44- ManY Of the ballots which wil be cast ini thie pi~wl be murkecl withwi terhjdèà dùa ýsounciof'heGrman guns. There is precious littI0. 4oubt abo)ut the waîn.wiht~~dt.bi uLno -particular ballots will be mairked. o nIly Itbaiwbeu4èutL us They wil be marked for- uzrya Unilon hi Canada;ýo i 1 A 'pure Truc. nti ai tor the Warl ASteady tra - fRelnoroeneuts fortire everbngrs thre vital Uines I Western Erope~ It is alost ipossible-,k> ,ccnSive of a soldier., ea&dig hiý thé nsie mud with deathwhtln in the'air and--a paok oba' 77 ,unsirntOlu~IIJ to break throueh upon. the peac.eful homes theyhvw Iraytnxudvihc any patience wdili thepetty parM isueS -that aud om -anaa. h lems with hlm tdyhutecm<0tiQ fsýrtidchs uoeoae mr ~ ette.Bochs btOn tae. i~*ùgh~Ifinthsmube-h sa or th* Tý14effl atretehur thatbeîrihis along', w" th the Iftrosèe'ehaxnpionsbips or footbnStensaa ho aw That any one shôud tur ade1iroun this akte-blenýbof dâamhgak q- toÃ" tiJo (ro~irer, brutalt rdbbaimt atêablo r th~ tiv~liieswold ee tohb uty nd, arbpziim t6 uu. There wMl be no party beilote madoed ln tire Ypt.sletT ~11 m.nthe preSenoe of their dead. 'Tlie, pb"iciaçg 1 JWr at wea i"ry i tI. t(1t '141 jL I