Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Dec 1917, p. 2

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F t rn resandeObinedbor teafct er aobeae8on's ex4esti ec r platedyeas ao fOW onsitue te u.ng(yUê41, IWAfti g .LOtIt IIIl>otns#?rdANI).ll By S.'lurd 0f an 0~POrt 011 Cfly qatation regardlngAcoun obtekfungus, onle wstageofrWi feel that wbee t sfhe nfiso fIninectmn s h a dt h- r laotSUffIet enra Itaea. t lI b axserd hrug tîsçouml amgef omt-isore is rbablvî", lerented, esaya a s afai faim qcesot!at:Lraiertrn lathta oist sl00ped and addresendeChetepehse!nlosed wlth your 'auea, a complet Ier's questions abut the gowns anutthe TUE STAGES 1 OfSW,.WIIb.mald o ou ddea grnoka.Lae f iso PblS ant¶oe earate woman. Flo1-wLoraierWhaof suiphur is an Ilrot hewirea oect O jtio egns aresureell aent secticid e o r e ail opera- Grasse havean imprtantplace vailale phophora acid Neyer ha thy are low ni growh, avrag- ionr. t la îrtrial harless, nd deoratios andthe mnu gay. ButAfter heainubatio cornsfthe CD., Ltd., 73 Adulade madew. Torheto.maximum thenravage lime and n- I havesaved fin fruit tres from ro hyelckteed t as dor antingto wektf atrht-à,'so 't# o arn ga ftoe seOfn a- ur for thsreas wo. Limte is wnd aolthe ftime. Thne s-rPooto ee ta wr h nft ofhe bteti s r sorfnanisect. twesonoe-fonascc. tlenion sOnld beqaitonthegamoisodeait e fcor ailtc.rtif our the lgmee reas do aot spre idelsulhtinjringieets bnspnkiing lowers brîngs the geseri Intoreplant wiw dètheswcet-wormsh neyeaage oîest-is sotctoisbe abley't-orsayntasingleasword!sflo]d. 'ThereShi n cougho alikerthatmoof conditiowii e ng here si patb od.tes uc seneertinsantth go t-o andchenbocii;bti osntrsodt Timothye y u gadd e"a- . cabb, are of <ias longbshehlixed!ethemedication appropriate toot-bat- dis- dOw.Ltfe7Acue, rodît St. bromeoronrdtho. u-ra htlv o h otso anThere bcins ta~l -îty e lo mix suiphur1 withss ld,,mecoain n h eugyy u ande plowkie t-betgrowing agai Bermda nd alioatgras hae ~tht leumesthrvesat hei bet. ietofryeastee re allkee off te gren worms. Vibat jLorrashe inyeshad nt do ereti, esse, eom& nedmrepru genra aapatont- fn rop. shs reesecaiy alabld ee Ofl sous rnae ndairdea. ITheis frald asonu fsih r mxe w mhws theutWieth mn e orsond, cokne- a b ay othwe tkngo tb Grssesy hae gan eimportand plb e sown whure r<o c¶osre obca aey. pathgfravr rnd - e sil in finwe r pot iIkiIte sin sa aqîe at o .stuidpaoymi hrctrot-ltwadt leuies schasaIaa covnger, x conti -i tt-appe rlitiond a-,ly bevestintha yspys l-wrm atimus, ut t-baethwithrstudlfdones tb samdi tge hrtr -art-bs mpoete gcondton eo the suÀîe fral-wl!mtreal im ep e is hy- Cod ltheo ooi, edhe ntroleryi also sinle y it ong oeshe ratie itan obedmandstered as surelyied ytkpclasvoetcuh tend adsud b ge a dai ofeniste -ig doln fca roph ofth du ot rneerre nudo nt fadr. Teyare, w uhil tb dw on. toun revenmidtewas anyo er sl.t-u. Onletthay eli is oradl ceigexr- r'uinins of thgirasthan tsveofaurbeet s, upeaor pot-coearapidthe rowrdes an oequeantly %vthe Wen;-st.o-s spuiatponfl f <beorsfr icapkeLrranehahttyhxeosinsafy:oedya epin b <i il ~ At tho. sine tniethe aditio of ocharc tree mus be pantedseverhus ihnrthderhhillnsthen e 1 iset a c heenagadigascener agazie st-ry. sirabonuthough arandlosedvoca adaptation o the partiular soi) heareadfaitn she thought- soomlycofecordsasoau dingath s ththe hoopreor.the pareh ts reibsof patîoty n. 2lc.ases, incit- caî'rieacsieabeit roda ay. The re o gowth mori e iplnts 'wdithecuor ner et n 'heheo e anbler exper- silees; bot i. îk h-ei ywt fpeoi cf mamothorealuk 'lve r; 12e-thm.Iasomxslhu hlm Ibr amuthe oflitncdstiornhe re- than cpns ates dt-be an wh " IStheits. i aiso sprinokle aa frecly overc - .f uchrd ra~an g Ls.<i rtJ cov at of ue soil n t uhe fomth f at- prt e his orchr l ahorIntiefr t-behihos lor iedii-l at- adsbleng atche ig e cod tha e Lineatikigo es fir to <'r; 10 s. <if reot;p rn ome. s a c ha bs.of thes a gooci hait at frthe r o- lthein greed i t-byearsu sef te su, leand sn dteîscoveabaeto agW atr traie hdtnct iigbsoupun 'aron da ' ple dcig p mitesud-verdbotiber.t gr to senely aneunofntroeigreendesirest geea dpaint an rd . hae espcll trbeaon-edls at,'iî,d wak ak 1 f bthlyi Atecura thefrelphr ixe w at wsomet imesan prsap rnvr- dn b Uiover tothee are sho ld s o t- t-er, soast co kil arehe s b and soresiacae , f pro-c tes rm ors 'ts onoi fouds îfiud < suend-inghownotto dit, but cog. A h- ayga sar tha ma hea~ac-ed -o -hm, ervsumerand~site evportio, nd vithe off f le andtbeaillsures on ati on hes a auier. ob An dosirabion mitu n re o eo h n 'te alocali- fronwhchthe c i ld . Sriow lies more etheni lum kinds a t ryuo eroof aneimais. "Ste ta-storigy a s "ond<'ed oseîiyiiaul¾sneo med lpuns uha laf rceea Otht- U-<if tepia tim ront ifa~id te roveteto a rtay d m psaes -at!ite stuiiy at it ould belie n g m sufoain a foeals e &ddofscal?. and lhs.onten.igdw ofrchard ashes n *he rocts treaprdly. hinlo-sous arereed Moathefruis cona-n frovnt i d to95atsalk thr aly 'leverterdsernihdcrn.eIsti a o e I~":s Fr t-t-s godcobi A te.Farn ier: .a yuthl e hiton ofrm s-et - îd n h-nibrof ppcetutt-ra aance cfuwoofy Lenr faher as cever.mabutie ws ot- 'peatid hp eerlte, ut - - 'r------ ...-ii ,'cessfully in sorme eeni aramiardit-eeoiaiu.gpliablpaandedidn'treali1 talk finalun arptghofnnit-ucu is expeind tion is- 10 Ibs. of [ýr-mre grass and 10 lhs. of nîfalfa. Nont- cf tht- lame grus.ses ha\-e s;cee in sornu o -s except wthon pis, Ued in very ridi crcek bot-t-cm Trhe usual nn1ounit~iof set-clpt-r acre w-len sown alont' are 12 lbs. of tim- ot-hy,-24 lus. of Kentucky binue grass, 20) lbs. cf rchard grass. 12 t-o 15 lbs. cof mtedow, fescut-, 14 ibs. of redtop, 20 Iils. of brome grass, 25 Ibs. cf tali cat- grass, 10 Ibs. cf rt-J <lover, 10 ibs. of rnammoth clover, f; lbs. of aisike, 12 t-o 15 Ibs. cff alfalfa. Wben two or more varieties are sovvn tvçe'her it is more extermninate iid oaU sand curled dock V.iirtii5imore5 1t$t a in htte i ,v et is utnd -A ormseed inustard? go ot r<tadbb---- on.eas Answ.mei:-Ali three wee-l'- \ou men-' Wîrdbrelik.s are, howvever. niot wi*'h- tion <an be exterzn<nat-4 Iv n gOut tht-r <drawbacks. Sonîetimes (Ont the- piece of land infecte 'nde cul- frosi us nuore st-veret- ext- t't-he- wind- use51 tivat- on and keei~-ne it w <riedfo a break. w htre the aur dot-s not cil culatet atrîo ct-t .,ted croul such as con, p<ti 'ts so freely . ii urit-s froni insects ard t1uts; 1 and the- likt- for two '<r tiur'tvt funzotîs dîseasvs are more apt t-o or- out oif l'erg arofui tcfourse in c<itiv-ate'ht- <roçi -uffiîc'eS4'!y ft-en to kili t-be T E F M B zrow-ing weed-plan)ts. Broadleaf mus- M tard <anl be kilicd out by spraying with T E F IM B R iron suiphat-. For every acre t-o Le_______ sprayed, mix up 100 pounids of sulp- By T. J. Mutht arîo's ~ w d-kinga adiulre Idifferi kîndf <iof cod. On isa reat piroducer cf trailway mQre than -ý,700.00O were ýfthe fores;ts Ilas-, yeur RY PATCH ews. - - ace of uroiuwi<t-vUgalionis of watt*. 1-s hmwhn0 - istaplr catisfacttony to sow- at- a slightly in When t-he mat-t-iai is dissolvt'd it- Mans t-mies. w-btn nt-adbng in t-be,\vs-thmweît-e îs-apurt eneased ratt-. shoulci be applied in a fiaely divided papers that tht-ré t-ert- relat-bvely a1 Le ripe, t-bey will i nt le'eî 'orrute ap- fanm mucb luk'a nmist-. Spi ay îng large niumben cf farnas that bad no preciably by remaunung upon the- 1.C. :-%% hat effet-t on t-le soil bas macbinery for sprayinz pot-at-et-s91 3-'ebbrry pat-ches on tht-ni, -'I bat-e bot-o brushes t-t-o or ibret- wet-ks lconge'r. 't-the application of hydnuited lime and a s-t-y satisfactory distribution for, For t-bis rt-ascii pcking t-ht- goose- unbieached wood ashes? Efctot-imael. rathen skeptical as t-o t-be trot-h Of barries cr currants 's a job thutt- ao lu>2 mixture of t-le t-t-o with stable ma- IS.. 'ny>- lum eiyt-bis statement-. Sinc-e havung baci an made t-o fli in thet- ime between m(ere auire? For what crop aret- -ey bt-st for wirt. lorrns? They destroyeti opprtn-yhweetob nanm-ugt--aks ddd-o' f-, suiedmoie atslas. smmr. . l thebt-n of fanms, 1 fînd t-bat-t-ht- st-att-- curants and gooseberrios are usualiy Answer: -- Tht- applicat-ion of nny way I can kilî sow tiistie ia cul-; ment us aIltet rue. IL la very mut-h very saleabie, and if there <re any V - hydrated lime or unbieached wood tiv ated fields? tb xetinrtbrthà~n thbe mie t-o more produced t-Lan t-be fanîîv <ares ashes t-o t-be soil, if tht- soui i clayey; Answe:-1. Gooci crop rot-at-ion is 1findal nfirth -at bas growing on ut- for t-be excet-t cati be markeiec t-o good li nature, tends t-o gat-hen together tht- about t-be only knov.'n remedy for thbe enougis raspberry, blackbarry aîîd acivant-age. 0f cou;rse, thbe gs'ost- tiny partides cfof day sou) into a extermination cf wire worms. 2. In strawberry :plant-s toget-ber witb con- bt-rn>- l open t-o at'nitobiet Lton slnct- - '-coar.sen crumb. anc t-o materiaîiy bt-ne- order t-o eradicatfe 50w thistîe, eut rants and gooseberries t-e funnish t-be rany of t-be brombles- are so thorny --- fit t-be mechanical condition cf t-le soi). dot-sn tht- higb stalks wit-b a scyt-be'i family wit-b a supply of each one t-bat- bot t-bt-ne-are several s'arlet-îtt-at are Wbeî byratd lme r ubleahedjua- bfor t-t- tbitt-ls crne bato twill at-froni ont- yean ont-il t-hanext neary free- froin t-he.e "instrumnt; j ~~ashes la mixecl wit-h s*abie manure, it. flot-ver. . Chop notation andctart-fui 0f course, t-is at-at-tment would ne-ed of torture" and w-sheui planning (out- the- t-nda t-o liberate t-ht- ammonia or nitro- sommer falîowing st-oms t-o be about'it-o b. modifled somnewbat- fer mazsy fruit- gardienît-be eniothl oslere gen of t-be manure and t-crt-vert t-be t-be culy wny to ert-t ofi t-is pest.i famulies do not- likt- goosebtrreK and <houid be plant-cd. for t-is reason t-be garden o! sut-h a How To l'tant _____________- - -- -family would not neec t-o cont-ain t-is It is t-xceccingîy unksume t-o ob.,ert-e - 'good t-oaa. If milk is not- available, panticular kind of it-. - some people pliunting t-li-r brambles. ~~~~ ~~iThzrc--are none cf ibe bu*h fruit-s Mn cisetbtttysolid or similan fo-eds must- lxisoppliedti th-at recluire a especially stroag sou; boIt- a foot- deep,. 611 iL wuth manttre taeteplace eftht-e grubs andid t-let-ber do strawbarries . Tbus it will and t-heiu put t-bt bu'-h into this bole. nipobe of econoniical produe- wbich t-be birds get- on range. be scetn t-bat-t-ht- average farm ctont3it- Some et-en go so far as t-o carry 'utatt-r th feîb ed at tht- preseat- prit-es,' Minerai feed. liafrt-eeganomber of spots t-bat- are suit-abitl - -epats Wehrtopati is a quest-ion t-bat- bas bot-a worryiag shelis and minera, saIt-s for t-bt grewtb 1 for t-be plaat-ing of tht-se smaîl fruits. tb pigo nth-fl samtte producers duing t-bt past fcw nuont-ba. of bone must t-e suppiied. Sill Unquest-ionably strawbairnies sbould Lui t-bat cannc.t alway's be dtinteiy decid- Tht- question of wbat t-o feed la one qiuantities may be obtained fromn sut-h plantec so t-bat-t-bey nia> be cultivat-ed t-c ike ut-t-ht-fll p'ait-ing because il t-bat requimals more ceanful -onsidena-1 feeda as tlovers, bt-t it is necossary to< for at lt-ast-t-ht- first-t-t-o yt-ars. Tht- shows t-le plant t-o'ge *.'nriîly stab- tien t-han ever before. Feec inl high, f ed oyet-tr shelas or somethirig similarws sbouici bu at lt-ast- three feet hebfoewita. Tssoaou t-btrtfort- tht- flot-shotulti be cullaci t-o suppiy lime i soff icient- quantitiets four t nnd rnalîy grd ent-nseco t thbe neots is t-boioughly compactt-ciby cliely and not-hing but- the- most vig- for o heavy egg production. forf't - i otr tcueI-gves t-b ebaa"îag and tlia'wing and t-le pilat orous bîrdis rot-amati. Tht-y ahoolci not- A sample ration is t-be flloîewng: mort- noom for cuît-ivat-ioîî and barvest- is ren#iyt-o beuar fruit t-ht- ntxt season. only be ted beavily, but- ahould ba ted Morniag. A Iight- fted af. mixed grains lingt -b brns.-It hould ho remembered t-bat- most of st-rth feeda as will give iésults. For.- scattered inl a deep lit-ter. Noon. rwa t uhFut these brambles shoulci b. pla-ited nne t-is purposo it is aecassary t-o suppîy, G reen feeti, mangeis, vt-getable par- ti utmr opatms ai-mr hntreice 1e n ti cereal, animal, vegetahit- and mnrlig rsrue as Night. Fl ti"o f raspberries four feet- apant- a good i iaceme t-o do t-be plantiusg atter feeds. ft-ed of scratch grains. e a.cb wtty. Tht- smail<-r soi '-s may be ea nain. Wbere tii. Plant- us t-o La plat. Cent-aI or grain teeds qbould ferra The scratch grains s'bould b. a4 mix-, put-at lt-as distance apart- t-thile t-b edtc, stick a spade down inta thebeut-at t-eprincipal part oftht-e rat-ion and t-une sut-has iower gjçade wheat-, oat-s' Vt- largo s'ariet-ies wi a-dtob a odi-frad u-th luî for bt-st- nesoîts a certain Proportion and corn,-banlt-y, euts and corn,- put even farthem npart- than t-bis. into t-ha ol bit hus made and compact shoulti ha grounti. Tise question inbutrît-y, eSt-s and buckwbeat-,-or wbat- Raspisarrias rnay b. plactd aimost- a y- t-be soiltboroughly by pusbing t-he what- are t-be bt-st- anti most- econonuirc'evar grains are ceepest- at t-he t-me. whane in t-be ganden ad t-ht-y shoold eatrt-h t-bat- was mos'ed by t-ha spade foatis t-o use. Durng ordinarY tuaes,'SGo tam t-is season, uat-s bave bt-en thebele cultivated t-t-o or tbree tiuas aven>' bat- about-t-be plant-. This compact- a mixture e! corn, wbeat and oat-s la'cheapest- grain f ooti, se lt-aaisao year. Theicpnuning of raspbernies la ing oftlUte soul about-t-be roots- of the popular, but untier present- conditions t-o use t-hem ta as great- an ext-t-at as aise an annual job andi cons'sýts in t-ut- itewly sot- plant- is onseett-lie most- im- ntllling wheat uhotild ho conserveti-feor possible. - tùîig out t-he canes wbi b have aîready portant feat-Uras ila ratspanting, humna food and oniy.t-be lowar grades T he- present indications are t-bat- bonne fruit- and ia t-opping tbat-k t-bose After tht- plants have beeUýset eut- useti for stock feeti. Lowon grade' cern wiIl -b. great-ly reduceoti l rto hbaetobr fruit next- ya>r. t-horougb CuW.tivt-lon #d 'anitben whest-, oats anti corn, buekwbeat- anti when t-bis happens it- should ble uiiod1 Blackb'emries are plant-rd trom five kt'ps down t-h< woods aa4 keeps a bariey t-les. are ail feede that- maY h. extenively,. as, suppîemented wit- a it-o seven foot- &part -anti cul*ivateti t-ho crut frein formlzîg; both these aie oi use tto aivatage. Tht- extent- te' higb protein footi sut-b as isour milk Or' tr*t- >'er or V'we. Aft-s thia t-hé cenalderable b=nt1t Vo t-he pIautu.- whieb' éacb las useti will depend on, beef scraP. lit lu ont- of t-be Meut valu., plants are a1lowecd te gr»w *0 waY - None eft-lue brambles are Very parý abi.etfrd.. t-bey choose and fuithem citivaUtona il t-l<I*lr a *.te For grounti feeud, buckwheat- scree-j Boaldes t-he foregolpg.. a lopper oft1eut-ofethOe questIon. due tethe Vtfat-t-or do t-bey reqasIMe ereful oeltilvt-io inge umai ho uzed t-o ativantago, alue drY mas!,, suait as groud ibiekwheat at- t-le Whes utumlly bave »e Maiy. atter Ui.ey have beeme.'«abIlahod 'mixtures contaling bran, cornme&, si< turOIetI >OÃ"fer 0Vt-boras. hy u lreamounat o fo grouuidti orotites'similar grin. edstrap one part, is kept corstant- fcurrants andi geoaeberrissa tat> efort-be are* upon whkeh tii.1 re Vegetahle or green feed la absoute- ly bes'. t-be flot-k, aise hoppesofs e amal îruU- tht-tubffl b. gr#wn Antifores> r e* ug #tesa bggi4bd - W net-osamy toikoojutho flocla la oy*st heli 'sd beef strap. if a"Ur More .atoutsliely oa us'r fasma, On. takoua lwedIa-~ - thrifty condition. For this purPôte, 'milkc laavailable the. bW !setip May î ett-hegreat- redming qtit- a.1(am. t5*ily t-a mors t- in Rkd 5F1un t- e of tt-eli e ist 'b. <>it.ed or igreen cuit-bon* rmay be lca ofruîit t-s lt'teT *» DOt s4aeet t Ya h»&zuitut t nô oaswy supplie suculence, buti slppliéd la plaCe .o st*î#.' A gooti p&rtculai a Vo lbe t-ime of b#wV*4-'ta -o qita nof*#w p'~1.Mangela, turnivisit tbe se mupply t-lu, Aff t- toe od, ' ng f W Dot-u@vubmit-O bar- sb' *-smV g.awu heY Ipt-atoos eà éther when a Masb mati.fromit-haektabn_ _____________________ 1,reucts may a» ho usoti erapa la Wbbl14uuxd tise glp"m rut bossu At terat-e ofabouat MWe. HaI foo pQutry k)eep*re twquezitly -saybfu&M" a b" biti . p1pidus "bI or n- ï,aulp'ratio. 00=a **'it cf <.04mol y* f malt*- mIl a je &% îPnle*on faimse&. lt - . .47 *4e touai @w as je 0 aàmad <sd tw« et botter' x abOffl Ãœ$9 &Manuat t-bat» s MM. a0f« - auit-o,8 n t o 1001 $19 t h a »e- pr04asat-Ien, ï «Wl-<4"u't qayd but à alsok.ffl thbis'4e taUboealy- - --- - -- -. --*,~t.M -t2- T.- ~UESOI t 1 ttera pertaliugte IIjealth. ifYOUl 'ù answered through theze tcolumu' -à a tamped. addreased enveloge 10 en folr luidividual cases or mmaks 4M"~lO 'UIsog Publlshlug Co.. '73 West A4.laId emorning air.-Grainger. P'WHoOPING COUGH. ihe final whoop ail t-be muscles are re ýaxed; and tle chid renuains quiet ÃŽa state of complete exhaustion. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. la Operation Beat? i arn 2'6, weigh 101 pounds, -5 fee 83 ioches taîl and t-be mot-ber of thre çehildren. 1 arn very nervous, havî numb feelings in bands and mrostly ù ýhe lef t leg. I have ehronic ap pendicitis. One doctor advised ni4 ' to have the appendix removed; an. iot-her to wait until it got worse. M ýt-omach and bowels bother me aiso. I ,have been t-aking a t-onie for t-hree !montbs but have gaired only tlurei pounds. My people are aillatout and my chidren atout anti hearty. Answcr-You are 20 pounds under wcight. 1 shouid not, of course, judge only by your letter. But on general principles operation would be best. Then you wouid no doubt be restored -' t-o good health aillaround. rronounces Indistinctly. Mylit-tic girl of seven years is un- -able to prunounce diatinctly any worda *with the let-ter "e'. She sticks ber itongue through ber t-eetb wheui taik- u,1 ng. Also she invariabiy breathes ,ç%iLh SteIIa; he merely expres.sed in, wit-h perbapa vomnit-ing., This termn- throughu ler mouthanad grinds lierý ht-r prt'aence <onclusions at which he at-es the paroxysm for thlie tume being. t-eet-h when a.sîeep. Might t-bis b.' hand arnived. It clarified bis ititas but! There are luke t-o be from a dozeni just cat-arrh? tlid not affect St-ellài ý. it-o eigzhty or a hundred açuch spahmg, Answer-Sueh difficuîty migit comae 1Nor wuus tht li*ttie heroine's mot-ber -nt-be twenty-foun hours. During the, on aft-er dipbthenia or et-ber exbaust- af-\ more of a '-'cinl the- art- of pnroxysmn the child's head and face b.-ýý ing disease, aft.er mumps or infIam-ý cO"\ t. rsa.t ion.i corne red anti tusky, t-be'eyeiids are mat-ion of t-be tongue. Perbaps thevi' - Mc Wauutgnt'cr inised ny-congested. and tht-ne may be ruptuined are enlafr-ed Lonsils. There May beI û%u. ten lier tonversatiuns, which biood vessels in the "ss'ites of t-be catarrh (snuffies) aa you suggeat. 'e~ hefore breaikfait, jouracycci on eves;" The eyes watt-r and appear Sb 8ould any of t-boa. causa obtaifli îh.îhthte day, andi -re picked bulge f rom t-ht-r socketà. The noeI their rernoval woulti no d=u b. fol.~ UJp .0 mach tht- sue spot in the even-' '"cons." The wbole body b lin a state owed by -normal qpeech., T*ave tbel 1,î. 'She hai covered a qunntity of of spasm and becomes covered witb} matt4ttT ttencled t-o soori, se that no Ibut în\ziriab)ly eacaped bt-r sweat. Tbe pulse is very rapid. With:1 speech defect habit May develop.- Funally. tht-etvas Steiia's employer. __________________ I lit- Nvatan \t tm* I Inellgentman iust-ice was an immeasurable progres8> and et t r<-m itelligncege mn, tin religion. There is a -still greater) r.u')n t- cf bis ein tel i enc e rcouiat-gain la t-e know ledge of a G o ti ef v-' t-d n ki-vin s~-re c-ht- perons lakiadnss. 'The gotis of a primitive' stere %Nroig . z . 1 sowntimes seem- religion are terrible. The men wbo, ed t-o S-i as if ke net-en knew any-, worship theni live in a hostile ùnivei's 0hung e!tse' whicb burt8 t-hem contimzally, sotbey 1.0-mie. tudinz minatuesprpitiat. their godas by blüody- = - 1l Loi rhavelepne.t-dng t-iue inues, i£N'rERNATIONAL LESSON icea, even offering their chiltiren upoil: mghitse;e,, and an eye for defects!I>ECEMBE.R 30. -t-he aIt-ar. From -such a religion mon' pointes'n-i'5turn t-o skept-iciam. Then the beavcïw' jâre ai, fatal ta pleasant- talk. The nr rsa hr i easwr h vppositeï cf those qualities are unsel-' iesson XIII. God's Redteming Lovowie m1 s but an -infant crying ixùi fishat-s, pturpose. and t-be abilit-y t-o aie -(Re-iew) -Psalrns 123 andtih-e night and t-ha unîverse ignores hi fine aîîd plt-asnuit things ini people.' 124. Golden TetPa r. But t-be prophets proclaimel 'lhey are rot- diff icult attainrnets' one Te0 -t-ha confident knowledge of a God Who' dot-s oct have t-o be billiant t-c ac- 00 7 was t-he beiper anti defense of-men cuire tht-r; iYdecd, ,some of t-le fineat' Tht- confidence of the-ýprophets. 4-who waa the friend and comrade o and most satisfying taik in t-be world large part of thbe message and wolt, -t-hein s'ruggles, wbo wa" on -the4r aide. i.ý not. ilii:.nt at ail. But it mnus, t -o -b rph %tat-emen who hav'Iewhen t-bey wera neelclng justice aWd iitresediiî-erstd i t-t-ot-erbeen studied this quarter is uan îrighteousness beauze they wieether' pv-'s,-n anc in ha point of visv.And iell -etpe "o' eema r ti ng biws naufe, ' in çea love," Those grant.leaders of t-he rto fG a ufheii en hain ~~t'si) fan ail that t-be Lor- nainado uint alt -apêdeclaratioJof tht-e Father whicb ealli i un-q-s.se t-o do i- tc wat-ch and t-o pie t-o justice uad righteousness mon t-o ivé Ia a new world-with a Godý prt-cuce u cvey opo-unt-yt-at' order that t-bey taight know Goda*iwO YImiOV.Sb*eeth, t-bey çaa nemke. exporience hi by t-bus expressi n t-ho English abandoning his conep tio -- b~~is nature la human reiatioashi of- eG(ld, erieti eut t'The li~great comp ï' Tlie Leiter Froni Elyria. Tbey procliined t-be terrible wrnt-h <f ion is deati." Tirose to-day whe q ! Jebovali upon t-ltose wbo worked 4~-' a personal fellewship witb (ot are. -This let t-tr is post-marked Flyria,"' justice and unrlgbt-eousaess. Thi Y -calledtito develop iia e1whp saici M r. Brown. '-That's wbere my' described t-heanager of Goti workit g on the part et the communit-y andi aI aibttL- Nora lis-es' It's f rom her, 1 out in historie coasequancas. Th4y humaaity to b. achievedti trouClr gucs. t-sa wndr se w'itas ->correetly int-erpretedth -e moral natuça working out his great purposei with m(.ZryIlr. 1haven'taiwe of t-be universe. This was a gretthim. - mc z nymor. I nswredadvance ia religion, - but there we 'fThe basis of1 redemption. With. th t-Lht- iast- t-vo lttt-rs she srote." - sormething -more in their meaâsa cartainty of the ilovlnginiadess ofGp "Ihope rio oaa is ait-k," aaid bis Uadeannath t-bis preachiag of nig cornes t-be poosibilit-y ef redemption t-s-lU. "You ought t-o b. ashaîned ofet usness ansd of t-be coasequencest It- ià Lovet-bat beo.rsalal things-aâ< yourself foc net wî iting oft-enen!" sin la a confidence la t-be lovingkiu..- still eloaves t-e the sainner. Ato Mn.Brovnd~'w tht laterfrm thaness et Jehovah. Evèn ia bis ang r ho hai - denlr IPeter WeIl k.-t etivelupa. "H eres a n envelope ad-- t-bey saw a bonlit-ont purpese. t nature and says, "the lOMPgufferig e dcese t- m sit-r,"li sati iîhewas net vegeance, but-re3toration t thbe Lord la our ;spivatîon." -RJemp' dresse to ry moka ', e a s t-hay proclaimati. The climax oft ai tion lu a proeoar. tere is a, p!et.W es'îtentîy mieane to e it ea for message includedth -le poowerful - purpose boh-it-ldI i but'it is di~4 1mc' to cepiy." amies of Israel-tbose groat conqu r- nt ýupon us. It beurs -i', OltIt For a moment heastodiedth -e sheot ors who were about to gnint hep -j ies, toaehes, and léads us T'hS thi >of paper wit-h a look of perplexity on Ineat-b their iron beel. The pro pta day ef our wetkness, lu tI.e time'wheu bis Ifae- t-len ho amileti and rend with 1 saw t-hem t-uring te Ga>d anti Inclu th ie conacleusnesof uiveXÏI,îlu ILncreasing amusement to t-he entd. 'Se. t-hem in the great elbpt t bears hard upen us, whon 1V ausm as if you don't t-hink tbat-'s a qoever i uoulti dwell wit-b hlm.: Have-we t et if t-bore were no eut-core tei the st-mg. - aln?" t- -ske, asho andeénagte and attitude for ourt fe 1gle ef humanlty lbore !s'a grounti foi hie. kd a ehnddlt oheItl sentis! te the, building of a ni rwconfidence. Ille. ternaIl ove is gr*a. wire. Lrw1,keis ieJotrattworld ordor, - er t-bant-ho needes or -wIakm us of ment- s. Bhr own latideas t t ltopan iA greait stvane. To coli the pio-! Hm la pIentýouS rydemplion$ grava sawth'ronn adrss'a th tp pfie froni mmoralItilsw o ulti belmore abunclatt. It as a ehallengi tbe shead. MWhy, lt-a datted o-mer- Ijrbedti t a (lot of righteouaneu andinet t-o 1dbtust but to rieeo effort, row!1" shb ssud. Thon se*rendtit-hoe.- rilatter, wbieb waa -as followa:au hDep.Blen re the am. I m -y AD* OR EVI-. 1ti W. naoved Iito eus' hboue awe k AT AIWBe&01tae 1iiiso Fr -- A. 1V tvery Ou W-s 1, w t<>noy e a je Tw Fi e , exos 1spFostie= ofaa., 4"I# ue $Çebenmlj e l eiied e i ,~- 1 it it ,-t ýe IL il

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