Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 8 Sep 1921, p. 2

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vt .fLeter Chapters TIh.lr eyes were r1vetted skywar& eIl&uptuuu r fthsbv temomethilg bWeiket Mn UOie1ieaveJi theuma.v)o stien- d »e d iudeny to u- e î -, rorêfmthe Juriiiioned the " , l I shoutingof dettor,.ge.. esaa udë d w ita to d~$ eabed~1orer a de"ysrmthe Opium orth e Nrèay~ ~flk. WH. A rem on a id fira~d W«rtene woner -fue1Pthilth the ospra ~wmausr~ Ho, t fwo e ie .Ii ea he tecme nte o.n, i 10M ii 6j . Kf-wùjdnight he4 u tswa 1r41gI W8bfOy1Wè P&Y@« dtheCamoou he Pl eched ev-y n lnhGnet cry. Fl!e!dOfts .'oeaI o ul rçtw 1hc hisqkt. tl imli s -"rmsot ow>is, olitd" K. trne be~,hed' p h1 fk ï i tt*e n'y, be fe U f rif i 4 8i1 çode4 Ti. W« 1-ao n passee diHenApeream of 1 r a elnie çecm o I ff Arn t1. strairsthrou-h i. utt wng-roo'ml, frie.e o ner ofaie ttheboe 't I o to Vh ws a w ya drteft in- his wll pti adiv elltr im Thn m M&ked. '.otHer thcy pe ubod t he blndig trrfcae, the hleaftundee Gant ohnl& ntth'divibsteat boat w;ýa Éswuno apeptou»i~l oô etî a~I~1h mmnek 4 ti en1-Mutr Oilihemééitn kaat ,ttand a4u ky ieka wninetethey aoûhe Caad 1àoa f hemot orunt 'we hetd somethileheanImtyuwysmhwt i ieotewaamren tutrc&c~ti M~ mlin netdi ~~~Ium ~ ~ ~ * tl Rui. i tit. iyran nd fm ryoi er. à M*dpae rnt owti fl~at.~&thwnê&.MUtb T1=$Àl h iI th e t.lence ' and b is wyéoqmn te o dehue etrue nmI'oraatraopriesvtuto oouhes oenthei&r x-yand ter up bTen wd l7w.s êw frç,utheairsemednuy udwe Wie nded.The rnbawi Wn thiey ern e tear. Que. hefew-l ita - ai nt trsdti aeh ee9 i.foiu.aaablrg th tr, rantufMg het t caroom le'nahst. Li theiei~d ol tvvehe 'roathdea hylf h re.'h &gr ~bh .lp.1 wt ou to hlw b ot o en~ites ptod 4<h to th rua. 'hn a itTeewr w odessadn aaaadt alie u h.ya' may hadren tebus toàave me wi r.a T hie nafeet. Tereinawnu ytesd ftr ed che . Ï,9th4 her he w. tae tthe hbindinca r. -- desederant hol vlueet ii thefihet É l bee.hç si< bjimr.ç, n oi hea riave. "anduud up!" as giith oret Te "atanG ne? .aedslt-Cai4 drnghebr mu.pe- Grnt ontdin hed* n- C-.tb a t a mly flashdhi1 wndc-igÉo, pil of Jn 9.1,an oufltedt <othe kg,"CoInsmutre. oêssder tanding ar&ÃŽnd, nnd . hand for the dt.hr wagerswhith couilà d oit $of the m27, Brlt omm '6 t tthe 'l*ce b oubis uie ly. a-. itteciIpn <r hryn o dew t ome- thlbe, enepeËkë r - wii$2462 in. he w wla, g $1.026,.r eu ITng opcn lb. TOýcuv h*Beret. in igh enit î n rnediais'ly. for amoent the loov ata l-r dftl t àbv 1815a.fld 280,164.pa'ù f fw- o-met hy ied da d e yr a y o n h u t'" e adedo th e rha.Ye1h ewhs y eal Fh ie a Bni celpil ot e hr e was b ani-., a d siltece. H, fet c e w s were ikg o e r bu& ege et I te t!ÏMa t. ha n 240mSiios a "e bee Tbe au t*dfreteh arothe silne aboo hie ' ri eied on the radTeue. Te offier ti , in omad a Marktpïe o iet ln yl ode =nmmered optheïrbank. indroa bmd -hWon. of he he ad L atain ýa ran e1,etnul fao u ihte . ciîtd nttsnm Te ree n uust b.th ehcl ehere," tedhlm, Tith " uýs H undraé iedate igtnt re , wlhe » ernet moe han 1 DiercenPl. v n et ah d, eec a aDndt shw s ------ eftan-ce e l i ut fof tâgt horaîîureRollat, o e ot t s ÈkMis t ' lh thy could he ar. OdceAPIER xi. -sait"Doer you mean tint-he yen want me teotgff dn eul-in1:.V i ie utheGranel si!antered oin t reastipa dev lieth e llo. Th ftie u t s Md s tmeab nWatn- o on ti te sieptlieHal. f'w inotes lat d on enfa LlowngThermaep e te sldiersca threshedwheat arived l 'his yeasd lway ceuid tra e taýInf ii* ey-s x lu t bin s ea d mas hba a o e e nda i Dominion Goretda ndI aimfed t iptor eb U-tirm -iÀ h~-, yMyhaeoê riv ýptld eb i eard t",re Tnh'av adrnkfiIetutesoîeM qbl mmanaute. urypr te ÃŽerO.k." <> üt t' n -h gr e a here'of a chargouf An1 o'derly skbs'ep béwHad ad- t,'Thsb wes w ldiersth bs ar. rnb m«ug ie valuey, oftoth »a As ditricta th-n auÙ*he bn n0Ve mid- "Mnrk t Eurniam theae burte."SopnGrne ftm"lie Was Ofeda. àa < rdin he arthera. ThépQ 'Grànt iclinlyfiasM bisown cled ing.cd,,îtingf ton lutâm.tik'tÃ" e th pdee t neeling rtoin mn4 tk bisreeat I teatbe W'.alemn vratrlnh"wahrép.tae h.3et ro pelehl lwlnsaar "I"enfC -shdnt lpt Gre~ atnolmdand roet4. "Woult s $7,24,10fort weuty- fva ilS et tIi ortwcethy aum lie bnken i'Aset lil," btnding arked, "yad vii. rted?" îsnge- wie cutii f« Mi rent i:lctedh a $dMt th -o ff ut. verky. soon havte crkn y' s lot mo ng wdreao l i m 'thd. n snww e Granet, ý $,46;23, Niv runwuick $.086 éyàne. 4crièd to ed t£of the saro- the iwgâtesh. " et a shug li offt1dhrs They paén seeÉyd lse e ie i ls <,r Isn . Y ndie," eake. frsàmomnt d look-e a na Sit.Ws Islgiacrd atzUS164a ast -te ie a ru nalt vl sery oat of ey e W about ed ileu nce re ati . vaoe te fed hsw&y Grane 2,400 sou btena. h~r avgre lu- gftava tyoctuhedkabo Gra e pased or "I "itri4e5 d onie ihi UIB athersde he omsreinom utm e. w Mrktk gi" oniAlrieralab thIet pldierat j oent thfreo in y ua labr. T e g The cngt n' odra, rnelexpln te unhniHllwul b blgd f kl . t oor sne tsoMl "Thieèdpte Hl i ak ogt . -mt- d "Ioneoftahe mn doW a natai'sndf ain Graetiwoud av3i.n wth t ê=ab Â, ando ths u= i To p e ut b e caloshey facié Nt pw, i'i yanul. GÃ" oteviwn.ih ét fhate ai'd lh*&cl"Dont è b ayee. en ecud er b 1bsI ~~c o hii nso f as t agh br.o, siieor u te percnt i ré Grsî~ rep~dhieVôl. t ~e 1kret ~k.8~*ng,~omxi-f "Do *YY ho i qfim, GnI, ' c wat e ordmv. Tiu, I the. snreot ftguroa Thstiethy'u1artespc. nd gol Igo-te r àtonce~ 6~, Laefure unë'* ?» e d iiutoauton tm9,47 , " aein bet'1h ere n w te th . wrnesonerdi o lieakals a ke'the é.Imd up 'The 7 ftbits s14 1.176tetis soccurr e t: ou l a, CoU in fiCa s ufelo exld se.i dis.tin'clly rihtas bo Ack at o<f tir."t DoI~b'M minion G levimg té naet ras e '1t's jua in fron c-f rn~, was tierace'haveg afteril, aloug ieutoaq mc.,ii"er.nl àn'i gt the *tifodansty.- earu arce;Ot Bthm useppelin raidILaPM'ntinLae sd h Iiad "Tas!rth tf.Dowwt Q. r tr inegieHl i eee t onb r atefr AfýaUeisi.s1I thrt lthPIViCe0gâktie -Forr-a tew moxicr.entu G ollins Was tu-rn inlanci sscithon coïne back agidn. admi tted t : e thé fr nce èew-an, hbubeda cràt.dlnltô s bird Vbic.T'~n, mrith a. littie gasp, ho We pulled up le wateh il. sud Colline and Ihs guide- led hlm a#£rd" thl'h hal Sanjcluy Under the. Mtgeratry firds grpidC'io' RnM. Ilis voice, jurLnpedoi4. He s"id hêd goas fain amd mb a lârge r6;omn où lie other Àet. Sixouting 0£ gaine bhids lu 'tie. '~442 11vuh u'~- us rejre;é,ýsimân, *waeta Vs atlaiaw&* Uém. Bal aide ofthle bousea, afapartauent which open ses-son wil boallewed on ail .w{ii a'so~t v "-i~u. l 1h ca, wt.hig. i. ain niil eem.$ tle b.hillirary, bail DiOTiSportions et Last Mountain Lake san-tu- 'Th~ "ec~r rgGranet! My God, round and eeemed te ho ver VthIose igro.S 1 u nun recp h aad uLao u u thbey a e il,rnnan queer sart ef outbui1dinisthier. are ÙnifA>mm w ee. a»mgtte'ena recptteIlnsnrho n n Both inzn rutred èuafPar away aI MâA tCj Urx*»=sm-AU at once tàÀ tae w , ý ue ruda a it ;êe*ine, cerne new "hat ab re they lik" Gofey ranetts entraunie and lýgave altte Five hhousand, crates, or Mtelen car- Itliinin.g- ste nr l.at1arethe L e tie rn 'athl o f load 0< Bitlsh COunibla potahesco' ioîd .w. ic n"arcln itis Anséliman exciaimed. feaýr elilled Sli e1-eoufdence prise e t osh t this aeason a export et ï~'gL&T cuia~, ot h iamros rane . OU*e ithie coffea cre- wassIuddeàly siau.Thairman JIi omdh eMra h ia 'trotie-tcfinehumnas force fufly. 0 t iodwaeixoe1i *tac i m mmoityetpoace Tro in rst !,clcaving its way Ilirough the. resfistese "'ve sees 'em -before-.$enly et e.eruttay waa tIi""tis ,ir. Witi evef-ry second it grew-ioud- thein, toIoý" ie re-marked, "bul tbey di 'he on. mnýý'î'ý-j oner hColuzabia w-es lu 1920, and the. tubera- rer. Tue ien sto t cling one ant-rain hein down. Tgân al ot a sud-In !W1e0 -lrceedha1hLb- r.he "! rw 'çâs a s&¶ (d glare-1 don't.<TO b. conthued.) IIÈved a large expert tradew-i be de- thuse reidy? They know wat appene.Il waajs a ______-.loid stie ft'oiôrhr iat '~uterd.colored lights..Tiie Hall w.. uta. 'b.i uÈme fji tChmrc.io e t l'eifrpalrle -'6ovifldèa Wff br- Collin-i assentc-d si.tently. Ihe rayer- clear-ly vliee sat noondayb oudveat fildm t*entýv hoÃŽ6hity-iW bubbOSi 4ns wanoaa e- 1Q U dr saud lwlde, e.the 1-m.railig oIq, ff 4ý s ,It liéaVS tire doorleýp 1-brn iùd -jray,« - ;? "e air 'wa'àý; týUflevehees. Fxotta- dthés~>e4 n tUmbiageu a 4.f %4 het o the àc à its e5 jz.at-, erbhnheéfqOzýîqta4e- ý'!d bif~ oÇatiuByd.hkt ricsh.~jhetree £ t 1o oW'-thneHl"an s >ina k1e t mt11e3flek *Thh e . eJLInttî h G oq Lm.Ate v11 ' e" thbi" g giasnlu 1 <- effey Aneia 15 01.-, -t om rp mýi wos, ran ~ dd' Tpeot 4>1 4 <5I114Z ~ndte fté-ê ju-rieg_(lie yli mute a8 eý,tIFe; t5j n ourf Mi" grieçultilatinù tleu te thé,zeramnii3 and other couse plants } which'-utake up chia' Win*t'w Vêf'iwe h -$a i e w4al »" r-îyoofil gk1R1 m1ei ,and then1forne wiem e. w-t w-eu o0i Deeeimber Vo Àptit Oure rIed W6l b46w- *a 'i9 0 fl11y dowersand miod 4doubi Our word w-bon ve tel iem 40*oàw li lu' to -in £a-u t ait, t te woik cesi flew'hourd lii the e là9ncI lieu hhey cMn: be uaàed es *ante, e .àkig calièdvoget4bleoff te Cel- ttndertakh' ~ f It's eurpIaln i wbat '%e bisulb ù, dIndoêe. ai'eth e ane tJit lô'ercui u dore in ll épiugî TuUlipe, daffodilâ, narclsi, 1W fdte md ccseéair E. ao" SD4e M floeren4alvrei~' &*A , d"iïm &wll v ou * in add4tlon, wt édirdoMgtW 'iîi; tret." ansd oxaIlses. Tii...fIôeQe prettPinluwlntor *nd are very titde ttoubl4, as the4f do nbat reoý%ùre ar- #W4hIhünétry sirir4. -Thé oi4iiwl suldalt7 attmetct in lu wiaadow h*nt step afler buylnIiirte buibs lw tegetubsthoproper -rectstcI'es for, tà*M. Ordnary fioer PC-ta'i l-i do, bt ýbuib Pans are nuaci btter. The»e à*0 net ixpéivc, and wilt last a u-acd ni'"u7YùëàM bThy sieIlike verî lv-i à;;lwèr pets. conwaIaete b. a SinaIlwrodeu box em&îf»l-~en luches wlde, fifta..n juches hIpg, sad lv'e luches deep. W. ruade h'pixhuitua les. boxe o o ciwo-*od a&" oppo80sethat «te boxes wiijust M% IM0 tien. t, iee hod îmore bulb3 -tien thé fl'ower pots or bul-b pans, sud ther osa lie stored awmy- iu a &nmail aPace, D)raînage hoies, are bored lu tie botto i e! aci bax. Two tmou oex*Weees h bld tii. box offt? b-8bot-i " s ab tat eiwpluâwaher van drin We Propare lie oeIfur ie bul-ba by ftixing the. richeet garden dl-rt abou i w-e parts tle vue, -vib1 w'ei--rot- ted Mesure whiei baa,-bcen rubbed throIýgh sacoarze soreaý. This mie.s a fl.ghl, 6pongy' mixture but wiil sot' pack bs-rd aroun4- the bulibs. Thé Sca'een<Igs frein the dirt anad msaure are put in tie bt*tom ccl thIi bua te assist drainage. W. fui the pots te withn two inciies of-thtop, sud then pies-t tAté bulbaenesinch or so aPart, aSuoading ta variely and si. Il taies atI lsat tire. bul.be te baIre s showing lu a flower pot, and -pro- Portiooeateiy more fer a bulla pan or, a box As agenersl rule, w-m eily put ose kWiidln a pot, all'hôugh we menetimes nmlx titem, te gel differen ýt coter coMmitn& oaW. fli lu wilS ,soi, aud pack it gerlly and ficrmi ne'und 'the buiba &e the topa Qi the' lutter ar0 jûsI eveia wili or ulltqy below lie surface, An u-ow Oo$e a very pott point Andt"I la te blsIuaul e&sCl pot or box.L The. great secretge :,t t4 blia Store thé huilas iu paper bags hting up lu thé ceuedur.ng thesumuier. IL ÃŽs a-id tlis-Im ne e au make a good eaiad w- ho -dues sot love ta- cook. In amu case, lie womau bel-raye her M*il m cookeïy by taequanc > e Tiou-gh ni) modern dinner lacoin- ple e wiaoul a âfa1.d, only -fruit sud vegelable sala:ds skoild aver apa on lie dinner table. The reaseu le i 'liat thé heavièrsla'r c to larty- witi a-mes-t course. But for tie lighl- or 8,eà.ls;hrio iDu t apPears, 'nohi ib2.eatand, fiai aa.q a re *f-#bIefo çr sim«ýe-gp"pc r biglalea disies-. If Frnel duuhgis to,:b. edàeý i1 Sl isitu »'p.êpuwre il Èmt ettié ai, rbecilséu -a-stld'~tb Mei 1,e .- ~itl a~ll T'. *,dd cniu. ¶'onat0es mt be drtd a-i l -acaulander te s-vo-cié sheupen-fluous Tie differeul kinda eof sais-de reqùre ÃŽtia, f f liai& J, &' mmti- 7u & t.Mý.i prl*Ch re* sini..-4 eaired, rul> thie ~eùi doi bgÏACd4cRubIlna pih 1 ïiid >pikéot- Add tire. amâa bu. IA'tk unti! tAe Salt is dls,.< iueger an1 ê>e ti inu wglobules et 0kil m*o t» b. .. 'Ph!. dreeàilng MaY made êk have, except fhat loniioyn Julce blaould 4e aubitituted for' the vinegar' and tii pâprikua shouiçl be 6inittedt ":hIÉ Frenci dresalng for -rut eeds a4ocvinqybe Vairled by the î~1i144~n e 'I#~en frtat juî'cegor ~éei pléet of ktt,-ri>r butter -tub- .tttttê héaie ~t *1egg, oue tes- a"'"'og s d al tirdcup lcaf wter anýd with tiis mx tho dry ingredlent& Then whllo Il coulas over boilliâ ýwterè 190wlY sdd 'ons4hrd M dg-af good vinégar, ànd al constmit)y, titi - It thiekon. This. dresng i,# goed for egiga, uneat, vegetales, etc. If Ïeialed an-clp koinl alcoolplace, 41 wiIik.t4p' --oxmr cream dresino-lix two or ore t'besp-onflsutgood v1jnegaa [iwith a èi1ifaal of- good £our creas, âad a tajblespoonfiii 61 sugar, a. te"spOon- r u-I es-h of ima-t-ïard u ..t suîd pep- per te iambe. '13h1a dressng jes- - eca ly ni-ce. for p.otatoos or cal>bage. 'Cottage cheese salad-To eue cup, et cott age cbeese use one-Ihird ecmD of ehOPWednubasand softeu---wih weet IcrOem MM -inlaVe itle ballansd, place on relluce lbavé's ounte .s.alad lates. Sprinkle over them a dagh of~ . pprflca. Or inst"eou the pa>>ika, 1fluely eut red sweet pew'ers, a"d May- onai ee ssing aud Put dresiug on' each ees beil. Chicku salad-O pcokdhkn sdntiwilS ebopped eelery lu tie [piroportion -ce£ about ,<oný-t.I-ird cclery 1te two-l-lirde ciken. Tien odd one- .ifouth the -whole <tuantity et chopped or--oen .ul-mrneats.' Mix with May- .onl'-ie dreïssing. Titis recipo may I)e 1used wiVh oth-er mts. Egg sald-Cu'bld 4xiled eggs in [balves and pk.e ou lettuce leçts Put a spoonfulofetesMayonnas or covked -dressingou eaCh and serve. ;Gariahwi-ti pic&led beetsecul in f aney iialpes. A Black Irshman. »Nethlug astontshes visitera te the West ladIes more lis-n 1h. speech of thé n-egaoea. Nahurallyiy taiàes Its ton. frein the langâigetfthe peuple, W-ho Uéed ho b. théir ruaÉtors. lu Cuba snd lu Poàrto lUco they-hpeak Spanisi, -ad ou Ibe liandg et Hait! sud Mar> Unqe, 'inch; "lu Ja"matl'easad la lathlà o nà- thenegro speaks - éyaccet, lInMonbser- whiel plantera peoplod luî 'lie sveutoeuth centry al etthé des- oeaMants of lhé fermer alaves have a NOt vr a"lugmgB aya Sir ir*d- edtek1Tréîe« fi tho Crash. o! - lb., Desp, a -Bril i àiiA ida'ed cer "In the milhihruoo 0 ble 11 fl a nsd anu' fn Iat ~ té~i 6ferie'Ïi4k ed a '- moty- 01 &y-~ùfy, hé caltd, ephwnt's thre chance 'for a live lad te get a Job1 'idaboroor"a <'ajhYe Hno,"Ssw ered thé negro. " if it's wurruk yer aittier, ye. cas foind Itinlu obe for the lookin'. An Ofi ho thlanu' yo sol to be canlin, me Cucey. Mulna-aiy's meonaine. Pathriék Mu1ca-sahy."# "Muica-ahyl Sain-te ln hîvven! D' Y« maneso tellu me yer, an Oirîabmnan ?" "4As good s w-sn asY-r3iif."1 "Wurra, wur-ra! An' bow longi1ve ye boas wurrukin' hère?» "Foîve y4èars, come St. Patbrick's Day."o "'e don 't 1.11 me! An' lu that toîzue ye'e ha-st! -s lack *' ' 'm - ! d M sew-I, if Qi staày lonig énougi to make me tortun. iad g ot ak te l e arry'm, nsient <'boh heu sh mtrn-nyayert'ô Ho Knew. Mr. and Mrs. 3Jeu.. 'had been - vlted te s trIéud'a for lea, ansdthe lié la &rled teu, l,*ep 1 he Coi along, da-è, d &Ml" a-dMrs. te 'i. s-a fyiU e -< *alm (ll Ko h sy ma.nce clai% laéfor tbe ladies toirije" Upo thq EFBUIOUho gaye way "Ha, ha, da7.I!",hre r10, . "Ikhibw- why ymlrâ wa3bngr' - POmspottuss ont- o AppIlîcaîïee .1 laiute. t>borab sad Chiîstopior brought'me' -dandelions, Kenhon brougit ni'. butlercupe witb sunamer ba their breath, Buh I>hlael broughtau anautumn lest,ý 11k-e lacy filgree, A wan teaft, a giiest Jes-t, beautîtai as des-h. --- Destlbin laal lovellnats, fragie au,« Whô but he -wouId choosGRt îrom- - ail lhe Ploewýing land, Who but he would >flad it whera iL hld, amongthe!-*flewera? beath "In s-il loY lness, lie laid IL lI My baud. Piratèm in 192 1. - -Are the. daywi ot Captais lt1dd over? Il«m seea st. Wlthin the last few~ ýmethe five tikips bs-ve myzterteusly( -Wied ho coMpi;ÃŽe theIr Journoys, ha"v. lutg apsr'enlly dlsa'ppeired off Capet liatteors, and th» explanatien le sug gesbod liaI irates are s-float In th., Titisms-y7 or ms-y notbe Inie, but there is turther evîdence ho supPOrýI the theory. The schooner Carrol Dlee-ing w-ont asbore, s - wreck, ni Ncrfolk, Virginla, w-lth net aS- ourfn :boar'd. There w-as bnig Vt>Inclcat.' -what had happenïed Le tbe crew, r w-bat hsd caumed the catastrophe. Bbortiy aller, a bottle- was found omtalnlng a maessage apps-ratly wrIt5 heu by'the master. H. raid that hé) a-nd hua crew had'been t&ken prisoone' ,amn remoYved tle suether vessel. The Idea that pirates are-afloat oni ,he Atlantlo sounde 11k. the fuiffinienhl ot s- bey'&-wildesl dreanis; but the- w-ar let loesoie quer spirits, and' the lheory la net an impessiule duei. Thé Teâther'a Task Hundreds of otherwisa weil ,inform. ed people have the idea that a teach. 'er's w-r k consista 'niertly ln meet icxg classes, asklng quest.1on.' and'assiZn- - iag tie next dqY's leSsOcus. Pew uo-1î. ize that ho be succassful a tea,.lier nmust spend lueus of .study lin prepar. lng the day's work, and th:it 'elienusýt often vwcrk until miciniglit correcting examînatio)n papers and doiag other out-of-sche-1duties. It la just -a srea- sons-bile o,-ugge-st tliat a minIster lie Ips-Id by the heur for ih.s Suaida-y morn- iag sermon as Le arguli thecai tea-her should b. pald only for te tinia& ha spands. in'the ciassîcoin. M-in Last Day on Earth. Blithely ho ýweat fortb sfsing13s- ho w-eut Il w-ss s warm sunmmer's day. and Le sang o eticw-ondesad Ltaetrees,. et the fields sud the air. sand te maCr'he&. And oft Petapl-buman bein'ga witl 1ilt sad bleod sad s-ilthinge goo-. The e'veiag w-or. on. Having siepi. thé greaher parI of the day, lie now s-roused hmiirelf'for -the pics-sant Lasir No Eye for Celer. '"A friend etf ine" ays a Drj-ih!er aOw- lu this coatry, '13 a cur.àte lin l a local suaburban ýaariah7 an Enziand. Soin, lilti-e lime ibs,-ci lia wen.t up t-) Oxford holtake hi. fast-r of'arru de- grea, sad t-he foilow-ng stinday 1appe-tr- ed lathe pulpit i e'n-nt in. lis îaew ins-àer of arts hood. A few nht', later lho w-sa ding Ia the bouse or n prrnIinéat pari9bloner said was aMazéd te iaar h-la hoate3s piteaantly remtik: "'Ma-. Biauk, -that ncw hefof aiyaurs doeun't suit-you ah s-Il. I caa't-inagiae1 why yen, w-ith your compleilfn, chose red- àt ail ecalera In the world. A - my'tlo -green cia' anold g old wozild' have suitat you much better sad wôùld las-vo been far -More effective.- You men nover know "Ii(>w te dreas- klr. GiÃŽsbag Joft4s stoot!eoa caîrap box s-t thé cerner efthle strcet. 4huxge crowd Urgot!- aroýund bina. ltuU i ' lis ueart a'hbuld 'hâve beelt 'glad 1 Hé trl1ed liard to e b.i-r.rd, but IL W"a ail au vIn. -' l¶'ry aûtmpt ho asade te speak ,,was 'auilé by sm ueibre the audience. 't'üt, ataivng bis tt lu great etager, li. bOl6*&1 a t tue tô6pof! ilà foui Speaèb0," ~id tl',O rowd agreed wlhh t'ënè-, re1iu~nfrhed"~' - c"' 1- th; -d

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