Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Aug 1921, p. 2

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A«Fu .o aunnkatloa' t# AuIe'#m oleitthe Seed Corn. Yeu-oa M*e good incey sekcten« À 4,*i»Cewg* <oeiiVioei'told Fm *. b attnbutat hm. commee*» a 4Ow-of ooen t4ô the. fet thaLt h Ma apr«Utc. oo cr.ully Gelctig Wg*ed uflga»son j»thefie~ld He M" abuinm-of e&eecng OM &Vtes miore thme sud thoeigiit to It tète teGany c>her opetatloe'in g 1wn tiie. rop. - A Utt*M * gb4 Wittceinvince =iy sý "*Md S. te eured oaJy 1>y fied »dW 1m. neo ether way eau the 00*r ktiow thielia«rateT of .tine etak peri whdc* the er w'as produe- 0&~ Beed of -stvoug vitality, that will Cgms~~te quieikhy andin~ake a vigoez- Ofcarly growth, even- thougit the v«teie l aig'tly unavorable, la abWutel-y necesary if you are to Ob- £à gocd stand of cern.ý . Do~ flzt jfl'ere tîimate the velue of 9»6d, &c'. &r ôa ne bushel of corn wIlPdan-t frOm 6 te 12 acres cf Iand whieh will prc'ixle fr,ýnîf800 t'O 800 buSbaýi ce grain, it is-tppaTent that #~~beo th~i~:e c ie cdp:ante-d is Me f ýten.Limportane. You are ti~lnSp,.ndîng al the turne ~yI ~r"c nce$arY to insure tihe Odf arrrzler3 have founti that the be* way to ýeCOure gùod seed-is to ..e- in'he f'd.. After your ,corn !e mJ~~o aulbefore tino rr(>P ile-,hT vr~te aw aeeklgo through your ~o wth'rck or basket and, select ~c -k i ig mtur ç --s'that are 71,3 ch,-.r..jcer cof the stalk upon - vii:h¶ Wtin orsn was produacei e lai s Bordeaux Mixture. pch\kiprt.an,eze3astino as-itsef. J ino standardBreu itr Tl*yýgk5oM 1;.,- strong, uprîgint andi Jwhich le comumcnly used,,ou grapes', rt-thegriu, gradui!IJy taperirig te trcl -cf fungus diseases, la nmade o-f tbe tV-mm-e. The cars Ehcu1d be IccatotI fous- poundts of copper suljpinate, f our rm tlic 4,,:. a t a ccnvoe-r.tý heighint ÇEOcundg cf s1tone Une and fifty gai- for R~:~ y cct ceaUi, seu- I us of water. ton Etal.1%. wit-h cari et thi! b eight, In making smdl quantities Vhs lime Il i9 po!sible gs- ýdtua',y to de-, elcp shouldti e slaked with bot water aud' £ t ýancf 'ern -1atwie very uni- diluteci Vo about twEnty galions. The f\orn in Vhis respect. copper sulplia-te shoultI ho dissclved lu 1 !.,it Isot V o select ears -that bot water and aise diluted, Vo tweiity have a -hank cf niedflim lcngth andijgallons. fise two dJIlutions 5hould dianueVer~, a-rd whicin hang down suffi- ble peureci together inte a separate cetly te p-revenV water froin enter- contiail>er andi enougli water adided. te leug he tipï. M'ake sus-e tinat tino stalk make up Vine flfty g-allons. seteeted grew under ae-rage fleiti con- lu makirig laieger quautities flfty - *$oue-t- ti,-, alese Vine stand was poundis cf COPPET SUIlhate May ho put iwzmale. tiAb -ere Vines-e were ne qie- iu a burlap .-ack and suspeudedinl , *e ..vntages cf moisture antI plant twenty-flve galIlons cf water. When fc«L The oars rdcteldsu-Id hogood VMsis sail disci'ved iV wiIl make Vwel teréuase(f 1-ho vigorous bs-eding cof pçuni,, cf oepýer su-ief.àate tVo 'e tbe pçer-t p-irnt iather than frein any pound cf the solution. Tinerefere if advatage it -tu:yLv- hai c-ver cth-el- y&u w-sh Vo ,nwîke a fifty-gallou, batch ~'at nthe way cf lcation. Do noV E of Bordeux, two gallons of Vine selu.- select cai titat am re t large or tico tien Nwill give you eneugin coppor siîl- brnntur. Avrag-rie!,,irs arephlalte for that batcii. Ples-e ig ote meu déirb~eforcci. trogsyr- pccutirîneceesany lu nnkiîig thisý meri y devciopcd- e-rsi, witin steralk sltiuand, that is t-he cepper etî%aiýglît Lcvcý*s-cwro nÃŽ 'i-dne ulpaeshçuld inoV.cve n ucontact kc7-uci-s, wi',l ki-e Vise be-ft resultsy 1+ with iroit, mails, hoks, etc., as -its edcern g-rowiî g reig,~a SeetI ehomniccie.1*tion w1,11 reuntheni. I ar hoîcih a lÃŽttiè- s-ceghler thtan hà-dling coppcs suîphate luntinis con- the 'vrgbecause cf thse tendenry1 centrated fors- use a weede n pail in- Mos- a vciotey grat(?ualEly te h -eceestetid of a galyanized eue.' -IC.other and tine kerne.lç; hallower. I Lime may alise ho emade luin .tock ,?Remeynher, lu -seileicting ýseeti corn,! quantities. Fifty pounds or nmore xnay that Vthe Rabi2ity cf the ces-n te gnow ho sliallc4l lu a tub oroes-e receptacle. w-Il dcpeid, las-gely uponVine coudil- Agitate well when siakin g.to preveut lions urder w-hi-ch itmtued If fer burnin.g and te naicý lime fis-m andi a»Y T-.aop the ear faldt, *Vo mature smoot;h aftos- it bas been alaked. Tinis properly, tlie vitality cf the seed le bhudle kept ce-vered with water te vas-y }lkelýy Vt>hae licitnt, andi a p-or provout ds-ying eut. To g-et a fais-Iy stani of cor-n may reosuit. A seunidi, aecus-at mensure cf tho quantity cf tt-m eor-hitien cf Vine ar aci brigintlime Vo use, selake four pounds lu a - lczey zgrains are the. best Indicaticris pail and mas-k oun e hall thes hcight of rroper ma4t-wr-ty. If the las- is net te- whivh Vine lime cornes.. This psul As-ni, ifVine kernels are Ieckitg ln willI thon be a measure fer your liiieÙ. kzst.-e. or if 4ine grains are more ce- It is better te usze toc muc il=me then 16-a 'lszle- et the tip end, do not noV eneugin. »elùSt. it for séer. Tinese si-gnsa mndi- Tino g-sct sationuecessas-y for rate poor vitaiit y. Eas of tiis kind niakiug gocti Bordeaux la te have boVin vil] Mit yieid as Wel aq ViozE that as-e the lime and, coppos- sulpinate dilited wvPl m a t ure. betfose rnixin-!g. If oitiner of them are t'r a 1gooti- iýka te rselect two os-ilu ccncentratecd, fos-m andI nlixed, the t1i e mî: s rnanY cars as wîviI ho Bordeaux mi-.ture will e-ho as-se and acf-rt oparin It may ho ti will set-tic quiekly. Poos-ly madIe 13r- viaîIeVoclscrd-nany ýcf the flelci deaux wilil ciisdic soniewbeýit like s ur eel-sçt trs wben they are mos-em--.As the BtEnJeaE] la ilmechani- caof~l xaiic-.If an abûrniatr1e calmixture in(] not ïa cienical sue se i l - e t d y the'best nctd' ýiL le very c -niithat IV ele kpt beu-c. thorCughî1Y aeïtaitcd while spî-ayng. WTorld A£riculture. Bcok cf Ecý At tise lait gereoiral mecetîing -cf the tci n Jntrnaional nr~t~Vu f Ailt itreword-s are tc Pxl l ornù andi otter-decl by Mr. T. na us K. Dr.cierY, Ch-tf of the InStdtU4,e fri po.5ed te th, - MaUmny^ iwnip-osrt-nt matters -day for, alg Vo- rjcltwtfi. Propoýsais fer gi-eet- b .1- tPeet inlthe collection aî>dcirculae- iot itiou cf Cr >ji repeits introduced b y the IS-d r. Al Cw-Aniin 4 deegate nta nprevIeuýs s}oult ho m weeting wcre )p.e.Tinese reportqetîViute andi ae te -ho e abied- before the -loth Çcf «Cl ncti,- a euinnary made ensd di ced t t, govennents <r AieVn Nalinent c aope-al bus-oaau neachInlig &--ne Ai Sust-y te val-ny ou ccrroepondencc ine je MO' the se'noas exirits lu Canada, wae has neno u repregen4ecd. 8onî ckanges were made Tinere seeri fa tu-e eif,!ificatlon cf live sto-,ck for lheu-sien s-cre -sai rc-port and, ecusis pus-poses. A pasýscl &t ttiIcc teclsfiato aottIby gindlr-g of Mec Jv,-,iLute iii givnlu Tine Agr-cul- tth t li turz 1-,I7,actte. Thapeb3 en i-m*t-! lu the fi; st teec w Esked to, r-pqrt on cce--(_!Ethat Vhe g-rF tulci ,unred- by the iiffercj ,, ;:ù,Oxpense to In u th ie'intercsts lcf -riu- econd, Vina ture. Tine Instîtute was sequeted- te expeOrt woIÈ pub-udt the resuit of Inquiries Into te Monts-cal.1 »Cluodts adop.téd durkgngud Immnedd- cd. The -pr 04ely foNlWng tbbc war for Vine 1p- no a4iton troeeof agrcufturelPpoduction, it n- o#ing lu wma elded-to ovuTaenci Vo fiîlate-d gragdbng te Lente tbie lIpç4tmnent-of - Art 4aheu 4tQ emt=s,î onne mugo E,ý4nb I bpen agreed t PthoogYw-Aoadopte-. A OUt-4W t #t.k»O %w-veç t4t #lp e n. çGte P W01M M-uq4 m igh p - ed fqs- tand cf <b. uvqjs l&* t-o Make sa --,qrm ~of -.ip 4rW îln5up àU c 4xb ore *il.bw. a ex lii.e#~pç#e ,r-tcmc antI S.ofcial Institu- a d-ictionary cf te-clnical o :be pub-is-bcd. There wa-s la cf opinion strongly op- te fixing cf au elgbt4hour gs-cultuml labos- and. eveaý isideratdcu cf Vinat subject1 sls who, reps-eseuted tcwri dos-Ire w-as gones-aiîy ex- at mnc:t cordial relationis maInteaIn-ed betweem, the lu- tine Longue cf Nations. ing Dairy Produce. mmad'ing cf dais-y produce ho- n Caua'a-'ý at Vine presienti oreO cm lc-,s volu.t.ary and l VInomity cf law behi'ntIIV.1 ms Vo lie sonie miz-appre- -as-dîg Vine Act recently- Ottawa Vo - e-gui-aVe ine- p-hy-,oducc. 0bje-ztioun -r aqpc aia toe hobas,-d, tpic-c, on Vthe supposition! at:dýng wIl entail -ati,iuitinal the pr.adiucer anti, l in-e ýt ail butter antichneese- for tIti have te lie gradd- et The -reaaeon1ni-le utifou nd, roduices- w1Q bha sabject te tai, expense ant Ithere la tino Act celling for- the Le doue et MontsWa.'Tine ms tine Goves-ues-iu.-Covm,. ,e -regulatotus for graiung, nIcelesgivon tw itb«Ore tuonms *re M¾opte4 adnif 4tn tine prelimdnariabaye tuzo the gradlng will he ci-al statudars anside"iu- aing, wl-th la anctter tem ýdlzaVloi, wlIl e Flic nias ig'the -reputticinandi vahwi re t-bat the"eIs -a constant w'ster at-d sait ho ef e 1e nis. 73 Aelalde St Witt, Tomoblib SAlftef>r y o m iWeÃ" , be m s>ways Co6ntalnü a lurge M.ount of water. If iV 4 not properly d.itit mser mld Ior beingured ltrIyfre- ing. ,Dry èorn wiilnàt'bëfijure& b co4d weatiier, end eom ntbat maturesl Plm>perli 4n Fthc feld maOltn -b. .toeed w4thont t x etra prècau- But if Vthe corn maturee lâte'ànd eonWns m cn»id'ersele msture when Vii. firet £=Mreetcurs it wil be nec- esmry to dr-y 1V -Y atificie-1 heat ini- order te ebtan seed of the beeat qual- ity. It le uwayz tbe gafeet plan te dtry catefulIIy the sced corn eacli sea- son. If you do net have a reguler coyrn-drying room you eanu*ue the kit- dhen, the attie, or semie otber warm, weiI.-ventilated place. When the corn la thoroughly dry, R, eau be tranefer-_ red Vto a more cenveniont xlace for wites- storage. If for any reasen you are unable to select YOUT eorn frein the stanifirg stal1k before harvest, the next best timne la when the crcp is husked. A box f<ir seed ears caau ho attached te- the side of the wagon. t'k this way theyeau libe kept separated ,froithe other corn. Even theugit you select yens- seed coTn in the field, -and store iV caxcfully, do noV fail, Vo nake a -germiýnation test before planting the next sipring, if you want the best re&ults. Corn pro- perly -Qelected and stored will prob- ahly grow,-but V <oesnt puy te 'ta'ke chances. The germnination test be-* foreA nlanting wil-1 i isflý a oond stEsrnc in iiit3 t L-u J. ne rose zo me uriace and elamb" crossl'yout on thie baik. Thon ho gave a squeal cf surprise. For there .Vuck lu hi sirnk was- VooVh! Ho clapp'd i-V inte hie pocket aund was about Vosta't Rffw-heu Vwc cf Vine pala-ce guards sEized hlmas-ind hnutled hlm lVo t-he iing's presen-ce. --Tino king was holding court-talk- irg o-ut cf eue aide of hie nieutil.se hie missan t octh would net be accu. But winen ho inoord tiat Oliver had dared Vto swixn lun hiesdrliniîpool bai gave a-rcar cf auges-. Thon, clapping iis paw over hiesnioutih ansi gazri$g anovncianocously,lic os-deidOlives- to'e o usne-lout cf the jungle. "If îV w-sut for yous- Un-cae Abner I'd have y-eu madle into chewder," hé shouted sidaways. 'Olives- was tai-b- ]y friginteneci, but -begged Vo speah Vo- Vine menas-disien-e, -saying lie leà a message frein bà isun-ce. Tine king lookedi at hlm sharp-ly, Vien waved hi, aubjects eut. "YouT amJeDty," saidi Olives-,s-e- gaîinug hie courage, "waiikrling on Vine e-dg-e cf your pool Vhs morning I was attraceted by soniething white -shinug on thne betVom. Lookin-j closes- I saw Vinet i wa-" (Vine- Imperial Fruit Exhibition. EnVales to tVi n pe'rill-Fruit Exhi- bit-ion close Septeý-niber 3Otin. AH cien- tries andi eutry fées luVline Oves-seai and B!s-Vsh Empire Sections mus-t ho i tine liande cf Vinle Fruit Br-ansdi, De- hibits mus E eUîlrelyseaet. C. W. Raxter, F-uitCmrisioufT. Are ycu usiug more 'hýoreýporwer pc-r man-power titis year? Wiieu you aîrè discou-ouged anti ttlnk tihet Viere is no use tryl*mg, thon get ýbu&y. whien tino p.aetua-e gets wimest a . l*Éoken railu inohefence eloug Vine cos-n field -setes a big temptiatiori for it eTd. Vo saniple -the-os-n cir s-ots.- WiVin[a,-sainest crop -of bay oves- a large rtof Ontario, iVleiipor- tant that Vine rtraw be sved lunas geeci condition ad possible. Siliago sudl straw make a vos-y go-ed' ration for Cattle. Layig Ont Land for Fait Tractor Plowing Ini laying -&ut a fleki: for f ait plow- the flrst, Eixty feet frcn the singIeý ing with a tracter, one should do furrow pflowed as a guide line; the aw'ay with all unneeessary traveýling, 1second sixty feet froin the flrst, and as it is *sinply a waste of fuel and. the tihdrid, 120 feet from theEecoMYk time and Jears out the tractor with- Bcgin plo-,ing eat the right ûfth out glving returns. A field shomld he first lime of ,,takesý and throw the dirt rnarked off therefore and pljQwç>d. sys- teward thern. When Vhe 1ength:of thec ternatically. fieldlias been traversed and the ml One -of t4e best ways to plow a mng furrow -rv',adhj-,d, ft laie p rect.anguIar fild is by use of the con- uma to the keft end-to l'te Uctî tinuous fuirrow. If t'hi plan Is fol- lineo f stalkes. Let the piows into, t'ý,Q' lowed, the first thdng to do is to set grxound ant the marking, furro-w andI ,stakes along the centre Uineocf the thro.w the dirt towardtis third line fld. 'This line ef 8takeas Ehculdi ex- of stakes. When tthe oppo-s4te en.d cf tend ten ýor flfteen. feet edoser Vo the the fle,1d laehd,, the tmector dis ends of the f1ld than 1Vis Vo the again -turnetI to tElle left and wltti the SIiclest which will a1tloW for narrowIng piciws, out of the «grovnd driven ek the furrows in turnlng at the ends. to thet beginniig. Thie ro-und of plow- Thé flrst tractur furrow should foli- ing is continued tinEtVhe land between lov. the atakes wheh Ihave ineen set the firat and second, Une of stakc~ up. Wb-en the tractar reaches the jand half the land betwee]l the se-cond end cf the stake-s, the'plows ehouldl be. and third ulnes ýcf -sita-keis, -is p1owed. lifted4, the outflt s'wung to the richt, Wawn that !ias h eea pk'rjwed, the and thenbt-k ft> the left ina acoin- eotitlt laturne<1 te the iefi and thel plete eircle. A t eac:h turn -the eu4sdi.drt *wbown toword ti e edcId linel should ho rourd;edi as muéh.as pos- ocf stakes. As tÉh-oppoGte &Ïde of* the s ible £o, that after a few iro'unds ?have 1 fielId lareac2ied, the trator Is' tiïrned been p1ýwed,'th.e utflt niay be swung Vo Uthe rlght, ide ¾>to he 'lnzt limeo f aroumd the en2s without lifting the stakee eand thon the-dirt t.hoewn to- p'ýws. Theremfter a oontinucus 'fur- Nward the«L The-re two la-nidsare plow- ýrow rnay te jplcwd. If. properly laidd ed ko tihe sane way gs the flrsit two- e ut and plowed, the whole fleld will and, then the pl'owing of thie wihole be turned exctpt a ein4ai spot in, emch field conktinued in a isl2nier way. After corner. thne centre of the .fieid 15 paowed the Curve plowln4g, howeveEr, Le irather forty-1W-,e-f-oot boxrdeT &lould be plaw- liard on the trg~ctor gears, and «a df- ed by the endllss -furrow methiod. fer-ent nethod le uui1I ' eeo=mepd- Ploiwdng haly lande requdres Tre ed. Tlhis méthod 1e tho back plo'wlng Judgment. Where tihere is a vazllley inl or dead-furrow pQ'wIng. By thls wh4céh there is no Èt'eg;n, theo plow- method, neariy ani tahe- PlIOWng 8 ib- 4 i« Mxay be starwjjd I:nilb vaJl!ey as- on a istraight -line and thekotfit Is tiougiiiV were a rectgngukr fil-l, -the turned wlth the piowws Coi f the dir't tbirown &dio l fr9ril hotu sddçe grQ1T~,and tbhe ee& #cz tom It4f 13 To plçw by this latter method, leave tbn~ugiit advieab1e. Cr' here tlhe're l abçt forty-five Seet 41, aroundth ie$~t a rO.uM4 klruoi,1,t niay be VWed fiekid on w4ffi Vo tti4rnt4ie ract>2. with thie eniese :fur:r-ow metWod Wt>op lcjem only 14 t4e gwound-, lbhriiwI-4 thpi4it 4v i n~fini-i Ploi aroçindi the field {ç mark tV'In rg tbe Plpwlrg on tQ>p of tbe I4il dlatae e un loe aide Qf tihe fieW, T%2, Wbll a4aped ike 'a hûrseýShobf %et a lne of stakes, dxty <ç*-et ~M incy be pêobwed in rýÈhe 6bape ef a the fuirroW marked oèY fýoety--five f eet hor~oeàe and l ,spee ietweeu the frein the f*nce, .and aWI'ith that- "dalkt idled aTtat 18, one furrow. Blxty feet Som *e &rt ine jpart <elthe rùmn -be .0 you can cf atakeei, set up éenoth ie ' nand 120 curve .roiindi i t ybqer lhm't o f eet from the iecon& line f .tatces, be imSnte& Casastry- noV Vo set up anether. The ççeratQr now l" plow up hili n help i; pavw thrte linos cf i£akes to plow b.,- wtth the had one ladU corne and mm.e lii. old IMmar uran4id - iiee O, £ii en bccuet»neki 0P1 t~ p~ashe ucrme imoktf mIe h..neoi bid t h« t90 au gra, netai tne owing te b ftrouuý d e be sure Wk «The h i yo Ioeie o£*mte. ietalbu ofnM. abn s in =t a *it lwhaerm he ba ise c tin.eixilu aai-, hotodthmcfth oe - u »h~r- 1£t bie s p1 o th cl tportatltthe eungleneandltheina aa est Vootin. He could remembbis ne-. e. teentri fa' !Wingw«bt rint l utwakib thup lu~ ~ ~~~~~ad as cni fn iuigi «n.~Ot&~er 1knw e r« s-,t i n- "If ou eau bid rinthfre I walweevs-.r on~ae n giv . ý IebAý 'U c tbnis l th rrItie t tdei ae tleileww,-w» -et,«tullyô ed _ T egh' te la bei frtin kieng beatl h unl,»t mlbte uttbeoont ein king. y ere méimAspaesui f~ piMenV.a r Une kiAbu oed' wat lieoul il o Ca",»ne Vhn 0wü thi t-'e ised V&o eeulie noy owar the - whIeret4e>ee evr eug tooth. Se ctu kd returnedinon a NewI no Oivr Eephat f eewsi ter f 97-8 thi" abouto be haeleep. but,,watie ng P t erenllld bofyu elpino an n, lis goiforVmea1fects cft at uto extsud &Min 191,when taslid en ânlà;-rya wth an sitting WUVh pr 1r? Over, Ibeatn'sethe . Iesa pu u'.Y ihe Latn whcle stArbnersoived th1e olf ote ~Cfo ined thce trt farnneu find ~ ~ ~ ~ vrite tiokngstotnbmàwnjectro ls'ex- freedooithcf o e u ng rne, toSpaoeet q cf the c Teumntry. NhsexýtI d ajtly d couged. o - h of nmnie wacf n w~.riy ve of 1917-18, NOvrweutoffOliver a re azid as W eD MTI tr wom4dleduThei down ête *ùeBu ht ink tese.hi~aeeciiofh 'boy imephasIle or Oliver te go ic MoefeThtaliO ffuthhare c heng ad- e iug'sp iha ace witetidscldn hetpar-199,whe1 rveofvtucte, .d pr? Ose But am, wentte sth pt e wrluy cciiaIon lthe10Pare Vie bgVe ad oohéed rellantivelmte Prore he wild slhav e na whch was ju. Rcutslde.Noie w t a vee dd nd x lun tihte kn sthe wte- and are srcftnenrtheCose sud ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~pek tepigrihtOie rstvdt mteae have 4&o nro' encounagedofuther junelei tino 'de cf jeepof oltaing t vleaW: Mfoe~uMasi..of e cuntlur- "KÂg'spoo. Al tesaseng or-ticltue oci neutfrty Maiees have biverden terf pera f fieand mît- 1eoo latd l-rut.Sonyc Buwnt o lie\ ecdd >ae uevrieti show conebl aol plungmposible for lâeuto, ont. he Mbds taLEotlexe hsbei ad don, dcaawn, oudivwltosagve a Vr utita upplIycr dlay ees the guhe nc pi SeeVhlnig PrSUkI~oice Teaway.býantr Of4.1-iao> cof the United States De-I po-tinont cûf Ag-ricuItus-e ,have eit- mated tîbat -weeds de $300.000.0001 a sLek baby. Thi etf~ertl ftn - dedby nmes-ofeelin, Wbt-Iï4 lie regulatedi by a Uiermtee $&s1c unear ~ the "yal c'~-riib. tiW o oýli" flor"ue li4ttble ebt - wem i i -bt' tas- MOre Vofthce oümfOgýt and WdUlb~ $inu of the -beby tban a. gof* or bed en wilh hearvy chawia or ibnkets bave been pilé&. Ti.he b ldoUlea ~icl ewell àirs,- frss>i ùi<a* eV .atd neither to ee aiity mmer tàe warm. As accu s a achwl ecm. i pgrope r iegimen ae.1 b staligiwd. Bý>weîl fum.nieticu, aperatre, veniÂla- tien àad le-ep are ail te le cooeldered, iu the- pro~Per ca.re -cd thée hfdd. Iu Ril caste good mrsin'g and goed cane are meust important. Ate4d aopcige lba-th reehes Vine baby aM d endis te. niake It more cern- fertalIe, prorn-o-ing Vine evaporation from taie akin andi tinue beWpngte reduce foyer if Vinese be an:y. A cood bath ig oltean recmi-ned winen Vhinese afever. But cawée sioubd hae taicen not toeMcIli. the ittite oee, or expose 1V Vodrauiglit or extrennes cf tempes-ature wbidce re<edvilr«t the bath,- When awwy-do-bt exLists, aend lunfact ln practiSaly ail c9ses, advice of the phyddcan ghould ho aougt, as Vo Vine kmnd of liatiL If the. clI M e]j& anM chly a light buit warmu coves-let ay th dded toe ic'cching and a bot water bettle wrpped lin leulcets iey b. piaced in the bWd Ahways Wea edoictor if there ho any douiyt toe ie erity O-ý babysa i}Ilnms. But- remeeniber thut tho dx)ctoT- needà. yens- inep. if the room isl crowd'edwith persone Il welh children are rompig about malking It impos- sile f<>r the boby Vo sleep, if tino c¶iild lia uinconfortable, preed down by lueavy bedideVinhes os- pIIaeod lu a -hili draugint, iV la juet that nuudh mos-o diflicult for it Vo make a speed7y se- co-very. A sick baby needs even more attention then a a"ikad-uit, foT iV les niile Vonieke its wants kriown and Ats -powers cf resigstance are less. Gluten Flour-Its Uses and1 Characteristics. Ncert1y a-1 l cfhVie c-ma-l1ed gluten florns offerede toe nepu:blicos-e mot maide froin gluten. Sucl ius Vie firarik Btateenut uuade by Dr. C. E. Sauno- ,de-s- tVna ominîon Oceaiis't, ia buUoetin entitLed "Wlicat, Fleour and Bm-ad," rýecent--y t-ued by tte Ex- porimnuraFrnis Bvuch, at Ottawa. Tino une -ued, says Dr. Saundene, la eutirely nieleading, us these fleurs often couta in' a ihdgin petrtentage cf starchin er e quite uneuiùtble for diahetie patients. As a nuletVine gluten floumi ecffered f orecale are pcec- tiW, ly idie-tical with the. *hele Wheat aud graeni flouss.Genuîne giut4i fiouw, w'ich is miadbe by wias-.hdng thi. sVas-cinout cf -wiwaten fleur and th-en drylg tend gsridiug, Je extis-emrely exc- pensive. Gluten- bread bas no resein- blance Vo eoedinary 1bs-cedd nI a a oubstute for suclh la n impu-sibilt<ty. Ratiher loua than 50 per cent. cf u- uine gluten flous- ceau ho mixed with thoghu iewbe'e pericd cfifcr- I s iniventeor bas ÀDbtai,.ed a pâltent ristto.Reative V- to týi's f act, Dr. Ef.or a complete kit*cn Usat ûcc*tz,!es C. E. Saundcrcs, thse Dor'nii- ecll space but four eted-,quare, yo4 in- lot, in a buletiu reýeritIy issuetI et I clde tesutbst hi Ottawa on "Wlicit., Fiour ari Breai," I nesstnd, c dr' alers. ,> says tha.t wviere brciý is madIe -xes-y ___ cf ton it wur eadvis-abIe te con- As a rule fish s siep duàring ttc dý wortin o-f dema-ge o te seagricu!tural I-______ inteirests perarsuim, Ili Canada aIso Vthe yield of fie-Ides-ope is eu-osmousiy T e'yef r s-cdu-ced fs-cm tinis cause. IV is inarely ____ necesas-y Vo jref es Vo a bulletin issued -aîy Pastims-I by tinoSed Bs-asn a t Ottawa on RanyDy "W-cd . ndWeel Seesis," t-ia-t gives e liet of ne.ariy rt-bs-e-inu-dTed vas-ie- A ralny day lin thne kindlegarten i-sj Vies known bt i- counts-y, te ealize aiways just a-littie fs-enr, a' liVide t'biat weed-s I-wer the' yioId, de-ps-e-ciate briiter and bappier t-han Vine os-dl- the quelhty iantdiv-alute «f es-ps, antd nax-y day..1 udd Vo Vinee cat cf production. -They. Why siicuiti a- sany -ay at home s-oh the -o f ipuant fooed amd _11î,be long amui duiI? Here are a févw1 Vus-e; -tnhoy crowd eut mes-e useful; su-ggesin-, e miklgeD uxteu plants, tbelr.g Ilindier aud ge-ncrally-ý a reti lotes-daY 1for Y'o- Il t-tle foisI more ps-c.flc, a-n-ilthey attmc-t i. i-st e- ie ciîsrnm-iesca- le-us insects, ainti- arhcer funigo.s <is- bocks frein aIl1- the pie-ces o-f savei ensezs. Tineyaee Es-etad' freindistr-ictwrappluig papes-; lottVie-m eut Vine Vo distLixct trv transportationi papes- the rieint size, tin fo-cl-ansi sew aledtu-es by land- an-il water, liro.-ugin Vine s'ieets Into bock form. Have oe Ian-pus-e s'es-l; Vine wInd ca-ries them b-,ock for cra.yon dra-wing, eue ferl long d1oaau>ce andia'nimals dîstibute 1 fre-e-cutting PiCtures,, àad arVitinen f or thein Vinrougin thelir oxremet -uitam Ili . inge fs-ru magazines, papes-s anti fs-om qil-dgemrent ln tùiedrcoate. E-vos-, s-ed cata-logues.. Prç-vide a pan ors- province klaesadoptea -leEialio asket -for tVi n a-ps. -Tiisoccupation boiing foas-taie cuppmlroou f nox- 1 will keopVine-ildTen ainused f or tan lous w-code and-i tîis yeS ns-auisttuc-I heur or more, at.Vine sanieinoe de- icio trgîn :wu fOfliated ltiirougin hVine ipg accuracY and- onlginalitY. Vhs-se p<nala'e p-rvdneee te give in j - AnoVies- p-es-led au beholapplly miatipte -fariessregnardÃŽng the w-e Ispent tnaklng potate mxml'.Burueci poebIeu-, IV mâ-gnt be nientioneci -thf matches faste-n -head.-nu aud bod-ies te- the publication r'oerned Vo g-ivea egte-nimaeelni egsoe- gite th,-rptouc Vn maj0rîty c -pinant trurîksa ansinocivef or gisi-aif os. tine wo#ed%, xvt -mcthossthat ainould A potato circus lu fpll"pamide, l8 a bai $-qeový-dfrtlencrudc in,~ sigin-t Vo nuitsev-en 'the 'erossest, aisstaestIat- noefewenr than c-vos- growuIl-up smI- usiec ImeLf 150 dàfferent epeseeg cf wec4 e&s If, potatoes canottho -us-éd, ma Lel. wese ouni b eanlescfgrena n mal c<*(r fs- theUigm-oces-y store à eed- submftted Vo VtheOttawa ?Seesi uuiaki a good sestitute. Witin tino -Buinueinfor a.nlyaotion lu en-year. he,:p 'Cbuilding bi-e,ýs) ine childTr5il eau make >4-fàâ#ni and bqsryàxd, >and ,i' Th 'Pnsonly ddlfféence hetwemn'a sruV tho le ~!-andUbceks will io-ide a' aniagreve as inewé': u ansid.p .pladN1aîaAsk. By Mftabel R. Young ~eve -all the cl4an- burn.' - matz-he, lollypop sticks aijýd, meat ýSkex-.S in" a :box, es tliey pro'vide- a ne'ter-failiûg source of amiutsement. The stick pic- trres thà.ý at cm e madle! Ikuses âfr,- barna, ferceà andladrE e, chairs àr.-Itables ean bc forxnedhy the litti1e han-is. E-ve.'a'pr cn laidcl out, wltc4 tmes, benche-s, a.r flower-hbeds; cr, a camp with rows of te-nt-§ aW'ii scFdier3 maréhi-ng in Ulne. There are nmnygame-î -,a s--table for indcors. Bi euisand bean bags are alway13 good. Stcres -and nur-zery rliymnes a ai be dramatized .ancl sanse -gaies*played, for iustanzj-e, the "ýBeHl-ringer.," lu whîicth criechildi, adoed, tries' tu eat iter, whorilgYbell as lbc the "Mystery Man," who, can be- im- perscinat-ed by crie of the chidTen. AR lcinds 'of article3-are, pbeecd by him lu the hgnds of the c idmaril,e'w,'1 mustguesà w'hat they are. Thtan the play cf,-tasting and s lgmnakes- thë7tintje pass-profàtably and- pIea- With-a f ew- helhpfi suggestions, ciÃŽnikrn woElçout -and adupt for >ther4-selves ail of the;se games and_ ta-petnd the he,-ur. indoor&1ihappil4busy, *hile à :ravoTYi* StOre -toà4 b th Lnibether gives -a peffect- eudinig ,te & Qoy9ms rainly day, 'nM Uel -a, Xrga411G-r9MrtC-w W 'PU 10 'Uffr, Or LZeUia, ather of the Jerùale. S "Wtàdf:ý, dPâàMàýèe lender, ShorteT- the' t "Ëe o'k" .<15: 38), andýthis que0i n speech te be Mercs-y,- or att did net eommuend'-him favorat>ly HErînes, the -nmessenger and' spe.kes- 'PauuL' For, iV *#»nevrPaul'a way men of Vhe godg. We aise ýare men. «t t»s-n back from f an,- enterprise in, It was soins til'I.fore thie tVwormis- wieb le hAd eng0aged, however diLt. i sionar'les knew ýwhat ,was beiug laid ,cul* or dangerous it- miglit ha. Ian& doue- When Vhey did< know tiney, That Paul went fwrwar4 unqer dif- were horrfied, and relniug lu amnozi lluitle us certain. lie was suffering the people tried Vo prevent the sacrýi_ fuomusome kind of ilinesg, posstly Vh iee w hich was about te ho madle lu malarial.feyer which is- go Common n thei houer. T~hey would have ne those'regions and especia11y alonS thel fa*lîe honors They souglit only that- isea coast. Writin- s&rwýards Vo Vine allnmen mi hV new and houer the <3ristian peoplé cof thése i làud.ities ILord Jess î$ t whorn Vhey prepch. 01 Roman Galatia, ho says, "Y. ýkuoýw cd& Getting Vine àVtenVion of Vine that it was owing Vo an inifirniity. of crowd they tried te peraçiade thein cf tii. ftlesh thet. I preached ine gse lthéneMtinuess and folly of their idol- unto yen Vine first time: -aud thbut at ry, and tinat Viney shoix-ld.turn te the which waa a trial Vo yen lun my flesin ye living God, the Maker- of heaven desad noV nos- abhorred - bit ye- re- eas-Vh and sea, and the Giver of ail ce1ived nie as an anglc God, even the goo it iih Nature supplies as Christ Jésus?' (Gal. 4t. 13-14). TinatE for man's neeti. loa in V a o wejit upînogliino Jews froi n Atioch,,commissioned- moutais c Anioininoi <gluits ne deizht, Vo follow up Vthe apo-Lles. hiéher- altitude Vo recover frein his and Vo make trouble- for them, :now siekuess, -and was reccived with open- appear upon the scene. lu tino net heate kiduas udf xti b th o-wicin followýed, Paul was stoned, pIe tàvo hom liethon brougint iis gos-I dragged eut cf Vthe city, and-t*lef t fo-r pl message. dead. -jIu elling , seme'years after- There were sevoral Antiochsisnl ward, cf these misglônary, journeys those couries. This eute was iu the anid* labos-s, Paul 'sa'Ys; that, he was old couutry cf. Pirygia. The wild "iu labors more abuudantly, lu. pri- and. lawless people cf Vine neighheriug sons -more abundantly, in stripes regicua cef Pisidia had been subdued above measure, iu deaths cf t. 0f tle by tine Roma-ns,, who estabiished a jewsfietrsrciedIfrt Cinain of 'fortified posta te maintain 'strifs save n.Trc a et- os-Isder, anicdin ud Lystnahe.ewith rods, once *as I stoned, thrie nort sie, Atioh an LytraHene iI suffered shîpwreck, a nigint and a tho writes- of Vhs iistos-y joins Au- day 'have I been iu the deep; lu jour- iocin witin Piaidia. -,onyiugs- cften, in perilsý of rives-s, in -1-7. ' P Iccnium. This city, -nowprl o oiers, uprisfon my callod Konicli, lay somé ninety miescenntrýrme-n, iu perils from the Gen- southeast cf Autioch cf Pisidia. To lVr Viles, lu perils in tfie city, ln perils in Paul audBan-nabas carne, winen forced the wilderness, lu perils in thne sca. 'in by the iiostîhity of Vine Jews te blave 'kperils amoug false bretlrren-, iu labor Autuo-ch. Here Vhey met w'ith frieuda, andi travail,' ini vatchirigs of ten, in eue cf winom, by naine Onesipliorous, inunger and thirst, lu fastings often, is meutioned iu an early Christian inlucold 'and nakeduosu.", Out of Sucit story caliled "Tino Acts cf Paul and herolefrt iecucnwshm n Tinecla."by sucli patient labor and suffering- Tine Jews cf Iconluni, like those cf was Vhe gospel carnied abroad. Aritioch, resouted Vine preaching c -f 21-28. The 1y returned again, re-isit- Paul and Baruabas te Vine Geutiles. Tine salvation they looked for was Vine ing those whern they had led te faith revival and restored*power and glory nCrsxhrngadeuoagn cf theis- e'wn race,aud nation, and it tumt otne utefih u was intolerablc te tinein that there 'ILnthitergizthneve s'hould be proclaiuned- the comiug <>fa into Churches that Vhey might carry kingorn hîci waaVo iclun thento work wheu Vine aposdres had Gentiles es well. It is difficuit fer us gn.I 5îtrsugV oeta Vo realize how inteusely and passion-'th first ordained leaders iu the ately they feit about Vhs natter, and,1 chus-dies cf Paul were calledI- eIders. therefore, inow bittes-ly Viey oppoaed daytitle wiicn asagise re n thos Paul's gospel witii its universeal ap-dysyvlae agtresaicu- Tino unbeliev'lng Jews stirred up Açiain trouble, sud Vine multitude cf Vine city A't-rue servant of Jesus Christ -e.,il1 was divided. Hewever, it was pos-~ seek ne hors-or, and*I w-i acclt no sible for thein te continue a long time-popularity at the expense of bis Lord. Vo speak boldly, preachiug aiid teachi- Wheu these people wiùhed te honor ing before they were driven frein Vine'Paul and Barnabas by sacrifice, -tl:e ciVy by-a combined attack cf hostile'apesties s-eut their c-lothes ziuJ res- Jews and Geutiles. They went so-utin-i trained- thein. Tine truc servanut ;f ward and eastward te Vthe cities cf God wants Vo see God glorii-d, ani1 Lystra and Der is .not tininkiug cf hiniseîLf It as affl 8-20. At Ly«W-a. The healing cf that Rapool, the great artist, was i Vhs mari, a cnîpple from his bis-thithe habit cf w--eariug'a candie in 1! wvas centaiu]y very wonderful. There! cap se Vinýat n~o àhadew cf hîist is ne adequate natural expianation cf'!ilgint faîl across -the cauvas w-hile sucin an eveut. When Vine peaple sawj he was painiting., We bave to ba what Paul had doue they were sei caref ul lest our selfisin desire.3 ei- stantled and amazed that. they, trude thenisel 'ves and we ferget te theuglît ine and his companion miust bo honos- our Master." Campbell Mýorgv.n gods. Paul had tfsed Vine Greek Ian- once said, "Many a propinet inas becu guage whicin tiny gll understood, but spoiled by geing eut.to dinner." Paul they lunVineis- excitement" broke eut in land Bai-nahas meaut te put, Gcd flrst, exeýamatÃŽicnl theis- own native Ly- land wbuld net: accopt auy populas-ity caor'Un speech whici tine apo'stles did winich would inide Vine rea12 p'ispose of. noV undes-stanti. There" was a story Vineir preachiug.- Home Bread'-Maldng. struet a spec.ial fÈreritiug box. or cupbc-asd, wliere Vine tÀererm:ýtu're eau 't I-i t

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