Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 8 Sep 1921, p. 4

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To becpened by Lord Byng of VAmy, Canada's new, Giovernor-General Color pf- the Orient Gaiety of 'a Mardi Gras Cornplete exposiion of Canada'.î rtý> ources, skil cf mm., weaitln(f im-aterhi. ceuWe. agin, r. J. 4. 0" Io in iew- d, evry-IMr. sud Mrs. ~eiyLawton, the. fot-1 Lh best" mer the eIdesV srnof 1Mr. Jno. Lêwtoil, wecspeut the week-ead wt 18PTB Hjarry 18 one of the many Kinsai, boys r, N.Y.. who has made,.gbod Iu the West. rjt4h 111 Irvine McBrien is going to MIl silos, i. He having secured fà iew.cutting box for i0 have the pupos 1 ere for Mns. james young, who has been Oîme' On vîsting:relative àI Bfalreturned vislted àu somewhs.t imp roved, but not as mue]' last. as her mxany frlends would cesire. a called (Too late for last issue.) 301 lafst -Mrs. Nattresý, sister of Mrs. B. W. R1edman, has bpen spending. a short 640VERHEFY- , rPa seant of Regal Magnificence ,' : izrq;vividy Canada's Origin, Growth ~i -11AecI+,vemelts. CoIcr--Synikl 1--At'ick-,H--undrec:s of Largest Colleeçtia of 'War 'ikt-ographs- Thrillers J fMainy K. ý'cvorkS C'l a larger scL'ptan -,v ~.. -Scoreï of Feî,tures cn!y to bc sce: at Toronto. Cancia,' Greacd Lice',Stock' and Farm Display--Machiriery a"Id Eqtuipmen1 of' lSnd(ess !.)r.ign for in'ceasing the Ejlccc of Jhe Earm ana' the Comfort of the Homîe. -r -es on AIl Lines Of Travel JOHN, i PIcToi F aLEG INCREASE -PRODIJEÃŽION01- GET BETTER CRop8 WITH LESS'LABOR INOCULATE THIE SOIL WJTH Nitr'- Bacter o acn A Liîquîd Culture ofàll Essential Soil Bacteria. These bacteria mfake available large qu4atitues of plant foqd from lwaste ,matter in the soiu and froin the air, producing rapid hoalthy growth in alL field and gardon crops, lawns, fiowvers, shrubs and fruit trees. TRY IT ON YOUR FAIL WIIEAT4. Next yoar you 11l t for al. crops.. H. A. Le Bar Farem-Implement Store Dundas St., Box 88, Whltby, Ont. Sturdy, joîts of FOT~RUCK WRM RIVEI jevopuxmum drivinpwe Truck rugged, reliable and able to withstand the- heavy loads on rough roads. Quick to start- and stop and capable of being manoeuvred into any position. Economical in initial cost, in tere n ngg consumption.,pisadi a Your Ford dealer will advise you as to the best -type of body to suit your needs. Fordi Motor Company of Canada, Limiteci - Ford, Ontario 'i j1-g~ "»in t9Iiu wwrarer 140 e tiuay Uer- i viewith earnestnýess and xnspiratij wme o 0asertain wh'ether the ZiUa .~was -greatiy appreciated by tikoe Harvest Hom~e Annmverery would le who beard hlm. Thle service was 11.14 Iheld.. After soen enderatlon, it in the auditorium, of the 'church>,- was decided to hold the services on wbich Dmakes it mýucli more enjoyable. 1 the. 2nd and Srd of Octoberi and Every one, who attends the Sabbath mak it i posibemore succesaful' Services- and brigs a friend, dots than any «time lieretofore. Due notice mueli o te courage the. pastor. i wiil b. given and a good timne 'y beJwsynag. a C. 0. fawto , hs ad several acres A prett wedding took place a the ploiied with the, tractor. Irvine Me- 8fls Asliburn, ai 1o'clockonSt Brien, di -the work., Hoeiiade'an, Al;. 1.iiL, e mber s, wlien Geor mia, job. McDonaId, eldest daugliter of1.Rev. Ralpli Mowbray,. jr., spent 'over 'ajd M.. MeD. Hlaig, became the, Suxtdayiu Toronto. biridec of Mr Arthur Jowsey, son ofj Miss Laura- McNeil le living with! Mrs., A. M. Jowsey, of Aylmer,ý Que. Màr. C. J. Stevenson and lielping lier U h ceremony was, conducted by Rev.. with liar houseliold duties. i Mr Haig, father of the bride> assist- Some of the farmers are ýeaige by her uxicle, Rev.. J. J. EliÃŽott. for all.heaÃŽ Som pearingdy The bride, who was given away by for au weat Som hae afead her father, wore a gown--of white silk sowrn. There will hé a large«acreage of wlieat sown, as it was t ho most! crepe, with -embroidcred tulle veîl and, orange blossoms, and, carried Ophelia I profitable crop the form-producýdthis roes Te gro'nî's gîft te the -bride; season, ana lias *been a good payng rospendntfperlhad qu crop now for'somne years.. I aie.Tewdigmr iwas Pubicseholwil. e-penont1 played by Mrs. Harold Kearns, andi 6th of September, we understand.,<uring the signing of the register Miss Whitehead will ho -the teaclier MisJa ai ag ftrabfe for another year, having ..-ent four' îuMi en Mraigang . Joseylef years with us, and given general sat- lufo a Mr.tnpdthe S. Lawe e t isfactojn, so we do not Worry ao b frdetraving ine S. a brwncbrthe this year's results. i dtesutrel edng itf r bever wit Arche Mayne likes wonlung in j suit fetier hat to mach. Later Greenwood, but cornes eastward, liav-, tim ll esder atth.Ossintor ing 'a warm spot in fris heart for lus tA v l enueToroto. 7 ssntn native village, Kinsale.AvueTrno ',Miss Or-vis, of Toronto, lias heen 1 _Visiting lier-aunt, Mrs. Wm. Bell. - WHEN WILL WHITBY WRÃŽOOP?, -Mark Brigitallis anticipating iU- To Editor of tuieauLzette UÃŽronice- stalling the Hydro to drive the mach-i A number of the men at work on Uic inery in lus sliop. i j nz£ f our twç main treetshave MYRTLE. Miss V Mars]', of Toronto, is visiting friends here. The rain during the calier part of the week was mue]' needeil for the root crops.- Silo filling bas again started to hum. Freparations are being made for the* annual Raly. !Day services te be helçi ln th.e Sunday Scluool the latter part of tho mo nt].'.- .Miss H. Adams bas returneil froni spending a pleasanit vacation with Pet- erboro and Orono f riends. ASHIBURN Misses Nona aud Murmel Ellis, of Orangeville, visited with Mrs. Henry Doble last week. The young people gave a shower te Miss Ena Haig, on Wednesday, Aug- ust 3lst, at the home of Mn. and Mra. George West. The lieuse and lw were heautifully lit up witli lhe liglils Mir. -West bas recently installed in hi! home. 'A lange circle ef friends were present, and numenous games gave muci mit aud excitement toi te, yeung people. tMiss Haig received many pretty aud useful gifîs. Lunch was served on lie lawn before the evening's enjoyment was over. Messrs-- John Sharp and Frank Fisher took a loaà of apples te the city on Wednesday, and liad good suc- cess in disposing of tliem. Mir. Robert Minty, of Toronto, isi spending hia vacation with his aunt, Mrs. Edward Ficher. Scliool lias commenced ana we wiali WMITBYGOI spoken to me about havlng thé- celebra-1 tion of the event of 'Whltby'ý. en1ýer- Prise in havlng more tiian a mile of r Iis pavement iunprovement of its lead- ing thorouglufares, take place while tliey'are wit]' us and able, as tliey are anxious, te participate. This town Is in a' differcnt position -than Bowrnan- ville lu this tegard., Our n eiglibor to the east did only King Street, wvhile Whitby je doing two streets. The fin- lshiîng of Dundas street on the central iblooks of the town miakes it pcrfectly -practlcable te cclebratte now while these two hundred mca are here. The pro- L-ceeds from the celebration which ni B1owrnianvllle aggregated upwards of fiftccn hundred dollars, wouId se nîucb the more be augrnented by their pres- ence on sucli an auspicieus occasion: TýRACTOR. '$770.004f.'o. b. Whitby, ýOnt. - e»EBELIEVEin the Fordson. We NN believe in it:s.efficencéy both as a. tractor, for plowig and- discîng and as a power plant for threshing,.filling- silosi, turning the. grirnder,, pumping water and for every,. purpose on- the farm 'that requires power.. We instruct you how to get ýthe Most- out of it-how, to_ operate- it, properly sô as to avoid trouble-how to make A Iminor repairs and, adjustmients. When you do -require repair -ser'vice we are on hand with a complete atpck of parts and with expert mechanicas. The manufacturers, of the Foôrdson make it durable and dependable. W. :keep iît .0. The Jévra -Garage. THOS. L. ROWE, Proppietoi, Ford Dealers, Wvh itby, Ont Another urgent reason for early action* ie that the evîdence of satisfaction wi tiiIl the work of the Warren Paving Cota- pany's performance wbich sueli a cele- --- ~ ---- bration now would afford should help mnand-simply dot erred consideration the county council as suggested by Mn. practices whîch prevail in other pro- te secure the furtber benetit of bavin- until a date in the distant future te be Jcwett, and we doubt net they are a gressIve counties and form a part of theni continue and complete for the, fixed by the interest carning power U ffair samiple of. the intelligence and their public ife, are unknowvn te On- l{lghways Departivnt the mile or more 'a suppoed capital sum which does net t inianhiood of tibs county, but the iu- tarie County Council. of Éurfacing that is now ready te be exist. In bis lettet Mr. Jewctt recitées fluence of a few days' sojouru ln the donc froin Garden shrt cast te Ham. f alil the reaseus why this structure la rusty, barc-floored, chccrless chamiber, .. er's Corners and from Elizabeth street indispeusible NOW net five years hence which doos duîy as a council rûoin,, wcs toth cuvet fîlled in Just east t n hie asksta etu fsV-_with its dark and gloomy surround- - deeided on as the objeet te which the_ order te cave the country the cost et ban- ng from. every cobweb, Is enougl i Sca t nîne ha mybenade through a immediate construction be lis sirnply to10-rob - auynian qf orIginality of » r on UJO proper erganization ot the celebration, îusuîîîng the people et Beaverton wbo thougb-t or action. Jlence i t te thal. it is intercsting to know that a citizen, are generous annual contributors 10 the *Wehvonad who already bas proven the profits to iconr funds but worclen i ehv nhn be made through eutertainiug tourlng 1 rect returus save the occasional re-cov- automobililsts, acting on the proposaijlnge u u-tdaebig. M.Peaî u te develop a comnimunity camp fo Jwet s th baby menuber etfflic Now Is a Oood Time For StOve Egg Whitby by acqulring the Warren prop- County Council Ibis belng bis first erty for that and other civlc purposes, flight imb municipal, pelities andu h *Àlfte f - Soft and Sm thing Goal is completlig -arrangements for the. ha apparently given the mialtera InII1.UUIUI UUUUUULU 116 I provision of such facilities. Whilst brouglit te bis attention througli these Sole Agents 0. L., 1 W. gSeraiton Coal. the latter location is tbree-cluartcrs of columus some attention. If wroug îun- a mie rrnoed rom he usiesspressions are being given by this jour- Best Work Guaranteeci. WolsesuRti. centre and could hardly be expected te 'nal ofthte council and. ils work as is brlng mucli returu to our commercial camdh r eet t~uth . G et Our Estiniates. ~~Of community, the Warren property lis scribed te the secrecy witt]'wh1ci ils f i lIll ~f ideally . conditloned in Ibis respect. work la doue fer absolutely no effort is JAMES BIROOKS, IJ5Uson,1 UJl Hlowever, Ibis experience will likely be made te enligliten the people csave by * ANRanPPEINGR -hne 0 another such as the proverbial sbo. tie very meagre reports given at thie, ANUadPP hle7 maker's f amily net liaving foot-wear iUn icpl mntonmeigAn FRYS.(..Box 121> WHITBYro iW U B t]'a evrybdy lse ut he own 'wloften even they are absent.- No, we * Telephone No. 304K reap a ricli reward from giving Ber-viCe'bave no grudge against members of' te the thousands ot tourists with plt]'-____________________________________ orlypockets, passing tlirough Whilby as an incident of the fluis]'iug withlu a year qf the Kingston Road let'e u nedyafternoon, (haff-lioliday), Sept- T AIT L T BEYour Seed Gkrain embxer 21st, (îwo weeks-hlence) be'a goed date for the celebration? I~~T banmxmmyed o edt O et F. HWARDANNE. _ed Seed Grain. Te> purchase good seed you AUCTION SALE 0F FARMI IN THE TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY.j Under instruction from the Admin- istraters of the estate of Rohert Ed- garHall, deceased, there will ho, of- fered for sale at public: auctiôn hy William Maw, 'auctioneer, at lthe WHITBY HOUSE, in the TOWN OF' WHITBY, the 22nd eay of Septem- -ber, 1921, at 2 o'elock p.m, the nontli 75 atres more or less of the soulli 150 acres of lot 35 lu lie 2nd concession of tlie Township of Whitby, situate about three miles from thme Town of Whithy. 1- On the promises are a rougli cast dwelling lieuse, frame barn, driviMg[ shed and liorse stable, 5 acres of bear- iug orchard, running stiream. Termas-lO per cent. of the purcliase price aI time of sale; further terms 'and conditions to ho anuouiiced on day of sale.- For funthler particulars apply to Wm. J. Hall, P. T.- Rowe, .Ios, fH. Ashbyt Administrators, R. R. No. 1, Whltby. WM. MAW, Auctioneer, Whitby, Ont. A.E.-Christlan, Solicitor, Wlhitby, Ont. CANADIAN PACIFIC. .Alterations ln Train Service. The "Trans-Canada Limited" leavinrg Toronto 9.00 -p.rn. daily, will b. .wlth- drawn, making lust trip Septernber 10, Train No. 641. fromn Toronto for GuelPh Jet. wll isave 5.40 p.m. instead of 4.40 p.M ansid train No. 642 trom Guelphi Jet, for Toronto w11l leave 6.40 a.mn., lnslead of 5.40 a.m., effective Sept- ember 16t11. ROT SHOT FOR COUNTY' COTJNCIL. From Beaverton Express- At last a ra le heard among the dry bones erthte Onlarlo County Coun- ciliWhen our regders are- treated te a f unil colU=n tiis journal o! explana- liÃ"nse ofils poîîcy f rom tue peu O! Reeve Jewet, -of çazini.ngton. We rhave ne doubt this letter liV- been- read-*ih interest for 'il la thi fe Êt ime thé *council <and we doubt not tue effusion Wàs Inspir&i) heà deenied If desirtble -te take tue puùbjjc, ntôo Ils conidenice aud'for tuls we <>n4ght te feel semewhat grateful. P"'em -Mr. Jewett's lelter it would seem that in the. malter of Bea- verton' badly needed -bridge tue OOUn. cil did 1mbt actuqUy turm down tue de., G. T. IL WUTBY JUNtCTION. Coing_ West-4. 52 amx., 0'.49 a.ni. (C.N.R.), 7.85 a.m., 10.20 a.ni., 2.241 p.m., 7.39 p.m. (C.N.R.), 8.45 p.m. Gomng Emt-8.10 axt., 10.14 a.m., 12.5 P.M. (.N.U1), 2.42 p.mr 6.19 p. Mn,0 . , '9.30 p.ni Sunday trains wfll leave for Toron- te st 4.52. am. snd 8.45 p.m. frôm Torontoý-tmins stop at Whitby Junc- tion at 1014 a.m, and 9.30 p.m IJP-TOWN STATION. Going North--8.81 m. 8.40 'P.m=" 6.1.00 p-.= 5.15. p:M C. P. R. Coing Wegat-6.17 arn., 8.50.m., 5.10 p.m., 7.26 pXL.m,. :Going Eas"-.64 a.m., 1.22 p.m., *8.33 p.m. 11.54 p.m * Do not rcé 8uaday. Othoema M daily. m AilSCLOS& ForW eut-At 7 *a. m 1.0p.m. -For Eat-1.80a.m., SM 8pâ. For Port Wtby-7.80 am, 7.4 F« r Oàawa-1.48 p.m. mA" IDSTIUTE». Fr.. Ouaw-a. - - Prom-NUutL--1.50 pm The People's Choice For Over 70 Years for digestive disorders has been BeecharWsPils.YoiuchvecoI- lldencelnthisremeèdy for bilios- ness. headaches,'flatulenc-yCOl sipation. Sluggish, organsý-are simulated and'theéwholes>ystemu' bnefitted'by In bxe..SoId every. In bxes 'v Whitby Bran Brooklin Bra may reqwire finaircial, assistance ExÙending aiccommodation for such purposes is an important phase of Standard Service. Ceassit our local Manager THE STANDARD BANK. k j TOTAL ASSETS OVýER NINBTY MILLIONS ach: C. A. McCleflan, .Manago. înch: H. H. Loosemore, Manage. * * . CL P. LYDMbimmew X Hume JIRMaun. le 0 ILC OR0BI.'manf. WHITBY BRANIt OS14AWA BRANOM BROOII*IBRANCIt Il ]Burying a daent .of Sl R «r1icsd&n to bum ofej woethyàct; butt da tu n bl ha.Put It out aisidt ITHE CA~ IS, of Rocheste servie lere w I J. Stevenson br Frances, wl .e1. relatives b st, returned -hi th. of Hamilton, r's on Sunday li rW. Chapmai C. J. Stevens in National Exhiýiti5Toronto ÂUG. 27 -- Inclusive - SEP'f. 10 A BnigService at -yo.Ur Farm Gate Banking by mail is a great convenience to tii. fariner. He has no turne ln hi8 busy season to be driving to, tovu -te deposit chequesor pay hi& bills. But, having a bank accotait with us, lie-ceux do ail this by malt Consuit the Manager, ' THE DOMINION BANK I FORD DIEALERS, j Tlose Le -Rowe, Prop. 1 ý 1

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