-4-' ~Y'BONDS. *- WhtWl Cnadas -O VER in the sodden trenches amid the: bursting shelis and the roar of artillery where 'Canada's lys are fightigad dying -they are waiting for Canada's sale of Victory Bo nds begins. -CANADA'S -soldiers expect that we at home will put up the mnil.. lions t.hey need to keep on fighting'. -the millions they nust have to Win Victory for- eohomà e and Canada. What answer will Canada make? What answer wilI you make? Shal *t be said that Canada spares flot her sons f rom the sacri- fice of battle, yçt withholds lier dollars to give them victory? Radier wili it be said that Cani- ada once more, for the fourth time- in three years, cheerfully * puts up lier millions upon millions for the cause of f reedom, riglit- -eousness and justice. Canitda's answer must bc, answer when the -that the Canadian hand to the pIQw of Victory holds -stead- fast and firmn. -that Canada is ini deadly earnest when site says the "Iast man and -the last dollar." That is the answer Canada wil give to our boys in the trenches, our kinsmen in Britiars, and our Allies everywhere. That is the answer we will -ive to the Huns who thoughit and said that Canada would deseri tic Empire before she woutd figrht or pay. ECývery bond you bu,% is arn answer. Let the millions of wan- swcrs f romn Canada's loyal men and women mnake a chorus of Victory to ring around the world. -, J Canada 's Vic tory. Loan Campagi, opens on Monda y, Novem ber 12 .I"Canada's Victory Loan CiI'ixPOililCIlfIte Ai b uti"CanadasVco 'L i tigt »hould be-la the icanada s Victory Loas.AUl About Tt." banJîïde of every mam and N=ne............*.......... ..... woman Lâ the,-country. SredorRR .. . .. . m ail this coupon, at 'P.o .... -.................. ........ ......... oeaOur CODy p-rov ............................... Issucd by Catada's Victory Loan Commiîte irn ce-operation with tise Ninistrr of Fiaucc - of thse Domînion of Canada, alue Mh a a crelitlg Can"aan Jour- alla hue ittheprive oQuerd,$4 a- yesr,' wIUitie getwrmx r BYVicTORtY BONDS. IY-LAW 10- SynosiWs or a by-Jaw te. authorîzeý ma~ maetes Is exçuionutan agrie- ment-bcteme IUitaiRubiser XMai-ý urftturlng ani Reelmiming Compansy, Limited, aid lic Coffrpoaton of the Torni et Wbitby. dated 22n4dOctober. 1917,.saii te sutlsorts.the. ýsllng et $5r.000hy tise isueeof debipturcs 10 b. oanci te saliCompany- illier sali agreement. Wlsereas thse Couneib of the Corpor- ation ofthtie Tows et Whitby bas en- tered luto an agemeut wil tise aborel namedc Company subject te tise ap- prsqva erthtie eleetors qualinesi te vote thoreon, as net out ln Scbedulc "B" aunexesi te sali by-law. TUe by-Saw provides fertise Issue of debeutures fer tis-m et $25»00 ai a Ioan te tise sali Company. rcpayablc ln tweuty ycars isy equab annuel psy. monts et principal andiintereit, s. tisaI tise principal andiintcreit payable ln amy one year. lxp tb. aggregatb la thse &mer as tise principal aid Interest payable ln tise etiet ulueteen years. Tise isy-law prorie for tise rslssng annually eft$2179.61 durlssg tise perIos of twenty ycars, for Damîent of deben- turcs. Tise aimunis toe b. Seiciansi raïs- ed annually by ipeeha rate suffcient tisefor over sud sbSte ail other raten on all tise raleable property lunltse Towu et WVistby. Hable to e b. racifor tise sanie, aI lise same time asii lanthe same nianner as otiser rates. Sucb an- fluai payments are as sisewîîlu Scisci ule **" tolesai by-law. Tise bylsua prevides for tiIsue, ci debenttres fo'r $25.000ln sminis ef uci leia than $100.90 ctisbearlng ln. terest aitishe rate of six per cent. pet Tise debentures te bear tise sans date, ani sisal) be lucd wlthln twî years aller tise date ou w-ch tise by Saw la ftnaIly pasi, ani sisail bt payable ln equal annual consecutivi payments. The byla Previds tisat from ans mter tise lat day et January, 1918, toi th. terni et ten ys'ars, tiselands, preai ises, buildIngs. msachluery-. plant, equip ment, apparatus aud property beleng Iag te th»IdaiComapanashah b. cx ompt f ront aIl Mwuclçpql-ý rates, taxes and asusments. lntJuulng .buslnes tax, excepi taxaLtIon. for ,-pvhool pur posesami local Imnplo!eent tuae or ou dwelhIng houss tieS are o may be erectoi upon tise ompany'i prenilsea&Jeisefor a Ou-eds!aimene on tbactw nid plat, etc.,, for a pcrio çi tes yeais at i $109O And Ilsat tor 5&yemt a.trmithse da aid Co«pffly f""l u».çCelortrie -11911 aud wà ter, tise orporaJ, , 0i i ply vster t;; @ettg,~uf turing purposes ami& 1.ele 1hlst trO oft barge, asivii pt 4AM1.lr svQ meat..- For tftrir t0Jiq Oebeduhe "B". atte4,et. iiagreemeat mas lua upliMa twenty-5.O0td day .1 October tla th ysar or Our Lord, 0Ose oas4Nb Muudred aid -Bevctceq issieen ti Vuited Rubbcr ilanutae»tut »d miR tlalmint CompanY, LlmS18d, herelus ter CAil h ie Companp et tbc Fin PUartnd thse Cor#O=#*1Ofk't tbse 'oM of Wbltbyieehubah« timitai -tise CO poration of ltheS.cobd Iawt Whereas thse RaIYO t tise -,¶t Px Io desîrous o! slabulsblaï amiuf taring lndustry lu tise Tbwote!Whîtt for, the purpose of! muâaurini ria ber tires for uheels, tiebe lting au -otier goci l sla Wb rinber l Mi ud bieas pplIed t10 lise COrporat, a bonus luaid et the 4W-salilutit and 'here lea*0msu~0a<1h7 titu"l qd la lie saïd toua Ici- t lliiVup poesd thse sai To*a proposes aut a bonusmas berOmatt.testIMO sécere the lctttou sud opersllii à # id ai hUutri luahI o 7s1 ~ow. iereorelsa agrimmet l fe% W-I-t -'.5 ---i *waad-wm Ibnstal h rte id-a etmfamiefissioni SCO' %e817Ssl!JO tur 0 tsehcet4@exxetou cd1,W1Thee sali orpot ill extei 10 thparw~ii'~1D w téà ad ta aiiI ubrl isA.drc~o aie.r, sai ste or Gltaue y*'w 2.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~Iro -b aistfcoybidniIeceig70ts ritutrii Il agreee iWth 18 CObildOing ipalateryM eulpien whn ~M4 aton ftenes tle. dceuote P i asig814rtiCtOi tyrh f t e~m4ii eqnlpment theefo o tUcrtéf!i e ct.pra.os .~g5 lnstlJedhbeein n orbètre lte fratunce mugs pymena etpricipa aidI 'ltiiis hereof t te)~e day ~ éte offri 98.o iinsuhItra te b. mie _la eannua théne ae ai.ltsgrcà nt b j& wm.-truemtr asle ComUnef&icIntamet" cf"cemi ricil' iau!dbyUc'rsdlf GMysO fator d lnstalofing -alu euppl theinteo t h e aid try, rlgth pr4 iai reS théb. aSaci trt sonel of a iens d trhe, 418 d. 7neary as may b.et t ebamua sfes- 9 ~UnCoP and, ê»nste"hebi 3.c sal Copoain, or ,by ther caue eptIe thseryaid etUic ali pterîotd héeston isccu tsecotrl f iseni Crn TseOrI f sci pymnt e pinI-l 1 . Doi ueirsuccm pey.ti tm s titshh b aic laid nteeotteb comesuianère-eceiay. tel tie , peici sreubMfrethe 1for aliont12e, econd00ycf thnuary. ts oprto c h ac tier aopeincf-e sali buildring n 1919,eor at rUicxoptionctpean-COrsWl iùleqpegndao or ethate tn olnu. sc ymear f rieida etdthe F. IVASeeNh0 A liyo f -limehahS918. sorwete ise Dentures teb mdeln ued y ti.nid Mtarer.d h thea C poaon the il wlil epo tlu 8. Tali sali Combnpan lcueal'NOTICE.o (hà -omiii tstory a aerage cf rofty ntmert ofage te tinid Corporeanton empiotéthe - orkwof, pbupldin for nalpeicevrin tise C ormpriy lnil nd 'lonie the foregolng eisoa lu eSci yar fe teterig nd et Ove yeai' ecris n eahte ti ali Corration. tedprust é.jzd te* trom the commneml et of (ho laid ofaymetf lite shal ban la al, roalUtne- therewn et WSlbyRe Manof paIy's eerikn undélrytu dage.- tsfacrly mte thtCoeoaton ay. loin.' tor o mp Ot aycf oltbe. A mvern, at Wtlorpay hees. fofalemi. a pori oSal te s nurance1 1IL7 G.wee th herf lnct. l teiplyeCe, a mInmum annualer aueafclaue fotis eis ofabhe valu eo l nd s orno u v ocokhts eecundtve ouiciIset thseC an> o--Th iry oesp.c a y gendbtweoern tise- e1n u~llin N. ia sbon tsenes etltise ep be a sai andtueessiiefact eryando lie D~0 tetheeod 'tise wages reld soah aidten tme sha ondeemdyo an a'i as Cor poat uio lo he-o.w2 ot then for pletion he bildCorpoatin 1919,ror anite otiemefable witls or- the ttbny! eIuda î , Jh * froimet anime, sudataleasotn- p conntie fCo rporation.te o th e, DRO. r *toneofUrne s sud te sal ompanyteithe 9,ien orpratio wlasl sy te tsa orelig b Maysonre-3 a I a ai rCompay.ims n i. euT sl own asy l r aid baont ofnthe Ce di CSbEr. GHEoreR, DR 4f Tcesaid CorpatIn. arsiyts sais!buidig$l25,00t0..0ns0th. CPoîîg Sb- sali Corporation by Satt ory I)ccpl ar n8.e sa mac ny is itlleees! NOTIvE o. e.4 a emptio fl o r orpepe or aroth ve th Copay'suan, b l- iakenoic>etaethPeatfogie. aR of at Itbe Cosnny nd ity-dys ns ndmajier fr heprpeoIl 57miiiof D ropoe ,lwo lnech forortheter coflive sawtiase si Compte aldCopraio.r o raPoSng Subdiesown Ne. 5 tY o rm tecmecn ttent.it aymdet of re s oInn ti rounsa !tse e tdt h vtso h l ropn' opTieiCpration ne hs ge-teaCo teytfe or lntalng.Tieandouln-toré&nd thsI e 24th day of Noember, D t ean tyee ba.mnimummany tise su t c as fon theis d el v auet t fs mach n A4D 1917. a d Oi e O'clock -theftr of$26000,0 uosifs ternie 5ofven- crybldtegb.andumcicinrem tdi aunt nn at te - Clerk' Office ls. al 5 Tie udayrtis ofnehetnndfte mepaettis erali b aan tie sacis empalny BMkxncipai bas bee F.OJcd o ts shni, ate aresofte emp tise stalbalîe in h sei fcury fraonts 1e 0 .~mmn fpros eatn it theCempand the a mnicpal aalh tio drne s! fol ab e ry ad tak se SoIr- P ollîn lace, ani aise nao.s2in- opotifertIsn eciol teCaoipocaltimn ioresofntietliroaewo tionsimay docu p ise otes bSthetlark. rove tmettaesme n t a itrici cf ten nent rof teor crtn . rpymn N lD tIsa ftieasnte h etr t aberstrm atise saidyCompad i 19 . The Cortonf. isay e t e or oaîn te the si popo..ai ta e of t pl the a e sopoaio anisy wthl 0 i se Coring ation wetlI and onî îî .tke hocnlrtinb sai! Crpoatin b Sttutry eelr- or.olunicpaSCunadil ise saNo i-Cor- . neepsrarionaat aemeetingnthereot tlerb. rto flt rprolcro te*sei.poie ieta nterq to ,rlmltahot ertsxptio ont teue A.nR. tha t e orpa y as co pled *Ih he 3ad om an . hejmd or or f# r om U i dat cf ii sIo pu lito. .a th freongprySinofTisAND- to aRD tecot o achIneryotie, asUat nc pi1 znent in dliverd on he grmmd o Ithe ion wa mmd on tse OrsW.dailsen 6. Té sid Crpoatin agees tO omRay fr Intaling T l amut n t ice uthe ser isa t f ;oa tutlu loa tethesai Co pan th sufi f C Aldo h eiey ahnADAk. D. 1i917reste oete uo in thal I rpa $2600.0 uonth trm an cnd- rylteAedOF C e ductO dront th bfr.Sntonaiwnut dlie'fi e ntis e C ark de tioedandagres o ee"p te dis eh. p uchse o! 1fr*1uns o o tertsaf1.pesnteay tendore th e a r~~~~~Mn VVO apof hedortkntevtes s deethe prS m n a e .l i perlo.m .d t n ne e sa y fo'êe ri g th ep y e akln unatifer i se a of4a e -desc tOA S, *i a ifrontstdeptiretbdayiof stan.a1918. dleieo f r tai e e t h e sc i se .bt o l-la -e nd e sppl th sid ompny ith 10 Th Coportio wli t le o n à wllty Istaen . co i r a u v byi Is y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h Nttigs .pt yu ooty snie lpcalsueil *ofte proposi b- yotsr sub ripulos hâld ne erasthexiatio.nashtie lasso venan thcidte opsythmlirem uc ttIiuX >_ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~'thcn.noticadta htrtpb *_ ilW H cTaBYionJ.AwuCH mresec otentetiet whuuiieo c. >. ua.Ob.. agoe. entrîc. -197 i Jntiem'urt Wr thK, a ernt te AAAh esfst oeuonsl rDsd mgoteP .-TFoc>belwms eier-o h lr e 'ie hntetnlidybfr h a t tg i*or Bo & ahe a tnan -m*leaé tn' r h im o wdhtt'b o t Au ierqum CI 21,11, 1111M 111iýi Ili ýl m 1*1*ý milimiiiii Ill iý 1 Ill