Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 Sep 1921, p. 1

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LWith good sand people ai Whitby to-day ing celebratioii been under ' wa us. Ibo' 'B, i OplIuI~a i104 - *ut. .Mixod WOOD r Sale WOOD SLABS 11V Q A RACE 't ciass meclanic, wlo Ltad extensive8 expéri- will hayé - charge of the r work. Carse taken and overhaied. wer Rate titn e nl HAVE A LARGE %Ovide VAN. lim DON[ TO ANY DISTANCE. SS, 14 or74 L,~ mi WIiIi Yosie'afChaïl« et., TorOýito s a School\wih- a Splendid Record., Vh.n ~ ieri tVy of, raining fa con- ddet-ed c silege-ranka among te mast on tVhe e ninent. Write o-day 'or catalogue. Enter aV any ine. W. J. JCLIOTT. PrincibaI ROOFIG AND RET MTLWORK zids of roofing doe-f elt and ilate and tilie. 'Cheapest pos- 8. J. GASCOIGNM :48 Port Wbitlýy L 0.L. New WhMth their Lodge Room over te Bank second Wednesday cf ti. Visiting bretitren - wel- M., F. W. Nerman, Roc. tu., is- practiew exception o about done celebrate h pietion of! 1 oth -ferO4 z evening ~will be deaotel oth to udrýavnuUp alnd uponb thé Qsmittee of the Town Council. and -the Warren Pav- ing Co. The lattè eoznp-anýr have en- tered into thé plans lot the ceIebration, -have given the services of many men to cleanlng, up the streets, erecting a1 big platformn on" the "Four tCornert," an 'd otherwise çerrying out much -of the nemÉsary 8aagements, as .weiIl as contrihuting toward the programi the services of tme 48th Highlanders' Band, o-T'orontoý,-.who willi be \here both afternàoon and evening. PTrominent 'Men Expected.e While' merriment and fun are 'Vto have a large placei1 the ýprQceedings, of' the day, there is also to be a more serioùs side to-the programÉ which will be no less îieresting. The opening jof Dundas Street through Whitby asi part of the Provihejal Highway is ie- garded to be of, so much momefit- that Fo. . C. Biggs, Minister -of Proviiï- to be present at, the celebration, an(!. w,~ill speak during the- afternoon, and again at a banquet in the, evening. 1Prom Mr. j3iggs.it is expec.ted to hear important statements regarding bis road PoIicy for the futui'îe., Mr. W. A. McLegn, Deputy Minister of Hiffi- ways, Nvill -also be present, and willi speak. I-addition to these men ad' dresses are on th e program from Hon. Wm. Smith, M.P.; W. E. N. Sinclair, M.P.P.; Col. MaC'Kendrick, President of the Warren Paving 06-.,'an,'W: W. Legge, Vice-President,ýEngineer E. A. *James, the. Mayor, Reeve, and'others. In the afternoon a-calithumpian par- ade wiIl lie held., Prizes are being of- ered-for best costumes, bek~ decorated cars, bicycles, flo4ts, etc., and this feat- u re alone of the celebration, will un- doubtedly be worth.while. let the afternopn, prograin the W.A. A.A. MinstreIs w111 have a part, ani Willl contribute to the programq. At-5.30 in thelTown Hall a banquet is to be held, at which the above-named prominent men lwill> be guetits. The public are inviteid to attend this ban- ý-eMêtfor-w ichUkets î.iay be had at 75 cents. -1V je expeeted 'that hliea agaîn interesting speeches on import- ant matters will 'be ýheard. As guests, in addition to the speakers, there willi be a large number'of men from Tor- onto, who are coming down to vitness the event as one of unusual interest, and officiaIs of the towns of Oshawa and Bowmanville are expected. The banquetis being l served by V4ie Ontario County Old Girl s' Association, the Via- torian Order of Nurses, and the Worti- en's Institute. tickets may be procur- ed from MayorHarper, Reeve Blowv, F. D. Maundreli or A. W. Jackson. Big Time At-Night iu ite eveuing after te banquet' there will be a brief concert sud coin- muuity siuging led by thc 48V1 High- landers'- Baud snd te W.A.A.A. Min- strels. Following titis. a special or- citestra wiil tune up sud dancing on te pavement will le ield for te bal- ance of ite evenin.g,. in whiîch. evcry- body wil lie invited Vo'participate, wîtitout charge of any klud. The stores sud restaurants are Vo lie open during te afternoou sud eve n- itg, sud te town wil l e open Vo ac- commodate and entertain te visitons in evcry way possile. The Diy's Program. A brief summary of te day's pro- grain may lie-usefuI for ready refer- cuce. IV la as follows.- 2 p.m.-Calithumpian parade leaves Town Park, iteaded by 48Vh Highland-1 ers' Baud. ,2.30 p.m.-Addresses on "Four Cor- ners." 4.30 p.m.-Concert liy W. A. A. A. Minstrels. 5.30 p.m.-Bauquet lu Town Hall. 7»0 pm.-- CoiitinuaVion of Conicert' and Comnity'Singing. 8.30 p.m.-,Dancing ou Pavement.1 -te best ceai MINED. AilU rtPyelo DVE ' SIZE, CHIESTNUT, aeet" %T GOAL -sud SMITHING a£ L 'tAthl ays ln stock. Ali our amaîli1Iii cover free -lrom ite wea- sud gravai.coal. weil Progress Certificate No. 1 tyra Engineers, James, Proctor &, H.ome Plions 14, oD late w. . Yaru:oi&f Surveyoir ofPort Perry, day or niglit 281 >Whitby os lmu,. MVu8ML rized frein teé Redferu, n'i vnA i u .tuV"' i .JL J.' La&a.LG- . tjUi> Z Vii Streets, was presented té,Vite Town Ceuncil on Tnesday eveuing nt a short special session._ The amount o! mou-ey réecommeuded Vo ia e paid Vo te War- ren Paving Co. iwas $67,000. This rep-, reseuts- approximÉately 80 per cent,,or, lesa cf te alue of te work -already doue sud certified Vo'by te en gneers., The certificate às presented 'was ac- cepted sud te initial'paymtent on te A by-law was passed' autitorlziugî te borrowing ,of $25,000 te psy for te pav-ug of Brock Street, pendiri g te ise of delientures te cover sanie. IV ha understood tatrersntvs of Toronto naiUu ss have ai- ready made ovelrtures witit s view Vto purchasing te'debentures. issued Vo cover -the cost of te paving. Clerk Jaclcsoný read cor!espoudence between himsele sud te engineers re- -garding te *ntrpretation of -ertain clausesla ite specifications shd coi4- tract re the paying, under whtth.ttIfs tôWn objecta Vo certain char-. l engitieer's certificats f&«avtii uldewalks. Tb?ë mattei IWl led, and wÃŽiI pr6bably bê TarffNotklf ist_ âee Our Co »»y ~~ad a"d-prospilr, Tarf Nt hh<IEEO~ givizig $rte ail who re- Mr h»»in ade a fiting side within I speech, in wbich he TrBpudiated th Norh > u Hefrlow. statement that the tariff is the chef issu 0ftheampign, as claime&; by R.- W.E.- Burnaby, womd %some poiftictans. strong address, âeclareqý that North's "The arif'lias abs tely iotjag York w<uid not RIc on. W. L. M. -te do wit the election," declared Mr. Kinig as its repyesçEtative. Mr. Buru- Chpau ~"1V has been dragged into aby, who -at tis 1tziting Was mïakiuga election'issues ever since I was old bis first publi-sph ainceM.Xn enougli Vo vote. it lIas'take'n te big had announce& tb4 le wouid be a place, and bas beeii thrown out as a candidate in NoA Y ork, replied Vo bliud so that the peo'ple wiii oéveriook Mr. King's TOrouto. spech.- 1 the- reai neecis cf ite colintry. Wili The IAberai Leàder gets up,.on a-,. regard to tlié tariff, I say titere is no plattorm n N ofthb York and says: reason that euni.mant siould be bighly .'Our ;first duty iS -to defeat -the pres- protected and ,another man ýget no e:,nt 'gpvernment;--,.Two sentences fur- Protection 'at aIL. Protection shbuld ther down he states: 'Mr.' Burnaby be equai for, ail., We must have, a shourd step out "ud leave me the- field tariff titat will 'confer special privil- because my grandfather itad it.' Is a ,eges enpoue, and give equal rights to constituencY auniteirloom to bd itanded aIl. That is only fair." dowu f-ro-m one geteration te anotit- "One of te 'really big isse er?" Mr. Burbyaed stake is respongib1e governent," I Continuing,7te èbspeaker said: "Mr. said Mr. Chapinan. "Is te p'resent KRing itas ne mo re chance of being Gov'ernment a t Ottaw a in power be- elected iii Nortit York 'titan a snewballc cause it -Ç,,as put there. by the peo-. lias of surviving th-c summrer montits. pie?" askeed the ýspeaker. "NoV a man Tcuhl hssaeet r uu here ever. had a chance to vota, for valy sae htattevreas1,0 or aeainst, Mr. Meighen as Premier.fomeLbeaupoesinter- We have been governed largely by or- ing.wouîd. be',found, behind the U.F.O. ders-in- C ouneil, which have nobeen platforiu. Ther . er mnyCotise- I necessaryý sinice ýlieWar. -Pricefixing vatives in tite riaixig. dissatisf!ed ith was an ecouomic evil, yet wO 'ad-allt h e. present Governthent, but ttiese, - kinds oft hr ae enoie the U.P.O. leader- ventured to n y arbitra'ry acts by the Cabinet - and wol e idtti a o ie ib titose *in authority.- We must rise in erai cam'p. our might and say we will have no "Mr. King's strongest card is lis miore of titis thiing."- grandfatiter. We've .ail heard ýse mucit j Econom Needed.about tat grandfather business ta Econcmy of îdnnsrto s an- we're sick.of iV," Mr. Burnaby dé- otiter issue that wil.i be .an impotnt ene at the election.- Canada's 'nation- 'The -Central Executive iu Ottawa al debt la two and a haif billions ànd deqided where Mr. King was te -bé - at thé yeariy.expenditure $400,000,000. c andidate. l titVhe deitocracy wer The interest alone on te national waitt?" asked te speaker.1t debt ameunts'Vo uearly the witoleof i ke Mr. Clapinan, Mr.. iBurnaby.c te western wheat crep. Mr., Chap- 1Idenied titat the, ta'iiff was'te ý,cliiefr man criticizeci te Jvisi eýxpenditure election issue, and'furtiter re pudiatedt on the merebsut marine, ànd the-wa the statement tat VIe Pro*gressives in whicit the' railways were takeu are free traders. - _i 11 over, paying. millions mretitan "We-,believe,". he said in sulut-1 sitould. have been'paid. Canada must mediateë sud substai-.ail-round re-t geV- down to, basic ecdxlùomy. The Pub- duction cof the Pro e . Any, lic services o! Canada, are costing 5k.. lUdustr7 that re 'Vo 'mus amoxitsnier' 'l a necese-" ive, "b»td 'Pmevë,<It') showing ia sary. Staffs -everywhexe are 1over- book~s te tIcý goverune nud subàtan- manred to make rooni 'or frleuds cf tiating its dlaim. That o-ugîttVo be the Governmnt. fair. Yet Mr. Meigiten. asys farmers "Mr. -Crrar bas said ite eau meet are free traàers, aud itas pnbiiciy1 É tated titat te farmers are wreckers. muei cf te necessary expenditure by If he deesnV know better titan thatE Vit saing h ea efeetluVit pn- e is not good eneughtVo be Premier - lic service administration of t'e coun- of Canada. -Ï ry. The Progressive Party cau' guar- The farmers are referred te, ast auteethat if put in power, tite living poier.Tepoierst bi on ,te Goverument of tlousands of 1 pries.n Thaes profit . es s unnccessary- officers' wfll be cuimin- 1pice n ae i rft os ated." 'te fariner set hie prices? Certainly ' Deaingwitt Vte ailay robei1 noV. Se ite can't be a profiteer. Veryo Dealng wth te ite yPregres- few farmers have autos, titout'it quite Mr. Clapman said that th*Pore-a nuniber have Ferds. But, seriouz-'y sive platformi calîs for -public owuer- sp eaking, why should not a farmner1 ship, blit te criticim le itad teo ffer h was- that te railways wcre taken h auanauto ? He werks as.lard asî over at too higit a valuation. He. anybody else." claimec that te Quebec iberals weret Mr. Burnaby said te fariner itad to F ready Volaud te railways back te geV busy Vo remedy conditions. Thatç private iownersitip, sud tVInt titis indi 's WIy te party was formed. Thte( cated tatite Liberal Party would bel inequaliVy iu prices was making tef te party of big interests,"faeVikbrd I"The' otiter day I sold a cow bide A Square Deal t oAI>. ansd geV Bc. a Pound,"ite said. "On "1A'square deal Vo everyone, is a te way home I bougitt some boit plaunklante Progressive platform, laces sud itad Vo pay $3 a peund."1 but- te average .man las noV been "The farmer's« platformn is demo- gettiug a square deal, said Vte cratic. IV was drawnuUp, by cousuit- speaker.* People are tire& cëf party ing te faruters organizations of te govennt. Tite idea was good but wlole of Canada. We cau't expect ail iV las noV worked"out. In Mr. Meigit- of te'9,000,00 people un. Canada Vo en ' s recoustructed cabinet titere are titink alike ou, -ail questions, but we deevait iawyers aud net eue practiciug can, endeaver' te give- equal rigitts te farmr~ .ail tien." The women of Vhis ridiftg ar as our factories going, keep prices- dowi intelIgent, as any. aud more-se titan j keep our farins going."1 m--any in tIc ciVy.freiéwm c -Miss A voice-"2We cant' keep theut IBlon -comes. *' going."p "The Labor Party may ride witit-us (Coutiuued on .page 8) to J. MX FRASER'S for your wa.nts in- CIGARS9 CIIiARETTI-S adTO BAÇCOS Stock AIwaya -on nd thivlàg, Hâfrout tlng, Eton À,11th latest eeeorical appilinees, au4 stribtiy sanitaryf JNOW ix a good timue f etore or -Heater and lotas- - 'ithoirmay- neéd, saligît effort Vo ctrrect the iunsatisfact- Ory conditions in the bàaemnent of their -sore and dwelllng on 'Dux1ýas street The Boardi instructed7 Mr. Lavery Vo Inaké a second inspectionsud report at- Vlieir-next meeting. MuatCoseetWiti-Sewçrs TheSe&retary w'as i.nstructed Vo, no- tify MMs C. F. Amnuesthat "tii Board- regrets Vo note titat ne effort is. beiug made, by hèr Vo carry out te instruc- tiens cf tite Bogrd, as couveyed'to lier, and, tIe' Secretary was furtier 'n stibcted Vo uot-ify Mrs§. Aunes t tl~' u.z- .tesa te residence on -Dundas ' Street owued by her and now occupied-by.Dr,. Neely is'conueeted 'witlVIte Vown. sew- erage system.w-linVitrty dyte Board of Healtit will proceed Vo lave. the work donc sud th~ cost and ail other expenses eoneqted terewitl charged te te owner of te property. -TÈc Sanitary' Inspicter reported outsidc closets:lu Vîrcee properties on Dundas and, Brôck Street, sudwas in-. structed- te netify te owners titat these,4~st-be close4. up,.sud rèioved at once. Uthe B adods< ItVt garage -on Dundas Street, -»iccùpidd by -Wm.ý -Davidsou, must bli ènnfced wI thVie sewers at . o'nce, -if sanitary 'ar"range- ments are V o beèontinuad lu use -there. An old and ofteu congidered niatter la te be settled by Vitel Board, 'as lu- dicated. byVte followi,ÃŽg resolutioti, whicit was passled-! "Titis Board, havin arcfully con- sidered te complaluit of; Miss Cormack regarding Vte Vanuery nuisance, aise the comüpliutita Vit te outfiew from tIe tauner'ycouVains aUtlarge propo«r- tion cf solids, wlicl' should bec Vaken care cf by te proprietorg,,of the Vant- nery, but whicit is neiW'.-being carried trougit tetowu sewýers V Vte dis- posai plant, te tIc injury f aidis posaI plant, lereby instruct ther' Secr e- tary, Vo write te Provincial 'Board o HealtI requestiug Vliat body --tA.oi luVn o te w iýble, m tter' con erm ng ite' týannei,, aise the deposing. of fa in Vte tanuery yards sud buildings, wiVl a vlew Vo having te trohble comn- piained of finally corrýeetéd.", The! Sanitary Inspecter was instruet- ed Vo examine thé cesspool now lu use at te Wittly Junction G.T.R. station, sud Vo report VoeVthe Board as te condi- tions and as Vtote outfiow. Thte Inspecter was request'd te for- wvard four sampies of the town watèr Vo te Provincial Board, of Healtit for aualysis.1' 1 The Sècretary was instructed te I write Vo te Provincial Board of H-eait asking for luforiiiatiou regard- ing the purcitase of a, Babcock Veste'i' and otiter apparatus forýýthte testing of rilk, sud te inquire as Vtote powers of te local Board te regulate te con- ditions under which fruit sud otiter foodstüffs may be exposed for sale. Il Ask for More Favigo on Kigsfon ROMd Board of Trade Passes Resolution.. Numerous ingtterra'ot local intercat were discussed at a meeting of te Ppard cf Trade lasV Tiursday even- ffig, amongst whicit was te possîbul- ity of- getting te HigI1way Depart-, -ment te undertake furtiter paving on te Kingston Road. The resuit was, te passing of te followi.ng resolu- tio'fi, a copy of Which Vite_ Secietary ,was asked Vo forward to te Hou. F. C. Biggs, Minister of1 îgitwvays: . "This Board desires lie piace on re- cord its approval of .té action cf te Provincial Bepartm'eut!of lliglways lu giving te assisVancé received by te Town of Whitby ii te paving of Dundas Street; aud in consideration - of te fact titat te Town of Whitby las paved, wit thVie as istance cf tei G4vemmrent, tlrd-e-quaiters of a mile ou Dundas Street, -Wlich' fornis a con- nccting liik lunte Provincial -ligI- way, titis Board would urge te Min- isVer of Public iligwaSrs to, completc, 'at te earliest possible date te sur-. faciug eofttat section of te Provin- "cial Higitway b'etweeu itVe Town of Whitby sud te Villagè ef Picering, and aise te section 4xtending frout WititbyVo Vte Town o!Oshawa."' The neea of,«more igiting in te rear cf te-tores in i ,VIe business sec- tioni as s protection ajalasV burglary was discussed, sud ,thý foilowtng re- -solution was passed: 'e- V "That a reconimend#iion b sent t Vte. Town Council Voflave placed ,li te rear- of stox~es in te business sec- tionr -sufficieiit elec-trie ligita as a Pro- - tection agaiust burglaýry,- nderte, eontri o! Ã"the niglw~ha. "Metodsof cea 9 gte .p&ved streets w ere- iliscussed, aud with, a viwte -getting ifraIno'te subjtect te Secretary was itistractedý tcf ite Vo parties lu otiter tow11 as Vomethods now lu nie. In counection. with tVfLe use oet Henry 'Street bride, as a Èart of, a main tliurougbfare, wbile tIce Brock Street G.TR. bridgé is -beiug.rebuilt, ft'was deci'ded to instruct'Vte'Secretary Vo . -nmunileate with th& Town Couneil, [ry SI ;V o UtgtlyUni OCook S 'W. hllve- sQeeia ightly' and (Cook r SIes tbit» we are'offaring a targali. GOGO'SERVICE Qpc service l what lias niade'our store so popular. Th-é. nelà, time- you -"nt anythiug in the lie fhardware, phono 25.- PooFred D, Maundre11 Phone-,mrt W K rngu . .Bo 8 Ooodà' dellv eRo to aal Parts or the to.we. ..........r fop FRIDAV andI SPECIALSSATLJRDAV only 5 lb. psul pure lard 1peck potatoos 24 ibs. pastry flour Tigýr.saimon lb. tins L'Etoile, maoaroni Pa-lm Oliýve soap W.J.PATTON~ F ATe* Lawler, rocer FR~SIFR-UITS and VEGETABLES.-. The -Best*-Line of- FRESII 6 OCERIE'$.ý Always..on H'nd A. T. LÀ WLER Phone 47 GROCER' W(HIUY iowPrseson490Chvut ANEFFEOT FR01-SEPT. Sth,, 1921 -490 TOurlÀg,' 490 ýSpmecll v $810.001 -ZtEJO 490 Coupey 490 Sedan,' 490 Model G T.'uck.Chai 490 Modoi'G Truck Chassis ':ÃŽ9014-deIGTréck.hissIst 64. 469 aIi i màna.w i .Pertl - 2,fo 3 fa s441 1015 ~r35 MADE 0 1 L-77 -p-Lý 1 1 ONT* - ýnil

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