Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Sep 1921, p. 7

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Dr. Middletou will be g1a; Iatôî Toronto. ý-dath amoetns in y.a.rs a"o w..typhoi4'>ý«etM.ÇIM medicui atudenta4duii-a exprieflCe êaft O< sat M wo oprivy st thittMi8ïe, wdealways fiJld in thé spring am md flUes my get cottamin&t4ed and faloin-othswîth typhod p»Aient. T- theftnd't i r wy to, foo&T( day ttfeela 0113Oesor two j»iýf mbnm* m» m*o typh.oid in the Toronto Gene - ">=-id tal, and on en4pirig it wUêi"'*z . wip*-O -that'thert- are offly s few tidPa>- àhOwng any éctive sym>ptoms ôèé di&.. b tients a4t any tinte of thle y eaieeept orn ar - a irtàe"r &4, f!in 'caze s are the . resuit of negleet of tIi mzit tte -dtseae te ether. usuatly by - vcry precautu>fl8 that have pMCetÎWsly a£ uafàî i#n,*f drix*Jff ,ter, or wvipç-,l epfidemié typh'0id off thei niap, by direct ~etat In the -gie'JorctY 04Cf sesOf Therè .nay .be sieknss in the fam- typhr, id fever, the dimase le trans- ily, Efinseue aigfe'ver aud, neg- mittel by. water. This ta' -thie 0011- lecting te ai S o t aa mon aveniie,,of ânfection, ud if we proper diÀglkosa iDe aud teb&ve *tieflie.s juto ecameideratien tee, thethtae p«tieîpt rmové&dte iospit'éL ýThe wh :L problem'of typ'hoid ranWnissioni perLosu *l cWing as 1.nurpe e y getcSn-, *wil l cre t*al oved AS far as the tairnin&Wt.d>y sCtue.y touchiug the pa- genergd ývb1ic are concerned.. tient or MV4e bedclothes, sud ýthen cern_-ý it. is vý,ry important te notice thaît ingin eoiýtact with food. No. one who s an inreaee in the prsvalenei bas any- Igyrptom& of eo=mn.xable, ctyhi r nec fever during the disease oe who- is nuraing a patient1 si iurer and falt of each ye'ar. Thtis-1 with comImunicable <lsease should1 - -, i. jofitcn spoken of es "vises- have any iifg te <lie wift'h e prepara-1 n t1h d cd at least twè.nty-five tion cor tooking of food. Aga-in, a r ft tf hceecise-s eceur amiong e&dld ma[ bis takcen heine front an i, pewha ar-ýeîcther on their vaca- ivolatien horpital, aeSter ha.virig had1 ur i'l'auve ju:-t retur-ned. This is scarlet fe4vr. Its nose and btroat may piruicu:3arIy true where the 1ihc1d&ays be clean tat the turne of- eaving te1 hKve just b ' en spent in the mouxibaine hospitai, but, a day or -two Inter, nosei or îit ialake resort wJikem'nofl-t pOis"or t'a dssrgo =isY . ropper., fnitary prerautions are taken. The These71dis-c=ar gomoeyey4fs~i>a watecr atii-1 milk suppiy are the chef andi yet mtiteres senethunes negect to scur cees cf lafer-ticu at summnerreorts, iselate te cWl1d, apd otherm'u inte htfolecontamiin'stedby flies or bY fanAily oý ;paghIboring Iamilïes oSn fniig, raw vegetabýea wash-ed- in tract theldiseaae. nete-J water .or tak*n from 4*14s -Anv#$iqr periov u alaytyphS fet~oIwith night-aoil, oy#ters an-d fever, - ~. beak out on -aSeount of * v.r: j t'm cfs'e!--fshfrein sew- pesonàl~I ceaxine, s Th luse b in *age poIluted waters, and bathin.g in. the medir in throug~h which the germn' inf c -ted stresms, aI-ce. cause typhoiil f typ.hu e transmit-ted. Pe-s-on:il s lfttî.The drinking eater supply well as -genemal elea-ninee-s i-i there-ý is <-ý(ftet1 contanainateld by the privy 'fore con4uigive te geed heslttb.. cotitcnt:; Icakin-g tiwouzh poroits a-jMoEquîto ueta ahoaeul,-i.pfovèelin- ,or thrcu.gh cracks and &-sures. For the m-is4uito season, net ony 1'.1a is ieasoxt the gr-eteet cer- shQqld protoct i nfotthes tti ng .peots, be taken to kee' -hcit priyy or latrins1 but on- acceunt of them ssemetimes asfur as possibl ro tlie we- rt-nîmitýing the go-rm-3.of nixlaria. purnp wlhere the drtiukian, wuter i3 Ob- I When infecticus disra.se de3, reak t~ e.If there i-s tie slighte3st sue- out ina houee the residents sornetîme.3 piintha-t infetcn -,rnay get i-noi ob;eCt t having -tie houze plucarded, 1,1 tht wtei, th2 water zhouid be boed! althoug1 by this ineans-t.hers- trio i.ay a- rtVrci îfor uïse. takle th disease are deterre-i fra Sce an increase in the nuaiber of. entering, Siiarl-y't-hee are maany o f tyÈ[hoid ecceur in the suminmer _peope who objert te be quarantined, unifali t is lu- prirn- thet pre-ventive -cu' -accunt of person-al inc-onve.nience, n s 'i .îou-Xteo aken. The rure-st lthcugh by having been iu co-nta-ct n ;.1J cl protezting the lidividu3l wit-h a person suffering f roîn infee- aga a- avcr{lr2>l-le infe7tic,- with ty-'tiou,3,d#,ease they exe i-hable t-e pread 1 d ,ýrer ia byir:uLtc with ty- it cvcr the xvhoie eonniunily. - * phi-d v':vÂnE. This is attezxdei withi h is 'not thro-ug'h iii -motives that ~Cr M tie inconvenience and cn-1 people negýc-ct, to use these lealtit pkvis-es the ijecto. nder the skia c ofegu Id. hlesinîply that t-bey do iiecd Ime ter la-0 n 4WQ - osa w&e. -' not know,,mo«,el-tlp-reRt.fl- or tcn days api(rt. The dang,-ers cf-or mutlientcf dîseases. *utcfh ino.o-ffltion le przo.-tiea11yy uit sud 0f coZtrse there -are rnîny wayse tt yet te slnd.dre:ults ohttained bygeme re -trcutsmnîtted, 'vwhich caunot -t-bis simple pic'dr, are in ev'ridence be prev'ntea3 hy indvul. Pw of whereyr i 'ias eentried s partion-. thoe wam-ys are by intfecteci wat.r sud larly se -in the arniy where. ev'ryb-cd-y inf ecte- f-ccd. ha Ont-a-ie -the Pr-e le lquIes o le v-~cnat-d.vhici-.l -:ardof Heihlin bs fficiais 1)iâcense germe caiib#> distri-buted utany wiys. -ci$umtirMs s disease 151 iSouude-ale frmon ue hume-n being te arathar, scîrnetintes - heY are even -interchangeable betweet, animaIs -- îd mnu, anti insu and i rrx.als. Il -15 cnljy by reahinixig itow serioiýS sinue of tý, di-eea9eca are 'and how eaei-'y they c&n -be spread &IL ove-r a- eouuru:nity, that each ene of ,;s caTi d'o our Ilitt'e part te sbixunp thq4m out -- or. prevent i-hem galiug 'e4-y Le'. us ýtaIre a commozcx disese-, -typhoid- fs-er, -and yet a verYSecri-Ou3 oue. Nçcbç4y WM-ts to take tie dis- ease, andi certaiuilyt-w right thiu'kjng perlsen wbnild vaut tageie others Vlake! Human Hi*r Ropes. 1 Ia Uic grenu Hongwanji Temiple, aI' Klcto. Japan, ane pme-envedtwen.ty- aine immense nopes made of huiqan hiair. They epresent voluntacy -offen- - ings ci',.tens cf thousanssCJapanfeze wOmen. TheIlc tei as large as a Eniro- peau cdailedral. -Ninetysix massive pilans support the roof at a hieigît ot 126 tcoi. Tixo timùbens for tle great structure were ail drngged tram thle mouatain foresixi ant i hitetiinte thein places ,by te abc-ve-mecntionled rûes., fer whicl ne matenial other titan luman hair was'- cos.idertYl suMlciently honorable. Do you kno w watons ittes a ~sfrong ontiutibrn? Tg hgwe sowid, bealtlW ervqs,'OnWPletsly Under contoldigstlvorg .s havea trapb ofbcosituin1 a hearty meal, meanS YOU hv togcntttOl your general attitude is one of optimisi and enory. But -an kitable dispositionl, frequent attacks of, indigesticui,,&nd a languid depressofi, indiCate your "«nte la not in correct worldng order. Proaby you are not etinig the proper food. probably the nutritious e1emjents are flot being supp1od to yollr ayseminluthe! praper way. Grape-Nuts îs the es4iime, delicious cereal that promnotes »jrgndW«tîof, , orption fnd elimi- nation, whereby DOrisbxwaut '"accOmnPiisbisd i*h- out gt-iýçeg o#A Mix ofe one'r- vi»g wýheMtand 1alted barIOY conPr4e Zb>e çcb$ e imaii of G@peNUt. Adietaibr9kator lunch is an excelent, wholesofli ruile té f~Uw You can order Grape-NutSat any and every hotel, restaurant, and lunch 1om ndnn as nlk boe and stemers; i evuy gqod gro=ery, large aud qmu& li evrY citY, town. or vMllage in Canada. Grgp-i~~I*~1 ~~e "6Therels a R àssu expbî Il'h and, 't Mre. the1 ou h, meti Porb e tit dese a -ne man, keep fee mnari type M~k< Soe o. ~it did delay theinnl i b.ou 2 '%13d Adentue. ~itery ép,the desert of Bahara, in At-of ne& ve lies ýKutaathe secret itrong y wUed-h ,gný@ 4!and - of lte -Senussi, inau rsb lrothelt- g &u n Whio live au asoetic lite lu reinot iri-ctis4 1duii& -f r'*'Yu4W Iil.Iately eu4iy oeueexpeiiton had r4lu ' a a "0BofYthe- i tgure à I cmD eedeti lu penetratlug te -this hild- P à r' FIr- spot, but now a new route h&O* s - Lmarked. on the> map by a brave> M £ýC"Usncy Lord liyug, claunda'sil orer, -Mrs. Roaita .Forbes, an- Eug" - a,% eeur-05iih 4tbeen wemaut, wlie, lunler book, "Tle, e ttaias the "Chle! bout - na- ,et-et the Sahara: Ku!aIa" tellS dai," suc'eediigte ýti1u isce upon thet> zIng atorles -of Courage, adveutu"r rtirement et nis Ecxceîi.ucy, the> Duke audaclty. - e De'vousire. And h4Qrd_ Byqg will was towards the sud o! 4,920 that q ~iû s.éd" clieflu. gla Forbes starteti frein Benglai, hgIlias beçen- -an activ.e ~eutrnsaster et Mediterranean end et-au elti cara 'îro tby u -aOUtwi aer route -acreas ilstheAtrican desert, ws- omMUIoner of hi% County, an&i erlourney mIe othe uniknown. - She I ehmrerontyls enament- accornpaniled by au Egyptian, Ah- ber ofthtie in-perla Headtquarteris Bey- Ha.-sanein, of wliom Mrs. Councîl o! the Bey Scout$ Association. bes saye: "WIen lie fluet consent- He aise wea.rB the -e il'ver Wo-" io accompany me Into.île Lybian ths blgiteat decoTationIn luSeeutlng- rt ire assureti me that lie came for -"Andi I sarned a tee" i sl t et cure. Later 'u he assumeti 50 Cana4ian Scout officiaI the other day, y quaities thatIt was dîfficuit te in reference to 1-t. 'By thia lie meant pceunt. He wa-s a chaperon when it w as net an hongrar decersation, bnt ýry sheikhs demandeti my han in lunee which hlie arneti Just tIe way an nage, a fanatie cf the. mccit bitter ordihnary Scout W-ould -earu ItL 3wheait i*a~s necessarv to, impress the local -mind, my Imam when we prayeti la public, anti a dlifld Whlen lie lest hie only.pair o! prinirose yelhow alippers."- A Murder Pot. Starîlag troni Benghazl vas sut- plicity iÈ.self .wlieu compgred te îhl et-ling away frein the firt s'tepplng- place, Jedabia. :Â plot te inurder Mre. !ombes by ta.uatlcs, wlo objectedti o mer expedition on meligi-ous grountis, ,was discovemet inst la tume. At last, hewever, thc expedution tras' faily .starteti. "Mis. Forbes lad dIsappear- ed Into space ani lhier place was a Ntelaiunekn vomran calleti KIadiJa, traveMUig -wtth a kinsman, an Egyp- tin Bey, son -et Shl-kh-el-Azan. Ste ,wome Bedouin clothes, tehiowed theïr customs, prayedto te r Qed, -hIved Il 13 impûccsIble to give any idea e! te luardshlips endureti by the cour- 4gecus little party on the..way te Xu- far. Tite description et NewYear's Day ili the descrt giv.er eue an ides, ho-weéver. "New Year's Day dawnedgloontily. We lhad itwo half-breeds for the cameis and bamely eno-ugli water tor lwo, days 4t lees titan a pint aday -per pers-en. "It was a terrible walk. Everyone knew that, liumanly spe-aking, they were going te dueeoftlItre-i t a day or iwo. Nearly ýeveryone, hati blistereti test and no ne e ad enouglitoeact, yet -eryone larig4eti. - TIe bot- mlday1 heoure ,dragged alomg iutolerabhysh. Iy. [ dld >net teel very- thtlrty xny4elft luit webadi ahi druni se uittle -Jat1y ilai ourer ins hiat beooare exiraor-ý dilnarlly é-dry anti parcliet. Our lips andi gunts were criac-eti andi acre." Cities o! the Dead. Anti then at hast they caine.te water. ".I remember toiîenlng down a Èolew- anti geelng scine nsbl'ck ftguNres scoo>pIhg up s&and, anti then a silent Iile group çmouehing pltif.illy on tle edge oethbie treshly-duig pit 11at aunant liteé or deaili. The waier came very: shewly, but lb came." Araneti 'wltl a personal let-of rm- qommenduition frent HI: , Beâtftude' Sayed UMeliemmeti Idale, M-n. F'erbes wa*s r*qWlved i ncre or -lises politiy by tire Bedouin tribes ou the way, anti vemy gmrelousîy by th ' éFlmir's, repre- sentatlyps i The ,tt>vi"' e Kan r areat*range, secret places: "The yvl'ele lite et au tg.,çm &" ges ainl $i$ii t 1ie high. impentrgble w49.is. Qthoesethey are citiceefthîe denti. I doubt'if we saw a txkAsn- -furesluInte utreets ef ,Yef, yet It lias a population et, seven huadreti. The womeu neyer set telt oj'is.icle4hiibgeet. Il must he an extraordInamy litewlthIia a few square a i.hlave -eyr-baul e iylast- cru teva wlere lite was so e esvedl a.p-d *aet.Presumably Vhs Aiençes- sip, but if t1ley -49,s-o, b!hey, -do h ili ýecdi e-ir's hQue'as, for oue net ses a gneup la tle streets." A 1îc. Fo-rbee tells Iow sqe ofetthe happleet wçebs c£lier lite ver> ep&nt 'in Syria as thie guet t a 8n Anal antiy ,' euallet b>' that et -a 1M, çriff ' ef Islaàu, -la Jedabia. -«We aek-ti Sayeti Rida if we could sent i bln ayihing- fron Caine, our tlehughutsruning te a jevel-cm n gelt Iiniaiti rifle. He neket for a green Parot anti se-me gramo-ý plereeords. "Yen, secy" hosait, -"ni'life le rail- -cm locel>': Il lenet -is-e t1atIgosutý ,asti -sh0Ow ztyseif ver> mui e, o ur- peopie. O ur taarily i 1# y we v mus-t hive.a seciuded lite. We maylne- -see tiauctag -or' lieam singing. Our- people wcumld - ne- 'undenstauti-, but, somniuas e a- .1ami aone late at Mniht I play the gramnophone, to-r 1- loave muslc ver>' muci." lu Lybia, smoking, drinking, and dancing are terbitiden b>' Senusset mv. At a banquet given te Mme. Forbes by the Govemnor of tIre Senus3t, thons were scores etf peacheti eggs on silver pistes anti fitteen vegetabies among the edtlcsprovideti, te su>' uothing et tvehve dishes et lamb cooketi lu dit- tern-t waysF anti bevie et curdieti milk. - -Why They Quarrelled. The lady oethîe ho-use nalieredti he I u 0Wceckinto ie ediaing roont anti be- gau bhe usual lInterrogations. "Anti nov, bell me," s!#e nsked, "wby iîd yen le-ave your hast plte?" "0h, munmi hwaz!soçripbini law- ful. I couldu'I stop tIers on no sç- cGURt. Tbre master azîmi uss=n us"s jte quanmehlu1,e cnt antio&, wwer YnU1ep?4; *e4 viril dit they quarmel ab"Ct? tic, "bteway bhe diner w48 oe»k*i, Reports cf ever cuis huudred Bey Scoult Camps hela n dige'eni parts .oef the province dunrln the pas-t suni- naýer have atready besit- reSelved Cat Provincial Headquvart5s, thlese carnps carlng for soe i ve thoDusaniiboys. Out et Toronto al-onte the.swere f orty- six camps attendedt by s'Svenhteen hut- dred Scouts. AtMksughthese camps rau full pregrantifes- et swlmmlng, boatkng, -water woek, ca ' aWtripe' ýanti long, -lard 1-ikes,,net a ziur-ie sericu accident marred te ha.plness fetaay eue ofthIem--a apenditi testlioy to the efféotlveitess f th e Bey Scout acemne o! directeti recresaticon. And bes:tdies ail thre gantes, anti tun, anti en tertalu-ment, the boys found I tîe to qUalify th.enselves for lundrede of Boy Scout badges anti awa.rds. Hoz. Manning Doliei'y, Minister cf' Agriculture, andi Bon. Dr. A. 'S. Grant, Ministen et Education, participatet inl au interesting Bey Scout function m- ce-ntly at Cochrane. la ttc course of an atidress te a crowd of 3,000 scthers' gathereti - f rom a-Il over tle scatte-reti Northmanti, Mn. Dolhe-ny reterred to al tIre assete cf the new country--- "But titere ie ont> essential asiet, anti il la île greabesi a.ajet ot aal countries, -of aI districts anti of ahli nuatries. Titat le tbbc boy-ihe ristng generalion. There are »nany organisations ie. heip the boyý and. which ýb@Ip lis patents scouts. I ainv-et-y glati -te ee you have thxe Boy Scouts lu tire aicrlli and I gM pariiculariy.prend. Le be lu a posi- tion.teD ask thre 1Heu. Dr. Grant, Minis- ter o! Education, te present te colors te thre ist Cochrane T-roop." J)r. Grant bihen laudied thl. new colors over te thc Troc-p, atter wiici the wàiOi e pamty left te.pJattorm. Tic -eaiily Fal le the v'emy beet tme ofet l year tonthc formation oet uev Boy Scout treops. fll iIntoriatIoný rggai*d:ig Scoutg, zandti yul articu- han reterexice teoVg-anzatiou vOZk,,- Mnay bis lad Upon pplicatIon te the, Fie-ld Departinent, Beyeuts Associa- tien, B!oor anti Sherbourne SImeets,, II.w Co"'ish Ae Tagged. The s Uetgtensa Flgheries Bureau wihl Wgubereql aluMiaun ltags attacit- esto t tieir tale, île.object In vle'w le- Ing ýte gin-sente "definfte knovledige paboilt their -migm'tiom andti tie rte aud ?ack et exerclas Oaiis We8ekuUs. amlwa In tlile coiditlin Dr. WIflims' Pink ue. Pilla are a poom woA TIWy con- tain no tiabtltorilg druge, sud- ai-l. ..bàmtm«K _ ways have a benef6Mli ffect tb.rohgh *bsae_ ru'tcue'i- enihit th7 ~J Ilf1r,~O~ ~- th@ eaved' t.,r t&4*iwrthlm, luttino u d a$~ mieUre *f ~i<~~is asnte h ite 30, h iLtiti pQreffl h, ~Dr.ffflmtl a dw.wl niies wiThut- mo*fthD bal I ,h*di aevere,ËQda 1e.t 'hele5ft-t 01- nerves, but a- sharpbitow sends. a s.hock lw ertitin wpuld e5mse lily 'hq5t tkPI.,' throuigh thýe whc-ie nervous system. U tate violently, -My ,awéet B.,,,asPor,. bthe-meat ',cindii nwthud -of UINalfl- lid at Iimes Iha - 8ain suls. 'teriag the basjtAuade la' iit te lacerate Titiswent en fer q»-aIeùuthsa i- tthe titi ra..cc.s.ion 'ol îabPIN tarogli wastzltug ~ei1flneI sein- : ýûontiuetdi-without tterm8iLs9 aï edto lie g ew-weairerýianii thejeaut 'te b-ing thie uert senlti>-ti exertion ,woukd leave, me woru ont. ~~s~ aîn lwwtl Then ,on the adqtS ofe a friand, IlIclub mightbruise tbe "tesh'badly ,or' t] changed- the trea-tEueut te Dr. ýWilllaws' o-n, ra oe,'u Tiis-at Piak Pille, and, I--hae grte.at cause te broken bo-nes heA lelx a few wýeeka. ben. than»ktiu that.I diti ,as ,they hiave I whereas eue whose nerves have besu a made-a wondertul.,Ixnirovement lu iny shatt-eaxl by the bastinado^ may be a 11 condition. I _ eau now w'e>rk withput nervous wreck ferthe'res.t of hie lite: ftitgue,, go- uputairs, wlthout becorning lie may even loe Iis mmnd altQgethe". Es breat-hiess, anéi iave gainein.u weight. That cruel punis-lment Is unkuows it i think th£isepille 'ire au- ideal i iedi n our. cwa country. Anti stili- there la i , chue in cases htke miue-" aa ense in which we -are-ahi madie be n You can -get Dr. Wliamse' P-'nk Pila endure the bastinade.- The cruel bull. iyl frei n ay medifoine . sa'l-er or by mia 1who administers it le Satan. The le at -50 cents- a -box or -ix boxes 'for bamboe rot isl sin. The -nerve centre $2.'50 frein The Dr. Willilams' Medicine tlint endures the -stroke le, tie, tender- Ce., BreckylUe, 04-t. conscience. Whea ern-sgreat teinptatton or trial Britmin's---My.tovy u0nment. e ontee, we are like-ly te gatb.er t-he The -most -epelgmonument Anta trces ef the seul together andTi estt tIc -werid lis-the, gr*e-vrole7 et mlghty te the -deail. But ýmaey -a sell insre- stones whip-hwe eaU B tooeheng8 Ne xnslned unshakesi by the uiget sciyere. oe cau- sa>' bow tley wer.e -piaoed 1u teaptations andi trials, eniy te flut position., or -by -wlom the work was ltat th-. - cantIme.l beat ýthe b. 1tue dans. tezuptatieuscfle s80 ra<oi ALI .wo lsnow la tbUàt tobuildffls tii - irai and spiritual fôrccs'liiat the won s&rIy lbtantseoft tis ýoountry poweer te reasIt lias departed. -The and, that Stonehenge. was a temple.,,Itlttle . oaOUxs oe 'Infal desires; thse. The f4ét that -U was atemple ba*uleu- -Ulttie outdromptngfs tsfishussi, et bult. These eariy .m-en were eun WorghU>- pers, andti ley, laid out tbefr templee se tkat.atsnrie on Mid-&ummer D)ay- tse raya o! the> sun abos dlreCtly UP- ou thc greataltar n tsemidat of lthe- cirole. As thre -artit deet n quite truly -on Its axis, but wobbles sliglitly, ie a top tIatislanearlyrau dowu, the Position oft titissun atMIt- summer le ahwaya chang'I lughly. The rislng sua ds not now shîne stragbt on the higit altar est June 21s-t. We know thre rate of ithe eartl's wob- bis, andi we can measure, the tiliferesie betw-eeu thre pressaI line-* ethce- ua's raye andtihie cit eue. Thls cuables us te calcula.te tînt Stonehtenge inust have bison bult about thre year 1910.0 B.C., or three tliousaud sîghl lundreti Washing With Ashes. Soap, as we kcv it te-day, la qutie a modemnInveton. Ih cons-iasechfef- ly eft tire ngredlents-ash. ant il. Our ancestors. used the two separate- ly. Wood asI was employai for -the prejiminary scrubblng, and wîen this vas flnlsited titis body was- rubbed dowu wîtI ieaI.Titis customn.l9 almost as olti as the hls ' You muet lhave wondemed -w'b.y peuple lu tle Bible se et ten referred teo oh runlng dewn front-Sa- PeMWnS -h isate -Ifs teet. '1'hls lathuiýreswfl Thre oid custeni 'etuslng asi t sillre- matInslusaine parts et Switzerlaud, where clouhes ere cleaneed by being 1,olled in vater centalnlng a large amountet the white ash oft wced. WIIEBABYiS1LU Wh.,en the baby is 111; wiren -he cries a great tisai andi ne amenut et atten- tie>n or petlUng makes hilm iappy, "10-W (>»: ee i=pu.ro,,wto ry. oge -oith, Ope talsehlooi, 'one n1ghit Inu un, oee day ofu--egleet: like ItI8s1siet 112. blIz.' -ard, they drive againeut the soul until resistauce breaks whwil aud the VerYý structure ol tht.;sul:crumbIme. The, olijmax o! the .Criatian,.ite le atot ila learuing te fly with eagle wings but in maicing steady pro.gTees, djaY bj day,, bJ.ndrances andi temptatio-ne. 'Te shall walk and nfot taai." Fruit growing o f,ýhe intensive pria- ,ciple h»a develope'd to such an extenti in the Channel I.94ands that the wide! stretches of glass in. some districts: quite tend to spoil the wériery. Srs-l eltttIsoud.ediga wrong.1t I negfeeted .té wr*tey QU. have had four tumors growing on nMy head for years. I had them cut off by a surgeon about flfteen years ago.but tbey grew again tili about three munths ago I had one as large and shaped like e lady's thimble, on the verv -place Where my hair should be pgrted. -and -it was getting soe erbarrassing ln public. that it was a constant worry to nme. About t.hree monthe ago JI*,go t a -bottk- of your liniment for. another purpose and saw on -the label ýgood for tuiors., Weil I tried 1t ,and Itept, it for exEaotty two months, with the result that It lias entireiy removed ail trace of the tumor. andi w*ce 4t ,t that they -hati beenzu Slf teen years ago, no mark would be seen. I ýhaxe mot beau aaked fur iMis-~tun lai and you can use it as you see fit. (Signeti) FRED C. 'ROBINSON- P.S.-i am a farmer and Intend usin- uXiuagl«dnElinent on a marefo a strained tendon, and arn hoplng for sorne results. FRED C. R. The 'Uuwritten Law.-- "A tihuky -tlle car came along .atd triai -to'Pas us-. Yeu kntw vkat n inmeans. We weut 4aster tItan w. eught."-TIt>Motorbite îlte M.gl- trate. - Wlien a manNa in front o! yen, '4W411,,t l*h. ly ýgot 'te iboet u m e 1flir I j thad à to -1go te SýbOdA fmy-thv.ora am'ber'ot tiby. TM [e- m ifflerb--a -bati viOu<lýiOn tiàt Il "d neas.inattýe et ail and; wasso WU& liat when -I1*Mflked around, I iwomM', lustjs-tâsgger. -I. 11usd. toeatmeiits ad .11 kludis co! medîclue. but failed te eet .ny'better andi I began te thi-k n-otii- aug wiiuild help me. IlHowever, -T'anha- lias Bhit me up so la evory way hutil I ted l lkf- su e- tirely -dfeetparson aow. «' mp petite -le fins 'and I eat loearty at eves'y neal. WyIv-gained cleversu .ude in -weîght and -am-, bac ou theisJob every nliglit Nwoking as geeti as ever.ft - 1anhac ii s-(Ad by leadÈing draggluta evr>mdiere. Aiv Uýnhap-pine" s le'e an itiinse, a ,ù r rwhich may -aie found inluxest oi a change.-- - 'ONEY ORDER. Wlen ordariug goods hy imail se«, a Dominion Expi;ess Ifoney Qfder. Eicperience la always' teatuing, a»l those who-ý io; ,%IrWetioxev4 Vhink ihey know .better. Ask for Minard's and tako ne ether. R EPRESENTATIVES WAXlTED Te JL.seil DsùuweU fanG ¶raioffl Clothes for Men. BIg ýltâ Ne Inveat- ment. State experLsa-ce-ýand seax refer- ences with saphuatign. "Nkrth Amerlema 'ralors, Ltd., 366 Adelaide St. W.. TG- rente, Ont. W rt N.WD-YOUNG LADTFeS -QO .Y'g»"o ed&icatU.on ta train as nurses. ,Apply WellaiYdra B-ospîial, St. Cathar- ines. Ont. Itnm-o Bea nt OOARSE SALT L A ND SALT'. SO Nots.b "»omW@ SLT WORI at wlikli 'they grow. ýWiten a tggdB,.by's Own Tablets shoulti be given iaenum codflah Iseacu*ugtt ago-In any:w.here tle, hlm withcut delay. Thte Tablets are Keep tbls mctte- sqluare in view. CUTICUL& -' flslasnmaau viii be expectedti tesenti1 -damliibut bliorougî Iaxativ' which rie- P115$ hlm! t9rg t WaehipgtOn Or te- eueetofthe guhate tie bewele andi eveeten îlte Take ne c-tien motal's. tuai, F~EK ALN. l buareau's stations vîit a -memorandum' stomadli anti tius drive eut constipa- S-wenr yvu'Illos b ac u, pal. on. huai;' If yomucaldp is i4ritated, nd m stating the lecahity, éic. Titenlte tien antird4 ln tIg~lon, break up ýcoitis Nyrmdts es o nxs *'qat aln 6 ~ta~ numbter.can bis anduPffd till-ad ipltv ,-ad mke eer-"' try hmthi.stmtaimWtt TenatièsOf IOniai P i -whl -nti"imle --~ ~ m... L~Lng as- hl! - dundruif and itnhing witli Cutieura be itaown bow fan at-d 1lu viait-irec- - asy. Conceratag tient Mm%. Desire .itetaë-ÏÎÎWWt o tin-heim ba iealwhi'raveihed. Teege Trcis Pistois, Que., vi-ites: Wlat else te an auto for?! amo of Ctticura Soap. Abaso Aise '-ho-w much h bau gained iun se - "I am welvobatis-ied withi ny use of~ Pai3s hlm. jutély nothiiig butter. Andi veigt turing -titisinienvai. Baby's Ovni Tablets. - I lave founti Give lier gas -anti hear Irer roan, wn( muui3$eeiUSamie. $ou The -North Atia&ntie Ocean le atter tetitgstbnftt i ayvtnPass lim. i thmrugoutthDou"i.-Scan~ ail only A large pond. -In plaCes iliums te vas sffermg frym constipation 1 Neyer mmd thelea pace; L Uied, 3SLPa t.. W.ut.d wr salos aed"bùs1-spfu ndl matogl rcmmndte-a Give the blank-blaihi ceps a chase; I____ instance, off tIre coastofNcewfouud- to cUrer'- inothers." Tire Tableis- are Nov then, heme's an open space- eT an-rhrbecause île waie'r le net seitiby *11 medicine dealers cr by j ., -Pass'ht mA IE veny deep. tir-e bottont is ni-ch lu mnol-i lle-t 25 cents "a box tront Thc Dr. _N. U,In N.Y. Sua andi le-raid. M L O liwecan, cuustgcean-anti other ferme ot Willams' Medicine Co., Brcckville, 'f marine lite. FillIeà s h- ok teleOnt. bnnkste teestandi there tihe fishermen A 4 f gt-rgethret.But -tle fishing Postmmu's Pla.oe -A I'R N E O K may~~I beoed-e'O Isacut~ nte vinlage ef Hauterves, la Only "Bayer" is Genuine ter Long Suilcring Mrsa. tic ita-ibut have nimbai disaPpeared France, may be ceea vhs-t 45 plobabiy Pmoi certain hais anti tsars are o-tcsares au.el tt oi.n- usyesoe oHat tentai#ed ton ttc maintenance o- vafultbyF Irtishesinu by, Lydia lE. Pnca cofh uppy Hn. i u- dr-anti reprosents tonîy-five ysars cf con- - - s Vegetab-S.Compoun iug- îehste enstc1..F-r-tinnoies effort. o p -les But-tal hs beeli hatOluing cctiflet Clieval sw a book ceutainln I- /~"~ -I Toot, n - uif wi4 egg ~yticbu dsof !-millions Sud turcs e& vondertul m3jsques, ns iec -Isvmuarpeid 1 wsweak and planting te uIt>YOe "Jý' -anipaaes miecideti te crect an j-,.'-irua tiown, couk Hw ineI geoai ie las tiens n- edilice et hie ova. Ho collected gaiiy- --r.-headac4es. The loti>'kno-we. But it e nny1fest t coloneti atoneq froîn a river, bouliders, --i orat symptoins ln trying t e h eIptuspreservion eof tn nt ns ni brei any apecies of fleli every bft et inter..IFrtlryfv casIespeut nmlmost'lgto 'maâilen thnt can be gainai regaringI bc hole sfi e cps ne unanie- P-g. e e ilie lite ltistor3r le et valus. Wleuce sehf-imposed- tnsk. He put ln 70,000 Wnrning! Unless you sesthie naine hut1wol the'usctuiniss et tagging lheccodi3h. I-ours upon*ithe building, anti useti "Bayer" on package cn on tablets you gocayad' - Q/*,.,<Wi~&~.~ 1,000 cubie tee-t of stene. anti 4,000- are net gettlug Aspinin ai ahi. T aie- emc o UVi' - bagg of cotent nilmaipr- jAs-pinit oui>' a-s tolti lu tIe Bayer pac-k- i - ètt mca .are kaown b>' tle Companuy )t-y claseti trot ut saviu s pstian. as - or Celte, Heatiacbe, NeUralia, keep avay trot. (j Tic stîange castile iras reared is 5Rleume.tism, Enrahe, Tantdidlie A promise shoulti be given wi lcau- nectanguhar in shape, and ist a con- u aan .rPi.Tey wl MSS t1tiealw& bien anti kepl wftl cane. Iglomterattioti presentiag ndiffrnt LbBoll n-fePanTi- uvii sem o'wl.Itrialhnd arcliî-ectui'e. vrk-i ut t hei"211, ;Ln.x Rau bt ecIL,,d You ccibaUld a reputation. on the styles oe-t i r Tlere are! be folitirs dirciosan osg-?mdoasu adb - leL&L; £ J , u L"r4t5 Gand f£ thiags you are g01Ug tc de. parts cf a Sviss. chlet an Algenian ty-one years an-i .roveà sate > cnd t rbyi~.Pnca' If Yen have a minute le eps-me, den't houe, a feudal cnet-le, a-nicesque, virile lions. Han-dytin lai-ýes c wlve-Vgetable-CbjàpouL 1. I ccci- 'tue wcmny a manit luoi- *au't. -jelle-r sections cf île building are dis- Bav.-,er'-Table-te cf Aspirin cc-st !eW bout recuIjjt» frou it an Jin Truthit teelastie, but dou'I Stretehit mitnctly île .bui-der's ovu nvatcu cents., DrggistE ais :l lde pak1loi nigo ouit eoweA aa nl'..U unhee yu wat l t fl bni sni cuiturti nimale, bine, anti giants iee.Mae-e la Canada. Aspiin iletht>. a uew vOulai. I have recemmieude& sting yen. [adora tIre -irinhie taes.rade mark (registered inhaCanada), e - of mVeeble Comoud te xy Prudent pensons are 'lire Pjs-hyr Ue po-rî.e setlen ado jieàds preven1t tient tram PIin tit fr. ie dac -tues. iciane . anutylacr X ro-eitccii d. hs g-igte a.IM nard's Ln; F. PEAisd y %'e =te 387iC I - %N S, Trono, nt PiSLIE ldcr~i1 ~ ii»s aae~tePerfect, Confidenc.Sewae cniii certain ingretir- . a »toslatk iS lis îeEflan. -uifti i> Jcnes-'-'Hcaven l bse," inx! Ho ente, su&.h as cDMmponrs Of idn, Itu yen ste ei fu ert thee m-u N.\Twcetle-ou-Tyne b.-iin~e eSd andi-ahoved, con#liec t iewm aîe hili iiiske i t useful as - aniniteriailtTttt'ou rfy er flhi~1d. - - jouds'vers tariati#0etaig medieine lunertain illueesM. -and e recoed toheUtia 1-Kest> Miaes'p - Rebtnse-,,in what va>'?" WpN. -& Robii o e;-ins les9 ENoe- 85 -4 ' lmomm%ý

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