Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 Nov 1917, p. 2

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- - l~~ng ervIlme Ïndcollection -uJamm+IW 'r uIJhtS r"me !ehm'Ti weke, iTeomuo. Minses Mabel Rowe au« Ltzze ÇçoIe- - - lU mu- Ih hu f- Mr. îest wua the student'Ià cltrge man. o! Tburonit, .peut th -eend a fi des In London, .imder tte ageiiwnt oe itservices In St.- Thomas'. Clmreh ..T.; Rqwe's. m 'ofl 3yte ba a epntofb e lùst undaye -Mr. Cetirle Parso n: dMiss Olive OXMIO?,lo.2t. 94 sm1za ytzptrtl oei;t: Urs Wserwhoba imen lslngParsons. of DallgtnapntSudave010 t wcyears, I was treubiMe4 ntire -qontluent (rom ;_Alaska te F0 wlth Mr. andi Mrs. Lonie Puch)rin. *wflh Cowûàr1 , vmsuLai* q lda a ift'it( lenltt Nt .her iother, MWr Ïa d, has returneti Fred T.- Rowe la attendlng County <zeiyswtla.. .tMr à anumber 'l onalws In Council atWhitby this Week. 149,be êut te cruf G Thie Saêfteént o! the Lords Suipcr espIte the ugh weathero Te-your igu whh <'Prît-tivos ieîi auniner. .amng them !ýLmhurst- wBll bho osrc ulm ebterlan ay eIningqlça n n Ttudes- make OtL feel like waUdrng on. air." xIg êat-3n ,Chatham,!.lphone association h; te brlng tý the'at- Churcmh neit'Sabbath afterneon at th. the Epworth î.'4eague B Iny. . This apiesIed te, me, go 1 decided to reen Ing>isolI. Îlîtch- teution of the florinion Goverurent regîmiar fiervice.- - Ms .Wlo vstdoo h ' . h.. n, ur e amigoGdrKnadr* . eles for legisîgtion -and s4judlca- Jý large rePreliontatlon * pibui week-end wlth flua IneTrut.. g~ ~ u ttoM~. Sarnla. St. Catharines, tien leqeto tteBl eehn Conenftlve fomt Lecfé in orn, . ~ to. began to feel botter, sand none Ifeefifine. RIdgetowu, Osèlm- Whlby, Tilson- iCoInPany exacting a' trIbute of trom atnd Cn rhoie fo l Village Miss Le f dolYstn ith 1have agûodappetitý, relish everythlng buIl 'ad l Glcoea.d$100 te $30 annially fromdqndepend- sud surrouudtng country 1atatnded the Ms .Hl.Iet u he eadachesare gene nu"~y otheirs. leont eornpxetltliv companles as compen- pelitîcal meeing lu Oshawa on Mon-1sto o cetng ogdsac al day evening.. . .2. TB. entirelly. 1 recornrend this pleasaul J'Ie.movenent tsgeing te prove tbes lnlo cetn. ogdsac al - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S Seter rNPrOae.iI2.Rbi.fri(>wsdtteai m rind Wsaine value te the Eastern provinces'(rom i teir subserîbers and comPelling AMlrricfron arvdtberlonpobpilsrit*nitecid to ll y Le AII. Itiat it-hbas to 1Britisti Columbia, A- - ,stch subscribers te p, % 1 Hur soli was recelved by bis grandparents, Miss 'bera, Sskathandnsudranitba. hargein aditIn te la re su r- saylng that lhe was in a hospital la a cordial Invitation to(o lir frlends s. D A 1L E,2Nc. lu ta, Statce th Caul,.auqua . d -încé.rtsOleeymsae Fruîic, ut xpcted te lie sent in a ta'b,ý prosrent at thetr ailbual Christ- abo,6fr short liMe te a-lt«ivalescont homne Ilamas etetrtainment in lbe held on tht At ail dealers or sent postpaîd by Fzut-. bet"u teiiued -by Col. Roosevelt "the' With thme experlence Mr. Hoover hbas 24 ~îglud.emreinget bursay.Di-embe 20h. -tirs Lmitd, Otaw. fmost dernocratic thlng Ili Amerlca.' bad ilu the erganîzallon and dcvelop- PIcan. Gvrorere la îo rt n ¶xi lng o prorayn lu - îer 0th.a-iepmtd ttaw. Tht- go-i crament has recegnized its Us-;ment ef the telephone systems since Pteý Gyeror orer aisali wrt-fuuessainl lte grra.t natleiin'i crIsti4 ofthe' lnceptoti eOffthe indepeudent tele- tcn. lÎo was not gassed as, badly as ael the present w-ar. and baýs turned'te it phono' movemenut tbroughout Canada., -was thetmght, sud la împrovlng. E. E. WVallace bas insialled a lco-est sympathy la extended. The funeral as ils most useful instrument in for- the convention constdert'hlm well Ilrgn Mr. Serockhav h-l tt'ectrlc -Uglit plant. by whicli pewrr will lie licld on Friday atternoon. ser- mulating publie opinion aud1 crystalîz- fltîcd for the speclal dîtties devolvtng fo.'li rs. h~wuer. -1cIs. ha elockte a fuînished for light'ing ai-i bouse- vice aI the' bouse to e hleld ai 1.30îgvhemo-meuts necessary for ti upon lthe secretary of Ibelr association. vllhmgc u lt itr.Ms hrokholti put-poses. .oclcck. Intermeur w-tii tzke place Il u His ouiscflnofth wr succosthe poectti f theti' wa ce -luthe' association, how- Wll5taylui.Teroito, w-ile Mr. Sher- Mrs -Edgr Pasece- [s t-iitlng Wiih Prince Albert Cemetery. 1Aogohrtîg.PeietWlo eewh e neir lhbswr lock gees te Northi-rn Ontario. t rîis ndluDetroi t. siil i esg elm httu i inluthe Home Telephenie Company, as Mrs, Adams anti Mrs. Adanso.î t- George l>earce lg fortunale Lunliaving MRTs. anageri s Th' eole cfthe s chut-yte soIaIndoe wh eqî- to- tsddtcWmasisîueCne-a good crop-neparly tbirty bushels Of YTEmaaes"Tepolofttconrll 48iâo diswl eui vy tendrdtif Terme ia-lweati reort e aus-Do -yen remember torty-live yeaus hve ade% ination 1te W-iu Iis w-ar.Alit l.-of bis Urne until next season. by .-7very luterestîug, Instructive and en- IMiss 'Znd'erson-la speuding a few getbaw-hdjuisc uotr thal la seated. but tht-y w-ant a h iim r.Pic.,ie î1, upr frc-eze-nit la Novembigr as we have a:arger de re-of lufornismiciî. Their int lndnt. will b.e able te handie the *thlîuî8î meetings. days lu tlie cli>'. - present, andi Il diti net thgaw eut agalu greatest need lg education. aud w-e turu Pt--etic8l net-k ef the telephone plant. MIss'Elva Hannali, of Toreute, wIl! Miss Merrick la inslructing ber pu- until t.he tollowlng sprtn'? If your to-people like yourselv4es, xho are ediu- b e lim e g e i nt f M is s O lv er fo r a s h o r t p lis , b o y s a s w -c il a 3 g ir s , l n th e' a r t-y d e n t a e s f r b î , P b ; c t o I t h t u e 8 1 W t s p l N E G ' R N S Dèsptt'thc ncof ktwealier0f astably your noighbor's does. t h. need."' 1 -Thusday, ath oot auiene attcndofed - Enumerator W. Tarvis lias been vcry The' Chautautqua is an open'forum, 1 Tram-el betwt,ý-n Eastern and Western the meeting luInlte Metbodist Cluirch! ROW'S T .Ib .ilnço h ade uigtea freilo- pilform (roui whidi ail <tues- Canada la all-ays lbeavy turing 1heb to ter~oet .CapI. James -Moore andt te lear-Wle off.Ir Ou. Hundred IlDolîrq Rewî,-d for! pist t'ek. iions of 'national. edmcationai. and Inl- w-huier mofls atuaryd nne bisadres o te esernFrnt an fny'us.of et alet-rhs1 canuot b. rured b>- Catters, <cars anti buggies are ail [il spit-ationali tîlerest art- dlscussed witb- i etmher, ottlh Is, parlcully uring e- bisatdrsaouth' eser Fon, ndHairs Catat-ti Curescason just now. loîteference te creeti. pârty or cast. t-riet the requlremenms tof the public, ofthliepart the 116th Bn-talien w-et-e Hall'. Cat-h Cure babeen taken by r . .Hle n ai)lt T>-nn-i4wmn opsn tac hrfr.aseildiýsiieb- tokig lInlte war. For an lioyr andi a catit-rh sufflerrafor the paattI rty-ftve >) M.W .Homaat aîl>kftTeme aîi oencmotgi a% 1crfrcastca aistvc » - ,mn hia ecomeknowi au. the- nome-ll.e bre on Sait-rdat-. Mr. Hoimes pur- ltiese w-ho ai4- living lIbe lives Of gi-eat- t w-en Toronto ant Wli:iulpeg la an- quarter.'hi-ken't hie bearers keenly In.a- d " bfor amr.Hal.Ctr-hCr esPoses speudlng lthe wliiîtel- lun(aliter- lest servitee. drawn (rom both home antinouneed b> lie Can-adiaRu NettiiCru torented ln stellglts, ounlie war, throurh lte Biot mad Muecun Sut-it-îex- whlch wcre a rev*,atlon te many. Miss pellins the Poison frein the Blooti suit heal- nia te recover bis heailih under south- ab-cati. Among them are te leading Raivay: Wesîbount Decembet- 3rd te Katlee Niliose e!Whif b', ig thedlsaa.e. i orione.ern skies, whileMrs. Holmes anti Mise Jsocial wofkers,w-tler s, states1nell. Januar>' 2nl, 1918. qply: Eastbound KahenNcoah fWibrend-,. -r ou have taken HAll?. Ciat-h Cure HolMes w-II remalin-luOshaw-a for asupea an-r.lîrrîr flt )cme s eJna> ut 98 ereti a solo: sud Mlsà Grills gave a reci-'-frr a phort tîmne yen wili Pee a étrntilin-_ isupm anes nepee flt eebrItt aiay5h 98 taticu. Mr. Foie>' was chairman cf the pts--enent In t-eut- snet-ai healtk. Starttlmme. While we teepi> re-gret te loge eraIt-e andti ie'draina. scientîsîs amndioîîly. -Thereatter. regular trl-w-eekly meeîtnk. 4~~~~takinz fai[nW Catarrh Cure ai once and- gel Item from cuit-midt. we wisli them ucholars, anti thrtr mt-ssages are cu evc mi1h euei heg The ,Methodist Suutiay Sebool w-ii, . J. ÇHENEY & Cu., Tcledo. çGt ietl hiruwevruet ational, tînspiraîional.* anti euîertaia-1tout-laI sleeping car n-ill aIse ie oper- give thier -aunual ('brîsimas concert leoid Ly a,. druà'iitaç. 5e. Ing, fil)ed %with good -cheer anti hope jaîed'-daily between Toront.o anti Cal-1 oui leceibeu- 7. --- AHBURN ant kîntnesa-ga- as part efthlie abovie speclal sit-- The dvepest regret le feulu I rbhi' - Thel m-qlcitius anti enterlatuers are1 vice.altcnncin llhmtewlh comuai>' a to ealt c Mr. W.! THORNTONS CORNERS. J. N. Hortop, Celleclor- w-ilIllb- lu chosen fron thte professional clasregumiar dal>' trains betweuWinnipeg Dyet-, whIch 100k plae -ou Tuesday Tht' young peoet-boi a meeting aI abmno eebe 1 nil >r wititout reference te naîlonalit>' èx-!anti Edmonton. Services betwf-een To- --m-ornig.-['lhe deceaseti was Miss 1teTît' a Sholbidigre eon Décemmber 12, te reelve taxes. -ept ig lthe balancimg cf companles. but roule anti Vancouver r-mains tri-w-eek- lite new 117 sSuintaiaonthecSaahool ybunynl orotogo t-e.We-es Stoc4s, of-Columbus, anti wasw-el! anti Cetl>'te dîscuisa the, pessîbilil>'et - - -i iesrs ado h'caatr >.latgTicl odyWtîs favOl-abIy' knew-a here. Sime lt'aves te tferming s Christian Ende#vr sociel>'. A WQNDERFUL NEWSPAPER. .,at-t qutalficaticns, e xperlence. sud dis- j tays ant i days&as nt pt-ocrnt. "Inc4irn ber_-ios 'a huabuuxt anti a tain- It was tieciteti that sucli a socleîy The- Famfl>' Hem-Id anîd WViekly Star, Position te make of- their work a Soun- Fçr ft-tImer partfeuilars see local lIme comî u atea uceaanilie o- fMon*raI oî nqeppr tiîie ethe service of soclet>'. table Cldi-rs. or apply to 10w-n agent Dy 'iya regretttble'errer tht-e namqs low-ing officers w-et-e eîecte'i: nL very popular luet-et-y home Ian '[The physial sldh eofthe wClauam- W. J. H. Richardison. -24. w-er<e milloti (romnlthe liati Mbisitei iPreàldenit-Mt-. F. Kit-b>'. ('-natia. uttla snrprislug w-laI great qua la hantilet b>' mon anti wcumet o --two weeks ago cf sîrbacrîbers te lte lI Vice-Ptes.-Mr. A. Dean. value to tet-cadert-g1 containe inlubroad ideals anti bu lneUCaicpacît>'. fTie Brilai Rei Coss~ Tt' ame w-t- 2uti icePre.-M. -Re> Llk. evei-y- Isime. Few- homes are w-tbout t'quilpmet%.'. at-o tsiuaily lu charge o! WHITIY AUDIENCE HEARS DR. supplWstiby lte Treasurer, alongý-w-Itb Secretary-Miss O. Fi-encht. il. andtthe'>'arc the lomes lun net hav- Young men wh-ew ork mgetieir ->' Jlji*M'IOORE. -4-h-ie othet-s,'but a priutet-s errer- -cana- Treantit'r.-Mr. C. Scott. ing il. ,The subscriptlon price la $1.25 thrommgh colloge, and w-ho hecOm -t>t The Whihy Musc Hall Iteld a large e4 lteé omission of Ihëse th rce names - > Tht' Endeavomîr w-Il! meet cvery a YeCr. andi Ineludes a colored- map of itiuch a part o! 'the -Conurnlytb Mo-'satioeuti ht aspso Lrt-cm jistlIIoftthoei w-o denateti 8-15,Thut-stiay evenlng au 8-o'clock, lt ihlg at- In laEurope. lit lea aare lu tiuring lihe week tc tamlmuu adenc;ae liedccasion et Dr Jom amouita. ýThe naines wore thosé ci J.1 Mu-r. KDean lg omut again iter al splendid ma-p and of grttt-. aastauçelain on- --N. De)mart, Joseph t Gart-iîl nd 1).,ieng illness. jteuderatandth ie war. We -underatmmnd The Dominioeî Chautaulqua lecture thme Soldiers' Comforts Club on Tges- thémtmoup acno-ledged lanlime pi-e- i ciaarate pUtting lin a memorlal W-iu- drawut. The years subsct-lption anti poseti of Canadian mci-w-ho kne o at r îlhi nilery ut rm vioga lsL The-errort-glaregretted, as Idôw' for thle laie Miss Hartîle Steven- 'rt-r unap are cettall>'big value at lte ieede o!Canada. the' lcalprevr- tg Wilonevialit>an t-i euti n-s. Mqnu~ar4ng th ttalamuntsui- Miss C. KeCmp lias ut-ar>' recovet-et diseus them trom an altogetmor un- 1 lite:, anti gave a menu of intpestlag ,eonrtbei- foutbegflnth.e i bot-i sc wlj DOINON HATAouA FES--partisan andi unPptdiccd standpotnt. ant i s-ed Infot-mation.the eqjial ot frmbr lnss tlahp_ h'il ININ -TUU PSId fth.Clmnt iwil a-nvibe er e - _____ se~-on be ab!e to t-stime bher tuin es ut VA&L FOR WHITBY. Eéry aie c Ie-cmmnl Iewhd a ee enler ee KINSAE. s-licl. Mss Bylctî a rpresîîtalve f lIe î'll ho etottlueti,lMh-r d ntulnl0 ,1.uMayor Warrenû présidet, atîdiopïenet lie R-t Ctoas ~ Th-sc liut i e-edays reumint uts of the, Dominion Chautauqua stVa ,,was ~constr-uctive ato.fraCatu t tht' prBgrdmofîth iaryshot a-ess.Th ItrwemerteRdCos «a vnter tot fat- off. - vsIn Wîuîl)by mîcenl>', and i ater l-In lm ysi o-ce.t étauitit olit Btde ltflim an it2-ir Biuoptl wèr LailWth dies' Aid cf the Meth- ' ___î-veht a- tumbt- ofthlie business C»-Opeiiitloi wlil te e ky-note, mdonhellfr.sdtîdrBum. 4~*0~ 6h;1ite~tiou uideveiag Te (~LU~UUS.- ati t-oosseuîi utit maie co- 1etltr, happier. &ai l -.' rogressive ltr Renredem týe4 Inluseveral sel- --da. Ch IrIt-h ie hall lice.on De- mn md aSl-MrePe ènstit î. ' ttaumed a-ýhg icivet leailfortht amalisum Mu- Fed eodtruspots uîw- -atIy eauu'of 1918 a'Cliautatîquta Canada needthle Clutauqua.. We efllcioîîcy. Tbey %ete complmenteti Én~5 ts. We bespeak a good attend- Ford car. - elesIvi. apro.fr ht-itda-s ati eîom Is oml tWeure itrobpoitserliinjofmd ai voteal> Sale - oui- ladies, as lime>' ar.e elp- lu spte, etftate disagreeabIe w-tailie ilîduug six biglu classaii ettaimi- eorZbuIe n nt i- vt> po ieîlnt the proposert f a vote £n lg a gooti cause. - ftepw-ag a large itnoul aI lite an- wents. gressîve citîl glbbnitémr-c h.is ~Mr. QhnRotd iaifat- umbegnulmeeting oflime. Ptriotic Socit-tyl Il iview of thîs. ilt I-lil eciuîteresi m et nivSilm potnthe lapt ceooi-e a>' engîlwieporst o .-f~' . poey rceer>. - w-s gvenb> CaI. r.Jas~1ot- et- mve enu cemmuniltesa i anvo recot-tetitheni- peculiar ltoreat. Inaamuch as his w»s or*u a ro ledreovtou>çleçs lime- Boyeti TlîDr.kJas. Mooire,-as muclu -- -aa oice dizecl frein the front andi direct apprthee-cienated 1Int u1858. doivi Iiit(le State cf iNew- t '- o rgea ~îièîtui 1. ie arlCcuit -o ý Rowell metIng on ,Moqday nlghtIand vnoyed7 by all. ~-hltYork. a move-eunmstarieti w-icb bas - ai pr Ie ei -t Iew ~t~alui.~-'~--- The Ut' ileavers of lt et in ei-nla tht pait fort>' years t e onee Mi-. kLpliHOOVER ELECTED $EGC- pMéefrtdat ibtéwrr - - tious hcigven rucl'a'teti aslng Slinda>' Stiocl are gvlng a social la cf the' biggest Influenices for gooti on RETARY CÂNADIAN TELE)PHON~E e t -e Cross Socle.ty andi et the Ou~tr (1ovrnmeiimt, net te cnscript >-euuîg tcli rîs oroutim FrItiay .A geedthlie NethbAmerîcan continent. _This - ASSOCIATION.'Y.M.CA.,boîh -whleh easme lIn for me . çi ff fthe fat-ms. We tini thla 9 ;îiograunIii bcing prppat-eti: moi-cuti-t la knewn as the Ciautau-. , i n idpniu e. îsfîtdtlê.Ie i.miia t Wise e3roposlion,-as,%.lte fat-mors ai-e Qui te a large -numb)er from heu-e qua.- T, aai -dpnee ée ndie.ris.Io h eia f -0t t# o 410produlce more andi ufore, but -'tn.teo s4awa to lîa tl. Hotu. SIr Il.stanti W1th eue iePbwY en 1.Aké hn soitoiwbe e i us fere-lm 1t~trii S' a' -2I*tlieît-sullet t abou-the>' inà dIt RobI. liorten anti Hon. N. W. -Rowelt Chaittauqua. andti o-day ounlthe Nortth al convention lu thé Toi-ete uî cll .1m itset hat t t h wege te 11e mD~IRR ly popîfble., IL look$ toolish t b Ppcsk In faor of Unilq uUovemmient.Amerlcaî contInent tlibere SIX Cb&UIIi.I-5 bc :i2 t nd2*u@ el«t riCtoea stst 0 ia ienedt ol M kte *akê-attm y>'more help offî omît- The ieople ofth(is coîmimunit>- hav*. Iheuanti- ssolîmbllca ot aimliar char- Ik.AOl Hoover -Ass 1 Seret.srYf o r à'and, Supi$es afr'fuwniod ta, the LEGAL Aarw . La«Ck*îISfloagN a Surb.stSolkfer. i4tarj PulIC, etc. PMN Bro* 8S4 O»p Smume S ý MIsi t e I.m DENTAL Harry J. Hudson, D.D.S., L.D.S., Suecemsr te W. àÂdauip Offce, Dundie Street, oppWosiePut Offce. Bell phono 122; In& 5. WtIITBeY.,ONTr. BLAKE B. BEATON, . LS., D.D.S. Graduate of the Royal Collegaofe Dental Surgeons and University of Toronto. Dr. D.D. Ceoir., of Toronto, la taklug Dr. Benton's practice during the a>~ sence of the latter on mlllta.ry servIce. )tfce over W. M. Prlngle'a bardwar. 09mr crs-9 t. 12 : 1to %-%X Imesphonvr, le;vut-i hone, 2M0 O.Arthur Les, L.0I. ... Graduate of the Royal College o! Dou ti rgeons and oft he University 61 Toronto, destres to announce tliu* be hais taken Dr. Slssonis praetllansd is prepared to continue thme marne as establisbed. Offce over Allln'a drug store. Hour- 1 t-12 a.n.; 1 to 6 P.rn. B3ell phono 87. Imd. Il A. A. ROBINSON L'ndortaker and furulture dealer. Bell and Independent phones. D&7 or nlght . 1 ONT. LNICHOLSON & SELDON- [JNDBRTMCERS -*boa 33 1%IIB t Harriage Licenses. A. H. ALUN. 1p yosggI - (cpi e E- I DiME ioNEt oeils Simpapas> ey Bras1 ALOIRE~TORS WHITIIV, -ONTe, Finest t earse and Fumneral Equipmeý4t outskle City of Teroiuto., A large 4tock of caskets and fuueralýI ppIies a1ways -on baud. TELEPINES- Bel-Ne. 99, Day or INigLi. Indi-Day. -:z. 52. g Ni 11a r Ioi<ayle, No.65g Got Vour eGoL Where you are sure it wmlI be Ciesm and Bright- Our c4a]isï well screened. We gùuarantee prompt de- livery and good service. Tele;hn Ne. 182 Whit O- ntaribo __________-The Vëi a. voUJI4a isWrTH. LL.B. Ben Wilson, 4- - a!u STAN BAR kL .THEATRE EVERY NIOI4T le on the Wiro" feui'i ,y night. Bradway fesave:. 1-Adultu tOc.11», îren Is mcv cCi1 tl l wtkax.' MWI&. PIERRIf4Imanage hAll ADA~ - TOfOMTW~ l'as..' Sale ja mu -3

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