Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Dec 1917, p. 6

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iÇ4AuZ... 141on0ut failt -1 doat uevt did nol"g bt = a4eÀÇyouIbgve ta questiotlme." wjbùý.eyet- he - entonuih a *] XXbe vois dont sud us&ybe, fo, hur, a thug inamwr o hmae.¶you tinittbAtrlm'irgattliwitiy ý"-M wzxe y u u it.koiflue tio' laè Odnxg asI1 do. But -peu- sbeuld ybuT , I Ml(euellaira jw hare YoulI'vc kept ni>' secrt bu o *S i ote ti a ai mant t<> lcup nfretau la t ouid »m i. tet beeu,, er -long at .wozk vthin me, ausidener aur blooda e s tiange ta lIt teedbu i vDet.1t5me ihotarpuasiU ndo eremith Dot bfrrlng,, peubapstYu a' bat oui uniahi I'iW IOJ Db ~ have woîked at tii. mre bit of siate- time cleaily viien it v assot at woîk. ys u oe ttesieblte long befare l- had heard on y face, s c'a os-.But svistaailU tiat'?» a n weu Yô%ou were no h ufer- tiat t--sud vitu 5aBWeP of 'i arn he thi Xi Feéll ', îïfi-abad-i mcomed ta be putting some tiflte ad ;liÎly un>fedy. Le indieated asbelht1 4binew*hWre, 0« oh a lve wt bizwîs ea ondes.P Otld 1aid vi*em Yavou oe yanr bah dov books bn my 1f., sud Ive not Uu -or> -kbiovlug fiee lïthe ini tloe je iI n Ye? itue »w zdumt. ivudbide-bciind the pallngs-tIe emu sui ta kuwtimat*Woneu sci yau passa; sud uhea y abd psss- 'the heurt l t t ctiersato uî id, t vatlta mess tbougWh tesun isd àmeey can be lu it toa. Do POn tiink cote a$ gene again. -An& ou tue it wauid make any difference ta me if aY'ien yen came iuta oui cottage ynwu gipsy in thc weods, instcad lisside the inuister It was ttheo utic ministers dsughte . luIncn lé meo a thongi tic skyhd openu of the books on the choit bu tuere, ai "andoeeoM tic atugels caMe down tLere as the. story Mf th ickn : wbe Uvriait-ue. MDo u thiuk the cottage wedded tue heggar mald. 've aivas hi.@ eonjee the smre place tomewîsbed yan «maie geai tuas ta myscf. agabu ?-and tihe attstane yon have! Misa Fenisa, sud vet l'y. cajýgt ny-I sat at( sund the cupsansulancers you sefwishing tiat I could oeyou i have taucied? If jon do, tien >'u rags, sud myscif lu à king's mnstie, t don't know wbat it in te have- yeuu jumt for tie sako of bebug ahl.- to lift liesit set in anc place." 1 yn n y . That'My way a "1And aIl tuis summer, Miss *renella i ioeokiung Yathte 9$igMi endis-! <It iibas becuasbit ai heavour- rve ;ta oMe it la tihollat thing ini tue it-o â utn yeh nu f h m tiorsul ith me ta belles-c begw-en. It val mare tia I ever tha 'eu have it lu you ta selyour IIopeNI for. 'For I have iupod .,oi ne- O esit for aflue incane sud a tha,'isFepelsa, thugh *t finies coutry ouse-or ta lot jour -~qulte iately, tue toehsirdream weuîd LI Iyl) t for you. Its nZot came. It's -foolsiuesa, 1 know. but' ua V skiug for, uuly-ouiy 1 wanit you totell me tuat Its tooîisb- 'ett jonu ould tell meldfila sylng Tla' h ai fa speak. 'u.ta rue, sud Wu amlà yes to--to iarthcwoidd iarm your qovtips saine atier man, as na do bt 30e vil! in*lce ie MidDe desit.day, Yenuare aetlng atter jou -nedTel! ueta tat i anm 5âI, iss Qovu*vain ieart, sud noat after an>' viti a nov sud cald calcultien. » gOy ii - bis ýveine; tct m Witi the last vards thore bai came ~YeuI#v au ~re crneai F- laIto bis vokce s note of cntreaty vhbelu let_ au possile cash net icat down Penchas fndigna, *~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~to of,~4.ts f ~ - flou aipnute Inu li-caveal- poîs us in ' .-<ûîtt.e gttonaeokdat Ibutma immawiblelîl etcld -PenolIà, ber vho va.bl> 1icita tell hlm tint toC u804#1l obuernw, and lnstiuc- slO tek nolâthiiug fer bMWu suting about 1ysrlklug sc s itieagaua Ithe. wiiule for sane varda ici vould tl!q, -COttagc 'vl!, loir Duncap, tn, us net 1hrt hlm avermucb- Sie haad sot û rgoey, bLicae astq norer <o fnd It jet vies Dulucan tuused lau- course y'ou are msd, ituan, tý tbink pa&tuentIY for-. ie garden gateba fetcha tingqitqubte msd! cllcked. A 'dsrk, deficstc-leeiclg Why, you oeeityou sl.??be Young vomnu at sbaby l Ier At viethninm etA I stop- arms, an«T folloved by a etlwit na ped &h#au t s ougi - .ow avare 'In umart but ~ufslnjlocn of i&s trward one.. rfh lucson of gscatera, w55 cnteiiu. ber woro-tor aibe apoken vitu ultasalme," s"idDuncan. belon' the veidIneuce of extkee aeettion bis broathin latoes tint vere neituer and seti a abat ucas-ta u a lizut frauternal nor hrapitsbha. tic tas 11lk. di Lsemita bavel Witu a ieeilgt fdliverance Feu. producod flieir goect. écils 505e quiek y, sud escaped lu a y'es; L tiaugkt It ruld beoe. - buryvlc1mce er2igt atake did 'poa- opo er aUt n. 'iat l oie aiAassd vuta ftci lher1 on1e -qugentiow answe ,but! v1 aut glaives, w *ithe ii.1ud Iett lylng -Upou, ontbi.', IV&i îl!, ,Uallowv the dea table budie aalca -iau;,but Ivat tobe al tat vi#tf wers vici gieeted Dns it Impasâible ryen la juit vies bo re-est.eredtue Cols . d th1'lin ot the rm t m aiforodeied and. slresdy Am i~.th~lay sud teÇU1Usy~ an fo uloarned hsd b mt e-u f i evr toturnyIr, bts my pangl bsbbst2fli', . * e t *a fniî- tiat lmastet t,4U» ê iï la té lilmot tisû summor' il *itu My ne coula 'Dot b. soir>'fou the. bu- ~'t&î;r ae o.a w Wil w b urt té t ,that arn nDot-;woold,'be'Impouult to setUW *4 idit,-arï bu itoul4 burt tme suuianci Wb"h o li'vnted, asud ' -av told you th t laimposb ad deprvod,ýhiu. Ivaut tue Ïil;ta senougil tlasbed ont' tàUbht Of Fn ia'ldfrence, but YemaielaL Wi4s'a ru fethtint tat ofher pessile g uavic ___________________purmued hlm, aud w 'vbtli wted set Sf reJtait 5iza5s*Cod 4.04 agiaga fob or ber;.- 1( dpSitfi'; k Chlidbu iat Was b 017ceauesum =A -n b1 world v» Sgood eo*il"beqso ft«O ue 'vAISYmu>' - li fIftlabis, fao iiu* naturQ l Jet hW ràebisii L D«r Ur. dor i. charue Awin bi basn f à lmrknâaali Uutkt _ 8 -8 _ __ âl a *ÈM-oj -49one tableapoon ofhan«. Thusd ïm of hel.,Parched Cori hait cup of ye even auuntîl it te 1*0e Duncan, seuated to a eIL. A CUS IUUEODSINECMLT NOne snd one-hÎ _______IV!BNTrY-PjV LssoNs. teaspoan of "l butter. While TUE RQLE IterITAIWA ÂTT.I meal; and heat, WuWs CsmmeùeW &4ae em Ral M tue" cwamake a de- Ieach -ather. -set te ris. as diected forIm1ould be of Il wnbmhlg ~iataata othe dally bM ofai read for forty minutes. .Bske in &drop from- PaVu : A. ar Teign'r* brea& ulongh may moderateoaven for twenty,-fiv mi- cakes in an uni -Mr. Ll@74 George, _nmiIovbw benutu B diem, nutes. Remave tram aoven and glase make sixteen b! ou Oro"&urter un a sep masdebaiota 2onegre-ulOfel aixter sud the Bwà am -Us the edasfour-lnebeaite moassres nhe ui'ga CaUPy tenno bring tuUnitedta silence ù'wl alwavaet the condItionS ai"OMMalng firmly. th eI read eJl uad e otoeduh hnatn tablespoonof et h«oduarstress«ud terain. panutides aptgr Mn- a ifanrceaqaltu"- esirfwaed.mîk Batd Thenee wu tal te havé sere r-utIIter.minuàte ho bforwh gg IdYoksbreScs way tba dom ites ve. Itla due ta inutes aa bo ave. itckiy ebutshe osofc utuwo enmay be a n o atenc . p bulw M ther c«dWom ttha e ag M8 of&t a 'wï~r adsdwed o t aed*fou is eartiS whch i s bakof defiane of he tT-aats orneaTs buter quo t malt, ana CSP porct aehocf.the mre«hvi e- bée mintue'dougi a forth egrkgettOldmi rkture cool te eigbty doreir mal e eutorng or mlesvierenlainaBdri lk mb Bakie frfui enCoa sfcent milBet weIltto mi trsnspo mrte ,00,00mon ldt a UmtOpinrails. Rai t e ueate Faure iton cuml ben eu mast -Pa1n o oe amauanfthi iz@oaot ons bavesen- ter.Foaven th dogi sd bat f ta ae, sotaif ou aof ut tr." cals)ar su ai s od 2 e,000,000rtonsh e- to-uc ooiecutr etbad suadked we fo t wety nul- plorsvewem klcl Ty hue.bae la V rare ta rime asfor thtar-oet temioxtureakol off ieces woigb-s Esgorporr 5MW0 en ithIKSmbewt rntto ua iaal.Cve ata iiacaI tic1w lufnillyhadeRsuolre s- oûe-q al aretheit tta rue r onemiues. tluedofwbouteM;end ysppl emisne- d m.hi k te busofthjnltd aan avcer sud ltiy oagain araWatono ver 00Qtnsltbae e i-en te od oyb lthe dy or thnd ea otub a ty infutes. abLut wthres ai stmse'e tc atino Jtlad,"t61rilittire-uatornasa mcof vl satlaorqnk trne sd ut e îwcas i anocance26,000,0ermns bae-Cat wte siz1"ai tii. pan. ePlace btonrd and spa u or uturn.d bat- glive thei fcs aly um ainSe sdwlar et a sudset tar ighten or'tm ai s bek off panUs elitti the fr arets! absie ta ook ti intesine. Bruýi tii. g ait onfian atalfcave.tho op et t ingteante rt:i: aahmciaterre inai &h ot r eufequarte 'a th oed Bakeus orte loan ÎheInintey areran mrew rwn sgarOU-ake cupful aimiute rs. o mnts al entie ofte as o th Ptrime tu)of a nhejd ptultior bake par .amdcverut th ci pn'.Pao n aiom f-aue pudbt Mis teeranace ia the emButaei tl ne uitchosatga tdfa. Cbpsven epe thei.Nmrn e igbnways iD ime pitan sbetute iclaord; Ea GluzeanforsRail tl wlthot ther ai woul bavebeenhi a oderao avn sudbaketari fui a sr rp Betetatoroth- phï aralyzed.It inet foponlyii - twet minutes.-B"lhe omlx, thoBa n apt a tii.rals with a veis ianor tatae ieldapn Otii. is suioer ne-ua I b a fr ii.nmiuts ses; co mtr t a commeudueti.de" rit ougi mixtfure.o TiD. ouraehe wil rnd huf ahe Itb ta c dieV uts of t he P ime th abl w enf reayor illof h bak e pard)m-si.d Pai t uh su ievrin sal as u r itna slieht1yafaurdiyxi gr aing pafssutd flu spl mbie-mw.ersn ad ha doue Tue t. oug a flirrdaity ae ltmae mteray auili aveykpt hips rinehir part «Pi515nt hOurd oDeartele *r o in m i e lazo g laz for sRotterpeu sclaimorte nor'einamoat , bas.. tilck. ThensPleon thebrou1 anc..nTeandhe ur bsea ta ardou seï d t ontouhaemploy- iniamot n dci uand n s oda blathf iii a)dl to wtr Wa ment. Tii.mmontas.mas do moit ai Oliflce <fhbutter ta ever vesl fwrta aebl p -tlong. Iî çena eily ra, s I uahonrnoi lot fc thei wok screty sd sianty; o sces nc mi ue-hit nchThr oef wiy, -d thyariferad wit th dxera f tos wh, ithth Tae he.iduth, henredY orthe o fir u.Alay eWt ave tic ruie inie-scprs banthe "pas nas. pasantirtltic bens ard t]Vfouailer using. an I apli Tn 'ii. d h no atace t na t s hic E sin is. edy i i puce ow- ae r nit, aan*. ius ic monan et tW naion a W5 la roatena g r namxroveandf ya handoe g pou bth n c b tre ingate . ai atr ment Themen t sa domostofsuncetitutteruttoast y ound oa wokWeu ,then pes ein ptgof tendr ftic wofold apretin alent oalowne Bt atruiot h es thca. fodiug morewaysr as the oaa away CAklnAD'sCaÏ«iRPLAthe si'w. Teef or Uic sausage or bre to bacon, rwu sit tcopeguo.l r sode ftIlndt g hlyctin aigbrubtie akfo xip9asu4 d aps, sdwe i ofrrUIeta rroauitanonïxta potttsn.Ometts e mae NeUESIOkS. u boubsse Th aos hatae te thire. viceahin ifmace 'witiofmi, btrmoe Rehpe, ii trs. rtabespon t ut tenoriftad wib w5t.tolUw;terasd mltsudpepertasui. Tii.survy e tii forat esonees utabpati i1i h tew e alu .ggsp aice a. r as Cis cof toatey Çommmain e Coservtio ba hen pubiuta a fryet lpait; iiina.r t1k Anonthieung ne is lteder,> éugge fr ic utfor ear, sebter, saing br hiý,koftalpoonaformexing andage ch easl w mald 'rOu a t"iig meitheie vainehimnifat ma w ot part abuthor Rbeas sud bhreead. crumba, ofdbnt. ticproectio a ti wr. ictit- tndrif adeo twitlI at. bAtt terand utl thdpe rte<suitenA pes uniy th eafrd, whiciiinst, the#'pobi kreiÊ te, eacsded u, afr butar a utefs ai bas d.fnitlytakn u hudU ic rgniha ssd.atth oete toram lti panree py ea, iaeanorcap tionîzo of a ponsermainacture puudtantpa tic pan *thneiwa sudAor-1untamayho uned Thsae y b itse f stî n imm edat vlargnile rd satic-u hot - partvof intihe eas an bat cruts ddn utthe oct ain h a1e spucesudtic undordcttpa. Wbenthecooe ra tled ae iails.-Coanc sud ay CommiWsin vas able, as a resuit off tirough, rol the omelette 11ke a JoIly tait cupa ot barley mea! bn anc quart ite ëurv4, teutiquuiob the Board witu rall, brava ulightlyr aIl round sud tuin lof hoîiig vater Ithe. double bolter Win W ia!1 amn Ofl éi.c~isevc uttr na rn MeW Biscuit.- it à ellow tom mMeal i the s a delicate browii. Iest- 0ii cn - iwater,'anc. t u ne speairmu t5ufi-.' hot, tri o lue ~ Th rih <u ultn gt ______________ îOn.B Sbe =uns Wen Sikoes Pinch trud psu. Tis ý I To. prevent new' sioes froun pinvhk; )isitý, cadi contai l'nting îay a clathi maistene .-Isihot vWa- ie0 ai protelu, acca ingt teracuoss the place viiere tho. pies-- es experts. I Isure la titmoot, cbanging tic clati Bread.-Mix twa <ups as moan am it becomes cool.- This iill on.~~ c>petcinu l,î mako tlw leather shape itself ta the o oiliii-g pint and 4ao1c foot. tAs. AdU two *t vo teaspoans et Ofsalt,eu* Thc Tgeraruan alphabet contains butter-suanc necup et'202 letteis, bobug the -lauigest Îlu thé. tbeuoughly and balceworld. nuntes lu a velt-gresed Flu Te average- duratian* et lite ini r. erv frvu is!buto-uns ia 38 years; in tic country' 55 cd. y jvars. -The businew' of being amang has its adva'tages these dys as weil as its resporisibilities-especi- ally if soméone thinks 'enough about him, his needs and bis wishes, to choose for bis Christmas gîft Most meni arë, puctacaL ITii. uacomsa fL 15*80 euaafugift--tue Gilltte-tha fits rillt a manIm minate Îperuona i 1e, "0 es Puug ead« f or hlm, a=41 proves its qunty iy the. Wq At auj good'Hrdware, Drug or Joecy Store you eau pichiout a Cillette Set iluat Win- he sure ta give bil boang pleasur' If you bave auj treuil. gent $wiat yeu want, write us and »0 il80that yott aâe mnpplie<l. CILLTTE AFETY RP20OR CO. OF CAAÂ, LM, 281 R>' a

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