Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Dec 1917, p. 7

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'ECAUSE it 100 HOTU FOl)ÀD àE Tais INTERt. !aadequate Supplies in Ail CoUat-ies- WI Bt-ail NMcli Sufferng. Europe ia going tu leadt tha simple lite t-bis a-inter and for a long t-lus thereafter. There is nwt- a coint-ry t-bat 1 doesnot now reali-'e the rosi danger et extreme foot shot-tago, rays a Lon- don correspondent. But- food short-ug i- nult-bhe only or iri mort cases thbe sort of t-be men- at-es. The nationg tft-e and reahize as ut-voir hfore t-be oxhauuition of ahi ni>- cessary supplies Athotigh food wii * h st-arrte ini all ountries. .%helber bel- itrereiît or neutrai, it- is clouhttul a-be- St-ber t-bat- wiii impose as much hart- ship on people as iho shot*ageý of f uel. A GCravo Menace. Tri rz'rrtot footi is fuel tu the loîiv tie j,, mach as il N nour- -knos Shrcdded -Wh fOW 1o cost -and its ii value. A be.ttcr bi ration than.rmeat or eg costs much less. Twc 1ded Wheat, fliscitý milk or cream makei plete, perfect Ineal,ç ing ail the nutrimient: for a haif day's wor] cost of a few cents. Dc cream, or with fr--sh or stew- cd fruits. Macle in Canada. ing to subsidize the production of butter so as to re<Iuce prices; that is, a~jfJ J '-rttrpisn e xtnIâ of tthepresajthe wae-eg it I1. , ~theeioüraPh and ft-be "i g -'s zBut thé' old su»perstitioni that -the b THEATRff M INTAI NEiffl y Tu E hvea 4 f fl i bsensè -of di ei p a s PrcttY-y vel upset. 4W. 1 y ho IIIm OENEN. hv irabudrbarrit t-o usi Wb seitrWo f 'their messages intact,"i remarhed a sat, ~ f French OMM-er "The noise aed con!i- hfod rAre Now a Feat-ure of 'ýtiitary Camps sien o!bt-lorti tends An EIvand nd re Crretly sinoke pal] Ibat overhangs the battle anced laEgad n r Gety i nes for days seern tlu Cunfuse tbe4n gg dAppreeiated. je soete ashion. Frequenthy thef ggs nd imo cap wa cosiss o 1 ili circee round for fir'e or ton mCn Simed ga i-rî-sontcmpdril onsl it ututes- beforo deterntining their poý ainostincssat dill, cuplt wth irectiîjt. Abolit 80 Per cent. of the :S With polîshing one's but-t-ans ant Iearning t-o birtsriý-eterojcie 7 sainte saoartiy. and is about bbc deat- s hiveteroeci.Te a ~~~~rect are hstct as 'ritig'Tlyal acorn- I îiest fem ofutdulinors eorrinvented. Pr-'oha11ypy , il ah,, toirauto% Sp y-îHeurce the Britit-h Go-eerntent bas put nt.ti rytott ak hthn nede up Ibratreq in eight of ils camnps- ot l. ,Engianri, anti five cinipanies have been purtiFuro ftbir't-nts' rk at a eniragetl, irhearet. andi sent on t-ho Thr,-e are two showýs a uîght on wcek-dayr, andi -men vrsitîng the sec- ofli haute recoive lato passýesý bat-k t-a thoir ines at t-mie of purt-hase uf tickets." On Sunday thore are con- cert-s. Teeareny Frm Tenita-o. i o- n o ut tm ,-lumiatie ("( ut b4î- lulNARDbY lINIMENTý lfâlifax -. ANDREW KI.Ni LIxui> .NIMENr, LT ut-il, t' UIIEWE RE tIi easy for their muids te 101111 t-lieW.A. -i au weG Bahyts <iv, Tabimia- i vaut the yowsg eft et t-bat- an bav' u" t-U e pmlI a mass o! niiddto-ciaas homesvii. a"re ,O fr M 'oe Se l; a doIng no eri »r leu W% »Mtie I mitg 5 estsabo e lI « utea-toe~e. aeulsoin up, -. he stsNe41tus o g, B koqils6 t-ird deef et ationuIl, S.ries, < a t -th counry. T. o s tisedélofj la*i 1 obut )rpsleu mulitadoma, w. slallbaIs t-.',ý -hd tt i enmt"e. PsIs.t The Roul of a Pimo l the I ActIon. itst on thé, "OTTO HIGE L PIANO ACTION The Jorclan Yalley r ImbieatMIO.O otsigaje. MSaey chreail former*-. ne tzuyo. iir.bocais tuair bon ur iit. ment wd P."yit rotug-,s fro5th nzz.ra Ine~srrue ln itvairu, of the ,and m'one, te 13Y Rotble, iCI thebbi r-typ tnt th-y eau produce. Prneu iii-: triasy. Aitlog, for ,.ij,.ti, lnjr.,aiu. yeOU are. se-,ifiiy iivited <o taii lib R., 112. uni",, vcif.-OButdlrg ta 0,0 u'exs'int nd axttei" arhib4t of productr eroru, in the Uuien Pîefiu B. A. SufITU. Colisbtoa &l.qis trý fî11%01 rciiic SritSe - titi't1 4n 'r. P. Rwde. Oomak. 5,-. A kidney Rm ndy Kidney troubles arefrequently cauteti by badly digosted foodi whjckioverbakes Iliese orans to obimiate -t-be irritant acide fored-m.LHelp yoar stonnacl to properly digest theood by t-aking1 5:to 30 drops of Extract of Roots, soaisi as Moiker Seigei's Corativc5jrup, andi your luidney disordet' viii promptJy dis. appeagr. Get t-ho genuine. * SORE MANDS- That lt-ch, buma, crack, chap, rad bleesi, in a wonderully shortt kne ii most cases.Soik the bands on r,. SUds of Cut-icu- ra Soap, uÈ4n plety of the-' Soap,.)Dry, and rub Cutitura' Ointmnnît-lmy but feeyizto t-het- bands for su ie car oId gloves- or softcr-ban&ages ng nilt or reuo-ve - surplus Ohotumtb vi itt t*_tsue paper. as, s a çjf ht).s r 1 . a 9%4V1' 'hmnt.~hapIyre..tr;,cted supplies "0o «Pp teobutter practxcally th> ± -. U' 1 I"as cure.in .uclh:jrs b - - YOfabout a l!ozen plavr'rs. ThCre MIN ARD'tS :N -of f'ýrd ard hrbt of a Loubtful qUatitY sanie rule that ;vas appiiled to breadare olditr stnk a n of rel, ev ry-da servce :aiid or -arirty. night be endured if inEngland.The Kng1ish 1 vr~mngr vt'hns nis~~r Markham,ni. s teto bot$0OO.(0O0 a year. thus left ams hentring the hlach letters eOc.9 ort bo o fLiý, Inýhoizýýid andmakîg itpoý;ihl te "Gl hH ,gliwhi'-h stand for Garrison' because it adds to his cornot Ptf e ci. h!oi- ht, pesltie at tntf of.7t uth nlish 1h n h hue"aealsi * '1-r' ~ beti e l at of war bread for 4 4 cents. dier" For "mie of the compantes u1V ilig Ii Norsray t.he Qtovernm2nt and the hotl aebenaraz. a- itdS v<?f subtracts fr b is e p n e 1 il-101ro islocal foot authorities are working to boshae theencaps. danusfit" 'e,4 or .rion for ilfrvplaces, -and perfect a rationing cystem in timete t u utrieoherams."1fsuhaid rgocusaa and b cause it lo ks-a d is- ~ r<~lr' r-~ pct'~ ht m'born eutr n ve the country frnm disasterths Theetheatres are ntoflot se&ý- 11, re. I h nsrsn h 1.e v e r o i ) - . éIt hh nl !tr ats nrt hhr andîier- wnter.At Cristinia abig shemesiprorting, but are aNso the means ofervant. aeof tnt th ne-eforger orin g reAtsrsifania a gscemekeepinir men in the camp anti away ' 3 i yuwo..1u» at h 1*1 ut - Rai ionso mot-atfonefo trgrqrvs of foha en f rom ail the evils of garrison towns.wshy the b st o its înQthe Gillette 4%~e lîtcn reduceld hy soire worked out and some twenty-fivewar- uch men as Sir Thomas Beecham u nu ba>heti 4" 'hee cslyei th b stofit knd Ç t, ni e '-.rni.IwI%% the- amovrts al houses in various parts of the city Oscar Ar"che. Captain T. A. E. 'Ma- cugh, work frtouts. n man Engarri s t farare being stoc'ked. l!nder a iaw pars- Safety Razor is the one sure-to- ' the 4-z !ý-, "pt.f munti nthe mat- c a'eay îeG'-rmetha n Roferthemottar afe esaimporatantl o heimot ogLondon'w ffRN ~ Eei~ t, rf fni n-Irh. uthrit ar ertbiiheda mnopoy o th imortproîlucors who are helpintq to eeplthe SrEeE'snhmJ- rri:îkmj < ;'rt efforts to bringz the of vhent, barley. onts. rye, beans, men in the garrîson camps front get- Sn >aajWnQm1 reaad lfor huanfotexcepgraice andinlabaEy please Chritinas Gift for a man. . . , , to rteali7e thet rationifl pa, nddntlsad thrgrin nz itired of the war. A number of: u ~ > b ~1rn ronso;lm;pioýn s con'nt1erably redur-ed. and potatoes. thi ctrto aetkn emulghsReaI _______________________________________________ _____companies around the UIur» .ey eU0 "" .f,,.o*.q~Çu~7,.7r~1 r;: ;~~Tt'f77atnîishveanune1 camps. Some artistes in the'e rom- lir a** -la a policy of a(-rîrinulating sufficient re-, The Highlanders. panies. who formpriy got their £100 a su ~ R. C..~ta~ sreto feed the country for thre Above the rolling druma3 is heard week fer playing lears, are now under - m-'.i) <'-i dr i fn o hi im e.ts - l. e r- The tune of Bonny Doon, six months' contract with h e sic So- On the lo w i de o i tr~ o Q1Iý- uion thi iipn. And Aitnie Laurie keeps her tryst diers' Companies" for £10 a week, and i cvpere itha ruhndmtipa QusinoBhpig eneath the misty m . are remaining decentiy anonymous on ihte a eartht oqîrivalont toI the hnendtaeois i h case of England it. jr entire- The Flowers of the Forest fal, bu i.At i h frtcls eàs A. . nti(. t i r-qure ro rr-ly a question of shippir.g. Big stocks' And rocky road and gien agentse are wiping dishes in the mess-' 111111Oure mat.m4u WANTED, MEN A. B. and ('l theyarc e frqielvo sr of food have been zathered in Austra- Are ringing tothe tramping feet 1halls. Which Is as it should ho. otirsofhepulin jo AND 1V'TOM~EN! tion of munitions of war or with the botertheut there arent ships toim lcs n bas The "G.T." manager at a Canadians', Denmark ariggdinaictul maintena rîte of the fabrir of the state. ebri situated in the matter of coal 1 Calombeloches a resmig u1 rmaki teproducts. d C O N ) I T O N A S T H E E I S T he n lyaî i e n pw o c a n t t k f o r h e s u p p l i e s t h a n a n y o t h e r c o u n t r y , b u t A n d A f t o n W a t e r g e n t y ft o w s a o d d e r sef o a n t - a 's d P r o u m ae n t 1 A L n M u s t d i v i d e w i t h i t s a l l i e s , F r a n c e a n d , T h r o u g h S u im e r ' g o l d e n h a z e . f û m n h o d e s a h a p IIRITAIN. force-.44-the- meri full, enraged in lîaly. and so far as possible some of The rnelancholy pibrochs cail f!antomorrth ow mors ng he cud avep, iA11TIFILy1TAID8E agrioutult o mnithafwtions) orne the noutrals hope to be taken care of The scattered clans again a mob of four hundred Pess agents ia let 0aa. il~<, ~~~uyrc ho o utof a f m u nas i ro n he i s front the English mines. !From miles o! heather wîId and wet, khaki clamoring at the theatre doorsi tries, 40-f ot , etl.bvl ei y tnanufactute of .tlothing.ade P~~fg A pparently the authorities are i 'rhat "Comb-Out" of Civilans ment. Cnol so far as it is required hssipy lu Ncessry.for war manufacturera and iron andi net nearly se confident about it as theyi For ho! the pipes are ail awake iF'irst visit of the N.A.CJI. Melo- T UP laNcnay would like the public to, beieve. The" And playing as of yore - drOa opayin Sve ay'gp nt.w steel, 1 inclute in munitions work; the'-year's harvest t.urned out more satis- They played before' the lghland dr1ae' (Compane yein Thevan re 1Da yU Sir Auckland Gedde". lrti>h Mini- railways and canais aiso are in a spe- facory etanseeed pobabe dr- ciefsLonoat)." I t-"à l 13 rter nf -National Service, speaking of -chI la. ing t-be period of droughts and bail- On Scotia's ancient shore. Lod)"Ru K.t !teNA...Vue ihe neet of mer> and women for the The' t-al for men is going to ho- -eur ii f h -..B ad- airmy, declares that thry must be . .hay nt h egt ftesrî storms in midsunimer, but on thei other, The flash o! tartan plaid la 50011 ville Party in their own entertainment, t;îiiodby drsti "cmb-ut"oh i-- goin to nthe won alof thetan li and reserves were heavily drawn 1 Along t-he front in Franceet. antd b d a t c " om - u " o iv- h o hi e vre goner . R e er esmi de d, m a .ad d un ieonce. etc."e, RW J J R Iiijns. The folhowing are points from Every district has its own needs, upon before the harvest of 1917 was. Wherever hearts beat higli and strong,' Thon there are the poor little show his rocent speech ut Plymouth;: n eiv that try far the best way fairîy be said to have disappeareci. gIsDldex ht byh-et 1n ~ u ss.n. The timo bas corntefor us to pull of -oing with prohients of-tisa- ns IId sOI, Maniahave sawsYftlfl nit z-lves toffther for the sprint to turc is for locaities to help thermselves- I*sa Food ine Germany. GIRLS! WIIITEN $KIN 'tend wit.h now that they'ro workbng Martffl Mukaaar o r itor-yo ak, llo lng s iirail they can, and thon, if they stick, The carofuliy cult-ivat.ed officiai un- WITH LEMON JUICE for the soldiersi art effort to endure!" I do net know. for us to help thent. 7he ordeal lias derstanding in Germany is that t-leh-Caeoo asergan o li- Sld nd apI ~o 1d it imiagzine that it will lu-Ia day! hotu long and the end is not yet-. n-îll be a better food supphy t-hi. win- MSIPa4AO Iiltiosfrê lw one trypoica,.,Ia,. ior»wtw O lors thý&ion(-0 year it n:lay w -'l h -- --- ter t-han lat. The speciftc statements to 10f@ve tan, frookies, sailownesa. these litt-le ladies o! the llpatiek in a "i mt more.-ijsiyn -aepcainaehgl dressing-room at the baek ,of thbe dShtPP-Iflgstali It is r 1hiyical1Y împolIh,ýîIt for the IBACK Tf) SIX-SHOOTERS. ustistactory. he MutincrhMeicai Youi grocer bas Uichernons a&bd anystage. Prom the itter on thUifr walI KOIRNIR ILLâSN uair tie enti1 txt y'ear ufloss our efforrt' Union has declared that t-ber. will be diiig store or tollot couater wlVi gp peepesi a boisi resi sigizÀt: A 'A" $~ 70 .PalSW Lin auumu ths wnte, nl nxtTo torn-m l'art of the Equiptient of les food this winter than lat. '<>u sith ttreoues ft or iadnot permit-ted to asidres eauine 11#lO T--O¶RR siîii!ig is unprecedent-i. . S. Overgeau Army. - A Dresden physician wlio is quoted white for a few cenft. Stiemzethbe except,,tôrihe- ýpIwPOSo f thé play Our l)uty As Citizetis. A thrilb of excit-ement ha run las an autbority ha& recent-ly diseussed, uîee of t-wo treuh>o. i*m 10f~-gags, .oltospehesd WIhat iii our duty as simple citizensI? t}rough the United St-test arny a, thoGerma fo od i amatie .«. ega h eptb« l t se orchsrd viite and commentia Upou mat-issu iffc#ungt,. Fit-st w'e have to maint-ain our armies ,the announicement of the restoratia- h ,euieetaatisppis pintof il.e,v Thist mike a quatermiltary disciplina, i* 1 1 tlCO In th(- fiobiL Next we have to main- of the "six-shooter" te thbe complement r ariotuclasses of coraumers. lie flr and, o mpy otlexion eukilin trlyM itrersonaltrtiona ta bsOu. tain ondte o xpand aur Air Service, o! the overseas forcÎ. The revolver, that chiidren up to ciglit years ofet g lnvu Msw Ncxt we have to maint-ain and expand ruppfanting intnany instanes îthe arc receivinIr a reaaonably aatisfac- - - Ma t is tratitant. tmade lu t-he. x touthefb.pWod loa2% our Fuet. hon w have to bubti utonttie, eligh-s th reglars, who' or>' at-io, bu thatt-be menai aI- loti l dai>' ino tisfacce.aoc, vitbout pecia writ-ezw suthrlt-y" S-. ...-.m al" ourkF a sorthut drahave prideld atiseniowed t-o thoae f rom eight to cgienarme and banda and i ls . ow Tame PFr allerLdieil. m o r e s h ip g , 1 0 m a k o m o r e m u n itio n s , w ek e - bs o r tof au r h o ti n g rod n tm a deWit u f c c t a s h t U feek i e , a n a f o v u a , r o n e . tA o+o- wmore f ood. imme-ortal l . the ayt ite il de s tt'tg er iumly e ndthat the . mughnau disappear snd lies'amootiT, he .stage ladies dlrdp' lie t-he F tIal 3L imoralinth dysofth wldWetshrtge seiost tretes hecamps very Weil. >Net-bing ollver lip-- ot~WDrpsÇl e The flrst duty which relisa-on e'-ory tn at dcleai't-he sia#b ICu toS l '. ' e p. tteenlaTla eotk fNmi ae'a mon wntnan -iii i tiscon- They say the blue-barre veapon physical vitality o! t-he next geacra- i1en trou thefr . T-b @ ±sldta-:' esto, The try to-day is Rbttehoorder their ivesî nuh more formidable in appcar ie.butta Irpiseii II bYt".l athor 4orr t" htthe", sdtb oeh thttbo ae -eltatposbe e ncet'than' t-ho autornatic; that there Ml aiecnrnaalErp.1utvi upieyon. tht he mket- eat osibede n1tmoei 'h. situation lias long been basi andl nd ack tesm a.T« T*1 i-t mnand at al tintes upon thbe energy of ',more tsaction uslng irona- t i s seadiiîy verse cverywlicre. The ss~ it-h.ididn% crt rthe a a7,th, al' CaUii i t hît~~~~ r' ~count of t-ho groster dispiayil makes osattst-scsptj te twunge rth4. a-e afbrandi he il ontatan it cOin u. To a hespIt-al for vouaidsisaIdtens Wh$h« et i.tp5s tesifor' thsm5 Ladies' clothing is the grov- t u vhas d. nth adad rnidf ft ibetween the varics St-at. sd t- êa. !qgsa rcm,»sM nbW@5, ~ qetIatba OI v » lS, ruomou amuntuthumn oerg tThe type umade f amous infit- n emunicipal authorîtles dcaling vit-h t-he cxeU6iy, - iel r ofttat PU 1 i plB!5 tmtw~ s i@d' f~sW LCI Economny and saving togcether Coli~ircaet rentemhored as t-ho "ColtMa food iquestion t-rouqbout Germsy. la bagi bemnprnu-*, - br.Tbi. m" '« a e - l' stitute tihe firsIt egree îof Nationalboar Service. The seotrut tirer-of Nation. Io"g-baricled, heavy shootink "Iron" t-bis regard t-he Germais ait-natio s W matreoel9Md -be ghi vit-hue ah Sorvice is t-o work for t-ho State. tlrîrt t.errorized its oppenenta into sur-much more compikratesiand i dfficuit 1 pléasure"" ansu£agi" kperledtl --I - Wha i a auîatpreelt i arotder hy the imp ; iens o t-arto bantibe than these nils~sh.Id te show thei&ra l-oç"m « i' ti.----'uas- utady supphy of lbhr or b uilil avro- ntouth. No automatic pistoi la'er Disafteetin aAmatrla. Uajssty5s kindues, a"ntto prou'. bsi. The J à»athé. are att =i drms ~~-No cIil il uilling sltier o hutinettulikc," and the army German apaki110Austia bas toe tbuitmn of « OM!1Io1 f is Goecnfdne ceaigotbern uospet t-be comsrat-bu.l t- st-a aietmepitalof Om. t-b t wo, g os ouiw " bah=*md os t-' roohh eo mrtn-tfom pari- Utc on tronchesvit-h t-bis loner, strong- lefsiaton aRnar. dlmgo a-u*0 wb.a tQe..fleso ssÎis s IF, u wMsts oM u " son ptith nerottime c a utto ter-seeming veapon. rinth'tisQ441,11110,beC b", rmi- diu~ ~ s w pop ", r Work For 20,000. ate.It-ê h aduhr#" *t-bat ur le ueuU t~te 4u. ~ a * ê À A RAND MMDIGINE sAf h» Arý b "mlm à &S.- r,étàte w -&- fuibtif ) tfi g- i tl- el op- t - til - ct ives' be or W'f i ni i i.- e p Irliluluub milk or . usumi- is a P-ift that's

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