof the schoot migi of age. He han rent of $400 and taxes bein tterfered vith- of $100 te pay. The boy vas granted No. 61. %Vatson, Sheidon, in exemption. Whitby. Being ln category E e. No. 38. Spéncé.r. Bert. ibrosher. lion vas grsnted. Brookliti. This man lni category B vnas No. $2- Spencer. Sydney. larme exeinpted. threnher. Brookti. Titis manwu No. 39. Spxecer. Elmor, ihr'sher, !mndimlliy examined viien he '4 BrotýkIin. Tihis man., a brother of 1.o. 6r, eX#tnptlbn. Ile. bas - hep0 39l. was rctused exemption. 'Me ftherIazmined since and sln 1» "teýO tics a tari-moet 50 acres, and ti." ira e A-iqap-anîed exegugt:o ec&ai thought tiat lte ont- ron ai home was vas thp only son &t bomne. the1 enough. lheig a man oft-à 0 yeanswvhoa81> No. 40. Bentley, Frc'dorlck Charle.. for hi$ san% The young man »8 tati» laborer, Kinsate. His cdaim -vas ors a threshing ouli. The1 dlsallowed, altbough hi# employer sId Ifi the boirvw» taken the tbri pluaded for hlm on the groputi (bat outt kwtild beat 5cEU.Tber - farm hiep ans aarce. acres ce tarin to vcrkk an vblu No. 41. Coltrice. Fr-dort&., jaegboy dos men'ote on rnt-ai farmer, lirookl..- Tis application till f811. vas allowed be=nr at utsouna timan >4o. 4&. Parus. .lo.epb Jobu 4 oix rates p arin etf hi$ own . and bus no tarn SOti2m y5t TIa>oeNl erba l. o bepllia for, brtaiy >051 atb an'te o. 2 n ltte frotr.d rvie,, ftm on u~ i t~ ~ cs N , Ktpsle. Tlis», boyms tam. «I#YssCL Ruloa. Ai.manbyrx ore hana tRo Of 20aCre. sudat bas po>r whîtonbr,.SsiapMeonM la ±nother son t lb. front. Exmptior n leflt upnteUf No. 48. Udiey ifuthe farmoe. lasonw85##. of eaâit Wa(lUsy. hot emfogum. tarin 0f l0 cmt wuheoe <oir earitofmtesm. bis oto anes tefther avore. aU iUht oIt t ht 181317 St 10 Wit 5bV l ht% m*""y ious* k vas - m Smain at berne te provide fer his ageti William John Brown, et Raglan, vus Iparents, vho Uiv. on a llve4.cre plot, matie happy by hayixUg is dlaim altew'-I keepîng tvo eovs,' a horse and a nuti- cd. He anti bis fater operate n faim ber etfliens. The Tribunal thougbt he ef 132 acres. The mother ta deati, anti twould bce morr use ln the rnnks. the n'en keep bachelors hall. Another IWilliam Stone. electro pInter, Whit- brother la nov ln the service at King- I hy, escapea eirnndate service by belng atôta. ln medicl catgory C. Micbel . O'Conor. Wtîby, la lni i Willium Arthuir * Heard, et Jouepit category E. leard &-soins, was given one montb's Merley Cook. Columbus, was med- or OMMe eeas t etlison, bu nil Robert IK.-Mitchell, vwu retfsed ex- iiSeelti g e s f.montsi. ar-emptuon. His tather madie a sirona Wsonser case-frers on wIde- » peu on is behait on Tesday. iii ers ons ers conairei. o bchd faring -andi stock feoting Inîcrests <talns vrs eserod.are very large, Tue Tribunal thougbti Albert Heary Woodvardi, Brookl sonsa place. vas sent to lie exarnineti ai Oshawa, ex: à Mn. W. B. Pringle, grocer, Whity. emptien belng denied ilIftu eategory A . applîieti ton the -exemption of bis soit, jJohn Everett HIAI. et Whitby, vie Herbiert. wbo is nssisting ut» la the operaies a staut threshor for W. F. store. Mr. Pringie baised his claim up- D)isney, w-m 4enjed&emptiind-uit-vs ou the grounti et financiat obligatonp, Min for medicalz eýùilnatI0Lon andi succeeded lnit ering exemption William 4mi )MekehonIs a cateiçory for bis son. E neOCtakWiibdtntfThere vIIi b. neoslttugs oet tb Trk t, butaxi on-Tiunsday ant i nty. but 1 t hovs e w soib aen'aosfesupport - ~ 0 »~ . oftbis other. He. dîti net #et exemp-. Altoveti Exempion- Fred Walters, gary B niai'. et Whttliy, loaa c .... ............ D................i E .... ...--- --1 Posiponeti cases ...... ......... 12 Retuseti exemption . ~ NOTICE TO CUEDITORS. In tbe matter of Ut. estate of Emma D. Warren, late ef the Town et Whuîby, ln the Cotlnîy et Ontario, wtow, de. Nolice la hcreliy given, pursutant te 51..,. 1914. Chap. 121, that alt pcen. sons hnvlng dlaimsagainst 1the estate of et smid Emma 1). Warren. vie diettt on or about tho 24th day et Sep.- I omber, A.D. 1917, are requlred te senti liy post, prepatti, or detit-en te the un- deraigneti, on or berore tbe 301h du.>' et Novemben, A.D. 1917, their names, aid- dresses anti desciptions. and tilW ar. ticulars oft heir cdaims andi sed»nlty, If any, belti by tltei', duly verlieti, snd tat afler tibe s atite teexecutore vti proeeti te ditmiliutee b. aaî-.of te saitideceagsett amougmute partes entltled thoreto, ltavlng regard enty ,te c laima et vhlch ltey shall thon haye notice The Toronto- General Truste Corpor- ation, Toronto., Dated at Whitby Ibis 7th day et No-. vemnler,, 19 17. - -1 o 'ont' a to. theu 171 n u ou ervons, coultimo it.Ttdocuot ua 4it lma wu va whtn Viâol -me Ibeatoià lPrMP oaad perfeotybUI1 I sepeud04bave galn la cm1sot pau ho 1 i g# It n Pb ~llhbu. c Iwa i --1 - c Sosltt stenn touISieuiste.lputas Ou wtw a4ot t* otut .$J* t ~OIbo h ouwt I et . i" t" va ..»-.* -u a "v t, N2404 IMMw -.1 - i la BIai Size 3j -thick i te, earr razor, -srP, mirror, er case, The: Razor in knoî To a whoni Xmas, to dwel the Aul OprrEl ln the g COCOAI On LIt; a votip of opted pro portion ol an that i were crir the -voter- bottle wh chose as ý Tlie 1'i the tVictor -Tthe e' prohibitio cans are clare agai quors. T ilite firsti of Ille is] ze n ý for bbc S LieuL Penny, t regimen I ~44. t. 't 114 -ciety vC a f1l toi et the 1, Read this vet BUY-- Sale c bhantiken AUt Sali -Novemb Russe Mrm- Ai lentlu leave tM than vi W.G.' ed bit Churci _01.théi The- ri Tii. Itxi c 4t. Fw et«h'.for 1.58e sub$tt0 ada Vicýtory« Loa-uI. 1'I~ ---- -î m 1 Sale, Èricç regularv'alüe-1,2.00. A., Sale price per yd. $1.49