sur £UpOusud family, etf SUr, vwin Tillvith lmissDRkr Ilortop sud ftrloudQ& Tor. vith Eà &. sadlire. 3cm. Wilono()a"Va, ha& vlhher mother, Mririi> Mr. I'ringl.or., ha.movedIn. the, norti- of Mm .Alloua hou&o )Ir' uott, ofr m>Iw»eï slmcoe C'muty,-ha beozi ougagod as prInciDal oftheq BrookliluPubliec Sehool. IeTiWlor Inatituto viiimoot lu the 'Lni WuRilou August241L Â fr11 At- p o" vealigA. 001orvel oui'- I acres iii til. rer o!ut th . oeci porters 8 tge d to go a slonsd Oceer 4on Ybich a wooil lot et about tS for w@ad. coniaipl mm so e ry val~ Thora lB to b.a afootball, yunament ahiUtmber, e oFred Blunto , t ai~~ ~~ ;renoo oaturdo&y# but thel iiwtiIS. aM.F1IS Brof>klu toaman otl cuertno!enter. Dips 0in uaPortable Maav m If tila a c aLn sd moreother- prizeImUlOt S.Z5 - LI The rosi estte sleof the property ore! t.otat. cf thé laiJohn Eaynazg, hoId ai Fenu'a Motelhorslaut satur day afteMnon, atatod a crovt'of not boa tho »00 !ar*ra oet ho vlcty W. keep the BIEST BREAD FLOUJ.1 on hand REINDEERFLOIJ! PIJRITY F LOIJR FORPASRVAND CAKES* mA4RVELI PASTRY FLOEJR la the beat-, nanufatured at -theo BrooklijuMille. W..6lo have Ontario Bran and Middli»ge, Chop and Cereala of ail kunde. Chaes. Wilson., Brooklln SavoMony in Dry Goods -WASH VOULEBi 40 Inch, fast colore, reg. 75e, speclal. ta clear, per yard, PI&ln check aud stripe Ginghiamà , this week, yard, -19c Fatncy Organdi.., u&pecial b o lsar, por yard, Grocery .Speclals G.ood quality Saimon, large tin, regular 35 foir SIcad Dm.ssligo per jar, - - Straw erryJamu, 4 lb. jar, spoolal, - Ohtistie's Faincy ilcuits, special assortment, sales puce, per lb., 19e 25o l0e 900 Bla 04la, ood quallty, upecial, 35c or 3lIla. for *1. 00 W.M.Lawrence & Son GRERÂL Nl3RClIANTS BROOKLIN, ONT. Mr. aillir. Vred esynode u a uny, of Toronto, apent iSundy atILM ReYnolde.' Er..W. KELini lade a- business trip te Torot 0n4 aesa- laréeosReouds apent itie veel enli~Tôroto. About - t ty mors patients arrlved ai thO-Hosital lIt vosk ud ver.dirid- .41 amoug iii.'cottaesm HThompson and ÉSightholin Bros. are building, a boat hous on the lVht bank o! tho. creek. ~ ~ it Report,,f«ibrehinglareol ,Lt pýe1 cent crop o! tother yoars. Mir ,Ry. reenavay, o!, Toronto, ile visitng bis father and relatives - here1 tuila weeL. Mr. sud lira. Jseph Ashby spent the week-end -wlth Mr. and lirs. Wrn. Ding- man, Of Oshawa, Mira. Blow, o! Detroit,* viaited with Mr,. and ira. J. âAshby luti v.ek. Mr. aud ira. Wma. Draper, of- Brook-, lin, viulted en Sund"y vlth Mr. and lira. Ir. Draper. lir. Sanford Brown la sitili conflued to hie bed, but la linproviug sbowly. Mri. J. Kemp recelved a bad ahakinig up ou Saýturday lat vlle>.uuloadlng grain, viien the trip rope, which hie va. haudling, brok.e, and he feU ta t1he floor, recelvlug aevee brulses., He la SUll conflned to liii bed and under the doctor's car. " Ma ladalineDraper spent a-few daY. last veek vith Misa Jean Stork, o! Pickering. Keep iu mmnd the date o! Almonde IZarveai Home, ou Sunday sud Tues- daY, Oct. 4th sud Bih. Mieus. Bsrt Gale sud Luthner Pascoe spet SUuday viii frienda' lu Oshawa. Mr. sud lMra Draper sud family ve lu Port Perry ou Tnursday laut viB ing relatives.- lira. Gale, o! towu, la vlling b~ son, Mr, Fred Gale. Misses laura sud FEdith Holliday, Brooklil, are vlslting viii tineir aui lira. John Wlflls A number atnded the gardon party insld at Kinsabs on Mouday svenlng aud report, a good Urine. Ralpin Wldeffan lefi lut Wedniesay ore sit. Ler Of Breookilu f M'roff'Ilisb1 MER?> FIRSTand TIIIRD WEDNI3SDÀY 0F R"CilMONTHU KE EP IT IN MIND 1 q Do~M j 'l T 4 r. j- ( TOUR co-aperation-the co-operation of ail the citi- r zens of Ontari-is the biggest need in Ontario Forestry to-day. Hlstoryshows bIai impovenishmeuî sud national dodline fol- lova from hei destruction o! s countny's foresta. Most o! the aiea o! this Province la non-agnicultural, suited by Nature olytfor gnowlng trees. This baud remains yours but the Goverueu sella the trees. Every summer in Ontario an average ares o! 425,000 acres o! forest land is burt over, equal to asatrip 130 miles long by 5 miles vide. This yeariy desolation ai the banda of her ovin people is gnadually turning the northeru part of the Province into a nocky dosert. On, thousands of acres, ýeven bIne sol lias been destroyed by fine! Save Ontaro's .Forests Theýyre fours The average yearly nurn- ber of foreat* fires lu: Ontario is about 1,275. The viigilance of the Fine Rangers keep two-thinds o! Ontario's forost fines dowu to an average aize o! Iess than five acreb. But the others are big exough to'raise the total average te, 350 acres. Forest fines lu Ontario are de- stnoyî-ng provincial assets of tim- ber sud pulp vood upon;which the Province relies to help pay ber share o! Canadas Wan Debi. Forest fines destnoy fish sud game, decrease the:regularity lof stream sion sud the crippling,î of vater powers; turu revenueýproducing areas ie orock desortà Out- of every- 100 fine's lu On- tario's forests only tiree are caused by lightuiug,-vbile uineiy or more are due te mia:ns cane- j.IN lessuesa. One- thousand meu acattened over 100,000,000 acres, bave uitile cbance o! preventing fires. Ail they can hope to do is te ses the smoke in time bo check them sud put them out hefore they spread beyond control. The problem. of adequate pro- tection o! -Ontario's Foresta from fine is almost entirely a moral one iuvoiviug the whole public of On- tanlo. The vast majority of fonest fines are caused by human care'- lessuess due to iack o! civic ne- spousibility. The teudeucy la Vo beave ail the nesponsibility to the Goverument for pnoiecting the. foresis £rom fine. The Govern-- muent caunot proteet the fonests beionging to the people of Ontario unlesa the peopie o! Ontario co- openate.- Fonestry needs youn patriotism, your public , spirit, ,youn regard for the genenal vol- fare of Canada., -Ontario Forestry. Branich, Pà rliamýent Buildings, TorantQ, Ont. IlÀ f ~j.r44~ i4 I. 'j 1- 1, an, nr a" dA-,0 09o4 u e Sik ELGATIT. IlsiseM, m loi I ho à on 'the' Harvestera' Excursio Mr.-and Mmlira. lyý #o! Toronto, are vWi tFed. sudlira. Byer.,s .e Misa Ada Nickle, of Odessa, spent a vweelc viii F. W. sud lMrm.Gibson sud other frieuds. Mmla Ida Brovu. la vliting vitIn friends-in Toronto.. John Deunis and vifs, of Guelpin, sud, Fred Dennis sud vite, O! Windsor, speut 'several days 'wluhJme su lira. Pakett. . Mrs. Wm. La Fraugh, of Stouffille, la vlsitlng Mrs. Geo. MlddletoDn, sud callng ou old frienda around Green- wood. W. sud lMra. Moyer, Of Jordan Hfar- beur, speut the week-end vith P.w aud lira. Gibson, and other relatives. H. Bee, O! Toronto, viSitedl'at W. Mlddletoni'so on unday. The G.G.M.C. met at tie lore of Mise Nellie Russell last Wedneaclay ev. ening viien tbey ententained the mMis- alan Cîrcee rom Stouffville, aiso tins Young gen'a Bible Clama o! Greenwood. A choice prograin vas given by the msinbers o!- theo ivo Circles, after vhInci a social urne va4s apent together lu gaines on the lawn. Miss H.azl Adamnains lef t for Have. look *sud other parts to spend three or four veeka lu a veli earned rest. Mr. aud Mrs. G. Haya and Mr. and lira, W. Richardison, of Columbus, cal-. ed ai the parsoiuage hers lest week. Mr. Cook, manager e! the Myrtie Sta- tin Branci of the Sterling Bank o! Canada, has been lu charge of the Ux- bridge Brancin. IH returnedý to is owu work week. Mir. Miartin and fanxily bave left for Prince Albert, vbere they intenli 'to inake their home. At the parsonage on Saturday even- lng, Auguat 6, Mir. Russll Daiidson, ot Raglan, vas"msrried te MissIlli'an Coilett, o! Cartrigit Rev. C, Adamns pertormned tue eereg nt. tvo weeka, returued te home m Saturday. Thes sais lu connectloxn vi tute os- taie o! thes lato CharlesHartle, hield ou Tuesday afiernoon, vas atiended by s very large crovd o! people On accouai o! net belug able to reach theo reserved -bid, the property vas not Sold. Furni- turs, sud other articles sold ai good pnices. Win. Maw, o! Whltby, vas suc- tioneer. the e or CO( 1U COLUMBUS About seveuty-:five o! tino members o! Le .&dult Bible Clasand thein friencis ioyed a plcnic ati oiev'iew Park last aturday. Mr.. sud lira. W. Cooke sud faunlly, H1ammouy, visited at Mir. gloa. ok's on Suuday. Mr. Chas. Stabback la rernodslling a uewly purchaaed houm asat o! the luage. THORNmONS CORNERS Tis grain cnop iS very lighî accord- ing t<> reports frorn thPso vinehave trirehed. Výe~ do net look for a bounti. fui root crop. rCorne aud have soins ice creain at Vine social evening iu the Sunday School Tinursday, Augu8t l8tb. Master George Lofthouse lo vlaifjng friends lu the city. lir. C. J. Horn, o! Orillia, visited tit voek at Mr. F. E. Fronchs. lira. E. Pascos la visiting for a few days vith her parents lu Detroit. -MYRTLE STATION Mr. Leonard Rosa and his raother motoreli to Coboeouk and spent lest week there. Mrs. Forsyth has returned to ber hoemn in Toronto after visiting at J. Dlckzon'a.' Miss Ada Nickie, of Odessa, visited wlth Mrs. T. Price the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Beacock anid son returneli to Toronto this week after vislting at J. E. Beacock's. Captain and Mrs. JOhliston, ofPais vlsited with hua aunt, Mrs. R. Chisholm. lere thus week. 1Hear Ben Hokea iii the Methodiat Churcli here the third week in Septem- CLAREMONT.' Mrs. E. L. Smith with lier little son Harry, and Alex. A.- Stark, of Rosedale, were the guests of Rev. and Mrs. King, iast week and this. The latter lias engaged with David Tran for his after harvest work. In a series of Sunday evening ad- dreses on "The Subinarine<j Life,"? cartoon illustrated, Rev. C. W. King, of the Baptist Church.will speak next Sunday at 7 p.m. servce on cerl Re- ligious Submarine Clisser." 'cWjere Tliomas Fell Downand Wliere lie .was Picked up.,"le ilite xnornùnz service subject. Everybody Welcomie. Mr. and Mrs. Watts and faniily, of Toronto, were in Claremont Sumday. Anitretn annual meeting of the local brandi Of tlie Upper Can- ada Bible Society w85 held,,on thle evening of the,3rd, 'in the union Churcli,, President J. S. Fariner ln the chair. The anual election of offic- ers and comxittees took place, when Mr. Fgrmer Wa'8 re-elece< President Rev. C. W. King Sec!etary, and Geo. Cooper, Treaamrr- The- collectors of last year were re'-elected. -The treas-1 urer, Thomas Stephenson, roote 09tributod by Ulis Socfrty, and -Its ÇolpIfexarelu- er ountry un- der, the, sun.8"_' e" CIeMM=o'inlaaian honored ,ith anthr cholarslùip*mnner, narod~ K 'ègliv mt captured tic (M atr U#lverafty, Toron]toý, Pmn rtrloîila- tienpris lu is local Continuation, Seolexamination. R>ber-Wlihsoz wu the, for]mer Caoolwfur Mhe e reeight ,à &ôoarship wnnr lu tuila OnteSt five of them Jasa Jun- ior sund tire. Hlonr, Wfil Claremont 1bayq a . -~j~for zm'uty s ? D n a id S. R avson ' s ed w thh-o a sudAnilë Fias, of Glen Major, » e lthe'iddle Schooi NOralF- and bis aou*Btant lir. Ryt, aeti 'ea ;yco grtulations <01the schools, friendsr.. The, other menibera qf ilie clasé Who worked faiulifnlluy and hae~ but ,withless good .fortuiîn, i là l underetood,. baye the opport;unity - of writlug a supplementary exaniination ibis fali, wlien lb Is earuestly hoped they WÜilbave the satisfaction of passing and coutinuing. with. their traing without any lois of turne, lb is witli geeral satisfaction that Prin- cipald Wilker lias been re-engaged. Ris untiring efforts on bahalf of blis ýSt- dents and sehool, have won for hlm a large Pluce in the hearta of hlosto of people. BAILSAm Moat of the farzin l iis býocslity are ilirougli harvest. Ennanuel Slack, of Oshawa, calbed on old friends ou PSunday. . James and lirs. Hortop spent Sun- day witlh Frank sud is. Crossman, of Oshawa. W. Blugbam, of Clarenont, las buay painting lira. Sierwlin's store, mak- lng a great iniprovement. Normnan sud Clifford Grahamf are working on bie r-oad near Wb.ttby .Witi their teanna. - Miss White is visitiug her siater, lira, W. P. Joues. Wnn. flarbrou had- a barn raising lant week. About two liundred men assembled aud everytlinng vent te- gether fins. Ormsby and lira. Lelun, o! Stouffvile, spent Sunduy at David Joues, sud on their. returu tiey were accompanied by Missý Betsy Joues. Quite a nunuber attended the gar- den party at H. Mcl3rieu's ai Kinae, aud report a good trne.. David audlir-a. Jonès speut Sunday wibli T. Pllilîlipa suad fanily, Broughi- amn.- and lier grg S. Mackey. i n. lirs. Gormley la reported no better at trne of writing. The- Mission Baud met lasi Satur- day at lirs. Stevenson's. .Miss Leua Sadien lias - sufficiently recovered to be able to go out a lit- tie. Several have tlireslied snd report te est crop aluiost a failure. Fal wlieat is reported pretty veil up to va. si1tng lu tËe roar And Rc"eouin front. Aât Rovdeus suggestion, he and Morris get, i' fo -change places. Tliere wua soauewhat o!raaveU çon tue lake ut the une, sud lu mie way or ouiior,. thli oattiured rlght over. 2o1 ]Dr. Armahroi,'"daMi irie iuanaged i-te eling te the, crait .sud mave their atreugth, sand ihey vers lua e te r for lii ouhur. Tii. paty,,vre en- gagedIlu rollngAf the t.n tm o! th BlIy Rowden, abohrof KiDi' Rýovîe,» thé. seond baie niaa. ot,-he Osawabasebal teamn, vas Weil nu te everycue. H1 vag 24 yeam soh saud resided viii bis brother, Walker llov- dnï, i29 Gladstone Aenmue, Ohava. The a:ad agÉsr bascasi a gloom *ver the commumity.. Lt Uvase. a ntier et good tortune *.uhat Dr. Àrniafron sund Morris, the: ivo oher 'occupants o! the boat vers ulaude& Ilusafsty. -ýThe scene o!>thens faiality va. near Hlar-, -Wood. Thne father of the, deeeaad il- a real. dent o! Port Hope,. but Bifly ha. been lving lu Oshnawa for soins yoa Re.H vas very active lu sports sn ud a &7PHO8PM'ODWLi U M ~ .~ I o e,~ o u. q u . .m ake . nov 8 16a ol V"O Umed for »NUnu <EWV, faaIa ~uoItet pie.No p DONST NEGLEOT YOIJREVESI If you have the sllghtest trou ble with your @Yeu, don't run any rbsk by, negleoting to have them examined by Opomotriat Fe Es. Lake amd Optiolai (Opposite Simpoon'.> Sumrla here. Don't -'f;ôr- gel Whou you are throuzgh with 1bufieoaniasg to Oa11 us 10 get OId le , ubburs, Srap Urn, you may wlah ta get rid of. H. NIMELphone 2. Wh1ltby GNDUWTAXMS Phono M WHFI'Y I I ATIN ùOU -CAR FOR ,WEAR PGIIT8o SERVICE.. Consuit- us about knooka and grinda, the steing a brakes, the, olootrlc sy7stein and Power plant in generai. Have Skllled Mechanica repair your car. Our acceasorÎesand parts are lie boit sud are cars- fully inapeoted before beîng aasembled, in your car. W. have hem. Cali aud se., Guarauîeed Tires of tie best makes, Rose Tire PUrnj-m, Johuston Clear Ray Refigé- tors, Gasollue aud OîL Try Our Varocfty True Greasefor Trinismission and,. Barrister, Connty Crown Attorney adCounty solicitor. Office,-South Wing Ct. House, WhMty Barrister, SOl icitor, Nétar-Y Public, etc. Office, Brock St., O)pp. Standard Bank. Money to Loan. W. ELKnd Barrister, Solicitor in the Supremo Court, Notiry Conveyancer, etc. WHITBY, ONT. Office-Dundas* Street, one door wcat of -post Office. DR. R. T. MOCLARtff h*eiima md murEu Residence and Office Cor. ]3rock and Mary Streets, Whitby IL. O.0B.Neely PHYSiCIAN and SURGEON Honor Graduate UJniverslty of Toronto Post Graduate London-Bar, Nojse, and Throat Office and Residence: Just Est of the Standard Bank Telephone 122. WHITBY, O)nt S. Mackey lias been quite un- Mir. sud lira. Hewlett, who llved in lir. lackey's stone lieouse, bave moved to the North Weat. We wisi thein succesa. Mn. Frank Thinpson la reported cousid;ernbly better. Gea. Trlpp has declded Vo give up !anming tis fall, sud viii holli a dis- persion Qae on September 15th, o! al is tarin stock sud implemeuts. Win. liav, auctioneer, vill bo In charge. The'regular ineéting o! the Kinsale Women's Institute vili be insld ou Thunaday, Augusi 25th, autue home o! lira. C. LavVou. Everybody veicorne. lira. R. R. liowbray, Pies.; lins. C. Lavton, Sec., The ganden psnty at lir. McBrieu's last Monday nikiit vas very success- fui fromn every point of view; good crovd, good pnogram,- aud the pro- ceeds were gratifying. Wneu is oun S. S. going to liold their picuic ? lir. Geo. West will preacli hors uext Sabbatli. Miss Whitehiead vas here for. ths gardon party. AS19BURN Mn. John Miller shippeà about seveuty hogd of cattie to the Lover Provinces on Friday last, whene tliey will be exhibited at the Fairs. lies- ara. Routley, Lynde sud Thompsou veut viti ths stock. John Miller, D. Parnoti, R. Mcmn- tyno, sud F. Stepliens attended Lake- field Fair. li. nsdlins. F.A. Oakes, o! Grims- by, accompauied by li. nsdlins. Nel- sou '"Ashton, visited witi Mn. Robert Heron sud Mr. Edward Ashton dur- ing ths veek. lins. Henry and Misa Audrey Hoag, o! Tornto, have been theo guesta ofI lins. James Svinston. Mr. Walter Lynde is busy again vihi is tliresbing ouifii. Asiburn boys played ilu us Foot- aIl toumuament at Port Penny, on Wednesday ast. Tie finat gamne was bebveen Lindsay sud -Asiburu. Ash- burn won by 8-1. The second gaine vas bebveen Greenbank - sud Good- wood.. Goodwood von by 5-0. The final gdIne vas bebween Ashburn and Goodwood.. Goodwood won by 1-0. lis.Henry Doble,Ml.inud lira. John Leaak, motoned te Sunderland on Satunday eveuing. lira. Jobuston, o! Toronto, wife o! our former pastor, the late W2n.-John- ston, bas been -visîtng'at lira. John Studdaford's. Greenbank sud Asibun boys play football on Tlnursday evenlng. Re- suis -laier. H. X Grenadier Guards Baud o! Monirsai, viilbe onepf thne fehtures of the Canadia atofalIxibtlon. Battery Foresi1ght. 4u P"ys t look ahead -when ym buy a battery. -Ift rnlyta1ksa niligue Or twa tbe sure you are getting s WIIarcI Threadcd Rubber Bat>. &2rY wiilà lzulat/on--instead Of aeparatoes -between the. plates. Tbreaded- Rubber Insulation- wiii save you dollansd haur later, becauso it keepa on doing its vork as long as thc plates last.- No bils for replaciug for 'replacing wood geparatora. Drive in. t us telyouthe, wiole story. ONTARIO BATTBRY 11 Church Stroet tENTRAL GARAG'E frilard. Battelrie Graduate of the Royal. College of Dental Surgeons and University o' IToronto. Office over Murdoch'sCon- fectionery- Store. Office 'hours, 9 to 12; 1 to 5.80. BE ll Phono 220. l dphono4 Succeesor to W. Adams Office, Dundas' Street, opposite Post Office. Bell Pà woýe 122, Ind. 54. WEITBY, ONT. Bell Phone 294. mnd. Phone iU Office over Allin's Drug Store. Hours-9 to'12 a.m.; 1 to 5.30 pi.- Issuer of Marriage Licenses Corner Drug Store, Whitby No witnesses required. Undertaker sud Furuiturs Dealer. Bel sud Imdependeui Phone&. Day or niglit. BROOKLIN -ON01T. d p 1 i 1 49c wý., e Oshawa 1 MYBTLL GRZEN WOOD