Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 Apr 1921, p. 7

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p tion for ité p lu n tofar, it lis bre*,f t -Otth -ç**-i ntgJi git humaflyVSakIe s th gr i imlth 'Peratt boice of!Cime or deh frow4~d hidi~ I>d~,i< ~ Of! zcid. or /bowad whlh te %bc R«h ý.see a wrwWihut the-baggpr'& «gzat i oofevaey p"OgreW~ve ne-. uatrechdpïm, the iIdee etrt, n ie ii srilng. At pesot the krtt leu, tnyMaetbIè. pi4ms wia» ef b h" only bealmade in Cada.nd the want, the livid lhp of lies, the crl p number e! urgently fleeded refo«mè eyee o! eOen~. I see -a rce without if keepa eoetiuu.iy iteaimrthe Imore diea$eoi -fl - " b.i-ùQ ,an i wip se and larn of e#tuai eami4 «.îoir u, m=rridha nyo o wd to..4gy. As PimMkIte.ith Oheatloei funeton---nd, en Ilool lfe lnhens U becomes 3 ee( more dn"*ichpread, JOY dePwlove c.x*oýpleo the cmrth; ir the people g.eràly, -aïtdthe Mr #zv N .n te rét 10 I- geceration iii. partiajur, vii 8dOt1 the.eternal staroid hýumais hope.9 W bea1th habits and graduuily brisg Whsat a conte'as b'etween this- ideai- msbout e, higher wftandard of pubAle and pn .Md -wiie± we sme.to-day! 1Ome pers-enalhealth. When impx ejmite * out of every %tén dyinq -belore have been made in induitrjal conda- reacag or~oya !mo riul tiens se-thtw-ork willI be oeried *omaziy instances thhttielit e eolb under condit>lons o! .vemtil6tinn ezd sav.d;a thsmeiyCo0d00 ie.e aani ýation apPro-acIing the ideal -ai deqts of Canada &t th'ieent time w muCh ais possible, wMhn humanIi ie, m»Mor erjes affiicted meýtaIIy; yen-X Eaf &ty and -happnesart ocsiiieredteresWldisas apn h itit ! of mure importanse th,n nmeterhal thousande of mee, wonn sed eil- 1] Profits andi aordid greed ,or 'gain; duen; an!hlç><>x, diphtherie, nid otiser w when peopie know how to live-ecleun cemiunicable dieuses fot propeu-ly tc anl healthy livesa a'd live up to their contrOl)lW because the, eneural pd>lic "n lodeakl, then we van get a gkrnl).w o-f in nome'instances have not yet lea- th iet goul in vlew. Though vs ed to avül theinseves of sueh pro- l nay neyer attain. to ideal ceditimpnteetive nmsuresî»vacine and Unti_ kg etill-woe au keeP'ýhe'vision beféore us toxin;, thirty r ,er cent. 01 children à- r- us an inceritive. In the foflowing beau- riv.ig at sa"co age showing plsyGieul 4 tiuL. words a n<oted Ameràcan ,ouaterIldeectis that couid have been rectifiede andi writer describes lhis vIsion of the lu cniildocd; many expetantniotihers 01 future civilization: 441 visiýof e the i dying before or et childbirth trugi> fuuearsee. The aristcrazY of lack -of nedicad Band nurSuing muer Id4ýness hais periu.had fi-ea the earth. v-- o; thes r e-eo!ts polm 1 Ëee- a wor4d vithout aàalêve. .Man Ithiat are gwaltirrg solution. Te ros_ e, et it e rac Ntar'~ foce hae -pects are bright, h*vever. The pub- ni by relênce'been éns:avad. TJ#tning lic con%ýience iis bein.g aw'akened ta and lt>,ht, wund and wave, fi-ct and1 thse needs o! oui' idme, ausd the rising« flame, and il Uic Subtle powers of generatiqn le being reegnlized sa the n» the earth and &ir'ara tla tireless toil.. nation's beet asset, nd good bealtisBe ers for -be hum«an-race. a85cofothe roadis .tohappinesa. "ISee a vos-Id uut peace, adoimed. Eveiry Province lu thea Domnion haes' i t-h every Ietor ofCrt with musies an active Public Health Departmet hf yrid voite~ thril-led, while lips are, with an organiuati4n jpipp d 1a rich with words o! love and truth; ai twit-h the ma rsigpobaen word > whclfutaexie sgh., n jPuluilcHaith that nov confront -s gi Pl" -cner mol*rs; a warld o-n which the as a nation. Moreover, tAie- apere o! a- gilbb2ts ,hadôow does not fal.; a woA1d Public Health -ativity le bein.g cou- by -where wcrk and wortuh go hand iu tinualiy widened, as the nuad for a hand, where the, p-o-rgiri, trying to fuiTbher extensions ef t-le work be- W ivin breadwith Ua nieedie-the nieedile cornes app-ar-ent. fIQJ2R a ralroad, frorn whIch, stretoffes -htlP-Dw appearg nay develop jute One of tise rlchest peti-obeum fildi- the world. Thse tiret n-ews of thse inis- mense posalbillties becare ne kevute the venld at largle lu October, 1920, *kna diusarged employe. of tise 1M%%4l 1 1 OCompany related at Ed- Mntion, Alberta, isow' the company had brought lunag.usser- averàinlg, about 1,000 bari--l.a.day. Lidmoutou n is e clîy n-maiest te the tris., a distance of 1,600ms, but, visera the reeordtlng oqice fer thse ?Zqrthwest terrItorlos eatill le. Tisaý ILeva of tise ew field spread rap)Idiy ittu by Mai-ch men luai al parts of tise wrnd had begupeparlng te rush. LO thé sub-Arctic -region as scSn as avlgation epeus. Tise lrouy of tise pi-aient exciteifent [s tisaitishe kno-wiedge; that the, Mac- kenzie River ragion la ricis ln ail pos- iblles -le -Sot at ail a new thing. Aez2aisder Markeuzie, -tise calebi-ted, xpiorer, madea mucsmention o! thse il1 teeffges along thse Maekenzle 130 veArs a96, and Sir John Frankliunaisê mientions bow thdle xue rmte gahin-re-at quautitie. Tise exi-t- uce of- oil vas a Iso'known to many ian in i-avent day., but the immense. Ilîtaëca-af tise fieul- fi-rnrail hisd Lnd l tise tremeudous difficultia of- avigatian sud tis e hertuessaoftttisa sason discouraged auy lundivîdual or imail company train golng - Into--tisis ýo far field, lylng onily 150 miles-,trom ie Arctlc Circla. Impenil 011 Co. In FlieId. But tis a nadian Goverumeut geolo- lagts biadnet overlooked tise reglon, Lnd oue other cou-cern, unhampereil )Y, auy lack o! mens, and to vici Liew yea-s 'ai waitiug dld not matter, -cnt- mie tisaeMackenzie, River reglon Snumber of years age, -and for tise G'a-si veaV~tLi ieas, saLraras VcJI ue waml u &Ad WAUV A5 s oy Scout Notes. I Bits About Beils. ý4 nubas Sept a number of men ai I have Ham iltous 'Boy -Scout Camp *f1 vr popeingfr i. iiecu Tse large-st bell in tise vorld, ihe çorn vas e estan ftie.I phialcon11 ot byRubbing, But. by Enrich- >"' hel-d titis year ai Woodlavn Park, ucarI "Tsar Kolkî" ha. never been rung. fc aaa. wîuts d-igtetions, gay 'e- ., Company o aaa - hted - igte lotie point - elik,-onLake g~rie. It wiii OPerate It cracked ln tise casting, aud nov {nÙand for pctrolcurn, and particulai-ly insle t l durngtis wcui m-u-hsai ul ani tands on a -pedestal lu the Ki-emlun jts by-product, gasolene, ' cent*uaîî Reumatism le a diserder o! tise ~- j - Augujt and an equipmnt large'at Mos>cow,, a place lever famous for grewîng ta sucii enermous proportions blSdIJd t attack p eoI wvien tisevioa-n enougis ta taIse ae cof one hunilred ' its belis, and Its veight i. 198 ions.>and ta titreaten ta exceedth ie supply, bloot! la overeisarged with seiland lm. isei- a s, ýoy-.t a day výiii bc installed. Hamil- Titis place euhil ha. tise larigest bell in it von- but natural auvis a large 'com- Pur-itîe, tisus setting 'ui> Inflammation " Ai'9a ton Trc-ops under iseir owu Scout- u se, hovever, one velghing 128 tons,'pany sisould cagerly seeS a nev fiaeti. l-tise muscie» and jointe. Wet weath- xeqal mastrs iiigo Into Camp at dates, aise tva otisers, 80 sud 57 tons i-c- Se imrnsely important dii tise Do-- o-r colti veather. may siazt ,tise thse tieli naw beCng aseignei. speetlvcly. vusminion Goverument o! Canada cou-n ltiO h sllt~i u cl e.M, a Oui- bells are sinall compared fit eider tise new filditita on Januaz'y 25,tsoe .Tise ctusla lu ýtise bIooti. >aicy nd cot is nov tisese glants,sys ant Englisis newli- 1921, -ail p-vosPero-emat e-'stîsoftiutmaiadyho"iwe e -rurêa- 4" ~i VO ~Ytig~l0~~iic tO Ilpar, buL-t, ill.l be-newsÀc-tauy4 ~ -enamn vr rx~exr »OW-h 10, Ã" tie use cleo! andhaeMd- p by tiï v Upr oficteiey bdge people te findti hat oui- biggesi-bell. le by -an ai-l inl Couhcil. - Folliwing limbe anti-joints, foiiowed by'asharp_ n m jane péfcouY adenet. "Big Ben," whIcis veigis, 13% titis on February 12, nev rogulations peine tisi-egistisa fias-hand muse-Ici; a yt 1r tff ettal*sing ta certain Stand- tons, there being o-u,3,lu St. Paul'.sairemt iekovaiscs cd:"f ail these axe tisa symptome of poison in fAsof rofciecYaitaug varions ais- is 171,4 tons. Great Peter, lu Yorki eaet le tidscovered tise lessce viii be allavedtihtsablooti, viici viii aisei-l-y icave tise-arim e letie1Ues. Wo quat-iiy ae a Boiy Scout Mînster, boasts- a meagre 10% tans. at1 eata vnyocya victlm poiuracketi ant Il-iepleee.' Lin- varistwS Atisie-te a Sc-ut must pas s- tests lu-, Peais ai 's-wung" be-Ils, are neyer lier au ai-esai one square mile, tisei-e- menite, hot applications and riubbing Fi-Suce aî * cludÉng sprinting, jumping, throwing [more titan twelve lu number, a-niltise maining ihiee-quarters going 1<>tisethé ay g-i-ie temPe-ra-y e-e, but ce.nnot beeu geui thic lu-sebal, e hlnninig'-the bar-, pusis number ai, changes capable ai being Goerument. That le, thougis tise man_ aasibly,'-odt tise troubla co tese le Up frem icor, 8-peund siset put, "scout -rung ai-e according to tise number in discover cili on 2,560 acres, visicis ie sy6tern. 'biai eau oniy be doue by en- tise "oie Éace," a demonstraion o! proper tise peal: On three belis, six changes le illoved ta staSe under hie permit, i'icilg the bbooti. Tie new bltaod ovi1ng loS - zetho4 ai stting,, standing. andi-un- can lue rung; an six belis, 720; visile îisree-quau-iers remaîn Crovu u-sei-ve. 'drives eut tise polscoou lm-purîteu% "I ts ning, înethod et atariing iu s racee and o-n a fll peal of ivelve, as ai St. andti ie niseumattlsm tiiestpare. Iftic yoqs n dleln sd egla eeric. Adit- Paul's, 479,901,600 changes eau b. eoaina h tie yeu are s sufferer tram ts.paintul wy"" t fanent set o!' standards le laid devwn ruug. Far these uniamilax- vutiste gi-est msadiy, beglu tise use of Dr. WiIlulems not reor for ccich age group oi Scc-uti, en-d ta "Ciming" bels-tsosetisaisi-c northwest of Canada a gooti rnap o! Pink Pig is ee he-vseau tise puai but I do ic -ho-id thse badge eacis boy nîust repass struck lusiead et awinging-are te-irn- thtie reglon ehouiti be studieti viila and ti fese 0f tise jointe- fade away. me-ow-yen tise tests annÙai-ly. cd carillon peals, sud may number reading tise filioing uines regai-ding Among isbas vile have benefitet by me whaî * s * ioi-îy or more ta a set, mecitanical routes-,ietiste new field. Tise oil tha use o! ihese pW ill- aMi-.1Freoman "'ap- -- Anotisci-troc-p whicis has alrcady means being chiefly used for ciring etrîke is -lu latitude 65 N. anti longk- Irving, Be-uear Harber,--N.B., *vis ys.- agr.,, "W st aîte-d I-t 1921 vamingn season le thse thcm. Shoredulcit, Manchester, at tude 126 vesi. bn tisis vicinîîy beglue "Sçea-turne ago my bloed vws lu a * st. (ecrge's. Trop, Sai-nia, Tise Ps- Worcester passess flue axamples- o! tiseail fildh. 'he-mosi dilrect summeér terrible conditien, leaving me vcry t-lai yeu trai Leaders and Seconda- receintly these, but in'titis respect va are stili - route is cavereti by rail, steame niimucis iun devis-, aud vitis bele break- v'cs hbeid a very sucees-ul week-end camp tai- behinti Belgium, despite tise raNv- lan-d portage. -Thse new rallroadtimi ig eut «IÉ miy botiy. To -adil te rn your wrvo otie shore, et Lakte Huron. ages o! wa-r. ts ottat ussiett-ehi-msiyrsualmstlsdInt Ts e * * dred miles, to near Foi-t McMurray. onllY suifeiet g-iy i-o-m tise pain, sU day,a A Scout% eon-ierelice ai far-i-eaching Over titis, mucit ai which is s -l but oould on-iy get aroundth h -u--iiteswas, hel-d last week lu TeBs Fr Soy skelelon track, a liglut auto rune on gi-vatest difficu-lty. Alto-r irying sev- attiude LtInetprsasgneal kourails, ut ecan tt-avel taster titan a train ealiuiediîcines vwitisout iuci s uccees, tisai O!fs ber' où thse îD&mnI.on Lleadquarlers tat Mi-. Henry Ford. keeps a 1oki Staf c tie By Sout -Assciaionvitcitare11tedailtheman Su- ilS safaly. Fort McMuri-aytI deéided te give Dr. Wihi&amsý PlnS barked au ft f heBo Sout Asýcîtin hîc ae asedaitth mnyhu- traffie i ato the great nort1h goes dovu ' Pille8 a tial-, as- theï a enwrl' "lh and oai the National Head[quarters dei !dfeetjoehthv p the Athabasca River, -across> Lake u-commèndM a te m. I think I useti sîtOffy of- lte foy Scouts -ai America- t1 pcare'd inlte Amex-ican andi Englisit Athabasca and -down Slave River te( tcbx- itgttr but tise resuis rTe primary purpese o! tise meeting aewspapers concerning hie cars. Fi-zgeraid, here is a sixteen mile laud. met my every expectation, as bath tise vasLt) e n tise besi possible ai- a- frein -esenting thse sly digs portage ta Foi-t Smith-, on tise Macken- be-lle andtihue riseumaiismi disappeareti. Tise paf Y(-augenîient af matai-liunder con-'l4e xatitei- ve-Icmes 15cm, as -afford- 1zie, viu rotg é o rvre aull Ife hI antpas rd ft fe -a~n ar use it thse ceat- noing hlm a gc-cd freea acvertisQ'ment g snwtaestiNtu-lyiîe isibcno ias r d it reto feýby modern caterpillar tractai-s anti big ithse-pilla toc higitly." dd - uuew ali-Canadi-anItscouting literature. nd rec-ntly Fe himtseIéf LdtUs ue loi-ries., Yeu van get Di- William.s' Pin-k Plis cers before hi llcfl-sng ise poa-sibilIties of Scout -ln plci, itlîite atideil comment' Fi-rn Foi-t Sins, tise Slave River, -titiou-g-hany d lu inmediclite Or by "Ye,, et: 4agingen-ri, mpsas-. vs lidvu isI i js ite hast af tise batcis. Slave Lake and Mackenzie River offer m-ail ai, 50e a box or six boxes- ion "Anti v - -t-,ouingas cnmunity activity, and- ieSa !agae-mntdpr-easy transportation tetahliseAileSea.; $2.60 frein The Dr. Wiilýlums' Medi- ton?" purE cit d -tie i-a!chraie biling ment ai Washington (-raid Mr. Fbrd') An altarnate route can be taken i-rm chuieCo., Brýockvîlle- Ont. ."Well," -façItcrs In the lff of the nation. To wanlcd a car, and rang up tise garage Peae RvrCosntaeln - fully, "Mo théè furtiterance, o! tiese ideale both where tisey were kept. liePne.ie a ize-d Upn -vat I've 1',e <'anadiausud tise Amaerican or-! "Son-y," came thse u-ply. "We've botS lisese routes steamers of ery Population of Paris lis gaiilzations are dire-ding ahl thelr cf- only a couple o-I Fard-s ln jus-t itow." iglisIdu-aIt, gas be-ts and'fiat scov 98000 tort. Seeralimpo-tan teaureso! AIl rigisi, seud oeue alÃ"ug. Andi I boats cari-y ail supplies anti macinery28000 tiSe lk)v Scou t sceeeof organization is-ay, vitile you're about lu, senti a that go-es mb tiste nantis. Tise Alta.- applto iPrebsdo lu Cacnada have recentiy been-adapteti equiri-el vilsh i, vili yau?" basca River opens about May 1, ttis year's causus figures un sixteen fothellieedso!tise Anîriean ogauij-1 Squirral? Witat do Yeu vaut a Mackenzie about May 22, but Sla-ve o-tetxtohe ti o! ,880,00sricsa Ins, a n ""Y c-augi.es lias enlmà-orant of hme o! or" àdtise Puzzled gai-- Lake cannot be depentieti 1io0it ntil mi-caseorhî 4 80,000 1uers -,a chne a en 1ýetbiheto!age-keepeux July 1. -For ue-arîy tSi-ce centuries nraeo'4,0sic19. But correspond-e nus. Paris vi-lI ratait iser place It voriti 1welVo reiuanlcau"ilîs f"T pckupie us." - 1tesle gi-eau wateÉyays have been tra- statîstîcs visen tise subvay anti streai 1u19 ta tise provincial councils l velleti by wisite 'men, fi-sitishe vayag- va extensions ai-e vax-ied ontas pro- C anada. en-mpdorey- c- k n ds oî ur e lin the u- canoe s sud Y orks boats, car t u i e g e t ei a i la , w s c s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _" Tis ra a a th e-e i-u e e - t ien -th e la te r - nv e rm e ncu l u li iai b y inî ti en g rti e s r b a irisSan, w i n e Afuujîttre e- abl&ishes çnly this, that e e-s;tise on-e wh-odces h, the on-e wIiO otimetiflat~ auir determ-iýnwtion te succeed %va s not wse eliddnoi, u-ts nte Not> ince tise K dk uhl 9 depart.mant, viii bring tise total papu- - srog nogh~Bve. w o ro iss e o t.aà-', vitwen Edmonton, Abeta lation la uearly 4,000,000. ane Point o-f autrance t ie ot fl lis a e ctm ent 'ieigned 80 isgi. 1 -M ght Be E iher-i A il e r t i s o n s t e a e r s a v e e a u A c e r t a i n o ff i c e r b r au g i t h o m e vi t i booked tf-r tise Su-st trip ln tis ps-g. hImfo rcanitelgtbui- Prom all ri-t8 of tise wolquenir hmt-mArc tl J lgelt e ut il-n f litai-aie Kaffin te carry uvis-lieBaer"ni ? eres iP'1re 2h a.n F1lay'r are pounlg mie otiseitorihen metrop- oduties ofi a bairnan Se Sad leai-ut in e e-le. The~ Hudson's Bay Co-mpany, tise j1be Service.jo g ti-adig Compnyoaitis anad, ý- Oua day tise oficex vas reading-Apuis0 Ilaniy foodswhile p4ieg t taste, reel'od s80 nty querle It aî t(>set.visen hoe becarne painfullY conaci'Qîun te oi- C ent. aelde a aecial &taff ta attedt iao ecntan e eaplng ovor hie COftalTIbut ittie -- - - erknMntf-s-aevon nasutr - - - larg er4ee teg<~ u lu ise jpr*n.-"- -t eoyeuvaut PeteP"atee-eeti hsfolle-w 1 ý 1 - AI '-.ne1Route ihort, aiMany gtis. veeknu-' uSaro te thsene: <f is-udred umiles thé distance, by hair; t.ise7 Inp< hiangar-s at P. Llt. J. G ayAVI Cal1,,'twoNiamo wlth notable' ni trm 4-Eneianà ti passenger sea pi te thse oU fields Whatover -b. tise - out ouieoftthis latest il»f eld, tise'great Xoutilani le1 now to b. lu-vaded as -neyer befora by wislte meu. Tise.,tazt streicises et. couatry on eltiser aide ofthtie majeàtic Mackenzfe viii wake te, lite. Tise roar ofet tisfying ýmachlite *wll gi-cet ' he aris aof skimo sud, Indlignandi t iy wilI turu their eyeo te ses Ithis lat ýt weuder et thea whlte manywhlis ln u hour's timae au put:behlud die-tances tisat take them montha of srduiuu ton! te cover. AM4 vitis Visa comlng et thse acroplane and'tise, seapîsue inte-gen. si-ai une tise nid romance of htiebaud- willl vanisis fkorn-iisle t et ofNorths AmarIca's ftimr. -Tise trials wviic faced -tise fainoùs f'rench CEiýiadîan voyagera-lu. leicances -andl Toik. boats, and tise cowmeu vise came later, vili no.beuger troubla tise;mat- eru se0ker afier "btlack geiti," travel- ling lu -comicriable river *steamasip or by, aerlal boat te tise i-luge of tise Ai-c& tic Cii-oiei era gi-mat fortuneis may tise summen ba made fl ci-de petri-l eum, wisichs le nov more-,important ta tise world at large - tissutiseyello>w ipreclouà metal. IfOW RHEUMATIS thêý qifr rfflt. aIts i5m Fea<e River towii the i$ke W Olly tour in a» airliàel. Cttlng 1rfvrlimore than ,li rial Oifl omj>anY lias gc.i River Crossîng. >ant OCapt P'red me- us qaaadIaai eviators uxird, tiare ordered. ;ne&. Tihe <uoted tre ia oue thisand,dol- elghty per 'Cent. oft4 *OworW.iply Po4toe~.Ayeae9s pffluctun fD tatoas iDa cd inbai'reIs, emýd toepd ver. Wieat The whEýat Drod5ççd-Isat i Year luinNoya Sootla- vouX ivesa, etaiLdardIôaftof brea teo e-e.* Womau aud child in th«8BtaolesýeN-e YorIc Penuugia, New JesrMy , @Ii- vWare, Marylanud, Viiguns, and thse DI1B' triet et1,Columbia. Oats-Linou4h oatA are grovu, yearly Iu Nova Scetta ta ieed geitsrouely .our thi-ce dayie every onie oethtie 21 nzllllou herses in tise United States. WOOl-Tse- woolprodeced yearly would-make-500,000 suits ôotcboths.L Lumber-The-yearly Iuiibt-r tut pro- duceg eBufflc it.materlal for 30,000 Te- sidencas ,o!f eigit roons escs. A- SPLENID, Baby'a OvwaTa"letearetsebeut Medicinie sa noher cou givQ heur !ttla Oee. Tisey amrea.-MlLd laÏative wisfch qutoklY regulate tise boirek anstom- avis and are guaran4eed te be - eltirely fTa fi-rmauv' injurions druge. Coi>- cerulzug theni Mma A. D. W084 Loqo- buru, Sas., - ieie:-"BliyeOvu 'Tableîs have given me more satlesc- tien tisaisauuyiising ease 1 hava evai- givan m-y childreuý. Tiseyai-e eaady takan; aiways- work veliand tisougis I have gi-veu quite a tev te Myr baby thsey sern to work aswell uow ase at fret, whleh lea omething otiser laxa- tive sebdom do." Tise Tabletes aie soit! by me&eiine deaseir by'-mail Rt 256cents a box ft-om Tise Dr. Wli- Itaine Medicine Ce., Brocvleý,Oui. been dlpplng itoeSir W. Or- eresting booS o! wBi' recoilec- ys- an Engi*h sis ltuer. One <ol ta whIscis strikes t10ue cadet, le gi-cnt arttat'e affétion for ig-. Ne-ver once;, d-uring tise. me he vas lu FYau,% , ti-li e -Ingle ýword spé-en aganst îd prebbly this record vas BdI by yotbsergene-rab cm "Wlhon I etarted, pa4nutîng' a Si-W»Mlam, "le iei'Wh OUT tizpe painting me? Go it tbise .,,They're tisetl îslug e'xamz>le oft mpalwy fI-ý >undeietan au artteteim- - and «*ise y lu wisicis an Tki occured oue day a short er SIT Wiltiaa Orpen veunt te e an officeal artiat. R. had he-rlng lmpressenwý_ben ie a aitidien order te ring up' ni" at Rdleneourt. Tise tol- cameoe esued: LOi-pen-?" "Yas, ai-r." "IWiat ieau, by behaving. - l is, 'What way, pIease, sir?" "éBy Iting te me?" "imsior-iy, sir, lot undertani:' "Doni you imus et iport ta me andl sh?w woîrk yoiu have "sen- dodug?"p mticaà3y doue nuotis-Ing yet ba&t have yen been, dolug ?" aront, air." "Ai-e yçu avare are being paid for your ser- Report ta me anti show me ,k regulariy." 4oacI expected isim to work ini to- motoi- 110 miles e-very ; have his wor paisad! His i-as not far remoived trom ie officer who is saidt! t have ut ta anotier officiai artlst: lhat He Prayed For. Lstar vas luteni-ogating tise [le- family. Jo yen alvays eay yen-r pray- eyou go te bcd?" -r," repliei- Joisunie. rhat are tise -thingS yenu pray mueti tise god mans. respoudeti Joisniae, thougsi- osl-ly tisai pa von't fint o-ut been demn' durng tise day!"' ASPIRIN, 'Bayer" Ils Genuîne g! Unes yiusote naine n package or-n ,tablets yau mettlne g Aspi-in ai aiSt Taka Ay as, todhithe ti Bayer pa*, Co-yle, Hei-ah ,éueniiga, ii,' Earaeise, Teethaise, -aud for Pain. Tison yeu viii rig thse duz-acilones 4nddosage o.it- by_ physilana dutii-ig çyars anti pr've-Isafe b'y Hatdy. tinaboues e! ivelva Lbets e! Asçfiu <,aýSt tew ruggt4n aiàp ell lai-gar-pair-7 ade lu, Canadaà. Aspirin le nuai-k (registered in Canada). Manufacture qf -Moncacetic- men in the renadhe and ffn Guards 98 per cent. are ,I8È'E No. ~.'1 - - Mrs. A.-"My huabanid. emires -everything about it me-my hair, my eyes,-imy hands, m.yvoice-"j Mn. B.-'-ýWéel, what do you admire about.,hlm?" Mns. A.--- "Wy, hie gKood tas4t." CORNS Llft RIO*ht Off-., [,wthout Pain Magie! Drop a ltte "Freezone" on au achlng corn, Inetautly that corn stope hurting, then Ahortly you llft it rlght off wlth fingere. Doesn't hurt a bit. Tour druggist sells a tiny boitle of "F'reezone" ter ea féw ceu-tj sg sfient to rernove eves-y dard: corni, soit. cornf, or coi- between the-toes, anal coiluses. Your jolb is your hast frien,. OntÈe way youtr-eat it, the w'ay Yeu manage it, d~ed yo'm, whobe future. Yý>uT mentalattitude towards youir lob, "oUreexpectatioine, youa- convictions regarding it, wË.i influence your f u- teoeway or the o>their. -The hletjOb May be e ebeginning of à gFM at eoeer. Itnîay be thue foun- For years 1- have never considered rny stock et household remedies complete unise a bottie of Minard's Liniment was Included. .For -burns, bruisee, a prains, trostbites or chilblaine It ex- cela, and 1 khow of no better remedy for a severe côld ln the head, or that will give more Immediate relief, thail to In- hale from the bottie through the nasal orgn.. And as to my supply o! veterinary' remedieà 1t la -emential, as it has ln very many Instances proven Its value. A re- cent experiene I n reclaling -what was aupposed'to b. a lost section of a valu- able cow's udder has again demonstrated Its great worth and prompts me to re- commend it ln the, highest terms to ail' who have a herd o! cows, large or smafl. I ýthInk 1 am saf e In eaying amongr ail the patent medicInesà there is none that covers as large a fie]Ldlo! usefuiness as does Minard'a Liniment. A real trueism good for man or beast. '- CI-AS. K. ROBflINS, Chebogue Point, NS. A *wnEtte sent a poem te gn editorT, who, it seemis, hex little use for verse. The titie of thé poern was; "Why'Arn I Alive?", The edïtor wro-te, whei he returnek the p'oem, "Because you seént your poen 'by mail instead of debvex-, ing it in perzonu." MONEY ORDERS. Seuil a Dominion Express 1Money German guni were recentlybeing destro>yed uncier the Peace- Tre-aty at the rate of 1,000 a week. MAinard'a Liniment for Burn. et.' There as, no inferiority or deprav.ity about the mian that God -maie. fANCY GOODSCOLd 7 W.eiington -St East TORONTfO IMvorterS aiÉd- Wholesale DealeTS fn. Fancy GOG&~, Cut GIZS~, Eartl- en1zware, Fancy china, TOM , SpDo*r lna& Goo-d, Snmllwares, Hardl ro Speia1tles, Drugleta unidrits. Traveliers Exerywhere Whoieae Oniy ACMIS'AIDPAN Miy mait* or woman wbo keepe Slonn's handy 'wtll teil you that same thina SPECIALLY. those frequn1 El at tacked by rhàeumatic twunlm. ~A counter-irritant,,Soan's Lin. 1ent scattes the congestion and emw. tats r.ithout ?Uibbi to the afflcted part, soon reieving tteache andi paiu,ý Kpi iandy and used everywhero forredung anfally efiminating the paiùs anf aches ofi-ibago, neuraigiaý' mnuscle -rai, j'oint stiffness, sprams, Ibruises, .nd the resuts of ex-pcssure. You ut know from is stimuatigl Lealthy5oir that it vwilldoycu goodi giWt-35c, 70c, $1.40. y O U a u a l u ti c p te o d m t n H e rides on T"4fE 4a cas. <of emeirpscy. _ - 1hjudgei. t qlity ,by Ipef mac. H keepe a record of tire ceaiL He kuow tisat DOMINION materials sud DOMINION workmandhip alsow up i ie maeneehe rets l-inDoboNIÇK T#R&S Tiser. are DOMINON TIRES boit saied to your car, no nte - What thse size orvisai you use It for--sud yon gsi DOMNM) quaityin th 30 x331 &« swçU muin tii.bUg " o d o D «Nobby" Treads for heavY cat. % Domauofl 'S. Mb for th t- 11 P',

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