Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 Sep 1921, p. 4

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mieO hftt n, of Oannlngton. ie Couty, i "thi the. North Onte mfd Conservatlve1 date at the~ forth- I the. Port Hope Timýes, Iducation of that town use of a storm of pro- Newèst. Fabrice. oristts, but1 c lasses of t voutages If precîate. - ~eei~s jotoniy tue 1n ar as well. he emmuuuty derive the1 are net slow te Mie. Slmcoe Réformer >suggests that as a penalty for violalânng -the,. upeed laWs, the Iicens*s of ýmoterists b. rW voked or suspen4ed fer acertain time., i s is net a had idea. With a slldlngr acale of penalties, tii. duratien.oet the suspension te hirease wîth'the, speed of et tifending car, traffc would b. > nade somew1ial,,more safe from the Ispeed fienda W te think netiiing ef CriVing fty' nf.ifes an hour or more along well tr-avelled thoroughfares. Latest Styles* PRiCES GREATLY REDIJCED. Every -Coat,,New'Tht. Se&'!on. -W. invite you to inspeot Our gtOck Se. our ý'dspIay of Hats, Caps; and Sweat ers. Men's'Ftne B3oots, Men's-Workliýg Boots, Overalis and Smocks, tjnderwear and S5ox. Men's Fine Shirts, Mens Workluig Shirts. New Nétkwear, Braces, Collars, Ties, Etc. $Sample Work Gloves Just ReccIved. ROY -W.,.TALLING Brock Street North WIIIýTBY, ONT, N - v FW -q(K R.~ mq9t T _ !-î The right pla ce, and the riglit trgatment, and the right people, and the right prices have a way and manner of con- vening at- the same address. We're neyerl t9o crowded to wait upon you, but'we are rather expecting you in to buy. that new tire you néed. Imm u iro r -c114 PLACE! eýe? f t ir F TI T MOVme E~RNEST R. FREMflN TownLiiWhitby ONE NIGMT OfNLY DlIIÇT F~O1 i X~SE I[ALTORONTO t' k (t -- 3 - -t. -'r ~'t-t - , . t - . .1.t appear ,that no grait Deu± , uj comflng, uxIIess the Pickexing Couneil decides te suÏbimt a by-laNY'in thi con-I nection, which i5 Iiardly lfloelY. Uintil the. Liberal Party holda 1its 'snveution and-pleets a candidate, it is d&&fcuit 'te6 formn an oepinion as -te- whatthe political situàtion -in South ontanlo, will be. The, Progressives, however, have made a good start andi have a good candidate. The Liberas are almost certain to, have a, man la the. field and the Conservatives (for puch they are 'in spité Ã"f, a change of name) will b. found in the xridst 'of' the battle, se it looks, like a -merry struggle in South Ontario, even. more interesting than of old becauswof the 'presence of a third candidàtei-,in the- field. It is many a day; since the' South-_Ontario vote was dlvidedbe- tween more than two mnen,-so tii. situ-ý ation la considerabl ' complicated and uncertan. s Overçoêts. 4' Saura Saturday mormnlg we put on sgde-,-2OQi BBy' Bloomer, 8ùits---mde rmfn Canadian an~d Jmpoxrted Tweêeds, III plain grey, brown anrd oli've shg>des and fncy' mixtures-in. the, newest models -alld best- tailorinùg. Rogular $11.15O to $12.50 Sizs 6to 16 years.- S-t'UrdayOniy $0 Oshawa - and Whitby J t CHLTRCH BIDS FAREWELL TO PASTOR After a successful stude3t-pàstorate. of nine rmonths, Rev. t. W. Armstrong waM given a fi.rewrell-by the membe*3 of the Baptist'.Church last Friday ev- enlng, prior te uis departure, withl Mrs. Armstrong, for India, where he -wlllenter niissionary work. Mr. and' Mrs. Aynistrongý arrlved ln town on Friday evening, and oh- their arrivai at the. church were corjially welcomed by a large nuxnber efthtie members of churchi and congregatieii. Au inter- esting, program of songs, music, etc., was rendered, following which a social time wag spent. During the evening occasion was talcen te felicitate Mr. apd, Mrs. Arm- strong on their recent niarriage, and th wish them a happy journey through, 1fe.. Members of the churcli voiced appreclation oet Mr. Armstrong'5 untir- ing'service as pastor, and ot the suc- cesg of his ministry, and a cheque for $50 was presented to Mr. sud-Mrs. Armnstrong. as a token of esteem and goed-Wili. Suitable reply was made by itheni. On Sunday Mr. Armstrong occupied the pulpit of the, Baptlst church -for the last tiixie. He and is bride leave Toronto on October 8th on thein, way west, and wi11 spend a month visiting relatives before sailing ln Novenuber froni San Francisco for their future fiel d in India. Mrs. Armstrong'5 par- ents, 11ev. E. G. and Mrs. Smith$. are - veteran missionaries in India, and will ~.weicome the young couple on their ar- rivalinl that land. JAPANESE MISSIONARY- TO -SPEAK. WIritby anci Brooklij wiil have.the privilege of heariug another promin- ent Japanese missionary next Sunday. iRev. C. H. Shortt, M.A., Warden of the Anglican Theological College at Vancouver, will preacli moruing and evening at Al Saints' Church lWht- by, Sunday, October 2nd, and preacli at 4ý.30 the same day at the Thanks- giving services lu St. Thoinas Churcli, Brooklun. Mr. Shortt lias had a dis- tinguished career inu~Christiau worki Hie was first associated witli the late Rev. D. P. Ford iu trainin~g youug men for the ministry at Woodbridge, then for a short time on the staff of St. Alban's--Cath&dral, Toronto. lie founde(i St. Cyprian's parish, Toron- to, becoming its rector, aud then be- ,ame rector o! St. Thoruas' Churcli in succession to Dr. iRoper the préseut Jishop 'of Ottawa. Hie ýheu went te, Japan, wliere lie exerted a deep in- fluence in Tokyo University, and at other points iu Mid-Japan. Return- ing to'Canada lie became liead of St. !Matk's College, Vancouver, and one of the early resuits of lis home com- ing was the compiete union of the two Angiean, colieges there. Hie is now Warden in the new amalgamated col- lege. lusHi ilfe lias been a very influ- entil one, and lie is now- on. bis way tdthé e Geral Synod - meeting at Hamilton the following week. EVANS-NEILL A- f uiet wedding was solenmized on .iMond&y. aft&-noon, September 26tli, at the h~ome of the bride's mother, Vwhen Caroline Adelaide, daugliter of Mrs. John Neill, was unite6inl mar- riage to G"eorge Henry Evans, of Osh- awa, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ev- ans, Trenton.. Thie ceremiony was 'ý iprforiied in the presence of the im- Bank of Commerce). WINNIFRED V. SCOTT, A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano- and Theory of Music Restdence-Euclid Street - WVhitbY -16 COMING. Dr. F. E. - Luke, 167 Yong-e Street, Toroute, optometrist and eyesight specialist, Iwill be at A. H. Allin's drug store, Whitby, on Tuesday, Oct. 4th, where lie can be consulted about your eyes for glasses. -14 -10 a.m.-Sunday Schooi and Bible Class. an7pm-1glrchci il. a.m.an7 ..Rglrcuh services. 11ev. J. T. Priest wiil take, up his duties as pastor on Sunday sud' will occupy the pulpit. at botli ser- vices. Eveiýyone welcome. THE' TABERNACLE. (Methodist) 11ev. F. H. Howard, pastor. 1l a.m., mhorning worship. A p.m., Sunday Schooi. 7 p.m., evening worship. Study o! Life's Minr ,-r il ents should t5c'. t1yattcznded to It is well to kec- )Qikratve omc healh - sws~ :~ h i~ kï 21'Ž4 mj c c'. ~ Ec~ Va~s % . .il St --t-.., t- 't-.. t - (r~pt s. '-t-i ~t t--, 't.. - t,.- t ~1 D?1'~ tt~ C-0. * t' ~ t , - - r- - 71 St. John's Gospel continued. Tuesday, 8 p.m., Epw'orth League. Thursday, 8 p.m., pxrayer service. Monday, October lOth, flrst 13rotli- exhood meeting of the season:- SSunday, October 23, Churcli Anni- versary. 11ev. S. W. Dean wifl be the preacher. Monday, October 24. Choir Concert. M.A., f Vancouver,> B.C., who preacli- es also atl Sin?,Witby, rnirn- ing ând evening. g. 7 p.m.-Evening Pýrayer and seroi. Wednesday evening, 7.30 - Bibl e Study in Parish rooni. F dicay evening this week, Septem- S.JH' HRU(pla ber 3Oth, Ladies' Aid Pork and Bean 1i a.m.-Morning Prayer and Co - supper.porate Communion for ail Church of- ficers and mem~bers of the organiz-- ALL SAITS' UR tions. EK ery worker and< officiali is ALL AINS' Anglican> CHURCH! earnestly invîtid tw be prese!it. 1. Sunday, Oct. 2nd. sermon, will be of a specia natun. il a.m.-Holv Communion and ser- 3 p. m.-Sunday SehooL "Faiti;11 mon.,- Followers" Bible Class - for YOUrg 3 p.mji-jflibie' Class in Church. q ladies méets in the churcli. S. in Parish room. 7 p.m,.-Evepjn*g prayer,and srrn. 4.30 p.m.-Brookiin Thanksgi,'ing j "Sir Walter Scott's favorite text".-a servie. Preacher, 11ev. C. 1LShort,, text for bisy peope. 't l1 Whitb)y Grist iii CECIL H. WALSHP- rop rietor This week we have received a- carload f dtaÃ"is season 's crop, grade Nýo. 2, C. Ws. T hese are a high grade oat and ara n cl. :-rra4à f .. As Feeds are advanoing in price these are good buying., j. Rolld Oats, Chops, Mi-l Feed, Chick Feeds and jqBaled Hay kept in stock. In Flour we have Crearn of the WVest, Purity andý .1 Monarch. Marvl Pastry Flour, 24,Ibs. for $1119. Lawi Giass: Seed , 2 C-"or 1l1. Chopping doné. daily. ~tt- ~- -t,- t.y-i t- 'i 't-. j. i -t t .t-i-s. - t'- .1 -- - -. t t - ~t.0t.t.~ -~ '-t- - htt .~t t' Stt ~,,t / - t - - , , , t. Fir' t l'ititt Si i y . i.'; a ll'Èd 5c 1 1)aor opo7.30. baitàIg at 8.15. 'Coînl ear to avoid the rusI~ yourmelf to se- this masterpiece. You will ,o 'greatest flohievemeut ith'e entiro - . history of rmotion piciuz'es.- t' .i~Ct t -- i - , V . - -t. r- & s., perfor ni-ce; ev ery nu,,Imber pleasing. Great' 1-Harpists, i --Ro.aoicdSi- P ar tt; te Boy Whistlcr, Wal-' "ke Ko inigand daâcm u i Sisters; 1lilgI elass p±*anltiSigner.. *j'Rollando. Corne ýind hear theveteran Elsoldier acter, Henry Bar-et; aise 'Sec-1, Elond Caruso, in song. dance sudxwInsic act. This conlpany have pl4jyed three f nigltitn uOahawa te capac!tÏ hieuses, i ê~ç- on t Extra Parking Arn ît nri hons Ten ac-Tes of parkîig grounisa. ad quic k get--away- assured. Two extra giates for à1tQs oniy.-- 2,REI)JCED FARES- ON -RMLWAYS. Roghtiatit.,--~ l'h- ~ $LOÛ, to ii ..'tî~;~-~d if y~,u a~#teiid of idî~ <la~tsci hi whieh yulî are cdtQlIod, EnroIl tu y venir*g e~t ihe Etigli iSohool frotu 7 to' j à - - egrnning Frliay For fur'kheri and have been asked to stay another î( PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 'three. Prices-Aduits 35c. and 25c.;i Sunday, October 2nd. chiîdren 15c., and 25c. Sunday services il-a.m. and 7 p.m. I-GQjinmunion o! the zLord's Supper DEATIIS xii be dispensed at the morming ser- ROUTLEY-At Whitby, on Saturday, vice.- 1 Sept. 24th, 1921, William Routle'y, in Sunday Sehool and Womhen's Bible his 69th year. Class at 3 p.m. -Friday evening (this week) session meeting in vestry, 7.15. Preparatory NOTICE. service 8 o'clock. Rev. Mr. McLeod, Teaniing and p'Ioughijig done. Ap- of West ilil, xiil giýVe the address. rdv to Gordon Smnithi, Whitby (over. MENSWEAR STORE, HOWCAN ý1' PICK OUT THEf -- %MVMM-- Ir 1 1 BAPTIST CHURCH. -f ZF lu cm ý IC

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