Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 Nov 1917, p. 4

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eare readywýýith ad 0A4T R ;thns rai t e ready wih pra tfüIand sefu wa tiefor ts yuin tewy yulike to be served, but we avse yuto0I pnow frte mr. at~atoyrs Men's White Hernstitched Initial fiand- kerchiefs, regular value 75,.-reducedto 49c. Men's Ties iii individual -boxes at 25c., 50c.,, 75C. anid $1.00 Children's Ail Wool Pull-over Sweaters, buttoned at shoulders, with overails to match, in whiteý, Érey and cardinal, ail sizes, each... .... .... $1.60 to $125 Children's Ail Wool Cashmere ilose, Pen Angle mnake, in white, black, blue, pinksta ndcrdinal, ail sizes. .35c to 75e Ladies' Swis& H1-andkerchiefs, white, fancy emibroidered corners, at AU.1~ each Ladies' French Kid Gloves, ini black,ý tan- -and white, every pair guaranteed. Ladiees 51k Blouses, new styles, ini pink, white, maize, Alice blue and rose. Xmas Price......... ....18 Camisoles 'in crepe de chene and paliett.e silk, ini maize, rose,. white and pink, lace trimrned, each-.... ......98c. to $2-50) Ladies' Collars and Ties ini all the new- est styles, each.... .... .. .... 25e to $1.75 Men's Silk and Wool Fancy Stripe Shirts, sizes 14 Wo 16, Xmas Price each $3.00 I_______________________________________ M B h - I. Men's -Black Wool Ca-,rdigan Jackets, fine ehastic ribb; braîd bound, butten- ed çuffs, close form fitting. Special- Price .. ...... ...... .. .... 300 Boys' Ail Wool Caps in plain and twe coter effeets, ail colors and sizes. Price..... ...... ... 50e, 60e and 75c Men's White and Black Silk Socks, sizes 10 to 11. Special .. .. ..3 pairs for $1.0 Men's Pyjamnas In stripe flannelette qnd plain creami. Spécial .. .... $1.50 to $2.50 Black and Colored Tafetta Silks, one yd. wkle, new goods, worth $2.50. Xmas Pice, per yard.... .... ... .. $2.00 Girls' Ail Wool Sptts, Scarf, Cap--and Mitts te miatch, rose with white, plain black, cardinal, lwhite, andi 7 other. cemnbinations of celors. ýSpecial. ..$3.50 Pillow Shams, heni stitched and emibroi- dered edges, with space for worIdng initial on, in fn cambria and ' en. Each.. .......... -.......35e to $1.00 White Terry Face Clothe, 14-in. square. with embroideréd edgyes, of pink, blue and white. Xme. prices, each ........ 5 Ladies' AIl Lin-enIHarrdkerchiefs, em- broidered corners, each....... Or samnple half dozen for.... .... .. $1.75 Dodt fai to do or hrstrnas shopping early. We advise you to do it now at w. -0. -WALTERS, WHJ.TBY, ari 3 L r3lul u U= U= xi=1.iî iri 1 ii f.mm3 u.1 1 ADDFR S Oemnment should sattsfy the most ThOE4, whO bedevilk'd the wbole sys- There Bâior&I fOfi.<jt. .ILECTIN ual ,observer thaï: 1h ta a nien 00v. hem 01 voluntaY eillistmeflt saad tbat siould b, ernent ln- name ortly. Sir obert Bor- a&yktem lsala an eavi. I do nPt belleve tssue le Thee"sye tebu vi- whomn the press of tii eowitry. 1h, anid 1 do beileve the men of Canada the pas opetntyTHE ELECTION À.&DDRMSSOPF i' trr8spective of péiRY, have «It. are as ready as ever to effer their ser- wlU cou tory Bèngs. Thef ban should each W.N.l SINCLAIR, 4BJ'RAL C N îcîziixz for ji ncinl h!cage vices ln (the -ve, provided they have 1 bayve-b SOUTH- ONTAIO. - a l e oit wn faitb ie lias madtheate admlnistrators ef mflltary.afflr cîles 61 s3 0.oêL.d IDAes . u t O e T Re ie L CTOR M ret h. war Cl - t hé, ad. l e a c n c oii lde d ;&l m U -c g erne a.n mG i OfthSeutt Uno oea ebsmny I tard owhâter tth poe epobtiend o weft t-a themes.esep ~t ade nletlmn-j edebtewtheec po.lIitwetihoak(emuD, TUOYthe pfoj lin1oP Geiérs nout basnar y w-am Having- been nominated as a;candi- of et miie t cli dIveigence of opIinti yet vôluaitéer lithWousnds tu serve net;'90 eiiit~~esluSoth()tri. oobdate la the pêdni gelect-lon, ybu rIa I run nAr. nIn e terKng atIcountry, te keep 'our ? o that ewlryone te net willlng te gtve It enhied te -know from e iy vvs01n et.forfied alter therigotlén lhtifl1i'Om up -te stanidard and to biush ofil -a, trial, Party governinent vas tried, matterset public Scnecru. An éiitlytet f(he whele Bordon Cabinet -vas I liereev eIw. n (ho tronches irbo lu MY >R for ovér three >'oare <of war. Let's try ]y nrw ilt-ltow baua trien. - I -letbe haunj «t-be Gvranneii.<d JUte Inauner under vehtitiy -enilat- havee gî% a' uniof etthe prieand if that C éativParty. whleh bas always madie up eoftii.beet braInsÂantI bust- ment-. offeredtihein services antI'a"e every 91 bariiescandidate tu IblS Rtl4il, - 4" nosabillty oet htuparties, îwth pro-1 new delng their share. And so I say seclus ri ipr".es -unsuccessful, anothier ch ange- none by thà a n80t!to-day. Thelne ,iýSIper- representation fer (ho- agnlcultural lu (he corda o! tSir WllfnId Laurierý advike & - -can lice etectuti. until a. montit afo been a-Conïservshtlv an<d laboring casses. -*o.u1d bave been *I belleve ^that our tiraýt- and pressing jy.f my r <overnment nt Ottawa wltli S11Rob* 1 recelved wth-.ejoiclng -ln (howhole of duty la t(OUAsin 'th1e flgbt. I - - tenu18 * -e oert I3erdca as ls l"~der. Pat.lamienti Canada. The country coniti then lhave lieve that It la our immediate duty te pt, 1 a it basovayM been lncomrrelienslble dtasolved -vît-boit any eh;îngQ. Wh hatI a non-partlzan business a4uaints- hclp un01r aruits vihe have covered inlinegpl rte asnh Iie solcaeh u <mcî-ctîon ln sWt thqerdeut nio n1 ntrat-len toi tue prosecutlon of thbe van ,themselves wlhb gory. We muet au-p. hope ta ,usVh ttorn - houlasevt li'ovérnmont Nm l ormitd by t114 with ntln hIh9bud ae e, çop- port ibevm l~m n e Must- f ,e>ce ~,~c1.~# ~êalr fr lte Ïc' e!certoin obitm~lfinsmae eteao tat> hntheni. We muttserve. 1 stand for and ialf ~,hlm â4t-sfact-oruiy for years. or <m'*ud thipiF appoint-iwnt ta Mer iç 1tb e ge't zvhl s-o e-d otnays.rlê u oea-clit xe < ruSIl -bt te-rocr aitesa dffr-tive P sJosvibetra lber=1éhavê been eouentrated'-upen (ho 's&u.ait eanuestitfsàý '1 - stand fer sorvtde.' Pl tm vIe w to bis ctiiemen ot somne poil- ipartners vere ukieit lu. in o-ke.b tel jmeme Issue, ant-hI v luniuuy en -And furt-ber bes1di giving reluturco- £orMer à I1 .sound large. hut nc: enougitet< hve Ismn thon lit Its zenith. could have monts ve inut-make shelis anad clot-ij, best ttieulI q tetion. . If we vere te, refuse teo-ian equal say l inte affaira f VJi- hêon carritM on t»the-c o te UcVar nlusfor t-hei n sd malst proucol-te a t t-a bi t- s or feun roru Jbes because, ment and the conduet-ofet t et. T~h" tate lTsting erçedit of- Cansdg-and food mred.'Thoe aU ii ton produe- 'o "les inii utopl, î<md uchIs (ýQ tose pruram e! these sI-ost.it<d.a-Canadians. But a Union Govemmeuttien, andG wç-ail kiiow wrid au eMort vue il &etlieiÙ ù anlnebraufoives. nt iitrsnpeetn e oitt hss ySrle tord en and bhult -was madetI.laIatuuor tebarvet-t-he -, ~ ~ ~ ~ uec and'&.t io aputelk. a bavlng ne mandate frpM Ini.t upon the record oethe':e Bonuen AdWmlný erep. f1%e prosots Ilare vrse 1n,6r ry ot (h sa luxt-ing tt-al-on Ine.ifS 911antimore eep*oiaj-1yjear àud our--amMere nut bhé.Lkelît -VOI1 iti ebltpeeple tldnk ot us i;7'ctin l ti heRitdingeby having:a few 'jy $Ince t-bee out-breaiofthe *var, nut ,cquIpped (t food an'd matis ,tO -boj 1'NI 't-bt I 'xaly vat eopl dosom,è. men mieet togothel r td eletaa Slip- the rffurring vnsa4l elao--frhoiutfrurmna gofot-Gr( ?lins u tiesmates.Itfrquntîy1ruer et -the Borden Union 4overn- - ously covered oye > h vrrs ~-hv i- sdpuisperr id(ta sUre q~ntvit-ieut auyrefeencew tenet whltt'wasert wlhtb le eirer-lucreas. (ho land 10e pmouee. It lun Can&dad the14day liapoiý t t h ciW hobs e peope.'The press whblc s4ihtn hte i eonSr fjes i-bswr whr a aya» o n n Sare many questions vhteit 'o referred to, but lthe àspreme lthe van.>Queetions vichIn l ir reeived ltlt-le conslderatïon me before t-be new parliament. ceen noinilnated ýby Ibe, Llberals hOntarlo. I stand fer t-be pnin. r UAberaitsm snd the Interents eopie. But if elected, mas1itold g1. Who nominahed * -me. * I viii te PafrI"niaui ied -band -_sud uuy païty. Itv-"i briug 10-lte Ice ef trust lte judgmhent wbilcb "a of' business andi publiclýÇit. Wen un me. san,- *11 il"i de! tx Uestion t ct omes up, as te mee Ilbt. seeking your coupse1 and a Weil wheneer Icao. record before yeu-,aud, oplat- ippieal Wà -yoii-for , yen vote d cei'ubteb -1 aui (o utre--led ýte >necoive, inasunuelias lt-ie ela memdiYe cadidate la h Oii thbe people are now- otllberty- ,ma thlelir dievu vitit tht!en ýtesa ot brekiog 'avay f rom party attliatlone. If t etê~d Younii vry truiy, Our OWn Country -Yeueau kaow os Ca;mada better and welI by O U will i d no ther magazine more entertain- i ng asud nune ~other no satisfying-so nch wortb whiteo$0 yen as ý Canadiati in love 'witli yolir owf coutry. AmngI ta regular ard frequent coutributers are ths iitinguifÀbled aut on. SEt Db.g Pakoe~tobrt .-Sovk IL. B. Vste. sth lglok e.- ur ut A%* uluuzut hj1~StTtArthuratILy AvUiur The on itl ireaedgr o yûu of hie 4iwiLy of M4AVLE&tïS ?MGtZ« E ndot the Canadian saVOr $mue of tàs Departaient, féatareàu .1 ewery jaune of Revew ? RVISfa e ondentation of tli bes t, biographi- cal scsi~ifo, IwrryaIMI esoriptive articles a eï1iag in U cuaêerio4Ic4UtemLure. eOni~fo nie e,îetue;il nararetort n l.the tet- WOU= - Amà4Their Werk-*s depaîtr st* p.llintereet. te Caus4Au'n - iOM- -à youee kw ýap1tt W 4.~~~ rve Aie nN RIE! 2[U ME P-N-- S ý;Ml ue ýnj WC ý2m ff r& m - piu Ere j 1 a . m à 2 1,7

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