Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 May 1921, p. 3

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-Fancy Biscuits, Cluistio's, Per lb. Tee-, Bla-ok, Special per 5 lbe.. Saumon, Extra Que-ity Red, per in, Sardines, 2 tins for Kippers, in Tome-to Sauce, 2 tinefor A>iPýunee, large fresh stock, par lb. ,BetQuality Cestile, 7 baris for 'Williards' High Ciae-s Chocolatte,pnlb 09HA Ision ý*ý,EKEEP TIIE BEST BREAD FLOUR_.. iRoyal- Homuoold, Purl t d Reindeer Try 24 Ibs. f lE îîMARVEL PASI St takeis le#*, hortenmnîgt, la makes, the very best paetry ang Vo. pan buy It at any local BINDER TWINEIS lEREFOIR)n Chas, Wilson, rRY FLtOLJR Vhlter and Npsbltt',S Lore of -ber -pareuts, Mir- din Women's-Ixistitute I guar mouthly -meet-' ,to transset tii. regLlari tdiug--prepastin o a5 Vt he Fait',ounViit24t attendanSos er etd iniittee, Mr&~ Rowland, iV, Mur.Murrison, Mis$ i. olida,,Pre.,Mrs. - The Brookliu Womeu's Inatitute Iwil serve meàas at theSpning PFair b May 2th insi -as in-former ye&ns, 80 a-il iembers pisa»brinig salade, pick- - lsan sd any k"i4sof -pastry Mlis. llolliday Pres.; lir. Nesbitt, -Secy. Be sure to attend, the, Drama aet lUt. Zion, on Mnday, May- 2tb, under the. ausplSce o! XMjiýï' Aid-of Metiiodist ~ Curch, Mount QUI'. - -- - - Ut iss 9quàm ansd Misa Gertrude El- id biscuits. IloVt:f >te O.L.CiWiiitby,1 sud Mn. stoo ~Ted jackson, cf Pont Penny, -were Utweek-end, visitr tera atlnsd lira. A.' 21 ~EASON. *-C.,Elcta Rav.- C. P. Steut left Iast week to - assume bis new duties i'hi . cGorge's Cb.unch, Oshawa-. Ris new e-ddtmess Broo lln wibl be 177 Athol St., east, Oshawa. A Fsw ofOur Spcials FOR THIS WEEKON OUR- Grocory Opartmo-nt. 25c $1-65 35C 28c 35C lie 25c 40c -As for SEED COlIN, w. have the following varieties at attractive prices, viz :-Improved Leaming, Compton's Early, White Cap Yellow Dent,, Pride -of Nishua and Wisconsin To. 7. W. M.Lawrence-,& -Son BROOKLIN fiENERÂL MNERCUANTS MEETS First and Third-WEDNESDÂY OF £ACH MONTER lKeep it In mimmd! UHEAP BREAD) la Net Our Ambition. GOOD BREAD can'only b. produoed by the use of purest and, best inhgredients by skilled and experiencod bakers. BROOKLIN BREAD is made partioularly for particu- lar people. W. 'also handie the best quality only of Ica Croam, Fruit, Chocolateit, Etc. Wedding Cakes Our Spocialty. Theo BrookBîn Bakery BROKLL , NT. H. M. JAKENM, Prsop. 1~1Oofaiic does that mea When you -.top to realize that a weatherproof andwaepof twocoat flmof paift islessthan. ît týslitte moretan most - 1-100O of an inch in thickness, a.nd paits, but it always covers more that thia thin fliM stands bewe surfmoe therefore leu. paint isa re-. your house and the weather, ruqead you actualY Bave money ean see the vitalnesS Of buyiug the at the very start TI4s fact right_ kind of -paint. cuî. it tslnglstnuea F'Lowe Brothers fh Standard ' j ISfY nivetet Paint \forms a tougher Mmli than pit ,any other eaint we know of.1 It is If TOU wntte prevet future [jelastit.. It wil not crack with the trouble., wcornu and ta k ovr your weatherps changes. It is both paint probleis with U16 W.-M, Lawrence & Son, Brookliu ,rol. 01 by @b Rý&ÂLL.7* t; or Pisby "NIV'U~fer 290. Crleaiu crea, . Mfr. andlirs.,W. R! arpel',--of Whlt. by, -SPeut -tiie week end -at Mr J. Bry- Mlin. R. Fswstsr, of: Toronto, -vtsited at W- GrahU.m's ]ast week. À number_ from, here attended the, Aunual cëhureà servic.e ofVhe *.Q).O.F. at Brookll st Suuday.,, The Aunual Suudfiy Sehool meeting Was heM llist week for the-eleetion of Officersan sd genorai business. IV was Soinsone e' DidenVWhazimakingPl 80n0eevdulýb en ak glatter part of juUG. PFE-WfJti a mustake in rsportmng the-meeting CongratuaionsVoMrn. and MMr. 00-1I nigh* cof tiie Bro.okiUn Farmere' Club. car Downey, on Vii. arrivai of a Oôn. The>r meet on t:h> tirst snd Vbfrd Wed- We are glatiVo, report that lira. Huni. uesdaOY Of eschmonth, rioQt 9& Tues-, burt Io rapidly 'reoYènlng from her day,,ssrepiortedinluhGartt. -nié Opera.lon. W, à,g have béen Very ¶nï>sting for soe moutba, as consderable busi- ness bas be ,en transacted. Nearly. CLARE ON $40#00O wertii of business has Passod. Oscar^ Remohn, whô has been visit- tb.rough the bauds of Vhé, Seci'try ing sucoShma Reohfr since the- commencemûent of tus year. the Pe-st weok, returned Vo Tononto ou An4 m~son as ý# itiane 10 ecured 1Tuosday. J t te steck yard se Vthe Larmera cail James Lawson,-who bas beefi away .iiiptheir own ,c a n. sdoge, this frein our burg for a few woeks, hliasne- montwill be -consid'eably more turne<l. thai douàblod. It is the ition of Be. sure Vo attend thejDrarna at lit. -the. Club to ,çeet oal sheda, siso a Ziopi, on friday, M.ay 2Oth, under the storsiiouse whicii wlll answer for an auspices of I..edies' Aid of Metho-dist eevator 'in wbuch Vo store and handie ChurchlMont Zion. fed and heed grain. IV 15 'expocted Mfr. and lins. Comb-, of Toronto,- nlùmciaî ro will b. provide-d motored out the first, of the. week, te for p mçç r ig, Me-y 18e. Farmere j-vsit1Mr. and lins. Mckay. sooare ipe-rticulsnly invited to at-. The BaDtistYon opesUinf tend th lbmeig.UxDrige wl be the gulest of the local The roolin thltic-AssciaionUnion in a social evening with & pro- bave enterod their football team in!~ gramme by the visitors next INtenday the ;6sh-we- and District Longue un- evening. der the jurisdiction of the Ontario,1Mr. and lire. Macklem, oo. Toronto, Amateur Football Association. All are the guests of their daugliter, lis. gains hae t conorinin ever wa Evans We-nd, and fe-mlly, on the ove of gamýs hve o cnfor inevry ay!their moving te Winnipeg. with the International Rules-"of Soc-'Mse ou u hpa pn h cor, sud will be played lien., as play-; week end tri Toronto ed by every properly organized Foot-' Mr. Noel Tunney, ,et We;aton, is the baill-Association throughout the world. guest eoflins. Joshua B4uudy, Broôklin'FootballCJiub wére foutu-' Mus. David A. Pugh noturned fnom a nato Vo have their first ge-me drawn visit with friends inu Toronto. e-t home,..the opening date of the sea- son being Saturday, May 14th, and Brooklin vs. oîa will bth -TIRNTON'S -CORNERS tracionforthat day, timeo f starting 6.30 p.m. The fruit trees and gardons are-look- The Loague is composod .of eight ing fine e-t present. Masses of -Pink clubs,t eowmanville, Brookiu, Clare- and white bleom and rows ef peas, mont, Enniskillen, Solina, snd the, radishes, etc., me-ke -everything 100k threo following teains of Osha-wa: G. I promlsing for good creps. . W.V.A., General Motors, -and Central [ Mr. sud lins. .W. Stonehiouse, and Ontario Regument. A geod class of,'family visited frienda and relatives lu dlean interesting gaines are assured Brookllu le-st Sunde-y. unden the. proper rules, sud the offie- lMr. G. Re on has built a fine ver- iaîs who are e-ppointed Vo, handle tho andah iu front of bis house nonth of gaines are thoroughly conversant with Thofliton'5 Cornons. ever poit o tii gam]WM. E. Lick is building -à new house. 1The publie will b. izutereatefi aiso oThie 1t1ontph gt a road Vo know that in these games it is ne- Tetwsupbsbuh oi cessary-tVo commencegaines on sciied- grader te b. used on'ithe roadsw.hoe uled ine, or not later - th.an frfteen grading Is badly needed. viI minutes frein scheduled time. lin M. and lirs. F. French sie- with IV i ti. itenion~f ho . A A.friends lu Harmony le-st Sunday. t ent iter jntiona ofl th e A' . Mn. and lins. W. Heag entertaiued a whole-hoarted support of the village _______________ in turning out Vo, witness the. gaines, as thie juniors of to-day are tii. sen- iors of to-morrow, e-s the saying goe MII sud enthusiastie supporters are e-s es- IiO S NISI.G for the league champiousbip. I Senior Sciiedule for tii. Senior Sor- U ies of Tii. Oshawa District Football Assoçiationi, te b. played during the ________________ mont h of Me-y. ,Ma-y 14-Enniskilen e-t Ontario, Regimexit (Oshiawa); G. W. V. A. ait " E G L O Bowxnville; General Motons at 01E G L O Cle-remont; SoUie- e-VBrookli. May 21.-Brookîlu at G. W.- V. A., M k s 1 0'8H0 (Ohw);Cae-ton a; OnntaIIlnijae; uCl <Oe-wra>; Clsarem on t E naiol Regiment e-t Bowmanvillo. - Zenoleum lu noV only the i Me-y 28-Bowmanville ait General i 1t is also the most ecoù»omical Motors; Clanenuont e-t Solina; ýG.W.V1j. For disinfecting youn ste-b' A. e-t Enniskillen; Ontario Regime o.prtZnlum V 0 e-t. Brookilun. oeprtZIlum 0 Watch for June Schedule. dilution. AIl MONDS - liothers' Day will b e observed on Sunday,, Me-y lýth united service coin- mencing e-t 2 pin.I Misses L. Rowe, G. Kemp and lins. Wmn. Oke, visited lu Toronto last week.« Mn. and lins. C. Osborne and Croft, spent Sunday with Mn. ae-Ml is. T. Anman, of Pickering. - Miss W. Km. was lu Toronto on Thunsday le-st Mn. and lira. C. Pascoe, Miss Pearl Pe-scoo, sud lin. Wm. Linton, -isited on Suuday with J. L. Pansons, of Darlüigtou. ,Miss Philp, of Toronto, ia visiting with lira. Wm. Oie. lins. Boone, of Toonto, bas been spendlug Vthe pest two weeks witii her sisters, the Misses Webster prier te Ieaving for the West. Mr.and lins. W. Hall, lirs. Me-- key sud lira. J. Hall, motoned Vo To- route on Snnday. lin. sud lire. Kane and Miss Be-y- croft, o! Toronto, visited on Sunday e-tF. Dra-pera, with Miss liebei Be-y- BAGGOTSVILLE Miss Flore- French, visited over Sun- day witii Mn. sudMlis. W. H. Bell. linr.e-nd lins. Fred I.yonde, o! Toron. to, vlsited* with ftiends hon. on Sun-; de-y. lirs. Wm. Baya bas neturned home' atter viàiting fniends lu Toronto. S The rny frlends of! lis.R. B. Iloar wili b. pieased Vo -be-m ah. la recover. iug nicely efter-ber recent operatien in the, Oshawa Hospital. lin. and lins. J. Fauuiug, of Toronto, 'vislted oven the- week-end -et c. . Lynd.'s. With the, fine weather of Viie past week, Vhs seediug le well iguder way lu thls ueighborhood, smorn f the farinena commecingwonkon thoir noot baud. Thesînuliýg weat#ien le ideal forý tefarmers gatting the seed ]L-- If bloaaom is any indication tii.e wIb b.an ab inoe-offtudi.th auspices o! L adtes'Aid o!fliethoda Ohurgbh, Kot Z9ÎIo.- la -right. , Use BakermsJ Mae, better, whiter andf- F. L. ,Gireen, Gi nnubeof finefrolh tthe city 'le-at ASHBURN "#Tii.Young, Country-Shool Ma'ie the. ueweat and best of lira. Âuderou' church, plays,'popular, amuslng, -whol e smre, premete by'the Y.- P.- & Mt Ash- buru Frlday, May lth at 8 o'clock. The eloslug scene wMll lueude a mus- I'eil program wlth zelections by'a maie quartette and _solos _- by . rs., Lew. Hieka. Admissiou-35c. Children 26c. MOTJNT ZION,- The ÈBusy Be. Bible Claisofcf oi- lege Street- Methodiat,,Church, Torou- Vo, will give'their -draina, Tii.New Co-Ed." under the 'auspices od the Mt- 'Zion Ladies' Aid on the eveming of Friday, May 2Oth, 1921.6- The followiug cliaracters. will take part: Mage Stevens, Letty's fri end and.- champion, Jenny- Pope;, Letty Willise the new Co-Ed., Ada Casker; Eètelle Doolittlç, s*po4ed beauty, .Gladys Fel- lows; May, Graoe, Rose, the College chuins, Bertha MaCcy, Hazel_-Bail, May Fellonces; Miss Rice, Della M6- Fadden; Dick Btadley, champion athî- lete, Ethel Hunt; Jim Young,. Preý.! Dramatie Club, Jean Dvnham; Punch Doitiwork hatiug, niisàievoug brother of Estelle, Mary Jones; Geo., Wlashntn t, servant of Miss, Rce antdobeleer . lupeace, FEdith Rossiter.- The Greenwood Orchestrài will -fur- nish the music. Admission, adults 35c.; children un- der 12 years, 20--. MYRTLE. Mir. Gordon dain, of Toronto, spent the week-en Witli bis pareiîts, Rev. and lira. C. Adamns. ASTHMRÀJ-AH No SmomemaNo Sryinu-UoSkunf Jst stwallew a capsule RAZ-MÀH fa Guatranteed to restore normal breathing, stop mucus gatherings in thue bronichiai tubes, give log:ngt of -quiet sleep; contaius no îiabit-forming drug. 81.00et youtdrug- gist's. rialt::eat our agencies orwrite- Te1eIeons, 142 King W., ToroutO. LOCAL AGENTS: E. Le OdIum and T. à. Whlttleid; la Brookllns J. S. Prinilo )F ZENOLEUM I es of Osnotn )est disinfectant -dip Made- )les, lien houses or hog pans, parts water. is -tho proper rery ounce of Zenoleum-" If àink it ouglit to b., you can go letters. 'No talk.' Just ;y s your protection. Z, Grocer, Whit-by, Ont. PrepaaVion are.é the Suuday Sciiool (k is Vo b. heid iie'e o Tiiose who coutribu sale ilaat week were fied with--the prices Mesurs. Tiios. Duif -the top uotci of Vthe- dred anid aeveuty-five fine bord leader. - Ù"~ hun- ontheir IBI3AVI3R BRÂND FLOORIN ALWAYS [N STOCK@* CET OUJR PRISES.*- Scott,-Bot &-Scott 3ox 85 WlIITBY, ONT. 1 sTwneros atni.m makes new BIood min d -Veius. Used for Nervoma Despudeny, LwofEnoerfv, Palpitadhno Lb.~ ~ := Iiat aUgMm.,riceS2er box,3. for $S. Soid b ,ald=ggst,or m idi. in f pkg.ooeceitof pc~_i-ew pi>j~a WaI. MAW LiCennan AUSTISUIER AND Ail kinds of' sales proniptly atteuded to. Arrangements bfr sales an iibe made at the Gazette Offie. Ter=n reasonable. Bell and Ind4 Phonos& -WHITBYI ONTy1. J.E.Fareel, C. Barrister, Cut ConAtoe and Crolicit',,or. é Office, South Wing et. Housa., Wbitby, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc Office, Brock St., Opp. Standard Bank Mouey to Loan W. -a end Barrister Solicitor in the - Suprern Court, kotary, Coùuveyaucer, etc. -WHITBY. ONT. Office--Dundas Street oune<oor wut Of Pott Office. DR. R .MOCLAREf Phyadilma suSrM Resideuce and Offics Cor. Brock sud Mary Stm.ts, Wbitby ToIronVo. office vradeW "S.tor. 0,ktz-1 t GEV jAIRST-CLASS- JOB DON E by experi*nced workmen. -ýBrùng thonm lu and I will tel you if they &re worth repairing:ýVULCAII1N6 AND TIRE RIEPAIIUINO.0 k.reman - WHITBVt ONT« -Ü-NI VE L We Denl Phono 2 Office ow The-O Mauy tt,*Ùm, a lsda -- This guaranty goes with ey Zenoleum la not all you th have your money be-ck. ' l money back.", This guarant] Sold "by W. K. COO'KE CEDAR PO STS- Acar load jùst lni at Whitby Lumber MUII Ihe Miliila now runnIng full blast AHl Mili Work' executed promptly.- Phones 12 and 193. Whitby Brick &ÇIay Co.ý f

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