Mr. JUBtiee Suthýerland occupled the Bencii ou Thursday and Frlday. Mrs. Sarah P. McKenzie ' won au action against T. B. Mitchell and C.. W. Owvens, of Oshawva, for breachl of, I covenant iu confection with hle ase. of the. Queeu's Hotel,, owued -by-tii. 1:defendants. Inu Vida 'Mrs. Mclrenie - was given $100W daniges wtk $400 Co 5ts. ,iluim.Mrn. McKenzie leased -the QÎieeu's 4 HRotel lu Oshaiva from the. defeidants' iu 1918, taklng -possession on June .1. She claimed that the ow ners did not provide proper heatlug accommoda- tion, andj did not make repairs thley _________had agreed Vo imake.- She produced the lease slie. had taken wlth them, iu ~whchi defendauts agreçd to put 'the luinbng sud. heating system of the. hel lu good condition.' The failure, GEof the defendauts Vo do so, Mrs. Mc- IRA Keazie alleged, ivas the cause of hèr IRAGE losing a _great deal of butlness, be- < caýise of inadéquate heatlng, lu spit lai o! of, her endeavor to heat the place. by lent. Ofstoves.- Boarders left because of Vie à SONS cold, -the transieut trade fell off,,sud. ahe ivas forced Vo go to great -expense BUSINESS- inu1the way of buylug steves. The ho- tel help left because -of tho coid. Mrs. firt-eans MIK'enizie submitted an itemi zed 0firot-asad statement of her alleged bosses., * pnearedMn. Mitchell,'one of Vthe defendahts, 1of auto said the plaintiff bad sub-'let thé -ho- tVo a mian who *neglocted Vihe pluub - ing and'who- let t IVeroeze, causing ;oessrles great damiage. lie said hé iad made i Clçanedextensive ropair , and iiad speut prac- t<1, alh gà -in fixing 'up 'the 'e for Cars Plil5 Lordshlp, after hearng thee vl- rgede -estated that the iviole, case wsmorely- one for settiement by a- tENT greement. Re iuvited, the plaintiff's soliciton, W. H., KeAhedy, sud defend- _________ ant's toumrel. W. E. >J Sinclair,, to retire, wlth him to is roozu, iviere it , ~ ws agneed te enter judgmetfo $00damaà ges and $400 for plain,- i - tiffs Costa. id Chartes 8tl., Tersat. &=cy$, stenography, type. nd genoral improvemeni superior Instruction onby; talsted to positions; opem write for prospectus; ente, J. ELJROTT, iPrincipal. DOFING AND fT MTALWORK in Of iréoong done-rfelt ani ate sud tii..Choapeat pom . J.GASCOIGNE, Port Wiitby que doms Lo>dge Roem aventh~ k scnd Wednesday c Vlsitag bbrem -we. F. W. N#rmmn,R.. Su. Whitb: mute.i Ceai D8o mut, StoeSzWol Lump =o q=ai an, érland Georges Cree là g Coal. Au vY u »st Iy ,A nLNe me nome Plion RTON ILGIBSN bW.Ea.ýYarnold iyor, et Port P.rr or idgh 281 a LUIS 41" oe B 1*Ve So Cà se Laid Over. O'Kreanlc vs. 'Kreaicie as anl ato by ,Kostiu O'Kreaic to recov-ý" lots iu Gedar Dale from bis ife -sud h*.two sons. A request by- Col. ersoin, of Oshawva, ou beh-alf of tueý k defence ci-anéod ias. imade. L%_~ a dau eaimed- baV haif Vie proper- ty belonged Vo hon, as aihe had .pald for haif of iV witihone owu:meney, and tint à mistake had occurred lu trans- ferning Vie propePtV, Vo ior husbaud. Plaintlff's solicitor, W. H. Kennedy, said tie change desired. iad caugit thlm unawres, aud ie iras noV pre- paned Vo neet 1V at once.- An ad- jourun ýt ias tierefore grauted un- IL i Vie next sittingas of Vie Court r of Assize., Sues For Shortage in Hôtel Equip- ment. «Mrs. McKeuzie iras the. pialxtiff lu ansotier case, lu whici Vie Ocean Guaranteesud Accident Ce., of To- ronto, sud HyaVV & Seiick, of- Picton, ivore. defeudauts. Mosans. Hyatt & Selick i ad leased Vie Queexr% d Hotel, Oshawa, frein - Mrs. Mc- Keuzie, sud Vie Ocean Company iad -guarauteed bouda of HyaVV & Seiick te Vie extent of $2000 for auy bs Vie plaintiff migit sustain tirougi Vie fraud on disionesty of Vie defendaunts Siortiy after leasing Vie hotel Vo Hyatt & Selick, Mrs. McKenzie iront souti Vo Virginia. On hen returu iast Decemben aie clairned that she feuud Vie' business in very bad condition, sud on taking an inventory of her geods lu the hotel, founfd a shortage of $1100. IV was forsatisfaction of Vhilsahertage« that Mrs. McKenzie le sued for $1140. His Houeor reseawled f judgment. L-r W. H. Kennedy iras for plaintiff; FaAken, Chadwick & Robertson for Ocean Guarautoe Ce., sud J. A. Mer qGibbon, of Oshawva, for Hyatt & Sel- ick. Seek- For Injunction as te Owner- i. shilp. tMebeese & Joues, of Oshawa, ai IVis Court sougit, au injunction a- = ais Mrs. McKeuzie as Vo Vie owuýn ershi.of Vie boier now lu tie Queeu'a Motel, Oshtawa, usedfor ieat- d 'iug purposes. Mn. "A. L. McLeesean bkDr. S. M. Joues purciased Vihe iotel kbuildiug some time ago from Messrs. Mitchelli, Owens sud Law, sud eutered iuVo- su agreement iiti Mrs. McKen- zme, tien tenant, Vo reduce hen reut b; -P0 a menti on condition tiat si furuish Vie heating for Vie hotel. 'Mrs YMcKenzie uaed steves fer a inie aui tien put lu s bolier. -Inu Marci cJ Vhis ypan Mns. McKeuzie decided t( seiliout ion furnisings, sud adver 14 tîsed Vie boier for sale. McLieesi -& Joues cllaimed the boier wassb become tieir property, sud sougit a] igjuuctfon reisraîug Mrs.Meez (Coutinued on page 2) -A The site -ou whic.h the new faetory f ôr Thomsons (Textiles> LÀrited will b. erected bas been decided upon. Negotiations bave been côznpleted by the Withy Financial Cbrporation, ,acting for the. fin, whereby the acre of land owiied byr Samuel Disney, îm-. mediately west -of hip residence, bas been .purchased. A aigu advertising Vis fact wMl be erected, in a day or Vivgenduç it la expected that tenders for building ivili be asked for lun the near.fnture Mr. R. E. Wison, who will be -gen-. oral manager * of the, new iudustry, bas purchiased Mr. Disney's. Iresi- dence, and will take possession lu'xt fali, wvien the new facto'y iili be opeiied. This important stêp in connection wlth thie new industry ivili undoubt'. edly give tie business a big, boost. Matters are going along. nicely, .sud those interested are greatly encour-1 agect by the way in- whlii people ave iendent G.. ,à proPost for an-in Lb per cent. ils sciiedule of Messrs -law givlng ordered te a sciied- h lght 'and L'oposed. Vo ail existlng i in -orce lu doume- rigle. ze...Gaz- the charge uxuier cou- taUx i> Lup esc ~ic. "Tz" reentýe luin Thomsou's (Textiles) Lirnited foc frsveez r u&<oI a certain thiug for Wbitby. . waterworks set ld1 ho said. "FQr s'-e ..;t ae" . ~ been aivare that tie iêtèndopart- Eârs. .ioes. ,rFetcher meut jwa5 beig -operate1 at a lbas, ad.Viat surplustMfom't£II> electrie de- P e ua unOaYPart'n ias beig 5ýýopnovide aost ~déficit. Xtters-,4 Àe. beenl gradually -appro" g-.â 1naYu. Vil lu 1920 ive barely wà ýns e Followiug an i1lness ofý several This year ive aré, facing largeïr ex- motis. Vie deati. occurned at hon penditures wilciiîl be non-revenue home, Byron Street, Wbitby, ou Mon- producing, suôh, as extensions Vo.- Vhe day afternoon, of Alice Kate'Browne, fine pnoVtÎiWn service, sud tVeienstai- beloved Svife of llv. Jos. Fletcher. lation of a iquid ciborne apparatus, Mns. Fletcher's lengthy ilines ia& i 9lal, probebly au outlay Of $3000. been borne -with Vie -greatesft pst-,AL operating cestu have iseu onor- i euce, sud hon death, which had been .mousýy -of laVe-yeans, iV is hardly ne- expected, ivas niost, pe.aceful. ocessary Vo state, and as yet Vhey show Mrs. Fletcher ivas <me of the , mostý no aigu of decreasiug. We uow main- lcvablo sund beloved ivomen one could, tain tivomou at Vie pumpîng station kuow. Duing hon residence lnu it. for Vtheivaterweonka alone, whereas s by sie has- alw ays. beWu connected few yeans 'ago two meu used Vo run with every good mnovemeut sud acti- ml~ieine3 that, lu addition Vo pumpiug vlty su lin kndnss ud argnea ivt-.',w~oducedai oun own electnic-' of heant has been known and -recog- ity Now the ivater dep4rVmneuVîy * among teeo o must bear'Vie entine, salaries of t hese own churcb, but by ail Wlth whom sie tw0 on camé, lu contact. Mnr. very furtien poiuted out that The laVe Mrs. Ebetcher .was bora lun Whitby at the présent ime hasVhe Leud.u, nglnd avent-seeu yarscheapest ivaten rates lu the Province, ago, coming te Canada at Vie age, ofotidofTo*o Hegvace- two yearg. Her parents seted inu To- panison betiveen the Whitby rates sud rente, where aie iveil uuViî hon mai'- Viose ini eÈect ni Os:a, wiici are' riage Vo 11ev. Jos. Fletcer., Follow- n bssVin atul g 5&. uc ing their marriage, hey ,livea lu leiver'la VieV 4,ý" 4 Shanty Bay for a time, au& iu other oýr iihphosu of Vie Anglican Chuich until h quateroT$.20 q yegr. 'Que nosd ita p extra, d0tsanauadditional £7, mak- elve mnîsyearsscaoredt nnmg a otà li charge for 4 pial tapinp fellowiug wbsrice n.tnd ort. Ferci- Vie house, with a lswn ýevice, 0of en came te Whitbyiire tî r e hve$1620 per aunum.l$ ericaed o tover neeyweans. hve Comapared Vo Vils, Whitbyia charge. live f 'or oer iften yers.fer a plain tap (hot sud coid) la $1.25 Iu addition te Viee aonnowing hus- per quarter, or $5 per'yeaiià A laivu baud, a family of tivo sous sud three tai> extra adds $1 a yean, or a total daugiters survive: John Fletcher, Of of $6 for houg. Vsp aud là wn service. Calfonnia; Alfred Fletcher, of Brnit- Inu Visaingle service, tienefore, ish Columbia; Miss Frances, of Cali- Whitby'a rate la lightly more thani fennia; Miss Beatrice, of Godeici;- one-third of that in effect lun Oshawa. aud Misa Ethel at home. There la ai- ,The sciedule of rates wiichi i l s0 a brother,ý Hanry J. Broivue, of To- proposed Vo lutroduce for ivater so- routo. - . vice, ivill carry, as- at>-preseut, a 20 Mrs. Fletcher has been oee-of the per cent. discount fer prompt psy- most active members of Ail Saints' ment. Tue changes will b. as folloiva, Mhucbig ietfe iialorn-sd are given at the net rate, afrer ganizations, particuiarly in Vie ladies' discount has been deducted. For pur- work. Iu addition, ne worthy move- p>oses of comlpar) soubt ne u ment in Vie toivu has been iithout present rates are given, per year: <Coutiued on page 8)ý (Centinued.ou page 2) "~ShStoops Jo, Conqueu" A Comedy 'i Five Acte. TOWN HALL WHITBY TH-URSDAY, MAY 5th, 1921 at 8.15 p.mý. Presented by the A. Y. P. A. of Whltby. Le to m0 i0 Conscience Noney ýSent <o <lie Mayor Mayor EHarper. Viii week received a brie! u.usigued note, Vie eneloalng on- velope being postxnarked Toronto, by whicil Vie mnlten sends -Vo Vie town "leonscleuce m iouey" amountlng Vo $3. Thle note, ld seit.expanat.ory. AItVile top la puste& a printedtslip "GeV R1gilt Wlth Ge d,"sdundernnath lis.ittten t.hls note: - î 1 I amn encboslng, $8.00 ftronuaxe that came inte My possession that belonged Vo th1e Pine fDeepatu. piné la wlllcover thle oul. Whether the axe iras ver iied la a Qutestion, but It ta celoVaiuthat ethen fine fizhtiug eauipment bas "cç>nie ileo ADMISSION-RESERVED9 50c« Rush Seats, 35c. Plan open ait Odlum's Drug Store ait 9 a.m., Monday, May 2nd, 1921. ST at J. M. Frai 3 IARSI -- Ail tie latesi Aboit* two o'cIock - last- Thursday moruing,. Night Constable John Thomn- as was the v4ctinx of an assault by an unknowua pergon whom ho discovered -rOwing lu the rear of W. J. H. Rich- ardsou's office om Dundsae Street. Mr. Thonmas received a severe eut over the eye, bu t was flot inapacitated. 1 The nightwatchinan wason his beat Ivheu hoe heard suspicions sounds eom- ing from the rear o! Mr. Rlchardson's Office building., There he ,!oind a m=an aPParently endeavoring to force an en~- trance at the rear- door. *Asked, as to whathe was doiug there thie man- replled that hoie as hungry, and wanted Vo get s9luethiug Vo eat. Mr. Ithoias replied -t, te hs, "'Corne wlith me sud I'il geV you ;somethlng Vo est."1 Ho proceeded Vo walk diu the street beside theminu, wheu suddeuly the istrauger swung on him, with s beavy Pieceo o!pipe in -bi;s baud, sud hit >Vte -constable a glaReiug blow over the îçye sud'forebead. Thoma was felled, te the ground, partly stuuued, and tue stranger made of f ollowed by two shots !rom tho revolver of- Thomi- as, "-Who bowover, waa be dazed te tiake gpdaim. HR e èeive4 a bsd cut whl ch ,requlred seveeal' stitches ,te close, but after ha.viug hâd bis injury attended Vo by a doctor, ho continued tou duty. The strauger, o! course, got clean away, sud no trace or ellue bas since been discovered as -to bisi identfty. Mr. Tbom~as now realizes, Ibat ho was too unsuspicious o! the. nan, and it Ia safe to surmize that "the' uext of-' !ender wboni ho apprebeu'ds wiil not geV awsy as did the mn last Tbursay morulug. Ou the same monýning, IVt isthought, the sa.!e in the office o! Smith Bros., grain doslors, was dnllledý as if for the reception o! au explesive with wbicb te break it open.- The bobes are sali, eue o! Vbem balf au inch iu deptb, ber- cd in the rim of -the combinatien, aud the othier, gouly about a quarter o! au inchinl depth, as if th e Vie! had been fnighteued sway before ceinpletiug bis work. These bobos are quite amali, sud as Smith Bros. havenoV been iu the habit of lockbng their safe,.- nenely uslng IV as s fire protection for their books, the'bobos were netuoticed until Saturday. Tbey would porbably bave been dlscovered earlier had the cern- blnat-ikou required te be used. The joke appears Vo bé ou Vhe Vl4ef, for -drînlbg a deor that wus net bock- cd. Smuith tfros. say Vbey inteud tei i~u~a bg.oa-.tlesafe t6th4s effe-lt Lhst the b'or la noV loeked, ýâ os aud preveutlug ueedle ' sd the safe. Last aummer, wheu severail places were broken into ou oee ught, Smith Bros.' office.wias visited, sud s heavy sledge bamnmer iras used lu an, oudeavor te smash the; combination. This coat a considerable aum *.for re- paira. IV is, surniised that the same man wio assaubted Vhe Nlght Constable may have doue thia job. On Vhe other Ud, others believe tbat'the man wiro iras guilty o! Vie assault pruposely made the noise at Rlchardsou's office te distract Vhe constable's attention. Be that as iV may, somet'hing evidoutby occurred te caîl a haittVo the dnillllug« operations sud Vo scare sway thé Vile! Lor thieves. Mir. Thomariad Vo be relieved of is duties on Tbursday nigit,- but iras back -on bis beat agalu ou Friday r euiug. Twe suspicieus lookiug characters wrere uotioed loaflug arouud Smith Bros.' cerner last Wednesday, but wiether they bad anythiug te do witi the occurrences of tic followiug ulgtit is, of course, only a matter o! conject-; Lock-Up Conde,'M--ned n *II~IG"raà Y L dAIIfl1Ç AND THIE BEST VALUES. THÂT Mr&NEY CAN -BUY. è <CALL AND SEE -OUR NEW SPRING SIIOWINGs 4O0,0, çc caà rry' MnY the Best EVERY DAY FOOTWEAR. The AilIIfd eather Kind and Ouaranteed. J. PEL6 SON' Rýetaieors o or od Shoo Phone 11,I Brok S.South, ~~1 1. 'A F Followlng la Vhe presentme-nt made by Vie- Grand Jury at Vie Assizes laat week, before Chie! Justice Sir Williamn Mulock. "«We, the memberséof the Grand Jury efthVe County o! Ontario, beg beave te report te your Lordsip ou Vie foiboir- ing Iustitutions recoirneudOd by yeu. Hsving visitedVie Homeofo the Iu- s ane, fiud Vie building§ anud equlpment lu perfect condition, sud Vie officers lu charge irere veny courteous sud pains- takiug lu explalulug evorytbing lu con- nection iritil Vie tW h Ve Grand Ju, reabize Viat Ibis institution la a credit te Vile Pro- vince lu the manuer lu whlch the uum--' erous unfontfunates are cared for. We Iaise vislted Vihe Houa. o! Refuge. sud finqI the'saultary conditions net good. W. mugt say that the fine protection la adeqjuate, itVithe exception o! the eue on Vie second flaI beading fromn thé mneu'useeplug nooms. "We aise vislted the. tow l lckiiP Ot Vile Couuty Town, sud woubd saY that Vils lock-up la a disgrace Vo Vie said Asked ~ L W. AUn, Foeenan. Às ox«Plan funthân mi regard te th. condition e! Vie WhitbY ilL-uP, Mn.- Allun, tie foreman of the Jury, aid iV W"8 danp, puenlighted, and dlngY, sud net at alU a proper -place Vo keop l)nIsouerli unden iluneconditionIs- Sir Willim Muleck sad ho eWOUld brlng Vie. attention of the proX>en utl oniliese Vo tisiPart -efthViepresentmnelt sud wouId endeafor't, sée laI con- ditiqns aà re remedied. CUL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING.: ofé annuOl congreton1 eein ofite members of U VieWdtty, MeVi- 3 e<ist Tabernacle iras beld lu >the sehool rooni of tie euminh ou Mouday evening, miti a geed attexidance. PR.- 13wrts of Vhe various chuni rgSflZS-îe Good'Service. The Best~ Line of - F'RESII ROCRIES Always on Iiand.- A& T. Lawler The Home of Good Grocerie6s. Bell Phone 47. Independont Phono 47. te3dGroeer8G0 ODPIIafor FI SFEUIALW SATII 3 Grope Fruit, 90od, size, for Ca1iforniAIlLemons, per doZ. ]princesi%- Soap' Chips, per lb. prunes, large Bize, 2Jb1. for bClover Leaf Salmon, talla, per tin 13- oz. pkg. $eeded or Seedlss Rait 2 dooui Whthy Prompt Deiey 243 1$. g Nu>