& ,ý .. ASf -JA - -'%P W %w 4_ J. _ l4 - 104e, EMBROIDERY- -1LY ANNA McC LURE 'SHOLL ~1 cfite lho wax adle Veronica Ward feit her hanids riiy auc ut .:ec(. ut ýmbe itîi Satn a' roached., V ~r ha'~ .S lie laîd tho framç uPOinau- adjacent ~il 7 sI h lut0 z. aý i!, t bowý4,erethe Jtglitt ekllupe.n Wit cftbe 'ývore 'ýic-Yen "ýAre you going po fail, to, Mr. Stan- É-ill gold, a oeltoic! ton" midne Duvaà l afkad. ",'dThe w.thl f ra t. 0re a es ing oft hia riddle, remember, may iX lerit by 'Le c rob1lrig admeet one to paradise." - ~c~tni~ila (' ~ccIi sl 1 eau read the ordinaryGliluese P~ire a1udO joaat~êf charniOte,,,ý buit thiero.Iiave beeau twist- head.-t.At a Fi'z,.tn-ct c A fur- the -urpo'se co! ornament-or ~ pllLte tremucunr chajs coce.il01nt-ahnt-st ,eyonid * ~~M s.~-:ag~ ct- rcrgianltc,11h lie ll .After. a fe* in~riaic ka e eeumoe'scrutiny lie tiur-,ed to Ls WgU~ c ~C~ liwhoio "ave ycu a magnifying .glaS? 1~nç3rb;Jtee g.rnw s \VL t tok cr a s Ing row of char- hctL -,h,- na ectFrs- will re.iolve itself, I tbink, un- g'ac'ul V t-2e uen ader a gle,ýýs, inta thrce 'rows." ~ 1 i-b r Veroiîca rung and dià rçecýted the rnald r1 rýci . 1 u tin licf wh arcd to br*,ig aiglass from. c- .i%~ at-~thIa, librar. l-tttilcukced througli t t r r~ eit iùnl ac'm nr ', hen -lifs h 5'y-i ve li î tl, g v e a ~ a 1 LQ , e slart ai CLL. (<r.Put A aiinic1xinflt the a..;~îî ~ c e-t ic o! ig;taî;oii f rom hi fe- lvaV!r , ti iiigain calm a i r y:! l a L a l: u iI i i i s o i h eta . SCit e î le p u t *th ea r~ ~:~-&y Rl ? vi1l h a AFr l- u: ~r-' toy yen l~v- h a bd IL nd iny powoî a to uir.I VL" 'Yuu viCI emy Iast hnpe! N-ow, 1 ~l avet yur a:a0' slhdl ccrkilow wlielhur a biessing JV r nea ic;c athe or, ïse, 11,afs a y c). ail Y., îfc 1o 0111"îîY lie~cgs uid caine to ycu," ho ne ~-edtheo icmec ccc-ail, pcliteiy îiatitudinoas. tc f 'Y ~~ei i F 0 A ha .1xszed Over lier face.4 Il:Z ~ ~ ~ ~ - 0ý1' 111,11Ca f o I" aua :u dcubtful titat a bliess- et buo :,ii ^)re,,aratîAniiiog surrcon ads that allegory of a bird ucnrld uttor i -at-arn freni il at l-auj , sc!cLy hbe-c e-ilit. te C--v ltlet k liet b(,cu rtain w 111îrmse on aî- ~cý cmey c-r a tragedy, as-,tle ce-se m-y Verçuica iCnb-d- he fi-anmée mlsroid- Mr oAadanie Duval. Tiec chers F. t4,ný:L 1z1,,AthIle0chai-0e-lo Ilgiucte ex- - ~ th -tÉe z-asui-c. "lbt !ý a atheenL)ie libc:-bces eplalued, "embno!dc ro, 1tIllieve, hy a tlmlneme grin lupriQ-n, wiîe- w-ove lier em-vc ecli fance-.3 lhcug.m those -,ane blues and greens-fanctes Iý v..'t qaite make. out. 'Pie-cc appe.ars t , be a mo,,tive o-t 'dragons, strngllng luich ether-or elze the littho birdi Scaught between tlem-this 4lash o! s~îdIs eue et Ils. Whigs-, yen see, and it bas- apparen-Lly fallen froin lie bo,ýugli et cherry bkxuso80=3 instlsug-1 cagatletwEen two draguxîse. 1 lad1 huopeil tliat Mr. itanlôn weuld ho able tu read the, riddie." 61 t-ougit you were a groal Chin- elst. sciai-or, Staýnton," lilNward ne- manrketl wtth mild m-alice. "Anoblie-r'cas-e of repultatc-n helng greatbrtian lclikevceiiiii,", Stanton Vaicecscicus cf tit- note o! iirlagoilispi strucli by lie two mon, turned le tie debubante.- 'Aren'l yen gotmg t-o sing to-r us, -Gladys?" - At -lta-Im-pji t nthere was a start- led' exclamaÉîiî-f from Madame Duval, wi.o rose cuddènly from lihe chaise- longue.- "My penda-1. y sapphre-it. is goner" Veronica camie quickly to -ler side. 10t4ln Ihuse fa-tnt Whiite flowers. i Everyhody hoc-eallie the neekiace. The 'hIs border, asa fa-r as 1 c-an dlscover1'sttgwI-llaIii iebgsp 13 ma-de -UP c! couveut4onathzed Clii-! pitre dangled ýempty f rom thlech-e-l. mes. dharaceros-conv~entionaflzed, in. Veronica put cul a waruiug iuud. Ied,beyond ail reudlug. 1 lave ask- "Stan- just ylere you are, Madame1 û- - c veral persona- supposed la- read Duval, Il las probably dropped a-t Chine3s te Interpret tIbm, but 11eZ your f'et." '*HItae yoe saked M4r. Mllward?" a wai-d rcmarko-d, a-a- e ineit tle begIn .debutante queatoned. Cinth îe sorh. 'I vuenotteing Its won- "Mr. Btaintron ha beemi lu hn,'t derful telor." luaau'4. Ipi" some o-ne else Inquired; The, ethqrs jolued hlm. Every me- The Men, appeai-lng at Ilat marn4ýent ment some one expecled some o-ne else In the doorway o! the drawing- room a le sBay, 1"Here ilt e," but th icecfe icenipt appoel was made toe1m let searcera -widced as, it became evi-. muraveIl tie myutery. FrederIck M'111- dent liaItle sappline lad flot tailen van, f« several years - an unoticial a t Maiame DuvalVs b e. Sie was scoJutnr JR tiho> adow efthîe Arlieri- vis-tby agiî4ed when tie -gm was net ca-n legation at Pekin, came auguidly! found t. aIonce. - A sappitre kuown. le f orward, heoktng froin underhls- liea-vy two continentlswas- le ho consideredi eyelids'at. hiu lostece wtli lie atr.,of more seriously tlan a haugle, dropped a Man vho expecîs- vcry soon l eh- if rom a sdlieolgtnl's bracelet. honie an aceepted cuiter. The genorai j Ste-p asile noue, plecane, Madame Du- kapin1en of ber cii-cie liaI Vereaica- val," Verc-ntva direclêrd, "and let them Ward -would ne-ver inam-iy agein wvas moeotle chai-se-longue." an added spur- tueli-anbtion. 'MadamneDuý,è1 cmosscd tlu tie,-cher !1lmea-Iirssed him.- side cf lie rooti. The clair on wiehr "11r. Millwa-rd, yo-u euil bc- able te ýsie i-ad been é-itting was mioved . At 1-0,l u3 whlatthch îaracems mean. lest e-ve-y incl cf space witlin a 11CIe glancel- e-t lie square ofe! je-:-radins of ten fetedof lie chaise-longue brridilocy, thin e-IM-de-ne I>uve-i, - lii been gone cveî- in vain. Tice pe- vioa el-poised bonad was still bent cntie-c quiet was beginning le fail upon over ii fiure.TIic 11esi cf lime large i e guesto; whicli betl-kord conscious- so~en apphillre e-t le-c Ihroatl imel mess of aaewlwar-isitue-t tom;. W<I; fycos lor a- m-oment, wîîtle eaî 4tVerenica -appi-caciîcil Maie-nie Duval. Stoh1e lbthem tiat even l 1e vision of "Yen are cure iL did net fait i-lite tic VeroL,'ce- Ward île-I iel beemi eLlde te nra.gecof ycu- di-ess?" îi-!neDuval, beconing awà rýe cr - "Ncr tat he la-ces cf yonr ge.w-î:" lie ponter, 1C iaAcl u'lîey coaa lietl iol il. Ilis tee a Ii-¾yiîg -mil. heavy' '1- tiinîni t 0 1 'ILtG,-ius1let cr s -Ste-dcn Iiaý1 stopî'cil searcih-irg ead riee; L o aitie a ted Iftle çoPoitias'.s a îmdagaige-m -verthie square cf enb-idety, -aitigit cio-sely 1W id ewai-d is tee gm-e-t te iîamig ID. tl1i-91gli tl-icie ede-oDimve cn suc: a trill3,"- sait -a voice ine- ie gi-an c-ci to\varil hie-i wti a 11111e i-ne- lxtn~grrsund. - fuile Thce ker w-e-G;:cs Stanton, e-"Mi-. l3Ie--tom's inlerest u inte Cia- civl oginjeer, feri severaf yeai-a in -the es-e e7aihroid.7ery ts gi-enter Iliailis con- sercvy iC. cf the ChineÊe Governmniem-î Adormi cvor tVie les-s o! my sapphtre," tradýtbon ex!I-ted'thlaI lits exile daeot ce remari-el. "Mn. Milhwe-rd doec net frein the lime liaI Veronicr( Chester give up so0 easily" bud itecome MYL- Ward, but whct-iio Miliward-, lI-cced, w-s sî.il prose- or net site was, the, maguel liaI le-I cuting the souarc will viger, zhaking drUwJIhlm homne was a question only ont drpeie ,Iooking under' chairs _e be 8OUO4Ie'by ft-lr develo-pmneuîs. wiere ie i-ad aiready lookel a lozen Thc sui a-n-i! wlud p! sIange cî!males,'limes. AtIt-as-I he, 100, sIepped und badtra-nsfoimed hlm mbt a I3tram4ger--1 carne &ra-vely le Madame Duvial. ~ slmaettle.East, as some euon~ n l-I e are- factug butloe ealied hlm who bal allemnpte,à ,0u conclusion,"' lie. satd in a Io* voice."1 br-eak thi-ougl i ls counleous lacînui Thînt -côbnclusion lias been le- amy aity. - mnI fur somie memen'.3," slie eflted. -Millward teck lic gaze fi-cm tle cap- ,Then tunng te io Ward she sa: piîre-aul turued il conîewîîaî cnîîenty I"XVie- do yen kanoi cf lie parler .uPo)n StanitPru, mnouuring hic tnc-î-es, l-iJwie-tîrenglit th1e ilageifyftug iemarKlumg mc-nlalty tînt lie-I sor-t o! gte-si tte Mr. Stanton? Il soomns ber- -weabber-beateu, clent, niua-cn.ai- muais ibl u0 gs ci- e hn , Lu 4ae, _9 a mul , v ,i cf D)nui cnwhUe wewee- c .l :A ;;îtc-:h~Im:.ir pleta-ien. -'le: Yaýs e-go lie lied - i i:1teaiy h -a v, o pe d La-:î2 l- ignoea Se-uton, ien obscure ari 111- unlthe a----v-.:eeiY w~coe~lbut hfuring ~ ~ ;ueia11c iae -tite;r I5h1 ad CrOssed luCre I-ni 1erIense hesLae-witlh ieccl-lut Ocilfhe Orient, ca-ci e .jesald 1 I tcaw-lier la ie t.'Iiougzli- tve uvautage in>; St.at:is r-u-dtwo-i-iy" laver. Mllward muleý pp Lis id "But, Mcc. Ward,2 Millward said bflrnz th. dlnn-es-cf Ibis evening lie-I geuîîy, "re are being pushied, yen sc, lte wOoong ef Mrs. Ward ho weuîî lu eainevitable conciusion-unlese u't you try toe-a-d tlic am-uc- ir au, Mr-. MIlWard?" hie ostess *»hu sPPellng le hlmp. M»» tohe id le and bent a-rer WVUlthle, appeaamice of @tlhe embroide'm ,but tie couil MMLi ef t <t ai ret sigit, simd, a toi> Ilife ent oattempt sori-: tefi oIhr it, He prologed, w I la-av. Sud woa't 1.1l mfi 1 V@t ak Il out." - - - -- j dilfferent near -th ale i wU» tiwM squarê o ebr6!e.' èià e' last te Madame Duiwa *w1sh hst or- tense ba wiost4oIid, ahe "_prpa lng te leve t. he ywtng roam. -6*e- thlng 1h the nitate'appe&1 of<t 't l told hlm liaI. eh e nefflhl id I, ënd 'he croesed thie zecm te ber stde. h 1 coznmunlcated te hlm MadameIj l)--g yal'e sus ilo'ns of H*Itense -and lieri own relueta-ece totînteTrcgt.,the, girl.j ,"flt somelahing has tb be set 1In mo- tion," She added. "A val4le sa:i ,plire cannol have disappea-.ed out of ray, drawluig room by'magie-"' Hie glaieed about to lie sure that nO eue waf; neear etiough.tio oveihear hli. "Don'l go tW Hortense. Gv-te- the lIbrary and remain there until I corne for you.. I beieve that 'the £apphlre. Will be fcuid." - The piroteticn lu lis manner, the desire to serve her wriltten in his face, te-il a load of-care trom lier.si-cu.Iderc - ad thrilled lier, for a momient-v>itii a sweet unrensoning .h-appInes, Si cutil net define what leh meant or wcnlie suspected, or, if lie surpected à uy one, but she reated giadly in the linow-leilge that -hle waa standingbe- tween lier and an unpleasant situad- tien. She le! t.the room a'pparentiy Vo, snmmon Hortense. Staùton *wènt to, Madame Duval, s-poke with lier a f ew moments on'the sub'ject of!-lier loss-, then, as,à thers camne up Ire madIelis way 10 lthe fur- thon enil of thé room wlmeré MilIward .wlas stili, pursuing a desultory searcli. As- Stautoù appro-aeled lie ioà -ked, up, changédi ceoer, then sald ltglitly: "What.a dovil of a nuisance!" .$San-ton.nodded. "Most unfortunate! You salid' once., Millward, at a certain game of cards you may remhember was' play-ed one afternoon ut Pekin, thalt!i you could ever gel eut of debl you'd go baek'to tie United Statea That atternoon- if again your memory dees flot tati "AUl these 184 years bu-ve been for tIU th e rt1itiese -that !OI1G0wed lt w4Xr4O It eaeee4,telier thlat lie must h he 4otibà tig of hér Ioà It, tue yeri1ng reply of lier spirit tlzat l of her dre.ary arrïage, too drOSi'y eVeiî -o b (ià lled - ueýXPjy' id r mage tt Q oslUsSù siarper and, brIgiter, £ ap-und riglit as 9lknlt. Ae 6Bometijmc5 th-ou ght, turnIli 9g-an turnhng lnlier leart.- He.irfad lier answer lunlier face. Ib41terw1en, lhey -ad emergèd a- 1i-Uile trom- thiier trance o! -cox4pIete happIueéýs,h-r raIn< eu1 h.acX - 0V0Te. tlie eveI1-9 s, if -"to trace' lic steps t*uat ha4 -led t« ~t-à is fvur of tulfidl- ment, -"Tell m, i usind Wr Yoau reully unable -« ýreaKd the rlddlel il somethi-ng Yo'udidz'î t trete aay te tlem ali?' He-smiled. - - 'could-read at, butIto tranelate it* would have seemi ratier ponpos- particularly, after Millward iad fail- "Tell me.wliat il- said." "It Was sIMPlY tie statemnent o! the womamj.wlio emnbroidered 'the square itýhe did-uot ceailimhe ruby for thme thet t o whiCh she 'was imprisoned. Witli lier owneyes cie iad' seen the man -ime iic take Il; but te shield Ulmn sie liad aceepted lie guilt." "'How curloue! ' The man was a countrymnan o! hor%. I suppose" Stanton liesilated a moment. "NO, hle wa-a fore-igner. Even Ildse namle Is worked in- -Ilie border, sO you mus-t nover allude te île estory lest-some Oriental sdhoi ar as-k 10 in- terpret lime characters. -' "I s-bal put the exnbroidery away,". Veronca said, "the record il bears' is Ico Sud."' yen-yen -made -a desperate effort le o ULvYeII iI iiLllune npe ini I.. gel out o! debl by clieattng a- cards." Clerry-blossom-----r n-imo sic says- is Milwar ha tuneda' ull anryCherry-blossom-wovc aometling liere Mitar adtredadul agywlere tle lelters grow faitlly rose - "Yu li!"gn4 g-cîd. TIey nead: 'Love is a 'Iyo lie1 <mighly god. I serve îtm gtadly.' " "'You kn'w 1 do netle." Sic raised lier face le is-flutho! a "Wiat are you levering over me for- happy liglul. like a vulture?" "And sa will we," sic finislied. "To make sure et you, I let yen (Thme End). go Ilion ratIer lia-n croate a scandai aI ie egtio. ut shh -ethe A Strange Bit of Natural you go now. 1 offer you tle c-lice et'H toy gi-viug up tic sapplire or betng foi-ced to give Il np." From a Nile station lu île Sudan "Foi-ccd! " a Bri-tisli officer reports a remai-kable "Ye.s, I sa-id 'foi-ced.' You tlrew the bit e! superstition or natural hislory, theft o! tie Marquette-ruoy on Cherry- lie dees mica preteud to sa-y wlicffr. Be- bloscom, thl 111e servant ut tie Ma-. ng out on a lunittng expedillon with a quelles' wîo did you thie houai- o! ca-r- pa-rty o Sudanese, lie came. u poil e lng for you; and bea-ring a pun-ishment body o!.a- giraffe tiaI -lad bçen kihiedi thaI -s-lould have fallen ou your sorne 1hirty-six or - ;gr1-y.eght heGur shaoulders." betere, and, us. I1hio, w*~ii ds eiowe 1d, by "Clierry-blqssom!" Millrward edio-ed., a liien., Upon as-king bis servants why, lis Uipc bine. If a lion lad kiiled it, lie lad mitelaton "'Yon remember -ber wîtlioul doubt. ht, tley smiled as- il te say Iliat lie was- Yon a-bused bath lue- fa-tII and tle evtd-mitty new le thle Sudan and peoint. Mai-quelles' lospttality. ' The loss o! cd eut Ilial tie giraffeliad fallen- andi lIeu- ruby, a family lieirloom, made & stil iay on ils lefI sid 'e. The-y Ilen cx- gi-eat sutr a-i lie lime, but it was, Cher- plained that if, wlen a lion sînikes- lis ry-bloss'om wio was seul bo prison! " game, il falîs on ils migit cdc le -cals "Wlat lie dcviil as ilal le, do wilh it, but if on ils left, side h-e louves it - unlouched. Other Sudanese wiil "It hae-s cverythiug le do wilh lis wlor le dtscusscd the matter bold pros ont difficuly. I arn determined - lir lie samiie lhing. The Englishman thaI neoliter innocent girl chai-i ho admitisbliat ti-e natives me-y have been catled a thief tint yen may goa cccl "spoflng" hlm and tle belle! may hoé free." only a superstition; but lie is inciined Miladaeyes lad gmown round te tiink otierv.ise andl to belteve Ihat and paie witi superstitions tee-r. Itie natives tave'lit upen a fe-et cf na- "Wi,'ere did yen- raie up luis-" tlue- historý tinat white men lad net "ll net exuase yen on two candi- discovci-ed. bienS," Steaton interrupleil. "Tic fi-st ts lie-t yen resto-.e the sapphire. Drop Mormiment Marks Spot WS-e:-e Il o-n lie-flocr-shaeke Il fr.rn a our- I - apeIn Feu. bain, or e-ny other tricli ta cover your- 2pu Fel self, lien resîcro il le Madame Duval. Tic sp.rot wiere the fircl Zeppelin sec-n-i conitin isfia yenîeae bre-iglît inu e-Engiand (Cufftey Tli. Sttio, Hctfc4E i is le ow mark, th, lceLîe instaýnt yen lave given- up lie sapphire-anil neyer enter it cil wlii a gran:te monument le the e-gain. If yen dc, t shal tell Mrs. W.ard iate Capt-fiVilliam Leefe Robinson, everyîtng: VC, wý-k-o was i-csp-onsie fer lie des- Mitlard -aaîlvii. ructicn of Viei raider-. The menu- 'ia ree-" le bgam. - ment was unveizeil ou Ju.y 7. "Yen Ciroppeil y-um- iundkerchfef. Tbh Lrnilcu Gzetto. lnae--lnonening Sleeping to pick iltmup, 1 se-w by tle -tli award cf tie Victorie- Cross to motion cf ye'ar fie-gem-s that yen piekedI Capte-fn Railms-an,te-,t it "lie at- c ornetieg else up wvilhi f. But ieî t tkeil -e-eemy airilêua nledaetc we-uid n-at have been en-ongl wiîîout cunistances cf gment difi-~ye-ddn lie cunfirumabion I lad haler." agerfle-neI c enttcashil a limegcn in "WlosoT' Mfilward dentanded. tas airflariîgoreek. fie lad bec-andu "A wcnan's. You caunenver mae -- arfrmrehnloner n up lu Cliny-blcssom what sic lias) lad previouiy im.lacked another air- suffered for yen, but if yen eau e-ver slpdrnit lgi. e-rn e-ny mono-y l-on.e.3,lly I advtso you Shortiy a! ter Lais exploit Captain te de-ate someocf it le lier, or fo lier RobIns-ca was capture-dinh a fligil o-ver fanîily, wio were partiy depen-dent b np- 1île Ge-me-n nes lu Franco andI bld o n il:'ler.! a prisoer.- in Gerian-y until theencd- - firrilgave hlm a look of im- e!flb-ewà r. He del a !ew days afler pc-ter;thati-ed, ithon rec-overfng hic onseaîitî cîrcilil don- liedrawtg - With Answer. rea±. stped i-ciltesreak te Madame Du- - -----,iv wasT b-nmtiwe. -ý, Vi! LmC-, apparemmuy ctimulatead oy - ter thiet,22ea e iesearcu eai- lie c-a ictc;o a Ieeton, watehing -n lii; c n-îd ia Dlic admim-ing lis bts- tr.L, iie p-ower' nlu c-teetoflis contempl fce;- lhe mai: bm--ýc'f.Sude.-eniy licre a d - elgitl e.c-aetcn. Tic bde- lutante r m eci-essc fl1e rcem,h-aldie-g -ip thejewhtI,:'Io ne Duvali.- -:wsblwcen -the be-cie-nI tle cee-t cf yonr chair. Il -must have slp- pel bewn aI lievery first." Madgme Duval eclappeI 1er leands, - hen kièseI lic girl o-n.lotI cheýeks. we-uuiess we, ait corne uncer surpi-, "Yen dean! Did yon findI Il? chou!" lie addel wilî a- laugh. "No! Mi-. Millward founti il. Ho I1 thiuIk wcihave no more-iglî le was euddenhy tns-pired tlwà ook lu tle fasien suspicion upon, a servant titan nniiely places-." upen a-ny cher peu-cen." Madame Duavali seita-ci-ose the Madame Duval notidel accent. moom, holding ont expressive, graietul "I quit-e agi-ce-withi yen, Mu-s. Wa-rd. ha-nde. I unde-eban-d ow embarra-seing it 1le "Mi-. Mihwai-d, I'a- Indeel, your tO questiOn aun<ehd servant upon, enclin debtor. -u8.iCe 'ftiuy" a ubjeet; but, fra-iukly, wliat -e-mains «"Who weuld nPU ar eh forever ta -for us to do? We've lookel every- i-ellee yau 0or au' iiistà mt'a a&Iielty?*" wliere. Â quarter of a-n heur a-go âlit e plie#. Mid do* t&hat yehave supphre va-e ontMY chi-l. None g o!mur tJ9*<siWG 1 haye ýo a -us~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~«f -Flf iero~bu uulq~-$>nfrlati q ,ou. I have a t0r n F yi* muid en teredl wW riend wi> sill, Mid4 I have prom1sefi rngltbe uu1o«Ware of lthe get er - - -q » e4fM wmt ÃŽ 1 ftItê toneil' Milîvard mI- ý ibejm eate±d bleexcum. MeMnè t *= a îîýý, - Utl' - 4-- "My father and I know cevorything in th-e werid," lie salto his compani- on. "Allrgt, sail the latter, "-where, is Ais-ta?" It wvas a Ctif cue-tion, but the lit- tle feliow ai.swered éccolly: 'Thiat is oceo f the tlings. mY father wle cMay came e -me in ww s ana- thon an ola <uiýù, w-rlnkled like the neek o-f a tù'tle an4 with' eyes twin1k, ig -it hmr >a*êcuioteIy, darted ý1oI -3nQuisiive-hl a aê ,pincheci me with lis bony fingers, Insýtinetive- ted a Ja-pg and alpreclatlveQ. "Ah!i"-Il was bleu politeily requestedt--t le-andi ah- downu gan,- The ra-quest was i-nade - witm anel gémi-le earnestneoei liaI 1 complied. - - "Ah!" eaid tii-e old man agalu,* nod- ding*,witm JaUtistg«ton, 'I l thugit it -"'Wlat is tle meantug -o! that?" I asked. - 111 lave, always- beau. tol<l,"li e ex- plainied with a -depteeâtory:aiýr, 1"Ilat foi-oignonrsiad 'n'o. jcInts -,i- îlT knes. 1 see now tîle- t umust ho a imstk,because you dan bold, yeurs.'1 ,MYwillingneEis toe nliglihtten em mà de-u ah !riends tnstantly, and th-ey advanced upon me te examine my gar. monts, romove My sun imoimet It> test ils Weight,. try tle leatle-r of my shoes by stretching tliem, inbutton my coat te se-e if .1 w-re an'u-nderË!liurt, ask"-thE piteoet my, cloihe anmd enter Imb E Violent altercà tion as te îlt- ra.dvan- tlage over nastive garmnental. Safeguarding the Corm ny Thie escape 4f -a tïai ai untined lions fi-a-m -a wr-ccked cirons train sug- gests tao- ne's mid Ithe organ-izalian of the enti-re communJ.ty le destreya common menace.' The scratch of 1he lion's elaw les almost alwaysfatal. Thîs ts due te the - blood-pisopi-tg germe lIhe 'taccumululo and deveop on il- claw as il remains within lime moist and warm sheatl.- Yet liaI familier lnsect bred inu n. speakable f111 sand known le us ash- commen housefly ca-iries a milie: dangereus and. dead-Iy germs, on IlE liry body and le- a menace fa-r mer( liazard-ous le île communilty-than aI' tie 11ofts nd oller animalis lIai breni frein circus cagee. N4otwillsîandïii Ilis danger due la the greal. numbei ef these Insects and te theur pertina lions lhabit te insp>etc, to.u c and test( every objeet w-il-in i-oaci e their ac tive, wlngs, folks are net 'intllned t< get togeller on a eommunnity pi-ogran looking for the destruction. -ethi.e e« amnd maggots oft -4vspestiterousin sect. H*Owever, It is moi-e Ilan posibI] that-- in rural iDqueew liuilldaual effor wiii scu-eens, bra.ps, cizeel vesseis fo f oods that atIra-el îles-e peSte, SU' phlIe of bren- ftor île maniaie pile etc., 'wili bning a snfficienîly-sa-leIsa- loi-y rehurn lu tle reduclomi of Ih numIber o! pesterlng fIets wiîl whkd île members- o! lhé family wl-lt liai le contend, te v-eli -opa-y for tle ii vesîme-ul of lime and cco! îlf te nece cary maeiais. The Heart of Friendship. Here's lu thielie-art o! friend-ship trie jead true Tiat lau gi.s -Wil ns -wien juýys com patlway sicew; Andil kneeù3witi us wien. tcornow litl e-paît Ensiceuils en- rtrick-en seu!; whE oailles tîrougli e-l Tice'sîlînigit gieamîî ith iî rne Iiili Ir - bunm faiti:. rieccs tte i ve- iaI s-ee!7-Z ieot sel ai-i lietii INeO cee-sure fer cun fre-ihîy, but dclii w-e-a 3y gentie e-mIs, ocr n s-rirtsl-hto Tiue w-e-y of Iutli; lea sIiei upcn ,our!ilves A ce-flance lie-t al hmfngs cisc sur- v ives. Patience Wilh a Limnil. Do1 -r a lie-ctle cemnîcu infantile com- plaint c! wajîliug eve-rytiing ~c-te au hui i cf befere cie w vill condescend te t)0 tsieep.1 -I Iweat a drink of nu-h!" cie an- ucùîicel hu-udiy c-no eve-ning wien 1aMarjoni e bal alre-ady m-ede sevensi L-tips upslars. h"i Ilihe gas te-n yen, ltdn't IV' de- me-nId Mai-jonce, standing accusingly, by tite bel. "And l've hi-cugit you ycur black dloIl ?"i i Stili Bei-a voucisae o ureýuiy. "Mnl F gave yen a pîece cd white paper e-ti a peicil?' Ti'imtne Dore- peuled ac-ent. -"Wei",," decreol lie big sister, witl unt air -cf <fiu-lily, "just yen tlie ice poncil eai paper, and draw a cew; tltea ycu ce-n miik il!' L---l;as eldesi-rid-ge c-ver Vite Tharnes I-s Watsrlco Brdge -ck- fn-a-z nLig ales i-: n-rlei6. Like thc clouds so Iazily adrift, Amid the azure i-ts of eummier skies, Standing awide ix> let the.stm shiatethrough, To wêrm *and jbrhten a ejaili~tin worId-- So would 1 Ëai pss ï*uiéth h ougf litfe, Trying Vo heýl, the wounds of human .&tie. Bearing a smile andi word ' of chee as rif-t Betweer thç xny sorrows w1bich arise. Pas n g» along with i"Y&!de&1 laid true- Lighting the patibs where rue and thoens abide, Where e ffese *'00#w-ýa dY ctt 4 ýu c,v# E'en ms the c1oudswh>e forma -do fade and vauioh, So with imy 8Sl nd r, F'i e -bmisih. Like ,i$> azure e6keG whuç love the Sun, - umout 4EttIe white ftowersý; Ilate,4- n ie fi1mýi1yian&'»ojRy à ë d -ofWUs cQvered wipli obusters of lhng e- The ot ve e. e ,rý- ied.$BueM&nn- Wèreità Olî té il wcvnt c, uf, n erý Stme-t çid.r bStie, cup4ilke bIQss nis. pob .? Uae4Z y- :olboek d rýn y, the gaefWePýJiy crept thirough th, a e -ýkd.eîfîewv <;i>ut_.t iregertand u~p he 12attice; 14mb by 1mbir l c ark; tl îin ju - ý&0 lr Mmg Glorj 1di dth U rn-- 0-t Bn4. ee , a-p-a:nisî ad mignon-. beri!ytree. - ettë ididcbb.Tee w êenêiL Neaniy everyk -norning Rick indý other flowers, «11 of thern standing ini B-fl30.?racamne into IheL, rento «IYd ooruees- so th-at thuey 'wôâi m2t gà ther~anfule <f if~1umup bea _'111r-Ias 4ÃŽ-i.turb thie veigeLUabi'enD. - 1%ey steod >onitipteO btse 5,i ep The flowers and> theveeetabAes ,~tha tey nearly alwaysecmien 'crtà e. grew in tli,- garden werelawy- pe be-'uty of thceruorning glory I2asnis ed whn the elhiidrenà , Rieck and B-ar-' faî~ gis iegeerei fl -bama., camne ou-t te r m nl'berry leaves. There wuis a thimd ch-il&---so the birds Tenulrrtrc-sbai bu ta-d te ios~ and tlierosr tid flwer,"they would cry. .,-If e-n'y rest-who lhad,*nct -bt-1 n in t Ph en c llce im uber t 2 -garden- tjiat yeer. Sbh,-ad bec-n 111a Atlnh oewarrC-tdy -l'mg, long tinte. fer unnie was pathere wgs, accish1 tYit, Dean thu-i ncul-yrechdt W One one side of the-fence neartc1 fy eo, the h.1h1l- por bea.ns tklere -ve8- a morlng-gliovry ~îrîE ytegic i a-s n 1vine with- fliiiblue'st bo;esthatj ù1ser-staigmattïcQ wr- ever were. 1 Ualttr i Poil-y Po-e.-Beau h-ad been wthng "Wih'à ere is Blue M*n-ing Gr- "a Miss Merning Gloiry for somne tiniie. [flower inqaired. - *POiLy 1wasr kin'-iearted, but it nvust -ê ié-No one anwene-d; but a- ru lu tadniltited tint s!ie was somewhat puiff- haA j ast allgh-ited on thee hp of a sraalf 5 ý"pon aScount (if ler ance'stry. It ced-ar -put his bead suddexuly undei his twas re-ported- that,.tie farneus bean wiig, for all the worid as if he were estai-k tjat Jackç the Giant Ki-Ilexir Lin- tryi4g te hidte bis face ta keep frein aed was lier great-gret-gradfatlie..leauging. -As to Biue Morning Glory, éhiebl Riok and Barbara carne ou nto tie e ne ancesitryr te speà k of. gm-d-en jiust t1ien, but cf coinse they One .-dui, when lPely Pole Bea as id COni nct ih,= the ffowers taI-ki-g. been' stjain up at the windo-w just Umneiwlu ,iqe igh Jâp on the side of îabove fier,, sie had a new -idea. Foer -aViee houf-e, Pe41y Pole beau lad reeah2fed -0long tilm eS'he lied wan-teci te, SRosvi er goal ait-ktst. Slowly, as the sui-n tMiss Mcîr-ndng Gi-- i-her place iiith7e rose te'wardthe niiddle cf the sky and a garden. M'reoeer, she was egrte warm- d eidlped her, --he ci-cpiev'er e satisfy lier -curiesiity about enu upper, the -edge ef tIe window siLL ýs window i4n Ve lieuse, wliere wbltieIcuir- "I have won tIe race,"- she thougbt. s tains"lluttered laz ily. Now aie iad , Then slie sa-w, kkoking strnight et e tiought of a pJa-n by wlhich sie ceuki Iher from the wind-ow sili of a winýdcw ;t de both bhings. She wouidd chaesinge kitty-cornered fi-rn lier own, B-bue Mis%- Morning Glory te a xgwe up 'te Mvrning Glocry, wi-de-eyed andl smi-liug. 1- liai -rovei, and thns prove tealier-how Tie two vinies lied reac'hed, the ge-ai a± e rulpenror aihe was- and l ase get a chance the c lm time. Blue Morning GbIoTy * a tel-ook into the roont. liad ne.rely crept round tic corner ýS Se in tIe hearing of a- the- ganden Of t'he heous" and climbed over cqe-me -e PoiiRyPole Beauooeafternooxi choi- i'vyimte ith er window-. lierroute IllngdBine* MOrsiÃngGlY orb a ie ad been a littIe longer, but it- hadc ,k up te trie windew. been a littie -ousier, toc, and -soihon-crs g Blue Morninig G!ory epened. one eye were civ-en. r'l ratIer azily. 11Ail rigiht," she mea. As the twu bob-bcd o-ver the- siU1, un- a-. It *as the opinion ofthVe garden certain, liow ta gi-et each otber, they te tfihat Blue MOrn-ing Gloi-yWUuid no-t were sta-rtled -hy a cry. It,'eame fi-cm Cstand moech dhSféce Of winiy4 g-the -a 'smnal -w2te Wien a cerner ef the a race. Sic lad a habit of shutting lier roon where a thin- littie girl se-t prop- in eY'ea tig'li beire nkcn evcryinie-r ring ped- up on pà liow. Ber paie face.was s an'd sleeping etraig'lt îhrorgh the rest sOhning. - l-, of the ùyý. Poiji, on the etaee hnd, ,-"0 Rick! O 0Bà rbera! Corne! " silo k-elpt gotz 14 ri-glt 820'ng. ceied. "Two beautiful flowers, a lke e t de à hard ratefort bafi o~f one an&a white,<me,are 1ookingin at [t. ' te $i4"* Poliy wOUD48'bave te n=eone thr,&ugh rthe -West window and >1! ihnlb -lier >W'n pc(le, swing over toe oiiè'etârôugh tie Sonti windaw. Tley 1-n-ext «ce xd se -prd6eeed alo'ng a Who camne in'to siiglt at the came trne!" ~row o« prles. Then ahe muct iedo -Do'wn halaw, tie . cl dren'heard, and -seind Up a 1'umg vikIe, catcilh éo «f lime se60}di nlQt'ie gardien people. - 1eltal-i laitticework besîde tli~he ns à 4- 4 P à ee' ac asntcudd Iiiseieio muntto Iewindiow siU. J apy as -VIat for weekS," Vh-ey, aid 'eBlbue Mernîug G1in-y iust dlinib tihe tae imeaotlher. Sgarden fen-ee, catch èhoId of the low-er, The robin gave a ci-y of joy and fie-*~ e- zihe oasn o-bd -nilherry t-ce au;d away.; thé grdon people a-I l ioed at dianlir fon 11b -te im unil -li -one aniother and sn-ilc-d. They put two reaued- tic go-al.. and tw-o together -aiid un-dorstzuod What "What'- n-Ide the window, 1 won-', h-ad hâp penedi k Bd deri-?" was the thougit of lut4ý-h of As for Poiiy Poýlo Beau an B-hie' th-em Morning Gi-.m-y, th-ey wei-e s-peJ- U neri d f -li nn i m i e t o r u c - t c f c i i h a i n c e 1 - î~ h ef~ildCie. -U-e hsl-nsx:rtfa nmlCame-ls. are queer. A hcr Lii--. L ea U VLIOC nea rinz, his deýtîiaaîon altle- ,, ia- Iea rcI imv direc:wr. s ci v,- ticcrejurrey w-111 priai: rip hî~iser gbStehcalpanyxe m- and, io nimaLtc-r ho;tihe'l. encter towi lPf hoi ,e1:-dcneu c:m w vitJ a da-sh. With a a l tt*tiet- rgthcl ihfi cfhi~cz~ ws.At any rate, says Mi.Fe lerte idl t:.vat-ea, a'tQec ! Èeicad dwu. the lbIt bar - c lf n.i Villiers in "Five D Gale F Adxen- ;_ tu're," It vwaýs ciheris-e w:t'iiîn. :a)rd oguu cîeh Pereivngthaiw-as tee iin-ble for ýccn as the aninial sigb-te i he gf-]or- -ebastals dipito eus streak cf silver wt the verdant-& fring-e that vas the Nile le l:essetld isef cmctayi the sand, gave a-grunt cf satisfactîon, sIc-w dewn and seein-ed absolutely i~ n- lty elhd emieas different te the restorative properties jfarther. . I terefo-re bIet hlm and my c-f tlae water that danced ami slparkled in the distauee. Yet ho had lot been b aeo h esn n rme wa~ere1 l-r iveday! Te mre i the, rest cf the way on foc>t into Our exerted mysei f te. haston hlm forward encampment. the mèere the beast ,ceeinedlte.le-g, and TIIÃ" auretan-ra hOMit , the w at la.st 1 had te use the rawhide Whi9..c-iecd for crosshi h tp.ieOe~ Agriculture ranlis first and for emost i s tahien -into consideration. The amon-g Canada's' industries, and by steady. and coutinual rise of farm land means cf it.5 prcg-resdve stri des bu-wtte mrvmns ntewyo ce~sfuly mintins ts laç atthe ildings t:Vereon had the ,effeetý of cessullymainairs it plae atthenearly 4dcAming thïs item ,of the es fl- head o!flthe list- in spite of lthe rapid 1 mate. Whist the value of lthe coun- pr-c.gre-ss inMade ecdi year I in afac- try's pos.z-essien of!,farming _,impie- turing and cîher Canadian actîviticoi. ments increasei consider,.bly there The total estimaled agricûflturat weal-tl o of 1:eD-cmiin ain1920, a- cou-iv tote ie nthly Bulletin-c!o- Agnicullural Statist ies, amiounlel te $7,612,151,000, -exclusive cf misceliane-, eus Dro-diuets snch a-s loba-cee, flux,- fibre, e-nd me-pie pi-oduels, wlici wo-utd adI anollher $23,000,O0 bu tli!6-toa-t. AguIcullural.-producti-on for îhe yenr- 1920 lseest ima-ted e-t $1-946,648 -qooe made up eof field crQps',I $1t455,244,0-00; farni. anima18, -41,40,083,000; vool, $5,- 321,000; datry produels, $256;000,000; frinil.and vegebbis, a-$40iQ0O000, andi pouhbry and eggs $60,000,O0 To ai- 1,1v, a-t -lie estfjmated agrlcuùltural weaiti, $4,28-2,68,066 s ad&d4 or-1aiýd tarnm ýi.11 - âsotp>ated agriculturaI wèa!1ï* --c e- deeline ln Vie vaine of live stock, theugi ne perceptible dwindling -in- num-sers for the main pait. Thle ascendiugi value o! agiiuitural prednie-ûo. in Canada is- very- cleanty itînstratel in a comparisn __o!flte values o! --Ilie pasi six ycaiý. -Inu 19r15, tiie tobali-production vas veluel ut' $1,118,694,00, -lu 1916, aI $1à 123.952,- 000;. i-n.1917, ai $1,621,028,009; Inlu ig, aI $1,90.5,313,000; in' 1919,, a-I$1,9,75"- 841,0-00 f and lu-,1920, a-I $1,94&,648,000. Belveen. îthe yea-rs 1916 and- 1920), field eu-ope increased in value !i-om $825,- 3 71,000 te $1A5,244,00; tai-m animale fre m S79,95&8,t o $140,084,000; 'Wool .000 te $40,OOOAbô an-J pebiry anid -, il t i- a - ' e i~( i- - t a: - i - -j ~ rX1 I £(i-tr 4f - ~Eiflec! mi I-riaiia V 1-- -