Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Nov 1917, p. 2

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v -4m ' . ëlw t I&em.?< M4thé-s fl#tyàr. st.boift tishe, s.~4êeéél frtyear t1s. cb11td viftbeglu té stand, Wl'oexantiied'3"wmUId iUÏ bW le smusthav.e soesato"suPPért ter. dge 1.I1dý_ O1tfr bsasskles.Rostpers wtt! givo 'isas sasipt téa ide d <vts si s-e fredzuaU save esn tise aUndry. cumatances. On -gmnerul pibseples, As soon as ho le sufficie»stwy tîtud iovve éertion'1s in td""Y' lu- .ý <chat elgisteesi m6ntIsa) draweru lctd a çh ose as yosr. I ébeuld be vetscir'l appoïdieit the, "loalcud- Laced slseeà ar» e at far a vaIs- tien -la 115. us-Mmueis dynamsite in the ing child; but cauot b. produced for a systeus, iàsdy te expledé oni tbe ccr * mmii baby. When but o! doors iuwluter ronce of: auystraln or'ditetie tundi- tise chld shonld have bis ears well cretion. POoslbY the ther sui. ltiut co vered, sud a bonnet vith an-ister- yO enetoi, May ho mlucisim*proved linlng should b. used. A'thin sveat- lu censequence o! tise per-atm Tou. 1 * er là-a very convenint garment te user Tsunic s34d In tis teaia v«ry binding. under tise coat on very cold days. O! course Yen arie driu clng too Imach Tise-cýid should neyer, go eut -visÜonfttsI.f4 rra ms ustisel the thermometor Îs under ik degrees day' are rib sd aosdle youri F. - AÀfine piéce o! choose clatis may limit. 6 glass e e' ater -tise dayý b. nade--to fit tise baby carrnage, tas- are enougis. tened on tise bood; sud this viii guard coud Hand" againat dust snd Iigis vindi. I arn baving.quit. a tins, te koep Tise ent-ef-door clotiiug la depen- 1ry bauds varus. h s act-I féal eold dent entîrely upon tise season of teO lover as soon as damp weatiler sets year and 'ith thee sudden changes, lu. viic taise )lace lu the . climate de!- Answer'-Codd bands (snd foot) fuite -zues ea:eot b. laid down. Moth- vieli or *,ùtsoîvatn,!ers- jndgmont, tr, ci experiened nevu aIu neurastise»la), anae- frlessdo. AsaeneralProposition li mia -(peor blood), bmrisgcbrounie May b. aaid tisat Infante arn veryaptAiete.,dsubea remtsm tewb. overclad,,PiatMiee'lyduring tise'goalt r4ea t ug affections tisat h~ot voatiser. ~May ltre wivti th isengit circula- QUETIOS -A~sWE8. tien M tis l M n nrvous pee- A».~dtdU,-ie ge-coldÀ xtrmlties sddeuly sud t -ssornly -by reason o! excitement 1 bave seen 2diotors; botis tell ms. or auxlety ýot aiséeS Thr.srethose TisN~eypedi<Itl su onteis ne I Wlin tUomplineacold eatremitieî4 cured vithout au operationT lt'paîius teiso! another, porson. , Docton mie oaly ait od4 turnes and geuenully cal] Ibis parastiesia, mad it in a uer- at niç,ht. I "ik 9 or10 enps of ta voua 'condition. Your doctor sisould * the day; beaides about as usuels va- examine as to, vhici o! tises. causes fer.. I have aise varicose veina. ebtaüin Vu our -cand proceed ac- And 1Iam aconstipated altise.time. cordiugly. rev Ulng jeioval's nlgiteonaneas, in the speciaLsese of Ioylty te the Jtsdaiànut-A-cte et Judgmeuts ______________________ aç sa lrsel enemies tise oppresa- . eube$ag thse nation. Ways doingaý-Ris uetisoda wveereveal"d lINJTENATIONAli LESSON lu the days o!fNMos ithie doliverance 1~OVEMBER 5. e! Isiel and tise desuction o! tise Egyptiaus;but Jehovas vus"ac s- - ~tive tisrouglsout tiseetre bâtéorfo Lpfaon VIIL- A Pialm -of 'faua-lrg!.- Chide-Or, "eontend." TRer. Slvig-Paln103. Golden are lieues vhis eema 84 if jebovais Tét.Pal 1& .were sagrymdmQtiareng wltlilits TeILPsaln 10. 2.peolet lbut tbls cànnit endure. The, Verses 1, 2. The .psalmist summona p aimis. la !ully Avare tsaIt the bleu-. aU lis laculties te pralse Jehovais, Isig,îm mume«utîd have cm orn athse So1ýTh etie ersonallt S rppe not hacause they ver. merited, del-iseeusrZ * - S u t solely because o! the divine loy- "aIltbisaI a tin me, 'frat Wewoebeinf HIloy psa..4ee hgktndudea. v.ornnsut- on Nelb. 1. il la bisson for 11-1& Tise psalmist dweli a t dNo. IL Theojuêlmist la tlslaking o! greater lèe ts à"tise reutuensansd JeisoVui roesr inusuel! as abisly ernees o! Jeisov&'o )ove. Fer-,j Ood Fot sa 0 t of pasl theSnoau eaoa 1 in lmon sm asos .repéated -lu, verse 2z F« or r)iv 1.Tuse n"in e avers 1 gel hII-FoT eus tise secre esls iecuiteee !thev.. o! sueh~gru w 89e BegbFt-or, movul f mi.tBcSo!t-thse vroi asslforilu ths e la the divins tisey include :tes.'- 1t)S--Ori"U om .adunen tedusiption, -pr:ofo!the*compassionla W "dl »W vuiso 6r ls p4saunee,et.. ledge o! mân'. esSwues.. Dat-Xan --.Tise. fes« mOespisasm ,thse being oettise srtea«tlsy,.0 basbuo! chm*tetaie uuvftles o! Jeéhovahs. courus 1ev, cannai elenâU eatalabis Fonglivth-Tls. pneatesl of divine immbakt*î blessgsw lito, b.-sym j eIrttién tsaof sa.wll aluie 1z v « 1 - nmve min. s-lu Methods That Tae th. Dr"dgr.xOut-« Hog-K'*U!ng Tisse. By Mn . X E ÀMotsr. Mien vo butcher bcsoga vo prof or .4 slSold b. doue, b foretise griuding, as chear, coolday, vitis tise-visa frous the grisuder gives ýa mucis mpr. tiser- tise nerfs. AUl neeesaary-peaa ui mixture lisais eau possly b. ties are made be!orebpud as nu ernade b$, baud.. Mosf good sausagel as possie. If a numiber o! legs tuaben put thee meat tisreugh thse cut- )%re tebe dr.ssed, tley'are net-allîfer tis. second t4j 'At tise secafld hlled a the. mre limes , as standing l grluding tlse e eong may be sdded. sUsstùs te impair the llavor, but te <F or four poundoof-Meat tise!oilovissg souk. godUnwe alus te bave one la the proper asueunt O! aeasanlng, ai- nsdy, for scalding as soon ai theone th:ough -it î vlb. hast tesdd -or sub- b«e Il ial islsbed A'i=uammount traçl te maS. il suit yeur ovu taste: o! llme-add.d, te the soaldtg.-ater Oaen cel, t ue n-ha!! oune e! vii- net injuretise meat iuauy.vsy, blacks grossnd pepper, sud ene-hal! and -il sakea heisair slip mach* more ounce o! powdened sage. If the s'ed easil sud tho sis la is iter. colon of th. meat Adebired a little Tisecarces a repulfle rous thé saltpeter vii koep if. sSfldig hairell sud put on a long aksa uages Plaffosan viscis8la s tIle lover a" te' Ssdus4ge ton -muediato use imay b. end farthuet troustise barrai.- This Iowernug oe!oeue end g£*es tise vater a packed laucroka sund jars.A very off t ranc, sud thî bair ndod sse.sop<ale ck the jars tiglit- seuil ls more easily clussnod roin 1 te' ly'and setlin i r and beat until plafors.,Tie hst rocdu. l ro {enoughs ard lssà rua eut té 1qake plaierill,, Te bst roèdue n " Icorersssiovo tlw±. Expert ausaffe rnovlssg tisebair n uste begin on tise 1Mmr dvs covering the jar vill hklad and ltit. Tise are tise iardest c to diess properly, sud wiseu they W esoc ethsupuring useled para- euse cold tisoyà-al..a os fo u on tis4otlte111 up tise pores. sibl tuas. a ISSPOSIt la ne trouble-t keep tise sansagel for mentisIiswy Always keep! AVOMId Reary Lifting in a cool ad dry. place. Erery advautage of iseavy lifting Thon thse caings may b. used as a Our metiod s simple. Tiecarcaseutisly cleaned, wvsied, adsrpd isrle roustise plalforus on te a A special tufflu- machine la nsed to atraug chair. Two men cui carry a pack tliet sausage lu is es My ovu very iseavy isog in Ibis usanner. Tise favorite vaa ùto pack the sausuge In hsog miY nov hoe takren vils a mii mualin bags. It seema beffer-lt it la mum o effort totiseplace Wher it s dried avhlle.and aîter tsedryug we to e hiung. A number o! devbces pack Il avay-lu erocks ansd cover vitis ,nay lie ernployed te nase thse bea.vy lard. Mxed sau sag ,a ade by al- lifting. Thse ganbrel stick may be ioving onie pouu o! ean b..! and osse slippedont o! eue leg, putaround tise ptsuud e! fat perk 4ote Iv pounds od pole, sud r.laserted Iu ite propon poei-l- 1c pork Il U is aisdled thse sse as tien. Tisen it la ea.iy poailie te pur. sausage. puals. it up-te a suolci cut un lisepole, lun aking- soute or iseg-isead chaos., vwhichis la ued »asan inclined plane. A oee sed slsouül& be. used vifis about block sud taeerny b. ied ote é ti vie foot. Beilithons tegether un- 11mb of a tree sud tise gambrel stick fil they are, perfectly tender, sud re- tied o the lever puley. ,Ifs airo 'oe is oet. iiýsh tho useal puley-viresfretciers are isandy ey s tisorougly, bsund season vilhsalt, pep- are- tise best, as they bave a patent per, sud sage. Store lu a deep pan grlp tisaI helda the bog secuoly at or croc until w.I1 cooled, sud thon il any» ieigit. .10w vo are ready te mas b. fnied, or ilicd'and served vith clatis cold votes' over-thse body. viuegat, as doslred . Livrs cheese is We removo fhintrails next, being msade lu the'same vay, usiug tisree vers' caretul aIl the vwhite tisaItiey b. tirera, e u ed; sudeiglt fot.'. dre'is nacwt, W. placeq itickb.ý- T ef UO tînai viti tisee. tmjtu l '-tises' baveo=rea mu t mi t isll a.& ve selm beois breui tle _tise . aW teel. ou siue s i= tleliss. bFo u ai demîb& eti8hking cane io! Il, and Itis anex- mig. h teL inew eCtY,1d*'ai ve ia4si drs'1s Habu , 4 Mu, and0SUtti Ü«t.16=UIbrêa 1 r t tose hMd ÎkIs iaIisubsa brog1 ýepr«d*m ý*1Oy m ez mîl i Siorsa k l Smt *o sabtUtheraM tise pleconeI:third . -flù teobauhalt. el&ads â» i.o beos od. Alrli Meke19 In wat« o ,u. - i sokn oerlli Wb sentoo -l 14a * ,oi. usiG - Urdwts 311ItkS *o&I -«t ir >S t at mo i &ft AM tb a.-I .Ry;r, I$ L ,aaàe . exciteunent -,franisally .eK«irt Sh ber.,cblld catch- Us -bneatL - lThit epartm.nt la for tisa ük. he1jd lot an exglrt on any question r 1MMâ ý1t,4i a cryig, pel, held iÏ taM#bIrd iddro..W dI bre.ti ~~iiit was bIne in tie face answ.r wilitbe malted f0 yoFIL CèOU téngt1ui tob ln eitis, Cc., L# n AdeIaide 8t&ý-W., Mli n te be& e tOIimp in C.8 -.--ILla it possible to suy er.the-actserstunedcor* so au te keep crows, E wltb fear of' its approaching deatis, stroy$ng it? 2. How can o had dropped IL. uinate wlld carrots? 3 h Thse little> baby eil did not die and b. thse best seed te Mow là the thse mother anxiously sought to kaow to produce a ornai] crop of he' bow te avoid a repetition of tise seis. year?. sires. Sever1al times since it' birtis Answer:-1. In order to coul tise -little one isad, vithont thse least attack of crows on young _provocation, ln the midst of a <I!YU1iZ corn, it is well to dip the corn~ speil, so held its brestis tiat it tuTIiOd by putting it j a kottle and t bine in tise face. In looking back plying thse taltishe corn, keer into its heredity we found thse motiser corn stirred. Just enough* more or leas nervons and perledicaily be used ta -make n very thin suffering with very sîck beadaches. o! tar over each kernel. î A Thse motiser's motiser also had been a j spoanfu l sQuld be sufficiE'nt lifelong RUferer froi ick headacises six or eight quarts of seed col ,and "nervousneas" rau in thse "family à gu<x practice ta dry thse exý treoeY We isad, witl5out question, a by the addition %J Borne dry rd nervous ehlld to deal witis. or lime. This will preventà _Cured By Spaninlg sticking. 2. Wild carrots ca~ The mother and fatiser of this littie terminated by cultivation. T child -togetiser wallced witls us back yields readily where care is t into thse ancestral halls, and as they prevent its seeding. 3. Probu gZazed upon tise nervous tendeniesb ty. a ot , a r o! thîs aunt and thse pecularities of spring sown seed, would be të tisat uncle and ltise nervoua break- mixture of peas and esa b ' downs -and aïck 'headachea o! the~ each ta the acre. These shoul grandparents, they enthuuiastically just beo the onts begin which was that when baby began to b. falirly well filled, and the cry---at thse very instant, the very shonld make nutritiaus hay. second it-began to held its breatli-it1 was te be promptly turuod over, tise l eader-.-I wtsh to plant au diaper lot dowu and tise lips Were to atrewberries in thse spring. be sbauiked until they tingle<. give me adrice regsrding, cul This treatment served a two-fold asitisis work in new ta me.î pine toexetabllsh thse fact that she Answer:- In preparing ai was not juvenile mintreas of tise sk berry Patch next sprinig, thai uation, and~, second, te help* lier should be worked as early as quickly te catch ber .breath a *nd thse plants set in rows Snbsequeit.ly when tise little girl's four. foot spart, and f rom oni ways wer. crossea--wl«seuae could foot apart in tise rowo. St not have the thing aise Inted At tise strawberpy growers apply fro instant ase wiuised It-she began, to'60M Iba. of fertilizer ta the cry. As ah. started te isold hier preparing a sultable bed breatis,,in lois "tin ian it takes yon strawberry plants. Tisis can Lte read it that little gel vas turnod broadcast over thse ground ai eover and8quick and telling treatuseut ed lun by carefully harrowing vas adminiatered un ne uncortain ing tise ground. Fertilizer, on manner. Sise ciugbt ber breatislber- ricis day loasu soul, sisou face did not tara blue, thse convulsionabut2to 8 per cent.ams did dlot take place, aud tise motiser 8 to 12 per cent( available pl scored ane in tise nerveus discipline acid, ansd posbly 1 Per cent e! ber cisild. Tise cild la now uearly as. During tise firat soi 4 and nover sincetise second spankîng, bloasoming stalk should b. pii lias ahelWd her breatis or. produced aud tise runners should b. thse drea4ad convulsiona. along tise rçw, not apreadi * teady Chld'a Syatem __________ M other Reader, under ne clrcum- ts-tances b. falnt-liearted--do net iu- dulge in "rtering tise pitiful failure 2ta control snd" stabilise tise nervous 1to be brave andýdetermined, firus andi T aeSeeat 8persistent, kld-dand patient, lu your Weak elhieks ae csusedby emetisuo! correction. thinga tisat cause a poor hate Most nervous cisidren aredelicate glSiueos Di oultrywolnan. Iud as a iule pretse ld, the "de1ý my trsy filed vith iatchabli Sica&te ephlld" uduly aud te t1S chIld'We tXtsgthem boore pattlngl *hrt Tbey viai té ,,void ,oratîng ît, tb machine. T1%«e are r and tisasday -by day, it eatapeajpretos nts uiee thse -bîéefits of! ,* daly, dj1jfi» sd'la tiseegn U8614 viic -th tisa e usai sd .éeer. Ipssible to deteet 1vithout I Fàr moettutie average..hwstby jfylng lans. 1 Itest aX ri Ia il l4dosa the nervoas clild need'tiis ui slgetal etl *ver'di1r..e-thfs chulfi vitisan uns- Ifore tlieyarljud.It 1jilced or inefftleently troUed jmymY4 P cloa ausd vWOUtt as syteu. Asd-adtrisyen, yu y si~e b OYb*t et!. a iàaat-saet xpet té train tbe Daervossa tuuspol*tueaIfoa12d ci by *1 Phalamdaasehods 08degreu ,the first tlysaw use of our farm rmaders h wIawnt.th6SSdvtO ;arlngmou s dl rops, ec.1f y u USlf ittuilib. a aered - h , hthi*, coium1t. I ,ornté ~ts»M than a foot wide oneithe aide. Dur- -nde- ing, the first' seasM tllé,,tràwberries exter- -shoild b. frequenlY. Worked, rther , Would deep at first, but shîdUower asZ 4sa -sprint s0fl advaUces, rrieZ exceedn a ~y neit depth of 2>k luiches.-, 4tetgofl has frozen -. tis good practice to cover t.rol the the plan>s witb ts or other ilh 1,owlng which can be removed in the spring. 1in tar, RS:1 Will you^ give mue parti- i en ap- culare for treatmeflt of. biarley for ing the amut? 2. If I sow aveet cloiver with should a nurse crop -next spring, how long "sfring wiU the plants, mot? It is a bsiennial, ,table- 1 know, but does plantiflg with a nurse 0o treat crop usake a- difference? 3. Should a r. It wooden silo, built of yellow pine be :ess tar, PaInted on the inside as well as the Cad dust outside? Is it necesqary that silos lse seed wlth cernent, floora have a hole left in Sbe ex- the centre for drainage? as weed . Aiswer:-l. In order ta treat bar- ýaken to ley to control amut, take a barrer- Lly the ;holding about 50 gallons of water. rp from1 Add one pint of formalin to approximl- ýë s0w a ately 40 gallons of water. Mix this shel of thoroughly, then clip the bag ol barley i ecut seed into thift mixture until it fs coin- to turu pletely submerged. Raise thse bag dswili until it has drained out and tjscn re- ixyture submerge. Afterwards lift the bag- r p j U that the solution drains bac< arininto the barrel and empty the sack ace onto a dlean floor, covering the bar-_ ~an YOU loy so trcated with sacks or covers. ttivation Leave these on over night -so as to Siilkeep the formalin gaz in among the kernels as much as possible.' In the Istruw- rnorning remove. the baga and thse gas- agrouàs will quickly escape. 2. If swcet dlover os isl sown with care and the ground la p.ree to well prepared and'ricis, it wil1 lait 1to twO for several years., -Pîanting it withf ,ccessfUI a nurse crop mak es no difference as Ilm 00 ta to thse longevity of theé dover plants. acre, ini 3. Painting thse inside of thse silo for thse wilî tend te proserve the, wood. This be I50wT1pninting is nôt as necessary as that work- of the outaide;,-since the outside paint- gor rak- ing proteets tise silo from, wea.thering. na. fairl y It is good practice, te have a hale ant analyzo -thse büttom nit te cernent floor silo. 0 nia and Thishale should lead off T nto a drain, tespho 'rie butof cnurse should be dlosed before t, OfPot- thse sil:) is fi:ed. 8)* .erwîre, air 'will I5son thse get jnto thse silage 4>y thi', avenue and. L iched off destroy much .Of it. Thse draini et the' 1 trained bottons of ýhe rilo wlll allow tlssr- 1 I more Ougs cleaning out of thse silo. the srne !h. maya a eggs by tho nl 4uny lus- e te -M.toi, s decayed apple would -bave lis. mnidat o! good ones - They throv .olr a poisonous gas wisicis is responisible for many clsicks being dead lu"tise shoil at isatching lime. This aRisO causes bavel trouble, se cominon vifs incubator chieku, for whlcis the lu- cubator is nal to blame. 1 ill every vacuacy made-by footing; - ont unhateisabie eggs, by metting- a couple of houa at tieseine time 1 set tise'incubator,,te draw frous visn egVs are necded; or, wisen I have as mss as 50à0M ogp net, I MI 1a nusall machine just te drav !rom At~ ~~ e 1stligtn. t- taltis e cisk out eryIsour or se, covenug-eém', 41gisti', but neyer aubowing .thons ho -setlbot, eao'ugste Swest, viesù laa- wsys Mas. Isam very careful about 1tllag cold àai tth.eIseubator, a# il" ciils ie unhistcised ciis. lun about torty-egsV bours, I feed erce-rssnss orbread-cruubs, pite- kgi bran, c"ld itor sud -gil beo tisos au thelime. ,#* InferilWe egga la tise truýlo ot peon the air,but tisey arm vers'mis- biadnw -Shses tiser amacoldar tisais ~'- e-c,. a~I9tut

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