w e Before' the war prices tareamota jok noadys, but on stajle unes flot. subject to style changes our pic es are, advancied vety littie, if any. Canes and Tjmbrellas, slight advanoe. FËountain Pens, ho advance. - Gents' anid Ladies' Watches, no advance. Wrist Watches, slight advance. -Signet Rings, no advance. Diamond Rings, no advance. Silver Kuives, Forks and Spoons, sight advance, but from 10% to 307. lees than catalogue price@. Iî'ory -Goods, Ebony Goods and Carving Sets, no advance. la ail of the above Ûnes Ive have a goodly assortrnent.. Also in other lines. >Just a word about the catalogue price list. 4p1 Fancy China, advanced. Gold Jewelry, tilight advance. Steel Knives and Forks, no advance. We will m'pply any standard article, listed in auy catalogue, at the catalogue price or lower, ini our uine. You -ee -whrat you purchase, there is no delay, ytou buy at home, you have no trouble to make a-n exchiange if , article does not corne up to youî oMpeétations. You have- your money until you get the goods. It pays to buy at Bassett's, The home of the Grafonola, Whitby, Ont. STORE OPEN EVENINGS TILL XMAS BASS ETT, in the Block with the Balcony, Brock Street South, W. C. T. LJ. 'It--.- I r j> Â a~ 4he Roy palier îît~ 2 cases nid-n*s fine ruubbers. regilar prct-s $1.10 and $1.25. Sale Itrîce 89c. at Collins' L'asi$hoe %tore. 0o l'sîrv-- lJcccuîb.'r 29. fer th>' Pire- j c;;'s [13ilanxd SupIer, lnn lime Mut.Ic 'l111' Ad tilt 111h!> ('maxs ofthte Mti. odist Su»tdaYý Schoot are brInglzrg Rev. John Gîtrbif t. the popular Chaplaîn of tlie 1l6th [attallon. ho Whitby, on Tuc-sday evenlng. Decenuber 16i, 1917. 1l'he re'gular monthiy meeting of the War Rielief Society wiii be beid in tie C'ouncil Chanîber on Monday. Deceni. ber 10111, ah 3 o«dock. Ail the ladies of th1e iown are invited to attend. 560 pairs ladies' ftne .boots, lai*e-=d button, kidz calf, patent and tantcal leathers; izes 2 3 sud 4. -Retpuiar pt-icea $4, $-4.60 andi $5. Saleprice $M98 ai Collins' Cash Shoe Store. A meetin% wti lie hxeld to-aigut (Tlîursday) iithe Town Clcrk's OfMMe for the pus-poeeof or$anizinag for tbt Christmnas Fair, A large at tendance o! ail interetteti lu urgod. --o- Ai t ilse tntcrpted lu promoting tie Whttby Cirfatms.. Par arc urgeti te, b. proeetut a smeetnhln' athe 'Town iirk's offce Ibis (7bursday) croulag for the. purpome eT' sakit arrange- meula regarding tic Fair. A large ah. tendance ta urgeti. ST. JOHN'8 CRURCH. AI St. Joiu's Ciltreit. Fort Whtby.l oti Sunday eveubiaitn . a spatial s,- vie o! praise. iii be tnedpred. Tt , choir vyul ho aaslteil b>r local talet. jMiss Nicholson snd Mr. %W. D. ->kes 'viii sing. - Th. cchoiro! tbtemp"iaiCbpreI. a. der the directio t lira,. IL John- son, wM l gie Colerlge.Ttyko omCap ltl, lhaui s eulgT ,. tla the BaptiatCb"-ois o4ntday ev.Lmg. Qptkcian WIHTBY Deêember l4th. An Introduction to the work wiii bu% given by Mins Bal]. of the, Ontario Ladies' College. Keep ibis ln mind. Adiuion by stiver colletion. Rev Fi Merlt. BA.,B.T.,pastor Smiday School and Bible Class at Services at Il a.m. anid 7 p.m. Sunday ev'eming subjeet, "The Words, à .r. A. R. Rowland lbaves to-'day for Plwiay wMr el i SPe1fr.heowluter aJacksonvhile.HeeeU osp«1 held a vory muceemsfuj 1zaar la the muslc bill lut ThurMdsy aftirnoouasd ovenle - The ianey work ud cidy bootha were well! pmauud and tiios tu atteadance enta o.eupbI modll veulIng. The cauîata *"Ulawatbaa Weddins Feaut," wil l e reiudered bY thte hoir et the Baptist Chureb on Prtty e>e tu&, Decesuber 14. 'Mtis wr la bY CoIrldgb'loW. and ilN f <bMd-it f uti tlgmusic T1%, w6rd. et th* lAita anfrom 'the f«Affl s"11W vatha" by Lontkdliw. * .11w.,toltet. tipa wIll b. takhtth et.,49«. A conot wtl bà b1 l Sur the e ban« e. stie eslA.dbwaio 3U, wbkh the srtlsts, Win, be PFrmnk w.1 inu. piUai,. ri Iblatifd. vieta,4 Ef. Smni, c«a»o- ftra muli-,1 Tii. Ucicts *1l bé 360- Cou a&t tIis werk at 3 WCC*.- lle *qg *e Io twa ian iavlted Iteitumd- 1847 o e9s' amie £wmmualty Siberwau'eg Autumeblle S kates, Mead eslaibteail Kce Te»s for thertChIldrea. GEO. -me RICE, ýWhltby lEvepytlmg in Ha-iwar at Lgwest Prices. Olifitrto Ladies'- Collae, who took au ber subjeet whai migt b. termed -Det Other Person'm Vtewpoint." whicb was tu reailty a-Piea for toierane o pin- ious and vlews eontrary hooee a own. 'Miss il was ah her bout in ibis tmlk, and everyone wim imnuenueîy dellghted. A splendid musIilProgram wasrend- ered by Mr'. Craig, at the Piano; Miss Eva Bell, Mis. T. I.Roweî and bis$ L padget vocal solos, and hy Mr. T. B. JouesWho sang two roîîickig Scoteh war songs. Refresbionte were uer ted. A HOCKEY TEAM FOR WHITIIY. The. hockey enthuu4its o! the town met ai -the Royal Rotei on MIonldaY e-ening to organtze for lhe winter'a sport. Alhhougb material for a bockey teani is net an pleutiful an lin foriper years. It was decided to organite à .] club. and to enter a hoam in fthe Inter- Lindiate O.H.A. OfUcers were eieeted tas followa: i{on.-Pres.L-Sheriff J. P. Paxton, et Wburby, Presicieut of the O. H. .A Prestdent--Geo. M. Rtc. jet Vice-Pre.-A. W. Jackson. 12nd VbceePre.-J. G. Hail. Sec.Treas.-Fred Waltru manager-Brt Smith. An entry will be sent Itb tie O.H.- à . tbis week fer the internedlaie ser- les. EPWORTII LEAGUE CONVENTION. 'The tulenty'.hIrd annual convention of the. Whitby District IEpworth Leagne was held Iu thc MethodIsi Tabernacle here on Wednesday, eovember 28th. jAbout 76 dolegates were preseni firam 1out o! town, and thc meetings were also attendcd by a large number frora thé IEpwort I eague o! the Tabernacle., Tht afternoon session commeuced ah 12.30 o'clock. with Mr. James Ward. o! Port Ferry. Fresidont o! the District,. Inu the chair. AddreauesWere dellvÃred by Rev. HKW. Fo)>y. Rev. J. S& I. Wil- son, and Rey. Fred 0. Jobtan, deAling wit Misonary ni%& other Prohlems or teleaguce. Itebt addressea were all lof thinmot lnsptring antd rousbag na- ture =u4 were excevdly iteptul -1ho the workers present. At the cloue of the atterneoo scuston the outî4f-town -delegates adjow'ned te ,the Sunday Schoci Hall, 'wberg they were entertaued at suipper, a«ervd-by the Ljeagués or Almeuda ant ti Taber-, nacle lu tht evenlnx mddresses were delir' ered by Rev. J. S. 1. Wîlson Of Oshtawa, iud Reov.-EflicKt et Pot fw y.ÀA alt 'cedserstos ,ovt..ooo *ne outhéb best oeuttou tve, h.Id ltutedis Tht e censelected foto heii, sulag year ine aufolbowa. F ast Pres"ct.-41r. JamS %Vu&, fte&Mt-'Mr. - murton P1zaer» lut, vic.Fpes.-UisDigiuuI monda. ffl VlePre-bau ou ard Vbo-rea-MÃŽls.Hll 4tb k"Pa-M.WUL ,ou lkth VîSce.fres..-m*sC. Oke, i3ec4"rea.-ie;.J.Toi. WRXMYI1AYD8 LED SAOR. That uke faU a ofnsatioa viti 'vM sadta his Partk43Xr esflMoabe O> taulned retsthteSolkr pa$s*g Zmp*t Palas, OU&Wlk.Ouaa.1 7%the i tAMM ulla)als Us aat good order frete!fcharge. That Il ils dlsabbllty prevents nsim froua reiurung te hl& oid trMde ho wllI reelv#e free training for a new one. Thut uniem a mmn daims a pension baued oa bis former eainug, ne Se- euntis utaken o! bis tarnigaor ouru- lug capacly, or ot tie citent te vhici Mei may lie lmproved by any traiulugx liai may be giron hlm. That no permanent pension will b. reduced because a an h as accepteti training. That whlle ha lu being tralnod he wiii rec*lvo additIons to is pension for the support cf bis faniiy» Titat netther treaiment nor training wiil coat hfm n penny. That h, wiili e lookcd after If he suifera frein hllineuaa any turne as a resuit o! bis service. '-"'at hoe muai teil lits Pension Ofleer o! bis wants. NURSING SISTERS EITITLED TO VOTE. Not only are nurstag iters entiiled to vote ln the comlug Federal elecrien, but Red Cross and Si John's Ambu- lance aurses aboutit aise et that thii, nanes are on tie lIi. The !olîowlng inay vote: the witt., th widow, the, niether, thé sttr, or sîsioru, and tht daugbter or daughttra: (1) O! a Canadu soldier now ever- le ragi, urh, or-deep seated pitto nyk yield tb pçreît.nî heat. A NO01%WATIER BOTIE alo rvides a world of SMSfot for cokI feet. Seo ou, Rabber Gùoýds and compai thoe found elsewhero.W. bu7] quantities and gmt tberm diret saving we get in this way i.shsbrd A RMOI WATER wiII usake en ideai- gs WI-IJTFIT re quality and IMeet with inabb.r Gooda'. 1jobbee5s fa»théfe f r.~The Ou byo ncstomers. tfrsene oeue. ELD'S OMM amiSATOEivS Les" e us, order for Piani wARIOm Si -I at present bbcg Prepareg by the onu. nierator. 'EVery womlan voter mustt be: (a) Of tiie fuil age Of twrnty-one years; (b) A British subjeet not or allen enemy race; (e) She must have retded th thié constituencY for thirty days immmcd- tatoly prior ta November 1. MI:7 (d) She must have reslded i the province 'for one >ear Imi<'diatq.iy prior to No,%et berr 1. 1917. (e> Rvery woman should give- ber ChrIstlaîî name. APPr A IS.ý Look-Ut te lâ t!he ontinwratoro Publlshed on Monday, Deeember, Srd. and poated tu the Whitby Fout Office, to mee If your naine la on the liat. If not on the- liat >ou can appeai wlthin ,four days. or np to Deenuber Mt. In order toatippeai send your nartanmd ad- dres a ay ne f hemornbers of the merators. SALE REGI$T!ER. Thursday, December 13. - Auetion male o! wood lots, ai lot 3. cou. 6. Pick- ering Tp., between Audley and Kinsale. Sale at îwo o'clock. Terma ceuh. Wzn. 1Maw, auctioneer. sois:ToRn, & -alEc (2) Of a Canadian selidier wbo bs T onFw aeEc gone overama and died oltiier ai home SA . or abroad; VM FRSAE (s) O! a roturneti Canadian soldier: i A quanttty-o! whtat for sale, suIt- (4) Of a persn wbe durlug thc pres- Iable for feeti; $120 Der bus, Uitich ct war han bean on active servie la bar-n, $2.26 ln ! bushel lots delivered. tie Impérta Arnuy or tJue BritîihAise a queh oe muait piga N. A. Navy;I Broughton, Whttby. (5) 0f as methber of the Canadiar. Na- val Forces ; 1 LOST. (t) Of a person wie la Ont o!fte, A black maid tan hound. Head il Domion ef Canada lu tic Aftroplano tan. Re-ward for Informinl ading Service, whether ln the United States oreovery.,Àdvise Ju. Camrlton. 0Giýen_ or abroad lnanay ether capadIty- ed,-- Th(%-moiher, aiter or astters. daUgi - ., -O ,NT ter or daughters o! a Canatilan Armyt AM OlET Nurse. and the nitrae t hensef: {1 'r.. arai ai *<t166 i n Tii. unothor, Blter .., ululers. daugit- acres »r> pectftvly, te rent, AUl sontb of tet or daughterit of a VA.!). nurse Der- andd. clos.i Oshawa. Pbrat-ekasa moil manently attacheti to the aillitary for- andi buldtis. Gq!od aliteof cultilta- ces- abï-ead,\ tien. Possesaien tOplew - mter Dr>- Tte romen, ma soirt, Wh* are ten- eut crop, fuli possession Aprîl If 1>18. tbîled to vote inuit, iln addition ho betag Apply te G. D. Consut, >ubaoa1ont ent4tle4q terote, b. on tie wptens'lista j Dated Aupat 8,-1»17. --f OpByron, or 13ock Street or-on the Ba~LinoEEst, a striDed sutkbog, cou- tai ng key, change purs. aud sus « me «y. Finder wli lbietuiably re- w b'- lenving ah. the Pout Onte. -ITENYuER..S WAKNTED). 1uders wii b. rcceived by theui»- der ign..d ni)to Decemler liii. 1937, forithe carilcuher work 10 b. doue mi UInkn ScbooI NO. 1, Pickering Tp. Com- traller hofuruluti al -material. lb.ý lo<ps or any tender Dot ncvesoiy Rcciljiîed. F. 3. Gale. WVhltby, Bée..-, WVANTEU. Aýn oMfcers' wjdow'Wîî th WO Childrefi "gj five andeVen, ueéeks tbre e ntlecI rooms Ji) a bouse wilhh modem ccnl-enlc-nces. withaut board. Aeppy M r4 Allen, 1the Reetory. -f Rearoall ki(de -of esys. A omilo Trn GaoinMso1i Ws reiiatsîi i i, F&nu Smmon Ford aM. Se. eue butor. bue4g. ý&+TISSA U , , -, III. Re.Ne Jams 'r. Il it, l ri imi Ili# nd tr Trhe reguitir nonihly rmeûting of the Whittby W.C.T.It. will be held at the- lioine et Mrs. Win, Marshlal on Wed- n'eday afternoon. D'cemUber 12, at 3.3f) ii'cloclç. AÀfpli iiterulance himkçti for ris wv are ta discuss the matrr of hold- ing a -Trimiket I)ay.- Tti!- RE1A.TION IEWE ET AND) COAL I-IoRTACi,. WitIî the wixter facing lis, lut-I s a tlrst consideration. One reason why we huye tuot more coai can W sibîelled wliu lhet' our lettera -E.E-fl.t In an article lun7'hr Outlook. on Pr-ohi bition anid the prici' of iceai," the 11ev. Ii. N.- Carneron. of Lat robe, Pa., le qitotod as thé authority for tUIC ntateMnint:t1 "The, prodU1ction of coal ln the lPitt-1 burg district allie would lx' increaaued 5,000,000 tons If strong drink wt're Pli- And whaht letrut, of }>tsburg le. wihout doubt, true of aIl oliwr minig districts. Mr. Cameron lias bven a iifrý-long rezident o! Western Penaylvanta. Mud worked for moyen ye.ars at the roýls. He has had al the opportunity iiecemary -i o eçlte relation between output and bor, wbtioh. ho says, causes more ln-~ ,e1fteaoçy, sd commandeers more space '4trelbt trains ibm whiskey, Il' WS 54"colt ibis wluter we will hatWSBk that cite! of iners. Old mt. Mornt u visitai ber fUer, Mr. Fred 'Roors, itter aeanly two years u 2flglaDd sebotiond. Att1 ïiiisl ,seweut-çPIqi'1 tladespt -The *tteniOot atru s'ls 4uqmlal5 .1* ý 1