Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 May 1921, p. 6

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TIeBind J'd ne, I ert qudine The Ey E. PHILLIPS OPPENIMEK j SY140PÉIS: "een, thoughIt k l very hard to flnc mory, w ii,1916, beginý faltit àh in." AdyAnelmnslýihe=-nartY PaMh turned into the Squire and Ritz Motel, London. Âmmw t he s1gbéfore, Olive's turning. arýe Lord Romsey, a cabinet "You're eornig down with, me, ,r; Surgeon-Majoe TI»msoO, Raipli, anid -yon, to,'Gerald{nel"-aShe Insi>ecto~r of Field lHospitals; hi# invited. ,Geraltl!ne Con'yers; ber bro- Conyers ehook his head regretfully. a navl lieutenant, a.nd hia ' "I'm due at the Adiralty at four SOlive Moreton;-,Oaptain RoSbld $to receive My..final. instructions;* bu , nL-ibew of -the hostesa,'home 81111. "I inust move alopg at onÇe.p' àwoudld arzn.- As ,Thonson The amile ýaudideM~y f adidd froin bie erald-inè lave th~e hctel thèy gw lips. cHe -seemed te be liste u~te ken tiy Lieut. ýConyers waving j h alling of the newsboya djwnthe fstreet. II"I don't lçnow what my inatruetiopu Iare gmvng tQ 'be,'". he êcnUoxiid, <lxqp. 1-IAPTER III.-(C-okt'd.) I iýbsvl.aLttie btla u've got your ship'?" Thomnson p malolng war the way our eh pe eI. doing it. If l'in luelçy eiioug Lgot what 1 wafnted," the young on. of these murderouas si 'names, inwered enthuetasticalliy, "Ive I c= lpromtse yo 'one tin -h nl' destroyer, one of the ne* tYle V ê surviv<>rs." y knots an hour, a. dean littie ,Forra moment <or two they neithei Pfour-inch gunsL, and, my God' of t*em qx>oke. Frein out of the- win- hiing else, 1 hope, that'il teacht4loWs of Ïhs houpç e heoim-uj mu'derers a lesson,e' lie added, were s tigcaeth<u. >e i his Ut towards 1the placard. popular ew a rn le t une10M iLcine laid? her band upo'î leriwith a 1itt. uiver. S's a'm.I"Yen thklmibrutal,'.dea,"Con- en do you join, Ralph?" 1Iyer went on, as he patted ber biaid. -iorrow nie)t ;t Portamouth,"1"Remember I%,e seen men 'kiRedý- ,lied. "P'i afraid we .4ha1l be that's what',mûks the.difereïuce tl days- before we are.at work. Olive. Y*4am andiferent! We aft ie 'Scorion' they're giving me, âàI different, w. who've tackl~ the t-or thie niystery ship,>as îheyj job., Thomsones different. You'r ."=,g in -the navy." Iman at luncheon,ý Geraldiîne-,wixhat'î hy?" she asked. -hi$ name?-GÇranet--he'a differemt rather boyish face, curiously Theres somnething big and" serious is- sister's, was suddenly. trans- grown up inside'us, and the brute is d. -1ookinig out. It has to 'be. PUlim ïause we&ve got a rod in pIk1e in liter, Olivp. Tell the mater I flaal ose- cuirsed pirftes-". be home t9 d4inner, Geraldine. -Thei ýners!" 'ihoison interrupted. governor's waitin'g do*n ',at the Ad« youing ma)în pauséd in his sen-1 miralty for me. Good-bye, girls!"l Th6ms3on wîs'loo'king lowarIsi He waved bis hand and strode down lt~a si~rt row upn hs£ore- towards the corner of the _Square. Uý 1 oth girls watched hlm for a few mu. n't think l'in a-fearf.ul ôld wo- ments. His shoulders were as square l' h--sa -id. III know we are &ilR as ever but son'ething had *gone fron rfed Up with these -tales ofi the springiness of bis gait. There was and' thst ort el thing, but do nothîng left of the sailo1e's aunty hink ît's wise l'o-even open your swagger. bout a certain matter?" 1. "They are ail like that," Geraline bat the dickens do you know whispered, "when they've beeau-face it?" Convers demnanded. 1 te face*with the real thing. Azbd wE otblng," Thomson aFssured him1 ar e only women, Olive." ly, '"no'thing ut ail. 1 amn only 'by what you sai'd yourselt. If is any deviçe on- the 'Scorpion' CHAPTER IV. talin'g with these infernal craf t, Surgeon-Major Thomson had ap. ever 'breatile 'a word about it, -if parentiy forgoýtten his appointinent tc 'e you. I'd put out to Boa wlth view camp bedsteads, for, a few Min. upen My lips*, even before Ger- utes after he 'bad left ,Geroidîrne aný b er. and Miss Moreten." her 'brother, his taxieab set him down SYoung mnan's cheeks were a lit-, before- a sombre-lookinoe lt.n.n@ 'tic fitisheti.- Adoîýphi -Tornraceé. ýHe'pa flsed1broug] i"Perhgps yeu're nriglit," ho admit- the open 'doorway, -up twe t1ilgts e W. 'II mas a -1itte over-excited. To stBairs, drem a key of soinemb e Wu get tbe 'Scorpion' mas more, oven, lian shape froin ils peeket anki opene 4tksn 1 b.d daredti tehope fon. Stili, , a 'door in front et hlm. 1,4e foun -before Lhe ir-'ls iL didn't Boom te hinisoît lu a véry 'emli h 4#l, fr,i matter tory much. 'Phono are ne spies, mhich Lhomo mas -noetenassavi su>'bow, hidtng in the trees ef Benko- through yet guother duor, h. g ley- Street," ho atideti, glanda-g about hilci b. paaad andi stopped tue4 -theff. Lag bu iguarlybaeloi14 -Thomson .he!d Up bis fingeranti i$nnt. r ee gteaL se<e mon etoppeli a taxicah. r- edalo geç aid.eoftktb mil -I"You wo-n'L be amnneti mwitlime. pilIesoetnewmapap santi' maps mer( -miii yej? " ho saidti t Couyars. "If stremn aIl ovenr a loe« table,ad you'd beard huJf Lb. stories I hbd ef huge Orduancemamp*<'e thLe Freni mai thie thinge me have givon away quito e ganruLlssooipn an eaisel -innocently-" --IThe only occupent etf the ipartmeui "That's al ig'ht," the youn-g man mas a -min mie mas sitLme- bafore-à intennupted I, onl1yyen musn't think typewriter in front of the mindom. NH I'M a gis-bîg just boca-use "I saiti a turneti his heati andi rose at Thomseu 'i mord or two home be.fore Gerry andoutrance, a ratber short, keen-lo'oking -Olive andi ye,6ueiyd feiiom." lyeung min, his fie. sligbuly -pitt;eý - Mtist you go, Hugh ?" Geraidine,--with imailpox, his mouti bard anu aikei. .firm, hlm eyes deep-.set aud bright. 1arn seoo'rry,"' he noplieti,'."but I "Aiiythînig-hîppened, Anibrose?" mzust.' 1 really have rather an impornt- i A dispatdh, sir," mas the brief re. noi appoihnint hic afteërnon.." piy. - Au appeintinent!" she gnunibied,1 "FrorniLie Wan Off-ce?" u are iu London fon Fo shlort a "No, sir, IL cime direct." .e anti you seein Le be keeping a'p- Thomson drem Lb. thiu sheet ot riLments ail the wïIii.. 1 sha'n't paper fron t is envelope and smept a yen go unlOS- you tellinme what it'6 space for binîsei at the cerner ol ýut." - Lhe table. Thon lie unbocked; oee o I have te insp'ect a new pattern of thLe s'afes anti drew eut froui mn iumej p be4âtead," ho explaîned calmliy. dr-awcn a parchinent book bounti ià I may, I miii telephone directly 1 bnown velum. Ho sprçad out tue die- tfree and seo If yeu are itliiberty." patch anti reati it caretully. IL beý le shnugged hen shoulders but1 been hande luiL at 'Lo'wu near tihe 'e hi m a pleasaut littIe noti as he iegian -troutien about eigit boums be- >ped-int-o the taxi. < 1 ore:- Sober çid stick, Theinson," her Fif ty tieusant camp bedateadis are tien observeti, as tley starteti off.! urgentlyroquiredi for neighbonhooti ol dn't luke his puiling me upý like La Guiri Please do your b«st for us, tbut 1 expeet ho mas rnigbt." the rmaLer is ur.gent '-Dôýbie at- 1don'L se. what business it was of tre-s if possible. London. anti 1 thiuk IL mas ratier horniti For ain-atter et ton minutes Thomn- hisa," Olive deciareti., "As Lhough son mas busy mitli bis pancil anti the ,ry on 1 -mattereti!" cede-book. Wben ho bmd finisheti, be A ehap like Thom-son hasn't very'studiodti hougiitful-iy tLi epesg h discreti-on, yen soe," RîlpI Con- whici le lad ranscribedt:-.- s remâaýed. "Yon'l bhave te make Plans for mttack on La Guir cern- iup a -bit, Gerny, if yen memu Le munieateti. - -Atta-ck follftd. - 'Beliive any fun out of lite.'-- Srnitb iii London. - boere w;s jpst Lji. faintest look etý_ "Anythiag important, aMr?" thé ible ia Geraldine's face. S10 ne- youmg tn at tie typewrîten asie. iiti', perhpQy loyal, ho-wever.j Thoinson notideti but mnati.neo i- Bçme of us talc. lite moreaniousîy modiaLé reply. He finît oet ai-i cane- a, oters," she sighed. "HuLg# leully destroyet the mau~ae-wh-ich,. -is of them. -When -on. rentembens bSd -roceiveti, anti the tnAna!g)o the terrible' thin" gi uat have -an4ti WiCth Le fragments.'f papez ______________________buru into asies. Thon i. e pi,thLi - j code-book lu Lie site,mIich ho cane- '1 tuiY l ek e t, a un i str l e d 'to m a s ei mintiom. lHe stooti for sever4lmÏuteLo lookingeut tomants the Thamne.' - "The. saine tliag lzas ii9psixi fagairr aiL'La Gui,» ie 849d e at . :I: - "Anyclue?" ti en.om"They say taL -li n lu Lau Tii. tmo mn looketi at one.axiotuer fr a moment in grave sile4ce. Amn- br(>ee oneti back'lu bis chair and tfromneti *eavily. "Tirough eux, linos, thnongli Bt*i legne, aeres sheb* Channel. thÏougli Doyen 'Station, out et Cbaring-Cn, «hôit urn mu èl»ndn the best . tiat Scetlant Yard coulti 'do for us. In London,, eh?"' Thomspn'ale ace tmitcieti convulsîve- Iyle i.teeti hati come. together wUt ay little snap.- '4You tieedn't plue et - eing liead- quartons, Ambre, " id i-4arfoiy. Iknom k seems -ie emiracle but ï, there'sa a reaaeu for fIat." 'f# .<,10-11.Wba.le iL'?"Ambroe .aaketi. 5*ý -W ý wq» M5uisse DMIpi,, Aml- -1a, lntht mtbi 'uy freni civil pLes ~e ~# ientIo -te êbameït. I)ht tobe hung, w-o'- urn round a moment that the a sont çf thisg #i a f#r morse degres moi going on, amongat mehu mie are mearing tii, I"tsul, Ambroe.mutteriet, Kj"eei uyt Lougitfully. "EverY Lsecret Cexinected with oun presentvanti future- ians practically paffes througbmiyluands, yet no eue matches me. imlper a werdat the Wàr Of- fice. that -perhapa IL monlditi has wmoU ý-juat for !a meek, ea-k qýtegt a tom] eto my reports, adthey'dl laugh at y-S with Liie air oet-aupe 1 ion bain-gs wlt s.tl there impossible about it? I m ày have seme secret ývke-avance, pernapa'-Germnaiy wbould. cive me Lie >price.et, a k fgofr "auîthat I could tel theni. Yet because I arn'au ng- 14al officer'I arn abovoe-«Il supIion. 'JLe agifiemtAmbres., btits dainnably fooliab.." ;The y oui- ug mtiatcWhie schiot for a.vexl momuts. Thomson i mas standing I>efore,*e wirÀdowp the. cotd f Sk ltt lling fuil upon bis fece, ti i nveus lizte&'anti etrongly- eut, 'liMb* * 'f tures. ne I. ot a, r, cunou,,bdî,poetiom te apealc, a queer sort of deae t wA "tehe b.cane *of r ing 1 neOr. "A. singlekliz* in my brain," Thom,- 1» -so'ontitiedi,'(à secret meakuesa, pniaeve'x a <bah ef îunecy, andi -miglut _be quit. remaonablytii. master- *we w*rdtemelcL I mae lu Berlizi x m.ee'-.Wg, Ambroes. Tbon. waan't q~ '41Zul me-ever knem iL. I matie no ne- e- pont, on ,ppoe."1 e 'tlPerbtalps they knem andi eaid ne- 9 tiitg," Anibrose auggesteti sofly a "ITtiilnk not," h. d~4e4."Wheu Lhe histeiy of liis wmr -la mritten, Arn- *beose, wîth flamboyant phrases and scupious rlietori, thore mil b. utimmit- - e ton ch*pters, more dnamatie, iiavlng- Il really -more direct effect upon thinla e issues than even tie greiat battiesý I_ wiih have seerned tii. dominant fac- ntors. 'Sit tigbt bore, Auîbrc-se, anti Swait. I',may b. geiug ovor te- Bou- logne at any heur." - Thomson pusheti on oee ide the e curtains wbich conceaied an inuer, nom, and passedti tiough. Iu a quar-. te to ean heur ho reappearod, dnessed y in uniforin. His toue, bis beannghis miiole manuer mere c14auged. He. Swalkcýd witii a ipningier rtep, he càr- e;ed a littie cane anid ho mas wnîsthrng le Softly te binseif. "I arn goitg. to one or two -laees ini tue Totten-hain Court Rend, by ap- poiiitarent." lie anueun-ed,' "to inspect somie new patterns of caii>b.d-teads. 'Yru cn tell thein, If th*ey ring op Ofrei W-hiteh-ill, that lIlI report my- self later lu Lb. evening" d Curiously çnougb, Lb. other man, 'n tee, lied changeti as thoughinl gym- n pathetie deference te ils suiperior et- Sfieo. . NeHo âd bee.me eiaiVpy >hie >f'ioâient andi aWeduous aecretary. 1- a"ey 6d ir,' hsaiti smoothly. d"Ilil do my boit te finish tiiese speci- Cl ficeLions before yen returu." n.. (To b. ceoattinueti.) e ___%e_____Ne __ 'figNw Mane. g Take a look iL tbe-w rfmpm, aad >0 the coast guards-nua te _the miatter 1as he seught Lhe warni sielter o!fte e- life-saig station. 'And Inldeedtheii .à ýw min miewa worth leoking at-a watchet hîm closely. e AIobstr," Mid the cptan, "lis mun eut here." e What titi IL mean? Golng quickly f Into te boat roin, the . nister iqài Le one o! Lhe guundaMen, "WjiaL doos "ii mean? The nýw maxi enys he nover. has jieeu on -t#e oceau, anti ho 1 e as luit aslcçd the cain mieL a lob- ester looks like." e"Oh," saldth Le guartisman, s,iig, "ho mas transferreti froxu Lie Great -Lakes anti got here just this after- Tii. silil la avlng l!, Lihat Lie nom a guarti ut acquir4ot on th»-e mimd sea jie YM- sg9ing te, use on',tie ecean. E Evon ,Liogi i. knew- n»thlýng about the -mail fieLs o! oce4alife, he couli s-_.tLuI dohis duty. r There lsa a lesson hero. Goti cails o n its as Chrlstians te rescue men mie. are moraily lost; but frequeutiy we say that me catnaot become- Ciristians because Lier. le a pgss;age Lu tue Biblie t#atme canet underatant. WiaL if the lf-saver shoulti refuse te go ont te dying men on a veosel booms. e *yet laciot knowledge o! sorne simple thing about th£,sop?. ;W he .gev- rernmit ortieredt te nom wcomat guards- -mnan tezo teasefflpnttLo he had tgone. What ho lied, learued Lt do on the ocean. 8îuîry if a manieau- thLe Great ba:Kes, 4e duldl e n Liu and -plan for-I litaIfe, h.e au aise match, pray. anti work forth ngo AUTOUS~DPARTS We càrjry a fuitl in. ot"uged -Darta for. ait moekps et tare, cleaïed amd ttee from gros.. - ant i drt. Magnetos, geais. sîprlng& -comçlete engliff., 'tires. etc. Highest prices paie itor -61a-car». -Write, W'Ire or phonei 1630 Duadus L.Wet, - ea T!he -canadtlaa wilds are fast d1sap-, »earing- au wfth, tbhe rapidit! 'cfwl Olur8I\a5UiteMeut the fermer ln bis' fl0'1thward 'trnd ybarly eïaoroach«-'ta a , retr.xtent upon themi .v- abiy muatgame, dimnish andl the fili-. ber of fu erers dwiidle-9-t once liMiting tue elu-rces of tue Dorniin's mieat and fur suppiy and. *restrictlfl& lts "port tred enJsa steri' 'measures- fieaelo'roetthem.' d- oM. Conaervation ig thle bjyWoii Stejia for the1 preservation aund muiti-, Plî,cation of valugble game birds "dl fur bearers are ceaa'1IOY dvocted and encoura e4, and on. of the greêt-, e&t aide te thila ed has' heeu the.ex-, tenslive establ shment over the. Do- minion of domestlc fur ranches,. Thffse have coue, iow te inlude not On1yý fOXe@, but nxusknotS, eaver, skunk., marten, andl fiehér. Ia the extreme flortlI, future iupplies of mes/t of!au a1mo&t illimitable extolit- are beiflg flursed and built u» la malntaunulpg the herds of caribo', muskox, andi rein-. deer boît'h et tthe hauds of the govera.- ment and private corpfiatioD8'.- There l&,, a't the saine turne, one ýsource of meaf sud fur production which te the prceseut tir4e hau ee isrgely oven7loeked ia CAwada andi which effens pmslbile of exploita- tion on a coimercal scale. TM -s19 the cultivatioe' of rabbite andi haros. ln tue rearini -o! these an1maIs there is a double Source oet-revenue, the meat and ithe furz. At-al large centres throughout the Dominion the. meat finds a ready gale at proftable figures, wiitat tàheIlontreel fur so4e lust Yeêr, thousands of rabiMt skia,,- whlc1i were shippedi'ail th. wAy froi n Au- tralia, were Placed upon the, market andl realizeti satisfaetory pricea, hn.dl- cati ng th e vpportum, -ty offered, to local Canaclian-Animais Unr*urpassad. The raisIng of'rabbits and Belgian haros lias nover gained a really secure footing i Canada, 05ibablY on ac- count of alack o! appreiton o! the Profit to ho derived f rom the purs-uit, -but also, nndubtedly, because the largei, pha.s'e of agriculture have made a greater appeal, to the exclu- sion.o! the sinaller braaches offering siall1er but surer compisation. Itlah an eld and profitab1l ndustry in Eng- lanti, andi befere the ar Beiuin was eArning from ton- to twelve million dolars a year fmiom tues source. Aus- traila exporta thousands of the. little azlSgneo t Engamd each year, where fur andi mect are alike utllzed and1 oenisumeit. »Authorities' state that Bel- gtan liar« raised ln Canada have no superior9,a 1a the 'world, andi that the on.ly genuine Rufus Redi Belgiana are, at the present time, raised ln Englagd andi on thie American continent. There la a open-ing for the lndustry ln Canada b9th aà a side lin. or ais a whole turne pursuit, anti an, engage- ment ln tbls neceffsitates neltiier ardu.-, ous, labor ner an extensive devotion o! turne whllst ensurlng a h'ealthy re- venue. aîuburbau dwellers can follow it on a amal scale with profit, whllst those-devotlag thoir entire ime te iL eau secure froM five te ton acres ad- jacent te any o! the larger çontres her. meal tp coek, go -off for -. few' hours of p$eegurç, netAraing1 tt i that dinner lsa ll ready te bé aenved. The first firelebs cocker- was a .4y, box in -w-hicli the 'Europeen g4mote. placed heL dishes with the. ides. that wien set i thia, noii-conueting mia- til they would finiah cootking irhie the waers aWenft abOuýt-tho ir worl. It wus net long befone it came~ over te this aide. et tuýe -m*ter. The home- made fireççsacoo4çe ýcmxi be madie quit. easily and la verY ýdtuilar 'te tw u»«d bhy thei. thrif'tyEunepeçaamtYen > eau take any etrOnig moden 'box with e, hinget I lit. esure 4Ihât. al aa are file 1in, B o -that mien the- lid la excelsior.. 4ibestos - ýw9oilceht newspaver, stra, or - SÎother 'non- conductlng rasteri4. Thea procue a cooking, vessel, pre-_ fe ly cf lumlinuin wibh atigiii clampeti lid. These oa be boet- separately in the stores. "M-ke a hole li the excoior the. size for'fthe vessel ta fit in 'nicé1y, belng sure thte top is firmxiy clampeti. -(ëier -o-4er~ mith more excels!ir. ýMa-lce a cCushon" o!t faetenry otton thse xact ei" to, f kt tue, top 'Partut ft ha box *- 4fil witb exceor or bay. ,Pux thLi eushion ov4mal and d1e dewn Vhtb- lit. ( = «ki4 a onw»nmde - fine-, kasc~cêr ilIkeep -feod ait± au ev-en temiperakture for S ers, mien it mi ,beginte cool. ,IH one aleepa enl1y for seven or eight-iiouïm, iL la an, excellent' There la aneffler :kInd e'o: firekes# coocer that eau b. madie et boiae whîich miii1gu&rt ee the,-cooking, fer an initefinite peniodi. But it would b. necessary te empbîoy a carpenter to malce IL. Just have a weodexi box large enough for oue, twe or three contain-' ers 'as you wish. 11aýe.iLilned meil. with a sheet of aluminuin, tin or zinc,' as weli as the 114., mhlch you ýmust b. sure mil fit ti-ghtly. Thon enter the.-ln- sulating iuatenial wiiidh au -b. ex- celeior, etc. For the nests have a nietal iining, prof erabl'y ajuminuin. In-side thie nests the al'uinum con- tainers muet fit-but net tightly. - At tue bottoinofethte nest Lb. soap atone on iron plate inuit 'ho lcated, thon the. container on top cf it. 'To fit oyer Lb.e top of the containers the saine pad can 'ho used eof actory. cotto>n linpci wituh excoisior, thon lthe lumi*um lineti lit is e loseîl on top ef ,ll, wbicb. niakes e iret rate homne-niade fie1s cooker.. In thia instanceIL 1s al-su better te 'have the cou-ainerae o aluni- inum and te buy them apeciaily. The ou'ly drawback te a horne-puace cooker in companison. with a bought one la that the unsulmtiug materfal lu a 'home-madi oup i- apt tLe becoe soil-et anid of course weulti have te be constantly changed. Ina ûo#ght eue Lie insulating niiateria le aqbest*s wool covereti over with -alumnium éheeting. But these are oxpen&ive luxurjea and f ew canqfford 1em In the. case of long-,_ slow cokina cookes, iinnd- ,hp,: O, e api bng any feedQti ael epbotpop Ii ite the cooker and lot itlWfnih iLs1 cookln is~ notui rauuvu more: as tie inti ereatures Lbrive on -vegetabie cuttîngs-, Eanz more inteudedt te be usef nI as canrets, beets- anti cabbagos. The or- w.li as oPnuanentai anti Jcihnuie and- dlnary summer feeti ls carnets anti Susie bear a lot oft Lilgs Liat mer. edoyen mitha îîttîe grain. l i prsneyer-intondet for th.ir cars=! There s" ready markeolu l prs Enpty pitchers yçkwn to «b. fillet e! Lhe Dominion for boti Lthe meat anti se we muSt Leaci Lhe chlltren tLe hear Lie skinas. Xabbit meat le iigiiy intencsting and beiptul thixîgs. Whene Palatabie andi nutritions, contalulng are there se znAny interesting.1soumis eightY-three per1 cent. nitrogen on as ou a tarii, trom chanticlees, 'who More lan eltiier poni-, mutton, beef bloa-sLs loudt>y eaci, Morning, &"Coec-a-- or ciken, anti- la coming into ever doodle-do!i'Pm up betere y-ou!ti own greater Lavon on. Lite continent. The te Lie musical ciip of Lhe crickets, fui- markets o! tjie monîx dispose ofand thbe 'katytids, se mmpouLe,coir-j milliions o! rabbit s-uns. y'arly to niake radictiug lu the. niarit?" Lkiu appearance later aaeleectric .semI Open Lhe eans ot thoe-boy. Say te- or under some otier naine_. Last yean, him, "Listen, svn!,tînt le a quail cmli- On. lotra cmany irported more f ling," as the oit t:arin ei-,e.3 wiLi Lie- than 600,000, rabblt sins freon Europe. sinili '-BRob white,! BolmitLe!" Tendh Tic firetCndnehbtion de- liai te istiuguisth"betwegn Lhe cal-i vote-i oxcîusiveîy_ Le nabblts was helti]oft the ye1îlow-ciîatted flieker, the net. lu Montrcai inla Mach tts yean, and o f tic robin, and' Lie squaîi- of t-he Lie svIPlditi specimens entereti,, num- caLbird-to -knQw, the -indi by saunds honinlg 250, andti vivsitons wmhi ii ex-j as. Zwell as by eye, as he knews LI'te eedeti 2,500, augureti e'great interest w te nicl o sbytius lu Lie induslry. Tiore mas an excel- 1CmliLie chik!ren's aL,,ntion Le Lihe lent exhibit o! ram and dtressot skins voice of Cie littie bre-ok >tIat dan-ces by local nmanufacturera, Lie moat ne- domu' cieci'ily tb,'rouh Li te rneadom: ticeable beiag a collection o! "Sealius" "By day its voice is 1om mut stili- (matie !ronî rabbit siue) anti samples A c-iarming. dancingp littie iii; o! skinis dyed andti anil. But wien tiip sulent ilight is, home, -> ILs voice 15 heerd se loutiand:,d dear Picadiily's Origîi. Anti yet se swèet, if cf ton seems "TIPPeramy," tii. mar-cîing soiig As theugi tue bnoQk brought ipeasanL miich hati such a vogue lu 1914, ne- tnan. fers te pîcadffly, J.ýndôn, nga Rtelp unste thosyunug oas that Qune etory is that Lteplace Vmas nampedt tey may learu te love amut miter- after Lic PIccadilla Hltl miene -a er--stnLite vol-cee ef t Ve binis antid tain kînti of lace m"à n, vogue dur- brooks, Iise-Cte anti animals; thathLly hi- Li regîlcf uee Elzabth asmay net be de«! mien, the soft minde mate. The lace was cahot pîccatîîly 1wîisper te tiem iu the tie-4topeý-it beonuse of its s&Pear peints, a dimînu- iLspemk Le Lhem of! Goti. tlve O! Pica, a pie or s3pean. 1o- upt preaci toe, hOildren; eall iPiccadiîîy ms c a inu orIStlÎir attentioen' te.Giodi ai lie seurce .et fiambiiug houses. Ini e o! tiese, muinal beuifland- gooti hi' Wat;ler, Lihe prince ragent» .cooi, ýpm">, ounmis for young ema: Bea rln-mel won $75.000 lunLti Ostie, sounti of -Motien's voiemn-t Minutes and-4inaisted upon- givitg -one. - atW& ra voie. Mui ordisndteLe hahL-,o Sheridan. - -emasefthLe chld? Are,-Lb. toues - ' ha-,rai, impatient, nagging? Or are -tbq p'Y atient,aftn4aI Lng A aier mas oniiul ciewio -long years frein nov-Lb. toue:; o! jour cOUlecteil taxes. --voice wil ecto :and ne-coi uthe t::; - gpe'r~, = in 2ut urtio n'a water to mix peste. ] favozlte wltk ebiren. ce bo Thougli cap4nlng a -thtrty-two-foe± python le, for the animal -collecter,,net sport but business,,-ILlas- ev-en for-hilm many o! the. thrnllls of sport A Mmii>, sa.ys a tra<veUlen,came tomy qai-Iera Iu Pa.lemnbang and. sai& lue lid tfinds a Sniake taL lied oaaloet a.pig. -So we built o oite ýauf, letiby ho nate, sitarteti inte tii. jungle.'- ThoeeImi asteuighedti tefnithè largest -anake I1 lied- e-ver aeen. The pythoen mas s-l, dIgýestlng the, plg. I calleilte the -men anti--had ,hem -stako the oraLete tiithegro*uxt., Thon, paeulng a. roïpe threughiL , I tieti oua endti tea tree antin l te ther enti matie, a rpnnip nc>os ete o &ifppot round -tje puake's heati. 1 teck twp. 'o&er r we iLl wluich I plaxineçi to Lie lis 144,,anti, wiudiug on.eue!9 eoUothem round a tree on.ete*r aide, laid thie other near the Sanie. r ýput mon at Lie trees anti shoede tULern hem t1e pay c'ut tii. nopes_ as wme dýew tii. suke tomard the crate. Wlth barnboe pol9a me protidedtheii snae'sheai mt -LaU -Before - iL' jroalized miiet mas- happezLing:.e. lad Ihe nýoose- over ILs hea4l, but. the lu-- stant the--reptlle f iet tii, rope-.tigiten- L2 mau -amakoe. The-ativs ,he'wreteLiethe ta-il: becanio-egcted.mut eqcêeedet i-geL-' ting oxlycne,-! te-ropes-round 1the ,Snake. 'Ail at on-ceie python leopeti formant, whippedth Le nope en iLs tail out e! -. Lhe' isisÉoftLe mon anti Icuociati ed'verai o! ti-enifiat; Lihen I<Uthe Ie oer pa rt o! 'iLs body iL caught anti mraponee man wiiô md net- been abi.le geL out e! éhe w.ay muile five or six foot of Its tal iasiied- Lie nope about. 'Sudteniy tue saae censtrictet anti broke nearly every boue lu the man's body. 1 sieutedt th Le mon to pull Lie heati rope. tauL. Fortuuately, me caugii thLe nope attaciedti thLe tati Just as Lie suake tried Lo lurci for- wetrd again. Allowing Lhe reptile' te move forma-rd slowiy, wé drew 'ILis heçadi tomant the crate but heiti back Lie Lau until me hut IL stretchot out. But Lie nonce round ILs.neck, wich lied islppet dowa fartiier thon .I maut-' ed iL, mas giviuqg Lie hea.d too :tuclh play. Assuting Lie--mca that the snani coulti do neo more harm, I pen- suadodti hnee o! thefi Lt loIn me la seinlng iL by tLie euek: .The python Lossed' us aboupt, andi me 1ad severMl exciting minutes before me got tie bonad Inte Liee crate. As #e tragged Lie python !orward, iL coUélAth ie crate. We hacd- captured a-pnize speci- men. 1 1 Woculd Not Break Failli Witli Kitcheine Genmnany offeroti a bribe of! $10.0,- 000,000 tO Charles M. Schmn.b. -is-Lel manufacturer anti Chairmaxt-of' the Emiergency Fleet -Conýpi4tîoÈt turing Lhe. mar, to geL bacit coutýds hé*. mpany ail mwitli Lent tCitchieer; Thé stgte1nejîtmas ada by D. P. -Kiigs-ley, ?~let e tho axbor o! Commerce of New Voi euly, aLLihe luneeen given by the charnie lu token o! >Zr. P hwab's 'wAr services, atd presegtgtlon o!f a brouie plg4Lue. "Britalu leariietioft-hils huudnreti million dollar offer' atidet Mn. Kingâs- ley, "andi couatereti mitu an offer of $150,000,000. -Mn.Schwab IaugUed anti sait tiiat Geppmany anti, Bnitain to. getien hatn'L money enougi Le maie hlm break faith wîLh Kitchener. Thee Incidents maie Lie story of Alattiu anti is wpondQoful lamp regg liko Lthe reminiscences o! a dheap -promoten." Leaders ln Lie worlt of finane anti big business gonerally pai tnibute te Mr. Sciwab furis war services by their presence at tLi1.n cieon.- That a straight lino is not always1 Lte. shortest distance between ;two~ points is mcli uruderst.odâ by tues-e mho' mnie aviation pfal. Tlwy ha-ve - e- viseti whAtarc kuown as orth-4roniie 1 arcs; l br woirdg, lles V14gt co-l f oi-n to tvue surface of tii. earthi. If i an aviator mere t* legve -Paris fer' Peki'ng, ho would-.ave time by gQiu-g nokrtheasL toward.Petrogra-ti andi biter1 s>tea-st acosCii . t th Ve sal-. ors knew iL fiMt'. The avjators gre sinvply dolr4gj n tiie air what m'.nl*r <caU "'great-elrele saillqng" en Lhe. eantl.- Sond for Re ffl* p1F~ -rhmuch,1 iepdy.Isel Cc~ thedieomf t fthe.Samoaiu pu4%hý caneereti aolsily threngli -~ê~tevillages, at the. heur of wgçr- àÉift'-ia OmxanY -wlth '-a numnber.q! ?.nng ofRc»rii tom th* men-of-war -la the harbor andth i.e lrksanaa4ethers conix-eted' with tue German ]planta. tien -Company. - I balleve, m"tes Mr. W..'1. Clarke la tii. Yale Revlew, thaL ho j>ersuaded himsel! at '-the moment that ha was acting rightly-that t was botter for tiioe youlng men te be ýo enîployed than te be engaged inl their usuel Sabbah oconpammsuaz. ',A day or two later he sent an in- vitation te iny wife and me te dille at Valima. 1 declineti,, pleading that I haÙ too mucli work, but realiy feeling too angry wlth-hlm,; my-wif c, how- -ver, went anti explaineti that I had 't00, muùcl affection for him te quarrel, -And that I was feeling' too vexied te ignore Lii. maLter.- "R.L.S." attempt- et ýte justify himself, but my wifs weuld 'net listen.. "L'have ne 'doubt yeu can easily silence me lu- arg-ument,'- saîd she, '"but you know quite well tint yoù did ,wreng. What would Samoa be like witiiout a. Sabbath? And have you no thou$ht. e! the- effect o! your conduct upon' the natives, who regard yGu as a Chistian- man anti as our friend; andi do you, moreever, think you have -set a dignifieti example to the young Engl-ishmen and Gernins herè?" U...stoodti ugginig stis mou - tache during this fusillade. Af ter se2 oral--ýminutbe heLirned round anld, holding ont hus hani, 'e xclainied, "For- givo ,-me, Mr.s., Clarke; you are quite rigi,- nd Iwasatgether wrong! regret it with, ail nxy heart." . 'Well,"? sali my._ w1fe, lookiig sig- nificau-tly- st a. greup of Gerinans -on thie yefandah,, "yeU. must Prpve your A4v 'anclng toward thein, R.LS.. re- imarked that ho hati just been express- ing- hs regret for the- part they- tookz in tie paper chas. ou Sunday. 11 am sure," ha added, "tiat you feei, with. me tbat we were altogether wrong anti settiug an extremeiy bad exanîple to Li e Beach'."* At that moment one of theYi5_ Engliali naval ofilcers rode up, mcid n wile remarked, "There Is yrirsecoul' Qpportuu-lty; yon owe, it te your own countrymen." "Ah!" replied he. "Now you ask me sometiing, muchharder, but l'Il do -it.' Andi, greeting Lie young officer, hié went on. te say- witi that ciarm of manner so entirely is own, "I was Just expressing, tte these gentlemen my contrition anti regret ,tiat we S'hould have gllowed ourselves. to forget our princIpies as we diti iast Sunday; we, aIl d-it wrong ,and-I-have'been apeo-oý gizing to Mra. Clarke for the pain we must have cauoed, our nxssionary frientis. 1 am sure that I express the feelings o! us ail whien I '",her we shal'not so transg,res ag¶ù ."ý To make such--an avowal lu a: place like Apia, where most o! the white' population systematically. dlsregarded tu.e ffbbatii, reqaireti ple'nty o! moral courgge. News travelo quickly along the "'Beacoh." B«fore -Ù1ght,- It was kaOwa -in-every Ge . man .householti andi la Lie word-room o!f ery gun- boat in the bay that-R.L.S. hai penl- A cennoissqUr recent' raturne- frein Engiat i a maueunipt Q!, Sheliey's for whlc0heh.paid £1,700! -IL 19 saI t Lut tue.to-tai arnount 'Shelley rçeivei luil fexefrn Lihe publizsiiens of is pcotry mas about $250.ii-ed ftetnatesm ta aone ronds o! te uatie sxc>ui j tha changebhoks, anueacitsrpie- Lunes anti - otier, mens of art, one'is uzove toL moralize upen Lihe differ- once,,-a .mall part o! t-i. prie moult have made tot> Lunritlaisl Chiatterton pols-onet i hmself ene ho mas siglitsen te escape slow stanva- Lion, since Die mas too prend te dia.4 close hIs utter ponury ninmif0 'worïds fnom :Islighndimuthii -lu the lasL year o! Sc4ubenL's life SIX oe, us'songs more s14 Le-a pub- lAler ion twonty cents -apiece. Wlien ie tieti, net thirtyetwe ,year9 i, l unpublslet music mas valued tat$- anti is miole estate mas apprleotiau -about, 1-., SEpti4mins Winuen, o! -Phlmteîphi, soit "Listen te Lhe MoICklng àlrti" to Lie pubiahers for $36. ÈPhey are sait Le have niade $3,000)000 eut e! it! £uýIvOs 0f &'reat niait aillreminti us", Liat posterîty bas sUcceeted i L ai taliziag patriarethe mie la tiIr Lim - fid ou4iL hari te live. 1Seven ecies clalmeti great Hemer deati 'Thnougi Which Lie- livillg Rer ieg- - gei ii, breat. ' 2,5, and, tb. world v&e àëpure ComaI Ma it km-Pa cakes and candies Bond, te yeur grqcoe S-a camj Ver it»- 0eitSte mellow riclines î44jte qawey. - - 1 TIM, CAXA

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