Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 Nov 1917, p. 5

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kA L etforM hq ., uibrello. rnab and Cou.)>. Apeeeo c ailver -for ,tc 'taule, w rlzi . 'ëte'(Màother oldaire cimte One tee>. A et -of bIe frlertabe,_ A déÎze noz-gtain steel kuiveîa. A broocli A pair ef eyeglam-e&- A t' Mo china' We haro' a. fw odd iee0fniCe Quality cbina. A List for Father or Brother 1 unibrella........ o . 3 $12 Came ...... ...... ...fl te $12 A Watch. WVouldn't lie be tlekfed If yen gave hlm eue .. ..$150 te $110 Safety Razor ...... .... .. $5 te $6.60 Mlitary ilair Brushes .. . .$1.26 to,,$8 Ebwiy flair Bruali.... ...«$L.25 te; $1 A CarvIng Set... .....$2 to $12 Ash Tray, Tobacco 'Holder, Pocketbook, Cuif Linka. Ttc Pin, Watch Chain. Watch CItairn, Signet Ring or Lodg-, Plu. Photo Frame....... ...... .1. l to $5 Foutain Pen .... ..... ... $1.2ô t)<$ Hot Pin.......... .... 25c. te $2 Sîlver Card Case .... .... ..4f8 te $20 Pteari Ring.... .. ...... .. $2 to $40 A List for Sweetheart ~ILYEI4WARE' j" ~ '~~~Q Aflthing that îs good for sweeetheart sweetheart would doubi> appreciate a diamond-1 R is no0 trouble* to show you what we have AÀsmail depusit wiII secure aoy article for -Xmas delivery STORE OPEN EVENINOS TILL XMAS RieNe lni the Block--with the Balcony, Brock Street South,, W.C. T. U. SONIE INTEMESTING ITEMS. The' foliowiî'g Is an extracit rom f letter writtioîrby a railroad offilcer wbo- Is serî lîîig iione uf the Fieid Aunhtl ance (Corps îirÇFrance. The Iltter .;; dated JuIy 6ih and iltwrtier i Romai ('athiolle.1 ',vou Sîeak of the.V. M&.A.. anid flhat reminds ime of whlat 1 owe tbe'xn. 1 recail several bitter ,dglu laS: M-1rdi and Ap)ril when It n'as my duty to hellp transfer the wotinded. Take the' Mon- ,day niglît of Easter, after the starn of Vimy Ridge battie. for an ariln.ary case. BigU4 t p close was a-Y.M.C.A. oulfit ii the sidè of the banl< iear thé trench where the, wouinded ruen were carried otut and the well ",ut ln te re- place tîtein. They. 11ke iyseif, wet and sufferIng ith the cold, lte poor inutilated devils with the liangs of thtrst added to iliose of cold and agony. Io Suddeîuly coin po1)11a lhot cup of Icea, cocou or roffee wlth fine cakes and hread and butter, ail for tiie asking withottîtnt. God' If ever cbarlty was practicai. here la 'proof positive. Whiat occurred ai --- point wan re- prodffced at hundreds of other points. for tbis war la without Hita. Here a battie inay rage and t air lîke, feu 'witb explosves-thlrty. stxty miles away the saine la being repeated. M.y memory is 1 would have pald ten doi- tars for that~ cuP ef coffee that *an banded me wlth a amite 1w a bit of-& boy. The, hour 1 got my ftrsi cup waa 11.00 p.m.. My pecond .834)a.,..an4 lte second waa- as good au tç. frat. What I got that Megt -waa colW what niany thousandsasbared. 1I write tacts, not ha.ty.0 lTe W.C.T.C. la helPin& tO Make ti* osilbycontributlins te the' 8011P, 110 your hl*i5àOPD MJI mutddo h t tW. q. aitV f Mr&. Walter àb&V.. eot 4Éorm*it on Monda>' afiernoon, Deccxnber 3rd, ai 3 o'clorr Keep la mindte Scotch social lu Qt. Andrew's Churcli on Friday even- ig, Novem1w' 30.. Miss Bail, ef O.L. C.. will gi'e the atidress of tie oven- lng. -Admission 25C. ATTENTION. Miss Luke announces another big %ale of trinimed bats for Frlday and Snturday of Ibis week. AIse great rcMtctions for the baante of ibis seîs. A metng l'ttw'-"odiera, Coinîforl Club wil le heWlnl the auditorium ef rhie Public Ltbrary on Ttieaay, De- cember 4ii, ut 3.30 p.m. Membera arc, requtte tt' bring their tbiîmbles. Don't ftull to readth be extra pages of local uews and advertising la ibis issue. The Chitums advertisements un this issuie t-lit sure yort many dol- lar~s If restd caroftilly. Récad îal'res2 and 3. See %N, G. Waliers' stock men~S. andi boyg' overceuts. and suits Saturday,j The Pariai Quili of Alil SalaWt Churcb wIil) hold. an afternoon te« sud: sale e ofnte-maL. eokint aI li bome; ef Min&s Hauton Deceuiber lth. Rrad: the alivI A itnuber et thé'sebei h11drui1j have'net yet de foAbhe bulbe Wou as priesai t e Uortleultursl Soeetylt (RUl show. The* bulbes viii)> kpt lor tuant tor- on. 'eek =*ré. ai lto Aepie Cultual airooeii ln«ockmel!s55 lslo handkeret te seklct«M atv. * Optician WII ITBV Uic' delegates" report et lte aucuila con- ventiuonfetCentral Ontarlo, beldl 1ai week là Tormate, 'ah be gironMms Oco.ý k. -nRosa, Pros; ')ise 1. Itcel- lu,. Sme priday eveaiag, Noveniber SOt. .411 ho the occaion of t St. ÀAdrews ai>o cial by lte ladi1es çg <thc Presityerlan Churcli. A progra;a whicii wIll lie lu keepiug inut te nature eot ht occas- ion wilil be proVid.'d, sud refreshments' wil) be serveti. Admissio 25c. Mein- bes andi frienda o! the congregaion are urged te attend a" isupport the efforts ot thé àld&s A meeting et ail t] the formaimofeta hi coing vinter vi , 11i a], motel 01on on4.g 3rd. A large Atter4ê Tht meeting viii cc C~rers1, et, Crpe Sellepe Elect* 1 sIectslca.rxte s, 01 feas, 1847 Rogers' a cmiC usnlty stiverware, Auteoolie. Skateàsp, lland 81gigha, aSf Hockey Supplies, Safety.Rzus uga'olWths eig Bo-snCcha, "mittGai<lovesg Toys fo9r the CId' GEO* M. RICE, Whltby .e".tlng la -Bardware at Lowest Prives. Ontar Io County at the IntefrCitnty l Stock Judztsg content for Western On'-' tarlo, to be beld Mouday anti Tutotisy: - The youisng uwli wlt pre8intthe-. Cotunty' are Campbell Stone, &rthur. Cordon sud Har"yey l.. à» et -Greten- 1 bank. The e oulpetition le for a cup do. naird by the late- floui. J_ S. Du&f Miss Cormack wlshes te ackuowledge receipi 0of the foliowlng donations for te boxes for Wbitby boys, overseas- Misa Howden $I: the Mises MeIay, $1: -Mrs& Waugh, $2; Mim P. U. Pare weil, $1; MisA. Walkup. 25c.; MUs. 3. M. WlllIs sud ,taiuily, $3; Mi. RP- Goldrtnùg, chocolate bars and tobacc; Miss D. Waugh, cigarettes;' 111gh Scheol girlis, chocotate aud glim; miss M. Busbe, O.L.C,.. pair soclis. ST. ANDRE"WS SOCIETY.' The anniversary sermaon etf St.An- « drew*a Society willi ho preacbed lu St Andrew's Church. Whltby, on Suuday cvenlng net, December 2nd, 191?, at 7 o'clock. by the Rer. Dr.-Marsht, of Pickering, Ait Soetehmen, members gr 'te St.Andrew's Seciety or not aré ordiaiY Invîtetite meet at tc Rigi- land Club Room at 6.45 .Dm, sharp sud loin ln thc proessoaitelte ehurct. A tret la amsre& ,as. TDr. -MarlIo-l 1recognfted à*as emutl.linoupUlar preacher Md~ publie speaker. .Suitday, Dèuhfibêt-2L Rev.A. . Fatep ster NOV Maufol. Slo.MissFlorence Ward; Sermon by the pasto. Evenh'tg.--Spelsatidreus'by Mr.- Alexander Watsu. Subjeet, "'nie Spiri t etof 00fBoMsat"teFront." the -front, iMhèr e ubsspent tany monî-ha addreaaig out soldier b*ye, rhum itn ith 1Mr. Wi EIis. -X U I>Drn*rd itlaexcavating Mfr a ~ ~~i necretp-pea-t* 6e ereected-on Jack Frost 187'hnsy -buifldigea bridge acrosatuee 8ream ,ou 1kv mn&strai VW eeugtulate lte,,(oven M1PU- - Ing ite Ruhber Faetory b4..It loa like a safe propouitien, 1TheiI& s a mrnedlin êonnlt>4n 'the -westem rn Mop ef cottages. as 1 it t edhtf t û e t orn rA-itedî t tD~fA~U J4'M~ IL 'f yu wnt ilte od of ~ Cdw"tOut tedagrebe taste 8a4,i odir andti the na-useatingee&,ts, take'our ~MmmW of C01Lv ,sOI h l pa'kIean acetabe.o10 thê s toMxnach.z ~~Ids up bràken down tissue. ,h-hf-18 'aspe-ciflcatinoiIe membranes of the air passages. Good Fer Children- 3ood For Aduita. Pnc" 5kad$OperBti -WI TF,' pRUS and ST1TI WRITUY11 Leave yoar order fer Pi PNERY STORE jU N ht looks to us as -though the cojnty To Rent, Flr- Sale, Etc. bridze. Pickering ls iuterested. and %OCE.- te genra traffic by strangers tour. Witt the peen ivho took the borna lng the trovinxce has heen enormeus. ifrom ln front of Siheriff PanxteW~s rest- WVinter set Ini unerpectedlv ?,Culd douce, returun e Rt once, as thiey leavtng ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ lr ako Spolgu4n~adua,.lnou-n..and failure, to do se will Freat deai of grain yeCto tbresiî. lead tu, proRectition. To Rent," For Sait, Etc. wÀ&NTED. Beard ln a private, fainlly, breakfast andi te& ouly'. Apply Gazette OMMic Au actrYe eoh! lady would givo- her servicesas mother'a belD and, amst wlth lgbt work or- eewlng ln exchange for warm conitortable homàe for the wite. pxyGazette offie. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AN!> OTHERS.ý FOR SALE ORRfENT. Two andi a hait acre's la Whbitby. witit seven-reened br-ick dwellln& elec- uiri light, furnace, bathreom, oe, ifine apple orchard, property adaptable for gardening purposca. For fi! ipartic- uIsi- apply Thç _Toronto General TrutsCorportati .81~ Bay Street. Toronto. -. STRAYED. One darli Information be -auitahly FOR SA] tu the estate ef Jererel a espit oly, 00acesDs laie et the Town ot WhItby, in the Si Piekerint Tic C'euaty ef Oat*xào1 Getieuiaat de- bame. wlt stet NoUe.* la hereby gIren 5nirsusntte emeo, fuit pose Secion54 -E8.O, 14.cl4pir- 421, terme ai>piy is tb*t aitreattors sd oih ri -bavlug l>yOnt. c1aia agiasttht stal dôfeh. siî quffr mi on orethe 161h day et W Detember. 1l917. te sentiby ot' ro- Mà#'UCI«» pald odeie i.orot Gieandbuildings Tmtt C(oiporaio.ter oni», faî. lbéo. «» ecutor o et Ut.ofl» et i'deé8Im*ed, eut crsp, CutI el&hns, & st&teineat.ot titeir &ecounts DSISII Aumi sud bl ntuee ttý-DISTRICT red rosît yearling steer. leading to reeovery w111 rewarded. John ,Webberp kLE OR TIO fENT.- louii liat lot ,No., 3, con. o'wuship. ýG004 bildings, toie sct"Iiig, ood ti tt Pssession te iulotig st Ms TG REN'r. FOR fENT. Mot Lter heatk-d flat and store. i-eftt- ' inigiy or tegether. Separate en- su %.P~ppty R. N. flaseet, Whitby,. f.WANTED. 4 tAnu ofilcers7 -wt-dow wIth twe ehiîdren a~dfbve and seven, seeks~ three fur- n~eà roonîs In- a 'hCtîSe wlth modens, ýe*nveniences. wltholit board. AÉPYly Aleths, Rvctory. --if. WANTED. Gènerffl servant.- Good V6ageSan permanent position to coMpetent gijrl. 4p te m"s. Rnddy,' Centre-Stret Spnrh et Court luse, Wily Z STRAVED OR STOLEN%à. Frn }afrY Wade's Pasture, adjota ig Pickering Village, a b«y lly, ris- Iha 3 Years old, two wlifte hinàd, Iset- *hîte ittrip on ftoe.- Pl"ease nform Shovroht i t.t rfer lait lit u ts*dl i#4"" mb bitta - ce ta r mente' Buy Your knlWhinofles t SIID owaters at W. 0. WI ove Pinxk-,whttes,.hunter's gre and purte. Dont the rul «Ive a a- he et on, bis i rve- * ~ 1(1 1 .00 7 .73 aiud other good makes, 7.Y5&d17 je"w.ffoy.mstu in.oBdj o8d go-fld- Camsos. A List for Sister or Sweetheart \Vrist MWalch .. ........ $8 to $40 'nctant .... . ..... ..75C. I0 $200 Broocl> ...... ..... ... .... 25c. to $45 l1'ory 5vit, or separate piecor soc. tb $30) I H 't.' BASSETT i ucil J, 'rI t' t f t' L~) r.îrt~t>.' i 'ttc t t' 't"' t r witi. $'? (K) -Lis but là 'umps, their WILL lunies THE 'trfient th c fît

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