rèten -Cousins; 0-ORI A ECLAîRATION. 0F'WAR.- CHAPTERIX.-( no'dt)e .community. And nov Albert "IC haPtÉRyoX.-oudranet beMDonneîll eunig iuainuathngly or IlIsit hatyouwoud Iathr nt b ýyard upen the stool that %~.so bis seat seen, wîti me?" J I and exchauging mnesnvuile a glance of] Wth à airush ot eaggrýeaa ah. ans- ajnused undertuudiug vithî- 1&abe4, vwered: ý'No-.oh, ne! Pleure do net made an approach te a MerT'- iat believe that, Duacan!" kTh let us get al ng," h.e aid u3 et *'OTlysudUrapedon Wil1 you net tel ibis lady, Liz, boy ohotly andtrapeden. ou amete b.e onfined to yeur bed?" Accepting tue inevitajble, siie kept Ateu lu i the dùii ligit oetuhe ne- by bi side, net ',v'thout~ a certain in- Att4s Wadte2ainmn etn ceas, Lia might be seeu te straighteu dha tchoi. a d iion ie a me etng -r rhaPs. te stiffén , ber eif u uI th would uncleubtedly be a hie berlas'ge, oted -Only iii. choice et offen ingh" again busStlIdo i epe hepth by~~ ~ ~ fltyrfsnwi eco;~ h'vrk ceverlet, unlasped uneusily, sid vas 'feeling fer tee g9ad etflaving ,_No nhMr. lbertl ,Y. knev ful made her pence viii t 'asos unman-, velli tîa- that'm fonbiddeu talkmastý ageabýe man-a gladne s vhich aicltdtt ~ nFte rydv 13s moment ameunted te ligiit-heaft ai¶ tà -î th ¶ris pater ryd Eupon me WihhsPnauco.- IrM eduea-to court that d4ngerS' Se OO1ithinitin' i. vud noeefrvipeas agaîn. mntsîl rpd tie lehave -peen listenin' ibis lest hai- .With btieeminter- heur. He'a jusi vild agaisi auy t61k passed, periapa div b teeineofthte 'reein"' --ounperteeshW, b. est of the subjleci trier Duncall f yJlluârethudc £'sfrma cnflici'th the.man- cale h t! y hii-Iuc beuld gcoom 'round h ihmdiy 1 eva nvap aj 8moment viat'yeu've peen afier, ager, had dotlaua1 ~en aste wr ovsdtldy alhrePed us pingiszelf more and m ne .loselY. aL.dhé villes coome lu aithiWs verY "H.l thinicu te frlgh n me oui of! hur," finmdLit.thlobe geing te law, buit he'll aboner frighteu êd îng ngep vsibly qulvening hi.a the denoff the huis aanc 1the seala oui' CI'050p1d0 et agitation. et"he tho lch." Catholi," expIa'»- FenelIs liatened vitl the' larmed _da*« rey î4 t elany a.*flou Interest viiicii the ei0ject aivayet"ale'Ge ssiaybr er anouaed la ber, yeît o-iay abe vus sud wevwon't betray yeu. Corne: Lix; llateuing wvu b>u i. w a uvee hai vas the ta-uth of tuai nighul Witb tueeuoters'e. isa hearkeniig. udventure thirty Yeurs ago--Or va_ toe ii. ale oetuhe leaping bunna h ubhirty-fiv,?" vhich, through the. darlness, called But Liz, thougi viaibly tempted, on: 41 coee!1 come!" te tiie impatient centinued te shake hen large 'head river belov. Their ii*rry and uheir 'mie delicbt e ofslng as a genuine abhouts erved but te niake more pal- "e puewife" evideutly feughi barc pable the. cool, biossol-acented peace aRainsi -ber dread et Fatuer Gry, viii et tu gle vTm, upen tuis very subjeci, sau Fe.nella -vas quit. a#onished viien stood in a cironie feud..FrFte -the bridge waa -reached beyond vhlch Grey, despite bis mild vint.bains, ha< protection became su;ertlueus; and1 declared ver te the klà eaa a i the geod-nigiit ah. gave lier escot llBels wiicbh. ie ermed "beatheisb.' was devoid cf thbtj. coudescenaieii "HRe ca'i take iin, poor man, an( - whch htiieto a rked her osthov aiould ie' Lis wouldsay, viii gracnlous mood, sud alithe varmer a pty vbich va e ros. "esn fr th t censcieumnesa of a noparutien* cur folk, sud uboZSoutherners havi due. ,ne Imageenashun- CHAPTERi X. ma .thea hltual thea ofetthe man of n "Red vi' ploed, and plack wi' amoko fent cf neyer postively conftrminl .-.tiatgs what il wa-4 heotue l' the legend concernisg ber own lame 111<. nigbt tuaitu' AI ' gity even sent ne"s, tuougb net te the point o! adl te curie tuis mental eiWui."- - Imting-as ho vould have ber do- 'mius spoke* Lame Lis, prOPPed ths nothiug more occulitusu n"th, againat a mound et' chlntii-evored rhneumatics» fonhade ber jputtlng ha pilloe, her largo t 1 L ace--e 1&rçOd I o o theucgrouud. At ibIS humiliai îýet by tle atipplemeYýtan rillez-Ofa iug confession she topped short, te Perpetual uighteaP-4'Omil& eu-eofday u alwayi Wbile tic darneu c the shadows et tue e ~pboasd-bed inbthhnts ;7Qich a aioed te bove vici h. hespent.bil 4ys. - around tic subjeet, uniR wbcb, issuiný This wasathe.sort e Min6 me 1 d~from the- depUisof et UCcavern > tius te bold hen ceurn uie midat czb.d, g&lued tonslderably 'Wdinkses a blf-ors'eof et aentir listeners the mfb suppesgdte reconcile coi -vs'doubt sud hall- e1BuOn Of v nIse i sddealr< gaze flaitered lier sec oily, tril>ute as iFrr.m iii point the company, pei -t h*as te tuai un ny s'eputation1 s ge iii the supernatunu W)dh iIt vas thoiit ofetber Mlitoehtured tes' erthg matteni1 ive up te. Fer therd vere gruese ed i, p1jo, sd pIs vi'fine - hlngs said about Lam e Lia. Thut she jrcpeatsd _Lis, obviously pi.ased vil posseased the 1"meei igut" no0 one ber <ivu choiesetfeptihets, sud sett aeiously doubted; u vas nett Uihaling hersiét lui ber pillow for the. us - hici cauaed Most pbeple te chuosOJ rative Of theii."aee'" ton vil the turtuen aide oethte road viien Pffl s1&0bailbeen caied upn. 4lng hon hut-non WRS hen sUPIW izy0 liéZ ebgo faniilitrity vitu the siri te ot tue de V -'c. -7 - elculated te lever hi r n heuruneîghb s'-<oI. avî't ba estooxa. She nlght bt res'e 1 ed bdti rWilliam nut1= cochon wvu as man..giestu as b W- domm ~ on eus' fok, &Wu-d ébose, end ne oesii ite verse e h W « il eMIbb hon.,. 'ut Ardoch'lal&ge-minded' tsus bsta vi:â re beid& , sor là Ëu a ttera occuli drev uîlne sub oietelunby a cain a, orl tibe as'ch-enemy et mai hind, udIt w~mu n (oead edett .la wih noelios qanus lu cy vib ha lm' * e b - ud' eun es dfilTs tiat Lame Lit wasutuivnsil redt-' msv hea*bdaibs u] seus eme t hoUzOytour-i 1 ely t ou wl e* ou !~eierd bsau, ibs a Ou fut, *0 the w u r « I i dovu te her' acefflt Ber, ysry Ju V, en bwm. of tbWg *ï irmlty liadt ,ue e d«'11U F os a cerain=fuilmoo sIg i los blAou y tth ui bsfssb.. w-wgý,1N r-'V -_W V&~EFOXIt ~ !J 'IJkK 1~emand .j. ~eate*wgroliA CÃ"UIWE 1W HOUSEHOLD' SCIENCE COMPLEE I oo-tb.mc,--for it vs.ttt bt 5M WO-TWENTY-FIVE LESSON ua 0lud Moutha TmIig MtI<IB 1CtUTg u Lesson XVII.Cluld reu's Food (Continued). doortsp feu whiber . ba sto-inutbéim. beRi . Ile child between the agea oi six he lilesop.metvgtbs n péd ot toieinif mïetrtt nd fourteen years needa plenty ofi some home-made goodies. For sliP- pe oubohai enI moeabi re uigteeneetumih èomie.-tbed,,lu ti.back by uthe DMh i.e~ etu eib noiihing food. The. body at this per hie may enre toeset macaroni and T.Iy, man Wholad -at at bis table for trevefled. ever the. devaatated arei -o time forms new teetb a:qd makes ad-I cheese dishes, vegetables, whole- tvo vesha. A.nd In. be buts the. Eu-g- Frand Belgium mY ideas mater- ditional demanda for bone and musclai'wheat and rye bread and fruits. Rave lish awOI* he1d fi1e hai. Li.lal hngda egarda thewar structure. the children drink plenty Of mliii buHocIts Or ijeOberd- -writes Mr. Griffith. I did net find the Well-coeked éereais le1ty of riilk, which is a cheap but nutritïoui food. wbérefore w oT " lced Lgo drab snd solemu thlng I expected. In- Ihomfe-made bread, W;llcOOked geen The growing girl will require a light, 'aittlng up idWinwlu hr,.bed, 0One big, taIfodmiinseyuzmn vegetables and souýps, together with dainty, yet nutritious diet. For break-;:, garmntbud cl.nehÉlà ID r "Pot skeen Ilfo i lligome s reaYoan enefruit, ahould form the largest part of 1 faat try fruit, cereals, ornelet and tfflt. ii. "ei of -those very bullÃŽsciis kelrtegnerayadegrthe. hild's diet.I For lunch site may like soupa, salads, A those feela ha mot Iku ovu Io th"rd for tbeïr vork.. Tis spmrt eenPre- When children reach thia age they whole-wheat or rye bread and dessert. Ah, It was a mnght' that the Mý'Muùrs vailed ini the front Uine trenchea, andi often-tinies forir- a dislike for cran For dinner shte should eat meat or ,ita had seen their dreama for long-for at Ypres during'the recent drive the fooda. Do flot seek te convince t h e equivalent, vegetables, salad and des- long! And yet, by the mercy et God. minn ere as happy nd jubilant aa child of the goodnesa or the neces-1 sert. Cocos and chocolate may be they did net get ail the biood i thtotrgh they were in their comfortabie tyo eating the. food i question; gvn to children in place of tea and 1 era&theOftry new waya of serving it. ,cfe vaned. Tii el bul fu, ut'the homes in London. Tt is here, directlyj Fried foods should not appear in the! UsehercesfrOtalCode Ibuil-calvea got say over the his.eth cisfoOamlGods vas he nowthahelpd te baveunder fire 1ïrom the. Boche guns, that. child's menu. Large uantities of' m rm~Cnkesg~n' h ys, he havy novund heirovamen are tested te tthe finest fibres Ot fat retard digestion. ie~it or its'Twelfth besson. They are esrttiâllvi NTREA PCE vite. 7Fer more than a mile they theirbeing and ceneeut greater men equivalent should be served at least1 suitable for children. NTR SAPCIP valked us felk say thie crabe do-back- and finer citizens, Vith a fuller under-1 once a day, perferably' at the noon' Gingerbrend wadsaids mdefol tethick- standing of what true brotherhood inl meul . The 'aveuecî iidmndl varlld-and 80 mdere th ed vi'sevc means for the goed of ail. s'weetmeata; therefore it would ue1 Here is a two-in-one recipe for mak Brazir-Nuts Grow in Neat Spiierical skll-ed wPnglshmuderera. Red serviceeli for the mother te have the. chiu-i ing a ginger cake and also some cook1 Boxes. ploe-re vi'piod-taf'swhu it Lif in the. Trenches. dren help hier ln making these delect- 1 es: One cupfu' molasses, one-haîf cup,1h l able goodieà . Have old-fashioned1 fui sour milk, five alsofuý Eerbd amirwthBzl (To be centinued.) Lite ln the. trenches has its cen lgrraoteladcubco-sotnn.oe egg. Put the i~r. nuts (sometimes culled "môiukeY ________pensations. It aise bas its 'hurdshiPs. les once in a while. dients ln a large bowl and mix thor41 nuts"), but few people know how they 'mEFUI? IDUSRY. But the. former outweigh the latter-. Do net get into the habit ot giviag ouithly, then add on. teaspoonful of grow. THB-ULP NDUSRY. The. morale of the. British and French the chldren a few pennies te buy bakîng soda dissolved in one table1 Nature furinishes them in ýreaay- caAsgCouservator of Timber p roal anfcn.Ti okl cheap candies of unknowu make and spoonful of water, two teaspoonfuli made packages, -i.e., put up in neut soures-eneitabeing most thoronghly carried on by 1 * :, ieÉha1fcal boxes thiit are the -fruit et »WC en-BeateFarmer. a wondertul organizatiYl. 1esut for »Te boy or girl more than fourteen oehl teaspoonful sait, onel tea , aphreerni htcnan h us h Prebably 21<> idusti'y ahedz se muc.h Iduys in the first line.,or communicut faeail ~ietrl t-- ponf lynainon two upfuld fo tr j a tredta oti h us hc Love ig, trncheswuit g forthe food. The boy, owing to M ix thoroughy Paetw-.id f ji;eSems vaste asre eesmbering, fayatJ. L. I to'strenueus exercise, wants plenty cf the mixture in a brend or c akepl Si~ box, hait the size of a cocos- in Canada Lumbermun. Cempetent charge. This aiting seeined tedicus,, u ore1 oa ewl ar i n ae in n moderate o'.,en fetftnut, witlr a rough coat, la a quarter ef r authoritips, suth as Dr. John S. Butes,: and 1 eften wontdered as 1 sut there 1ta. or nothing for soupa, salads or thirty-five minutes. To the rem4ind*ýý an inchi tik and contuina twenty-odd thlea ot the Forent Products Labera- iwatching the "Tommies" whether any, dainty des2sertCs. He cruves mnts, er o f the dough add enough flour 41 mitase neatly and closely packed that toris e Caada esimae te lggig ipresio celd . mde gaist u1hpotatees, and the plainer -and more' roll. Roll one-eighth cf an ieb hyaetae u e hna kl toise aa j4 eswooate he-- ig m achsion ole mthe rusians are substantial desserts. It vili take care' thick. then cut with a three-in4li h eyarbtkeno g i hmnte til. vaste Ieftithewod toe abou ia rmahn as th.rsin r and forethougcht te arranFe the. menu' cookie cutter and bake on the botter* can put them ailk ack agïni h 25 per, enutof the original tne. it is cr.dited with. Sometimes the opPpos ofe this period cf childhood. of an uturned dripping pan for ae receptacie. mast here thit the pulp milI geta i tien vouid yiuld enly à 1 tew yards-- eby iIejyfrbeafsmnutes in a hot oven. There la anotiier kind of tropical its-firat good vorklunis mission ef! but even this was considered a suc- bot cakes, cereals, eggs, mmii and Whole-wbeat flour may be used in tree that bas ita nuts inclosed in a rconservation, and that iDna& dejble eestul day's vonk. other hoinemade dishes. For lunch, place cf the white flour.smir pncr, popuîarîy icuova sens.. Every lumbermun ha familierl It may surprise you to knew that- -- -- -- - as the "monkeypot." It bas a re- vlth the "slaah" that marks tii. trail h tukes on an average three thousund HYMNS PiU T o STRANGE USES en vientyf u it ya oulid wiiich, wiien taken off, of the logger through the buah; tepounda o cold leud to kilI a - der!slunk off." icoe an opening just big euough tops aud branches that are left behiudi thia great van. l'Ail the. Way From 'An Egg-Boiler Toý for a monkey te put hlm hand ln. To te choke nev grovth and add te tth. It la my observation that Englan da io-Sarr.I rasp tiie coveted nuta hie closes bis- fine hasard. Where a pulp miii 10main power cannot be diminished te h aoor'swl k v safiat, and then finda himmeif unable te r operated lu connection vith a savmil any extent within the. next ten years, A minister stuying for the week-end 'ailmnndhscleto fpoo îhrwi.Tsl u ttema d alarge proportion eft tus "siash" las for it ja an apparent tact that the ai a strange bouse in Englarid was;grpheraseno touana.Whte ar u ,bra~ etat hc -ttimmed and sent dovn the. drive with,ý beys et the yeunger genenatien are much lznpressed iiy the fart that each, the. books corne f rom evry cutl monkey can be exposed. the leste b@ made into pulp. Net growîng up fasten than tlir eiderî morning h. heard - the cook ln the only German photographa are inlu~l d only is this hitherto abaoluieiy vaste broth*rs are being cut down in battle.!1 kitchen singing "Front Greenltnd's ed, and thcs. of iii. kaiser himslf. Teasing a baby te maké it laugh la' h matenlal turned inte considerably1 t sounda brutal te say "cut-down in-1 Icy Mountains." He congratulated are numerous. a ring siiame. more meaey value than its bulk in buttle," but that la the, only way te ber on lier merning hyn. -M i Smerchautabie loge la vonth, but the express t. "T7hanlc yeu, i," abc suid. "I1t's my Sre r isk ha neduced censlderably. Flghtlug Wlthout Precedent. e«-boiler. One verse for the misais, Lo WaiW éradication lu the voods s Th cle igtng1hve .e i!Who likes 'eaulight, two fer visitons,0 ronly part of the pulp miîl's.î. Teata ihigihv nas. and tire. for the master, who loves « hwavr. avibg eem toi feral I entireiy dîfereut f nom anythiug here-, em bard beiled." C ie 3 m a- the tops folir mches and up- at the tofore recorded in hisýory.And yet1 A hymn as au egg-boller is bada ng D yn- inarrow end, the mii stili asa are* h deatii rate ia lower than in tiie eneugh, but as a lien-scurer it la sure- - field for rav materlals. te dnwuv lrge Ru»mo Japunese Wan, and -tiie deutha ,. verse! A British airmun landed la BLANICES erVice te lu the vastetom the ws Tis1caused by the different methoda of Es Arca- t roe poele, lE va ste *mounts te about 40 p>er cent.fgtn h rsin aefoe in a bég, and nigbt superveuing, and LACit CUR-TMS.ll tWà I t-I upon us do net comhpare proportienate- ,. of ibe original tree, and only a negllg- îly vitii the fataUitles by diseuse, to- a lion appreaciiing, h. ciimbed a ire.- ~leJ~Sex>4 f or our Cataogue pf ilii.part oe t hihaused ln deveioping ig he itii the gh v ben ansd prepuned te put in the aigu thenm. IPU R.. gethe!" raeth lat A cn-teHe fell asleep, sud avoke te find two DRCEIE tg servative estimai. is that the total ILpUielu 8S8.te n e»ena uged ha o- tric l rlngtete. tws DAP MM U9 ~~~r~~ Spaitonerteti.pln.incu Ù 1 899. Statea .ral euggd b hascii bl ron-te rc.l vs GOWNS i)el n vaste-lumbén ton the pute mill te o ok serve4 the. man power et 'is tneeps, tluo waiting. H. tells the tory TA=L COVERSi te- up aMnuts tobetwoeu 60 sud 70 p lW 'e e aipnie eafyfo- letter te a friend. -Moderato chars"a D_ cent. ue t ire., sud et tins leusa à and e lias dô4 stbis y fr- "The. tension vas terrible. 1 vauted U .T baf s vilbl frpupbu n pieward. eto " i yutilizing 'to scream, shout and yell. 1 roared CNS ktaoft ha araiabofor uip, but lamlu &e uiza ie onetu rtîei or hree versés et 'The Admlrul's Breom.' fllN W PiyCiMig refse, the aboe.figures indicate th a nheratiOn. of tis ver la lu No applause. 1 vent thnougb myW . ý, the pulp mmi la doifg lis bit,, in the munitions. The-cre.ping barrage, as nepentoine. 1 laugiied as 1 fiuhb.ed thprset wl-wd cntil tct'Tvo Eyes et Grey.' It seemed se' 3 D W O KS prsetved-ie amagnteet ~ lela penhrape the meet 'wo'rîý rdiculous. Tien 1 sviciied on te A K R O K 1.- oui vaste, and iucidentally te place defledsil fih nhuln yn,'nad hita o&s'IC.ue siDn r- the. lumber -luduistry on a more stable ad ll ve r devamp e -loped >,n abadit hmn - -hrsta-91er, eh teoudatintia1lsou ee W tileyt r eelpd o abttead theonîy four Y« e oulîc e- 91YongpStr"pt * s Torc to hav eer roide, tiaide d a, front. 1 marvelld. ttecl bod member of "0 God, Our hep -iu age» byave er poe,.aieyars, a the iroopa folevwed bebiad uii*paît., Isang ithe Ametistoc>, aud tu tt a1 sai.bursdlurahell atai ntenvals detwenty -_____________ _________________________ There le a broad economie aspct t0fv ad.Iauai ruae ït the operatImofeta pulp rmilin luadtb- sl ns, wvint. vsting ferrlthe shells 4 Yw ton t thi>al«dynote À lto ciear the enemy.,trenche., talce eut d' produclng 4eebundntd tons of pul -~~~~~~~ -a el o v ude 0th* lIIwspapoe uiad dcabuiyl, ai Lm, pnIp wood or o ude ibisrd law ôi * u y, ville they puffed Ai «I terhsWooe Téfrss lan e ,in MW cIaettes. Tb.y would tinsrmu aiedomns uham silcoM nenmcvriuiprtrmlvie i.barg 'e .1 a