Wheù anyone is overccme with the 'revive mu-chi quiciter, and -if -an electrkj beat, ib is important to 1<nw Whether fan is availebie so xuueh tbe hbetter.1 thei conition is one .o! arnrstroke or Shc>uld a hospitai- be conven4èwt, evcry o! Lient exiaustion, Iinmediiate ýstips effort should be made.tci have the pa~-j tienut sent thare ori aceount o! the. have te6lie ta-ken te vestone the nor- specialfciiteor treate-n~t, ais mnal be-at of thi body and promnote 'comiplete- collarrt and de-ah some--t normal circulation o! tire blood, 80 iMe3 foIwrWattacks of heaut xhaus- or-, must notice- whether.tii striken bien if proper treatint le n5t resort- ptrsou's temperature ja higir or low. e1 te witheut deiay. If t-bie- e feve- and bu ekin dry and 'People shouldtae arig of the hiot , tihe-case- is evîdeubly sunstroke. dangers of iiaving the hea'd unzevei-id TLu patient fi-st cnpiains of a tired for auy - lîngth cf time in the sun's - feeling accompranied by a seu se o! rays. If tuis pi-e-aution was heeded, dullness or oppression in thre head. and suitable, headge-ar usîd lu tire- DUlIziness may ena, leading te un- haut o! summar there would -be much c~ ~~ï xcounsifthe atack le severe. i1M-ariait o! sunstroke- resulting. -The~; ep4e lac i r lý@ n h rear aud -Sunro- - Ien Tibredfui uhe lse n is i re-aahngd-Sumuiok-yo etiît weak. - .(i)- Remnove patient- te shady spot At tire outset tire symptome e!f sun- and loosen ciothing. sbroke and hetat exhanstion are very (2) Sponge with ici watecr. -elmnilar. Thre sai l d and ciammy, (3) Rub skin with dry towei. -and thue body temperature below -ner- (4) If patient ,je conècioUe COUd -mal. If euergete and proper 'mensuras drinks may be- given. are- -not taliçe to revive the patient,- (5) Kýee-p patient -in a quiet on&d- Ire or miii unay qulckly auccumb. - ceailr<>em. Thre ve-y first thing te do for a Heat Exhaustion- - hut victim je te remeve hlm te a (» Gover patient with biankets. --ayspot eni locaîen bis clothing. (2) Apply hot water- boÙlies te Next cxamine- whethir thi surface of fie-t. the skin- is hot.or cold. If ib is hot (3) Give bot drinks su-ch as tee- or Spouge îmm-ediately with ici waber, lermonade, à ! patient ise con- and when the patient iras bien ne- ecious. -moved te a favorable place indoors, a (4) hIoid aromatie spirite of am-, cel-d bath sbouid lie gven, and the mroulu near patient's nostnils. r' kin rubd with- a tr-y towe-i te en- Courage '&r-'uation. As soon as con-- W. D. asits if tirer is- any cure for scesecreturns, coid èdrinks ni-y -bu givrin frecly anrd the patient should ie- kept iu a qjuiet and sirady i-coi. Iu éase oe! heait oxhaustion, ai stimulation is nece%,s.ar'y. If tiei ekîn teels ccd, lanwmy and moist tic ý-Pa- tient siould Lie immediabely coverdi ith hbnkts and-hot wuter botties' %ppýicd lte tire feet. Ilot drink sucir as tea, miik or lenionade ý,hould- be g'ivon if tie patient is conscieus, and, arornatie spirite cf ammonion placerd -on a bIt ef cotton or on a bsn-dite-r-! Aile! cionlitbe -be-id ieur bis- nastris. [ri a cooling breeze -te patient wil hivers.- Anrswei-: Yes, roda water end otier nikalies are. o! service in giving i-e- lie-f. H. W. P. write-s: My little- girl tice- *years and six menthe suifer- fi-o-m ceacie and is nervous an<l somntimos f evaiisi. 1 Might these troubles lie-due- to adenoids? Answer: Yes, tire-y prqhbly are. -Yen saulI bhave your cild's nose, and! tiroat aexamineit by a phyicýan -and radenoide re-meveci if thîy are prisant., iEnIrarge-d tousils si-nIud ulso ai et- tended teý by a physician. - , Keeping Fit. Succese- Nuggets. 1i.OCÂ .~re i iune cd Luek nover cornes toe c hikr- v u USai'11n - iLu CI aing :u lb aîways dois tu tihe worker. ~ lLL-i 4. iîîîxi iiifliL II 111 The present honi is thre de-drive ~ tcW. oun, andi ev ery day le doomsday. i gie. httiahcedtJ to l is the man who pe-sists iu seeing - ~ 4J12 ibi. L>.2z idJii~'hie ideal. who ignores obstacles, abso- -,u-iruîn cure auutt lutely,-2 refuses te. se-e f ailure, wlie - - u, C -Le l C utiixiEtY fur' ding e tehis confidence lu victery,. - - ~ ~. ~ d ~,andL'.4110that wins eut. - .--li a L'JiC:i ei)iiIeu ta-ci Coniuslias a -twin brother by the S,. rr,.k sLac edisnaine of Perseverance. ccii---------i ai ~ r JL C iIli3S,1 1:ciccess is not meXsured hy what a - L _L---> x -tuiK1Y .1()udfL'!man accoruplielies, but hy tiie oppiosi- c~ v.>iidi,. .' r d1itt ic bin Ite lias encognbcx-ei andithtie co-ur- .0 V, IL . -.i.~Ji cb~~ agi with whioh lie he..3maintuine-it the ýLS gv; w learl tile ýDonit w1as-bo any blre beluboringth u ai wu u- î u ûcause cf al yourbtroubles-yýou'rc the t.i u. ~ii iLulu ;Âîl I rouhien. LI.il ci W~ ùe-l à î i v oi Man1men fLailbeca-use they do rnot L ..i a<~ iac , 3îu*lA lior quri eue tlie importance cf be-lng kiud unit Q 1 lJ e2 Wys act upon, courte-c-us to the men uniter tbcm. ,.uar»~.~r ,. w .av. u i Pull on the- oar, unit no.t on your \~-i ove~i-în ce t.dgtl îg sv-e ar-e- fie-nde. Mure tu lues l - Nature doils net say, "Yo-u muet ývjiii leia train for arl oyant; scene net," but she cuirs, "If yeu do, you nw ifauli- 14-e. -,In isi must puy the price, fer I canet muke ligor,ùus in aG;Llnee. aia nd se-uelnlai lb les-s." Nature dois net argue-. t'lit ile î-rcL s i -owai, tni gaineusi -The wu>- te bu happy is te baker whut piaed il ae-ut aor taiL;ut is laven. [yID egt andt dewhatyou eau withi l. £hwILi ile- tiinKis lie l.s -a license te :U .a1bue c gaimfl iluL,-an ii-an - uorndGra eà Lekei,.t lit i-or the îuusineýs ci uîvingGra Deds cannut ia1tord, te *,Lre-ak tlalning., he Whoe can stay bha winds o! winte-r witl illay reIns, ie may i-est; '-)ut fil 'va- - a gesture-? ca u,, are, piriou3 f.,-r the restora- Whoo nu hoIt the raina e! sprng 1i Li~uzi aira nuit thre deý,trucrn-off is brbohus ezery.Ior hîc anmuse-nue-lt he fln.cs - utwhiclm buds brn up, that re Slieecau hidi the- gustybeara oflie-r- ri,ýL ýo hs he ni Love y do ie WhipWhhe, r veci ad. Ctcîne i>aek te it. A v1aca.ion nover wai intended farj a sîatw'.file purpûise cf it Jl an nipoveontin the gene-ral physi- cal<yndtin.ThoŽce vho are idie ciwys wOFic hfe o it ie lopg play- bti,(do not know týe remiperabive C,~niga a re.spie. Never having tcoiled, thiŽy- cannot cnjoya'ily reet. 11ho tun'i - hi-.,,who lias worked bard to deserve the'rc,,-rention. And when -the ,ýrecc-s fomesmn bisbur---ines3 ho doics not find .14 pieas.ire to sit idie in 'stagnation andi xegetation. 11e fiinds goxething to di-o-ane interest mental or mariual-to J:eep him ac- 'Cmpied. -rThe muan wlïo would be fit -takîs j care that -néIther mhinci uer musce is a.trophieci by tUesuse. You cannot wish ;Lny mnan, a4 à ny cige, a crueler fate than that of having nothing te do-. Wý-.o can cast n veiiiacrr3sa the fae the sun LestL he ho too hll wlmooi lie shifie. n con? cl Df ut lie can keep guard ului li' ips day aind niglht Lest thiey speakrtco aýian. -MaqueiteWilkinson. Thé Brute. The young na.rrIecl woman weut homie te lier mot ler and sobbingly de- clan-I 2ho just couldn't hi happy with lier huzbandagalu.r III wouldut have mindîci it se, mucli, mothe-," she sobbed, -"If Chai-lie lad aiuwî-ed me back wwheu '4 scolded hlm, bu-bu-but . -e did something this. Moýnkeys are sonletinme3 made -t0e "Mercy, my dear chlld!" she ex- perforai their tricks, by menus of clîimed. "lie struck yeu then?" wires atbachcd te their imb-3 and "o wrsthtamte!- nianpulted y ahiddn taine. îand the young wi-fé so-bbid afreeli. Pianos made. in Britain lu 1913 "Te-Il me' at once!" Iudlgnantly de- numiberîd 120,000; last year the nuin- manded ber zuether. ber made -wuiS Only 5O,O0. - "ie ijmsV yawued."' whichiskown to cotitaic in. _- dh4n - - - - :~, - 'J' .'.~ WondeTful WeapGn Wlich WPIy-a.Big Partin ti' -A WiùeuO! imimense value lu the great figlit agairat diseuse bas Just been !qrged -lb le a uew klnd Of mic-1 r'&scape whicl 15 as mudli tronger than the old iu as the ýblg teleco-pe, lu the GreenwichlObs-eryatory' i% lstraýngir blian a pair o!uopera. glasses, t writes a notîd Lmoudn physiçinu. The ,story o! the ne-w microsicope le a romance, stranige and fascinattflg. Thr ahI ! s wcan yt oly abcompu-> Torhe o uhns eauai yh lby aecoinplsl- at. But we knew thut tliey. wl'Ibe, great thîngs, amazlug thînu. - Tiie doctor's meet pewer!ui 'weapôfli against disemeasela' hs emye. Oncelie çan see wjieru the danger lurks, what- towards .,Preventinig It. Microscopes 1are tiie ne-w eyes o-f m4diiue, wvlth, wliicli oui heale-s are ae-ete keep s jonstant.uud a splendid watcii OU Our dèadiieat ~e-miee., Figh-ting DeadIy 'Germe. imagine îau army te-day -wltirOut aeropiaqae or au 'amïy « the Pa't, Wtth'eUtscouts! They, would be on the =-rme footing ag wonld me-dîcine, wlthouit mlcroSCePes. Anl Oui- inowledge o! tire germs o! disease, e!o'fdiphtheria germe, o! tY- pI'bli4fe-ve- germEr, o!SUPPUration germe, -we ewe t te umlcrosco>PO. - Once uponr a time dlphthenls killuit about niuety eut o! every lundrid chuîdran lb attucked. Then, hy thea eId o! this gi-e-at, all.seeing e-ye, a doctor foundl the gem o! dipîtreria. Hi sbudlid Its, shape, its we-y o! living. Ib became, ns. lb we-e, a "mar-ked man," se that its appearauce was kuown te ail docte-s. - Inu bthe Sco-land Yard of medicine-he 1,noxaory-thiy had its description complete. A!ber thu-t It was, net ve-y diffleuit te pripari an antidote te this poisonous f elow, so -tint- whenever he appeared ateps could hi balten te destroy hlm. That antidote 1le kuowu te everyoefl as "Anti-diplitheria Se-rum." And it ee we !ond lb, few-yery !ew-mchildi-it have died o! tire driadful white growth bliat comus at the baclt o! the tiiroui and le called diplitheria. QOic thE serum lias bilen givan, the gi-owtb pue-le- off and comes awny. Too $maiI to $ee. That -is what the microscope has doue tor oue disea.se. Unhappîlyr, there are other diseases which romain to be conquered. Que of them is measies. No man hais ever yet seen the germ of measioes, and yet that gerrn certainly doees exist. Measies kilis far mora'chlldren 110w tlandiph- theria. .Mbeasl-es is.~ therefore, a muýre dea'iîy dis.eee uovi- tlha4 &iphtheria, Whyhlas the germ of mea.1es neyer beén seen? The answer is that it is teeo small te be seen. The microscope Is~ not able te magnify it, te, enlarge it sufflciently to allow thLe humani eye to detect it. In the words cf science the geym of measles lies beyund the microscope. It, le "ultra-iirosCO-pi.' And liere we cerne tà the new micro- seope. The. old u$cerOseX>pe was' thought te" be absolutely perfect. Mawe-acturers of the exquisite glas« lense& with-which it- ia.,#tted ýai4d that the very 'Émit of its,0S494ble powers badbeen -reached. Leuses could xuut be mà de t iea.greater, en1arSç- ment. That idea has lasted f or ten years. Doctors ,tlought, that no fisrther in- provement was po&gible ln their won- derful "eye,» 'and se bëasf given Up al hope e! seeXig the very minute germs whtch probably cause rneases and et her famillar diseases, sucli as whoop- Iug cougb, scarlet 'Lever, chickeun-poxÈ, and seou ; for uoo-ee as yet fohnd the germ of these cemmo-zplace ail- rnents. New Ltght on the Subject. But the nîw miîcroscope brings uaw h'(>pes with ILb. l is no lessa than, twclve and&a haîf timers stronger hn the old eue. That ie te say, that an abject which iooked ne larger than a pea undîr the o-Id microscope looksaas lai-gi as a peugy-ptece undar the new oee The new microscope.ý like meet great ideas, maltas use o! a nw *prucile which ilp yat beautiUÈlY ïsimple. Its discoverer, P4r.ȉiruard, wboee naine Is lnown aW -bver-the world for lis kuowledge o! this.,sublert, thought 41-at eqixally..as imporUilrt as-the glass le-us in a mnicroscope was the liglit whidh euabled th'keye,,ot the.,pers-on using the leus to e eý throîugh.IL,. Suppose that,' instead oçf tj'yiug -te make bette-r 1çnses, one trietd 4o usea He began - td> work on that simple i-e-a, and employed colored, jigh'ta lu-n.i stèad of the ore'uary4yIg The daylight,.ao. ues-4mople knôw, le, made up o! Seven di ferent coloa. Sometimes lb gets eplît up ilao these, sj,veiu colorea~au This happens when it pas ses,;tlirough ,rain-tbe rain- b-ew--and when lb passes threugh eut- glass, o! a apecial shape-fer, example, the blue and red liglits se-en at the' be-vélied adge o! mirrors. The colors., when dayliglit I's split up, always come lu exact order, violet beiug ut oeeüed oftti-e row, and rad et the ether end. Theorde-r svilt indigoý, blue, green, yellow, orange, i-id. Mi-. Barnard used quartz glas, se- eût as tû,aplit u.gp Uie aylght aud e-end oniy <me culor et a tîma tb hi% micrScope. H. tound, by maklug talaisîtlat vlolet lIgt gave hlm'ti-e* regutshe -v J ooktng for. go, he. r- raLged Ws quà m, - uclau a r>- hieu thà t oiy'lyVolslghtaheuld , oni t110 spclrneit4e ýiad underpxafll- StuOylmaLivinfg Bpeclmens b tlby# tWO Mhr tiOchrit m-ïýý ý lige yaeîIotIg4t . e3-,-al'i sy, e- pwarthy~aredea. ~ -Thtis. la verY i1mpoiIait, 8.5 the nabur- tir ai -living germ mnust 3ffOrd far..moire f ruali nt!- rjUatjcen thaT the -drid -Stluîn- ed, de ad o-ne, . -Mr-. Barnard bulieves3 lis discovemy le enly the be-giifiliug of a-uew ad. vu vaxwa lu -h.Pwledge, for the-re- seema , to be reueu to-tikthab oCher raye,' luelu-ding tire nysieions X-rays, inay I heabele te gîte -.ael- gi-ete-r re3nits tI Chan, the~ violet Ilglit 14ys. That, 4ow- I ever, le a ».mettezr stli hidd e-n ithei-e f Uturé.U 4t Most Troubles Afflicting Women Ariù,-iie to Poert, BIod TO-eveny wolra1û bstonge the riglit te, enjey e- heeithy, ,active lfe;, yet - nîne opt o!t te- sufer frôm om e foi-m- s," 'ipl~se5 Tiat le why o ee cees on every sida pale, thmn cheeke, I Idul _eye-e and drooping tlgure--su re1 sin !h'adacliaS. weak baeke, adli- jng, limbe and uncertati heaitir. Ail 1 eak ;wemen -shouid wi the right te be well - by xefreshiug thei- waary bodieà witli the 1e-W, rie% ri-d blood tbab mr9Riptiy, transforme thim lute heuibhy attractive 'wo-men. This nîw, rad blood le supp-ied by Dr. Williams' Pinu1k Pille, which reachueoveiy ergan aud eve-ry nerve lu tiie body. Tlirough the use of these PIsthousauds e! wo- me-n bave !ouud bene-ttwhen suffeiig !-o-m. anaîmia, Iudige-ston, gene-raI wiakue,-s and tho«ei alimente f rom whlch womeu alone suifer. Among tha many womîn who bell of thie good Dr. Wiliams' Pink Pille have due' bhain' l isMrs. L. icts, Round ll., N.S., who says: " IIbe-came vu-y much run clown In henilih; my bIod eeme-d weak, and~ wabory, my sbrength failad, and I waé se iasiiy ti-id that my w-ork was a burden. I h-ad o!ten u-ead about Dr. Williams' Pink Pill& and declded bu, bi-y tem, and j on truly say that ufte- using th-ee boxes I feuud my- self guiuiug, undt my oid-timoi energy and vitality was restoi-d. Ont o! my ewn experlence 1 eau -sbrongly recem- mend thie medicine2' Yen oangît Dr. Williaums'. Pinkt Pille bhuiough auy denier lun medicine or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. William?ý Medicine Chb, Brocltville, Ont. Insect Samsons. If a man could-lump-as!far as a flea can iii propun, to jiJesize,-h-ecoeuld le-4ap with es vr~;~m~o cathedra].' Were hli laagile, as the common grasshopper, two or tliree bo-uuds would take hlm lin a twinkllng f rom his office te Lis hOuse. A tien suspeu4ed in a minute slng will grasp a match-stick and juggle w ith it.as though it wer'e a mere not-h- iug. -Were a man equally strong he could to-y witli a giant forest trie welghing five or six-ton&. The aut thin'ks n.othing of dragging g piece o! wood fifty times hia own weight; -while if lie alla off a leaf a lundred<?tlmeslits ewu heiglitfroii ha eground, îh& doee not-hurt himsel!. If Our appetite NWe as great as those of- cterpillarw, we s-hould each require miore than a ton o-f food every Could we but learýh ail that the bee kulo-wsj about flylng, we miglit sear In. _te-. the air tn- aeroplauea whose wings were no more tban tour feet' acros andwà ioe englues were no stronger than th-ose o-f motor cycles. s r The Lightest WoocL The -unfamiliarrbalsawood, growing lu Costa Ricwn and Ecuador, is the [ightest wood kuewu, weighing ouly 7.1. pounde te, the cubie foot. Cork weigh-s 13.7 Pounds. Growing much more rapidly. tbau almeet any ether kiiown t rie, lb la sald that within four years a balsa trie will' attain tbe heiglit e! thlrty feet, Iwith -a diameter o! ten iuches. lb le as durable as eder. .. The woed Is white, extremely straight-grained aud easy to- work. lb I& soft when green,*-but .seems te bard- en later, It is used exteusively for makInug'i!e-raf ta and life-preservers, aud'it is theuglit that k wilI eventual- ly. censtit-ute a valuable soruce o! pulp w ood. lb lai bellevid that the tree we:uld flourish lu Fleida, and because o! itsrapid grewth weuld.,spread rapld- ly over the southere part e! the sta-te. Berli n's Best, Jokçes. Is the ex-Kaiser as .pqpul;ar lu Ger. manyas, he was Mbefore, ýhe war? It w-iould appear a~JIe Is noet the 1 wor- SÈIf~uI dcl hi wase. At une time bis veýy na!me iap'w#rd fearful. admirables ~ameung tis4e Uôriau people+-their greal -rulr who qOuX - do - ne wrong- Nowa- dayâ hli lethe Subject o! music-hall The folewiug patter was, gluen b] twocros-tlkcomedians. (Germans brebliby, nationality> lu -one e! Berlln's Iaading 'vaudevil* le theatres receutly' ".God-eveulng, Hans,!" e-aid thie tirst cemeian."$o ou're, bac fi-o-mthe war." "Geod-eve-alug, Fritz!" replied tahi secoi4d. "Ysi,.I'.i back frein thie warj but. 4t toîek me a long tiiue to, get back!" dé upose lanâ," contlnued Fritz, ."yen, must have, been the last oue tc leaveY - "dNýo, Fritz;' there la one who tsun' .,,The,, 'jGne" referred to wathe ex Kaier~,,~4 t~ hua.roaed~wtt P _~er. t B t a, o t c- ~n~b~igr~1î at1f bt. cal ïýt>ororu-toare inew Nýork-c1 -a g eUng everythiug i1 haF? - !ç r tb4s, big day und itaso fr q ohe' fe-i ýUre prior tre itgand-!o-ilowing it,-ll f which have te do with the. counts. Que ,,-:f the- ýýmteclal 1eatures thie year wi'i be a, Model Cmpfor about 600 liheru .1seuelirgray-n every s aé, - Such shaeo*usyhlis between, worl d~s-~ d a<> tsag.rec6n. Se nmudli o! drab htieie 1.3 te se Ig Drab his anid drahbhurnuty, Mc Scouts. Troope Irom outslde To-ron-to, Te wo-rui iias eet1 eof evéry trie. -M wiii ho 'aceommodatedith iie-camp *'r~ withéeut charge e-xcépt for, tood and tnýt -bhtaý'may arraiigefe-r to cuit ..Empire Tunbei' Exhibition. Ta.i ;heir ocwn- desires. TëIm ,blakets, Thc vaue hicb l1eadeýrs o--ffatin a on grcund chie-te, eeki-ng files,* cooking -the Bitishi Empire se-t on f ore~t undt at u teusls, §boves,,etc., wili bu -the ru ut !orest-y'is sho-wu by tIýe holding ef a h-e- heurdispsaiunitsp~cal ut~ng -conference,of !foi-est adinisitrators liW- ment ai- beug mclefor th¶ eupply - Lonidon last stummner Ufnd byr the or- l o! tire ingredients. o! their meuale ât 9anizingo! esocjations 'lu the-dilfer- the- lowe-st possible pici. -euxt iüomation, und cololà iesz. tb tep Tire boys aitbening tfhe mode e-camp t h2Ise lubjebet .ere- the9pe .Qpl .In. lucen- will ba-rUea speélai proîgramme-Io! ac- uectiou.w4t tithe can1feehiçtherewas tl-vtie tÙ tie-mever-da. lciuiugan exibition o! timbner fi-cnt aIl par-ts bObli ee-eationai and ed ,u catlon te-a- o! the -Empirer and:1t waEp-found thaet tuvc& - Eateisalterneon ytleuwili he a thare wéee oppe-tnitiaes fer a maoat sertes o!. Boy Scout and atirlet 1 e coin- advantageous exeirauge- ef pi,ôduets. peltti le b o! varions -k . klik c a parade Fo r. iusta Èe bra_ý ý da exp brts at ruc- Ç glp'end whleh. le being set asid-e for,- tural, t1mbée whilè: Austrita, -New bhlir oýwu use.&nd each eveniùg th .e Zenland,, IndIa, -Trinidad, "East: and - campe-r&-wIlll eorm,> t ,pand, >sur4de 'WesbAfrice-, Bornée, -aend othercul thnoga?à t~iw9 the xbjton piîes, exper-t -tropical and samli-treplcal'W Grouamdsande-Uaci4ueet, %ctoz-e of theIi 4sipéul $v'.urnitu-e-andi cabinet ctty. - - - w.-A rupo4-6i th" ',.o-- 1d 1 VltIi O n tire T l y duy t e f T o ronto been m ad e by tire -'c r I ç a g f S c u ss - - _ .o f1f«>ý I c l u l a.g e O ff Scuswll, turu eut oyer two thons- Lira Caruadian exhit e-xgd embod>iee lu e-uit strSnatoe i-i 'i rtie-Crua-Ne. 12,o! tli-:Fo-re~t- rn Scouts, from ut4ying scetiens o! ftire o! tii -Deparbmeut»th,& tie trlor.Any province, ýand lb la,' assurid tiiat they Iubera-steit citizen who..Ias no-t.yet. ie- nR wll ali hava ouaegi-ont'hig, 1iappy day celveit a copy may se-cure (-ne fi-eu 1W 9V et lb. Lunche-on ou 'raiiy- day wJil be appiylug to, the'Direotor o! Foi-esti-y, tii prevideit for bobb visitîig anà t Toi-ente Ottawa. troope ,by tire-ProvincialCeî. An:oblie-r pecilal coucesslpn tus& year la tint aveiy i-egis1qred Boy SccOut pi-e- A- b seuting - himse1g ,at t he Exhi bition AwPR' gates lu unifeim nditwearing-the Boy - Se-eut,"Onturie Officiai Badge," 'willl o OI "ae"-s eun permîbteit te pass, thi-ougli tii-e burn- O l Byr i -stiles withoub payment o! fee-o other f formùality.e ThoseExhibitionl folkt sure I> - a de bink a gi-e-at deal o! tho Scouts. Andt, if, you coulit bear Managing Di- rector John G. Keut, tliey liayu e-ve-y reason te bu. For bave-n'tbbc Scouts-S in former yeai- pi-ovin absoluteiy lu- ,L4f h valuable te' the Fnl- ofilciala. by loent- to iug lest childh-en, acting as guides for 0b visitors, staffiug the big grand. tads Wua-niug! Take ne chances. witl M with-ushers, atteuding te, emergeucy îbtttsfrgnie ByrTb cases o!ten long bîfore cails couid bh e ,suofstitfo-uin "Baýyo e tub- put thi-ougli te ieregular ambulance lits'o! asp r"nn packge- ory onse-e- t cempan ies? "Wheu lu nDoubt Ak a naes"Buay. er" onakge opr n bah-. t] Scout" liaz become euene!oftiresloganslt yna-e1o gbln s-r-a al e! vsitr t th bigFai, an lbInl eve-y Bayer package aire directions very saldoin that Mn. Scout bas hÃait te or odedcNuaga In dîsapoit tros wh weld aveblematism, Earachue,ý Toothýacuru, Lumba- help. go and fer Pain. Hlaudy tin boxersO!' The- Sundny !olbo-wing Rally Day will twelve table-bs cst te-w cents. Drug- - - -- -- - çigts is seli- large-r packages-. Maiteï-1 h j~e wt h LtIe o! Tanise 1 began-t» lht up," declared Robert aiv3 OCauley St., flami1o-Oix,4a ed ipùyeee! tire Wo- -oeenerkhard- ru esbore. "Pa about six menths, beÇere taking ale 1ib-ad be= n a bà d-ly run-dowm ndItbo-u. At times' I lied no appette ail gud thi. sGmetlnmes, 1 culd et arblly, bilt suffered terr!ly afti'- Lr&, firo-n> tudigest4vcu.- neW~UfrvGOIi: and res4tieff, neyver Yp welA, ud mny a pig4 1vofIO Id tosoed neLarly all nigh long andI Fthe mirnftug felt su lu ufin Y [m waa ai-me time M'ore ffl ce m avn gatali. 1 suiteied4 gpst el f reim cousitioa d-,wasBu4 et te eltting e4h 'But Iaulae h&.pesi nme girt frou é statand now I ayvts imply a Te=ius -appet'fte and ev4rytliig ,re. with 'me pe cýtly. Iueer Lvè a headesihe or a Wn of eny-klnd. gp. Hkae, a,hçh y ,boyand iealaa eil aâ 1 overd1<d ln my1-p Tezao in eaiways get a good wc>rd froui ne.O- Talrias old 1W 1 eAig -4rug&Lets rerywheve. Ady. Cc4lars ef tbu doùble variety eue- ew re, itoued. by a macine wluach Y-;themi a rounded d, sq tiiat e tie is. ins-erted more epsily.- The na-ils on ur fingers do not ýrew rith e-quai ra.#idity, that of thee uhtýWb ,mig thre slow ýîert and o! the Uiddle i-gir thie fastest. MONEY ORDERS. W-hen erderingegoode by 'mail send Domin.!r.nio xpress Money Qi-cr. King George Was born eat Éarîbor- -g-h. Heuseand Quein Mary at Kern- ington Pala-ýce; they «re teâievel -bu ýthe first* pair of Londoners by -:i-tii ,0 share the tirone. - Iinard's Lin'iment for ýDand-uif. Milk -is ýse constitutei as ti cor--c -he daficiencies of other foDMs ivh-n ed'in combination iviti thern. -C1OARSE SA-U LANOSALUT be marked by a monster "Scouts' no>Uo 0-lEDl Ofn rviug ofToonScoutsw rriander(rgltered in Canada) , ofBayer Manlu- TORONTO SALI'WORKS peof th Univcotewrsi apusovr reglclJ.cldOU"____________ the week-end. It wi1l probably.,tgke fcueo ooctC.ietro .OW OOT Convocation Hall, lu Queen'a Park.62 In Kipling'sJungle Book the-a E o D'S Fl" monkey-people, whooping through the Flrev te any A&-, flNcconus they ean get -iuman -be- 11.,tIst st'fl. IIABJ DA V o, notice then. TheSoviet crey :yOr ______that. Èirlttmanif esto No season o! the year ls se danger- le a bri g, loud uluiation because-'they , , ouste he iteof littie, oues as, t he are noti nvited te that internationlal-, lr Bok sumer.TheexesMe, eatthrow patvin Washinzton where affairs of y c the littie stomnach eut o! order so the Par East wil-.l be discuseed IIS11W thtunlees prôm ptaî at The very naine Parliament-im'Plies hs.ud the baby May be beyond al valkiîng things,.over. Boshvsno51le Ifpes human heIp before the mother realizes net speAk the language of Sol and éeIil.Summer la the season wheu, sane and ordered debate. Itb fus tha e "My fà ~ aS V ,y ltby ât frest, di-rSchoiera iufantum,- dysentry air wiffh fireworks- its Éoùiid and fury and after that it w",sçovercd with aded aemoet previalerut. Any oee ignif y nothing. It is. not.invitedrl be- ~ P tadlSir i of thase troubles, May prove deadly If cause it does pet know howte behave. e bardy. -A dhe hn em not 2roperly treated. During the sum- 'We had a Ilvery fair sample of the sm l i lard n4 eadWesat mer the mothers' besît frieud is Baby's fBlshevist ideal Of political'convo>ca- tered aU ciw>r my <Se and Owu Tablets. They regulate the tiens iu their weird gutherittg of the w seoitchy-Ibadtosoeatcli bowels.,sweeten the stornach and keep clans at Baku last Septenber. Av, whs -b8Z rd me p uld lotSIea baby beaithy. The Tablete are sold by wild, lie went at, that ggthering. if1bfý,' Medicine dealers or by mail at. 25 enly it was sufficientlv vitriolic mut adw'hen I ad ed fie cmi cents a box frorn The Dr. Williams'against property and private Txght of Cuticura Soap and five box=u of Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. and esta-blis.hed order. The dominant > Cuticura Ointment 1 wa healcd." - 'personal fo>rce. et that congress wns (Slgned) Miss Flora M. Ecyko, Enver Pasha: the paramount polîtical G5&rdeflton , Man., Dec. 26,1918. MerdM udes concept was Lenines dream of the ýîfè15Of»cu l e t Thîre is al-way9 a gee-d deal o! world ascendancy of' comnuflisi, as ck. y è gthe Soap for all toilet grumbliug about the delay ln the die- Zinovicif expounded it. purposes, gssisted by touches -of tribution e! war medals, sema d(f Naturîlly, there can be ne, enthusi- OIfeitnent aÈ needed.* Do not fail to whlch do net reach their owners for asm -te ask te the council at Washing- includie the exquîiYs sted Cuti. mauy years, says an English pà per. ton these who comne with -knives and , ]imluyu oipe~a- The- record inedal in this respect rifles bristling like a Cossak dresa ins'pln aft2sbathifl-gd was that glureu for the Duke -of Wel- parade. This thni s o emrouKhoutthelori~n aa1aeo lingtou's Peninsular War. The- Cam- 87 "tm palgu ended Iu 1812,. buý it was net Thoue Having Sick Animiais until 1847 that it was decçided te award SHOULD USE g A a genera servicemedal. Te lastio thein reachîd their recipieuts more than tifty years aftîr thîy had bien earued! Though modals te commemorate wars or single battes ;have, bien struck in this couutry ever since' the time e! Quien Elizabeth, -they were net. at firet distributed to- all who, had takeni part ln the flghtiug; they were given rathel as rewards to'those who had .sbewu speclal brave-y or pîr- formed meritorieus services. Those struck hy Oliver Cromwell af- fer his Duttch wars wîrî large gold plates _o! conzidePrable value. The first distribution that *as anything Ilke general was tlat macle by Char-les I. durlng the Civil War, wheu he pre- sauted a silvîr medal tW every Royal- ist soldier.. The Chinese issuîd the tii-st knowu genaral service medal uîarly two thouaaud yaars ago. Minard'a Liniment Relleves Neuralgia Tommy's Howler. Iu a e-mail village sehool a te-ache-r asioed the schoIarm ln ler clase to write as entence flnishing wlth tire t wo- Word%, "bitter sud."' On-e boy- wr-ote, "Tiie euemy, to-glit te the. bitter ed" ÂulotbM sald,"Tii-e aitercon's hbu- dpy cape boo sean t6 a biter end.." Bul). têLs entence tflat o3fpedth-en- 'âg *a yrjl 1W gli b>yÊ* 1,, vmyl&Tni- ; Rran tui : ea Distemper. 'Galget. , Sprains. Bruises. Colir. Mange, Spavins. Running Soi-es. etc. etc. Should ajwaysbe lun the stà ble6 SOLU -EVERYWFIERED, He ExpIafneé. .ThiiLetter TeIZsHow ht May Toronto, Ont-I haveêsufferedsinoe 1 was a achool zgilwith -paun.in sy Ieft cew, but she kieked se mueh thiat lb was Irupossible te uilk lier. le sent tire eow te a fair to ba sold. ordering the herdi-ulan net te dispose oftii- animal witliout letting the buyer ivno'w her "'strong weakness." The berdsmn, hewevar, breuglit back a large pjI-ce. Hi.s master waz surprised. "Are you suri Yeu tola tue buyîr al about ber?" lie aske>d.* îiy father'objet "Bedad. I dld, sir," said thie liards- v1xuh ~ * man. "lMe asked me wlietlier s-e was -ý.và a good - milIter. 'Begor, air,' enys 1h reli 1 ved ,x n 'I-L'eY yeu that would be tlreà mllklng feel as if it lit ber.'" Opelas0 M Minard'a L.nimcipt for Burni to. ,.ka~.~ Lionees sealés,; camai-chops- frUete o< f-dolphin fhavezecntIyi 1atbe~n4a"- Par"aia reetau worse ecdi jitwas a f or werk., ffveE2ldue- es, Uu'WS 10Ved fer a' cue-tors Le- perforni mtion. -but Âta&tpesaWln hemile (~tcoi R.,Londn,1 free medical treatnentI cs ven t. ipot am other animaâs on %vileil liur iiivti uuliiiiittLiuli. 1 and tired rapt. le 1, ýý r- ý ý ll - ------ ---- bamoum.-o- 1- 1 1 !5 1- l 1 a lm ti