Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Sep 1921, p. 4

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*n-alr'rink viiere bIldren may .ree skating la being plaun-ed the Wbitby Amateur Athletic don. Details have net yet been out, but a committee ie hand- 3 ma.tter, sund withln the neit ,kssteps are'expe&ted to be tak- wlll be ot interest t? the citi- Wiiitby,,aid eepccially te the The votera' lBst for Wýhitby Town 1er the year 1921, 110w Iu the printer's handa, wyUl prebably occupy halt as many more pages as lust yearls ist, being conaldcrably augmented by the addition of the namnes et vôman voters. The listi however, dees not Include the naines of thune entltled te vote at elec- tiOns te the Le gisfative Âssembly eni>', this part, uaually knowu as Part IIet the. :ist, bclng omltted, sccordlng tu statute. NET.COSSNSprose tact, but next week thé citla.aas, by ca- finn ýwitk<>ut gving local zerchautg -an operatizig:to muke the e oebatîou a opportunity to qiflte pices. anid tie suee, will give one more testlzny saine critic charges that lthe tacta Ver. progrsi~ee where the citiens co tio;' sud turther that a letter frein a j O i n o n c n n ro n d i n p r o i o t n t lo c a l b u si ne s s m a p e o n t h e au b Jict' a s the comity veltar., The existence refused publication lun tiese coIixnns eof cliques Jand facti ons, so ebjectionable last week. lu evcry instance the sVatQ- inu some 1owue, le noticeabiy absent meute are, abeelutely ceutraay to, the hiere. Thts is as if ehould be. truth, and the enly resn re-fereue la * * * *made -te the mIatter here -l1 that any may kuow the truUi. Iu the firet Place, prices * ere aefled f rein local. mer- chants, Uiree et thein eubmittiug ten~d- ers te Uie Town Property Cexiuntt<> The coats were ordered through R. W. Talliug, and the decisien et the Counicil iu that regard was published lu these columus the saine week. As .for the letter.supposed te bave been hà;nded in fer publication lu the Gazette and Chronicle, no0 luch letter ever reached the hands et the editor or came under our notice. Armehair critics et the type above meutioned are usually so ill-in!ormed as te be negligible qua.nti- ties iu any useful actIity in the lite ef a cemmunity. It lu well te have ful Possessionet facts before opeuly criti- clzlng gny individual or body ef men. Ne anneuncemeut hau yet been made by Pickering Tewnship, Council as -ta the grant, if any, that le te be made tote W.hltbY Hespital !und. Two Imenthe , aýo a deputation waited ou the Çeuncil elppealing fer a grant, and were proiniiseit that lu about t en days troin that time a meeting weuld be held at whlch thc' matter would be decided, sud the ýWhitby Hospital Com.mittVee advlsed aý once. Apparently nu action bas been , taken as yet. * * * *Semeone wbo evldently has more de- sire fo Accuse the Town Çeuncll ef Next Thurs4ay will be Whitby's op. wrong doltng than to ascertain the trutli Dortnit to emestrae t outidesof the tacts, bas been clrculating the re- fl tah ti. n it y spiit alve id Port thatthe Town Property Com m it- ~cu!lhin iere Mnyevents have tee recently erdered rubber coat for ~ft meetin o en!oard o he Wit- AMERICAN SOLDIER INTERRED Pesbyteî oe nisMison ySo: RE LA"ST S4.rUpDY ciety vas héld on Tuesday aset lu the Preebyterian ýChurch, Oshawa.A The remains. et John Grifin, s0o1 o! large nuxuber of- the- inembers of the uim tm 4..., G r ! u 1 the- late James aud lirs. Grin, wbo Board were preseut, representing ai- WVE EL JJ U.NEU L VU **lived In Wbitby anumber of years ago, Most ail of the Auxiliaries through- CECI L He WALSH# Proprietor l1 i RC de~ u~hebtc~ ssIn vas a member et the 54th United States Were hcld- at which plans were made Marines, vho served lu France during for the ~rryfng eut of the Forward This. weelc we have reoeived a carload of Qats, lait the war, sud vas k.llled on the day be- Mevezueut, Poiicy of eniisting ail the se sn a ropgrad No.2, Q Ws.fore the Armistice vau signed. The vwomen,, girls and children in member- se~a n's cro , g ade No.2, . W . -- IUnited States Goverumeut ls bearlug ship lu the niissonary societies. To These are a high -grade oat and are quite r. rmthe, expense et' brluglng back Ireio hs nmt a eclddt eomu dlrt or weed -Seeds. France Uie bodies ef all American sold- that ecd Auxiliary, as far as possible Feed.- re avaning n .pric thse ae god ers kllled during the war, aud the rel- bave a mnembership campaign early Âs F edure a v ucuin ri e t es re g o atives ef Griffun requested that th c cas- this autumn, te b. foio ed by a large buyng.ket coutainlng bis reiains be sent te rally. RoIled Oas, Chope, Mill, Feed, O hicic Feedsanad Whitby 'for mtrmeut lu the cemetery .lI view of the great opportunities Bald Ia kptinstck where bis parents were laid te ret lun al Our mission filidesud-thc necd many years ago. of aldee ueeto h ato i lu Flour w.h6 remo h West, Purity sud The casket, vhich vas *sealed, vas et vemen at home, it wae feit that such Mouroh Mave1Pastr~y Flour, 24 lbï. for $1.19. lead, eucased selidîy In~ a heavy wood a camnpalgu would be most thncly. LawnGras 8ed,20cperlb. hopiugdon daly. box, the wheie boing se heavy that the LawnGraes eed 20cperlb.Chopingdon daly. regular motor hearse ceuld not be used, TAKES -OVER LUMBER MILL. a moter truck beiug required lustead to r.FL.Beofbapucse _________________________________________couvey it te the cemetery. M.F .Berf a ucae The body arrived at Nicholson &eSe1 thc Plant of the Wh$itby Lumber and don' unertkin parorson rid Plaming Miii, fermeriy owned by R. dens uderakig arlrs n Friay G. Oke and Jater by the Whitby Brick -vening, sud ou Saturday atterneen the adCa rdcsC.Arne funeral- was hcld. Two brethers frem dCayPdcts e. Arn- Torntower peset, s wilas nun-ments have practicaily been complet- Toronte vere presert, as veil assaumum ber of£ Wbitby trieuds et the family. A cd wo o herey r.Becof asue _ _ _ _ c o ntr ol o ! th e b u s n e ss. F u r t ie r a n - - 5. bauifl me ifag, e ag inouncement wiîîîIkely be nmade next £ ~ ~mensions, accompanied the body, wbicb ek WLcAwIIN6UUL AJotK FNfWTIRffc was brouglit bere in charge of a United SttsArmy ofîlcer. - - _ _ DEATH 0F MRS. KEMPTIIORNE. -Mr. Jack Cellins, of Kitchener, is vis- - . rs.Marare Kemthoneeueet ting Mis uncle, Mr. A. Bandel. Mr. araetKoptone oe f Mr. Harry Bryan fNwYri the eider residents of this district, pass wthbi at , ofNew B yan. i cd away at bier berne at Almonds last Ms ac aitnadcude Now la the time to get those tread cuts vulcanizd and your mSany mnths. Mrs. Kempthrne, who Mr.W H.KndyViedlr Friay, tera esethéding evor arsitW.nH.lier ses a t e ella tires put in good shape, before the wet 1and rough roads are ws thewio etih late Charles daugliter in ]3racebridg& las t week. here. 'Dou't wait unti th e water bas rotted ail the fabric lu Kempthorne, was In the West about a Mrs. b3rowneli, of Winnipeg, is visit- the tire, Bring thern in now. Satisfaction guaranteed. year-and a hlai age, visiting ber son, ing bier parents, Mr., and Mrs. T. Des- and both she and bier daugliter, MaýY$,Od coutraeted influenza. The-disease prov- -isMri aitn fTrno VoitRES LTS v" f-I IJL -. ed fatal' te ber daugbter, and Mrs. -spt t e e Hndmitonber Tarentoa .ES L e u HOU LP Kempthorne herseif neyer fully- recov- 'Myil PI D R J Ii~~ ered frein itd cfecte. 'Wben, she bad Mrs. Frank, Horion, of Hensall, Ont., SURPRIs~ LC~Usufflcieutly recovered te travel, she re- w-as a visiter with Mr. and Mrs. W. .. U IZM I N CT. turued te ber home at, Ahnonds, but it Rice last week. r ~~~was at that time realized that ber days Mr. and Mrs. Jack SInîi tOhwa were numbered. Her bealth bas m£teaofd- aw iiyfaied unil heendcam îsteFn- are holidaying with bhis Parents, Mr' ily aild, nti th en cae lst ri-and Mrs. Jas. Sithi. day.Mr. Anibrose Desmond left for De- da.lrs. Kempthorne was boru in Corn- trou Ou Monday atter spending the wall, England, 73 years ago. Atesumrwtibspensee.i1 their marriage she and bier busband Mrs. R. So;nley, of Kitscoty, Sask., came te Canada, settling at Alrnonds, wsleels ekatnigtefn - w ere they cntinued te reside the re- eai ofher fasthere atedWgt he Pu n'eq~ M, Tmainder et their lives. eAl fle her thonl at Witb rvler1 l'meI~ soie, S. T. Kemptborne, et Saskatoon, goin ton Whitby, Mrs. O'Donovan lias T-0 - gon toOrillia for a two weeks' visit FÂMS P MF T u P F Sask., and Miss Edjii, at borne, who with Rev. and Mrs. MeLean. L liTa%'a, F ý *Jf as cared devotedly for lier mother dur- r.ntMrJaeStesuch<i . ~ mu.. u m u 5.U Uau M u îug ber illuesf.ren a d lrs. Stapleton, o t Newcastle, I Mrs.Kemtbore ws a oma etvisited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hamil. -------ton ai "'Mayfild" on Sunday. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) PORT WHITBY. 8Sunca,1 September 25, 1921. 8a.m., HOIy Communion. ila.m., Chiidren's service aud ser- mon."HyBats. 3 pan., Sunday School.. Young! Ladies' Bible Class ini the Churcli. 7 pan., "Guidance for Youth."1 Announ em entTuesday, September 27, 8 p.hl.- J E i n t e S o u t h W a r d ij e n vited te jein, and heip premote a Field Day Of sports, etc., fer Whitby on iL î,8_,October 15. T. O. OEVEIELL, Vice-Pros. R. I. OIE, Olrootor IARVEST HOME SERVICES AT -ST. JOHNS. -The annuai Harvest "'Homeofo!st. ohji e Churcl, Port Whitby, took place 01n Suiday lst, ad was. ee of tic nflot Successtnj -sd enjoyable ever held by thae churoix. -The' interior oft the churcb as hândsomnely deForated1 ,Wlth fruts, flowers, yegetables, grain, etC1r and prescted a. very pleasing and .a t ac i e appearauce. Rev. E,.P. Wright, of 'St. John,NB. a forMer college mgte1 at Wycliffe - -f Re. J. a~ Pogin, the rector, preachd at -both services, strog, epul ser- mns.O- The choir e! the churcb reder- ed special authems. At the conclusion, Of thc eVeAnig service Holy Communion WS.S adflinstered, by-Rev. Mr. Pogson, assisted by Re. r. Wright. The COllttions taken during thc day Were verY substahtial, and wlll be de- Voted te the general maintenance f und et the cburcii. WHITjRY PRESBYTERIAL at our ottice on Brock St. and a mntnvr i tospel Series ceTudulub- Tues4;ay, 8 PIiL- edtca u ThraisudayRe-ent'e" i'lursay,8 =Pa.-Prayer Service. You are cerdialiy luvlted. BAPTIST CRURCIL- tea.ui.--Snday Scbool Rally in »Church. Specia? program by the I meri of tice chool. 7 pa.-.ReV. B. W. Ajrmstrong Wl preachiMs farewcîî sermon. 'i EverYexie welcorn. ST.ANREWPS PRESBYTERIAN Pso CIIURCE. Saster, llev. Turklngton. SudyServices-' l mspeciaf pa yDa Srvice Ail Suuday ScloIee eholars, teaecî-.rs aud officrs, are asked te mneet at 1.45 a.m.minthe echol romasd unitewith the coni- gre ati<>n lu the curcj at il o'clock. Spdells sging by the school, and an Ing woship"gLOYaItY.J"',.7 -p.., evexn- er -sericetus eek) pray- Sullday, Octeber 2nd, 1Commnunion service. a Micrornifg w lulus iyQOU' R.-$onng oNwlyPaod Stroots., A Real Live Time from2 o'clock in the Afternoon titi 2O&lock Next Day. Calillurnupi. Parais8 under the management ýof the W.A.A.A.., leaves Town Park at 2 o'clock shar headdb 4Sth NIULANDEE'sIAN of TORONO , Best- Dec orated Car-lIst $ 10.00, 2nd $.0. Best.Decorated Bicycle-Ist $5,,00,'2nd $3,90,ï.- Bes Cstume in Parade-lst$5.00,,2nd $.0 Best Decorated Float (team or truck) lst $5,2nd $3, ID 2.30 oco k(at Four Corners)- Addresses will be deljvered hy - Hon. F. C. Biggs, Minister of Provincial llighwa3 Mir. W. A. McLean, Deputy Mlinister of Prov. llighwa Hon. Wm. Smith, MP. W. E. N. Sinclair, M.P. Col. iVlacKendrick, Presidlent Warreni Pavino, Co., rforon Wilrnnff Il T ~ - -' - ~**~J-*~J~Jt EiA May raéb . E.e How v ce-rresc1eint Warren Paving Compai Jae,C.EoTono ., nctot;ners. to. D'Y. Lots of Musie by theýI 48th Highlander'5 Band. 4.30 to 6 o'dock C ONC flRT by. thé W.AÂ0Â. M INSTRELS, ContinuatiOD Of Coincert and Community Siniginlg led y te 4th ighlander's Band and W.A.A.A isrl bFEICIAL ORCH'ESTRA FOR, DANCING A li-éR' IJANUESO ROUND D. Every Old Kind of Dance, riveryDody Co]rne. nv erythnng Ftree. Eight o'clock closiugi ihrw o h a. 9 18 wI'aDrayl rtedy STORES AND RESTAUR NS-LfOE. c Ever bANCES. r 25bl ni M.1 I.Vhi*hgTo.- time. A.LAUILJJLt' ULLI îor a gQ ct tirn7 -m- D ~ Ihe~ ~~Y DaeTurdy OpteimbP 29mTho Date G OD, SAVE THE KING' ERNEST .HARPER, Mayor,'- Corneon anmkf=i car will be at your -dispo salt aytme WibyBncip dOyPrduct o Liýniteéd eqBin in a held. deceased, ( 'Iniine;l d-,4 à , nd q ,Reéve Vil %M aLàLAplkv4.FJL ýANCES, No, Cha*rg'e. -No. Tag Dav.' ÇO]Iàe Oli' ai) A h AI il -il a

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