Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 18 Aug 1921, p. 6

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-- ---- 4 ~ 4d4rel Communikations te Agionmtst. 73 AdlaI4. t *t.S. Ttronl-l Cooling Mi1k 'eara. tM~t can grow at these -temperatume Becauee'oftheii.preîent bigli prices a IP oueu~erbeefes et r'aw ni.teiria,'lahor *DîI foedêtuff, 1Shertly aftez' the warm wuk i% w»y turmner is ptrivng to malce the deawn from 'the cow bacteria utarL mqýt of hie faim i>y econonuical pro their r.apid prcigress of developme.nt, &eten nd1ncreaeed effliency lu an d many tues ithe M'lIk i Uwite fana mauiegem.ia. Thi¶ieleespecielîly remain ln the ôow barn until rllkinx rgceEairy teIal* the margin oj -pro- h«3 been eompIéted. Thîs may require f1tis an extremely narro'w one. We an hour or m-oi e, dependin-g upon -tht- know of no way whére4iy the selling numler oi cow to be niîlked and the prieç cari b# in xed ore -lu prçqpox- effleney of 1hý milking system. A -6m t thecogt t'hon iby raLisng the few hours' delpy ln cooling reduces <,a*y dtep dc'the keepng qu'ilty cftht milk-toa Tu qait c il ~eenaà~ far "reter ext nt than many people tape.the metheal cf -production .or pps.N oV nily-the bacteria are ba&ing.- No niatter h«vow carefulîy -very uudeÃŽir&bî1, but tht .butter-fat ln, th miIIk 'îs drawn freni tht cow'ther h aTlmMchsttlxwr« b M always aome bacteria in it- nd erbng outside odore which imp~ar 3e..a-tordnary temperatures de- ttvlee h ikt nl utc v~Jp er rp~y. iiue~u»~ tent th'at it is , t desàrable Vo be put eR forme are esmalA bthêta.< dr~>op M zalot anyegasesar4 e' r et iailk znay contain nililions, Tluey can beremoved-1 by aeration or, expos- grqw very raqpldiy at a temlperature in the mhlk ii thin filma to the sot- of rixty Vo ninety -degrees -fhreniieit, IiOrphere. Fortunatedy, tn thi1ruC- and require foo.d and niolture like tien,,G!fmodem colers la sucb as Vo bagur frmset pantlit. 111k ur-make iV posslbt, to do the eooliug and niEties an ideal rmediumi for bacterial aeratinin lu ee oper'atien. Dalryrflt grpwth enid uqleas controIled hy qonie WouId do well to consider what they Means th.ey Wil grow or multiply with exPeeýt tO acconupilish by atration and i cooling. Odoxs will be removed by Ther--e are several meth«o& ot keep- atration, but tht mlk nmust be aerattd iug dowe\n bacter.ia,1 growth in mulk. while iV ha yet warm. The eo-cau ed Cooin.,,la a very economical anâiprac- cow odare are! removed, lu the best ticl wnywhih il arier cn pc1a.nd quickest way by keeing nianure tic. iith sucessfui reGults, nming a out, cf milk. Goo1iug and aerating more desira-ble product for tht cou- shouid al-ways be conducted lu. a clea.u -sumer, ais we7 a s making one th&t is cool room, which is fret troni aIl dirt more prfîîtble fcer ther'vesand contamination. CoCý,ng 'Cr even'frqezing the md1k There are several- types of coders ddes- not k i l bacteria, but retardz their on -tht market! but not au oef these growth. If zilk thet has b2en kept could te used ecenojnically by the uweet or at the desired degree ot acid- f armner; many fi-mers who retoil their itY le a1llowed Vo tecome warined, the rnit1k codi it with a cone-sihoped cooler,1 beeteerjut which have been kept dor- tht muner part' belng filled with iet meant wili at cnes ,-rcunie th-eir water and the tank or niilk receiver rewth.- This exp'larns w-hii milk and 1 at tht top has smali openinge iat tht treai should te kept thexoughly chil-ibottom near !the outeido tih-ougli -e&, and -n eeca1îo-wéci tawarz u~p [w'I - tht ýmil1k dieharges l in' until uscd. Thti process cf cc, niing milk 1- stream directly upon the coe belIow, *ur creani checks itht b.etcriaj growth,'Whic h i&cooled by the ice water. Tht and but few crgarîsmi thrive aL niilk is then dxiwn off at tht bettoni temperature bekw flfty iieerees F. eft tht cent and stored lu a cool place lowever, it is very important that îhe until nieedted. uilk immc&'ýately- atteriLA bas been Another eo=onýilcal1 and practical êrawn te cooled Vo flfty degrees F., or way et coollng mi-Ilk and cream lje Vo as mucli lower as circunstances p" place the contalîners into a. tank where ui.it. Th-3 importance of imniediate Ice-id water je p:umpedý into it lu suoli CODling waashown by Dr. Coitu lu hi a way as Vo, enter tht bottozu, forcing exPerimen,-a. Ht denxstrated that thet warm water Ou-t nt tht top. Water nt a teniperature et fiftiy degrees P. sàould be puniýped ite the tank at bacetei4l*a lu mik multiply five times lu frequent intervals in order te keep jwuenty-fcuq hours, while at seventy the containers cf nilk and, creexn at ,egrecs they nultiply 750 timea lu s low a -temperature as is possible. tweVyf~w.houre. Miik nay be kept Lowering the temnperature et mllk -cret for quite a, whule at forty te ,and crearn tends te keep down tht tçrty-five dègrÏees F. because the lac- bacteri-al ceunt, keeping the ými1k bic aeid bacteria or tht principal btoc- sweet aud avoiding the great Ics by leria that cause the souring otfînjlk, souri ng, as -sout- uiilk or milk higl inl - mctical1y- sto-p grcwing at these temi- bacterie. will uqt te as valueble tu, the PeMtf*Teg. But depeMcence canuot be preduceror selle-nthei merk-et fer as paed un thts teniperaturea, as there hàgh a price a-s tihe lew-count milk M any ether classes of batteria pro-duced dnderý favorable conditions. ~%ÃŽ 4sÇeW -Poultry cuîing le a- summer job. Th elWn ri ixue r Alter t-hefIock starte mouling i-etVe recemmended f~r fitting tht ramr for pau~er ime er eîeclvuet eg ~ thternating season: equal parts ot ca-ta *aoers. Under*natuTMa conditions tht sud vlueat bran; tve parts alfalla hais )~ testlu thtcpniug nsd oee art cern; equal part The.ppçints tte u oted lu culllung et ceo rnnanomai; equa-i Parts of a: Âbs.aceoet colon in: 1, vent; 2, field peas sud 1es tS, or equai p arts et q.e ring on Bid; 3, 0,111beak; 4, leg -cern, caVe, wheat bran, aud oimneal1. -r %t.h . - Use noe heeý for service unti ont If the ben hes przduciug there wil year of age. As a-yeaniing, a rami bs n asene f cler Tt ieadetma-y le mated vhth as many as thirty a laying 4eu in lange, V-le ceib ntsd eves withe-ut injury. As a two-year- wattes relused ad te ee i , Ida- rani lenat hielues-V. He ca-n te waniti. aenfs-led sud ryteh ueed until eight or ten years et sgt at is net liaying lues a amall iffhivel- if pnoprly mauaged. Ht abeultI neyer - . cornb sud a white scunt ou tht t e allowed te hecome tee fat or Vo te <oint. uwtla used excessive y. A ev-e siould te ~fli hqhous er pevieancesat leasat a yearling tetere raising hem af-er ht ayig f0511 re anterfirat lamba; ct4urwist, lier size sud ater the A 1 e zouitareg sasen vigor viii e sp etuuted as te esuit they are -nelrtr tegether. A on- t -mlesu akroius figr vd ndicates a proor layer, Grass or stoinacli staggcns is coin- VIve ih ,fu-ig'rwdh r h'mon wliere lambtsansd cwes a-ne turned -beit layers tor al flock-s. toa.kwegrth cvrer Tht wvÃŽdth L>' xeen te brcast boue other grecen fee:d. In sce iInstances sud kcel Iu(n-(Lay bcnc's) hudicates the headsansd, cars swclli eanouùsly tit he-n capi--KLy. The best produc- sud tht l-aints:dit. Las-t year fluent ers 1cve a -width et four o-r five fing- wcre uuany -oýs-es trou-t that trouble ers., Tc11 ellif tht -heu is mouting 1wheu Iambe -ere unetI inVo ich ePCen tt wiug nd note tht ten pnim- mceadows sud stubties atten haying amy fett i-s. If te heu bhas eighttsud harvcst. One shouldveny gradu- ste as sartd temout. Fve l iy accustor al animais te rie-h pas- a-e as e e ea-ters out.ndiae c -on ture. Physic tht loinbs vith castor- la lialf!,thrcugh tiie moult. Tht heu ho po- ats h oel u leer ya ieu -h s u1 t mutaîcapoonful -tof iland up, aud oe ,Veer yt3w .sh isin he coutounce of Epsomn sa-ita up te four but vi wîl .hc tht teothers art cern- ounces for an aduit sleep. Keep tht ing brick. Tht suisîl dry veut in4i- Iambe off rich. pasture tun a turne. estes t-boat thteh-en ie net producin'g. N If the t axIonen -issofttthe lieu is a letter producer. Dou't keep a- hagg Ten Rules for the.,Shpper. ben. 1. -Be sure t4lat yeu-r produet le lu We cculd bu-!I a ifine poutry lieuse perfect condition. mi every _tarni lu tht country ou the -2. Handie as littie as possible, te, .sOUM 'to! pou-I ry l'est last yèar. More avoid bruiing. «en-tiou t-A-ouîd, t, givea Vo proper 8. Tak e up dinectiy witli tht rag- ,per fing bcand et ue strathe ro- .readdetaiis o! ,crep te te -shipped, sud ~r fedig su cuiia thtfioks.service required. Give ample advan-ce For the amnount t-meucy luveeteti, notice, se that-proper car service eau po'ltry ca-n te made tht-etest produc- be suppîied. tient 051thte 'r' - 4. GeV a Vrîtten - acknovledgment tien-t ralroz-:l, covering nunuber sud' Fternîn,-utng IQ.uack G.rass. jkiflOs or cana toe -uppL:ed and'tire! 1 hvenevY eenpulýiz!e,, i" ,an 5. Load cntainers iu ca-n se that --paper a mdchod I have psed succýsS-1 there is pro-le air circulation. With- 11UEy for exterinatiug quzck gi - *c ut this, icin~ or lieathng wiii te ai- ch~e uply. I plow ibt gîcuni jLuStf utost worthles. deepe4og-hte et ll heroots ai ~e-i ~koug tegetli ht ht c-t-to 6. Pack sud! trace contentese that -*bensdi-y g a-TIl th theouoffttloati cannot sdift tor settie in transit, dots. Xu a ega -hebot day .th etscausiug. bneaking ,eofpackages e-r bét. dIn antdedMlu a-ntheur.ots bnuising et pnrduct. wN b dry*Êd eadin a l ud'I 7. 1Wheu uslng ice or leat, prepuare »t they <an ho ral<ed togetrndttt- na'ace r-elttpo WWd off. tecri dvne r-oltepo Tai exra oil ivtilthtdigem a-educt, if possible. 1%eexta wrk iththediger as 8. Make exi-t chueck on count of wéU r#aWin -uthe cro. e-f poaateeq s contents cf - upment, whuie it le being $b yd w as 4oîkle vhat IV vas when loaded. 6@ d«eTva-e noVuseti, There was 9.Hvarngmtsadfo - Oa pta-r «f the qveck îeft inuthe 9. ae n . Angtnosimeat desrm- pltoes çy in thets thle fellowig miate n;i hne- sh inetstdes- seaon.-M. C. tImaiy lgr t-e ydajag, s. a - - nsy gratly nenease thtebc. 10. If sipM~ent la -repenteti "off con- Buttwihoke the Judge. di tiený" at destiâtion, arrange for i-n -Wbon a judge finishes tylni ib><> medi'a-te inspection. Get ia govern- n ia -class cof stock at a famr, lie usu- a-ut aispct ainprifssible, es --4~y expli-ls, te tht eopît vho are 4darpr eadIsbe.tci atIng, bils ressens for pîaclng on uee l c.p s1*lahad of suother.- 11i0b doe&Wt do> 50, aak -hi te. P'ouitry ju4glug yl tart a-t te »O a ».no bter vay te - lea=, the Qanadian Naýdoua1 Exhibition Frlday, ponm f as90,d e-IMAi. - Sept. 2.- If It wr*e ot for the latl*ta teirY, t'enl-cejg rs jy Éia8 vsr$eties -f nsut0s Ote dm e sf g"ba r inesqâ ositiht be oM- n. an'h~ofau hb, ý neii ese bite cf atat cumpan-t pand té en l te akb'dew h-o rins.pe Thetfls 8put ci nwtlc~o " in ' ltQons, Blop, garbag 1h food ý,t. geastanynet9 4MQst *oé Qo uir taible or 0ub~' a~ ia from lhis incesan.3bzil The b tl - fthRtUI33every effort 1 lBtBl lng frem a mos23ito ib' te may 4bre much naUs3eating ç Obieeti.nabledir lieyred by rubbingw%ýh ioýatewd wl .ý-e- eaten even uwuèn ru diE-ea.le toi1et "g - usivga,,cUlute ulutdon germe are present. If every pereOn of ;amraçia. «u a 5 per efft. 80lu4jqga couId just realize that thbe inon4b of carbolle acid. -011 0f ýcitrozieUn if Iooldng, fiy har '<> ý çece ýSTiqI« -butI< iýe inkep1,g -b read -weare eati#é or drpe in, our mosquitoes away while 'sittlng en *the 'm1ilk, lias Prebably left there SOüne- porch,,but is ot effeeti4'ih prùtèèt- thing fromi the privy, vault orsklp ing one dur Irg a ~ nght'e isleep. A f ew arwewudntterethmli sprinkled rn ~a dotic}uing on ht bed te tès prefn droffa of the following mixture Our herýes. toiyegsnhoe IlI keep mouqùto«sat a distance foti. maure, îehough teywiIi use A'ny a' long time: 1 osmce e edar,,oi, 2 kind of Ulanure or d'ezayinig veg etable gunces oil of citroneliae, 2 ounea-, spit- matter. They iay from 100 Vol150 eggs its of cazuphor. intwïobatehes at an inteival c-f a Since the mofliUto is the means" cf days.. Promtheeggliszaue traausmittin.g malaria fronu one për*n reaidy V a eg i aoàtw ek to another every eff ort sliould te made 't'I CÃ"tr&i.ng the fiy ornxisanc to get rid of it. To control mosýqutees danger, first, the nuiuber cf flies must ît ie necessary, Vo lget tid of ail ti be kePt as Iow as posibe hy treating cai, old pails, unused tiarrels, and seo or dis«osang of t;heirbreedinag Places forth, In which even the least bit, of and by killing thbem, .perti-u5arl'yi rain or other water inlay _collect. It the early Spring; seceond, Priviesm.iust is aise n-'eessary to cure forall1 pools be niade fiytigh .dbv .tmtc or otherbodies of water, because mos-. ally dropping stai covers so the Pest quitoes breed -in water. The.y wili1 can not feast on body-waste and t-.hus evnbred in- chieken -pans, water pick up and transfer germ. 'of ~ troughs and Eo forth, if the water is phocid, or dysent.ery; gartbage poails not ehriptied and roplenis'hed everY must 'be kept -covered andý other filVh- day or eo. disposed 0of; fiies must be kept out of Water 'barrels shouléï,be covered the houses and food Must be carefully with wire netting 'of et l-east 14 me&h-. eovered. Most ýhou,,ekeepers realize e Vo the -inch. The easiest and; most the ,importance of having the house effective treatmnent for Ponde or 'eaxefully screened, or *içiling wità, fouitaiins is to stock them, with top poison 'hait, sticky fly pâper or b minnows, goId fieli or other small fish. swatting ail flues* y These eat thte larvae and thus prevent tleqting food fromeiun, f ro Wsand' of vovering Vheir deVelopment into miofqitoes. the ,baby w'ith zuoquto iuetting ilf fhe Ail ponds, foumtains afid atreamns 'lep on the, porcii. But there as shx-uld buave dean vildes with nuo vege- much more work Vto ie doue on farmng ation growin.g down into the water. lu the Matter of niaking pivies fiy- It is the marshy edges that glve quziet tight and caring for maniu.re. To con- spots wbêre laz-vae xnay mature -ùn- trol tht breeding of fiiesý manure can ddstuebed :by the eurrent of the strean be ecattered thin]ly on the fieldo every or iby t.he flsh. Mosquitoese nly choose daY. This, however, 18 qyaetically im- quiet undisturbed water -for *layng "possible for busy ftz'ers in tht their eggs. If fuel cil or'sonie other sprin.g when possible inanure whould low grade cil la poured onthe surface be etored in a prepared nianure pit or of water, the'la.rvae -are kilied' The tigkt box, or removed £romi the be1it -Oh l isone. thiat ripreads rapidly. stables, piled and treated with borax. and dces not evaporate too quickly. FEeven pounds of. crude comnieoal An ounce of kerceene to, 15 square borax, whdch.niay be bougiht for a feet et water surface lis about the amn- few cents a îpound, 1.9 needed for every ount that lis ueedjed and sucli a :film tweive or thirtee i buéhels or sixteen will etay about 10 deys. cuilcfeet of stable nan'ure. Sprinlcle House files are the filthiest aud this Over the nianure pilie and add a most dangerous et household peets. littie water to carry the borax down Because the diseuse laden filth they ito the manure. This kilis the eggs carryý on their sticky'feet and moist and niaggots without dnjuring bhe spou!gy mouths eau not be seen ýwIh- manure as a fertilizer. Not more thasi out a ýmcrc9cope pnd beeause thie fiy's fitteen tons of masiqre eo treated. part In carrying ty-phuld fever, dysen-1 shculd be applied Vo the acre. Plymeouth Reck) vas dnfroduced nitre- FO SBR O l as a mark te distinguilih thte breed FOWLS RED TO om large-type wuhite Legliomus. ORDER M 1 TËii- mprovernent o! pouîtry - ag ta es vilkýeeptluro-ughout breeding dates iack Vo prehisto-rie tht vwinVer mon-tàis as veli as.'bu thte ibres, but tht notion -tf prod'uchng a- best e-f cehiars. Tht pit zuteds te ho neiw 1ciTW of Ailrh icknMinpopt,in.sn elidrained ani- countucte~d se as tto S*- -1-16: 5. ,bus ,raux, _ mmer e tRýe nI g-et caughbt a-nd -popped îito a&-pie. But b0 aIwaYW managed to, run pretty fast, sud alter a whilo ellsre ey t uedl te tht littie eluap sattiu-g on 1-li ili pawa taking hinail tht ne's. Thtecreatures, tee;j didùýV puy eny more attention Vo hilm 'bhau ifIue'd been a tret stump. "Thaàt's- only, ittît Ja>ck a±>'bi -they'd sa â- $6ont , another and -go niglit on wh-ththeir speeclhifym*,g. tut net eetisfled- wlth ai-I tht thhqgs lie heard, lu"tht výood asnd in t4-U~ i- lag-e wIhere liev!isite4, -Jack 4arted stayiug avake et nigis and tryiuýg te h ear ç'bat thtegoblîS ns sui inî 1er ex up te. Fwur many, rnany nîýbt9 heI iistened Vo their secrete and- frest, thIng yeu n kuc he began trylng -te -put lute pra-etice tht .fairy charme .and spelle heibd .overhear*. Ont daybte met 'old, Mn. Hedgelhog. Mr. Htdge- hog wisthedi-him go1-4ay anti slked him what ail the neye vas. Instead ef suswenlng, Jack stopped f0hort a-nd tviu-kledlIls whlsk<ers. "A.>ra--rba da:bra co'l!" mumibled 3aue Êabbit, aud ' o1 a-va-y few Mr., Jledgêheg apInvisible ase ar. lRe didui't laie-w le vas iuvsiblý_eftthen andI vwle Ja-çk Iibbit 1a-qghd sund' Iaugb.qd sud ahi tht creatures rau around 'telliug cne another tra-t a gthost vas lu tht'woods that tà.lked like Henry He.dgeircg, snd poor Mra. Iledget-ok-wheu lhe beard her bus- banid'svoice andI bum-pet i nto cerne- thing she cçu1dn't set lu, tht panier -fe11 iute aa soon traim hicb thte en- ire village could uot aÊouse her. -lo NoÀ lappeed that a- Ittie tairy chanced ty, sujd hearâ ail tht confu- Sion sud,]Puttiug, t-e'and tv--together decided tAaV sanie eue va-s prctlcîn 1g magie. Andi this çoenluàion once reached- iV Was mtV bard.,for ber Vo Iid tht cul- prit.- Changing Heuny Htdgeliog - oi M&s visIble self aglu aIe hurnied iback Vo hien cempaniops -aud teld them et Jack RaýbiVa prank. The feintes vert very augry andtine- soW«ed te, teach Jack a . leseen. And a- lttie goblin, vho wasIlistening to tht fa-frits, -on ibi-ee vu acount re- eolved to, do the sanie. That -evenhug Jack w-eut as usual Vo #Lhe fwfry ringaud -hi-inlua- le vith oniy hisetare stieki-n« eut tht to'. Tht fainies laugbe& andI sang, aUl thtUie drawiuZ.neamrer te Jack RebbitVs hid- ing plaue. -Andtht gobihs, led by tht on-e flVie gotlu-wh betd luesrd etf the faines? pIan, dug up tbrough tht groumtii - they vert nlghlt under ea-ek. Anti eh at once tht ta-mies al V o- gether jumped luVo tht e suad seiz-, Con"pt wvhti itis lden gre f uidghbon sand fellow Christiezu. (w. fue hîc ths frst dvetur ofthe20, 21). Letters were Writfen and seIùt Ïoele3 ef Chriztînt-te tgreat world by tw#trusWte Men to-tht C¶ristanq oitside oet-Palestine and po- %-àet ini~lhte el t 4sthat Gentile% a " a *eW sd as comemxrejdjA ~~ioreaidy for the go&pèl, anpd th great vtetory jw beýenvnfoChi. Werever they had gonp .men ofalta ethàdf*dm races b.d Idatemed eagerly Vo their 15:36-16: .Ltu-oaan liSff e d believed and entered 5. Leterywusv us go tt ayn inte the househeold of faith. *This T6va epen for the wo; andtheGwa- meant .urely, if Chri.tiaxiity veretVO Viles Vo-continue- pler wrk. -Th y t, umlait ht h Y.l e h could go evecrywhere new, whth the tïture would net ho a Jewieh wvend full cousent sud a=Mod ce thte t oz4y, and that the long expected sal- ledrgu eneso h hreh, vation -woicI Mbrace bobli Uentflelead oerandhe <ers of tetheir Gen- and Jelv. J8 'au le - et- eWhei ts.Jr idet hiC, those national opes snd tiens be ne more Jew uer Gentîle--.all vem. y,,eeeh theoJews h jd se tenaciously', V b ntelu 'th, vbt e0 114 atever dlffeirence lu ,order *o ei a rr [hffle and'a ofpraçtiýce o-ute, rk hr inç>re rplëndzu amb - in luthe pros- mi.ghlt bè. -T te m, y rwlawepenfr a < ~ t « a united, world, thte ld terriers u~h Therogîet tht opel t,) ~z~d .ea<~, b el&, tht nations. 9 -1takinýg tht .ýplaeet en- nilty, etrie and hatred. It is noeon -- » h huh tPRul tu-rnèdn-w Vo der th&at ÃŽtié tellnig of their sttry ttyug u t gling Christian sbook thet-chîurcli _both at Jerusalemmnunities lin GeJatin, aud lie pýro- 'and Anticl, and thut theise whe held Po-sed to Barnabetirat they shoffld go< tht -cld and u'arrow national- idea audvisit thein. Perliapa hîs thouglit é.hould have 'been stirreci -Vo active reached eut beyond them,- tee, te tht an.tageonism. Thteopposition which, road that rau 'Westward te the qgean Pa >ul now eu-ceuutered waé te teîîow, Sea. to Ephes sasd Sniyrua, sud the hinm with increasiug bitterness for othrw Greek cities, and the isiauds- sud mal-ny years. >ce, conentilonwhieh arese about . Wlhn Paul, wlth hie littIe comparryJonMrcud t-bsetd H of missionaries, reacied Pisid4a.n An-IJonMkcudntesttd.H tilc&., lie found hiuis7lf on the great wais nearly related to -Baruahaswo ]Roeian-road which rauestanid wea;t was uaturalI y re ady tfe rgiveé hinM for thi-ougli Asia Mine-r, alung which hâviug left -them on the first jouruey. came heavily laden caravans, and Ro- But Paul would net talée him a.gain. man legicearies,,sud mrny a traveller Long afterward we know that tie was and scholar seekirug te kuow more of rtconciled Vo Mark, sud that [ýark was the wwld ot their Urne. With these fWth him in his Rornau Prison iCo1. lie muet sometimes have conversed, 4: 10 and 2 Tim. ý4: 11). The friends and we con imagine his Wae turnedi parted, and Paul tooe- with hlm. Sias. weýstwaÉ,d Vo the rich cities 6f the (or Silvanus), eune of tiht two mesten-, Lycs aley t Eheusth ~ea gers- whe had been' se nt with tht let- seaporV, meeting place ofet atnsdVrsetth )Jrualni counc:1l -Vo-Ar west, te the chipe which salled over tioch (15: 22). This turne he weunt the sea Vo Greeoe and Italy sd 1 a overland, trave1tîý;n- orthw adsu off Spain, anid.-Vo Atheus aud' Corinth1w-tadfenAte. and Rome. Altready lie must have Tnohuo inty was a na- entertaineti tht hope of corne day car- ive et Lystra, a young man who ta<i rying lile victordeus gospel al'ong that bet-n led te taith lu Jesus Christ upon westward road, aud et winniug the Pusfrtvstt htct70 i Reoman empire for Christ mrother sud graudmether Paul Spealýs 15: 1-35. Certain men which came! iu a letter Nvrl#eunulQny years l:ter dewn from Judea. These v-ert Jewvish 1 <2 Tint 1:. -. e company et three couverte whobleld that al who heliev-1 hW htTI n iiig udectign ed -in Jesus -sho-uld >couform te ý.thej churcheion Jewis!h lave. -For th-ein aith in-ictin themn was not eneugli for selvation f Iu last week's les-son, wc saw hciw They weoee willing te admit the Gen- Paul snd -Baz4ieaa were horrified tilts, if tht Geutîlea would subihit!when nmen thought they ergo. thenselves te- the Jewish cutoms, sud i"We aise are inen et like passicûis lu. particudar te c'ircumcisdon. . with you," theyprottsted. To-dâyka Peu-1 ami Barnabas had stauzich! lessdu teaches hoew truc those words3 frieude oand supporters lu the Autioèli were. -Aposties, lenaders though they churcli, but these trouble-makers trem were they were very humai,andd per- Jerusalemn mus't aise have hati a toi-ihaps it is a good thig for us that' lo'wixg. There wias grave danger that we have this acceunt of tht Sharp tht littie Christian. cemmunity we-uld differeunce et opinion whifch -took,- place. be rent aud tomn by dissension. It wast Some people are very tond of talking decided, therefore, that Paul sud about th "'goocd oid ines,' sud the Barnalba shou&d go Vo Jerusalem uute, wondertul peoýple who lived long age. 'tht apoýstles and eiders about Vhs They dîsparage. everythiiý,g nio3deru question. At first itormelly, and and praise everythiug wh4ch happened then te a tonmal gathering eftVhe!in the p4st. If ýuch people would just- leaders « the church, -Vhey t»Id Vheir! take their New Testaments sud read stery. Their aniitageuor.ista vere there1 over the Âcts et tht Apostles or son-te aise te presett their case. Iu Jeru- et the. epistles whizlch hd te te -.ritteu saltmn practically'everybody kept thet te correct grave abuses, they would Jewiesh laws, cie that tht, feeling must 1not rave se much about the past. have hotu 'largely . sgaîuât tht tvwo Alexan-der Maclarcu used te say brayt ujiisei<>nan.es. At a critical me- that eue etf the surest proofa et the nient Peter carne Vo thedr aid by tell- truth et ýthe« iBblé was its perfert in.g the storyqd.his visit Vo the PRoman, cP dour. We ail kn-ow what it la Vto C<inèllus MW " liw Cornelius and! read a beok et fiction iu whi,ýt th?, thçS evItii -lîm lied been baptize& sud litre conduets tiratse VIrl thet e mainaina tmpe~tur at-wlleh 0 ~had recelved the He-ly>slrt. le neyer a-fiav-t te fouud eithei in defluite eptcifiratioae la wlioiy ucivel. tht dor, olift. Aket tecm .lett Tht-de-cii of etthe Council vas hiseconversatin or his cendûct. e This la exactly vhat tus een a -cotnswl niAe pou eOilueboeti u' h e t fl «f po.ken by James, vhà vas a brother herees ot -tht Rible are net set -ort compishd rcenly t apoutryfa-m-treeze. To acconuplslithis, a'system earth and geV held (>f his tail. Ami of Jesusuad the acknowiedged head in that iight. If[M oses laoss-his e- comphthed reeeS.tly -t a eitrymarn et ventilation, as weii as watchfltiess, fîor aIl t tey vere so "mil Jhey et tht JQrus lem duc.n ealdpradsrksarock 1we are tl 'batthh t A ie U,. urh. Geoveruen erendttrmai n. talis for ey,'perhmeutaî puris a n eessity. Tht s3ite that test tugied sud tuged iM ii bet,#fen theni tht tact Vt the ahedient r 'reshad about it. If Elliali be2.enedepresd Beitsvlle, Md. Nlçe bar ave been suits thte reciuirements isitle -aide ocf they -nytxêJ wôf.eei iS nyttreste'etin an sd cowardly we ha ewie gd-S, te-tàernàle fI If Job lo.e i -teé n requhred te produce the ideai fan U rth o o akoie san-Y "Never do te leV the fainies geVtht utih làgo ,tht thtmelêt.e o1 o lry e-ses avis aienl c u iv "aia-vid, but a-lai> Iliat tht Gentitesutbasspumîtyiwe haveea fhelgmed tai o ch4ckeai, whidh le nov dtlaed t o r-ely aue h ow hi im"nt h olin.aoivth tht reeldue et men.- seek tht events dowu te tht most 'sikng estal.ihedas addshnc bred. e-vtrench '8 luches deep, -5 feet vide "Wiatevtr je holding hini!" ite htLr. h uelen11ijned details. And se hoeelu theNe sud et tht desired iength with tht the faiînes. Andl they puuied am tîd-piU ouly that Gentile Christiaus a-hould, Testament we rad et tht incensistn Ont reason wliy Legihorns are eo tarih hsreee trw tc roan et iisdeyeil II'veyu ortt.ae fp ncesd -unity; a-b' cita as wdel as tht magniffcent lire cormonla ktthbypla wtryen giM tht tdge. Thtemoot,, may, then' eliap. TlËe gobins'had puiIed J"àciCs stain troni certain things whhd er ae tPte udPu sdBi1as ferer l tatthy ay hteege.pilled up in tht trench Vo a point about ta-il«cdean eut. But betore tht ýfanes peculialy ffenelve Vo their Jevish sud'mauy ether- servants of God. Ntw York and moe e ther markets ïa tour teet abôve tht level et tht rtcovered their breat.h the tlte raibbt tht U. S. demand white eggs and offer ground. A pit et this height snd vas hal! way across the fores-t cry- explosive force is dewnwsrd and side- circle sud cevering-with the nettig a top price fer theut. But tht ýLeghorn vidtii viilheld about a ton toeaec i lug lu ti-ree different law-guoges. And wwise. Tht. bottent ha securelywjr.ed to th chheken lea aemali breed a-ud lufeTiler4 l feet et kungtt. A layer et about n-ext morning vlien lue sav boy thte Sean after the shot it is advisable outside -nettiug, while the to7 i fer table purposes; it is net a satis'- four luches -f straw will do for tht fainies 'had stretched hie eas ansd lhe te take a polo and Vamp the earth Vo r iuged by a loop et wire. A !ilic tactory "nca-t clicken." first cover. This should be held i leokead at tht poor littIe piece thlat the settie -any air pockets that rnay -have three teet higli uni ab-out two fe WliaV was wauted vas a meat place by a layer of about 3 iuches oft goblis iuad 1ieft ot hbie tail, lie crîed been formedLjom If'this la neat dont lu diaiuietqK lu cf a. cenvenient -isi chicken with shape, aize and market leese earth. In the latter part et coe more. tht aettling will take place during th, quallty et tht Dorkiug, but wiVh a Nevember the ceverlng et earth But ever at ter that lhe rau away first seasou's grcwth of tht tret andl yellow skin, white plumiage and four should be iucreased Vo eighV inclues fromein verybcdy sud rinded his own tht earth mfly scttle away frein th, Homnemae Horse Lirnt tees, aud laying a large white egg. sud the ends coveregJ in. Anether busintes. Which is a goed thing. trce roots. At ter this. tamp-iug, thte Aqua ammeunia, orneeoui-ce; turio Tis was the order vhich the breed' layer of ctraw and ot earth is advis- - %_-_- site is ready te -,bc dug out aud the, tine, cue ounce; lirseei-ýoii SIX oeGue ing experts at Beits-viiie were asked able wheu stcady ce-id weather sets Sht BfreY> e. iee set. Mix, an I euiy b y Til h~. ie Lt te fill. % in, and tte ventiîating -hoîts s-bould hot e.- - St.tic sh culd b2-1kept wc&l corked.If Iu dtscrihling the method adopted, not te choked Lut covered with staw. Froin many experimente ail ývet-elBri >.s.si-ue iien sdsîci t tht Journal et Heredty sassthat As tht weather warms lu tht spring ccuntry has corn tht approvai cfhezr'4-moeturpentine an! amio-7ia max- three breed8 were used-the white tht ventilation should -be cîeared."shoot before yeou set," for tht recuits Brig i arsi~da~rabc addled. This"M.-iil bii4,eî- if îc Plynrouth -Rock (Anierican), teTetaettotle faptig l wu isighv hw htbishli laatte-ndel with nD litt'e danlger singît-comb white Le-ghorn <Itaiias-i), systein',descrbd'i cruarsite hetheigyuu resl ci'asttwidmx«sddnyars sr rol ndrbedl. sei l r :î and the silven-g-ray Do.rling et Britishi by Mr. F. S. B1rown'e assista-nt to the underiaid by hardpan, it -is profitable bo thbuuu matraiialdicvedepeetevprio engin. Dominion AgTr;tologiSt, Ottawa. firs-t te :blsst the hoeï -,,vith explosives. rNtocanimalersforsucarubis Tht Dorkiug is u ideýal meaV type n. -bAsctssateigsdtioogleuh made frern a few feet of wire Noaia aaiwed ini the i~u of chickeu-long bodied, 10lw set sud CenMl fo iC. opening up ettht under se il sîîews u a inni oir wtutrt rn tttCnda ainlE et good isize, the heu weighing six sudd Cleab-estlk drainage sudstraion, teetwidt. Tht tci3 and bottam an elhibitien until exainined by a xetcr a hat puud su thtccc tilitMachines. t 0 plm n fctrsi ochring. made by bcuding a stout wire iuto al ary sud pronounced free of diea. peuuds. But iV has white legs, whièh An excellent grade et milk eau al- Ifiustead of mercely spadie-diggiug, ~ * are a disadvantage tormamrktt pur- waYe be cbtaiied -with tht milkiug- thtelieles are ah-et with haIt a car- m poses, inarnuuch as popular t.auiy machine if -strict attention ie given tridge o! tarin explosive p-en hoît, a The Wevure Of "the Homne favors yellew legs. AI-so iV ha-s a fifth - tvry day ilu the year te -tht proper tree -set therelu yul ji usually make _______ tee wluich ia almost a detormity. cItanug et the machine sud. of tht enouglu more rapid.gn'owtli to make it The Plymuouth Rock ha& vwhite plum- ethem ut-ensilas whlch couic in contact coee nto be-aring a year taiier. Little Plays to Açt at Home-By Mary Frances Davis- sgt', witlu yeliow legs a-nd yâ~le-w beak. with tht milk. A number et years age-in lupauting It is a laiýge tovi and: excellent for Tht essential steps un cleaning, -s<me apple trees a friend et mine liv- A promineunt eduacator.says that[no they know. Mother Goose nhyme: r ta:ble purposes. But it laya a brown milking-maehines -are as follows: ,ing lu a distant state, set'corne trees kuowledge becomes a rseful Yart et tujoyed by ail tht littie tolksu egg, which'. thouglu reckoned highîy (1)- A rapid but caneful wasluing o! vith tht laid et explosives, as well as us until we %have translated it -into1 mothens will fiud that children tk deasinable in Boston, is considered qui-te! the machine Iby draviug througu it scine withcut, sud when 1 saw thenu action. That is why smas-i echidren1keen dligltitnl dramatizing thm tht reverse in New York. Iiffirndiately after ta-cl milking (a-) a let wiuV+en there was a great. d iffer- love Vo play tha tling which delaimslAfttn tht, 9hildren are thonougy Tht white Leghorn lias white pi-uni- Pa.il o cold Water, (b) a- peu c'f hot tu-ct iu Vh-r gre-wtlu eud genen'al ap- their -interea-t at any moment. Af Verifamiliear 'wth the incidents etofs age, yeilcw legs and skiu, and tht' sîkali vwatr, aJa()ckps c dançnaane.BistrdsseJluack'd normal tour tocs. Itnlae(C)itePeil Of siear s eare oustsrpesingthin plan-ted seeiug a parade, a littie boy loves tei Muffett, J enra-dJc 4 eora ortc.i ly ht fl ht water. tzwe ost-ýpnghoépltd assume a stiff iuiî'itary bearing, seize, JIU, let them te those characte-is.u but it is tee amali aud tee "leggy j (2) The immersion o! the teat-cups lu hol-es prepared in; the ordiuary way a stick for a fiag, improse al avâil- 1 our ew.n nilrsery, w«e'find thiîs a hap W-lien tht 'thre ebeve-meutiontd and a-- rubber parts l-agodeemlz it toe.sle childrun as szoldieransud start a.t wa-y Vo -ptud rainy m oruings. Liti breeds had been cressed and rcrssd, ng solution (chlenide et lime) bej ogtrdo nudrlae fn- otýtl' tht in hadion pcfttideaorl e Ai'ingsa-lw lfr ih ardpe-Au Vi-e ou-ly uecessany Ve ieunc,-h'kneowshow veny carly baby girls- be- dcustmlcusiy eatiug mak-bel-ieve curd the ina devlopent f te idal Sca of01air tram tht tube5se Othat a- hole .sud ioad vltu corne ow-gr&ude gin Vo play e t heouaekeepinig. They love aud whey troni alarge inplate. wi farm chicken. That le te sa-y, imdi- tht solution eau reacl al parts. dynamt. Otermnszdc--V ahcehsmn tep s u mi i pe.We âa-lrecite h vidual, fois Whhch sliewed lu cern- 3« A thoreugh weekly overhauliug wtidge iii e found, sufficient for <i1r11 "me-e' tIir dolls. Théy îeouid"be ryet-ehn u t' h hii binatien the meet desireable pointa et thet ttat-Ciips aud tubes. pang a- couple cf hoies. Thte work-1euceuraged in these activities. ifords, "there came a bg ri$ n vert picked-ut £or mathug. Iu hs ()Th caldtinig-sudthonougl tould te liauded during a. dry pericd, This le tht natural instinct et est down btslde- htmr," lttie bber va-y, tlirough a seriez, cf generations dryiuig et al mtal parts 'comiflg in tht drier tht better, for vhule vet soli dramatization, sud ca-n te utfi4ed lun levers _a', whisktreoin. Mica Mufet tht new bneed of ehieken meeti gail contact 'Wtli thtenulk, except those w ii bea'IVdaissoI lms sudl developing desirable qualities iu a mucli frlg'hteued, jumps up,, droppîi tht speelfications vas preduced. parte kttinutht stenlizlng solution. not sluattered like dTy earth. cuuld, sud'lu mnsigueu <uei il u9po ltia lalg~atr Tht new chicke le. caiied the La- C'are must tbeetxcrcised to mnutalu Atter ieadiug, thetitmpiug sheuld edge, for 'tht chuld cernes te 'unden-, and rushes Vo a for cerner. ThMeiw moue. Itîle vhite, loy set, witIr a long the sterilizung.solution eat an effective be doe tloroughly, as a tightly, tantp- stand hreugh doing. 'Children lovre ail laugl, - sueithe duil&,en abu, body, long breast, a $bape-!Indicative coned to.~ghot, wl 1resuli lumu<ch spe o e-fiy1-1k-e birdies vep aottlylke"ay agn! ethg spacity for egg production,l -!--.;aneuds~ odigtttec ttt x.mc ,uga1p like. ponies. M'er a Little Jack ilorner'is'eal ria yelo'w skhn and red. tarie-tbe. rTe egg i pull Weeds Now. plosion lu tht under scil where iV le trip tVo tht-,-Zoo, t4eyiùtvt manuy louri- tized. Ht c-ita ere-ss-legged- In a cr lt ays is large and white. Inu sizel August is an ideal .tinte Vo niake desired, sud thie more thorougli thef eus aftermaths ýof pIe-ure <ini roariuig, uer, with s "bnîglit colored le<andy bx it is about thtesane as tht Dorking~ war -on weeda. At this time ttey art shattering -tht tachier *wili1 tht tret liike -the lions,-dIihg like tht .whieh ploya tht p,&.rt cl the (ilinistia ndon tht -table it pres-eitE a mest Tnaturing, usauy of thein anc bioorniflg. noots h-e able te penetrtlutenmnkysdIiaightntco!p. As we i-ccitt "lue put lis appetlzing appearance, affording o Seau they wil begin te sectter seed. seench ton food. the tears. A vise mother will tortify thuibntud pâied ouf, a [pluni," th maximum oet ment. tBut if they afe 'Cu rple u ow uetresoiataig sIlernvesandI encourage lier child luî ireholda alef ta samal- rutherba, As it proved, temeat ditficujVt ad dxpased te the ho-t Augugt Sun, remember, about twe feet a minute, titis, for iu assuzuiug -tht roles et sud cries, "Whgt a great 'boy arn ! thing te aclieve was the whittues-s et they wil dit, snd lu a fcear e se that atfter iightin'g there lis au varons animais,:tt child la eoming Al et tht simple nursery rliymes ia tht egg. Even a sligbttdiscoloratien eau tliminate many icf tt4os naaudnee ieV e y it Vouùdër'stami tiieni, .and.'te- ma-ke tbe played lÀlkmanner. euk<l net te teilerated; iV must jte per-. entireiy. 0f col:rse it takes pensis- a. [prolser sý,hot there viii be no Vhrow- them a part etoiegeebis kuKe-idge ThieTe is alnefede itra fectly white, like au ,augels egg. Thet Vent eff ort really Voe contrai thein, but i.ge dnbut mereiy a heaviýng et Ohlcfiot ldegren -age, o r Wihraatepshli.s lcmy red earlobte (a characteristie e ttf-ttpays. thte roil, ton a large portion eohf ee fugn ov o"~t htstrest es uiàed.- - t -j - 1 j 1 1

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