Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Dec 1917, p. 6

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- CHAPIIER XiII. "Maw shul I do et? " mas the qes- tien whîcb, on Sunday aternoon, loi- - - lowed Penchla up the gion. She had ehoauqn Sunday, as a likely day f or -tiadint Duncan ut home. 15ut bore li e ificulties aid net endl; for flnstly, the ilaaagemznt af, a tete-a-tete mas iÏmWeativer sud secondlyF, ahe hal nat loet made up ber minci as ta mhat -Oxactiy abo mouid say. Beside the filascial rpnuaciation entailed, she mas ednoasus ai ueking n grent *sacrifice tram '- Duncan's pnide ,and - ub wondened irbether she- had Uic rîgh.t ta do an AltoreUier s$he foit neM~usaus ta the mission undèrtak-en, *andyet determinfed -ta undertako it. The-ark hiats'dropped by Albert had qiuickeuied hon courage, for the, pros-- -pecti.a .eemng Duncan bunteti -eut ai the cahîatry was mot oeta, pleaselier, --- by qrj>, menus. It mas a marin, thougb "covereci" day,-und the cicor ai the cattage stoati eoÉen. Even before ncacbiag it she caugbt the saunci ai a monotaaously- apaing volce. On the thresbold she atod til. Adamn, bio discotored face aItt*ÏtivciY cMlpaseci bsncath the aliade- covoning b ie sick eycas, sut up. elght in the padalet arn-chair; op- lmeite to hlm Duncan in bis Sunduy - ct-othes with an open book before hlm, frein wbicbho muws readiag aloud with S ail the ouse mhich an obviously stiif anal dàzziiag wbite -celiar peninitteal bhh. Loath ta interrupt, Fenelua heaitated. beside the doar. b Ye ave heard that it bath been sald: An oye for'an oye, andal tpoýth ton a tootb. But I say ta yau nbt ta resi-t cvii , but if anc stnike -thoe o' thy i4s"~cheekcturata bimalso teothr tbychPck,.turnta hlm aia the other; - - nal f ama miiicoatenal mith thee la judgment, anal take away thy coat, let --- go tby ciaak abso unte hlm. And miiosoeven will farce tbec anc tile-' "Sure tbcro's sameone la the door- way "interrupted Adamn, mith the - , - qncky-developed observation ai the Duncan turnnd and starteal ta bis ý "Go an, pleose," saiti Fenelua, geauinely embarnasseal. "Tbcr's no iiurry for me. " "Misé Fenella. Na, no-ebut up the Beôi<. Duncan. There's almays a hwury for me when ît'e MisPenchla. Seina te me as that's about as mucb SeriptreasIcan carry fer once, Beàutifiisylags, o! course, but bard 'te.Mis Fenellu, bard on«s. May- be, , yaucould make it a bit cleaner to. "me by.-taikngt oui." "Wat Duncan aya is that it's nat meant ta b. t4ken ieral, but sort ai ailegarlcal. -We'ne -given a point te atm at which it's mcii known wc can't -- - bit, juat te prevent us- sbooting taa- tow. - Maybe hc'a- igt." "Ycs, porbapa thut la lt,'1 cgreed Fenelia, nelieveci ta sec a dlue out ai the ethical dilema iltta bich ahe fpund'benseif piunged unamarca "BDu et course,"she%lded, lu 4 mixturea cofusian anal neoIuttî-ior iti had ilaheal upon ber that"ihie mus an op- -'Portunity not ta leIe ost-"Uihe g*nerul lessoa remins-that about beaning no grualge ta aur enemica." She mas just gathcring courage ta ciaborate lier remank when Duncan docibivély abserveci tat tWB$ tie for bis tather ta, get bis ton, anti that - If Miss Femendd net ini moving a ,bi sbltle moulal Put the kettie on the fine. It wmas dean that the subject ai - -rîstian farbearance diti not, for the tine being, appeal ta hlm. B fer comnparative silence had araus- .-d Adarns attention, for présently ho ,i.UPIJ ta o mptfid a littie querul- 01u1ly, as was growing bis habit. "Wbat'a become o' yaur volce thc deyMàsa Fenella? ' isaail I've got 01yen, mind,-and yeuno separin' witb maybe Ill? mhich Goa-ftbii." "'I'm pcniectly volt," lassured Fen- -4ua esng horseif. "I'm oniy busy loking at those flairera on the ma- taIpiece. 11ev amont tbey muke the oi to-day; yon are -expectiug me te tura thc other éheek. But it's ne gaod t Miss Pemcha, I'm tiot made that way. "But, Duncn-» "Yau'vo heard what I think ai the precept*- They Were not meaut - te ho ta k on by Uic lottor, nar caiculaté-d for practicailHite, and I dan't mean ta take thein se." There iras se sharp a decision la bis tane that Fenella sat discamfited- evidently the religiaus motive would nat wark bore. She muet try another. "Wels but, Duncan, thon. la another consideratia-i ibic> bas-te do mith practical life4-your owu interest. Mn. Bc>'rell is furiaus againat yau cvery- body says se; and even if you -win the suit ho wýH i-layau somo hârm. I amn surp ho wil-citi-cr tance yau ta leave tIe cocuntry, an son.cthîng aof that sont." "Lot hia try ta," saici Duncan very .uiçtiy,,ga mitb a ge.tunc fian eyaad the wonds lie foldeci bis arma L-pcfl b is cbcst andl squuned bis migbty shaulci- ors. Not even bis. torrible Suiîday coat- se fan lest. appr--priate ta bis persan- ality tiban the oldest ai bis work-day garments--coulci weaken the lunguage ai that mavomer.t. Fenelis, guzing u'P at hlm witb reluctant admiration, seemeci ta sec la the tawering figur-e, lan the proudly poised hoad, la that gaze wbich stennly swept the distance, the. vory impensonation ai resistance, and feit ber hopelessness grcming willihon ralua.. ,"But yau wi-gin nathing;- Dun- can," she aaid, tees cainmly this time; siand your futhen miii sufer tea. » "I -am strang enougi. ta stand by my inthen. " The- appeul te seif-intencat hal taiied as ignaminiously as that ta con- acience. There remainoal but anc canal ta play. "But :f you more usked-Duaan- asked us a tavon te- wuive your rlghts, te withdnaw yaur claim-wauld thut not mave yau?" ««tIiwas asked ? By wham?î IBy tmc, Duncan. " Shc..said it almoat bumbi>, la deep agitation, ber cyca raffel dcprecating- lY ta hie face. For anc instant only thcy met his, caming *.uck tram Uic distance with. a flash ai su risc. "By yau ?"" e saidf; and tbeii, witb. out anather word, turneci andi taok s step awuy tram lber, andl thero ateod still, hie face averteal, but hi-s wbale immavable figure betraying that every- libre,-within maltedion be erct words. 'ý «If J ssk yen, Dýunil, as a 4vor ta W*rselt--Just to plealse une, -you' know-to dropItii. prosecution, *ould you do it thon? I ahaulal be se aarry if yen haci ta Ieavç the country,-wc have beoame sucb inoenda, have me net?" Stili there came no nepli and sbe,ý thiaking hensei repuiad, glace troin M&i averted face abs- coulci take no' waring--cantiaued te pleaci more ungentiy, andl even mith a peint ai ne- pnoucb, suggested by woundeal vanity. "Really, Duncan, I dinat tbiak that yau mou! 1 bave beca se abstinato. It is the- first thiag 1 have eve -askeci ai you,-aad ion yôur own good-" She stoppeal short, ion hé b.d tur»- cd bis face tawards ber, andi mhat she -' suw there etruck ber inta silence. "Whak's the >ise af ail those1 mords?" ho massaying, ln a deepf breathieste volce, anal wli a gesture' as ai impatience. "Don't yeu know thatnn would be enougb? Dont tYeu kaow,. that if yeu sakeal me for zuy right band,-or for my head, for t-he sratter ai that, 1 would have noting te give yen because tb*y boloug -4é yeu already? You b.gu favors et me, indeedI your lit-tceiner Ms Fenella, that'salal you would have to raî*, te de mitb nme ht you would want." (To be cant-nued). _ DIow Cold Affects Fish. 7 -~ T TRTURE 0Fp EUPfl"5G TO ýàAYMrC SIGN 1. l Beteen cousins; OR, .A DECLARATION 0P WAR.- Oisbfl a oqateen Veetm ka dankness la creeping over t-ho sad landacape. Thon nain fulîs la tan- rents te add ta thbe gruesome pictune an atinesphere ai traWey. "Tier. is more timo speat la malt- ing anal thon banal grenaades are ipàss- ed &rouadto - the men. Each neceives tira. Thon the ancien 'Fanaral!' 19 heard, andl vo kaom that it is aur tura. "Wo spring out ai the trench anal into the darnacs. We expeet te ho grectcd by a deadly fine, but, strage, the tiunder ot thc guns_ sudaelay ceases. A mave of joy creeps aven us; and, yet, perbapa, the enomy la only uing.Wj on ta destruction. "Don't use yout banci grenades un- tii Uic lnst minute," sbouts aur,-cap- tn Caliture of the Trench. "Just then a curtain et fine nes be- fore us anal the buliets mbtsBtling pat out ours. We are rnnaig tormard nom. Shelia are buratiag ail arounal ns. The fingens ot my night banal-are sIngeal by-tho ineofe- an expbodiug thehl anal 1 drop my gua, ouly te stoop andpick lit up agate.The. ire beromes "estrong that me beoone bluiideal by I lit; our mon bocome separsted, nou kuoviwtglustmIsera lite .golng. Hon. sud thor n athie uiat I could lliscéra forma .ofumentaffitug heavtly ta the. gnennd, sud nom suit theu aboe .the. roar T heard tue ieartrendlug cm-yoe, soe oeewho hlid reeeiveal bis desth #"P'orward!" *bout* our captain. "W. arm runhw ik, ma4 nuw Bornetiou..w. atum>îl over t-he bodies ofOu Îou owades, but-tiarelino *top- plng. Our brntb la. comtng ttour bans are tbumplng wtldlylu Our bteutt, our -idil cooluz et, broàuiê SPieâtiirotglsOur ve.,7 W, aram ie a_" en poupimsd; -meO have, forgtten aIl our fam oa# va wvt ui.w l. t.a WtheW."« tice, of no profit te the individual who Igraed pudding dsh- ake i practicea it, and injurious to the best 1moderate aven for forty-flve minutes. interesta of the r copie. Serve with stewed fruit. Individuai There are three cardinal principles eustard cupa may be uaed. of flour storage. Fleur should flot b. Soft GingeT Cake.-One-half ccipful stored in the celiar, since the cellar is of melted shortenin, one cup of rarely free tramn dampness, even syrup, one teaspoonfu of soda, ane though spécial fleur bina have been teaspoanflof ai nnamon, ane-half tea- buit n. Flour aheuid not be stored inspoonful of cioves, ane cupfui af saur theraturi etoh unsuaitye Thee mnilk, three and one-quarter cupfuis af pertur latoohih h sumer threflour. Beat ta a smooth batter. 18n iclation of air, and the fleur1 Pour into well-greaued and fiouredi islkel te acquire a musty odor- . ake ln amdrte avenfo Fleur should nlot be stored ina he! o minutes. pantry. or kitcec, except in mMI ApePe-ieapetnw quantities, since the tempera- pli p4,try j ie wiha pes in it ture ài certain eeb nee n in thin, paperlike sluces. Season with flour isla liely to b. cantaminated byt nutmneg or cinnamnon and snrinkie oe odora.alsonfl fcrstrhoe h if practicable every househol ables. oonfujo e~rcu ovesix ale should pooaseua aamali room for stor apple8. ow cov ae aitop si tabe age. Such a -raom isbuitlocdin. pi Bakin a modeate cruat the north aide « hef lin.It t ~Pudâh9.- One aven.o shouid lne ventilated and have a cool bedrma tour tablespoonfuls of and even temperature. Where auch- a sbortenng Rub tL. ahortening into roara in net availahis a, cioset mty fit the crmb- and thriadd oue cupful of the requirements well.~ The bina-or raisns chopp.d fine, one cupful et containers slmould bW kept. dJean, and moiasm, eue-hlai!tespe of $tt when an o14 stock et fleur la exbatst- tu .spotl tbk*odr ed, tbq container should b. caret ueepîle tuisapl aCt oe-. cieaned baie a a ew stock 1 in c.halL cuntul offleur. MIx an& place fIn Mold okkettie toeteara tor ont oc o usei)A L a large sîig n etaK6ren p Wac W4idtote et Je- hîàd 81 m fa fruxKyoto. YAL17A~LE F~CSAIt N enIy the. Incident wua r.grd.d as eoedL 1%,2Icatta e th 'wreek, -AO as proeiy known but toet at it iF1MMý Uew%".a upeless, iuasmuch b it y ut a f <iptb wUCh tee great't. be ruced 84t enjem av - lt s mie ti>en, théNieaofi of FmllyC** lundrai 11W101 TLD WIO ocmred Uhat he-mn fishior the lst a l'a' Mm antd ar4 *w4 éd It 1a lu'a4msr»y r i té iL. -» wi»A hi ~entuV. Drad bafd W"h-Royal qth.rfý6bgtat&,full weW.ks uppRy > nmdb at ODe bahlng. an mit luat' ~ ego", es thse fIr«tý, MA De ImCANADA âa um- A ýr COURSE B Sgi - bSCIENCE COMPLETE IN LenomCE WhTze-Wheat aud Graham Breada. f~Ol,~~A TWEsn TY F[E=.SNS- -J TMYE GIL 64Golng Through HReU." atÙre provided man. with gaisbewl te rise for threc haurs, in a warm WNJP =tiig-valuable- nutriment n~s place, free from ail drafts, about eigh- __________- Henri Barbusse, well known saenh ry tDialntaiu'life. Maen, erving t degees Fahrenheit iju temperature.-' -- -- - - writcr, has writteu a graphic account1iluxury, dis.co.vz. rçets o f mâWing MNo ald, iflto two boaves. Place in TALES FROM RUINED FRANCE. of the atoruiing oi a G ra rnht rreiigtema wieh i lmade' wdil-greased pans and return ta place whleh h. took part-.-In grtppÎng lau- frein the-paiggrain .,ta risc for one haur. Bake in> an aven Showing the Undaunted Spirit of the into whit 1U,ýWi al:remo f 2 eg sFarnei o it guage he desé1tfles thse torture cf 'gait- az Dalioces i a 82 dgres ahrnhet or i reâting, mucli o! the vital eement ia minutes. Remove frain aven. Brusl eaaeIhhtna iug fer the signal te advancet Of -ru"-, rentoved. - the tops ai bread with nieited butter, The iallowing am, staries told by ai ning aut in the open. agaixsst terrible j' The vitamines and mainerai elements then lay on a racki ta cool. member af an American body af work- fire, and of tthe happinesa af tiie men 1 s very necessary for human struc- Rye Bread e rs çZ-ho are trying ta relieve the dis- when they find oaci> other%'afe after turce o teeth and bancs and bodily wei- Tv. a and -ono-haif cupf uls ai wator, tres ai the people of devastatcd "going through heill" :ire are lest,.j twQ mcdium-sizcd rutatoes. Peel theFrace " Ut la eyening in the champagne," Thse hutan body requires sixteen' patataes thon cut la thin slices and " Frnhyugwm framth elemeuts for its daiiy well-being.aei un til soit Rub thraufgh finj sieve. mAFrnhtahgeaa wrles eur Brbuse.u-Te men are These olements, are found lan nwther Now cool ta cighty e rees Faet ihhrai ahr'h waitng l ti. duout o! ii. iru natre heh, the --raina and the roaheit. This amaunt shouid measure had hcld the hoaicstead ailtrug lino trenciies, w»adering when the or- vcget1î. o"aso! an y ane ot twa ufuls. Place in a bowi and add:- German accupation. The daughter der ta charge againat the enemy wll tlies plays havoc with the body; by1 twa tlespoonfuis of sugar, twa tea- was wringing hier hands and saying. b. given. They are anxiaus snd nerv- idigscTing several more, their lassa'sspoonfuls ai sait, -two tablespoanfuls 'Qe alheur!' because the Germans ous, but try ta conceal their real teed- Piainiy seen. aif metlcd shartcning, anc yeast cake,;Que lo, m ptehosbre h ings by telling tunny" atonies and NOW is thc acceptable timo ta return'twa cu fuls ai white foeur. anc anc~d. banu h asbrc h 1 the fooda of aur granddads, name- ane-hai cupials ai corumeaL Place furniture in the raad and iiawed the iaughing heartly. They knaw th at 1p te eat whole meata. Bread made the lugredients in bowl in thc order trees in the orchard. 'lt's teërrible!' in thc ncxt moment thcy may be fac- YrI hole whcat prths au ideal ru-i given. Beat wcli, ta mix. Set sponge she cried. But the aid mother spake ing doath, but there la alwaya hope. Uapo it furnishes tratein, carbohy- te rise for anc and a half heurs in a up: Why unhappy, my girl? Al l They have been spared befare pcnhapg di 5~sainoe fats ani minerai malta, place about cighty degrees- Fahrcn i not lest. 1 have kcpt two chairs.' they mnay ho spared agaîn. A voice s and i Prtion 'of Uic bulk that ha_ an hoit. Then add t hree cupfuis oaiye e«ce elgy good cffect upon the intes- flaur. Kne.ad wcll for Iiteen minutes. Ai. iha ara inty h ad heard lan the ncighboring t.rcnch. 'tine Return ta place and let rise far twa' Be scated!' "'Listen,' said one af the mca. The absorbent qaulities af whalc haurs. Moid inta louves and let ie -nDulytoldwm er 'Didn't yau hear? The alarm was whcat make it neccssary te lossen the for forty-flvc minutes. Bake isca "ling Doilly Thea ad oaendwre "'un a? Ac ya cflyerywenmaking bread. I moderate aven for fift yminutes. inmadeaof twistcd wire and vood. 'Our 'lrnAeyucayVyefleur contains slightly leas Caraway sceds may bo added if desir- 'audn ol wr uer yth1;r ~iutn thn woat lou; ths ~ute cdmas' they'suid, 'but wc have pnayed The Cali Te Arme,.j13 of a tough charactor. A portion ailf Gluten Brea-d tego o esn stes sad .1wheat flaur îs aecessary ta praduce Oscpùifwtn~ihyd-te odGdt cdu .î cd n "J~a tho a suda appurs n t oçad lbai, Ia many p arts ai Europe grecs FLhrenheit, anc tab espoonfu 1ave made the graund ail rîa.' opcning of the dugout and somebady it is"the aeccssary staff ai lufe, and is1 sugan, anc toasx>aor' ui of sait. one- Thoy hud oven constructcd la knd of cries 'Ta arias!' kaowa as black bread. lIc ahe id bal! ai ycast cae. Mix in the order wooden spude. "Quiet provuils. We have ail be- Scauntry the breud- is tncqucntly bakcd given. Crmlinteya ckad "Tr'snodrtrdshmkr came dumb. Wc get up and strctch lin batellessauticiently large eaough ta add umle in teferste rna,nd 'hens aid retirued soemakerw lat a family tramn six ta eight or tram' ufic i atenthglten ldopr a f thea'mdbswt h dt w orwaybancsad go aut inta the igh thick es.1 p .berat wilifrapnmainute," 4uses. They lived inoe; and&the trench. The noar o h usi Graham luri flourmd fomtenstat place, o! eighty dge rn fteohr ihtepout irightiul. One mani looks ut the irbale wheat.- The -outen coat and samne Fahrenheit for anc and anc-bah hoeuns. of their gardon, kept thcm. Ail la other; no word is spoen, but Uic eyes ai the bran are rcmovcd. It fiads'Bout for five minutes with spoon. Pour destroyed by the Gerrmns-not a stick tell- everythiag. We arc roady; saine favar with inany ersans who dislike, la wcll-greased pans. Set te risc for of furnitune ici t, and only the clothes ai the men are sitting qityinte.tiewetara ne and n-urehus. Bk' Gluten bread is muade ari'hI o vnc-35quarer hrenhae i I on their backs. But the aid cauple[ and therà rife resting thein arins wbeat flaun. The starch is renioved forty minutes, reducing the heat tae prta i rne i buthi rltes study thc paie, deep- by washing. 'The residue is thon 300 degrees during the is wnym~ - iy linedbu simpiy human beinga. dnled and i' la flnaîîy prepaneci inta nutes. atweyMi Thy rent diet4resorfaro lo ýur. It la used in speciai cases ai Milk may lie useci in pince ai %vater - ? '9 They are na antes a wrrirsin diabetes,,kidney, liver andi intestinal la the abave recipes. t Thiom are p esad nmen laorouiI anarthernEurope harley foeur isey unifoin, nd irne no amad forWbe-Wheat Breadusdimangrad T usgac siaughten. Thcy are awaiting the or- 1 iT Iigbra . Ty snoe de t d.Wa ctips ai water, unc tablesp oaa- aad ane-hait cupiuis ai barlcy fieurI der te die.fui ai sugar, anc teaspoonfuls.aof sait,1 place of ali-white foeur. The brcad -bas Each anc of thei n kows what it two tabieÉpooafils a! shortening, anc a deliciaus nutty fluvan andi is p anti- means; ho knows that ho la ta expose IYeâst cube, five cupfuis aifirbale- culanity heaithfui brenci for chiideen. bis head, bis breast, his stamach and wbelat fleur- Dissolve the sugar audj If unable ta abtain thc barley foeur or his arma and legs ta rifle balla, ta ahOrtening la boiling water. Ceai ta meai, use the creain ai bariey cereal' abrpac uni t th baone. Teyeigbty degrees Fabrenheit, then udd firat coue it lato a atiif mu3b. Addc shranelandte he byont. heythe suit, yeast cake andi flour. Kneaci 1 two cuptuls ai this ta the bread are a quiet, peaceful lot-nat bandits ifar fi. iin minutes. Pu ageecspne or barburians or savages lookirýg forPuingesd pg. anothen's blaod. I can see that tbey How To Store Fleur. cupfuî ai mi.'e ta the hailing point. are tortured by the suspense, that Buy foeur lanaMai quantities and Naw atir la sbowiy tour tabiespoon- they are la anguish, that they are pratcct it canefully tram spailago. fisoffne carnueal, anc tabiespoon- woadening whether they wili live Hlousekeepers on the tarin and in the fui ai Ilaur, anc-hait teaspoontul af tbrougb this terrible night, No anec <ity sbouid Pui'Chase f leur in accard- ginger, anc-quarter teaspoanful oi who ba net eeance rwihfotacirnoeds an]y. Any, nutmeg, anethait cupiai of inclusses, who as ot ecamonreay fr astorage af floir la excesai the con- oee i-beutea 'égg, anc-hait cuptut charge can approciate wbut il. means surncr's needs constitutes hoarding, of coici watt>', ane-haîf cupful ai cold "Thcy stili malt. It seems likei which, under present circuinstances, mater, anc-hait cuptul of seeded eternity. The sun bas set and a weird is an unuthicai andi nepreNiensible prac- raisins. Mix andl the oaur mn*ao weii The business ofi being a man has its advantages; these days as well as its-respon#ibfiiies-especi. ally if someme thinks enoughi about him, his needs and his wishes, to chom ~for hiý*Christmas- gift -7/GleUe ~f~Lo Most men are practi le the.*d mfullkt-the Cl a.'l'h. weIcome gif t ete-that fit. rght lie a ma n's amte peraoi u l% ,Malts t"igo essior for hlm, andi prova à lt-s quilit-y by the way At &have&. At' any good lHarde 51er. you eau pick out a mm at-o gin. Iin istng1 OF CMOID raue, Drug or Jowehw'y Mudote Set that Winl b. pleurte If yen have yen waut mute us and wpphîed. had -tools aîd leather,' said the aid man, "I could support -my wife.' We got, them for him. He-is cobbling for ail the folks, and. doing weIL But I cai it a sporting spiritinu thé old man to begin life fresh at the aie ai 7l!'ý -F'ull sunlight la -estixnated to be 600,- 000 times brîghter thar f ull moonligbt. Palatability ia one of the most in- portant factors in a good ration. It is almost as important as a proper balance of nutrients. Send Them To Anything b>i the nature of the cieaning and dyeing of fabrics can be entrusted to Èarker's Dye Works with the full assur- ance of prodapt, efficient, and economnical service. iMake a parcel of goods you wish reno- vated, attach written.in- structions ta each piece, and send ta us by parcels post, or enpress. We pay camTagn- one way. Or, if you prefer, scnd Be sure ta address your parcel clearly ta receiv- mng dept PARKER'S DYE-WORKS 791 YONGE STREET TOROINTO 42 dur - -mýu

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