veoy phku*4 to e oiWve 'fh M0ueY, van lue ss-ved lby grk-eding Isooe-growui grinâifi. sd. .For unwi fans hlocha, dre el VIselengevt uiZe hand- grindera il nO-ve veey useful. No-w is tist tiine to da ad' oil thse abeve brwmd eaum store tissu for, next yeu If boIt la - the e «dom ho-x«ube iey wtll becoun rustY asiM, uneas. 19to;e pipes vii ise i-aSt' q-ulckly andc! Vley aisculdlb-ejdrunOed Out and,' toredila a&dY nooin. Tise fil-m of cil e-n itrou ste-s keep'a o-ut rust and, helps the stove Vo deliver asianyr yeaers i'e servî.ce. Tuberculosis in ctte. Se fa-r thse 'wrk ha-s hotu confireti te- Bdi k ealtis fficeru beieuve Viat pun--13i!-ed isOllds, but tisere la a likcli- if ULemurbsL ccu7. Le easotrelyesuadil- hSdtcf iSU-ibe'igextà end, vit-bin- Sktd fi-- &r ,jýtcc c^intca-set gi-ast-s for expenditun-e, te Mu eredusceti at eest tilty ptr cmeca md edsc ur eeosL lk uumus heiffl. 11ew necessary cattl-e.6 effortsilus ti i dioic _m-say -become' Haïresting Pears. Miy tiiu l'e veQ uusdestood. By ce-1 qierWnstsbetvcesrie Domnion sit M o-,w-hle las- icas convnorculyu puwniideparbnsests «s Agriculture grevs t-ban apples, are lfourd in fflrise MMgeu deI m i ueenýý md sc!tabeissgae- fla-i-nsoi-lsdr. P- ar ue o-f er neg- «W"esps. Cauxo-daisas becs pro-ve i leteda t timýe oI-ev-e gasi-aVr 00PSeý- pesoe thtiiest ILve StocCicf iug; theT«re.etisey ore nioV su fulai &MY Mowfýry. Tise aOptiýof tise A-- eieclted a8 they ssigsV le. Wbat la ««£M4 sml erd'Plais Ã& in, tise W*y o-I eter -tIsa "à l~uioue, juicy, pnoperby- adéin is pn - oadtepreu-rxW etpeur, unlif-se iV ltvie or '"a Of £iood lsiatth, juartieularly lis IU0»'e- -w dat- rn:<e. îut I;7ibe pba vas To- mature andssi nIieu Vte -est ad- b*b*aes Mlathe UustdStasites antiva-Intage pers houit! he harveste!- ho-1 h»a ,,'vo emrlneustly euermasul. T'WO- fore they viuuId ni pen muzrlly o-n tii-e yu j*«à Is mpte M rVs-ocra. S s-a4s a-I.-s R 0ceat-fY, .G fibltpgy tbea-e i. evlmoe' usuabJy pioemia-,vicek or t«n days id a-wck pied h-aing Less isi-ugsu befe-re t-bey fu«iY usature. Proper stageIj aSrt, eblq a'Rs anb<s ua1be&iý, > g] of inaturiV3ý foi- hiuve*ains c e tu Wu~3 pffle: 4o bdaboolutely dean1 wbsCD the dczd green col&b s 4, ing, Md! ;a reeupt o« ii tVo vhai - et! b, y a- Citi=-r, mo-re traMs- ffet u t» fr-ee<y xrcrte! toe: -beanent, l-egrhte i-e. lUto- StWt.., Ait the - c! cf Juîy j i'V01 ePiCJdiIW tise peau-s siwuulij-lie lut ià t-is estry 52t her-ds v-e r -ruesed in luýs se, dai-r- place,-pirofer-- imeriac tire taiaubciùnteg t en-..ab-ly,- 1- iis< -le yeras rpAklr O « f sr1 qîd or ce r4aiÇlm*uctb~pd Atte m ie &M sue o'100 upw64re- uietuisai-eu UsAM ofseudIpogurit< > ,aè*- W ait tlw~r tfioM CaSete thmee veeks1 hW *AI4 and MunumSeorus veze Vie ri- ioivt'iug. Pal - moie vi-te qÇIPNbià ms teir tbOise sve, eandct-ha 'NVastknes , is nuoSut satisfa-ctery - L upers0ithse H lVlsfor e-autng ýpurpofses tusfi-em Vwo te et Am= WtRiat .*ver 220 cýherstour- veeka- oftes- picktng, oRsouikt ' texqgmtw i*de Vpte taken-ftomInstVie tree vihen <d tisesaine1 Puodmeklm ofewer thm S bkxi- aalier vas-lettes. 5AJ2 tmq & »eW»Imdbe«mad Cw ul auudltssg te osostiai- Vo smc- ~ui8-819 u %dt i-b n n »-x-a-j cSe inlakeei.-gpesars. Speuusee i - 4tbedpmes >ruà ied £Pets os- vitis tbken sis $OS,6fflu lus Ise extent accu - go dow-n quickIy after ILaviug of tise-work osir- on castustise United, r-eshed tise. bigsesit degres .cf cdii- Shutês viii d'b ise tta ib Y. Noir uusay wu eexpect vornsy on oitM ted«st Vis!. MCon-greso at s1iearaed canudena Vokee1p volt sn W.uisirston vote! liv-e uuslrs dOlfitoaVge fer eerisemat-ion êdsalates.- To reccive a eartit<u$ef ccnedtatteu . a MJOTII fus-eu"dl-e froSisbeing ne- tuerd Must "issu e eo emi-ur-md ,tires- Viais broun -eirg ires]. tests vlthout a reactor a-rd at thcerd Ile usa-in who wii net ta-ko atvTce 91a; Y ur te eubje-tt asother t-eît.1 Can suet Lbeiped.- M mm .u,~ catiou to Auw'B5aî flb ~u PO* 1 L~4Sommer.. wedymb tes~etat aing sud mOut vigmm sfa= go&k. Such bki# 8 wuld b. Iude. gohait they oaa ho etaiuued ViS., *. Dock la oulied ÃŽin Vie 1.1 It Pmt t bn'd ait tise'hers tluV are bod over mo, IRWr aee .-ill Le knSwn ana tb" W M mStt becl knger Vissa Obr epond .a uefulseas, e-r confuses! witRa Mira off. y0ungeo age. Maniy yeanN)ng )bons ilook nwcislike puiiett3 'wêe tme lhems ore Vhnoogh tihe nicît ad the Bbis t tedStiffuials The normayeru make tise isea lrderu for tise bai-mflockHersa with bis-b' eoe records bave cIten pvoved poor breedt-rs. The highoat What Makes -a Bacon Hog? frqdMcers are t *toexhaust their Te prod-uoeie e eaff mild-eumd Bide- enSsgy in egg -proiductionendm this kn'own ýae "Witshdre?' we requise 'ae nsear.e kw v'itai-y l thse chiekz. long, deep, smo-et-h pig, 'poseming -e RemuenL-er the mn-geis end cab- light heud sud tshoffder, an ee.bwk,1 bages ani kc-ep thora gro-wing for net toc 'wîdo, :but vieD ccvered with1 poultry fei'nuet vin-ter. Grecen food fle3ès, y'et net fat. The sides f nom has bren p-3iý,en very necessairy as a beck of sbsoul4er Vo- bainsn'ust be deep wint-tr cg-g prod¶uce-r an'd a useains of-a-nd -long, th rnb short and sprung 1hecpi, le- em bheathy. If. grêen eut oldly and, r d -n elieSit et f-ced r-ai.yo fILe lji e cf five hens and right 'angles, t4e undceine atrâight -7 amiw iy dozen' more eggs sictan -d free fTroým fla-ihinesa, thse-hem 11r:x,t i ll auirely pay for quite sriooth endi -taporhsg witls the mai- a ýur f - llab~ sor spent in weediuig mu.m arnuÃt; cff leà s on tise outiside. il 'igée man eting out thbe-cab- Thse pig sbeid stantio-n Es#~onz, hutý notceai-se, wed'l bnlemSnd' legs andi ~yeun-g ceckeréis thatzho-w ee'rlyfootsu utbe-gru, healthy asid Lcgn; c-f natuîty anid vigor should b-e a- gocd feedq'r. Vthe kind e-f F f J ci- bree<icrE. lt ien assied pilg needed £fer 'botis bomse aqd foreign Ih.they eone fi-cm heu-s tlit are mearkkts. Ho l9 a type, neît la hirSe gccd leiy-en. It pnye te baud a eurplus. As a î-ule the weighthlmite o-f the to niv7tc up for any uunexperted1 lwee. bacen ho-g are -fixed at 1,60 te 200 lu. If uuan-cc1e- -s r aved' it ies bei'tlIîvïé weig4rlt. At tise.-mene tlssie, a ho-g t> isvi4te etbsM fren tise puiletas s masy --weigh tligUU*y m=re thonm 200 th aM th- ,e pulfe.-4will nest be retai-dc " n.ud si malcea god Wi»sah-e 'in gm-oth by Weing crowde'd fT-cm thse side. Most-h*gs âme, beviever, hable foot! 14>pss a-udt.rupled viben tishe L;e to eft ialter bbey neaci tise sc't-hgmroi es cattered ciiithse 2004lb, iaak.!sipy mage.1 .Wo mu-st pnod-ucea WbkiS a breedcr bas a iittle succes-s We camset g nitie the busi.ness loer UrîiI pou4lday h2r la cf tn-pte d to six miconth-s cf 1th-e year arnd thoen go 'vaunt te raize eno-u-gh te cc-vc-: a coun- o-ut ef lt f-or six ms<hswit-hout 'hav- ty. Thon ift1.3 geod te ad'varx'e, care- img a generali avezuge o-f price tisat la SuilY &M rensamier t-hat qultiavpoi- bje c-th 'Le producer andc -ery Ùinurtant anti a fe-w pcc'r hews pa'cker. Sucth a éiurse breakls tirade im -a large -(i-llcu-t d-o-wîî-profits connectiens, l1se-cusbonsers amndl u- / Large poultry flocks requ.ii-e tirnat-ciy recuits in oa cuttdng cf pitees' un, h' cquiçciut an-d the work is con- on the part cf the pacicer to get tii-oe f urn re Px di'scouiangicigé uei'ss. the' custoemers bocék. The larmuer muist- pay- beWier i3 akil-Iful arc! iî~a enty cf t-he pri-ce f-or this irr-egularlity. Theé crapital ci - cuiffnen-t cri Whicih te Buitisis buyer mu-st have tie assurancie etxumse sll-ocf a reguiaa, suppdy, otherws-e lie viii! Erg production and',nsilk producQtion utilize sourcoo - wbere tise saply is cre Cifti-1 -icOnspcn«ftas if th'cy cre -dèpendable. Inshort, - OU Spplyunuet qu'2*-e ssilaT.-. But t-h-e c-w lpr<J<iu-cC31 be rga-niz-cd V o -useet thse supply cf One Ciaff a r"ied tison- f urussisha j theetriade. Il the nia-kot wants isega fcA or te Th hee foms ter[n September, thses Octaber m2aket- IxD.-mbiI-itY of a >velY cisick with evesry j mg wilI lAtdîo. IV niey suit c-un con- ogg. Prrtcrd. In oe-bewords, thoie venience but W wil not bu-ild up cur Iea thnt i% laying heavi1y is, constant-- uies 'y .atrlvng te repuxuduce hersellf and t s1 -s thà a ýrxigurjtry nitVIe pre- tht is a grMeter etratus on th* v'taiity duetien c-f oui-'ho-gs' thiat -h-as been tissa4-s ise oee with the ew giviuug'.directl remionsiblie fer whsat le oftou auilk - jwrengfuly toi-mec! over-p'rxluc'ti Afew cetp si o e nse'se wlÃ-i-Ibei A study cf o-or Osu-adian merket tmatiY appre-lateci durimg thse wisiter. s ho-vis uch irregulÈnity of rmarketinsg B3at a £et ca cuçonsto-de .isnet a sure tVo exst. MA s~t6 PrOf1t 'Wttis cckeaels. CapSieTise abov e extm&-,etae f rin a pars- <u*$t Ihave leLty of leed Vo dève4pphiet, "Thse Bacons Ho-g sudthseBritlis hage brames aie plenty cilu-i-eeut. At Market," issueti'y Vise Departinent of the- rweent cent cf growing poutry Agriculture. Suppllemestiug tii n- #Dot g 1 dOffl -niOttleau pCtOi'bltte floTnmat-eu is tise statenat lu a 8s'EC- Plako usuel pr-uftt on caspns. - Tho-se oxut p'amiplet, "Bacons Pigs in (Can- t-,tare r-ases- murt bho akiUful-ly mai-- ada," by Dr. J'H. GrisdWae when eat ~eted Wtei-e thssy &a-pprecated. the Central Expes-mensta Fam, that iA- visit Le the peultry Eftow at the ,pï-gs mosat noealy cc-nf o-nstnsg Votlie F~r i-a Cftn a otismulus to tVhe poul- requiremente 1are if-ound lu gre'atest ,ty Wefetce tise bori. Visite with 'humsibers asiVo-g ,Lange Iniprovedt &atier beeedwaa ene -tou en'ouzaging. Yorkshires, - Ta"o-wrts, and Bei-k- Tlse e'isL et m»mny finxe bids inspires ébIres anudmnsong tihei- grades andi #ue pcultry IeePer to, mike -mre efft-rt cro-sqbreds. Tise Large Imprevýed în tise nuusagmeust «csf iaewnstock. -YorkshLies in -hape coe veny nrlry Alvi the peu-l-ry zhew lasi eeded te bei'n;g ideal bacon- pigs. They furnisis leo? Up theis ets-M the s t tandar-d- a very large proportion (>I carcasses bred lewis. - enowe'ring #le requi'reme-nts of t-be It r*Wm.s as ÃŽi the timenebsa arrived h be icen iu'tade. Tise Ihaunsse ie l 'wiea tise ous e fedgi-inde-r sheuld devekspe& oenid Vie piroportion of fat ge wias~e ,'ffltXY lock of any to lban le usuailr yabout nigfht. Tara- SiMe -W' I these gilders Mi-tl po.s- worths, red pigs, are alansit i-sueri- Sité, to crack sas-4ltgraIne- anti evo aj.y dtep-si4oed ! iog-.bodied, but tise buyi-nu cf ise chick scnarib arpi net isilrequent1y natiser light in gtm. Cern «Maloois be cnacked for tise hans. Bei-cabine, h1aeck -piga'. iu tise gurm-wlur stock. On rairy <nv bay do cf'imtii r ne qi- se -1e1 If/ TCNiElv 12X13 7 010 jussuiteri me. .Of cSruse, iV vua stee- soe 1evstepe ycu ccukfldq!get ciV k!itcen, -but thse ar-esgeuseu t inet. Tis enti-y tteiedm-rm vo-tl te hope.f- ctly -prasteai fo le «avs o-n Vthe, ntI sisds, opposite tise cour.îtry b-onu*. Wtis6, vaulsmocem 'i.-insk.' Betwee -t-hie, Vwo i-0s5- W5a--a jo~i'rxg, it wcuIdt!eholarge ereugli, toc-p"utr ilirilssouse cpbcuids vbich- for there-al voik cf a -kifehen, pur-pan "hel m dimseaaussi dine-rOoM, suppliez. ingf dTb9ra vere. di-awers lier-e Ionta',ble g t'isis kitehen vas '12x13 leet Tise l'imsn, aud silv-. U heaiVs uit ont-r- fro'rn thse l4iusg no ais va pae fbr Vise r-èfnigr , vit>swa th--g -hall, outecf vih t eisotde rpan tihe eW$1Des chute, cecliar etairs aussi tai-s îoe44ng te er, d ipppiusg. scuiet! tusi« iw the. upper- ~co-me. Iisl lma-de 1V pou. ] a-u4<Jýry, i"rteeo b4tsçMsiU aitde Vo keep the ssisçIbso-f cceldng ITg- .twa esi400,' sa-reugeiset frein «w -isivtug-rocS!m- ,IV o-pouse-t ite' Sone wvo-usiess ub~t obecte th ie Pau- th idtxrheus l in s e emg s ide, uet- ti t-iy Ltenljcesanud-dlig-o-u, thse no-rt-h viei. Fi-e-m Lisis tocrWay te -,but',the few extra st-eps it ma-de vero- tise sort-S vaffil vere cupboa-ds vitIs te mie nee an offset b hVie fs-ct t-vo- doors, ming fi-o-m flor te cei- tisa-t it effetSniy asut off a 'vievi of lu-g. - t-be lotcels.usf»rstise dâning-noorn, ar.d Tus tise middlbe q -thbe couis va-Il ie-re aiqSe lel¶se to keequ eut o-dons. Thee t-vo viuudows iv-e leet- fusem tise floor, wasse orcoom intise kthen fer Ie-gngi- beuneati w-hi-ch vas th is-snk, v, iltseu-e, osaiy opace le n oe chais n-ext tise pipes gotug ito tise -is']! inateat! of pantiry doon, aidt! iis Wis aps obvie-us-W, lu-toe ielic-e. Tins madle it eay te int»e way 'tist it tilacourageti visit 'ons ciea-uareund und»r tisednhk, as there §ftting tise-e long. Tiia miget a-bac voire sic pipes Vo catch tise di-tiback ho a mrauwbha- c ,seme wor-sci, but if e-f tisea', but tisis aru-asgement- pred *ycu -a-i-oncae of the sort wbo ca-sut t-be eue fia-nlu on ct;-irwisc perfect vie-ik asidttl-k, ant ioe st like tesit-a-y- kit-cher. In buâilding, -tise pipe-s bat! is tise klicien Ici-ev-or. it îSan g-ced nzbt- beèn perfectby protcctet! lue-sstise plan. 1 cobti, aud every vwin-toi- tiey fusoze up. 1 aiway-s kept a higis scoi slp-peti Builbdes-have Voici me,. ho-wev-or, tisa-t1 uider-e-esink board le-r nsY ovin usze. t-bis ssigbt h-av-e be-en avoiiei-, 'y pro--jIit as lis- ou-k cf a moment te p ill it -Vctiag -t-hoeppes viseht2ra they en-L-et! j out a-ni ait dsy'n tc propare vegetabios thesa iei viLti -an exra cSocf ccOlt- oT fruit fcis-.a, .0-r Cxen Vo drY defyiusg fmatou-l. Idishes. -- A fbý ticulan a-z lng: he 'w Sem-motb> a veget4ai r ti ceanatmoet par- sŽwPleAr It -couseslaVo- eat- go hungu-yratlïer tisa-n at ho do-es ne-t vaut. He la ,but dcées net ca-i-e ton ragweèd n-or mnustard; ho vul nibbte a-t oui-led- dock or plgveed, end raViser lUsses, planà ta-lu. andi maibovi. Whenu given .tise chgnce, ra-bbItes seih out ebover; thoy -ca-t'tbe ffowers- i-st, then tise lee&ves ansiatomsa -i3omet-lmeis ev-en te, recta a-re- dug up, te- r bunny doee -love clever! .Young raýbb,&ts requis-e littie but Vhier motse-s mil k toi-tise ii-st six or eigist weeke. 'Once s ,drsy they eçau be gîlveas a- mixture Qt -ed a-nd mille, and atter te hi-st mentisha-y a-rdgrats ca-n ho gradually lutroduceti. Qatà - are Vise oulyý suitabte grain for rabblts-, sud -must hoe ruses tor tise, litVie felle undes- Vis-r omnthe' cf a-go. Alse, mix lu a lttle bran. Focd are lamxred, to u teau' o-wn efflriences.1~ They do not know mth, e jy- dir et Èteeplowa da'uawuu by water ufae trom. thse wiid' eld5~ciumlhte kuo#- - rambeos. Thse -ie s-t t4a-uusIStJd ede 'And, lnspx>tnati as zreserved i flus eae» , iveted Is andt -oca. ' th-ezhed in a commauuity mluisditoe laý the hom~uues boys ansd girlaare growlng up te taire tiroir place& 'in the Ifa " ivaWo sctCion,5 of wOIWBld& ctlYtlO. It ts o-f publiécon-the. Phýilip)pine 1inuds tise i.nhgabit'aes Cern tisai they ha educated for effi- bave ocfy Vhe very'atueep - mungain, cient eltlzenohip. They useed accss to . -1-t ias tlsei c-pac geeci bocks *s tisa-ttlîIr>reduca.tton IW. 'l'e Wh-o> me thse bà de, Le- ma-y o biv~*f~ore thse prqwareti io foramine ho- -A cunty llbrauy will meot tise nee<je S9Z5S lcsiuld suy tiset>Lt viss usbter.W im- et thes e young tol" s and tiselu parents. Ceil-;btoethes-e moumntaiu-esi It -wll- meet the* needa of ail rural n"'suit MPosiille, for tIL' must have rea-identa- viho a-ie interested in bookes. ri 0.51andthis lsnd la thse eus la lce as It wil bring te, theus, te a certain on vihicis they cn arnise it. SO> theY degree, tise co-uvenlences vies-k witls sticks eund bai-etnds systesi snch as exista in Most gondi- a»d a-tuilly toi.-ac & stoep *I55iCYiIs- s-ized towna, santi duies. sice, makiasg, evel sections e-n whkhe - 'county llb-nary is suppe-rted ,bY Vo Plaint theïr ci-o-p. Rocks ami atones county taxes.. I od'boe nc O take -uto1!ladme * ' magazines tree te - nyuccy in tise cuder Vo bud a -wsli arcundi tiie Ver-1 <iounty. DistributienMay be ma-de'by races, forr needs plenty of viater a bock truck wvich mares- regular and thososectifolne Musel i-the trips t< tise homes-à c-f thse fermera.; vateir tiat i. 'diverteci intoth>le=.- collections of beoirsmay be placed ln -Se-ietimes tILSe vii are very isigs, stores, scisoels, ch-ar:chest granges a-nd but aveorsge about liteen sfeet asd c-thon rural secieties, or the rural d-e- vide eseug s ae ithiat tise-topse-cars 'h livery May ho used eor ds-tibuting the' used es isathua-long wls-chtise fanrs- boà is, and brancis libra-ries May b - be isk esta-blishednt! u enan d villages. ThLe.These terrae S -sie irrigateci 'by ise-le systoin should ho In, chargle of Strue o-I -fWater larpi- tI> l th sxnmIf experienceil librarlans wlso would, be tal. willing te give counsel asd lIfci-ma- Âsnsng ots-"rin!tereestng Vbin-s tion lu pes-son, by mail or o-ver 'tise eeeu in tse PhIlippinwes ae tise casa- telepisone. bues, tie buide6n-b-earens meLus.the 1- Tovins anticitieswlth tà x aupportecibnsdS. Net e-n!y duo they do Vise liew- bibi-arias already establisiseti eau ou- ]D I tO itc OiMÃ" eonr>-lieRs, but tinue tiseis' undependent lîbrailee,'luintliey sare ma for 'beovy-ia-uking eo 1 vihicis ca-se they would ho tsýxed - for som*t. Wonk-1hos s we kmnw them tise co-unty-iibra-y,.ystem. 1 iku tigcounitry sa-e seldom sseen in buie This -l ae thl1ng fe-r public.-ep!nlted ýPiippusos, es they due- uot tbrhve lin citizens to tester. Tbey "" o-ild houp tUs ie t diasate. Thse bonsus tse amsu oroate publie sentiment tavo ,¶g tile ema assi!u-a lice ow 'poniffl, andt es-tablisment of uuch a lilù-ary se are use! a&knouit enrslei f1i carisag that many May have a-vOila-hi enjoy- Yurposea Tie se crebauaie v-ci-y dki- monts. et lIte hltiseito, unoxp ilenced. bkull oasrnas, anidthie nutive SOMesste Knok -ffth %%i- tsebebi~e toguside tselmnw, herever tlsey Knc oftebslu n, ýtessi 'il-y Ãsimigie Ue rpersaps hommes ini posture fors a weeýIc or me, nouse. Wien tsey are nmet .'erlding wisen suunen wor.k le omer. tbey- sie usuely feniti dn somme ou the twice a day, ec-ept vises a do> is nursing. Give ber a noon meal. In summer tiselarger part ofet-acI meal sisoutd be gi-cen stuif--Cover, pjan- ta-ln a-nd grasses-. La-vn -cuttinga, are good. Ha-y la a siecessary part et- tise- rab- -i's dieV, but it must be ave-ct anud troe trons moiti. Sosie breoders keep ha-y beiore Vise rabb7itail«Htise tise, figurlng te tesson tise appetîte to-r 1"greens." Tee muci gureen Stuif lu suete ma-kotise very . yo-ung pet- bolet!. Nover bced gi-cen stuif vison It la vet vit-h devi or rais... ¶llse adult mibisit tisat ha-e a- lberal mea) ouf gres enc! uinthse morninm vall reliais e hasitiul o-fo-atsand smes alfalfa lu -Lise evenlng. Rabb!ta muai have gireu food! li tise inter tee-. Bootsý, iale andi turnIpa are goodý thougis if tise turnips. are llteti they have lit-ie to-od value. Some rainesr oondeusui -cabbage, tiscugli Iha-ve socs no ba-tir-ca-tlts tromsi ts mcdorate usel Watcls tise- ameurt- of grain f ooÉ enausset; if it la sot cicasiet up ireduco tise ration t11it iV s. Trampld sud ffoiled foot-osntise bat-ch flecu la via-ted., a-sTabbit toot!-be Is tcx muet of a-n epicurete- eut iV- un-les very hungry. If -tise rebts s-em troubiet vilti lo-oenesao-f tise baeos-, os tise gi-cen fod, ant i mx aossc flour vit-h tise grain. F'resbvia-tes- ae-uIc ho beto-re thesi ail tise-tisse, and a pieceoft rock sait. Tise latter w-Il: maire sulVing of tise food unnecessary, Iu viLe-,rabbi-ta sheulsi have a var-m ma-as once a day, preIom-rbly lu tie me-rn. Gîve -tise nursilng dcc a-i oft t-hi, sho vwIl at.Onec -good, mas-t le ma-de et gnonusd allaita, vieat bran, Tr-mlet!- caa, .equal parts, viltis o-si chepped-up vegotabie lire ca-i-Vots C-orntotder -mares- a ploaseut chsangu occa-eîonaiby. Be extr-emely ca-refuyl'in experimentins- on tise nabbitsý' fod, suýd guard va-rt-enianly againet bave trouble. Good Livestock-Pays More A eu-frey o-I 242 fe-rmse lu Dur-han COUsstMy, Osuta-r-o, jugat issueti by tihe De. part-noe=uisEvonom:icî, fuir4h. sres d iPivoof thet gescilives-teel t 'a- more Poteut fbAin luVIe ueeee dcs muxet!fasraînà g tissusaare goot! ci-oî Tise IoUeM-isgje a sunsmary cf Vis -ecuslustons ius tise urecet repirt oj thre su-vey. IV aboys tise re-tursis viic thse laimens con-cea-neft ce*e efo .theIr years vos- kh iisvèried ase rord-ng Vtiste ci-o-ps they raiseti, pbu 'bie quaiity c-f tise livesteek thiey ko-pt Ã"n Farma with poor ci-ops: The Ideatlùichen I wonidc'a£Ifevery woSnani i pôoee The a8ak wae Ingh e'ougb'roiithe SEd With « Dmela f orrippkug tCo pieceaforte a'k>w me 'Vo .staad UpTit. and mà iJng over. T1me.' the nrn4ter Intdeeid, I couldi rest rny arne on the of hcoxmls. I nev'er moved imbo oa'leuse edge w1hile I wawhed d4dme. 1k wm5 -with o exceptig>- üthat I ddlInt large 'Vo bold both ddehpmÉa ini.meddately wamttVo inove a few ut cace. At the lelt <of the slik, b.- roomni around, stretch sone <out and tween jt and the cupbaRwdýs, wasea niake sonmessnl'er, no inaUiesbo.w buft-i~n table, covered with zinc, aund welà 1 thought I wae going toIlke it vith one broad shelf beneaili. ThI&i bef'or. Especial'ly thie ldt&whmn. 0fnmde a deal, cupboard for d.iskbm>an oourse, men growl ut thie ¶)mpeTmity, swo rnmateoea, extr a sp, 'baldng, but thatit s beeause Uhey do mot bave 'Vin, etc. The rem'aindg opeeduth to do the wSik. The imon mS noet'xttoin of tihe cupboà rds wag divided hiouses do not suit 'w«m s t ecause initi space for a fieiw bUn au4<l &'wexe a man plaflaie' bui tWém. Very for d4ah±owels, kiVdbffl ap&m. cutlery Wedoan do ySu finid ê~aous plwned aamd papeoe. -I kept tibe aplee,flavos,- by a wonian.- That la'wiyiynla meutng, et,, ViLe eupbgS e r- he1tJ kitcheoe the MM *is so low you n er)y lour tdi. W3,b9>u't inU' in o the break your teck every turne you wamh tfable 1 coulidireaeh.,everythisig 1 need- thse -ddehes. IL wa .a one tuhe- -other ed with whieh 'toeke. day wlhere the only way a womnaof At the riglit of Vthe slunk was a med'ium heg'ht côuld ever inake use wooden dbip hoRSd, gro'eved, running Of thse sink wo'uld be toe it dc-wnm The frein sink tVo West w4il. AkSfflide cupisOards are 1-nvably in the W'reng «f Vhà s atbod the range, aind Puait norh cOore of a ma -miadue Iditdien, the «f tih range thse do<r leadÃng into thLe stove ais far fromn 'the table es it <a yard. Over tlïis door wae a trans-i. be put, and the pantry, if they oSn- Wà th the tranai oluma and 'the kichen descend to give you Ooe at aui, os' far winld)w open a tin.y crack et the bot- fren the Mxe ansd your table as it tOM, od«r and =ean wre sucked' eut- oa be put. aide. Snading ai heank I couid by 1 have lied six ]d-tche'n workâKyops o-ne step reach Mstee o-r cupb'oawd& Bak- in my hoUseceepin1g days, and omly o-ne ing was a direm, aind ieal-geftng /V//V 6 /?0OM- COAT- Ct OSET /4*L r-.iLL Rule fo Havesting Aple e - bruised. 10. Lifit anid t dOwn 1. Pic for Her ldsbs f pV . gen'tiy ahi fi'lled eates. 11. VUse spriung 1.Pik we lmb frs. . eewagon l i-aullg, -avoid roehgor thet thse lodider is pus'hed ito the.tree_ andgoewxStn W g'entl'y goeas no-t Vo kpSok off or braise1 2weceto n~,hrx thue :fruit 3. Hanig bhe -basket so e s 'te be aible te 13ick wiith -both'hmzds. 4-! Wh'en patohin'g a.~> put on a Layj tho appiles in; neytdiro.p c-r throwlpair «f rubbers. May save a bai faP. thens. 5. Pick -no speokedi apples. 6.1 IPik neo 7. Do netioa' ta-ke mm-eh ti-me picking a 'fewi,,ïtaie, It's a good plan tc, give thbby ,apples o-t o-f reach. 8. In empty-irg, day o-ff no-w and thon, with a liitla pourgcitly asyouwc'là eggs..9. speepdinng mney; it's a età ii be-tLer Do no-)t set eue -basket or crate o-n :1pian to go along with hîm ci-I le a anmother so that tbhe appkes béliow vill tboy yc'urqsc,,f 'nce nIrore. heWelfare of th&Hme Art and the Litie Child Art is a big word te use in con- displaY cf :bright-fruit prez-erves c-r -necticu with a littie childi who at'aluminuni dishes iu the kitchen. and ipsen a le ta distingulihnmly tha .-the' use 'cf welI-selected ,paint and primary co-lc-rs anid whose drawing I wa1l-r-apers may accustý&ni a child te, are'a- faantast4c 'ocrilible. But ail the' good- taste in the hunsblest home. ch.ild is ge'ing to be .gro-ws out of what All studies that have lbem irn'xadc- cf he !s, and althat lie is going to have, chilId-re'n's inVerést in 1pictures u- depende upc-n the wi.sdc>n cf <r' cate thaxt their first Iiking, is alnicct giving now. - whoily' f or the at-ory. Thoy are rtt W'hen we eai. ourselves 'what art! very particular abo-ut t'he cote-Ir, and means te a humnan hein-g we soe they have no inboru aste le-r 'the (Md answer our own question ,by satYîug:. Masters. The peo>ple in the picture3 Art As a unean3 of happin-esand ai are their friends, and it la the draina-, o ex~sin. fîwe ask fur-tic rather thaus the outhetiecocnsid«-r- ther, whetber itnuy b. bot4>,syaiI1 tien that effects thon-. we rep'îy: ît nT ieamauo This sugges'ts what we aTe te- do. hal:;'.ss Vo ail, end, altiouen I Lot us select bouk-pictures andc pic- to, ously a few eauc= 1V Lea izturés for -tihehome wal# thattell w'a o- oaeqiito e n >.!biu.iful ste-ries li a beautiflwy the-re is little à doUbt Vit eveybody, Let us impluantiae htwl.aL if, earefrl4y trluee'a, cMn te Som e de-1 ways be t.reasrés wortlii white, hotu gre, ep-ra~biusei thouh at. hebeesuse they are good art anud because iùportaAce1 of att' thon is not t w o- t~yaeeenlyilPYu uflblity tha we may disoover au4c!...J -H1 a -ndo-ne what we ean, eoS-. veloip a-& lewnias-tem ,but that w ud .t Maeyh1p1th chl nd-y oaci ailpathwgys- home, having imade good pictures9 his Pr sefepeio)n and a ppiieu .ý exny ect te fiuid him ~Thsebegimning o-f every rt ~ i-s e inésoieefo t sel- appmeci-ation. Thewise meinther t-ayjexpression heuhpcrs. Go de iV h .' e Ërchii"éegin nus; c uaet elsu.tatwe'sheuld plae by akting Mp d~wnreluto~t, .61~ withiin his reaeh a few strocsg celczs, piemo- and havmrg hm ."-tak inmc 1 aneasy iMedjumand modejs largely Isusmma, lIce an inoculation. Sue sewcf hie o-wn crhoag. Se-fi cra'yos te, Lt that he hears Imuch good musae fur4ïish the hast. firgt me&1ium asýd fre-m the credie -d*ys until heie , a-s dqae«ors. His firstiZeffoir-ts will- itwere, satura-ted 'with muuic ai! Sbe Vo pertray auie aie hna eager to-;finclsoe-neway «f expressiig' image. If ho starts te mnale a night music with bi&a voice and lingera. picture i-t w!îl realy ycouaist of a And se the w ay -te help a, ch.ild te r-ew o-f stars.*Design raViser VILain art is Vo'phl)m to feel' loir. celor, te diawiug, wili. be Mis m'eod, aci- lii, rejoice in fire and sunlight. and she- efforts te p-ortray action will be ex- dD*WE, te enjoy tradug crit h-appy' de- -treznelyi'imp-es'Siuistc." Fr-Webon, signs, 'and periaps bhst Of ail, te je-y and vigor raithoir thian accuracy ,:bai-n te loe pictures. - hculd be the aim. Tuiacng le uselesa The emelea .paythbg niy Leand copying. vain, 'buttise Young ýchild use tedeele te cborseso.Brg4tfvhemna-kes pictures luis other Iss-- bit8 of pQotery, n-M-bles, ,scraps cf _giage, wh* tiem te e ay ,cmetuig clohshils fo-er, g1df1hal j with hMs ingera, bas begun te clinib a.f erd do--W pp rtu *tios, sud v-en a the -"D eleet-able ,M o- nto s4 &' K a I. e t- r s LabcriS i uconeI-on- Pocor ives-tock .........$ 27.00 Av-orage 'lv-cateck .... 1.00 Geed liveetcck-------- 1,676.00 On Fa-ims vith average ci-eps: 1Labe-r iscox-e f rom- Poor lâvest-cck....... $ 33?.00 -Average ]ivestoek ...... 1,568.00 G-c-st Iivesteck ........1,729.00 On Farina vith gocd ci-cps:- Lbrincos-se fi-cm- Poo;r iivestock........ $ 744.00 Av-erage bivest-ock ...... 1,416.00 Gc-ed ivestock-------1,254.00 "Inicses of $455, $592 ait! $717 es-n te cred'ited," Vise repor-t ad!sa', "Vo tise grovluug cf Letton eue-ps, ast! $985, $1,227. -anti $1,344 can due cnedited Vo thse kçeplusg ansd bftedin'g of tottais, bivestcek-ail -about, V'wice.tise isse-rea- es dise te. -gi-owng betiten -esops. 1 "dLivestocle le tise mairket tismeugs-' vi-iths Viseixeti fariner selle Vhe gre4ter pc-itic-et«f ci-v-s. e.If then, tise quîaiVt of .ii sbstk 'rgs ks e-v uw n qsse-LYthy ie Pqif-e o eevsfor, his g~ulay, Silage sc!rbs iiib oee»-rpondingly, l14w, slxe-wj»C thse - titfy, «f groving bare ci-cps Vo "'TILue i-t eaub-e sAfel, statetdta, -qnalty o-f. l*îvebtk,") Weevik - eau>tekiflein'sbessza-sdl peo iby -VIse use <>f ca-ibo S tsulphlde.- -TO treet thsèse pà t tseumt-u a jar, tub or etiser veasel-Whlith scaush.c-voet! Vlghtl.y. Put IMÈixK>s a, hmaRu<ot e-ne Voapoonfu oi à s1o« C4U4bd«eýslie. lic ea-ds tes>galiorsof, e Inusthse ep9 etoevum "doa- pucç e 94=g invibtie beaux-Aibuw tiueuuito e rin iu-thse lusses <>f tise b- > lstsuf!psid O-ve ni-gUh"-sstake ttui e9 a«d-place iu &uY s-toeuago ,quoi-tes-e.Do et tae lampe or lighLteti matches neer-VIe maeToial, and' du o t breatise tibe fumes. Wuhen ycu meet a- ma-nfr Intise finit timet, art! ca-i-sy a-va-y vitb you a- v.-. id impression cf a roue-r-k, tise.tose e-I bi.,s v-oic-e and! expmesion of bis couu-' tera-sce, -anrt perisaps a meusory. cf a- look into- his seul-, bis Perscnaity ha-s -played lt-s part a-u cvn. the bausser o e -ie eoved- L4.rd.SooS ian call, <andftaking iV linttre simpliuaty 'h-e - aw clear signs tisa-t Qed vas guid- andi 4fectnen c-f liea lait-tiVo be a'- ing him. They sated'by 1anusUPieaUI from God, hse lsmediately ia-de thi-ougi tise nortIe highlassds, eut rea4 yte ci-essthe c se-nà ot1svnd into. throurh tise clak dmflles e-Itise CiliI- Europe. Hia decision 'wavi ndeeci a-n, igaVesà , Vhat- great- Iroiiug pasa, momnstous- one,, and marks an .epehi eighty miles long.'Tison westward for ins tihe bstory o-f suna-nity. For 1t' da'ya along tise mountairs read, ViII ho vas in -Europea tisat tisa gospel *as~ tou-chedthétseregien cf his fr-st mission" destined te vin ltà gi-estest t . iumphs. ai-y - jeurney. . One, veniing, fi-om Vise Europe via-s te become Vthe Chlristians hegishte'ho leeketido-vn on Dosbe 7and continent.1 - reJc'iced Vsa-t ho via-a te meet tise olti Tise wrlten of this histery, Luke, Iriencis a-gain. Noit day a-l1ong Vise uses lu-n vv. 10-16, tise presseuns wi1 meuntainr i-adtit Lystra, wà ete Ba-i- and us. Lt seema tia-t Lirke joined tise alias a-rd ho had been Jupiter, andij company of Paul at Troas, amidvient Mercury, anti where -Rai-nabas ha-t!wih hisi as far- as Pbtlippi visere ise i'hfted hins up fer dea-d alter tise moh remaineti. It lias been -conj ecture! hadst toned hlmIn se hlm come-futo tua-t Paul mna-y have pneviously met Lystra, ardth -e couverts eroe a-round ii in Pisidiar Autichl, roreeof tise hlm deligistodtio cee hlm, anti Lans j t-ler Gala-tissu cities; e-, n. us fi-st mis- -sure tise fi-at ques-tion- La, Wîiere la stosiary jouruo.WeiPa4rtre Ba-ua-bas ' And Vise next is, Have-Vo'Pilippi, sense yeai-s Iatei, on his yc-u recevee!f rom tise effects c-f tise thrid jcursiey, h ue ud Luke aVilI stoning? Art! se tbey tai-k together tisere, eudt! tekisim vitis hlm on his lu affectiena-to inter-curse, anti Silas way Iba-ck Vo -Paiestine, an-clVison te Ss intrc-duced, antia-t night tise pi-es- j Rom-e<Se-e- tise sa-me pronouns resu-ii- Sbyters <eiders) biing their difficulties eti in Acta 20: 5 Vo Vise eut c-f tise' t o b'ho slvet!, art! are taugbt aVili fui-- bock). t-ber cf tise- gospel c-f Chriist; f or t-bey Pass-mg tise - tsamd cf Samothriace -do- rot kue-v', vory mueS, these pros- haîf wa-y, tisey ca-me Vto tisepor- of byters, sud there are neoviritten gos- Neaýpelis, anti proceesiedti ience i-nianti -pela as yet'te teaci tisein." te Pisilippi, chief cîty of eastern Mace-- > Timotisy, vitue-la introducedti o us! don-la, anti "a Roman- colcny.", Paul bohre, la oeeof tise unot interesting! anti bis comparions sougist anti lourd ra-ud ergagig personaltiescof tise New werk, for tisoy ha- to support t-hemn- 3 Testament. 0f minglet! Jevisisanti -selves 'by Vise laher cf tiseir iands (Z- Greekpaetago ho hadtit-headvantage Tisesas- 3: 8)~. On theë sarbbat-is theyý- cf instruction be-t-h lutise Jewisis ne-t joined tise cnpny of Jevis, vihp hast ligion andth ie Greek boa-ring. No a meeting i~lacoe outsido tise ciVy by dem-bt ho -r-ca-t ant! speke be-Vi lau- tise niver. Thsey viere, a-ppareutby, top gua-ges perfectly. Paul Ãbeca-me strong- Iew in numilier te have a synagogue. K ly atta-chetite h-iss andti Tmetiy vas Under su-ch clrcurnstauces iV seens ta e bis compa-nion on mary long anti soil- have -been a custous- c-1 tise ews to tsosie joui-neya. meet. by Visé sea. or river, or lake. 16: 6-18, Phrygia and Galafia ai-elvisre tisey coulti ebtain wà ter for tise eider na-mes e-f cotta1n parts cf tVier ceremenial -wasiiga. rAeia Miner. Tise Romans, houvever 1, Lydia, a séller of pur-pie,â.i distirs- includ-et, for administration ýurposes,1È- 'iied as tise first'Eurepean couvert- a coesitierable part of Lyca-enia anti of: Vo :C'hnstianity,' a-t lea-at the fl-st cf Phrygia, îying Vo tise soutis anti vest vhom wve hayb auy deflîlite kno-wIeÃL-e-. e-f GÀaaia, viti tisa-t province and Sie via-s prebably a Gi-ek swcmar. wbo d un-ten ita nasse cf--GalaVia. Tise thas hocomea aconvoi- tVo t-ho Jewish ,cisurcises' of Derb'e, Lysti-, Iconluns I religion. Her home 1at been lu ad Pisidiar Autiocliai-o calied, there$! Tisya-tira. a eity iu Asia fa-mous for its r fore, hy Paul tise Gala-ian chuicies t dyes. 'Shé was uc-W a nuerchant 1,-n and t is tao thons tha-t one cf hua great~ Philippi, ant inlu er bouse tise ceni- epistios La vinitteis. pany cf missionaries fouanti a hospi- -TIhe aposatles,-appear te have inteti- table vielconse.- et! ein oulist t-o Rman rovnce No£ oniy te tise prosmerous anti car- of Asia, wvihs la-y along tise Egean a-bicoydia-bt tis svin - e -f thef Sea-, a-rd eccupiet a-bout a tiid of' g9 ie osp u a-e e is or at r vihet vie caIAsia Ml-non. fl coutaineti iteim-d.w1e -nima od- Itise velI-kuevin cities cf Epihes-us, Per- tien Of m;dvasbig xlie i igamuns, anti miyrn-a, sud vas Vise' gain by.certain unsci-upuu' ruxfi 1 ricliest part of Asia Miner. Paul ors in tise superstitions Cfsthe peopie. visose interest va-s alvisys lu tisej Applications., cities, must bave looket! vith ea-ger j Wben Pa-ul decitiedti go - west in desine upon this vestes-n province as obetiierce te titis vision,- it vas oeeof a gi-est open field!lotrisis gospel. Jus-t I tise really -great moments un bur.san hheh anti bis comparions vere lfoi-t history. We do noV mea-Vo s-av tiat- bidden by tise Holy Spirit Vo lpreachis ifPaul ha-t! net doe tisis tise gospel there vie do net kuovi. In somé way veuit! no-t have traveblet! west; but ît ait 1Vas made dles- V ions emtha-thVie vouit! have been dola-yodi perisaps- for k. tisse vas net opportune, on- that Vhier contuies. ThiraV-t isa-t ouïr acti'ons verk la-y ebeewlhere. Fi,m-oM Mysia,, in have a- r-reacin-g signicasce t-ha-t Vise n-o-itho n oar f thiLl provineç ioief e- seidon i-calize. Sometirne3 Asta, they nerf ogst-ego t'nto Eli- -wea- cn ous 'cf tise'importance of ynla, tise'n-e-thrn province vihici - visaV ve are dcing, -but' more oéften vie bortieret oun-tise Bla-ck Ses, lbut- again are net. Bie-nre the great naval batVIe VMis mystenie-us pover intenveneti. Tise bet-veen tise Rusasart!-tise Jap- Spirit of Jean4s suffereti the n nt. a-rose, Admirai - Te-go-1 sent vend te b s Paul snd his CO'mpanions diti no-t. men - "Tise - future of oui- emplire de- Vra-v-el abone. Tbey veno aiviays cen- pends upon your couiluct isore to-dsx.,* scle-us ef that invisible lireserce. Their Tisene is a sense inWich Our ôw'n fu- MaaVen waîketi vitisthiser anti Hiea ture deperlds upon dedions wisicuu a spirit guidie& thons. Ho vas lulfiliniughave to bho speodiby made.