Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Dec 1917, p. 3

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for e, t omfort of the <*m4as~OO ~ 5t'rsfpresentd&epr a JEa~'1cled~~iletrau9g _112 ISdL t bex penditure of 'the fusiS. ý"Rè $01 ai d d for thé . Âaaeelat1on_ - to thse Council of the TOIsnship e otWe, RèWeeoftWhltby T*-, gave Brock at ote .June seliloil.ferr asaina -tile. of a motion tisai thse bridge, tenance and repaîr orot aa1,tiereif. '~wiutise Marsis Itoad B~ridge, il On. motion thse, Council declded to !ho To*psl 0 'oVlhitby, opposite lots visit ,tie Maras bridge, on thse base Une ,32 and.33, be assumed asu a County ln Wbitby Township, ~.( '1~kf bridge. the afternooli. Consitierable discussion ensueti. as Mr. DowneY Presentedth ie. report of thse Roatis andi Bridges Committee hadl the Finance Committee. given mucis consideration to the sub A by-law was introducgd by Messrs. Goode and stone ho confirai a by-lad~o Thse Soltiiers' Comforts Club in"lted thse Township et Jeatis to stop up andi tise menuiers of Counci ho attend Catit. sel pa-rt of Henrietta Streetin the Vili, Moore's lecture lu thse music hall itis lage of Seagrave. Thse by4law was read evening. a first lime andi was then referred ta WÉDNNÉSDAY. the Ronds and Bridges Commiîie. Thse Council lastructeti the ClerX ta JERO eomxunicate with Inspe&r ittrUi- - r. Doble referred wto te question sOa, of Southi Ontario, requestlng Ihis of payment ta Brock Tp. for work altendance before tbis Couicil wilh .111 done' on the alleged dcvtation ofthOe -.I>apers reatitt; h o the establishment Of road near Lake Slmcoe between thse a npw school lii thse Township of NI-Ira. Townships o! Brock and Georglna. and Ibev. E. C. tili pleaseothie (Coinii e moved, secondeti by Mr. itundle, that Xpightily witis an atidress upofl thethi,1 Connty assume Oint portion of Oiet work of the Chiidren's Aid SocietY in road. this Count'.. Mr. Hall was askéd to Thse motion was ruled out of or&te by prepare an olstract of lis a4dress for 'Warden Masoxi, as thse sald road le part prbUcation liatihe Minutes,.r'of iUw Good ]Ronds Syshemn. *I4essrs. Flintoff,& McKinnon faith - A deputahion representiiig the pubs- ed a resolutioti e!tîlîanks te 3W. Hall lisîwrs o! Souttj, Ontario tsing Present. for lis seii-direct,-d efforts ln thcili- were given an opporttnnity ho address terests of îîefflectid nd depend-nt Ilie Couincil. Childn acf tibis Coui:,' -The Prêsident. C. A. GOOdfellOw. Of Cettin .r'nhavine- been ri nde 1», Whitbyv stated Oie business of tie de- thse Cquncil to Uhe 182nd Jiattalion for eutttlon. wbhich'.mas to ask thse Cours- certain baud instruments, and tilPol cil to increase the' allowance taeaecis thse guiitg overseas of tihe Battalion thse paper for -.ad vert isi ng Division Court bandi was dishatsded and the irîstru- Sitting,; from ý7.5 at present 10 $l5.00 meula stored itihe (ouiîty buildings. pecr annutis. Don't Take Rlsks 'fi your stomach is strng, your liver active, and, bow- ets regutax, take care to keep them som These organs are impotat to yowz healtIL. Keep them M. order wîth Boechm' sPUlls and avoid any riskof serious illness. A doseor tw as needed, Will help the digestion, stimuate the bile, and regulate the habits. Their timely use will save much needfless suffering, fortify the systein and nsure'.Good Healtli Sold e.wwwhare in Gamâs a dU. S. Amado&. aos.8oe. E. E. WALLACE, Presidetit. SW hithy, Se1teiliber let, 1917. Union Goernmieix 18 concentratirig its efforts to win the War. Itbs gone about raising reinàforc ments in the onlyl prac- tical way; under the Military Servioe -Act,ý 1917.' Laurier, Bourass and theïr -adherents- admt theWr ri. 29. li g e! w hoat l; tise asthe teived plat- e meu t tai1eù 1-un- ark ut actar. a Amon tthe tion of natmtts ainter- The- re sec- a these inter- rs %vsoý t as a' lise eî-' is, de-i arIvace.ý trh, 1t it vasv . st Ofi acquir-s ê rend- ligiotas . ejec-, nae re- le Aan, ce the 1, 19). ho et g2t; 1h I ot of of ne- ceas ion .Lke in in Je- f rom, -les-" a par'- Levites 1they ~joicing as uew ~hovah. igorousi lu horti st. ne Sug-ý 8u slleep, s n>y it, Par farm, 'es tisaiï aising rrral at liy oc-1 on the' r urar- intention of holding up reînforc euB90UrBtI ýw%àmdl" -'l~êe y ~ nmeto-day' -I% - hu inthiMý-'Var. Wh vnoran asfot <' o-ver=nuiiIt at Ottawa wWthsr Roi-jè> ~ InSStôsOlUe adoî ~ li leaer.by mentn tlIsIb e ne. Uw-deà-,as ?ledr-Prltament,-4-itofth r -armibea- ihotud be lItpove'ilUoist a811' ha~n9e - 4ii1ieratd. Tisey are remsdeçlîsg,a ser ynlelectlou,ýn slght thse Bcdess Union-vice ide o money can rbmïpense, GoetnmeMnt wau fermeti iy uicwith- Butfor.,thé sake Q9 thegiselvis anti drý » f g rtalft bInet 1tiste;.loveti ones, ltsosgh le may en- drial t ç n mliuttstall a gratier bssrdexU upon us tisese flwyaus4tiser apoinisset t mo~e 1ur 1Iant mon, sshonld receve a botter re- - flitions ewhie certain 1Libos21$ oiio, botiswiue nservice, anti partners were taken la, eoQuanLv tobY tise lay of!, peusons fterwartis, touni are~ bt nt osonghto bv&uat tbey ant ieir 1$ves anti cihidrois ~ T n eqal S'In tise affaire ci gvern. - o-be isandicailpeti bocause tisey b4 89 I ment andtihie conduct of Use war. The' participate inlatise wair. te n ed.i program o! -tkese uelf-const Uthnt d ca b-_>th I l qs o o er n t l aMuiJnet t4iistM etsrPresenting n-OTtt tsn oVI c3aws o! oeai i uçacy a4d isaving no mandate from.-tbeItlntiewvowê s.mtr. gasedpaple. vas ho carry out thse saiieting Slsiera, anti taugistors o! tisose visé ins ail tis<--Riuêtffl by, bavIng a fo'y.jave serveti orare now servlng over- te beut mon meet togetiser anti eleet a ~jùï. ,ceas ithia is MaJet#s Forces, f aY> .c.porter of tise Borden Union ovr- 'We1come."' To you tise var bas m.C.nent Mwithq9ut- any reforence ho tise, bt'oight a istrdfis anti a sorrow yon pbnicýeople. 1Th e m's visicis'b"asnth ie tint! littie expee!.Tise world vwiii Not a pa.&ih professedti o'stand fortbe people inover know tise burden borne by You -C~ bas largely Joined In vististe Govera-I andth ie ,orrowtng cisiltiren. Anti so t -111.ment. But the Ieople, in aphte o! ail',to yen bas rightly been extendedth ie aise at tlis, have tisongs.tiseir own vay. and franchise. Yossrs lu tise prilege of D towîss. tetise crédit of Oie people of Sentis Jolnliig witb tise mon et Canada In say- Ontario' the WY lls ritnsaei te be de- ingwisether pofterlnt shall ceasti - -priveti o! a say In tise affaira of tise! andi vietiser a goverameùt visics bas cro os Zun'ry and tie conduct pe tie var,j allowed the necessaries ot lite 10 prps-and 1 have been calleti upon te volce'IsOar te sncbhiseigisis tisat your pat- er te re- tiseir vieva lu tisis contest. A glance rlotic mongy anti separatios ailevances ot tise i t tise frame up knewn as tise Union are tohtlyInadequaté ho purcsn publish Gos'ernment sisoulti satlsfy tise Most them, shah tfurtiser continue ia office. sum of casual observer thisais a Union Gov- Yours is tise rlght ho un>' vietiser yeui errament lu name ouI>'. Sir Robert Ber- soldier metn shahl recelvc botter pay.as t'a. antiden vo iepeao iecu tr.hose ln other ranks of clvii lite arE 1Perd:ie. rrespe tive!partss , he bescntygettl1 nz. Yours 15 tise rigist te saý utation. Iiziug for isisfinactr ty is be ndcit- viother pensions shah b le matie fittiai [1ýPrint- let ise afr, laitsInbtonIWitheacaneut f or tise services visicis bave beon rend ail o!flis ovru faitsh be bas matie 'a redi anti adequate tor tise saistenaicý it drawu fallurr'. 110 can Isle people expect o! bomne anti famlly. Yeurs Is nov th( atise ne- im 1 do bettcr with one composeti jrigiîht o say wivether lu tise way of sup againat of mens ef sncb divergence of opinion port and maintenance In tise absesse eUnitedi as bis present oee A reai Unioni Gev. or your lovcd mies, yen bave receivm or truck o! tise iviole iýorders Cabinet vas lunvisicis you vere entitieti for tieseac Scu gog- tihe banda of tise Governor-Generai. andi rilicp yqn bave made. Yeurs s listh rty is la macle up o! tise best braini anti bu»- rîghit ho Îay viether more enorgeti iamnags ness abilit>' of both Parties. witT7 pro- measurelssouit be adopteti for tb Vcen On- per r-opresentatîon for thse agricultunai cane ot returne nmen than isas bier( be-lanti, anti lasorIflg Clamses. wotritihave beesi tetore been acconded by tise Govenil moveti nece iv,-d itis rejolcin i lutise visle o! ment- Tse.f anti man>' otiser matIes ovu'ssil Canada. Tise country couldti isn have are o! vital lntoreat te yen, ant Iif eleç tise con« ibati a nen-partizan bualuss adminis- ed 1I vil devote My Mxîltririg energie on tise tratlon fer tise prodseetuUpn o! thse var. ho thse immnediate reconstruction0 rio andlti hing wviesc ult bave been con-ithis whole brau. c O! tise 'ser"ICe. 5 iyMs strmmnaled mothssago. at- a tîme wisen that men -tapon thiser returu Witt be et the c-nergles o iolenationscoulti ableti t ue »c aieerieao th a-have bee n concentrated ution tise sur' anti foeêer piacti w'here tire> Wiiti0o ae thpremé issue, anti vien 'oluutnry et- cupy a position te enable them 10 00 couincil. llsîmî'ut. tiseasatitils zoulO. coulti have, tain a comiietene>' forerneselves ans iion. been carî'ied oulho tise close of tise var Isesilles,' lu keettIng vitis tisesacrifie ante isehe lastlng credit f C'anada anti "do leCaïladians. But a Union Govertfiient - ____ cisesen by Sir Robent Rorden anti buill Penet thpo e record of tise forden admit- ene s stration aince 1911 anti mcre ecapet-l- i ly stisce tise outbreak of thse van. witis Ls te thisetis, ecurrt-tnitg ar scandais se Ingen- ing openS, lousi>' covereti oven b>' thé. ever-pres- a systom entwte-wil.Sshen. wtb tise eve-icretis- ing cost o! ail necessaries ot lite se Iabsiblutely ignered. save at a laIe date în te thisesn a foodi contreiler 'vas appointeti lu Rama te nsake reguiatlisns wicis do net reg- tat.e. anti wististe carnival o! thseC :1 tati been profit eers golng ois ho thse dlsmay of Trowu o! 11w commion people. witisout an>' ai- niante asý tempt te taise na hane o! tise pTOfits for the street' tise pnsectionofethlie var, caniiot ex- ige. pect a beanty noasponse f rom tise People a by-law wbe are suff ing. Thre Bordels Union ýt of thse Governulett ormeti te profit at tise polis by the Canadian Nortisera Pur- y-law fix- Chase Bill, Thse >,Wir Times Election tise Cours- Act and thse .MilM'ary Service Act. ail wus give]a forcedti tbnugh Pýa:rIamont b>' etr Rois- btise Fln- ert Borden, tise present Premier. under t-heaume. witisett tise rlgist e! free dis- ýssed lise ctassiou. visicis atise glory o! aIl Brit- kat he anti las Legislatuints dean>' bougist trOm tise band tise autocraC Ofettise Part, carsn nexo- Pd b>' tise P-ct te be regardes! as a tmue Union Govenntiment of ail the' sentiment otf Canada, even thsoug i ilas cisaiged Is personnel ln part. Anti se tise cati S Com h e from tise peoplet' o alles" lusd15 ea t-isOe. uintise selectio O!fiA member for tise next Partiamielt ah Ottawa, andti 1 friustrate the attrerlpts 0 F MR. of thé fev te takte front tisem tise choioa RA4. ('AN" !tstt~ib h'-ccls i rvt mýen ww ob thse mnner ii WUïv eyIiihii WDVW i01, trutWRl jUI7 ffWJ5 ý > are welcomed home and. Vpla éed wtreImiyéàrs of 'bugines-_'mdýubI01fO the re ýftitked to be, pate& ab our have gyeà'-.u~ a ii I~ d en tco!s. The sta1h owes fa.r i oe every Questiown that ert t atme, to Our soilIer boys,'tIlr w j'sn eeMa gh r1 g,,gurj eS1u nsmeland cire.thân sft, hm :Cver ussii 1enadviee osUé« hrezg to recognize under 'the man4omiit et0f hmy rec0rd betoréyowand myj>laV Sir Robert Btorden î*-If you are aIli e te form s l sufficient to warrant YoùisÏieû eý- your fltUYe welfare,.jeu: wli se. tatport, I appei toyéufor-_3Oiir vo and' aow the iôprtuystùy<1s iveis, you Willn influence, *hich- i ntbpuznoré ledtô elet mens wh? Win 0, t0 the Improv e pe to+ reteive, tnflmuch os thero isj- Ment -of you5I-coiiditiets_ i no Conseérvathùre andiaatiei th ied There are many questions wpiich and ail tise people are nowi at -liberty sbould be referred to. but the sispeeme to express >theéir views wIthon t theé un- issue la thi .war. Questions ffieh ln pleasantne î f beakngaway frosnx the p ut recelved lttè considerition former Party affiliations. If eleted- willcore bforet~#newparîai*nt.my best eTdeavots on-your behaif Iath 1 have been nusmlnated by th' I~rl service,.i ocar iyu of Souths Ontario. I stand for the Prin- ciples ofLiberalats and the nteests Yours very truly, of thse People. But If electcd, an L told W. B. N. SNLI~ IYou Would Shudder LITTLE Belgi4n cildre-n-tii telu-s fightifg, deati, oi- in Grermian bondage-thousands mother- lesa, are sloW1>' succuusbing ho instirnict feeding. A bowl of soup aodi ai t-lie of hrend 1- t lt tht-y get esth day. Think of ita1 throusrh îîbli- roaaaai>tioaste the- ttetiiuRelief Fund. Frile. ha, îe-otcrtcd Yeu f-tietuaiy, qEEI'NG t-e elittît- watfs lyinst fm-orn lha ntarvatlonl Oveia Lour aure e ad lelpl Usa-h yeur oantritbiao for thet- 3eiliaan CIit7rei itIeailth Fund. 91.7%1 iaioairîi, nIkigla.1 ,t rp.ia a ia-u, ;-, .otth. Tht-a1.4 fon liih'e childa-en ai-hu &ae aihsolutety .lile.e.;aind frtcadiete. Abat- in the wiorld. Coutributiooa a teii -at- n . ould Leat- aa-td "Ptbilan OrihitiiFuni.' isenwantbr - yotaa4 -onha-tibutliýn got-Entia-e, tlhrouatlîthte Boiin MinLter of! ilie ro alinInFroit-re) lnthet- h csî uth<'atec, %ho admni-atitea-the- i--lt, a-rk ut,-ler the-iî. alofà.\Biis.h anad Dutela Goverasments- What wili you dýýor the- uvaif% of! Iliuirn? B.EFLGIAN RELIEF F UN D -Ontario BrMach 80 King Si. '2cat, Toroto J, W. Woodli Chi 1 n he.Adelaory Boardl- Mr*s. Arthur Pepler, Uhatrman o!fltC oai. ttee St-d enirbutonu i >15. sabttaL.Georire. lion. Treastarez, Mait- cheqtJes payable 10 the Btlctan Ililief Fond V.'n Peîxa i.oeftb's 44 j î, d e I(ntiP. -sifrta aidDis I~cords tieon, 1901 - tist- itous non- inily g.- f the rOuld s door !-ciao. par, pros- I.if e ~tcea- J- - 4 $25, REWARD' TILe above reward wiIi ho paid for iniformation that will iead to the conviction of auîy persanî or persous fonud guilty-o! stealiiîg farrit producha- sucis as pouitry, estie, hor8es, grain or farta macLàiuaary frein farmers in thse Townsships of Wbitby and East Wlitby, or frein merubers of the Association for Apprehend- itig antti Proisecutilig Felonq, residenit in thse Tosvns of W-bitby aud Oshawa.a The Counceilî cf tise Townships cf Witbv anid East Whitby bave becoime responiiible for tise reward anti wiII pay same for tiasir Towràaaiaip. (Sigtied.1 The Townsbipm of Whitby. East Whitby and thse Townsî of Oïlhawa anid Wlîitlby Association for Apprehending audProsecutiug Felens. Et-MER LICKO . 9Secretitry. Wh.oetué YOU staii4?

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