Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 Apr 1921, p. 3

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agio, wasj week I b. de t h- -e 4"y.il ae rau« a rPP -rg have Mm been iufenul Iucatching à large numib.r. Mra. W.ÂArnold, who has been ku Poor heêalth for somns time continues qui1$in., For Floor Paints see display of I*weni. & Son. ýThey are offerlng barrus in al shades for this, week. 'Tle AhlticAsociation have bouglit'the field copposite. the achool, anid held their firef practice -ou Mon- dyevening. The Association -aime hoding a -football tournament anid are presentig a cup valued ut $75, to any teain winning iu three successive sea- sons. They invite auy otitside teains to compete. .That al the dramatic and vocal'tal- ent la not con flued to the towns, was - Spiendidly 4hown iin the concert; given by the Ebenezer, Draxnatic Club on .Thursday ever mg last in the Misonic Hall. The play, "Down in "Maine," wsa story with a high moral tone, aud was, well- balahiced with humor and pathos. The singing. by Miss Courtice was particularly delightful. The proceeds amounted to. over $40. -Mi,.. Wmn. Kerr,, of Surnmerstown, 15 visiting Wylth Miss Minnie Kerr. Mr. Bachelor sud sons, of Toronto, were visitors at.*Mra. Wezn. Blight's ever Sunday. The Yen. Archdeacon War-nn will preach in. St. Thomas Churcli on Sun- day eveniug, May Ih.. ' lirs. Earl Tomlanson (nee Miss Flossie Blight), is very 10w of pneu- momia ah the home of --ler father, Mr. Geo. Blight. Thq Brool*n Home and School' Club will meet in the achool on- Friday afteiiioou at 4 o'clock. Rev. Mr. Row- land and Rev. Mr. Fraser- will speak. Il is earnestly-requested that ail par- ents will bp preÈent. * Lawrence & Son are showing fur-' ther grocery specials this week. Th~e Brooklin Football tea.m willl play an exkhibition gamne with Clare- mont on-Tuesday, May 3rd, atS~.3O P. * m. sharp. Corne out and give the home team al your support in their lirst gaine, Watch for sciiedule of league. The Junior Institute _will m>et in the Oddfellows' Hall on Wednesday, May 4th, at 2.30 shairp. 'A good pro- gramn is being prepared. Girls 14 yearos ad over are -in vited to join. Il you are already a member of -the Wo- mens Institute, but. would rather be- long ho the. Junior Institute, haud in your naine ho us and we will -have it tranuierred. Corne ou time, as there is imporant business. 'Aggie Ormis- ton, Presid>eut; Helen Arksey, Secy. - ~ Sunday nerct, M(ay lst, the Rey. C. le. Stent wfl Uoiciate and preach for th ho ait time i n'St. Thornas'.-Church, Y Bookl. FauniSu' club MEETS FIRST AND TIIIRD TUESDAY -OF £ACH, MONTII Ke.p t -in mnd 1 4 Chas. Wilson, - -BroolklIn H obbe.rlin Qualit We wre just Un rcelpt of Tibres Extrma Specil -Values In GI~I3 WORST13DSO. Thiése greys art latbo arrivais fromn England sud -are offorod t, u-oui stomers at remnaYkably low prie«.. W ith Nobberglm Quality Tailoring-you are assured complote* satisfaction In every particular, cloeth at war elIr look siart and are always in "Good.,Taste."'~ W. areo! a flertne Fanoy Worstede at the Special Price. of $30. ~eo. . e7 (IYSa Mze homeof he&r parentsi Mr. E4. Lawrence has completed hl7 Msporch in the front of bis homse. It makes a great i-rovement. Ne#> Sabbasth, Ma' l,- Win b. rquarberly meet*mg sat Mount Mion ah 10.20 a.i. here willnot be service here. ' aýbbath School W1'11 be held, t JArchie 'Mayne speut last Sabbath at Brougham. Oue aud ahl seem, ho be gratified ah theesult of - te Referendum. vote 1held lately, sud uow we may etpeet ho be bone dry. This willbe no mew thing for our villagers, asw er i 'ways noted temperauce'agitators. Mrs. Gormléy is reported doing rnely in the Wellesley Hoinital, 'l?- routo. SeedIug operations have been -ah a standstlll for some eousiderable hime owîng ho the weather. Mir. and lira. Clareu'ce Richardsou had a fine baby -boy corne Intotheir ' home a few days agoï Both-mother 'sud sou are reported doing well. Jas. Deuny and family caled on C. J. Steveuson and fainily, last Sab- bath. -Miss Whitehead is labori* hard with her Entrance Class. We hope they willlabor as faitbfully aud pass successful exams. Mn. sud Mrs. C. W. Valentine, re- hurned two,ýweeks agi, froin Jackson- ville, FIa., wherç they speut tie wiu- ter. Mr. aud lir. Valeuhine were, de-- lighted with, the beauW -o!the Suîn- ny South.' The- morning service ut Burns' 'Church waa well atended asat Sun- day, and Rev. A. licD. Haig gave a good sermon. Miss liarjony Haig spent Sunday wihh her parente. Misa Elsie West was al6o home over the week-end. SMiss Margaret Grylu visited her aister, lira. Elloth, of Oshawa, ou Saturday. Mn. -Robert Heron spent the week- end with Mn. and lins. Nelson As- ton, of Grimsby. Mr. W. Bfrash drives -a new car tisse days. The Young Peoples' Society are busy gettiug up a drama entitled, "The Counhry School Marm." The concert wil h given about Miay l3th. Watch for bis and posters later. littîs daughter. W. regret té learn thât Mr. Thomas Griffiths la seniously 111,-sud was takeu to Oshawa Ho0piýl -ou Satun- day for X-ray test, but ah time of wrihln we have, notheard he doc- tor's ireport. W. sincerely hope lie rnay poon be reshoned ho uis usual good 'health. lira. Griffith gave birti, ho a son just a few days ugo, sud our thoughts are with her lu this trial that has corne ho her. We hope aie willh bear up bravely, sud that her- husbaud may soon be home agalu. Young Peophes' meeting as usual ou Thursday eveniug in the basement of the churci. The Women's liissionary Society- met on Weduesday p.ni., April 27hh. quite ül11 ah present. GREENWOOD The -Epw6rth League he'ld their an-, ziual meeting for -he e io f fleslst- week. President, M., N., Pegg; lut; Vic-Pres., Miss G. Mayne - 2nd Vice-Pros. -Miss G. Peug; -3rdy Vice-Pis, Miss M. B., Bown;- 4h Vice-Pros., C. Denny; Secretary, Miss N. ]Russell; 'Treasurer, LU Wîlson.- Next Sunday he Quarherly ser- vices will, be held lun Mount Zion âÎ4=1ch at 10.3 o'clock. The Suuday &c10o1l ill meet here at S pin.: The G. G. M. C. met >ah hie home of Miss G. Pegg lat Wedn'eday afteir- noon. Mrs. J. Boyer is. lu Ridgehown, ah- teuding the funeral of her pephew, Ed. H., Betts, who <ied suddenly, as the result- of an operation for appen- dicitis. The heavy tain last week held up seeding opçahiji, but is a great boonho he allgrains, meadows and pasture lands.( The Salem road la getting a much needed coat of gravel. <Too late* for last Issue.) 7%e Ladies' Aid aociety meët at tho home of Mrs. Boyer hast Thursday-a- ternoon. The - Epworth L-eague had a very-n tereshing mvetlng hlut Wednesday night. Readingssolos sud duets Wener given by different members of the League. 3-The orchestra gave sevenal good selections and aiso led in the "lglng. Harry Duckehh bas rented lins. IAd-' get's bouse and rnoved*ln-last week. Mr. Sprlngay'sud family heft sat week for thelirnuew borne lu Alhishon. Word was neceived by Mrn.sd lirs. Là. White on liouday that their only mon, Melvie,,had died suddenly in a hospital near bis home lu Sa.skatcbew- an. No furhben particulara bave been recelved ah Urne o! writlug. Mn. White was well known bere and the ýsymi- pathY -of the commnuuity goes out to bis wlfe and family aud ho the aged'par- A large number o! the electors humn- edf ont'ou Monday and helped dpclde ou the Referendum. Mrs. Wm. Middlehon -bas been under the doctor'a cane but la uow mucb im- proved. Both the Senior sud Junior Football teams are gethiug iu sozue practice for the comlug gaines, LRONT Mr. Woodbunu; ot Toronto, wu' lie guesto! Albert-aud lits. Mantle over the week-end. The C. P. R. have under way smre Improvemnts lu the local station. William Linhon, S% la uoV l n-a very how coudtiowit- Charles Wagg,* ot Toronto, .sud, Johný Wagg, of Montreal, vlsited their father oven the week-end., H. Là. Edwands, o! Toronto, of the ovrersea flying fonce sud wiunen o! sevenal liulitary deconahions for dis- tlnguisbed service, was lu Clanemout Tuesday, repnesenting "Evenywoman's World" magazine. The BaptIst Churci wlh observe "Mother's I>ay," on Sunday, Miay lot w1th apeclal: services appropniate ho the occasion, 10.30 arn., sud 7 p.ui. Monning Subject, "lieu'a Mothersj;" evening, "Memiorieéo! Mother." A tnibute song-service wlth ne* sud old- turne melecions. Ahi are' Invited to wear a hIlte flower lu memory of motion, gene; sud a colored floweèr, If PRiIINGLE"' S DRUO, -SUMDRY'-AND 31 ATIO4EIRY STORE, W. have a comaplot, stck of goodi which you may need for th. baby, suohs Malt Extract, Fild NMgua.îli Groat's Sugai ol 111k, Nstio's, M.l11's and M1.mebury's Foods, Mu1to 111ko F..dIug Dotties, Comforts, Syrlagos, Rubb.r Diapers, etc. @ET à 80IMTE 0F TAlUS 10W -FOR TOIIRELF 1 J.»S. PRINGLE Independent-Phono Bldg.. Pbos. No. 7 BROOKLIN CHIEAPBREaD Oan onIr b. produo.cd by the. U" of purest and bout ingrodlinti by akill.d and, op*ip*mnW bakeri. B3ROOKLUr4BREAD-ýý Li made pai'tioularly* for priu jar people." W. lIiidl Fruit.Oolô;to Widding Oakte OUr Spe'Dcîauy Lrst Sunday lu May laia a rrite a letter to mother else about our beajtof- THE VOTE Ilf PICKERING TM - ihe folowing lu lie resuit o! lie Referenduma vote lu Pickernug hown- slip ou Monday o!fhast week-- Sub.-Dlv. Yes ýNo Ma TownU Lne, - 123 '13 110 Pickoerng 266 116 149 liuerpool1 68 66 12 Rooge UIHm*58' 8 50 Chýrw--'Mt48 26' e4 14 le80 Brônghani 173 64 109 - Wligt"ae 169 39 .130 Or"uge üaiý93, 8. 85- Clartemant 23 7 206 Aioa89 21 68' TOtal vote 1873 1439 424 12 SOUTE ONTARIO SRORTHORN CLUB OGNZD Wihhthe objech Of aidi4g iu lie dio- hibutiug 'o!-friMt -Olas. -thÃ"ouùgbred Shoitiioru cathie, and by co.oPeratlon ho piak t eaoler for . !dividuals to nuket-their valuâble stock, the South- Ontario Shorthomu Club ha been on- .«gamded, and ilhold-itesrt mucton is on.f thirtv RShorthOr nsulA tuM,, Goug West-4.52 a., 10M33a.m., 2.24 -p.uL,7.39 'pin. (C.N.R), 8.45 >Going East-8.10 arn.,. 10.14, am., -12.53 p.m. (C.N.R.),- 2.42 p.m.- 6.42 p.m., 9.30 .n rSunday trans- wMlI lèave for Toron- ho ah 4.2 a.nd 8.45 p.tProm Torouo-trains stop at Whihby Juuc- tion ah 8.10 eaud 10.14 a.r., ,sud 9.30 pin. UgP-TOWN STATION. Golng North-8.31 a.=., 3.40 p.m., îGoing Soth-7.56 axa., 1.60 p.m., C.PIL Going Wêst-6.17 a.m., *8.52 amr., 5.02 Pmn., *8.17 p.m. Golug East-9.53 'amr., *2.09pan., *9.24 pa.,. 11.35 p.n1. * Do not run Suiy. Othera are daily. MAILS CLOSE. For West-At 7 amr., 12.30 p.r., 7.45 p.r., 8.25 p.m For Norhh-7 a.. For- East-7.30 a.rn., 8.25 P.n For Port Whitby-7.30. amr., 7.45 P.m. For Oshawa-1.45 p.m. MAILS DISTRIBUTED. From East-7.30 a.m. 'Fnom WesV--7.30 im., 9 a.m., 3 Pmr., 8.15 p.rn. PFrom Port Whitby-7.30 am~., 9.00 Prom Oshawa--3 P.n .Prom North-1.50 pan. .AcrLATH, .Àcrof No. 1, 4 ft. Quéec, -4pruce- Lath wil arm"v in Whitby shortly, prioo 810.90, per im if taken off the. car. and Deoors W.e xp ect a ear of B.C. 3 and 5 X Cedur ihingles . . CÃŽ4ar sud Fir Modidingo; alto a quantity o! ind aizes lu the uhlpmeat. Beaves Brand a~w~~Por log uupplî.d .n!ishort n.hlqe. Write or phono for pxiooi. PlskrIu LubuîYard- M*AL AENTSI IL L Odiua" uy. a.OýbItIeId4 la BroildJ. L9. fnl.. Spr ing la Hor WATOH TOU OAR FOR WEAK POINTS1 Oonsult us abou tlknocke aud grindi, thei. toering and brakest l lctri lo :yt.m dpower ln in general. W. apeýcializ. ou automaobuie repairs. Have SkiIIed seobau-ltes lepair voir gare Our aocesborrieusud parts are the bout, aud are care- fully inspocted before belng ass.unbl.d on. your car. -W. 'ha,. 'hem, eall anid se. foi yours.lf. Hood Covers, Lenses,' atteries, Chains, Anti-freezeRoieTfrePumpî Gel our price. for riborln cylinders and lltting pistons -aud leak, proof rings. W. take the sint'out of' 11111.,-save gag aud oil bille, gi*the.gallmon nthega antoed moasure, aud seùd - you on, lti-.road tb succoîs. 'Wo nàoiiet P.- ALWAYS UIN SET SUR I Ssott, Bot ISe B~ox85 WUIITBYo ONtL An luterestlug meeting WîIl be held on Monde, 8 D.i., under the auspices 6f. the Baptist Young peopîe's. Union, when Mr. and -£ lra. H.14. Starl, o Tr onto% delegateis to the îecent Worlde Sun4aây School Convention lu, Toklo, jetanwIll give addresses on thelr trip ho hjae Par sut'aud en their iintereat- ing eXperieiices ah thisý great gather. lng frein ailnations._ This.will be.o! spial lInherest to ail Young People and w;orker4 Iu the Sunday Sehool, young PeopleÃ"'s and MSseionary organizations. Friends, from other congregations cor- dialjy lnvlted ho this meeting. Music. Cbll>ction. Both theso visitons are Prominent Young people's workens, Mr. Stark belng preeident of the Toronto S9unday Scbiool ïsoelatIon. îBAGIGOTS VILE Pardon Bros. aold a fiu buncb of fat cattle ilut Fr-IdaY, Colwill & Hardy, of Whitby, beiug the buyers. Mrs. Wm. BentIey and Master George have been visitlng for the past week witb Torouto frlends. Mr. Ernest. Ainley, of Whltby, has moved wlth his iamuly on the 50 acre fard lahely vacated by -Mr. D. H. How- ard.1 IMrs. C. A. Lynde Is vlslting ber -daut ghtet, Mns. Walter Truli, of Brooblin. The recent frequent and beavy tains have caused a serlous. delay to fanm work anound this district BAUE UNE WEST Mirs. W.. A. Gilmore, ofý Strattord. visited relatives st Port Wbltby. Mr.. and lins. Albert Button, of Osh- awa, and Miss Hathie Sleep -wene vîsît- ors ah E. Stony's on Sunday. Mr. Albert Goldrnug, of Tononto, as- sisted Rev. J. H. Pogson at the services of St.- Johu's chuncb on Sunday. - R.- J. Goldring &; Sonu unloaded a car- go of coal on Monday. Sunday being a beautiful day tnaaYI enjoyed a strohi along the Lake Shore. The Willhis -bouse is to be occupled by the new dairy manager ah the Hoa- pitai, until they ft up the. house latoly rnoved. Misses Marion, Lîla and Ruth Rlch- àrdson, spent thie week-eud.wih-Mr. aud' lrs. Mark Crawforth. Miss Mabel Rowe, of Toronto, vis- Ited over the week-end at her home here. Mir. and Mrs. F. Draper were lu Tb- ronto on Tuesday. .Ur. -Hadden Kime -sports sà Chev- ra1gt, car these days. M' r. and lirs. - Whaley, of Kinsale, have moved on the Jeffrey farin. W.' welcome hher n lu our midst. Mr. and Mrs. F.. Rowe, Mr. and lirs. T. Morcombe,-motored ho Tor~on- to on liouday. .Mr. Fred Draper ha. been confined ho the house for the paut week wlh blood poison in his»kuse, but la able to be out again as usual.- Boru--On Sahurday, April 23rd, ho Mr. aud Mrs. Wmn. Cook, a son. Conalderable excihement was caused on îSatunday nlght when a local mohor- jat. 'oIlided wlth a buggy, overturulng ih aud its four occupants, Just north of the! village. Fortuuatehy- no damage was doue except givlng thie ladies a AUl kindi et sales ho. Arrangements made ah lie Gazel reauonable.,-Bell a v-- f Irno. Barriter, SoUcit>r i** Office, Brock 8tre, O Cort ITomy, mai, or.fBcDnday St Houer Graduati Gollege. mi an B.&Basl Dental Surgeu Teroto.Osi t war&or1 '0 8- Whitby Brandi: C -A. McCaWlan, Manager. Depost toUr, vktorY Bond, intereot in Our, tii Z ù.tador nectteen Tu1 ... r I Vctoy B~idIntresp * V!CTORY LOAN W. will. cash yoiür'Vtctory Loan. Coupons or place theni to your çrmdît ln pur SàvhngsBank where! they-will» diaw interest at' 3% per annum. - W.'M gw~ei~e& son ÏNERAL MERCIIANTS.BOKI 1- - .Brooklin Flour uisI- c**WE KEEP'THEBEST BREAD FLOUR..* Royal *Housohold, Purity, and Roinduer ry 24 lbse of THE MARVIL PASTRV FLOIJR9 t takes les» shortenlngs,,s whlter aud makies the vory best, pastry and, biscuits. Vau cau buy t at any local storme. BUNDER MIUNE 18 HERE, FOR 1921 SEASONO .eposi t Your opn W HEN 'youcnt thé,CP>Upons from your Victory Bonds Xër other securitiesthe logucal place to put them 's int your savinga account. At* anybranch of t"isBasc,.you can open a savingsaocount with your coupons, or w. Winl cash the.m- for you without makcinâ asy Charge. Lot the lntoret ires. your investment earn more intereat in the STANDR-D BANK ý-ý 1 il- Vîctgry B6nd Interest 1 A".

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