Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Sep 1921, p. 8

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la uadAtea ploun. .4 p-édfor 5at xdayu2xtat Mrokflp J of Tou * thp lntereets of the ÙUJ'.O.cudlit of oTownof Wit1 r. F. M. CPansu. Who WU& n0MÙWýý byonthe 9th day of Beptember last, ate<I ovoe a ey r .le speakoa- wp w9iIAe lib. t<> exlain the matter. include Roland4 IL aml2er s.czt.ry-1 u~ 1# B~d eem sopieperson à ra ure of ti. I[dernn Àà b*2nzthe pWUito hvig t aju.part~y of o R. W. FLI. Burnabyý 4JW5W ~r~ioteall m presidentu i.CndinCnclô Ilb fadas are that on th1e morning Agricultuziansd the candidate, P. M. of the. 9th lit., when the, Commisson Chapmap. coËmýepc.d operatlons, 4o place Pole. The National Liber an d Conser- where we pbjçted to game be ng vativ~e Paity, wbich hld a meetig 1 aeed, w. vWkted our Solicîtor Mn. here lait Saturdayv haie. decldedno WH. Kennedy, after makdng our ëb- toselect e cndidate until after the jections bt iie Cénunusioih .whicli dissolutioni of Pariàament, but from we w=heeded, with the"' Intention what one could «udge at the meeting, of - ak ginjunction, proceedings it le safe 1jo Îfrtas t hatp barrng un- take«4 but as thie, Soliitor Îas, attend- fereseen developments, the. preoent ing -ournt.out o! bown, we were un-- memiber, 1on. WM. Smith, W%,l b. tue abN. to give hlmi the necessary in- 'party's cii 5t~lctIflL ~jNo public statement bas'-yei beén 1I@wveoi on us return lù the even- made&by t.eSouth Ontario Libenais.ý lus b. was anotified' 6f wbat lieid been ,lA executive mneeting was held last dou, .ýand was instructed te wite thii, '.Friday ýevening et Brooklin,. but just V*zmlueion to the effect liat unless when a convention will 'b. caied bas tepole was renoved on o4kbefotenobennoued thé. Monday foliýowing, action would' b. taken lin the usuaIway. This no-1 D~Q P'Tl~ OM N ti.was given by registered .mail, and RSNAI T MPAD on the. !olloiving day Supt. Every MS ArN ci.ed upozi-us and atated that-lieoOn thleove of their- departure for would have lhe pole' reMoved and their nèW home ln Whitby, Mr. and] placed somewhere satisfactory to us. _Mrs. W. J. Patton and family were lu- Tis wililne doubt ex$aiu the mat- vlîed to the Union Churcli, Blackstock, ter more clearly. to *the public.,.where a lârgenumber of their frieuds Jos. Heard & Sono had assembled to say farewell to them. - - - - - - Lum ber, Shingles, Cedar Posts The Whltby Lumirber Co. have a quatity of -the abov(i on hand, and a--few oarloads expected ehortly. XVe ýhave bought riglit and are prepared to qpote *rockbottom prices. If you anticipa.týe oing any building or ropairing givemus an opportuîuity te quote prices. F.- LBEECRQOFTzý J. M.KEN NY 'i - i. êI~~IJINE BARGAINS! I GRAB THI!M On Cushion Rubber.TIre, Top Buggy, $100O Une Fleu.ryPIow, single furrow,$1 -1 Bateman-Wllktnson Plow, single lfurrow, $1 5 Two Quebec Heaters, almoat newrý ý$15 1 Cockshutt i O-Inch Orinder, good as new, $25 H. -A. LeBar Fairm Umapiement Store Du»das~.ý, Box 889 Whltby, Ont.I om se"a grocery businesi se.. ---Weddimp. At Walmer RS4- Baptint Churcli, abeth, daughter ot Reyi BE. (G. and Me. miho!Iudia, te Rev. edwarcl Waur. uer 1 Axm. troug, B.A&, Pf WhitbY Bapt- ist; Cburgh. ltRev.- John Me.cNefll offlo- iated. Mter. the ceremouy, a receptioü was held inthe church par1ors, sand later Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong le! t for, points east. They will leave Torouto -ou October 8th on their Journey t'O Iu- dia, where they will serve as mission- aries. . Mr. and Mns. Armstrong are to arrive \ in Whitby on Fniday eveniug, and will be teudered -a farewel l the Baptist church that evenlug. Ou Sun- day, Mr. Armstrong wiil preaci fgr the last time ln the pulpit o! thé churci, before leavlng for India. SMITH-PUGH. At Springbrook _Farm, Pickering, on Septemnber 17, tie home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E.Pugh, was solemnined the miage of their only daugiter, Lil- âie Maud, to Mr. Aibert'H. Sifiith, of Oshawa. The bride, wrho was gowned iii a frock of dove-grey crepe with piniý facings, and corsage bouquet of sweetheart roses, entered the, living room witli ler father. Rev. Mr. Up- ham,, Of Whiteval-e flaptist Ohurcli, officiated. Throughout thé ceremony Mrs. Margaret Reesôr playeà Wag- ner's Bridai Chorus, and afterward, during tie signing of the register, Miss Gladys Pugli, cousin of the bride, sang. After a buffet luncheon Mr. and Mrs. Snmith left on a motor trip to Cobourg and -Rochester, lie ~bride travelling in a tobacco-bro'wn suit of 'embroidered tnicotine, witb. smart sand-çluvetyn hat and fur neck-. piece. After October lSth they will be at ho me'to their friends in Osi- awaï CRESSWELL-DRINK-NOW At CaWetleciff2 Wanganu'i, New Zea- land, ou June lst, the marriage took place of Miss Emily A. «Drinknow, late o! Nefferton, East Yorks, niece of John Dirlnknow, of ..Witby, to Roland M. Cresswell, eldest oon o! C. M. Cresswell, managing director o! the Wanganui Freezing Works. The young couple le!t by motor for New Plymouth, where the honeymoon was spent. They have settled on their own !arm at Crukuk- uren,--Ring County, N.Z. SCHOONER AGROUND NEAR -OSHAWA. Teschooner "Helen," owned by CapI. John Golding, of Newcastle, is Run No Risksrm%- whfen symptoms of indigestion occur. Act quickly before these becom3 obstinate. Take Beecham's Pis at once. In'many cases a few doses will bring relief. Their success in stomach, liver aind bowel disorders proves the worth of Sold Lvery I nbxs where i7 *L In25oxsc Canada. I LS-c.5c -I - ~ ~ ,~ V:.4 t\ a-. !~ I '4 I AA FORD DEALERS, Thos. L. Rowe, Prop. WRITBY, ONT.~ 1~' Toironto ýoweslioade& wilh itou., sud watgeund ou the roci lu about fOU? ket cf water aibout _ ive 0oeloek. The ceptelu»a alone onthe Belwone ansd ,tgowý4ered,% heavy aea. The. ownee's loss., has oIee s raatecL - ~ SThis ih tie.*tÎirvessel to' bwom e strauded on tis rock since navigation- opened* thisa r ,g The Departmneut of Marine-a1! Mî*a was wau-ned iu lie spring luti tbiÉ,pdnt was'.a sourceê of danger.- DEATUS. BETHUNEiidenIyat.lieOshaw.1 Hospital, on,-Wednesday, -Seýptember l4th, Donald J oberte 'son o! Edwin Allen and Nellie Bethune, aged. one year and nine montis. Funeral was, held Friday, lie 161h, aI -2 p.m'. from lihe residence on Dundas St west, to Groveside -Cemetery.- KEMPTHORN,-At Whitby, ou'. Fr1- day, Septem.ber 16th, 1921, Margaref Kempthorne, aged 73 years. MACKEY-At lot. 1, con. 6, Pickering Tp., on Sunday, September lBth, 1921, Sylvester Mackey, lu his 87th year. BIRTHIS MAR.SHALL-On Friday, Sept. 16, aI Sunny Acres, Myrtie, te Mr-. and Mrs.' N.A. Marshall (nee Doreen Bright)i a son <John Bright). GILBERT-At V.O.N. Home, on Sun" day, Sept.- lSth. to Àr, and Mrs. Jas. Gilbert, Port Whitby, a daughter, (Winnifred Betty) KINSALE The Harvest Home servuces of our dhurci will- take place -on October 2nd and 3nd. A speciaiiy. goodl.pro- gxam_,is being arranged. Clarenonýt choir. vell do. the singli go unday-, and Rev.* Mn. Price, of týocus H1, viI1e predliafternoon and ev nng.I Spca ol lections w-ill be tak.n 'aI each service. On Monday evening a1 fowlI supper will. be provided foÏ ail, ~followed -by a good -prograrn. Corne along and enjoy a splendid treaj. Silo filling is in full blast heX' Ir- vin McBrien hias been cutting and filling with his tractor. The crop is speciaiiy good Ihis season. Geo.-Tripp's auction sale was an ex- ceptionally good one, everything brniging good prices. The stock was ail in good shape, and sold readily. Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Tripp lefI for hemr home in lie West tuis week. They leave beiind them many well wish.ers, and ahî join in wishing them abundan-t success., Mn. Joseph Pankins has moved int the flouse lately vacated by G. Tripp, and is now nicely settled. Mr. and Mns. Parkins wi]l be good citizens; and have thç iearty co--operation of their neighbons Vo assure, hemr suc- cess on the fanm. One of our oldesi and inost nespect- ed settiers passed away on Sunday morning lâst, in the person of Mr. Sylvester Mackey, ah the advanced' age of 86 yeans and some monlis. He had been in failing healli for some yeans, ani; suddeniy passed away last Sunday morning. Mn. Mackey was, tle oldest native setler in the Town- slip of Pickering, being- born where he died, and lived there lis entire life. H1e was a very active man publicly, having filled a seat at lie Council Board for 12 or 15 years. In politics le was a shaunch Liberal, and in re- O! Wliitby, travelling at top speed al j the tirne. ,lu addition to, thq !arm stock and implements; lhe furniturej from the house was also sold. Every- tbiflg solà well, the sale totalling'oven $4,000., The regular mQnthly meeting o! thel -Kinsale Women's. Instltute will be held ai the -homne o! Mrs: R. R. Mowbray, on Thursday, September 29th. Mrs. R.R. Mowbiu-., Pros., Mrs. C, Lawtou, Sec. ]RAGLAN Many from here attended the Pains ai Oshawa and Fort Ferry last week. Mr. and Mns. Milton Hodgson, wlth their two 'sons, Melville and Bob, are vi5iting the !ormer's parents hene. Miss Venora Hyland spent lhe week- end at her home lu Cadmus. The Ladies' Àid o! Raglan speut a soiable afterucon with the Ladies' Aid O! Columbus ou Wednesday. Miss Gr-eta Hodgson, o! Oshawa, vis- ited witlhone parents over the week- end. Misses Beulah and Feleda Dring, o! ToronIto, recently visited their parents. Mr, J. Orniiston, who reoeived seve re injuriess ou !alling !rom 'a silo, ou which he was working, Is stil under the doc)(tor's care, but we are pleased te report he is Élowly recevenlng. .Under the auspices 'o! the Ladies' Aid o! Raglan a first cîass concert will be rendered by Bnooklin talent'ou the ev- ening o!)f iday, Sept. 22rd, in the Rag- lan Church. The programme will con- Slisi o! drills, dialogues, tableaux, solos and duets. Admission aduits: 40c; chlldren 20c. SALE REGISTER. Saturday, October 1st, 1921.-At'c. tion sale of-the property knowu as the WhitbY Fruit and Vinegar Go., 1the Property of A. M. Ross,- Wiby. Sale On lie promises, Brock Street uti, Wlilby, at two e'clock. On lie preni-. ises >are a brick building 42x54, two storeysý with 1~2- f. basement, two, atony friLme building. Full up-to-date equxPment for maling cider, vinegar, $770.00-1. lo. b. Whitbyo nt. per Fewer. horses on the farm. -The Fotdson does the work 'of from four to six horses. Lesa farm help, -one man with'a Fordaon can do more work easier, and with less expense than two men with horses., Moremoney for the farmer. -A Farmer with a Fordson can raise more -.crop easier With1 lesa expense. 'He there- 6ge Whitby, Ont. Ayrshires, Durhams and a number of yearlings, lie property ofOliver Den-, ny, at Fenn's Hotel, Brooklin. Sale at 2- o'cIo.k sharp. Wm. Maw, auc-i tioneer. Friday, September 23rd.'-The Cana- da Fla.x\,&« Seetl Co., of Oshawa, will sel byauction ou their propérty, Slmcoe St.,- south of the village of! Cedar- Dale, ail of their farm stock, Implements, tractors, other maehlnery, and numer- Now Is a Good lime For Intorior Doo-orating Beat Work Guaranteed. G atOur Estimates9. JAMES BROOKS, PAINTER and PAPERUANGER PERRY ST. (P.O. Box 121) WHITBY Telephone No. 304 O us other articles. Ï See posters fer par- ticulars. -Sale te commence at oee o- dlock. Jas. Bishop, Auctioneer.-1 - ., *.-I I Now 1and, Then THERF w9lbe an added zest. to youn enjpyment t- ayia the sarne-timê-you are.,e.4ablishing .:financial backing for to-rnornow.by grâdually;ac- cumnulating savings. Youth. cari spare wha± aid ago, w*Ill need. Open a savings account with this Bank nopw. STAN DARD -BANK TOTAL ASSETS OVBR NINETY MILLIONS Whitby Branch: -- Brooklin Branch: C. A. McCIeIIan, Manager., H. H. Loosemor.e, Manager. E M Complete DankhIg Faciies- Our, organization provides, comle facilities for redering.- eficient, Bnkg service. THE DOMINION .BAN-K WHrrBY BRANÇIF& OSHAWA BRANCit BROOICLIN BRANCH .1 * ~ ~ C - .o GP. LYNM u..mm -~ > c cRoB. mâùq9qF.r. and evaporated apples. Two steamu .engmnes one. 50. hp. boier. For ful particulars apply to propnietor or Wm. Maw, auctioneer. Monday, October 3rd.-Auction sale of tie residence and furniture of the property of tie estate of the late Mrs. Eliza Chinu, Brooklin.- Sale at one o'clock sharp. S!ee bis. Wm. Maw, auctioneer. Wedanesday, October Sth. -Exten- sive auction sale. Clydesdal-e Horses, Higli Grade- Durham Catlle, Blerk- shire and Yorkshire hogs, implements, liay and grain, tie property of Wili White, lot 33p cou. '7, Whitby Town- ship. Sale at 12.30 o'clock sharp. See buls. Wm. Maw, auctioneer. -14 Wednesday, October. 12-The farm stock and .implements of lie Misses Mary and Margaret Farewell will be soid without reserve on lot 3 and 4, Baseline East, Oshawa, 1% miles. from G.T.11. Junelion. Sale at one o'clock. For particulars se posterÉs, James Bishop, auctioneer. Saturday, September 24.-Auction saie of 35 head of choice dairy cows, registered Ayýrshires, grade. Hoisteins, ONTARIO. COQRTY GO NVENII ON You are invited tg an EduoationaI Convutios li the FRIODAY.SEPT. 301h Prominent seskers will take part, including Drm. John Waugh. Miss Mae Skiling, Mr. CG.fi. Armstrong, Mre Wa M. Morris. There will be ample oppon- tunity for the discussion of educational problems from the truste os' and ratepayers' view point. Splendid music- al program in the eveningt. EVERYBODY WELCOME. If in any way you are inter- ested in' education, do not miss this Convention. heuiuatism ? Or Neuralgia,.Sciatica, Lumbago? The remedy is simph, inexpen- *ive, easiiy taken and harmiess. ('rmpleton's ~he~:&JcCapýîU1es jYour -dru,"15,st wiii siipply youe toft's, 56 Col-orne St., Toronto. ILQCAL GN& e. IL- OduIIm and Tr. G. WhittieId; In BRmookila, J4. 8. Prmingle. ATTirENTIOiNi-FARINERS 1- [W. middiméâg Haunesa r Imfroek Bre Nrh - Wbtby j. (Neit door toElRevi BroS!> e Shorter hours on thie farm. -The Fordson savez frolm thirty to fif ty cent. of the farmer's tipi,. - :TheLVlveýrsa Gara TiIOS. l. ROWE, -Proprietoe Ford Dealers Scranton oa W. have on hia Pea N -Stove g Soit and Smithing Goalm,, Sole, Agents 0- L a. Cao<al. Wholegale anld PReail. PORT WIITBV THE RESPONSIIJLITYlA IS YOURS BUtiIT - evJop and f mprove um bMÎ, i4 bu dard ifacOuntrjy ctleA ARE YQUDOING YOUR SHARE? We arn glad to asslst any responsible àrà '140 requirea fir encing. THECANA*D"IAN B ]ANK 0COMMERCE PAID-UPCAIA . $5,OO0 RESERVE FUNO .,$D>Q~I WflITBT BRANCH, C. C. Parsonsmeu«e --1 Z 081, and, Nut Egg -t--Sold by- x ý-- - --'

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