Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Dec 1917, p. 5

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iold ot îlt bilat: tire tii ,. i-U 4V~ -Our New Stock of -Fresh Fruits has arrved-- --Currants, Raisin,,Dates, Fîgs, Nuts,, Peels, Etc. Cholce Trropiko Grape Fruit, 3 for 251c. 1Fresh .Pineapples, Oranges, Bananas, Cooking and Eting Apples. W.Rne Phono 199. priýes $1.10 and11.256 Baie -c li. at Couina'st i $hoe Store. LO R HAPPENINGS AL'SrRIAN FIRES AN An Attrlaxi troni Urbrldge latri the, C'otny (iaol awultiîig trial on a charge of ar'oJI. fié19 luileged [o lhave set' lion t forget, theChrtmlîas tree and tire to iei, barri of an Uxbyldge fîarier, 1-neralnmc flt Io bt t, tn by ile Ta: .cài~ng Lbte total1088 of Ibobù ttldiU8ga <11lýLi. 1 SS.mn i rldayiv îîglit, lDecem- a.,d thiIr contents, Ineludlug pant of îî<I' 21 ite year's croji. 1 Mr iVn Ayc-sll 11and Im coîîfinc-dk I to bis b<'d for a fi-w dat-s. 11<' expcctg lo b.- ai îieî,-'towaîrdb t hfe nd or 1-I-alqni,î îsfor triiîîkts. lîg, suit c-&ta(.MW. (Cllis'Shov store. The Bapht st âîî1dy Scllool Xinasu Iiv î-tindcn terlailtuî-ît wil be held tI itie church on - Wedneuadity evening ilxi, D'cemb.-r lÇtti. A good prognarri Is belng vrepar'd. Admisasion, acits 15c., etllirn 10c, --- Mr. -aitb rs. A. [Iîtnd,l îuîd ec-ldrc.n iiIwl>t a tew days wit!> f Iends la 11um- jiton titis week.- 0o A big night le protnised utthIbelis ritl Thçatre, on December itb, viien mtorne- of Toronto'n best talent wili en- tertaiîî -sbaring the Canadigmn Hart-y Ltuder-Sandy McDonald. Ailli te wbo enjoy a realilhveypnogtatn ehould Icefp thtu date open. 04 'The nîcaubers-etl'te WomnWs Inti- tute wtiy entertainthe i. niates ofthOe1 IfW oit-e et efueon Wstlnesday, De- cember loth, Kt 3 o0clo«k, il the 13ou». ef Refusé. An interst.ing entertain- ment wlU b. givest adt rfnerets uerved, #its la là pi".ofethOe fl Jar meeting. Al th$, Pernbers et te uInatatt auaketi to b. priset @ant help te make ibis apesn fene for the oli pSeop lemraOeo. A. TPmw, Preulient; miss1. V. meVîilan, set. e' -'I 50 pairs ludees fIMne boots, lace andi hîtlttiil. caif. paient and ban. cal! leather- t ae. 2 3 anid 4. Regular tirlces4l$. $1.58 and $5. Sale pnice $208 ai ('oliiis' Catit Shoc Store. 13OY SENT TO lND(JSTRILl A Younîg Englitsh Lstd frei ltesbauk, Shawisigharn b>'naine, bus betcou- vitbed of tiiefI alrd.8sctenced te ow yearu ln the Industriel Bchoofl, The câse wiaa before Judge MeQîIvea>. The boy broke Iîîto se-j-ofpitbe sMter: cottgesiiiRO5et5bansd iSole a iclui of value. "*Hiawatha's WASdtug Fcat" a ca=. tata. wiii be -givc-eu ubthe BapUst Cburcb on frIday eventug et, iis wec, 1»' the choir o1 lb. sliurçh ululer <lthc directionî cf Mrs. 0, S, Jehusen. This famous werk by CebleMide-Taylor Ils a ventierful sernposlttlos ast i brs et rnuaic shouti net ttiite ibê- IL 'The choir viIi be aust4ttt by Ur.-W, C. Rut- tan. tenor soilubt 6! TiarouloantiUm -ail, er 0.11X., Winl t*,» pait la the pregrain. Sîlver oollection at lie doe. A geod Propri net an mienJyaiile eV(e.In; are proatistal use vihoe ai. tend the Christmnacatertainulut glvetby tht' Tabernaes8. RILom Vl- 'day night. Déeeambar 1 ~ai 7.30 o"eioek See Erclyn Neabtu. iew at _<hp Royal Tht-att-e e-udf hca MimasCeimiWu bas doasl t 1 .o tae W«Ar ReiliefSodolayetilbe *i'l'lm Iomm tii. fuai eutibutaud iihei. ow p04 forer <a ulft.*M hlt besa vr a& 465lb»albdu al«ato tb. Red Cir oss Seete1 fo rw* 4 '4 r A hi;t Uipon auualp meeting vasý helu lathe . mut Rl iere last night 4% .-n e* «0 Mr& à<UJ. . 1.rJiiF, '!Toroule. BOmaterlasia. of Toùroý Mi. . L,?owk~ etosaa, nd, i*. candidate. Mr. Bith ÀA rert war Dot avallable for thissue btwlll b.pub.ý flsbcd next weck. Rd Pagen Z andc 3 of (his imse. j lo for Xmur, at Home! Cal u stopl- enset-i (ut)town ticket and telegnaph Ioffce,. Wblthv). and purchase your re- fquired tickrets anywhere, everywherc. Tickets good gela; December 22 te 26 itncinalve, sand retura toendatioe Deccrn ber 26, ut £arc andi a Suid. Aise Nov Year's eutlugs-good golng Doosber 99 to January Ist, andi retulm up to end >of .Jantiary -2d. Rfore fravellio, i douîto-Cet wbere Stepbenmeu's tcli- 2 cases ladiles tue rublwrs, roguler prises 75c.. andi Sb-, sale price 48c., au- =ab abc*- eish~tcme 4 4 I Creck oftDllIed tii hair ,Md mI.. I- duced Mr. Sindlair, Who proeeded ati euce to outlile la policy. Bis argu. ment& wlI Ibc round lnt part li suetier eolumn of tht. piper'. À1 ladies, wbetbeL suz>portm rs oMlr. 9WFtr, ù not, had been InVitei. Borneto!tbios present endeavored te put to Mr..'Sl-. clair questions regardfug te Issues o the day, -but their cudearor te question were ut pped ln lte bud and ail attemptj at discussion was smotbered by Mr. Sinclair. At thieconclusion of lb. meeting au organisation wau oomplcted te work for Mr. ginelair lu Wbuîby.J A FALSE REPORT DENIED. Whith>y, Docember i10,-1917 To the Editer ofthte Chroule: Dpar Sir.-lt hans been generally n'- poi-ted In the Audley neighborbood tbat 1 and my vif. had cadeutnlbutnse hundred dollars tovards a luuid to de- fray thoepeses c hv 0a1e laid azainst everyone ln the viclatty wbe Wit been cxempted by the tribu-1 nais frein servicc under the Milltary Service Act. Borne busy body or teicplsone l1aten- cr bus contused our contributions to- wards thc purcilase 0 VlCory Bonds vith the. workit of th iMIltay $er- vice Ast. There ta ne trilth whatever ln the umMra, and istICCiniteome that mm' Vanstne and mysoif have sufftt en'- ough by thie var without peope start- lu; andi apreadintunutruthil mad :sUs chîcrous starlca te- anuey un. -Youràsiuteeeiy. To -rctt For sale,5t. - LOS?. A t5 1>11 on Monday lut., probbably Si the i. Peut 15. lade v picae retira P is. 3OUltOn, at <be retaant. A Nooswcar The 1918 Chevaolet lé th* Idttl Xuit 6., fpo*er. Vou doaWt ha"e t*s by a»Y extffl 41e e 1p tuad aC*k olt4, tbis tar. o pion. uferd ;Omo l fa &M'petit et ,demotuttion. eFoerire. os ORouni. f IWs At the kWbitby Mllitary HItaf, fcwr I FGBUlg * »»nie ural family. Adârcms P. O0. drawer Prepar«s for Tmotonte (¶1 F O R A L E.40 ,recent, t:eewa m* . Fng OR SAuL É - ,id 1w. 1,dirss P.;. O. boxe301, '%*it frehe sen.Apply te wui uow. ---- LOST, G*l- Getbrooge,, wtIthurft.iOufa, rob- - - rb eton Eroolistr"44i Valutti au a: iyNgi 1*013$B AND Lft "WR -$Axe 11Y rNMde %viii b. e vib Oeu, Ifyour laste calle for aii e «bosW'dinii ail mîvCr or an exchîive ofe la - atiçnen'-You will lIti dIt lin<touitovk. Frors h1o ne-W Stytèti*,oi can i % bne.tIÎnt and toëXture tIOIWît i pleýj ol h tr faut>. 't e a 1 ~ .try attritte'l.ii îela Ict ai «ry anrd 'gr iai uin ItP 'Ou upow »~nd $telet i t. C ff ÜII'se pp ir Fe ar t in fa T1Cy ý bo>iy bîe-, t I n lu u b t « W U R C R i T L A IF T . içfc ista ionc r . I>îîf0r9ft îhù 19ti$diarý,FrfOr the %-Idier lBô u.W.iac__ an excellent 11w' lu a ýEr 'y-bf~11tand ~a~ WIITFIF3 LD!.S DRUS fb d sT*ATtONýRv STreE- WHITOY, O NTARIO Leave yuurlotr.kr for piajno Ttinniq with ce. WANTED. An eMeiersW wîdow with two tblidrqen aged lre and seven, s'cks tttet futr- nish.d rooms ln a boiug. n tiriodr couvebiegxic, witholiît loarg4. APIPIY Mms Allen,.the Recory. -<r. 'Nies Kate Wrlgbt >huPfis prepsred for Terantlo qCans<r- vaiery or lui-eusitI- ExaiminatIeno;. Realdenet, At id ra.Athur: Rititard. seVu, Byron Et...Whitby. Pbo»pê201. -Il VSIITSV 'eue 49< g' j rgtù Trnaî SUPpY Ce. Torono. ,oni on s i thy et LN ILlaOs beere. tufld regisier ai one et shaps !W89 Seb olt, T roi o, n aîd <'u y t Poniiuiblt tralxtlng for a g«4q 4t.~ 'IIto. "r catalogue cx- hm tourset 11111y. write W. B. Yeîî 111181 lite tii'! jîlale Sha-i. l>resldcyîî. ju - OnLI CoenUm inauincr -OUWeaoaay a- i Tede temneenoetlait v.t. ?.Tbaspwk i UiT. aMt liernme-rudeeektU 4014dw i t&' IC.uty tes auttable as Chrisa Us eM, particulari.y soUgbî star, TMmvasu ais ereti, and iebles«veil+ft l.1ERAL UM"EINUj Mr. W. &E. ,s4uewar, l'bUm "te 1«er m Bouil Otulsige-Wi caispasu liradtir.uag a publi las las <b. Terni n.» a whi* vii b suppo*brate TeorMite e *b1a0aad e tSm1 ê*erbim#IL J. ende lo ont'a 15eâ u elqw m er a u ter" ITe emie il i Elqctric Ir1ons, IffltrIcFixture, 0oi eaters, Caiveu h SesLaretSweeperS, 1847 »RogeOs' aUi ComMRnunty Sllverpware, AutomobleSkates, Iian d leiglus, ail Hockey 1 Supplis, afety,,Ra»orsIngèesoilWatches, Big Bmn Clocks-,MItsami Giloves, Toprfoi» the Chlldren. GEO. M. RbCEg WhIby ïEverthing la HardWare at Lowest Price.- SPECIAL se WESTLAKE WH.ITBY, ONT.@ T1%0 chir of iii.oEatlst Churcli yu Rive the- santÏAls*Hlawatbeoi Wetditin Tos"on Frtiay cycins oft Iis vuk. Dhconber 41hWhc he vîwli b. amst- .,d by 3tn,-W. CRuttan, teir solat. et Toi-ente,,anti Miss Batl. et O. L.C siler collection atthUecdeor. 1~ 4, ~~1'

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