Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 Nov 1917, p. 5

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WUTH IWIRROR in Black and Kitaki Leather. Size 34 zx441, inches and î inch tlîick when folded up. Light toe arry-weighs only 5î oze. Outfit Contains Silvor plated self-stropping razor, 1-2-blades, best quuiity strop, an indestructible tr.nch mirror, in pucket edition leath- or case, price $5. The firat Lime the Auto Strop Razor has ever been presented in knockdown forin. To ail the men overseas to whoîn giFts will bc sent--thi, Xmas, it is unueceseary for us to dwell upon tlie desirability of the Auto Strop as a Xtnas gift. Ordor Esply. Immediste OIIvries. -BÂSSETT Jowir and Opticien In the.Itort Wth thé Saicony. Srock St. WHITBV ther Who for go»d Everythhg lnHaiedwu la noapoase to the appeat madie by1 t-o.Sain Sharp.. a ahowen will- ho b eld for ltèniembeïs-fa et &ie116th On- tarie Ceuaty Batlalion on Tuesday. Nevember .20 b, ln thse Ceuncil Cham- ber nI 3 o'clock. Donations wlili ho gtadly recelveti et socita, caps, searfa, chocelato, ion-f suf;ar, towrls, soap, Icantilea,. note papi-r, chlclets, hantiker- chiefs, teoth brushes, teoth puste, saer-1 ing aoap. mlits, tebace. etc. It la 1thoped ItIs appeal will b. genasroîîsly reapended te by te peepleeoft ho liargains in mncn's sud boys' uis durnîg our 13 day sale ai W. G. Wal- 1s-rs'. FOR THE BRITISH RED CROSS. MIr. C. A. McCbellan lias recelIved a few furilher contributilons for lte Dri- liaIt Redi Cross as fellbous: Mr. Arthuîr Jeffrey. $10. CoU.JP arew-ehl, $15, Mns. jW. R1. Kent, htyrtle, proces'ds of con- cert, $14, Woffer On.* Huuslred Douars Rewsrd for sRnv eau cif Catarch that caint h. ..i,..5hl I 'Ri Has Csrrh Cure. ______________________________ Ialieu Catarrh Cure ha» been taken by' - - ~ cslarrh sutierers for the past îhîrty-give yss-. ~ ~ *,and bas berome known ma th*. moat reliabi WV . C. T.IU.reinedy 'for Catarrh. Hail'* Catarrb Cuis aete, througli th, igood and Muecut Suramex- relinu the Poison f rom the. Bbond and beal- ('0(0A N t V' L)EiEATS BOTTL.E. "'t thediscaffed CportionCur Atryou have talic Hal'eaarhCr O)n Jly 16, the~ Porto Ricans, hy for a short time You wil me a Vreat kmt- n voti, of nearly 100,000 to 61,000) ad- iprovernent in rour fgencra! heahh. Start opte proibiton.A vey lage po-laklng Hlall's Catarrh Cure at ente sud g&t optedprohbitio. A ery lrge ro-id of catatrti. $and for t.etimonWai. Ire.. portion ofthlIe lalanders are ro 1tanor- F. 3. CHENEY à Ce.. Toledo. 0. uniltailuitbe receni contest symbels Fold hb>a. druggiste. -.c were prinled on lte ballot ta guide -o--- the voter-the tiquer interes1à used a NWIIITIIY MAN WOUNDED. boltle while theo prohibition partiy NMri. F. J. WhitteortWhiltby. receiv- chose "s iai emhlem tlhe cocoantit. -d it tels-grarn on Tuesday noli<ylrrg The' l'tinuit IRsiuîo.coniaenti ig on hler ltai i-r humband hait again bei-n te vict.ery of Porto Rico,. aayi4 oidd ssl h eodlm e "Thte evelit marks an î-roclî11 I tOîiien ontheslauatitnd ie thoe prohibition iatory. for the Piorto Ri grain foliows:-"Itegrt-I ta inforni you cana are>the- firstlLattin people Io de- 74.ri763 Pie. Fredentck Joaeph White. clare agaluot the tralllc la alcohiolil1- inîîry. offlilly reported admited quort;. The question ivas ds-clded at 4 h h (astali y Clearinîg Station. Noem- thie iraI eection ai w hidi the ittit e9 ber 'ohi, 1917, giiblîot wouinds mli of the. laland vtoed ai-; Arnericai titi- Keep Friday vi-v -., Novemnber 30, for thi, St, Andrew's social intdie Pr-a byt.'rianishrch. Ciut. (n Ps-rry. 8sonof .'trs.J. IH. 1erry, lias lis-ti ani to Egyffl i ih 1118 rsginenl, lesin alalte Britisht Army.i 'l'hti Trenstîrer ofthlie WarRelief Se- ciety ywishea 10 acknewledg e et Ofe a $I0 contniliutloa froni Reb"ea tige% of the ..0,.. Read W. G. Wallens' ativertisement thiIs week., BOIY VICTOIIY BONDS. 0 '- Sale oft quilta. fancy work. aprens, liantikeneblefs. home nmade ceeklig: Alil Saints' Sunday Seboot, Thuratiay. Nov'îmber 22nd, 1917. -- - Rutascîl Johnutetn, son ofMni. anti Mrs. Aîîtrew Joliaston, wau home on1 leave-at woek frein Ottara. Re wtt), leave fer oveleas wlth the Uratdrat, Meu'a ruati matie tweed suite ut lees than witelie prîce ".~90 te *2-100 et ---- ALSAINTS» Cl-URCH. Tue repaira whici have b-on lu prog ressatarMIhSalnts*Chtrcli for tibe pas-i few wei'ks. are about cemplletid. IlTher<- s-lIt W-a servtics of re-openinig Ion l-rlday ct-enin.g. November 16. ut 8 o'cln-k. ai wltlcb the BlhopoethlIe .Diocos an îd cb.ngy efth(le sîîreîînd tmritiltes wlîl 1)e preseut. The Biahep wil jirs-ach. Sptocial munic by Oic choir. A cordial liîr'lalioiî ta <xtenti- ed te aIl. 11AMTST CHUR(H. sunitay. November 18. 1ev. Harvey Merrit, .A.., BTb.. rînsten. Suruday Sthôol andi Bible Chà i I 10 ServIces at Il ani 7 îî-M. Evcnlîtg asubjeel. "Ttc Meatis et Jesua,' second la a sertes on »'Tho lPer- non ef Jeatns." jEvprybedy welconre. Yard a'ide bilék sud qohredti atette,, poplins, crepe de eitpne-and payette aslîks. regutan 5.7 t 8.10. u'duce t t $1.49 pi-n 'yard at -W. G. Walter**. p ni bi W5. (s. WalterK. St. Aüdrinv's Nigbt ýwiii, lbat ed by a 'P ila rtbe Fi'cbyteitan b churet5 eriuay1 I4ovmber eS0b. Mies d Bail, of4<~'l gir. th adtiresui ef ho v j.Reset-VStht date. Tiesae-',ettle Anti seepheld tby Mn. Frmnîk Jttkins at BandeIs gol on Pnliay les w trvecani dthroeugth viith bnluesi ud deepelt. -$ýuetr- 1 veri Win, Malt 'dItl>os& e t 0& beetla ur ue -tbie b.sae ,ia teltng $3900 . Mi i&trlpe bus bâ sîéeeraaief ite, sud lb au rouulilt- ltevlclttiy Výlot et O le oe Wom n Un utj W ot l le' un til lt a !taietN- -- A GIREAT MUSICAL-TRE#AT. Theo tupenlalConext Baud. - tcern- esed et 30 pletem, v*Uiho eurd et Oie lhitby Mamte, RI aon Btmdey miter.1 oeuat s-a meetia n ntiethe es s t le. Bolgian anti Serbis euo e.ii banti bas duel ctrpguecuts et the !neila NÀtoalultx.blbittoa -iiiie Icarboro SBub, roronito, 4aul tWaoe t the ftneat.-musicalorgnultens ofet l kfut'i CU" luCeed, tufai t t her] the, buntion -Suitde>attenroonst $49 ait tihe inuatehall. Mr. T. IÎowell, ienory Soceowy ofthé Chrtiu' tiea's ?ctioration oft -Cuii w*ie ii..- lrt-c h.meeting lte h Itealt SIOinCUiLTUItAL SOCIMT -Ae»eNAL M.UM40N. " The aM»àUsai u .4t'e Ii. WhUtI LrtanIiaea flelse vu - l. u w ry are- the most ecronomical on 1anàd mo'st, durable range, on Market. Whave customersi have had 1tiiîn in steady use 28, yeasrs and are stili giving d service. ICE, Whltby ,ar at Lowest Prlce8. age knitted th,% fae cloths. F. N. Burns, a quantity of ehocolate bans and a quantity of tobacco. --o- THE VICTORY LOAN IS HERE. Every bouse In West Wbîtby. includ- Ing Wbltby Teown and country sur- roidlng. will h canvaesed for sub> scriptions to the above loan. Buttons bearIng the Inscription **l have bougbt my Victory Bonds" wtiI1 ho glven every purchaser. Sfe that you get yoiirs. Messrs. A. E. Christian. W. D. Dykes and L F. Richardson have been a coin- inittee 10 lhorougbly canv-ass Ibis dis- trict, and to recelve applications and sutbscrlptIons for lte lan. The out- Iying districtz of the Township are belng canvassed firsi. and ln due course trili ho visited AIy person rejuiring Information as te bow to, buy- Ihese bondi; can obtain âmarn 1 ithe office of A. E. Christian. barrIster, any lime durlng the hours of 9 a.m. 10 16 p.m., and at the offie of the Greater Canada Company f rom 7.30 to 9hIn the evcnlng. wblle Ibis campaign la on. DUY VICTOR'y BONDS. *,BOB* DOW KILLEI N ACTION. Another Whitby boy bas paid thé au- preme aacrifice, In tbe person ot Lieut. Robt. J. G. Dow. i4on of Ille laie John Bai Dow and Mra. D)ow. The Yoling mazvwaâ born In Wlxitby about thIrty years ago. and was educated in the t chools bore. laiter atudying law witb his tather and attending Osgoode Hall. After being admittied te the bar. hc moved with bis wldowed niothor to the Wert, and practiced law In Edmonton. mrs. Dow bias made ber horne In ln- dian Head, Sask. Lieut. IDow enlisted wtth the l5lst Battalion and bas been overseas for more titan a year. The 'Saturday caualty liasa contained bis namne among the killed. and a telegrai waa received lte saine day by WhIttb) friends confirming lte newa. Bouide bis mother, a alalor. Mns. A. Steadman. formerly Miss Agites Dow, oiily recent- ly relu rned froni England. survives. Titeir many Whitby frtende extend te îlîem the deepesl aympathy Intri lr great sorrow and bereavemneît. -- BUY VICItORY BONDS. NSW SUPERINTENDENT FOR THE HOMNE TELEPHON2OE COMPÂIÉNy. J To further heston ttc werk et ne- building aîîd oxteadlag lte tebepitone service eortlIe Home- Tehophone Ce., Lîti.. the' dinectors atIliein last week»s ,neîlng appoînteti Mr. Etivard Prîco, ot Ripley. Ont.. as permanent supei'Ii- îendenebt thOe calme plant. Mr. Fric. las h lheveu yoara pi-ses tical telepitn experience. Ife - tati týall ctargeet ofite municipal telopitepe ort Rtly to wo years, anti of a sutai. Jar systeni .tÉhinquacSruay. Ont,, for Afve yeens lioll et titese mytlelli, itl alai, itave nearly as many telepitones s uhu lte% Home Tehephene Ce.. Wlit tabIe ,censti'aetion.-us- vIllas beavy, katis et open vIre circuits. In titee sytcnr Mn. Prier personaily 44 il troubto ilhoolng" snd et-ber pract Ieul vont, ex.- étpting wvitn routdtnir, pole llq@*, (or vitiet- e bired local lap.-R e uer' aonahly funnîsheti ncesry wirlcre- ports, etc., et ail itsi*work te enehle kccplug hc ecod eardl m cipal plants. SThoe otiter oflicens et the Cenrpany vibi romain te saMe. Under tu n#w arrangemenutS orlt e naa#eisout i *i11 reliee1r. m. obwer etfinuchfItet deteil vork t îit tes îtaken h ie lu 'the puad, d#ive tiisoprtttr tepuai t te furtier derloplueat et tl Mr. Priteexpeets ta tek. charge shotiymieà ecisir et, glytsg bila ae'eatvekuta geL la touh tti i te amanuthng mystisu Iwfor* Mr. .bt»r*' lots thrie w illa ticaetir A-0çlA-I tand it e4A t. couay v r.55I ou4 cgtIlx lg e4tcWM' Tu AR~VOI RNIMI. 1i1 % "Aren» b AMI" f1waa ut Thèseewhotake 'Pruik4tve ïfr-1 thit ttLmée, are efleafatonlaheti ut the way il bai/dz £4e .i/ ead makes f.tmf4! b/fr uqr.They may b. taking "iFruit-a.tiîies" ýfer sone upeelfie dweaue, as 'Ckonstipàti0e>indigestions ('bronic Ileadaclies or. Neuralgia, Kidney or Bladêer, Trouble, Riteu. mttisinor I>ainiluthe Dack. Ând they fiîîd when " Fruit-a-tive,"hbas ured the disestathat thei ftel bette,' andj lteog' la e-eny way. This is due tu j th oderfuv iaw>o'rsor thse lamons tablétlu, madie frein fruit juices. Wie, a box, 6 for $2.50ï, trial aise, 23c. At ail donienrsonmt postpaid by Fruit. a-tives Liznited, Qttawa. serlesi dianer, existillg on bully beefi and bard tack' If we wene each given permission to-morrow toecarri a basketi et food te our sons or brettera or hus-i bands ;» inte trencbes. bow willingli we would Prépane and carry It. This1 la practically what we are aaked te do,q and yot niany ef un grwnble at the ides of deprivîng ouruelves for the soldions. Sunely thte Imfn o f Canada will1 net fali dowa n I tis. Iboîr gteat o>- pontunlty te show the men at thé Iront ltat tbey are standing loyall:y behlnd (bo nad lte food uiuestlon may lie lett confidently lintteir bands. and ihey wtll sce that Gernany's threat of star- vation itrough the submarinec cui- Paiga wlll nover ho carnioti eut. Theas' forceful atatementa by Mrs. Gurnett wene verVy Ilpretaive anri wilr no dloubi help la bringing tb many homes lte neccssty for food #s'oncerva- tien. IBUY VICTORY BONDS. Dl RTHS. fflLE.-On NoveMber Sth, 1917. at Cargill, Ont., te Mr. and Mra. R. A. FowilIe, a daughten._ UEibouial Commet MadiadeF'rfecP*res- "Thte mcm- hors oft lie'Eemption Board ane not te be envIeti. Thier dettes are of lte mcml l*>yng nature, andti ley stoulti ho supponieti by public opinion..,Nu men' wene ecr ncailed upon t10 ieor- cime greaien duacenuntaanti diacre- lion. ai nenomatter vital ýtheir dmd- ions "aY be., tey vi» ho subjeetedti t bitter çrIttclsm on te parth etia- Illes directby concerued. Butte "p- pollîns seniunens et their dulles ea- tilles lten tole csupport oethlie pub. lic. even If îbey do not É1ways approve. In conns'ctioiî wItb,. lteby-law suit- mittedti te telnioÏîof etWbitby for telr approval, il I laol tote ophasito lte tact ltat a avor4ble vote fer lte by-law wIhl net mqp> aqie4 acea. et taxation. By ft ldispt lte- agrec- nient lte contpeny w"iDy Oie ataI- alenta et principal antiInterest au îhey faîl dito, se tint lte totion seUl net have any * bunden te bear, ther titan lte aiightcost oete-a "isd 11gb t. 'lire rnufacteW locett ie ahlk insâ a monetterable addtion to oun popula tion, te ftling aor '* -amet tboue"o anti stores, anti a berger nuniben et: pern os aane t e nenal tnnii-- pal expeuse. Ttecmnp&iy vlFlslo pay soleiteeaxes n ofi'eluiiete $,10.000, as wehl as local ixproventent taxes. --o-- SOUTH ONTARIO LIBERALS RIAVE MADýe A MISTAKî ,-- Tirere îierer vas a UerernSmut- ýprty on Uaiou-whicit va perfect or aupenien 10 citîcI«Mt. - Tue hate Cotisr- retive <lorernunet vuvas ry tuuty, oes tirute Opinion'etfil-s trente. 'rte preget Ugion Goterupent Is fer troua belu; a&U tiret* lIst.tfrieRds tVmii &*lm.eb q. I le ta ie test lonret lte two jioliuicl parties tibM t theFrIme Tii. ooehflof tultinigtOie *5511 t*)ttud a wtpthe-vW" ovei1uA51 t i to bury parissu >qpe *Ad4 4nlr [fe pie es pve tl i t eW tu. wo. Wliee,r ,tettho-. ls p*.dg.d te -enforcc; - aPeMn te b stronrrlatihe rural -districtsU tan in lte t= s. Tis maybe due te the tact that the. Aet, am workifig out ýthrourh Oie EXemaption.Trlbunals, -lu robblag thte farma ef much-needed ta- bon. On the other ind, te -oppose con- scniptioh tlà te support the Idea Ihat Canada bas dont enougit lu the wsn, andi thal lite pliant lads who are îîow overss'as ubafl reniais unsuppgrted by tretforcements frein Canada. For tlis almoat a dead certalnty ltaIt thesewh'io are ,aakting sucb violent opposition te the selective, draft wlll net îolnnteer te serve. Volnntary military etilistaent la dead tu Canada-to any considerable etenit. We may as well malte up oun minds te thte tact titat Il Canada ta tte senti any support te lte Emnpine*s armies in the strnggle te maintala Canadian liberty. that support muat be matie1by te draft, or conscription. Alten ail, the selectîve draft la Oie sensible metliod et ateunlng oldiers as boti Bnîtaîn anti the Unitedi States bave lately founi. Bitait Canada close lier eyes le the tesson leanned by dearly-beught expentence! Yet that il usmt wbat woult b. lte renult If lte wholec ountry were te tollowe the exampleofethlie Lîberal Con- vention of Soutth Oatante. Seutht On-8 tante Uboerals have matie anilutake. t NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND t OTHERS.1 In lterestate ot Jeremiait Joseph Foley. bate oethlie Town et Wbltby, th the Ceîîaty et Ontario. Gentleman. de- ceaseti.1 Notice ta henehy givea punsuent to Section 56, R.S.O.. 1914, chaptor 121,1 titat olt redîtons and ti fera itavitg1 dlaims agalaut lte cae»t«-«Lhe mid9 Jeremîih Josepb Foley. who died on the 131h day of June, 1917. are ne- qui-et on or befono lte iti day of December, 1917, to senti by poal prP- pald or delîver 1tote Toronto General Tnusts Corporation. Toronto, Ont., the. eoecutor oethéOie llofethtie deeeased; fuîl partlculars ln writing et thein clais, a atatemeat oet Ieim acceunts anti te nature of tite secnnîly, If any held hy theai. Anti tae ,notice ltai aflen suait llut meattonoti date te sali executor wil proeedeto i t inbute lte assoet ote sait tieceaseti amoug lte parti.s ta. ttledti iereto, itavîng regard only Ite te aims oft viîchit Ilshalh Oien have notice, andti ta the sad ltirecutor wîlI net ho hiable fer lte said musets or any part Ibereof te any person or pensons et whese cWmi notice staRl net bave been recelveti by il tit e lime et snch- distribution. Dateti aI Tornto Ibis l2th day et November, 1917. A. E. CnuînIXT.%x Solicter for te -22. sai i Eeeuten. To Rent, For Sait, etc. A Mlason plane. vith i layer aitaeh' ment. tca (or eça».. AppY box 8, on te lte, prerln !I FuerMo cm, 4; 8 Wbttbr, a pair oif matt.,orne i-.~ sumde rosa, about a yeer oî* M"uer a Ir. matoby prorlt siervice as customers who vis in perseon. ~» o o 0f course, we atyuoc veniently do so, but don~t d are actually iieeded while Just phone or mail your ord rust, We bave everything "( stores, so you may always be FOR SALýE OR TO INT. 100 acres, sentit hait lot NIb. 3. con. 8. Picke'ring Townshtip. Gooti buildings, bana viti atone stabling. gooti state et cultîuion. Possession to plough ai once.ful Possession Aprîl 1i. 1918. For tenais appty te A.W. .Rioit4ntisn, Vbt- by. Ont. - -tf. FARMS. TO lIENT. 7hrée. fina @t 100, lu0 ýàdi 200 acn. u speetir.hy, te rent. Ailsntit et anti close te Oshauwa. Frt-sssoi) anti butltip. Go.d s(t. e « %Itlraw tien. Pomuesion te-pO" f,~4r $nt crep, full poaae*lonAnl 98 &pply teoo. 1D. Conuant. Oiulae& ont. Daieti Auguet 8, 1917. -tf. I1STRICT REPRESENTA*VE' WANTED. At once for Whîîby anti the Couaty ef OIntarile. Gooti opportunîty for a My~e selesmani, experience pet noces- sary, Blig prospects ton thre season'a business nev tarting. Write for fur- ter partlculans. Stone à Wellington. "Tue Olti Reliable Fepnubil Nurseries,- Toronto, Ont.22 FOR SALE. Second band top buggy, ln firet-ceas shiape. Ovuor has sohé herse, anti. hue no fturtiter use. Abppty at Qaetite Ofile. PAIllitWANTED. Ten (o twenty aces, santiy soit. near Whtty.-aoî more than ltreetIhousauti. Must be gooti buildings on good noati. Atidresa box 6, Chronlele Office. Whtt-.ý by. -22. LOST. A large 'Sable. Muff, bdtwfen Ail Salat' Ctiurch ani byntie's Crftek bridge. Finder wlll bc rewsrdetb. Mrs J, J. Fohtengiîl. WANTÏD. An ofileere'widow viti twIo eidren sted, dv. nsudmoen, meeks tbree fui-ý nisitet rooa ntl a itouse vi'îh moderi Convetlences. Aply Mm', Allen.,lte Rectoy., -f. Prom lot ut Scn. 6. Whitby, oun voeu beiter, comhig 2: yara old,; Anyone ha-ring sane ppasec uetbty 31r. VaItms l4'udeR. -. No. 2, WhlthY., rucj1 -bIlyfitom us by thê samLe high eclass t our- store end trade ne wleèn 3%u' can Ion- o without thingsibhat ~our visit is delayed. srand we will-do, the Id by up-to-date drug sure of receiving juist GIRL WANTED. (4ood cook. genenat, for Toronto. W*4cs $25.001 per mentIt. No waslîing, sni#1i fnmily. Appty nt Gazs-tte Offie. TO LET.- Large fi-out room. contrai location, on!Brock sireet, tu let. Apply Gazette Ofice, %Vilîtby. TO RENT. eii choîce tlràt- flat (6 roois) over ph4pIenson abaak building;. mMed- 1a~ possession. The- tint ta equtpped wlh -water.ewerage, andi tollot cou- ve iences. elecîrle lixturesa nd lamMa eh ice banik vatl, cozy back yard, alo oùanti wood premises. -wttit cernent 11Sfr anti cernent wn)k for rloi ' en liros; c-lhir accommodation galoie; e lient flooreti, etc. Apply nt Stephen- se 'a Office. WhItby. JChVrht, loer' feait, at tkeiumi ag CevroietRpar Chevrolet se"vce Repaàire ta &RIiWuiofet ua. A lino ofeeureealssnbaud. W. ire lintalln~ ite ë-fafou- ïng ind itinig tistein on' tord caua. e .bueeb$ig et - i&% .0xtve. . rs.- Oco. -- - i r u i 1,14 Metian, suc. ed0. "Iatl becs-riedsMW n4Âi ýrs are r.quireW Y iatt&til- enlial 10ii lot. -i I at you oruer.i Custivate the Par'41 Post lHabit, §ta a Real Cortvenience. WHITF -E LD'S j WHITBYO ONTARIO I Le**e your order for Pi&s oTunt;witlîus. "--i à a îg &nd cis.uld nol yigaIl thte rediea with- î-d it was a o .înri-ove. es and amn hcathy in paincd i &îse Vinot )l'a. A iake c-er- 'ong o e-T- ià en cvcry ettion. ) *-i'<, ~' 1 wajl Abe saertat

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