Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 8 Sep 1921, p. 1

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jO~ ~~ A- A Fm.'yltj uw 1aurw L a. ;Vi W a w'. Dste *TIraalie lreNei We New SehbiIiUe *raiyI ~ Je1 * ê k e ep a b ottis o f ( I h u-a l s ' h e W r e STheilfr't repilar !xmeeting- of the Al Saints' Churcli here 18 to be the Thefligh and Public &choO1ISth Wrf&yIthehebvit- North Ward , Ratem~ers" AgsociatLrn neetlag place'of the East York Rural Co. rtapenedton Turkdaof uutig the x1acý ,CDMP OfflT OF M 310 organization, held i teqrsh Deery -41ext we43k whu mportant afte te umr vacatiéii, with -, an IUncing at on»iua Street or4 g 'Hallof Al Santbeforerh laah hrt- eet, ae wdl workingth day evenng, waz attimded by a large, Weduesday eveninga, September 131>1 they closed. - -wardBy SatÙi-day nfgtt progress: W ih1Lo> number of the xnemblers, and an even-- and l4th, with an all-day session un T veto~chef înrs a, ofhad been muade ujp te Brovlc Street,' Inof muet, intereat was spent by Thursdy, the J-5th. Men 'of note are Te pen i f nt'rest pub-Of and tha~t portion of thie road Was RYein te ane.tebeamLng the speakr, andthepro Su:rs, te oeand g of té e pb-ithrown open for use o! vehicles requir-' lî cooadthes9e PnPi1e privileged j-to useit. ~ wsahldy ýTA'BE RYPreuident David 'Eu'chocpl4th ranwhlch lias been preipared id'- te, attend censiderecà th'emselves or- Labor Daybuon-Tedymrig ~in h.he I~ ., - I s an chair, and the Secrctary, W.' B. Ric~,testata nuu t 1 th* tis ini tunate Elverything wui briglit nd the worl< continued, and by Wednesday effective rtindy [n the read the- minutes o! the organization i5 Vo be given h epe0 itby- new, and 1V was a. pleas3lre to, sce the evening the surface was on to a point' meeting. Riglit Reverend Dr. -HIamilton, Blis]- childreÊ permitted te àttend earyuptCet trtaAl Thue Parish Hall wýs decided upon as op in. Mid-Japan, will prea4h in Ail the most up-to-date 5choo1s in the $nt'Crc.Teiulhcsua-i )fMI5RR BVIDYEXTERY9 a iiWmanent meE-ting place, lnstead o! Saints' on Tuesday evening at S 8celock. Province. A number 6f the parents ing unaterial la applied hot and at c' the Cùunéil Chiamberý' as previously de-, This, ln itself la an unu"sual ievent, as were on hand, and eipressed th role w t w-n~t an u CODUO and BRAiPS. elded. Dr.; Hamailton lu ené of the mest bril- pleasure on the openi9,ý f the scheol 1 il-a steaure "lir se that, ce tÃœa S~, . fi~ittI~.'The, Sicretary, W a inetructed- teliant' men who ever lef t Canada te and on the splendid eqnipmcent and !ew heursateengrleiiqueI '30e_______a___ cmuuncaewilee TwnCuncil, tserve the interests o! the church on tho accommodation. hard, andcan 'be u ed :llvehicîcu caln tentio>n te t ie deplerable cou-fOreig.fed Ho asbxnt ln- The opening ceremon!es were brief. , dpor~ otiust eIae Idition of the sidew1J~ on the east aide 1weod,> where Ils father was Postmaster, A f ew mnerbers of te'br fE-Iadtewsel iiaa lzbt L - I Qd lu nu- of Kent St. adjacettthe proper- acwseuatdatTrntdnvr'caiuwr esetat 1Street.' should bereached .next ek tyofJh m a sketg htstan Wycliffe, College.Hi Univer- thingrs ' te oagole Iihe weeksth entire srtho pNU. Es if a cernent sidewalli ceuld net be liM i ty course waz a brilîjant, une, and F. H. Howard conductedshort devo- odfm'iâÉt üet-arn -, u ad Opticon , this year, the board walk bc "aen up a!ter a short pastorate at St John's tional.exercises, and t«hë pupils rodfeu lzaehSt& e Gre Settreet should be combletied. - 1111ne 94 and a cluder path ma~de te dC> service churcli, Port Heope, hie- bcameg Dean of »te their varieus class rxMs The cernent base on the two sections' rl0ty, On. ~ ~ ~~ ~ andser~~ tereuntl Amore pretentieus and, fiting open- taken over by the -Highways Depart-j Onetli h jt~stn isus oiew'eut te Japan. . ing ceremony will be àrranged for ment, namely, Palace to Elizabeth and _30W took place on the taxation of vacant His work lu Japan atVxacted the ltr hnteMnse fEuainRyed eGre~ isuwb~ u ___________________ lots., twas contend ed by sevérai 'o! notice o! the churci, and lho was unani- R.H.Gat0cnl2d Vcnen oni, the former belng fiuished up, Vils I hoe resent. that the average va*t meusly elected by the Canda os ient te attend. week. lot Iu the town is unot' assessed at a o! Bishops as firut Canadian Dishop in The most iprtn at2eoth Excavation was conuneuced. last higli enougli figure; lhat nuost ewuers Japan. His Episcopate lias bflen a uni- 110w school's opening was the inaug- 'Thursday on Brock tteet at Jiuulop i of lots ask a price ý everal tinues the fornily progressive eue and lias refiect- uration of a kindergarten class. and continued.up te Coiborne Street, a W8u Mui WU J teftheass se vaue whn c grat reit u te lud ! is birth., About thirty. chldren were on handj distance o! onle blockc, at whlichpiti putting price- ou thqm fer sale; and Hie is in Canada« just now te attend the on Tuesday mo)rning,- and the ad ý4 te be suspeulded until thie uýorm Fo a ethat a geod way te romedy this condi- General Syuod iu the city e!f Hamilton bright roem, equippe,& with kinder- sewers and alth ecsay atîàI IFOI, 8211 êjtien o! things.would 4e te asseas vacant lu Octeber. Being a life.-long friend of garten outfit, including the handsome fer preperties could be laid. lots at a mucli higlier rate, and their A ev. T. G. A. Wright, recter o! Ail upright piano purchased by the.eard1 May Be Longer Stretch of Pavement, ARDWOOD SLABS acquisition for building purpeses weuld Saints' Churo', h li as kindly consent- freun Mr. E. 13. Smith, presented an - be made easier t prpspective buyers. edt dlesaneigbr u"e-atatv perefrte young- The Gazette, aud Chronicle learned Oter dd etage..with this, dlaim- day eveniug. It may be nma!y eas sters on the occasion of their first ad- 'this Nveek on good authority -that the fing thut lu many iýistances *lots- arefOreh auvs t etonaaiau etures jute school life. Mi!s- Wtles, epaiete!Hg ys lias given the~ fltIl n fP InoW assessed ai> more than their real it las expeeted that. lie wiil be welcomed :who was -a teacher in Brock Street Warren Paviug Ce.j the contract te lay iIIDftAfAtI wrth i ~ b alare eugogtiQ.-schooV .last .year, is - iii charge,a bitulithic surface, similar tê that members ef the Board who attondedlW ben ldlutoennth fNumerous -suggesttýns were .mzade-fl Onthe following- eveuiug, 1ev.R.11I. the eein eemne expressed Kingston- Road westward -from TEia clau rnehanc, w teWways -and means of -loweriug tho tax!A. Haslam, o! -the, Bible Secie ty, -Tor- cofienicer tiinwdpxue btSrtte apon aoù wohit-' 'rit casmcaiwo rate, ali the discussion coutiuued for! ente, who spoke ln the- Methodist 1 educatienayarl actiofvitd's liad exensiveexperu som tnte, ~th 1~ nyuteresting churcli here on l\arClu 3rd, wilI prea zi 1 mrwulede yrdtas' !LydesCre speehes inquaîtis i asenseut f j AI Sants Chrcl. met ~ithunlmitd aproaass trnebridge, and eastward from Garden gpehseesalte O sesh. f nAlSans Cu.h Streett to the C.P.R. eubway. Titis will hav ch rge of he l ts eln in tau ed.M r. Hasanu lad charge of the Cana- Plc S ho l S af would give a-'eom pletè stretel o! twýo tir work. Cars . taken JDïuies Charge. àÎan Mission iu Kaugî-a, India,' and! milest, oB~cf~ f paved readway. An offert hp.1 'n and overlîauled. Councillor F. D. Maundreli, whe was will desci-ibe -the euward nuareli of the is the new Principal. Hue will take been made fer sorne tinte te iunuce tde lower Rate than usual. ihewrofteSno FuhCls present, w-as asked te ýspeak. lue desir- Gospel in heathen lands. As every he1or f h Snirpeah lss tilen od this work, andr If it las cd permission te nie a reply te criti- çhurch ïs under heavy obligation te the s Wt in ntestf r: donc, i il cof wenderful beete iE HAVE A LARGE MOVINO VAN. cisns -that had been levelled at hlm and bible Socicty thUs meeting should be MisDaiso- WII ad-r I GYIO ON TOAN DSTACE -insinuation. made, of Nwhich -he had well #ttended by people of evýery de- îsDvisnJr M. n r. Lehitby Vice President e! the \Var- heard throubh varions sources. lie nomaination. Those who heàard ?lr. I sWi ght-Sr. îî Mx-..Legge, ___________________________Miss -Adair-Sr. 1. ard Jr. n IILnPaig -. cud net be located on said- lie lnd been -cliarged with getting Haslaia iu Mardi last will mrishti t erl uieo-rtar 1Wok. IWedntsdayr te make a statement rie- Aan Oshaw~a unintcr toi paint the tow'n's hlm again. IMs Wi-inegte.garding the truth e! this Information. I. 1030 501 eriian gun, and a1so with indu.cing Ou tic ncxt db.y, Thursday, tie lacet- i The stafT f the Dundas St.School, S Gives Cost of More Paig R s the saine muan te put In lus aCcount te; ings at Ail Sainuts' Church will' go on ichas Engineern.A Janmes, while nt th onCouncilfoÉou tintes th'tldat. v- A M. 1. Durnfoi-d, Rurlctii"tlia olos lastweek, s d hlad estiînated the 83, I14 r 74 alue of the work, and having tlîe Dean of EVast York, vili pî-ueu t thc ccctof aosedanas folloootwaye OhOS o~cueie ade eut to Iiim i(Maundrell)Comnn eic 't1un.T~ Mi!3s L. McIntosh, la chargye - Jr.,s !lyn ncgienfo ae 4 hUIh in order te- cover a debt owved by tbe', will bc fiù,lowed by the Deanery bus - 1.StdSr H et, wth ouptr o th pavemnt Brock ~~~~P n. Uue ql antr iOmeeting whielh continues tili nouai. fMs .AdroJ.II,-. uSret opoetcpvmntfrenu "mou, ~hrgç ar~ abelutly n- l thi a~ex-oou icr wll ho- an~ fand r. J - ;~~ theCQ P. R. tracks te the GrandTuk Mr.Maudrea.nisser.i "a r a;del Tlhe truth 'portant conf! e-nce 'with five addàresr-es ids ler ol d latex-, and fuai>' le found the-cost, ______________________oe the matter is this: !The gun had ain by Deanery Clergy as follws:- P rooka rey.c.eli ianunt unpainted foi- se long that I offeredl te, "Bible Study"-Rev. A. E. Bruce. 1 M-t hird by thc preperty ewuers on ec] ~~~~ ~~have the work donc at îny own expense. . S. Heur"-Rev. T. O. Curi. charge 'of Mss Margare flenney, sd, el b 7eprfotprua eor This the Council refuscd te permit, but "Personal Rellgien"-Rev. A. Clark. wo yaesVteupr lsssrndMs if spread over a peried o! ite vear flfteensth juio w gave nie authority te:, have the werk, "The Vow of 'Service"-Rcv, T. A.Tf ,wo echsth unoswr. ' doue at the tewn's expenso. The next Nind. The attendance ai> the High Sciteol, 7W-day I met Hector Stevenson, whonr I1 "Whàf thc Church Stands ]Fer"-liev.1 Judging by the large onrolmeut on - ----- e aud Charles Sta., Toronto belleved te have been a Whitby man,: C. F. Stent. Tuedaemerning, will be excpin ally lareet e ar.Always. there lav s o ea fonly temporarily residing between iAil will bo welldiscussed. Tie af- this yeHomer. chool with a Splendid Record. Whitby and Oshawa, and I gave hlmi terneen meeting begins at 2 p.nu., and, are pupîls who are delayed for a A 'ewu~a sueroit, ftriin i on. the order fer scraping, cleauiiig and re- ends 5.30 p.nt. day§ rmene-ng np ti tee mon il Chui panig-egn i e vnsl fore expected that te large attend- ILVII ths pe .r paiuth 1 lmtheing rthé ob. did e t ves Inluthe evening ai> 8 p.m., 11ev. Dr. ance of Tuesday will be still fuxther ticoeernkam g l thedpait forte bj ob. S n orno wows x the continent' Write to-day 1 o cirdteagu >~x-ne, of wsexeted augmented as the days pass. Mr. N. The 1 alHaretHone eer- alogue. 'Enter at any time. from..me, and- in erder te make a Ia-i htyl ad atbtwsd-J reîand, te Principal, weîcomed tieno mnea du1a aest ome ,ele na- 4,1tained by iliuess, will close -the Liree the pupils and intreduced theteeaAnonsChrit-ol n n- W. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I J.ELOT rniamu nbsacceunt, ie offered te give.1 davs' programnie with -a%.rousing adi- os ecI day and Tuesday Was ulnuia llysc me.u x-JroutiECuncl erliTa- Pcs o 'Th Mssgefo TeDa."cesflment eer sanpon.. oo M.UFbWU ALND 'T METAL WORK s of roofing -done-feit sud te aud tile. ,Oheapest pou-- B. 1. . GASCOIGNE, Port -WhiVby give mie the clieque wien lie got ut.! Tic acceunt, fox- $22450, wvas passod by thc Ceuncil, and the choque was nmade eut te Mn- Stevenson, wio latex- gave ut te me. Thc whole Ceuncil iad tie op- portunity o! ebjecti#g if they theuglit the charge fox- Vie work was tee mue'., That is ail there lu te ,ýthe matter. Every- thilng was open and~ abeve-beard. 1 do't mind beiug criticlzed for lack o! goed judgment or for making mistakes, but thus lu the first, time I was eve¶- 1 uoiie5te anaU one orI IU'UUonteVbsE preachers as well as authex- o! several w'ell kuown boks. These meetings are ail o! a very higli order and are al open te the public. The'complote pregranu for tho three dayu, put Inte concise fort, for the benefit o! those luterested, is as fol- iows : - Tuesday, Septeniber 13, 8 p.m., Evoniuig 41rayer at Ail Saints' Churci -preacher-Dr T-Hamiltoin. Rishoanin accused o! doing anything cxooked, aud Mid-Japan. viuRg »0,W I waut te clear myseif. I hope tuis ex.-i L O A. IMLIAL ~~planatien \vil satîs ! y every ene w ho lias 1 W ed uesday, Septem ber 14, 8W . IF y h a d t e a l g t o a e a ai s > - E e l g P a è t A l S i t ' A t I Churcli, wlth krmon by 11ev. R. JJ Met utther LdgeReoi oer te Mx-. Maundreli proceeded te refer Hasiant, o! the Bible Society, Tex-ente. Mta ~ at d eBnLç eod ednesdayetth briofiy tu other civic matters, congrat- - Thursday, September 15. Standar BntkVscond bretineî-o ulating the-North Wax-d ratepayors on j 10 a.m.-Holy Communion with sex-- «chmonh. isîîn brthrn wl-theix- Association, and pointing %,utI mou by Rural Dean Dux-uford.j Ani TI.s. WM, . .NemnR1.Smlu iew many waysi-tlioy could be o! Il a.m.-Business. resulte T.Crue WM. . . opan Rc So.seviete the tettu in genci-al. 2.30. Vo 5.30- P.m-ConferneFv urday ______________________ 1onduohe mt-adrese nd en- vthe .re AhitbenWhtby.discus ln6 te a-adessby Deanery Clex-gy, anan e tex-s f ollowed, amiefox-& adjoux-ument o ral Discussion and 1V It was decided te -invite tic members o!f .- puuaPae it em nig tie Towu CounciladothSotSPi. vengPae ihsrnjj&V Scranto _Coal- Depot tenx>rgarindotcSei by Rev. ýDr. lHague, Teoronto, on "Tie bg3 _____Wax- Iatepayers A$:sociation te, attend jýbgy Wp have thuet ceai MINED. Ai reîdîrgua mein.ng hIE.. - Tmj ' iney, ai EGG,' STOVE SIZE, CHESTNU S deat e.utn at the Portion affeeted, Mrs. Aunes and his bu, PIA, SQDFT COAL aud SMITING SMîieun \iss Thomson, have agreod te pay for allow1 GOAL always iu stock. Ail eux- ail lCnn,,te extra ýwidth. The ceut o! th~e extra rossez ,col ude coer r- Vomte we- of Town onclwidth freun Reynolds Street te Garden bgy ther. sand ndqavl cAleai i tre wiil be charged, lu proper pro- ing a .csend at _______ portion, agains> property owners alse, pair. A special meeting o! the Town Coun-, and the purpose o! passlng the resolu- but foi R. LO , ga~ NIBYcil was held ou Satux-day aftex-noon i'ast, tien abe-ve given was Vo have the Gov- The M whnEngineer E. . James' report, e-mn oVeetr ok u hnUo ~.j. ldwssaw U~orph that ho lad arranged'with the Depax-t- charge back te Vie town the coît o! the es. T ment o! Hlighways tohave their portion eight feet excesu wldVi over the Vwenty upen]1 ell Phone 9 - Home .Plioze 14 o! Vie Dundas Street pavement wlden- foot being laid by the Department. ed oui, _________________________ed froun20t 2 eet, was actod upen, '2erguar meeting fer September, Huesei and the Council passed the !foUewiug whîch1 was-Vo have been held on Tues- shock. MO0]TON aie GEI resolution:- day- eYenlng, was postpeued nitil next stated "That- whex-eas the Department- of week, owing te Vie inability of some e! Vie diE Oata"o and Dominion JAA *Syor HlhasfrVePoic !O thVe membera te attend that ovenlng. and nc 8UOo88OOItu1LYOd hia deaiguated as ýpart o! the Provin- cial Hlghwa9l SYSVtu, sections e! Dun' Ontario Lmnd SUmVy«Or f Port P.rry dan Street, Whltby,ý-- P"hone day or arght- 281 "And whereas tfhe Department has Hopkins St. WhitbY entered luto-a cei*tract with the con- - ________________________tracter Vo pave for a width of twenty foot parts o! these sections, naxely:-- 111 DB eni the euti> street lineofo!Rey- TlilY IH ql V I TO RY BONDI ugïStreet easte'~ly te the east etreet 'UVGNV Dh5 lino et Gardon 8 cet, sud from, tueWLLC ME E T UIIRNTIOI. BONSFO L .1y 30 eas e t, oeo e et weuer-TUESDAY, SEPIEMBE fIPfAI'OK OND FO 811.. "And whereas thie Municipal Corpor- FItT~(ITAiiLOIS IRAIED -aion of the Tow4 ýo! Wlîitby lu deslr- - Students my enter at the - eus 6! hâving thesesections paved te a. S - - - - wlath <of 28 foot, '*4Ith curb aud gutièr;'~ S Ã" î-Àq-îPW îI WMI. 0 I1<* WdtUy. t9gfhi i- wlth thee ncesgry utoru 40Thérefore the Municipal Corea-, -- ecam o peeCm r.N. E' cEwan, s.. Se. ton of thé, Vowin oeWhitby rqesethe' Ourgra duae bansdh VSSmIr4Ay UUOEO I>eartmnt ! H~luwa5 t entr Jue -For t'ose wishing o etuy[ an agreement 'foe 411e paving of! Vile u exNwn tra width, as Drpvided.for by- seetion At Tex-ento iavalable. Verirrt adma 28, cul,. a. 1 and 21.-of:the Provincial olg iQPrompt Rlghway AetChýp. 16, 7 George V'" O~ B SNS S The realdente on Duindas Street won 0 AAB e'NS COLLESE, <Gm-m (ontlnu.d #t b4>tom next colunu) f willhe as folloTs: N. J. Ireland, Principal-Science aud Agriculture. J. F. West-Mattematics. Miss A. E. Gregery.;-Classics and Frencht. Miss Gladys Miller-Cemmercial. Miss Allisen-Englisit aud History Miss Harper-General subjeets. Miss IHarper had net reported*feri duty on Tuesday, but is expected shortly.1 oAmbulance Lrâshes Imb Buggy' accident that might easlly have ed very seriouslY occurred on Sat- , ast on the Base J-due West, near esidence of T. C. Osborne. Mr. Urs. Wellington Hueson,- accom- 1 ýy two friends, the Misses Snel- werre driving along the road in a r. The motor ambulance of Dis- ivos. of Oshawa, lu whielh were 5the driver and Mr. Stanley Dis- Lpproachod, and Mr Hueson drove aggy onto the side of the road to the ambulance to pass. For some a; the moto r did flot clear the rbut crashed into it, overturn- adsmashing It aimost beyond re- The occupants were thrown out, )rtuxiately escaped serious Injury. Esses Snelling were badly ,shaken ie of them recelwing severe, bruis- ýho sister, wlXen thrown out fell hier heact but fortixDately sustain- ly bad bruiseS aise. Mr. and Mrs. )n escaped with rlight brulseas and - The driver of the ambulance 1 hat ho must have miejudged [tance from, the centre of the rcisu Lt turned out quite far enough. IESS '*COLLEGE FALLTERM ~timo lo0r late r. q%, BOOKKEEIPING, nralCourses. good p6sitions. the 1,city, outr maiu, sobC-o9I OSHAWA, ONTs ur% ib Uveuvui 1U1411lai restsL were satisfactory,' and te pleasure and profit dorived frointhVie occasion were. ail that could be desired. The'i energetie - people of Almouds C hurcit nover spare any pains te secure suc-I cess, and their efforts Vhs year met with a splendid outceme iu every way. The Sunday services, morning and evening, were attended by erewds: titat more than taxed the churçitVo its capacity. 11ev. E. W. Rowland,* pas- Ver of Brookln Methodist Churcli, was te preacher, and ho brouglit te the Almondu- congregation two utroug and forceful messages of encourage- mont and inspiration. The> ministry, of te day was mucit enjoyed and ap- preciated, and Mr-. Rewland's words wjll luot soon be forgotten. Tueqday evening waste occasion of the tea and concert, and Vhs aise was attended by a- large crowd, in- cluding net oilly titese from the im- mediate vicinity, but many frem Wititby and Pickering. Long tables were laid eut iunte citurcit sheds spread witit a bountiful load of good things, and for Vwo heurs and a half the ladies were kept . busy feeding the hungry people. The speed and "istaying powers" of te crewd were the best compliment that could have been paid Vo te cooking prowess of te ladies of te churcit. Fellowing te supper, a -splendidi pregram was given, one0 that has probably never been surpassed at Vhs annual event. Preceding te prograun preper, Miss Hazel Kenny -played a number of piano selections, as well as acting -as, aeeompauist 4uring, 7the evening. Mrs. T. L. Rowe and Miss Kenny gave apiano duett as the firat itemn on Vte pregoranu, ami were heart-- ily -encored. ' Mi, W. D. Dykes, -ho bas undeubtedly 'oeue of the ,ýfinestI teor voices ever heard lu Whitby, sang a n uuber of* selections, ail of which were- very beartîIy apauded- and encored. Mr. T4. L. Rowe -contrib- uted tWo splendid bass solos, witb. en-, ceres.; Mrs. «T.-L. RQWe, - soprano, d sang several Vîmes, aud wua ie re- quired te returu for repeat, uum~es duetts were sung by Mrs. %oN& and Mr-. Dykes. Mx-., Robin Nîchoelson'a piano solos were'played in hie usuai brilliant manner RIladin gs' were given by Miss Puckrin, wbîcb.the audience enjoyedl Immen sely. -iss Cik reader, was pre'Vented- from attend- ing, as were aise Rev. E. W. Rowland, of Broklilu sud fle,. E.' Turkinton,ý of Wihftby, who were .te bave Inade 'ddresses. 1 --'ntr pgrm-à exceptioually ejybl, ad the ap- Iy' those wbo took part, as expressed I YRev.F. H Howard, the pasto, -The fflpi4 puce more succeugul ac gratified at1 veut Home. Now is a good tinte to, look over puïr Stovo or Heator'and lot uç o-rder any repairs vluutr iuay neon. e Sllghtly UsedCook Stovés W& have sovreral slightly usod C',ook Stoý, thîtb we are offeringiat a bagin GOGO SERVICE - Quick service ijà'whaàt has -made our store popular. The nexLti-me you -wzt auything Lu. t lino of h-ar.dware, phono 25., '%I.' _ Fred D. Mau.n< Phou 25(Bscoessor, to W. W. PriMngie>z Goo9da 1 lv«ied te ,ail parts1 of t1hj I &IL SATURDAY' Two lbs. of Currants for - - Brazil Nutsl-per 1lb.- - Tiger Salmon, halves- Choico lBlack Tea, 35e a lb., 3 lbs. for -35C --25c 22e P. & G., Gold, Mother Hubbard Seap, 13 bars 1.00 Snowflake Ammonia, packages'for - 25c E._p M.ot-R L Ae Te Ltawler, G6rocer FRES'H FRUITS a.nd -VEG ETABLES The Best, Li ne. of FRESil tROCERIES Always on liald. ATu Phone 47 LAWLER GROCER' Chevro let motor cars'& 1Truoka New Prises on' 490 ChVrol0 IN EFFEOT FR01 SEPT& Sth. 1921 490 Tourln.g, 490; Speclal, 490 Cou'pe, 490 Sèedns 490 Mode! G.Truck -ChasSI-l 490 Mode! G Truck Chassis,ý wlth ool $ -- '4 eG a milestone ItYp, sud,-may well outeome et their1 ie 243 WHITBV

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