Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Dec 1917, p. 7

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tecatpk alila Red Roie Tea in - - tlu@ Pale 'àk gis 4lways firesh, always the price on thse label. 45 4 pt GOOCI by the Sealed Package iFashions For the - Week There are bloomers ta wear witl this smart littIe dress. The skirt but- tons under the turk. MeCalI Pattern No. 8056, Child's Dresse -with Blaom- ers. In 5 sizes, 2 to 10 years. Price, 15 cents. I I I I I Il This frock of tan broadcloth bas a white hroad,'loth ,-.1..11n-f........ii wý f-,gnýj tî iihape. MrCall Pattern No. 8063, lozengers, but nae chocolat.e reama," Ladies' Dress. Pattern in 5 sizes; 341t ta 42 bust. Prive, 20 cents.TAN F L îVîJ~ These pattemns may b. obtained A K U M<1TIEO from your local McCaîl dealer or f rom the' MeCall Co., 70 Bond Str.eet, To- Mm gWlJie Theriauit. Pacquefvle. ronta. Dept. W. NB. asys:-*'î am extreuiey thanktui - _____ bat 1 tried Baby'8 Owa Tablais for uny baby. . Througb hetlairu»ebaby Auate'sMistke.tIiVd woude rftîlly and 1I te!as I-f 1 Aunties M It cannai racammend tilim toe bligly" The spelling lesson contained the! abvsOaTbas ra Dcl word "wool," sud little Clamence did -ahd -simple fevers*. cure, c atton, not know whiut it mneant. eoiic and indlgestion aud unake teeth- "What Ls wool, auntie 7 " b. asked. !Ing ea&y. lu tact tbey cure aIlit te "Wool," replied auntia, '"la fiue )kar minor Illietflittle one&. They are sold that is taken f rom thie buck at a laflib y iedîictne dealers or by mail ai 16 It,ïs uued in making yarn, cleth and Iceuits s box front The. Dr. %WIl uagiW other things. The trousars yen have 'Medicinae o-liroe.kvllle. Out. -e are madeofo w-ool." ýe, auntie, thae are not made o! wool 1 They are made frets an old i T LTREO IX pair of papa'." 1 ILLTUET FR! N Potuni t fits$t e pt. Kaiwr Ti T h lat Grsa $%«ed . Wln Wia Respe«ct>. '41 kneel, bebW thée aoliilr'trenh, The. deg4 1 mnmu; 1 heur the, sbtruther sud -1 band 'er fflati-Pierre&anti ekI wluut abolis bave tors "I go wberever man muy dure, 1 go wb«eer om.an's mue And lare cen live; NNherever strengui ud s bring Surcauft ýp human suffebimg Or solaste give.. Canu 1.. amnyour penuanisd yenspouds 1 am yens boies ocmist r 7"Md Of pain a6irl I am yen, doishw bat Yo« W"il if yon were oly wberaFymn cUlIm Your avatar. 1 The cru»s wmb e n yMr a J 1ih Têe ffti de r *m.. s st 1,a. w.. Las If aruy ana bas ans' Ides <bai iihe ls bt t. aigh Kaiser as soi re&dy te blurt out MA O1f whai you'd qscrle fe« ua mninou s»lf on th*.ulightt prVorMIX*Who sfter4 oM lbe boUlis ii tics, ail ha bas teo l1, te rest he Of ws"tdflue." Istaut outhurst ta <ho affet t"t thi*w.jsH, I I7wwr Ge-an sword wlli regain for lus te repecot e uawhoeworW L"TUtaib. AN Xcll£#î.T .<RY10 la atm itsne te feSm is-bàisble! tbat - mugt mûso rigbit as b. la in hl~i Vrl. W ,I>yawlb B* teligion o! Germa»y *% a W4 to omm. VSehS la oep <'<lb. CaM la put <If lb seuielsis a t ai. ~4a iw jo~ du1pýý«wîtb t4-a Wood et e&fUUN<NM of tur suesstetU*0 we ver Itbsineye bde.bave we -tevela » imo.eixl- llgsUist"eri ue, i weprinted It ws aboultibqnWtortb b. oblgotit tike Il as asadNelyantdi *Ahwmeneyer I prnia è aybln Inero t lAs Ij Woold b. Impossie te land is eçqwal lu tonu thousa ntir,sud we bave to go te pme..witb oui poor, uin aphet pape,' ome a daei',wo s,'eml- pelle& ,tbogb uialcewutbawownad blindes! wl temtsar t the mue ty, te ratura-tby diVïise m*rtPt, andi for de nw, ali tus. a thouuinti par- dLimON IflE àfut chineO Te Out Bas.;0 or.P $early llfty years ao a lettirw&shÏ m, poor. tea andi received hfte United 'Statea BO"d em k tto of Patents at Washington asl ing -ra jIfln S 8 inàeMa day-it ,Mo Wonder a wonmnpatent on a macbifte for making Pa- wu~ en '~1h andN ea hedoen' lie.per begs. The letter was signe4by a ý -"Who is tbis?" questioned the mes BuJ3t besmm and get the right in Washinigton. "The machine cannot' pbtu tfo mea im a be worth much. Who ever heard of -a girl inventing a machine th t wsdgs4ezr.~ rde any good?" But w)en the Machine Bic tlahêd I arri-ved it was a surprise. Not enly was it nearly perfect in every detail, $Ubib=e 4-~met.Xti e .5 ~~~but the. paper bagg that, it turned out 10ptcn.woe*ha were better than any that -these men had seen before. And the girl was . -IFCd. m, ùa. ýôestibe awarded the patent desired. f1m. Tr o- treoth1 This girl was Margaret Knight, littie bve o èbked whole boru and bred ini Massachusetts. Wheu hânMý -n she was stili a littie girl ber doua wb 1a*t mèkç a ourihig, LAND IIOUL B ECLASSIFIED. would be left scattered over the floor sàtifying"meal at 2aoSt- of LAND SIOILDBEwhile she man eut of doors te plaYiony afw nb-e"ieous IThe. Tragedy of the Deserted Fara with ber brothers. She could ruswt ik rcra r.fut SbudHpe oMr. play hall and romp as well as the rest Wlhm k.ocr morfut The Ontario Department of Agri- favorite toy. aud heur after hour she1 Mae i Cnd. culture is making a survey of the would sit on the floor, surrounded by Md liCaaa .wselands of old and new Ontario pieces of wood that the boys had col- fthe purpose of obtaining inf orma- lected for ber, making playthinga for TRENCH-MADE WILLS tinrcgarding their possibilities for1 them. cattie and sheep ranching. This sur-1 "Let me coast with you.- begged.-Tommy's Efforts in Will-Makmng Are vey should reveal some interestiag, Margaret one bright snowy morning. Interesting and Effective. farts and be the means of obtaining ",lThere isn't room for girls on this When John Doe wants te make bis valuable information. sied," replied her brother, trying to "laet will aud testament" he usually A survey of this nature shoald be j tase ber. bas his la'wyer do the work for hlm to: conducted in avery province of Cani- 1"lAil right. You wait," and ah. man avoid tii. possibility of complications ada. In fart, ail o! our land shiould 'hbomne. Ail that day Margaret worked arisiug -after his death, but wben Tom- be carefully classified preceding settie- in the woodshed. When asked whet mý Atkins" in the tranches wants his ment, ta, prevent sattlers making thel she was doing, she would repiy, "Just will made he lias ta draw it up him- mi--take of lorsting on land unsuitable wait and sea." self as there is little or se time te I fr frmig. n tavelin avc Cn- And they saw. For next morsing seak legal assistance. Aithougli the ada, one rannot but be impressed by frais the woodsbed came Margaret resulta of -Tomm?ýs" efforts ini wil- the need of this. In Ontario, in the dragging a sied with, bettçr runnars 1 makiug may be somewhat crude frein' Trent watershed, there are to b. found than the boys' sied possessed. Her 1 the légal staudpoint, his product, .to-day, pitiful cases of disappointment, brothers starad ut her. uevertheless, bas proved interestiag the settiers having expanded theirean- As she grrew aider she tried rnaking aud effective. Bis testament is fre- eriry for years on land that wiIl neyer, more difflcult things, first of Wood, queutly written in bis little pay-book' be anythinig more than patÀches of!i then cf heavier material, until she whucfa us always with bus, whether g rave I and sand. In places in Newcompleted ber papar-bag machine. d"going ovar the top" or at rest in bis llrunswick, settiers are merely exist- 1 ý billet back of'the firing line; and many ing on land .%hich is not suitable for THE CAUSE 0F BAUKACIIE of thesa tranch-wills have "Tommy agriculture and should have been kept Atkins's" characteristie touch o! bu- hin forest. In one part of southern Evr j - I hebd nesmot. Some o! thein are in dialect, -Saskatchewan, there is an ares known o Everynmuscle la ube bngy needi i lorally as 'the burnouts' whera set- constantly a suPply ef riob, i.ed blood ohedspometîcavellheng, sainci- tlers hav bee-n frced out 1cause sndproemaihaveo ehenorbeaudoes.ci- - tIrs avebecn foced outba musla esroo ton tati.r h de ahevypher. Occasionally wills have beau they rould not make a living. Other muscles of tii. bsck are undersasseons provinces have similar diffirulties. srinadltv utltterit h n sdtlitu i mag inaryossesons Various excusçs may be made as the blaod le thin they lacit nou risu- ~isiuin rt ittespre ment, and the reswult Is a sensation of -While ou duty, at a "Ilisteniug post' ta why these errorejiave happened in. pain In t base muscles. Saine people lu "No Man's Laud" a soldier wrota the past, but nana ran be offèed for ChInk pain In thie back means kldney the followlng wil in rhyme: their rontnuane. Wethe thetrouble, but the best medical authomi--baetssw teaIhvn's Crowa land in a province ho under tiesaagreaa-tuai bachach1 havdot o provincial or Dominion contraI, it noeas a nyth iingt ake eWIt~ied . or mothpr, the duty of the gavermémnt hav'ing nvrhsayhngt owt h id-va olt one sister, net even salire- juiadiction ta mee that it is pmoperly, ee ugal kdeydses my have progressed ta a cniticalpon clussified, and. that sattlers are 'al-, wthout developing & pain ln the. back. My sister Katy is -aill'y. get, lowed only on land suitabla for agri- Ti en hecs anlaIi akSe cf ought that's mine, she cau have culture aind where there is reasanable sbould always lead the. sufferer te look the lot. assurance tha t a decent living can be te the condition of bis blood. Tt will made. be found ln most cases that tie use cf This will went tiirough the court Dr. Willllans' Pink PuIs to bulld up witbout a question. thie blood wlLl stop the sensation of The War Departinent authomities Ecclsiaticl Cofecionry. pain in the lll-nourished muscles of. make every effort te have the soldier's One Sunday a young man from the the back. How mucii better It is to wlhes executed, ne matter ho w crude- forth of Srotland, while 'valkiag eut' tiy Dr. Williams' PInk.PIlla for the ly they miay be'exprassed or however with bis sweetheart, no'Jiced over a blood than ta giv. way ta unreason- fantastic they are. doorwvay th sign, "Dairy and Confer- able alarnu atout your kidneys.. If you0 tiaffier." 1 shing t-o give thie yoUng suspect your Ktdneys any doctor van DC NE WIHAO V lady a treat., the youtii entared the malte tests ini tan minutes tisat wlll set - shop and asked foi. ehocolatée, ans your fears at regt, or tell yoa th.e BOyi CIIIPçP- ditorRIOt '«l dinna salI chocolate creains onf worst But inanay event te b.e perfect- Weuld-Be Contributor's Offerlug. the Sabbath," said the'old lady bahin'l ,hyynma eplbodli Canadian editors do net as s mbl the coun'er aeverely. g'<>d condition. and for this puriios. waste words in rejecting a would-be "But y, seît sweetiea ta the womuru no other medicine (min equal, Dr. WII- coutributor'a masterpleces. But in that has 5ust gana 0<)t," Raid the Illams, Pink Pilla. h China, if report aspeaks trme, It le even young fellow, who indeed had es h Yea athseln pir-lvalug mredlghfl ehvearjrto "Acm eceistrlcnfcincet1 o-o i bxsfr .0ta m th o reelve fl o a v etace Ifthe Do't ferget te m-lkthteiyes-rlat bena tbis tat i soth at youn udistin- gulsh the= frein the VpIlets seat mmn- mer when c-ullingile floek. A bau arotnd one leg bherrei purpoee X soldoni pays, ,<o heep a fowl b,.yopd -10row:t0Meet, Tr.bkV Rise 'Sbove. iaai thingàa. Thbit wo- -man -wh6 lets amaitig wajle will li--e xpetely undona the lirstf time8he(S witb 0ally bigrb lem, -It la disintegvating. to ITOUY metdand nervous- condition,, nCýt te, mention your physical condition;~ to worr. Yu need not b. resigu to fate uer p Your troubles off a the old friènd du*'s baek throws -mater. But yen eau meet troubles, with àa wilI to eonquer them or adjust tham-and, after that, uthey should worry,"t but Dlot you. XSar~' L~j~eu CuesDip ht2enl. Darwin tulips are an improved race Of the flowers, nearly double the laize of the early old-fashianed sorts and with a mrater richness an«~ vauiiety! of color. Esseis ii. t. f fue.~iatie Krupop Munition. Factorteu. Ti.Word UýPe S in -Germany aimait sta"dsfer guns and war mu- ýteriaio! ail kinde. Essen is the home of tluis vast convern, and existe for it as itwas made by it. Before the wur Krupp'a had 3,M0 steam-engines, 1,500 furnaces, 600 igantie steani-cranes, capable of lift- ing the. biggest guris 11ke- tii.tcys of a vhild, sud 200 itesi-hammers. To anyoae who knowa the inside working of a munition factory thIse faw. de- týala will present a pictail-of the stu- pendons output of munitions o! war which tthe Allies bave had'te overtake, and upon whivh the Hus rested bis belief that be ceuld dominate the world.. The works, furtheruore, contained within their immediate. ueighborhood 50 miles o! rsilroad, 100 miles o! tel.- graph wires, sud 200 miles of tele- phone wlres. Linked Up with tha works, lnaail parts o! Germany, are bundreds o! mines, chiefly ceaI snd iran, besides innumerable quarries. NA fl.et o! steamers, tee, plied for the supply o! material. .A wemau la the virtual ad of this, vast concern-Frau .Bertba Krupp von Boblen und-Halbach, sud the Kai>ar bimeel! lias shares in the concarL1 IYES! MAGICALLY!1 CORNS LIFT OUT W1TH FNGERS Yen say te tho drug store m&u, "Clive me a mallbotte offreezozie." Td remoeevey had orsoftcoma or cal- A fw dopsof hisnewether com- poun aplieddircUy pona tender. achig crn ellvesthesorena lu- statly an son -heestime cern or calus rot nd il dresup and ean ha lifted off wluhth tllu gers. This new way te- rid one's feet -of cerne was lntreduced by a Cincinnati uan, whoays liai freetone drIes lu a moment, and elmpty ebrivele up the coma or callus wltiiuut lrrlttisg the sumroundlng ekUs. Doa't let tatti-r dtâtetofInfection or lockJaw- troïm wiffuttia at lis corne, but clip this out and muke hlm try fI, if your druggist h"sa't any freezene tell hlm te order a amali boulke tram bis whelesale druà bouse for you. If short o! roos and cabbage gather, up the dlorer leaves ait the edge of the. mow sud cave thein for the. hezis. Tbay van b. ted dry or scaldsd and fed lu maab. They talc. the place et green feed. flulfNB SGauaeE.W AskUuw oie *%.h 0E. kS eiesStiff Nc Wh= ye mo with s u.ck or=sciemc.strs eprinsuseSima*'.Linmt N ssci! tï bI<rw kypsesae tO= st pain sud reisove i ==t&ut .hdeesntttain-theki e)o dm pomes.Ah"sysbave aboni Laidyfonemteeue erl -nSi bnxswsand Wl a 710lsed ôtïmti cl xý-flat 'Élass and! 'gui suples. 4!etïïte Portrait -CoraPa, roto NEW LAIDe GPULRPE4Oý. £beans. honeeýt calons -wajited. -Isigh- eut &teces -ié&- ;-i' , 32),. emauit 4Ij. St tharlnd %nat. Moiàtre -- R01 AVES ANSD IELLi»-fireden-- rgls great Work 'o& a-rea wrdbeyoid and the life sar ;ýdeath 400epges;roniy 25 cents poeztpal4. W H. La. D8 Euclld Avenue, Torouto., (1 ri A<R.TU14OUS. Lumps. 51T0. Inqrnai andi erternal. CuriS wlt ew b ur horâe treatmiet.WrtE unbefor. 100 lai,,. .0e. leIIma*" Sla 1Ce.. LimiteS. Colllng*woôd. Onit J1 GetyrM DUûUiY,"- TuI MES 1 is ommret !trrffle tuub& Iy MNAItD'8 NIMVINTJ I, ,- ,4 RICV. WMd. BROWN: Mano s. a. KAU48ACeMe I wa ede or senaitive hesapby MIARJYS "d MgýonT. Coà h men m vu Maldif ooi fr&u uI w -hi uctU creamMau ~ otitbe 8" I lêase lit afau ACure for Pini ples UYeU.deot».d m.rcry,pet"l or =uy ier ue og miserai te Cure pimpues canees ar poor blood. Tak*Eztssct of Reta- druggist calle it --imothtr Segel'i ~Cart1v Syrup-.-sd yensski Win clurupa&fresiiaabWu. twilsewesteayosatomachaudterd reuulateryour bow.Iu." Get the. g aine. SOc.snd-$l.OOBot des. CASH DOMINION EXP-RESS FOREIGN CHEQUES- TUEBUT WÂYTO StD MOf4K TOaTlm BOYS M TM TIW.NCHES Many People oMake a FSumua Heud B-Uine for the. Walker Hon.. (Ti.hesE of Pleut#') as W= a s th.y suie Torotù. The. mals,é sev. and the hoins-Mie sppointinea eoautfttute tho mpget that tiraws the=n ther. Nome Dises 0e. Evmog Dimues 5 l'lm WALKER HOUSZ Tomrao *OOuw Huai -i TCROIt«I, CANADA o». Wrigt es* c" Psepp. 4Vs. i Yi à i lm«mwlliý Ao.I mI onli fn t hé l.e .i.i ActÎý"in lu a t on 1h.! ilOTTiO HiGEL,ý &zý&PIANO ACTION

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