Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 Nov 1917, p. 1

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CI z G0O4FELI.OW ftt.ft~*t WILLIS' Cômupou'id SyrUPOt -WhIte Pine and Tar Coughs, CoUds and BrouchiliTroubles 25c per bottie. J. E. WILLIS fluruaglst and Optlan MEDICAL HALL Brecli St. * Whitlby. GERMAN SLAVERY or VWCTORY LOAN BONDI' Your iolleV williBo n et y oi nheun the top fi,-ai the dor. h ulli lit te lIen.atas i. va. .4n Bgium sund Ileigluni ila hova deseti aste. Fe'r Four tub> S sake.-youar utile coing lIai> lyig iii lis crudle your hâ&pyr brighl eyed girls anti boys greta tapwhut charace liav' they In te *ce if e LOST THIS WAR? Buy a VICTORY 1BOND. e R,, BLOW# .WLilby Benl phone 9. Homeophone 14. Wiuter Term frosc Ja.. trd te-day blitotW - R isbl bh a- dea.cu teoed a odut lwwk. A. Affm se 0 te MW lUf48e l!(t *' Thumuda wütt «n b riqired £ foc.ek ppotiue. Let us train Y" nise we caO de ,( r.<cht. Wvrît# te.dyter Our large cetalog ()or. Tougi endI Je M9814 ^ Hundtred acres,- near Kingotom Roady wanted to loue; a.180 poultrj baainess equipment and Rock 01 poultry watWd to purchase. Buj or reutiprop@rty. John Fisher & Cos Tb# Ormater Caai loi umm Liii Ce., Umitol Wlultby Otao Rl totate Dou er&, F.siatea Mau Resto Oollected. FLrst Lou Arraug Propoitieca hougbs and I u~d. For terme apply IleatiOMeie, »rock Si Bell Phone lad nt. ph»« 1 Farms of Ail Stizu Wante Dythie Itou§ far din ltgcG.. kba Wc tuake ws a îaty of landiselù LIaI your place wilh uwt for nooti stîlta. 09Wl, 8 Bond St. We!ý#, Oshai Phone. &59. R. LITY F _____anoI SI3R~ alon A.T.L The~S -w"' awler rocer TBY O1~etf0w2cefs~g a~~Ma~ins heatre and Atmories. N~U U~ M I Y I A The .peôple of $outtk Ã"nta0e.: mfijMoped Umnion were now "SeIngthe h V# U tCpuIO oth Poosi partltularly tiiose of t.tovu ot Of Sh- Ne t"ot of Met ee1fg Agrou awa, crowded tg capacItY IboGoveru- or aine Men Who W'e &£IDOE5 h e- f1055 By az ote of 43047 te - .haîtstarte6 ln busaness, about fu ment- &lnoUrles anti Maftln8t he %ëtati trenuona oibjectrs te Uni' u h h-pol tWi~ê it 0t g.sda4s aibut aý In Qaha!wa. and hundreds wore turn- lUberal convetion.cu- the: iali p ofadne tMo.R.ateê ed away on the. occasio f tic vlalt UV,?. ere ogaluatYeu- thon, M. byr4.W I uo&icdI yhi th Towli 5a JMer etUtres. Ris businssg or, Ri. Hon. Sir Robert Borden and Fowke- mid eue eftbtese "but,," a"e Coupniitoe 1*511 5;o& oê the unitoti andtilie openI a stork ,Àgaidn atI a Hon. N. W. RoWeill on Moiday ev'en- Wttb You now.- 0f the nIU6 Mon elght IRUbber Mnuufacttu'# iijiê d<.cising gain ha bd te aeeklalger prses, Ing. Owing tu the necesalty ot boRd- said tbey were gOlxg 1* support Ur. Co., of Toronte.1 The, Ykting was fajzr un.til nov ils thetutlarçee osftIth- iug two cintIgs te ateommoate the Smiith and the uinth thotttit 1hat be îy brlsk. a . Uluner ' the cititens mnent 'of the sort lnu-Toronto, viii"t crowd. cach speaker was cOmpelled te -wouidn't vote at ta11' tbroug rhm»ves with,_ vlgor tote brauchu stores lii iamnlton and Brasa make two--addvsse5 duiig the. even- Mr. F'owke declaretit Sir Wl!- tokor getfng out ýsprd voter, tord.. lng. f rid Laurier cou1l not hoteted as SeveraI large autos wcro prüyided, by MeiS mpany la nov a Joint sUicli lTe retlflgwaccorded tic Premlcr a leider becatis e vas endoraed bY the United RUbbér Go. t susii10 » cooneouiiwtiiaulauthorzed cpital of an aseoiea£ue were enthuslastiC. A Henri Bourassa, a bater of England vi>i th,. ot OI.Iee$0.01.Sm S.0 tsokb body-aguard or Great, War VeteaI ac- and one wb@ would iltke the British cars bore largo l*imexp, reading *«y beon pal up.1r.Woe smad companîlot tho-m lu the procession FSuplre -to be destroyed.' Though he Tour Ulniteti Efforts Ugited 11Tires Cau tiie preSent aMsIs of thte ompagny at l hrongh the sreetL of the ten. where may destre te serve the Empire be beMatelaW1t7 S thein on-Ii 600 chefring thouaand% gave thein a wel-4 would ba.-entroIled 1» tmen who would Calr.t' The ratepàyursdid tend' titi 1Mr. Wocten bas desigfled a- tiré for corne. inmarked coutrast tote dis- prevent blm front dom; se.Ail selfutnited efforts. und the by-là* teoecttT. "~n Ce., niticli ho sollatoelitat graci-ful conduct witnessed on SItr respecting Englisii-speaking Caain carried iritit the above'iWOrWhiiglhy lirm tu large quantlties. He bas aise day eeing ai Kitchener., should assert their manbood and saY îageniajm1ity. lavns abselutoly ne deslgned another tire which ho bas had Prominent men of both Political par-l that though tflMy answ.r lu Quobec dou bt as to the attitudeOfetPuulieoen- mati. for bis frm-a tire guaranteeti iles were on-the. platform ai cacb mneOt- that sort of pollcy wl!! flot do in the In.for 5,000 miles. These tires baveIht ing. Mayor Conant preslded at the Provbîce of Ontario. Most, If not ail, Of tee business mien muade for -is irm by he Dunlop Tire Argnor»e, wheit àlr. Rwell an were bear;lly.in tai-ore Ofthe by-law. Co, whe have not been able to supply Wm. Smith, the Union catidae. wcre Hn r j i a gvna l deti medo b as anq)uieton been ail the demanda et the Uniteti Tire the riaisars. ol . f rer-.cillent reception. The' former Uber- submitted to tRie "1electers on, which Ce. Aon Man's Te car . u . F.trdcdai tiwsder in Ontario had beencalie! t hre las beh otsch anUnanlmItY 0OIi Te coMpany deterginel te îry te soen aer Bordhenci. adin dce ttrncoat..by Laurier Liberais in opinilon_ Tha tat au e casepeakt ltire th*fr-i>wn tii-eand hence the PreierBIie .for the fraI =ud utrsgltforward proposai tg IItai n Whltby. witch The Prtime Min ister began [is ad- Southi Ontario.anîd the taunt Put ht~ig wajinahih Mr. Woiten., Pi-esdent jthey eousideret a destrable location. tes, îh eean apwho had e rcore ina fThysIn hav leo (lc r fthe Unitedi Rauber'Vo.. ldea it ila Mr. Jes. Klugx made an attacli upen to -the eeting. So hîteo tdhner iylesald1.have et the __the malter before tht people ef Whtty.the omtny*t% ifuancal stan1in8. étnt. ,n rte wr atandvid aaPI tO e h a001o1 tizled soerte et tetatetuenta amade by probably among the dauntles mii lie ware that auybody lias loft thle LIb- for tbe developmenta te coDai- T Ni1r. Wüoeo andi arguoti that the coin- gains at Pleeg treei. iu 1916. aud otbers imad'e it perfeclly clear tb you. "Te R Ie bypolias Ub-dVlSvs5 pit bahouti bea pe e woklg aptal la: etf(the glorlous corps he saw befoet'fact ta that thia Goverument la aU-Inasa oios:,sih ofo ro îhe npl-te 1 Whltby o vimy Ridge lu the Sprltg of 1917. Sir 1ion G*verirntlof Cblha sandi Cou- tFi ît te woSl.'Frt oen.IRthe mil e ie hioertatdet a riutete b'wotenservativea for the, publie good lu or- NO-.1 ................90 10 att e okot~ vi i it oer Caaddas a rgbererc th l der esces -:,os lsvi.N. ..........70 10 ;t@e sk. fer a lain 1* pay fer Plant.- -as the studieuce before hlm. adoftos aonrdo stit ttsNo. 4:...... ...... .......w- ." n-swgmlx. "lTe spîrit tboy bave shonIa fret" <><vernmeuî msorne ailé Lîherals atiNo.4.......--n1 - mor. e a staeiuitibhe - tiraito mt laan eampl te iloe soetare ConsérvatlvM .andi viti them NO. 5...... ...... ........ .6 $011 0 11 aptlninlena tir. iton- i aituvery pwema thioa iliol 1 ni ath oul- ,- : rae-ý te manufacture tirues see to, us.i no.tatevr3,wmanwihi ae ilthseelmens n th PPUO- 4 lie cceptod by the, meeting. Round oft MY volce. eâery amtwih lien such as croate the dlstttrbaiices a f 0timteamat favorable r-d loo luhievelu -o~eu t itchener andi oisewhere. and vho a"e The vote requtretitpaslibY-law Ipeso pnishaos DomîPtfon, viii 30111 me in saylig, 'Gati 0ppo5d te contPulsOrY vIgOru" prose- vIV o-thirds -et thlez iai t»trhorwardt, fi-nuitantiopenout Ulceas thé nomnaof Canada for n-haitction et the wVr. Au f,1 W i agi 1T hetoil talli MM os th"tha..taial andicondition oet aCeM- concurerod 1 amnperfecty content te ho 1aumber requirei.t îrv i b-av, * business. and id tinet ceae w-lu ihey have-doue.' .* o thsîie o! tbcligie t 1l, i dvi- wuas259. rTe mSlritt Deti-Md1abeIlt of bcmbast anti brMgg£W lo. He »t~(t~%ii tI0. jsien et the People o!fttis country. the în-o-thrds oemak u*aà eor bais on enîabusue&business for a pro- Sir Robert then diassemdthefrhe UiutMc in3 (oic btlal rti « d advdI matiouote eUnion GovtMrnmtnt, andi 1 ittttAVIN PaMEtl rh sra vtt - titI liroa la pu la ge »0 ,t9 batud ant vii emphiasied the real uity that had O#WhÈre la te LIberal part.y ln cigititlLt U410t Ineu of CAM&s on Tbé meeing CaUfflsp lte ]rou m irXW.3 e pl-attorlr J.ILv-t be.'u broughi about. lune l ime &ns uit O f u!tine Pryo rovneetCnaon 'bmein aldlylte aorn M-.AWJoi n tihe 1ftr. J meut had ibere been.-More cordial andi oniy because of vint bas been salit a 'toY priOPosai WSw* tindt ylgtepaqusI ni noaa 1 harmonleus consierationlnluthe Cabi- te rldiâg. Taie Nova Boetta'. Ub" j tOO~1S.MWOIO t,u-.an for I kevo1raeaer a til antee net on administrativt affIrethau hsA iIn ls Govn*mnt frmiois u lo ~.U ft fo eur n igiel queutions, esanoatewi exlsted, aince 'tht Union GovrltuIt generatton. G. H.- Mui- y. Pie Min. 1vei an heur 4oilp Thé mafeee a la t4u diful lioh - its. oh" was termed. $peakig etthe person- e tNoya Scotia fer 26 yeam 13a-agIvIn tafOUlAt-tue I ith i. nt Tomaeude vîi oeer net o et hcGovernulelli and o!f1the hacher of ihis Governinnt- . 9.W. Myra-O ecPe iec atri fo ut*ie-KlnZ. 'l' . 1!neA M- fO i place madetieesfoi- i-pi'statitves S. Fleltiu. iiso e Inntauiu 0tt t- h poba.j elprnoepsî r -as othu.-iOf eta. r. I-Roeberl recognizedthetictho LAterai Atitnnstralolm et canada t Mi-Wotm idl vu -saan «er-tha I rpsto st euye patriotie support gîVen îo thetn-ar b>' titiluithe viole perlote Bir WlIlfd'iue atpaîis$ie-ierUcwpo.- bbe laboring interet-t.Laurier n-as Prime.mintor. aeott _____________________________ -*There bas bhotu bas labor trouble s.tw"catin as a Uioat suPPOrter anti tiuturbszioeln the$ DOýiniOn thail (&aaRs); A. FK. CMacoa Bsca in ana' Part ofthle E£lpjr. Uho rc-ice -À.bra ppBi0,1 i 11q1 laer*1911it te1917,.tlia uWmber o! th~ J5a- Hea la I tb he plnt WoIicad be .0lgr t Me tof Cab ne'tuti ar~*iqt. e Premier. n-it be tomPosai et a eq '1ý >ýeth#*Llf e'ht__I" interElv% a~ aulbdi etLIlerai a ti ConservI r , .-e t aptbaPstiorhu. TUOSiaT09 MM w erni. lom > ea v-rpesuy - - Union Governàt itiiati hoon fomue& ris a" is- i vIoté oreentt. Iuam 1V< er . uSUmbut-It"W8ut* > al% rit pprin.t t saîi Sr ieb re icPrimnali nO f sudMoulare haI t qtibis ýilui.o .aiU w.ai aoe oisu-lb .ot *ê-ntil e ms-anpurpose etfcatryli son the W*T rmnt. -la 8aalce 5 ftde jpO t<» $.V rth 2l- Yt Si< uiï va« ý tii ot""O sit te a succoItuc onclusile t sfi a rmuinla.heat «etti.be bral AqUasJlIiutw. Ulêdaapewiïtmaa tSeutaifer ualttf Canula la oehoiid. ramo. Mant i .s warhU fflht~UW1iet, b. lt# whtal st Ta V£ 4 T557 'O 0<v te M&- .."No mim ln lhe Qovemulnt tsla"-Oig berit 0sel huaiOte lUnion Oovt elt8oey ii. .aIai -dtel sti lktsu mlted eyotith» perlôdot t êtIi v? rameaL Ëliberta onc UbeuMi lWhtoiam pt<ltrS 54 _ and a necessa'y pentior 0f icoD0fi~e-w-as remier l a ajuember oft ileilo'- b th* W*d#odaypMw thé: jaspisi- « tîit alâtér tho u aover. but I 1 ' s i.niOIL.la Milul mmeu > IilitaL iudie 8444l lpj» ý O i-UTlOt0«1p2tu preas mY oown hope thait he wvo<f dùà&i Prime Mttatelr, Ur. Brenwter. Bsii- lec. MUr.A. E. Chnistlati Nir. XU 0sin -oý-ea*e 1510.tla th no(oRv0fluliît IMly DOlo 10U jâ g Uynl<oj( niâ 0 IAIIh , T. lAwkr, ý j WOI. lie e! suci intkatte service ta the peo- -laInuntrlo Mr. perdrce. C<Met Liber' Pe.Mu.ient .Plagiae,. Ur. Ja Spie et ti.MMntmdt l.IRj w-hlp la. bWacXIa JniIoL lir- 01 at' lmu. IM n-ho bave tabt oerseas thal SftOi- Itemla endotwis i . astIlt uiîus 1%0& t io., maolv wZtt"li Y huat perIdla over ls servrices nY ente «uýu. - ' T. KI te*u cotîliut sd w-e Wni rec -lu ^a t lit - <45 khS Wli, mm th!* lsea-laiisnar ile hýLnm, f ~ ~ i wh~s~*18 idren, XM a Rt- lirIL Cfta ly Wiite <.v»4fert« s'in yearp tg<«=n.-Union Goven . ,Wbtm Ic b sat. I, uaW wn - wome. -Jud - vA1Al*i~ 0 UXCSI$ J'itien"5 Libers) is IY? e.n-eaI - la, b.«_ 5 T'd Ilirs. lr ao.la. Sir Reberit Bei-tin touchéilupt ic 18t-uStietOi e W et, taxation &etieecasprolIs £and reftrred Un poineanI tc iao-ettib ira&".U too.U ftjý M u«d* te 'the nen -m c ofethe paella; w llmenl '«ori-chumansticUin the. lo-tMa hiea ia lli esiatêh l dustra' by vïn-h I 11r poiSo0r1 rmet -le..XlIr 1&b#ý -VA&se t W ' ~lte 7-p iper ceggt. on Infesteti capital viii h William BnUlb. lteUnVlounatcn$- n C tgtt .»yii.-al . ' -usi84*M P tot',l * tkenby ~teGovrilneu. r. < . ae ai M ade & *I up es)fO- 1«- 1' nS Wlk% lml; eL - ta) L-rWi4h* PeeI'*s tioe St*re The'CITANi-E I for shm>ethitae stylish and at' th'same time pffl durable qualie4et # -re"llOtetupensivo ini priçe, c be met wlth ' ùhi r atr«àg, !etre, Ihies for MoWemeicu,1»rwlag Girls, Boy, isss and InfautSe SOour'~tei J*y Day ork» Boots, Méeu ad Boys. -[1~ eau At il - os- __ - 4- nafor t'anar th'le iceq.S1 malaIalthe à alPe fe sin&00 jab .1 -t1 Phones :-BeII, 47r independent, 47, a'- 77 ___________________________ ~t1 - e--,E

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