wltti A COMUSE IN HOUSBEHOLD SCIENCE OPTEI TWENTY-FIVE LUMSNS Fli9Zltationo whlcb la an tià pot- oven of 825 degrees 'Fahrmnboito pt ant, factor itihe makmng'o! bread, la duces a liglt, porone 1cm! of bread. LOdcedby he reqnceofyeatr. It That tbe -yeast oels May have SE-' a-bash i k wn fi)r tho" da of yeare cessful growth, it lis necesury that tihe Y htmany ogrgai owï h e-i flour be of good quallty, that a t;OM* sýed to certaià changes, wilI ferment. ture <om slxty to elihty degre "Ciodustilathe adr contaînu much fer-i Waltb maintaid andbth& ii Pà é»fltn )nranisme; atao the air con- t dcugh have active manipulation nt tii. taj0ig js14sad- bacterla, auch a»s ts!. {prôer periodu. bmagmôd, nd adam-patmoophere Te aius degrees- of 1lermen2ta- mod-e nlaher.Wine, beer and tion are known sa thé alcoholi ,-the nUik become tour when exposed for a ac-etioues ad the.. putrefactive. h«R - OPIMI l Ingthý of time to the. Itmes- fore, the proces of fermentatozi Ph$" ahoe fifty-.lght degrees Fali- which lias for lje cbJeet the umakig Of jP it bread, muet be cf an alcoh*llo nature - n4.itInt hltory hc'Ue s at ery Aceticus fermentation, ,Pbhn pre,. pttii Obaiedth - ' 'Wjldyeaut snt in the.right __amouts, g«IV«sa fvr>m the 'aitrasé . staïtbà thoix good fhaver tothe bread,-ttf ll dougrh. They ýaiso retalned a portion permitted te ferment tU =ereglIt 6tM ý>#i ied-mixing to utart Itii nict. wlIi chuck tii. alcà holic erentatin, yle ffu 0 c b. g athered and ýcul- which wrill cause a dut!, hsvy 1wt. i - f rom -the air W y expoglng a The. putrefact1o0ita jtias dish o oferin.nting sugarto tie -à tmes- stag, of f otao, ik rsuite Ila sdamp, smiPy0 ,t lcky es! fIr.ad Ymat tula a pl>nt of the simplest that la unit frus.. trcur Ceaidsto f a chalu cf Alcaloit. FernientatiSf raids udThe. canbohydratesansufl DRYipu41i,ïiI thousae nd If iven an imprtan paIrt Preper food for immediati assimla-mntatien, bagi thse.u#rt tholi TýItsfood,-muet contain protein, gscf. abnaoxlde=ndalcohol au 8r. »milexual ýîhand stmrh. li erettonl rdudii Neat ANdlvided I t tw>classes~.yéa w!c eeaupon C~e niait Mar- hâveno-bearing upon th1 sbt added té the dough. Cti ormof cmyeue=w uûsb la, Sait pisyx an important Pat lu the Sth frnocokressa e a rellabluactioncf thse yeast upil tbse dmugi. Il'araThex- .ks,à ut eo o a rllblaigt which la soluble I nmbot snd colW charçtq an et nifrrçooduess,80 water qutckly absorbe thse' dampuesa A hat t - 5wifr - preaUnce .ea.For suceuW l'airwtdellit. 'rthJsud esute. Tii. amnount h_4U8c,ý i '"beba.te tais. plats eded<hup1s e*st 2n mi f -andnt*Vorowr te rges o Inutritive vtu. The. Qu k while teem c a ut"thé îlrO.erimeutatiionef uachl opoi.efo.It ;wd ythe ae- 4 aOn 1 le a, to fthé Y'dà tt bêy@d k prpe we'the, j'la ýbke n an Urne.- BAIlL A TIIU Stoty o A F - 2Gtve Niei T*o $on& end Mis 'Vies tota e Cause of - Scovoit -Land. Threohanvesl timnea bai uuince the close or those.- bu -when'Plerrè bailthè-tttie i -refrcshmon l ehep lsa, ! w as boloveitb al l b. 01q ed the nincaruabiou of ené o! lie prophets e! oid. ~ On hoin vay out teie dresslug station bueis- o! thé linos in th.ea$y-le moruing tvo ambula&nce driveras*top- ped -t ahPierne'.buit. Tbey found lm ilnt face dovu juil outI is der F1150 oF dead. A stnay sheli had huant sean 1by, a fragmnent taklug sways part of hi. beait.luts They durgr uy"fi'ishimInth - cemeter-yhehshdhi6ped tnas.AMi i Seat So-Iiprayon they ifeed fouthse repo*e Ji o fc ! h b t ' s o u l c u d e d ai s e a u i m r o c - wvbo biid:sait. sýe&acrime a cous- vo pssaed meplae lurcident. ciasdy sund - URAL »RVXLOPM4NT liron, t - A Niv logot e«,Pre.ose!Vta au.e because h. dtapeffsed, à weets1aund 1 a- generous - nisuire 1lu1ils ales, il becaulie kiiudtuu.8sown frený inslIe lue eyem, sud even througb his chaollc eerd tise littho !elk' couid: distingulsisarc" le- humerouptunns ofi.s millvol p.~~~~~~ Pinevsgdahrl Il i idftu e! Vallly, *- factwhich madeal lm hhe--nior. d.evoted Nirtq IIeulPb idJaoquces, lbis atalwart sens jurt I Rienlng the - fieodtlue o! roulis, nength sud ontbuslaam. 'Wien th. l>nPusâasn ordes avept fo cÃs I 1soum, aud Frnaehurlod bar1- auing usauluoéd into the. brescls 10 et& le Iuivailbn, Re ansd ZAqumosas w4ly * ec boir laces in tise 1W.' "0$Mré ýu Would'faùc heWII- ph~sc4~aIo~.Z uw; , & 44iou oI de, -810, bi4lV't co~ur"-ru eouId net kaw wajIAlbert ookèd à s i e n, u peneaa,ý di'yo üy Thféfe iw toots tticornelW. timet or$ bcauseof fthoi » ' no dontt b1ùw-8erreI auIt give- lb to ur fÃŽtberceèrtal"*y did mention copna IRO W witlit»t malin te 1I10-~' - hi&l le Ious; hh as, te.loudly "Thnat's auight tb=. ,ud Dmnadeclared ta moue-wasdu. 1kemed th dr*** a-rates eepbf, a "W. 4't lbede- do il, "Ito tIt ldIdà thaïs Fsn leizuabo1sluus yla du, aud I ii If u yui ,it i0 t freis, tbît a gahickg to bk " dacIaUou lien bY tO) sulpl -ackowldgiug thst h. hadl Fesflabaaeno t ïa, ' rylyte "FeMel! erocfsl eaùao thi npki on e uerglons. Julia, fot ebc111 alevelled at h on Iii501heat Fnefa, nimd a sh~ akuolededsuiton seemed persoit.. t o u l d u et - m l v u s h m v c t o i ny l ut h e t o r e . r W e f ü or ~ thugh ah. did s50 vlbh an «Pm sonryi s' lî.' ve ne dou-bt co14woé hne ofBm z b.bt el nteWrongi,-aU he sM 4 comi' MmBereil eeme Mn,'b Berjrl t :: lu ,bos nigh.b up gBotheing boyeelntri&,Csols oig hpTOPp tele Dow, MPlanod Duncan wnathfuUly, It-gîprses:dc hoia~nd1h.tabk ln p me eutft-oher ner;went kii to.1100gb--on 5fyway, i's gel te ha en- keme out t tii goe aims. iî' one'ougli for the. proeunt," ho added,s te ot s, tht auy cw v.Ith m lu meIthough in auswer te the soeRaisb with- touud l gltii. po rea wt cmealn 1t uinhlm, wiio, thougis marvollcusly qon uary. Eet t moestii. lat cernese adaptable te cdcu- taces, vas al- round he hopea le se me dropped by wsys hrqiBybdn i ie thse otiere. -But h. âoesu't kciw < jr. r- i eteaman lu Power, sud People. They don't turu Iheir backs ?'nlm' n n . inl revoIt, sud, s emaly upon one of their owu kind. te wOrld stands nov, lt.ecail' vay (o Se fan, they have stock te me ail oscape auarcbp je te bsck up Power. nigist, w*hlch cf course makes hlm ail That's why I aay liat Duncan bas Rot lie aunier. To heur« him halk, yeu to ha muzzled. He'a becoming a would tik1 was a red revolutioniet, "ane that youuig man5. Pather, -wiien Uiail s ml evun ighls, van t pou have s go aetui? TChristian vithout tcuchiug bis. lield hunt m.' ehority aud tenbearanceL sud ail tisat out 01eo! i ary lu a moment, if ho sort of tsiug, pou know.' cculd2' - John slgliod asIltueê wearily. "But I'ino netee te ha bunted. If "I1 have apeken hobim, Bertie; but ever 1 do lbave lhe old ccuntry, t lb doesu't semnu le reach hm, sn. wili b. by my cvii free viii, aud net iiow. No doiibh itsm u 'ovu fault." by'that or auj cther man." - - "Tue. fault of bis dévillSh tempér, "But surel you aro nett4lukiugcf nation." "The violé- viudictiveness that'?" asked Fenella, aetcutahed. -0o!th. Gae seems ho ha packed into laNel just nov, 1 couldn't louve tliaI-Young maxi. faler . But fablser once foue, tt's -"Oh, Bertie, iso! He's uct vindictiv,. aPlan l'y. theWt tof at lime,-lf a Va snot for à hum el!hoisflhtiug, thhng P'm thluklng of vere te happen.19vou must remembon, ita really for his "1And is'tue bIng liwy te happent" !aier,vhh bat is vonk-vho. la "More llkeIy viihevery .das' that cld sud- blisd, snd nedp tii. maney. 1Passes,"», aid Duncan, gszing away it breaksDucsenle heurt t tese hlm 1wibh unb"luk ru os ver tise'mys- wa uayoti ." tnskssure i se oc.onat sppodï- fluahed up.te tthe Fenella leokeur-t 'hlm perplee.!temple" vil lie uagernesa erlier de- coneclous o!. a qul.l. uuexpected tel fonce, -nor 1esug auy of thoe. slow dut surety it weuld hurt , u u o rli a tîmiidgaue in 1 ou e ur c utry, un 'nll uuiuon e. Thre a'titon arcund vas aeemso mo» he ilS ueduveuenti but'to have kepl aglence tom , o %" h,,,W wtà » het. y. - hisspWktg up for Duneta laugihie gazem atmil xed upou the eedusom-ayto e anastue-1 loch, U fine prometa, with lith voit, mont ;.'for - - $at 1oISon piece- of r êu noesed biishotbar, vm£ thà tdayuoth ak standing cul bharply trbisIthe haci oadc1ypn1ebns grouad of. untWa..looaîng hut!. -It vas uer f atliir ho came to hon "'And-ÃŽ ev-« ouldyou gý o te?' t-.A. "The'*-vorld'à hig , 'nh Miss "Tou iarein tbe i t ecls. tn, Fenella, but ît's Capsd dr o.~Y7O5~ ii eprl st Il the boock I have mcii ybelf mpa, is ny justce .Ri eprsbo true lbmue b.a sileid ne doubb, but 1 kucv that hiesheaut a tand viser. asatout heur=sd a pair te souid.» e! atrauigarma tan do atusost auy '"But vien'<n oarth hueDuncan ttd hhiug, and viere a msan lsu't teoked i'eu ait tueà ?" înqutred Julia stanlug dovu upon for uslag liese ama" with vide sud rasuien stastIde>es ah "Il aupps-I i1 t e e berg onstator.--, home,» ul-Fe131 a Attil 00114%.Whi '. iI durtng viilà erla ln uah.-n -lii I!tlio, # sc n e, to 1 have over, ti%& ds a)e u~d e u . P ad rnts aatd: tlogklug about hen vîthias- "But srI-~"bgnJulia, viien ouaed epes. Really, -aiehatnAhnt4enoeJ - Ides tlstkvaastebat. asatht.. "Ive - got an des, Foettai 1Since "The bA<êe. eo-heavy fer pou, youseoem te have macle Moinda with Mins Fonella» IntcrposdDunu,as Duncâan, bey wouldd lbéW if you had th ttoe orn tl;'lou'i tet me carn go at Iamlng theo..aavete? Nov, if it-fo Yu s 1r s teread, anyvy. you aaked hlm &ap« rsenlfaver te' It iuded by 'bis usaI cnlj %M *-drop leth e 'ubtni op iSh 1he basket as v.!! as isto-bag, bu Vlouid do itl"' ais. helping lier over tho broken 111-4 Iréully 4en't -knoe" ait mod As e i bmuded hennit lF yPeotalu hon tuWutaken by surprIs. hl:Ibrod Ia, wbat more natursl tIt voutd b. no more thart gnhhi- than that lu ber Mind a COeam sietudoi .urslp, ouldenlug tise troulte aheuld %ui bWween ltoe.t t-W'Oru or.talon ove bis father. What fingera sud sicIlien baud lu vhIsch do peu sPy- Are pou luclued to try herha ltt bin ufreqfut t. purusse 1 :i Oh, viaI s differeuce! v a "Reat, Bertie," aShe objecte, "Iý okrencef ttîc u tisaI wcld be jetantig t at "The. re- reaehod, hcaPut 'Out cio>ertouçhbi t te fa4i th -uwe Id bt ferathd biskh elt cdi*ito ut A lln tot'lug.,snnl ait alr ecdtha ey"dOer. to haob ,&_ à iLliutde]rRsd u~t .t <lsii ami AîipirafanTOMile À, New gtpmaiesoiu 0* Fmou Te*&. Gaza, in Palestlnee, the. place nu captured.by -I-nteh troops, is ûl 01d Testament clty wbose gaites Wei suid te hbave -been tus*led away t ýîamsoL n. inuaï.sXVÃŽ, 2and 3.tl satoy juans:- «And tht vas tld Il Gatites, Süinson la corne hither. Am they ccrnpassed him -iu and lad w. for hlm aul night saylng, «Iu tii morn ing wben it. la dey we shail kilI hin Ami Samson lay tillt midniglif au arose at miduight and teck the ddcc cf the gate of the city and thetV% peasi and went away.wlth- them, hi and .11, sud carried themn up ta t] top cf an li that la before Hebron Then follows the story of ti strong man's ultra-Panisian love ai fiznrýlly fatal infatuation for .Dclilah. PhIl4istn. aud Greeke Yet Gaza has a history that doi not depend on that incident alan. fi its interest. lbt was a great placei the Philistine record and later t] Gréélke madle it the. centre of Hellenfi culture, tike that of Alexaudria.ý one tinie it had a population of 35 000e but it seems to have dropped, fi lt le to-day oniy credited with ai proximatÈe ~16,.000. lb as capterf several tinie since it wa8 tiret takt hy the Egyptians some time iu ti deughty Urnes of the.- I>laroh-TI Phulietines seeni to have held it ft long aller tiiey failed to Invai Egypt. A leading American aut hority sa: thnt "prcbably the. city was* fot cal turcd by the bribe cf Judai, as eat iu Judges I., sinco -the editoniý glons co tradicts the context." In tl narrative of Samson Gaza figures pr miuently. Assyrian inscriptioe mention the cdty only from 746 MA but thls May be due ta incompletene, of record. The ciby wss the. cent cf some lively fighting, for lb ie r corded by theso inscriptions tisaItV King vas defeated by Sargon, wl teck hlm prisoner with 9,000 of t luhabitante and carrled theni awf iste captivity.f About 96 ».C. tii. city cf Gaza w' destroyed,..ud the ruined city li ferred tc In Acts Vl., 26. Und~ Roman administration the. port, hoi even, gnew sud things again flouis ed, »e tht Jt became the. rival o! A tiocis, Alexandrie, sud oven, it in Ws etf Absou iteof, then, of course, d cllulng. "In !tg temples Greais go wene wonshfppod; Gneek art fieurish, among lb. wealthy -cltizes; f rom1 sciscole went forth famous niietw clans philosophera and poets,"1 -ai representsbives cf Neo-Plabouii lalight lu Gaza listu tt h sud.six Centitne«. Chntstianty, -be, fou Liiere ls .ducated dofoniberu. Y.t on &gami i fell te a sa'vage horde Meelemer, feréfXthera 'Of tiieTari sud the Cruaders found Gaza ruina. Their occupation vas unei tain, sud tise famous Saladin -plu dered the place lu 1170. Thon camei [comparative rest, as thse clir do.. r appear to have been attacked age until It vas takexi by Napoleon Bon parte ilu hie celehnabod campalgu The Medm aCity. Tise modem. tovu lddirlded Intoe ýfqn quar4is !hlch- oeeis On >a But1 A a~fcu oreo!veny auclent clives formu :duavenÀue tour, miles long, snd lenlehe là gistl" etthe place.Fluuanyith* lise cl lu tre. ites froustise ses, and la Afty rmlles distant frnin Joruuleu. Germn avis- tor, soeording to a Toreuto-trs$ued tirman nev 'laissa prisoner by 'thse Vuurka, bave been i adI ise othe pa IO -in the defence o!- GasOtuiad liaI pwdI Xt Paltueainese **ry lu lth*ar~- se- sne aOii 1pbeket-îs a silhînfesa. The ~ IUR YAgN ap le itt-dessgned. And p-et I,îa 1 orryp tor- auiy mam of miiitary- age- lieMMV ay, -for any m»:i f- any age-eoma- id 1elled te tread Ilé ie arwes .lu -other -it ig tian tis, or than ils naval caun-- O;REFLECTIONS 0F A BRITISH Iil' couldn't show mytucîf. in the id SOLDIER, t reets' This la vhat 1he soldien saye. ýre Pe esivisages the shieer, cowardly in- Vo 4uuetude whîch would be hie lot were aR n lu Khaki He Feels His Self-Respect cfednewl i ordl re lie ther than this sale sud c lmness- I.y Secure and Finds Lif e jivig khaku. Hia self-respect le ugýW ah Agreeable. Ãocure. Wibhouh the label which kbaki id : ttaches te hlim he perceives tint hie "'Last e'-euing, upon n wet and lone-, ~ould be etcrnaliy wanting to etap the ly rond, I saw-approaching a figure in Iasscrs-by aud explain. . Beeldes, ailekins. As the figure swung paet'to one wauld hiait hlm- as 'Chuni' aud. esme it,, said: 'Good night, Tom?' To iDigger'-and when he went a journey 'O whioh 1 made reply: 'Goed night, ue would have ta ait up straight and in Jack!' My naine is net Tom. Aq far,- prini in an ardinary compartusent and heas I arn avare, the gentleman in oht- be debai'red from the cosy comrade- et sidua vas not christeued Jack. But i : ýhip of thse one with 'Troopa Only' At as in khaki--n soidier. And he was,'ýà sted on its window. We long--oh,' 5-a saîlor. Hence aur familier inter- how we long!-to get out of khaki. 'or Change of greetinga. - 1 Kt not yet." ýP "I confes 1 find that sort of episode 1 ed very pleaa-ant," - writes Wird Muir in POTASE FROIM -SEAWVEED. bbcth London Spectutor. "A trifle! But!I 150 --candidly--flattering. I admit it: ýlant For Thiis Purpose- Han Been liC Iheso are trilles which make a main: Eotdh nbii aub lorivain. Ta be calted'Chuui by afellow-j ,de soidior on top af a tramcar; toe be Whenthe war broke eut, the fertil- hailed casually as 'Dlgger!' by an tzer supply, especinliy that of potash, Ys Australian who wiehes to bôrrow ai vas badly disru$ýed. Until thon, P-match; to have a lift-girl in the tube l3ermany had been the principal ,d shout "Hurry alang, Tommy!' and 1a- eeurce of eupply. Attention was 1m- iR s'on ma ith a grin which i should ~nediately dinected te sevenal possible' lie nover have van *hen in ci'vilian garb;, Materials from. which patash might rO- te behold a van-driver slow down to,) obtained. Arong thése was kel>; ii5 affer me a lift; tLaslcep lun aY'.M.C.A. à wates--plant growing in great pro-1 C., hut for sîxpence, after roceiving a 'ueîon aiong tbc sea-cost. Especially: as cup cf ton frein the jewelled banda asthis tecs nteBiihClm ne o! a Real Lady; to lbe intercepbed by )incCost, where, owiug ta bbhexnany re- a gneybeard Velunteer desiraus of dl- ndentations, bte keip beds are o f r sjlatîon whose gecgraphy 1 knaw After carefui investigation a plant re, ~~~000 tons wtkelp dailyi- snd viii get jer ven ere abl, lie ooe ofMy 1its eupply frein Cumaheva ne Th ýWpriileedsupenions, ho, move about lunIkelp le reaped by knlves 'suspended sh-muti 1ahouid not do se.- Neyert yI eo scows, which eut the standingr ue.. otevarefarn-thmob vlch j t egowaheTtsere ar thee.id o dd ie l Tihse tnla dssed'; whi'c-he epty.Yu haes teteurfacew,~ tnveles'ly aifnt supid t ii. lynic sud daiali te.Nowhîttiê eotenully b t me ho buged uto! uW"ol-cl..l.î" 1»s ThO W ?1eMuyOr#,vlvi 're rd te ny nadditioin, Panpose un- mea button OvIOwage theods. ad tiiio makps¶ tlngbye P Cromthean, dne S. lue ut. ols aeor ci. Peurie furse.-ll heeoocaree u nd ve)Ii ortle. Then et i nonseeal.plur Qeee iteto.a eT tne i e ,s-an .xcehut waiy ÃŽc Tedietrous pubuae - te k-y îo one l a 'l properly dreïsd TTic porbIaiss u hs5Iae Wetio aU wo1 lc uthSu mutbef gtMto tid upiPW n.,; 'v. dejc 41 (;Er RIS -EMA LE W-- -ICTR- auuE-r90Mnyore eW1-owr o n ddea nà A Wan ted e xperienc4:d weaveris and tauc'y w ooleu e1oths andý GooU4 wages.. Steadyivwork. * Ap~ EpIy l m mentî Offie - wim nsa uoit liv L £ IZ