Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Nov 1917, p. 8

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'&6 imdàïàte et - st Thm" U uuaju= u w~wee.teaem,& ..a l ,a. Mlirtoe~0blté. w h~as btéýi ataying Reré1ondayS~ovemùber-201h. for it Lh 3aâ er heré ;r the,, ààter, the COiiÇen by the 'Comra*es" te bet 1bas -i'turned- te the ç. giron lh;thé Kinssie RBal. came 8~rg.~ T4>1a004Y, 0 Toonto éOriy and see Miss ]'earles5» and ber hiepaent da TS >y. Company -or' Young foUtowcrs.They vIli Ciiit. Moobre ntor seé W. Xn'ete Tuesday. Whitby. an%'d Grcénoed quartette will Mr. lKetchen and Miss Olver visited a8s.t with the program. Adission ln -the* clty over Sunday. 125 cents. tCaptain Caee- Statr, son of Dr. Last Sunday morning ln thé bleUi-à star of thîs village., Who 'bas bin odist Churçb, Ur. T. Howell. of To. servlng ln Engiand and France, bas! roato. gave. an address under the ais been calied teOCanada te superintend pices of'the local Belian Relief Coin- the erection ot a lino of Nllitary lios- mlttee. Tbe-needs of theBelgian wa.r pitals froni the Atlantic te thie Pacifie sufferers outside of the Germann hues -Coast.a were- made plain. Flfty dollars will The Hydro Eiectrlc woriccrs havejkepaariyo refmprshg almost reàchd the connecting point for one year. 41tn offerlng of $159 -ras r3 a O8awa.We~her ermttîn weplae.ed on- the~ plate. Friends cf the New tü eha e c nn i Xearhe wlling to ahare up wlth th e starving Mis Flrene all 0fWiklo, vs.may leave.their -offering wlthMr. X. B488 Fladyo renel. oloy aIS- C. Elliott, cenvenor et the cornmittee. epa frsoaé. wthNr. o a h Thé ýMpthodlst congrogatlon ls pré- KINSPALE. 'earlng to celebrate the Golden J ubileo Service wvas conducted hère last Sab- of the church. Thé date li set for De- bath by Mr., West. lie gave7 a splen- *. ember 30 an4 31, with speclal Sundny' did sermon. > .ý ser-vIcýs 'and" an- oldjime reunion 5l1p- âfr. E. F. Mackey. ef Piankington. jper. O' n'Mokday, Rer. T. W. Leggottt South Dakota, la rtsitiag bis parents, a tormër paster, Yw411 ho the' preaéher.". and êther. relatives here. Ih la somne ;$unKay $chol Institutes are being I wenty-liVe reste erc more siace Ed. ieft arranged fot tho Stmnday Seliooi -work- bis native village. "Me bas muade good )s th.Cnr.ug,3t nTes-Tgge astock deallng. aiso rogu- - -Tresveî' Sa luita fiTxu By i'Irtue of a warrant under the band of thé Warden snd the seal of-the Corporation cf thé Ceuaty ef Ontarlo. datod the iStI day 0f Septemýber, 1917, comma4ing me te levy upon the lands mentloned ln thé tellowiag 1151 for arréars ef taxes thereen and conte as hereîn set forth, I hereby Ie notice that unies mcli arrears snd conte- are soonor pald. i1 eaUl, ia compilance with -the Âssessmssçt Aot. proceed te oeiliby public iuetion'ý thé said lande, or se muoli theroof as may hé neemaary for thé taxe, at thé Court lieuse. la te Ton o Whibyon Wednesday, Décember 26th, 1917, at, thé hott&W0 TOWNSH{IP OF RAMA. Lot Con. Acres Taxés 14 G 50) 51196 14- r 50 3.10) Coots 2.50 Total $14.50) 11.60 Pat'd or Unpat'4L Unpat'd. Uupatd. TOWNSIIP OF MARX. Part - Lot Con. Acres Taxés, Coste Total Pat'd or Unpat'd. N. %- 10 13 100 3 0.05 3.00 3.05 Unpatd. Part Lot bt 12 Pt 1 P »rt Lot Con. Coti. Pat Lot COU. part Liot Con. 1t3il il TOWNSHIP OF BROCK., Acres Taxes Costa Total- l,i 2.03 2.5<> 4.53 63 1.2.41? u3,6. 14.81' TOWNSEIP 0P UXBRIDGE. Acres Taxes Costa Total % -1215 2.55 14.70 2% 13.:22 2.58 15.40 TOWNSHIIP 0F SCOTT'. Aères Taxes Costf Total 100 36.87 .- 3.17' 404 Pat'd or ljmPat'd. P*î'd. pat4d.- Patd or iJnpat'd. Pat'd.. Patd. PtVd or Uupat'd ratd.. Acres Taxes Costa 4otà patid or usmad., 12 a.87 2.67 15.4 Patd. iuwrta wtr trnri oi Coa. 4crés Taxes Veste Total ToWNsIIip 0r EAST WuilTBY. Lot (»u. Are MPanTaxos -Coste Total l ots loi, 180, 111 C411172 16.75 1:41 19.42 33.2. nd38 1247.54 '2.44 Go.*& t. Lot COu. Acres 1Taxu sb~8t.81 - 5 % .45- 20 J -Lot >i1 syr9t* Awres Tenus Coaa Total ~Tp.) Pry- 15 N. aide QUe'- > -' '844 3-11 MIS il 1 W, aide P'lue - Md t &,84.i? cýMd Fatd o Upa PaVd. or UnpaVd l~ PatId. Fard. or Upm*tl& orI~ perd4. tor tui8~r, a8i1 m o" iun e tî thé Red Cross, m tlc xt«eretbo Out S. S. dd net heid their ýregeletr mission lest Sahibath,, aïs thé Superta- ttndent w^as unavoldably Absent, as 'thé- assistant. h rrysoldom et - cura lu onr schoel. sud wiIlnet Iiltely 4appe aaln fo many mesUre. --We regret véry munti t learuet Mr'. Rodds rment ilunese. ge.bhm bée doutlnod te bis bed for se-verni days. but Is, ire are pleaséd te 4eport get- cing better. Dr. Moere bas'been look- lng atter hlma.- .Réserve Moadiy, Nerembér 26t1. fer the coneert by the *'Comrades" te be $Iro n luthe - Kinade 'HaWl Come early and sec "Miss Pea.rlese' and-ker cemtpany et yeuag f6lloirere They -viii give thpir hearers tire heurs o«- wbele. Berne amusement Miss Procter. et Whltby. and Greenwood quasftetté mii assiat with the prograin. Admissioni 25 cents. Thé beauilfixi fal et snoir on Mon- day niît iras a geutle reminder te us rbat wla ter l5 again approachlng. 1Who la thé barber mest of thé village tbat remalas home frein church on Sundny and gireà a customer or tire a bair eut. Thîs la net perhaps a criss- Imal offence, but It lai an offeucé that need not oceur. The Kisale Braneh of South Ou- tarie o nen's Institute wmlli meét at thé home cf Airs, C. O. Lawtoton o Thursday, Soreel)r 29, ai han puet tire. A good pregrain1i lai *ezpéectéd. Everybody %veicome. Mes. C. L. azk. ey. Presideur: MmrP. R. R.Mowbre.>, $ccretary'- MYRTLE STATION. Mmra D. Birash, et Oshawra, spent the week-end ni. 5r. F. L. Browa's. 'Mr. and Au-s. Roy Spencer-oet Ponty- pool. - orre at J. E. Beaéocks the for- mulr part ef thiai meek. At thé close et thé Ladies' Aid meet- lug tait Wedeesdny evenling. Ar. -sd g1rs. Frank Holman (nee Mise Jesele Dilmke)> were presented wltb air easy char, as a ahigît toen ot apprécia- tie etMur. Heiman' sriées as an 0fficer la thé Sunday School.Blheav- .ng been a faithful morker -la thé achool for se years MW, eaueet Catarrh that amena b. surg Hfate -.C trhCuma lle C.t.i'i'h Cure bau belths eaurm miteer r Wlis puCt t.brtr4vs 7"M'. sai lam bms kaowa «e Un g ra»U" veawwfer Ctarrl. aWs* <braait b, nidM~~~ht. ofltse <lha lb. Obébi animutl 4roysut a émi go m, 84-M" S"te, vui et saiarrtà. 5m fer ttMOI3s16 e.. Mir. Johan Quinn t, u stetcmplêted îhe erection eot a ânué new garage. Mm Glynnu tSoy *"va sld am t.P'tertbeoughmon Saturday, owing té thé serlous lmes of ber inqUier. th%eSuuday Scheol arc preparing Lae bold their enteraMidient on lbe er-n lug et Decémber 21tPartîculare haer. W. are glad te melcome Mir. Rod sud famiy teour midst. mmr. W. J. Rlues Ms u issRelue epent île m-eekend irith Port .Perry triénde. MIr. H. Laué attended tue funeraI ei lis brother-la4a-. AMr. J. uonnette. lna Osava lest ieeli. mas heW ai "the SundaySéheoI for àli tbe-workérs.,,thoem b liare-labor- e4 la thé Peu- And tirait vh -bavé charg' moW. qutté a number - vqe preaet,ud a good Ule ule'WU o«d ÂuoatoicaiOUmas m.ff.poisou- of-etthé refusé matter passng daiy ulm ledyt , 4te àabsorbod by su~s 4owouwed. lu their effort t gUat boofeIoisiiw ofe causé Indigestion, Lom of Appétite aamd Dtsturbed St*madli. It my pro-. duSé iesdachesaud Sheeplossues. Il- muyimflaLiMeIidigeys and bring 011 Pain lain the &k,.Itheumnatism, (but, a md Rbu alle s 1 îsthé chiot causé of Esema-and keeps tme wmoe systemsu*Wat»blytheeoestmtabsoip- tion mie thebloed ethis refuse matter. intximlon or -self-poison ing - as 84Frtit-a.tives Iates gently on bowels, kidueayg snd skia4, strcugthens thé eôwlsasudtoues upthe ncrouâsystém. 50c. a box, 6 for $-50, trial SWis 250. jkt ail déalére or sent postpaid- on j rcép.tofpicébyFruit-a-tiveslimitéds IOttawa. T'hé chicken pie 9ocial last Tuesday werý served tea lu the basement and artetwaz'da ail gathered upstairs to ho"ar an excellent program. ManY thanka us i extendeti to those taking part therela, and to Rer. Geo. Yuie. of Oshawa, for acting as. chairman. Over $100 wll be reaiized wheu -the efpenses are cieared. Mim C. Kemi> la recoerIng nicely after a severe attacli ef tonsilitis. BAL.SANM. Walter Kerr sPent n tew da.ys in thé clty mest week. F. H. Davis, of-Toronto, cailed Qn Balsm fiende hast week. W. P. Joncs metered te thé city on Prlday l»L. Considérabl eéxeltement iras cause in Baisam on Frlday aight lest week. m-heu AMr. Bossé uotieed a iglitta is i béa boemé Without delay ho called up Baisenistore suddlad thé Police sent up lmmedlately. But whént arrivlng on' thé smuie ne Ire e t théecireken thiérée could hé meen. Wé arc pleased 10 rprt tbnt notbing las heen stoe. miss Wlson retugmn hast velt ménlmodaymormwg tu theé durcI. K1siR s obMtUli M'«eotc. s»Ut the wék-énd ai lier bomsu e re. DoM't torgt the t pwortl-I Leé mmrs J. Scott la sqmdiu a comugle of ire*kewith b« ront t«O ,au Pli- ,Mr. and AMre. Lett vleited mw» relatives at, StoUj2Vilé On Buuday, éd mth Ars. 3L.c nSudy berné visted , ith r reatives at Pick- erlng lest TuesdM3r Miss Am4e Staneè- ap»«t afée d les ék wtthM.M. Lé Mir. Brady, 0( ToQrontO. le3visltlag iritIAMr. sMd Are i. likr vistdover the, week-end itl is Par. int» bere. Mr. an4 mi& #Tayl1or <iigh Point, are vleltlng their de5sh14M . ea. JR 1tU80ellBnOdey' of Whiby qoa-, dUmU5ILUC t - kfauiAVto. -ý ,ýýý 'YThè IUydio iCommision ùarecbtasy Mr. Jam~es Ma.ckey Intende movlnt sorry te report jmrs.WiU Dyer un- der the doetoeýs, cutre. We e for- s pey .revery. qr. ,George Rayes'new home la near- ]y completed. COLUMBUS. XMr. A .Spears 19 ln thé City oWing te thé.,ifluesu of bis father. wbe has undergoue a serfoti operatien ln the hespital. -We aie havIng qulte a young winter. Soe people bave a good Suppiy of beachnuts gathered fer winteré' The crop le an alunamnt one this ycar. EX-CONDUCTORETTE SPEÂKS FOR THE WOMEN.-' la an article denling wlth the em- ployment ofwaomen tu Canada aS Street car conductors, the", Toroutoi Dai4y1 Nrtrs bas the folewing extract, whitiy will hé of Iaterest te Whitby readcrs. Surely no oee ias a better righite be beard on the subject thSu Mrm Bentiey, of Whitby. Ont.. whe writes as folews - qTrADy NMRVERQIS. D kily News ef thé 2.Sth. headcd 'Ne' Prospect for Wemen Car Conductors.' 1colld net refrain frein sending a lac. My Opinion la like Mm,.Hamil- ton*s In as far as thInlclng tbéy wenld nake excellent car conductors la con- cernéd. 51w as about théeiromen ln the Old Country. Yes, lndped. m-bai ahout thein? 1 camé hère from the Mld Country 4 months ago and speak from experience la as mucb as 1 was a conductorette hefore saiiIng for Cari- sdn. Thé clty 1 came from employed ftvé bundred cenductorettes alane. **0f course it lane o rk for the weak, as a stondy nerve la required. aise a cool head fer tléy must loarn hem- te stop- a runaway car over there. There la a great différence betireen thé street -cars bore snd Ila. thé Old Country. Hère tbey are longer and beavIer-loeking. but tbère they are bigber. haring tir e cks oitIK" SAD.) " ?POLE8. '*As forrirmen climbiag te thé top te admest thé polos, thé drivers de that lite job nom- lu Englanil. There iras lots et kick m-lithe mon at irat, but now thé drivers and cendluctorettes work la barmeuy. Tbey are preird ol thelr iromon mor-kers ln thé Old Coua- try. as euhI iornan lbas llberatéd a man for service. Préférence le giée te, soldiera' miros, se yen se. that wmli th6H -X nC DW anac denoefor 60 years W e c «m tohbat Beh~' A, r04for the toM.ach, their husbands are beating the Huns at the front, the wives help te send- $more gLnd stili more men. Besldes car woxncn there are hundreds of Postwo- men. window cleaners railwny port- 'ers flot to, mention niunition ,vorkers *«They bave not lost theïr pride cubher. -but everybody over there ls working, and even when 1 left they wore appealing to ail the wdmnen to do more. There la no need to tura theni Into Amazons. 1 admit lb la ail men»s work, and *hile the woînen are carry- ing on with the work now. 1 thinhi to the brave lads when they conit home. 'I amn a returned solier's 0Wtfm hu'sband being stilli n hospital hiere. The oniy one to kick agaînst wen taklng tmenVs places will be a fe'e prudfisb old women and the slackere' SALE REGISTER. :1 ef farm stock, Implemnents. hay. grain snd rmots, the property of Wmi. MW'c-s, lot 19, con. 9, Wbitby Township, liait mile est et Myrtie C.P.R. station. Sale at enle o'ciock. èAs ir. Wiles 18 givlng up farmlng. th-prée mlii héne reset-vo. Whta. maw. auctioneer. Meîuday. Novomber 26.-Auction salp et 36 dnlry coirs. the property or Frank Jilkins. at thé Tempérance lieuse,. Brookla. Saje at 2 o'éleek sharp. Wm. liait-.atctioneér. STANIAD- AN W. &Mthe tipurdhuet ua sade sd profit"- stnui adto te o h int WOto yur ofuflr>' ý WITBRY R A NCH 1 ah I 4t Eàquipueni t ide iy o Toronto. Î, large -tock io! caekets and funeral -8upplies always on haud. TEFLEPHONEs- BelN.99, Da&y or àNight. lnd.---Da- No.52- Niheor Ilolidays, No. 65 ~ Se YurGoal Whero you aresunre it wil be Glua and Bright Ouroi' coa jwelI scexned. W. guarante. roïnPt de- livery and good service. Whgtbys sal Sou fDealers Ple.70 .W* Have Several Cars-1 Orders laken for, Nui' and Stove Coal. W. have alto eucot oI. ill'bd 816b80 ie to Waste, mingIy th row part PL, i

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